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目的了解掌握全区企业职业卫生现状。方法对全区在工商管理局登记的企业随机抽查电子行业11家,精细化工行业5家,机械制造行业12家,轻纺行业8家。结果这些企业中建立职业病防治管理机构并有专职或兼职职业病防治管理人员率为22.2%,职业病危害防护设施及合格个人用品配备率30.6%,配备应急救援设备率19.4%,建立职业健康监护制度及职业病管理资料率2.8%;36家企业员工上岗前全没有签订职业病危害告知合同,全无作业场所警示标志、作业场所职业危害因素检测制度和资料,无职业病危害项目申报资料。结论全区职业危害形势严峻,职业病防治工作不容乐观。加强企业职业卫生工作应从源头抓起,卫生部门应加大监督、监测队伍的自身建设,各级政府应把职业病防治工作纳入经济与社会发展计划,政府各部门之间应密切配合是当前应当采取的对策。  相似文献   

目的 通过对辖区中小型企业职业病危害哨点调查分析,了解这类企业的职业病危害情况,为中小型企业职业卫生监督、职业卫生服务提供依据.方法 采用Excel 2003建立辖区中小型企业主要职业病危害因素及接触人数、工作场所监测、劳动者职业健康检查、职业病发病等五方面数据库,进行统计分析.结果 287家哨点企业中,接触职业病危害因素工人11 165人,职业病危害因素以有机溶剂、噪声、粉尘等为主;化学毒物、噪声、粉尘监测合格率分别为75.4%、39.6%、81.8%;上岗前、在岗期间和离岗时职业健康检查的体检率分别为22.6%、89.1%、13.9%; 15例确诊职业病,三氯乙烯、正己烷和苯危害因素致职业病11例,占73%.结论 职业病防治形势依然严峻,应当加大对中小型企业职业卫生的监督和管理.  相似文献   

目的 为了解安阳市苯作业行业的职业卫生状况防控职业病危害。方法 依据国家相关法规。对6家苯作业企业进行了监督检查。结果 6家企业中,职业病危害项目申报2家,占33.33%。职业病有害因素检测6家,并对6家企业部分作业工人进行了在岗期间职业性健康检查,占82.64%。均未开展上岗、离岗体检。2家企业制订有职业病防护管理制度,配有职业病防护设施和个人防护用品占33.33%。结论 安阳市苯作业行业,作业环境职业危害较为严重。应加强对该行业的职业卫生的监督和管理。  相似文献   

目的了解怀化市企业职业病危害因素和职业卫生管理基本情况,为开展职业病防治工作提供依据。方法按照湖南省统一的调查表和调查工作手册,对怀化市辖区内国有、集体、私有和股份制经济企业进行摸底调查。结果该市共有职业病危害企业1186家,职工总数82548人,其中接触职业病危害因素34549人,主要职业病危害因素以粉尘、噪声、三硝基甲苯、铅、苯为主。有职业卫生管理机构的318家,占41.85%;进行过作业场所职业病危害因素检测的企业53家,占4.47%。结论该市职业病危害严重,职业卫生管理不到位。用人单位缺乏职业病防治法制观念,职业病危害已成为突出的公共卫生问题。  相似文献   

太仓市电镀企业职业卫生专项检查结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解我市电镀企业的职业卫生现状,对24家电镀企业进行监督检查和基本情况调查。结果表明,24家企业中,职业病危害项目申报5家,占20.8%;职业病危害检测7家,占29.2%;2家企业进行了上岗前的职业健康检查,占8.3%,在岗期间的职业健康检查有7家,占29.2%,均未组织离岗时体检;职业病防护设施和个人防护用品配备不全;职业病防治管理制度普遍未建立。提示,电镀企业职业卫生现状不容乐观,应加大对电镀企业的职业卫生监督管理力度。  相似文献   

为了解某辖区私有企业职业卫生现状,对有职业病危害的企业进行了调查和监督。结果显示,74家企业中,申报职业病危害项目的企业有70家,占94.6%;职业病危害因素检测企业74家,检测率100%;在岗期间进行职业健康检查的企业54家,占81%,74家企业基本上未组织职工上岗前和离岗时的职业健康检查;职业病防护设施和个人防护用品配备不全;职业病防治管理制度普遍未建立。该辖区私有企业职业卫生现状较差,应加大职业卫生监督力度。  相似文献   

目的了解2012年广汉市中小企业作业场所职业病危害因素监测情况,以采取有效措施预防控制和消除职业病危害。方法利用广汉市2012年《作业场所职业病危害因素监测卡》的导出资料,对中小企业作业场所职业病危害因素监测情况进行统计分析。结果 2012年广汉市63家中小企业作业场所职业危害因素检测平均合格率为77.17%。粉尘、物理因素合格率分别为70.35%和74.43%。结论粉尘、物理因素的职业病危害因素合格率低,企业应加大投入改善作业环境,加强个人防护。相关部门应加强职业病管理措施和健康教育,做好职业健康监护,以减少职业病发生。  相似文献   

目的 通过制鞋业职业病防治健康干预效果的变化,为进一步提高该行业健康干预有效性提供依据.方法 2009-04,整群随机选择龙泉驿区22家制鞋业413名职工以及作业场所作为研究对象,根据职业卫生知识知晓调查情况,健康行为定期检查结果,企业监测和监护水平,3年后总结干预效果.结果 作业工人职业卫生知识知晓率干预前后分别为22.7%和65.3%、卫生行为形成率干预前后分别为27.4%和73.0%、工作场所三苯(苯、甲苯、二甲苯)监测合格率干预前后分别为37.9%和85.2%,均有统计学意义(x2 =913.2,1 030.6,125.0,P<0.05);职工体检合格率干预前后分别为90.5%和91.0%,无统计学意义(x2=0.35,P>0.05).结论 对龙泉驿区制鞋业进行职业病防治健康干预活动后,工人的职业病防治知识有了提高,作业环境职业危害合格率及作业者体检合格率均得到改善.  相似文献   

[目的]了解临沂市各类企业贯彻执行《职业病防治法》等法律、法规与存在的职业危害情况。[方法]2002年8~9月在临沂市辖区内随机抽取国有企业30家、集体企业77家、私有企业132家进行现场调查。[结果]职业卫生管理指标合格率、职业病防护设施配备率、有害作业点检测率、检测点合格率、有害作业工人职业性体检率均为国有企业较高.私有企业较低;工作场所粉尘、毒物、噪声超标率均为私有企业较高,国有企业较低。[结论]临沂市职业病防治工作存在不少问题,应加大职业卫生监督执法力度。  相似文献   

合肥市职业卫生现状及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解合肥市职业卫生现状,为指导今后开展职业卫生工作、预防控制职业病提供依据。方法采用统一调查表对合肥市78家企业进行调查,结合合肥市2001~2005年企业职业有害因素现场监测和职业性健康体检资料,对职业危害因素、职业性健康损害发生情况和职业卫生管理现状进行描述性分析。结果目前合肥市职业性健康体检率为13.46%,存在职业病危害的建设项目预评价率为2.05%,防护设施和防护用品配置率低,职业卫生管理状况不容乐观,职业性健康损害发生呈逐年上升趋势。结论应加大职业病防治投入,进一步完善职业卫生监督管理体制,加强职业卫生监管力度,保护职工健康。  相似文献   

我国职业卫生与职业病学的发展史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘双喜  古小明  陈慧 《职业与健康》2010,26(21):2535-2537
目的论述对职业卫生与职业病学做出过贡献的人和事,划分职业卫生与职业病发展时段,方便学术研讨。方法结合职业卫生与职业病学学科演变、职业卫生工作进展等资讯进行分析并予以确定。结果职业卫生与职业病学可分为3个期和3个阶段,3个期为萌芽(雏形)期、成形(冠名)期、发展(深化)期;3个阶段是工业卫生阶段、劳动卫生阶段、职业卫生阶段。结论职业卫生与职业病学是预防医学的一个重要分支学科,它学术性强,专业理论博杂,要想在职业卫生与职业病学工作中有所建树,必须精通专业理论知识和相关学科理论知识。职业卫生与职业病学工作保障了工人的身体健康,遏制了职业病危害,促进了国民经济的有序发展。学习和掌握职业卫生与职业病学知识,了解和熟悉职业卫生与职业病学发展史,对职业病防治工作的开展及学术研讨有明显的帮助。  相似文献   

孟凡荣  李为  张一凡 《职业与健康》2009,25(24):2836-2838
建设项目的职业病危害评价属于一级预防范畴,通过此项工作可从根本上消除或最大可能地控制、减少职业病危害因素的产生,从源头上控制职业病危害。开展建设项目职业病危害评价工作的最终目的是保护劳动者的身体健康,控制可能影响和危及劳动者健康的各种危害因素,减少各类职业病的发生。  相似文献   

目的探索建立互动式职业卫生档案的管理方法,以便进行规范化管理和充分利用档案资料。方法对规范化的职业卫生档案电子化,并用有益文书软件建立数据库进行管理;建立腾讯群,通过群实现档案之间的信息交流。结果纸质档案电子化,并建立了网络信息交流平台。结论建立互动式职业卫生档案管理模式有助于提高职业卫生工作效率。  相似文献   

建设项目职业病危害评价中的职业卫生管理内容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张金龙  秦宏 《职业与健康》2008,24(6):578-579
自2002年5月1日《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》及部分配套法规颁布以来,职业病防治工作逐渐走上法制化、规范化的道路,建设项目职业病危害评价,作为职业病危害的源头控制重要环节,在职业病防治管理中占有相当重要的地位。而建设项目生产过程中操作人员不安全的行为和作业环境中潜在的职业病危害因素是造成急性职业损伤等意外事故的主要原因,  相似文献   

Summary In this text, sent to the editors shortly before his death, the author makes some personal comments concerning the articles on the organization of occupational medicine that appeared in this Journal in March, 1978 (vol. 23, No. 1).The author points to the fact, that the discipline of Medicine of Accidents has almost entirely disappeared from the curriculum of Swiss Medical Schools, and that Occupational Medicine is given very little attention. As a Founder of the Swiss Society of Social Medecine he feels that the old Medicine of Accidents, having developed in part into Occupational Medicine, and Social Medicine form two distinct branches of Medicine, each with its own field of activities.
Über die Arbeitsmedizin in der Schweiz
Zusammenfassung In diesem kurz vor seinem Tod der Redaktion zugestellten Kommentar macht der Autor einige persönliche Bemerkungen über die verschiedenen Arbeiten über die Organisation der Arbeitsmedizin, die in unserer Zeitschrift, Band 23, Heft 1, März 1978, erschienen sind.Der Autor verwundert sich, dass die Unfallmedizin praktisch fast vollständig aus dem Unterrichtsplan der medizinischen Fakultäten gestrichen worden ist und dass man dem Unterricht der Arbeitsmedizin nur so wenig Aufmerksamkeit schenkt. In seiner Eigenschaft als Gründer der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin denkt er, dass die Unfallmedizin mit den Berufskrankheiten, die sich zur Arbeitsmedizin entwickelt hat, und die Sozialmedizin praktische Zweige der Medizin mit eigenen Tätigkeitsgebieten bilden.

Brazil is a recently industrialised country with marked contrasts in social and economic development. The availability of public/private services in its different regions also varies. Health indicators follow these trends. Occupational health is a vast new field, as in other developing countries. Occupational medicine is a required subject in graduation courses for physicians. Specialisation courses for university graduated professionals have more than 700 hours of lectures and train occupational health physicians, safety engineers and nursing staff. At the technical level, there are courses with up to 1300 hours for the training of safety inspectors. Until 1986 about 19 000 occupational health physicians, 18 000 safety engineers and 51 000 safety inspectors had been officially registered. Although in its infancy, postgraduation has attracted professionals at university level, through residence programmes as well as masters and doctors degrees, whereby at least a hundred good-quality research studies have been produced so far. Occupational health activities are controlled by law. Undertakings with higher risks and larger number of employees are required to hire specialised technical staff. In 1995 the Ministry of Labour demanded programmes of medical control of occupational health (PCMSO) for every worker as well as a programme of prevention of environmental hazards (PPRA). This was considered as a positive measure for the improvement of working conditions and health at work. Physicians specialising in occupational medicine are the professionals more often hired by the enterprises. Reference centres (CRSTs) for workers' health are connected to the State or City Health Secretariat primary health care units. They exist in more populated areas and are accepted by workers as the best way to accomplish the diagnosis of occupational diseases. There is important participation by the trade unions in the management of these reference centres. For 30 years now employers organisations have also kept specialised services for safety and occupational health. Although they are better equipped they are less well used by the workers than the CRSTs. At the federal level, activities concerned with occupational health are connected to three ministries: Labour, Health and Social Security. The Ministry of Labour enacts legislation on hygiene, safety and occupational medicine, performs inspections through its regional units and runs a number of research projects. The Ministry of Health provides medical care for workers injured or affected by occupational diseases and also has surveillance programmes for certain occupational diseases. The Ministry of Social Security provides rehabilitation and compensation for registered workers. In spite of a decrease in the number of accidents at work during the past 25 years, working conditions have not improved. Changes in the laws of social security in the 1970s discouraged registration and reporting of occupational injuries and diseases. In consequence death rates due to accidents increased. With the implementation of the CRSTs, the recorded incidence of occupational diseases has risen, not only because of improved diagnosis, but also because of stronger pressure from the unions and better organisation of public services and enterprises. Received: 24 February 1997 / Accepted: 14 March 1997  相似文献   


Occupational health in Yugoslavia was once well organized in accordance with WHO declarations and ILO conventions and recommendations. Since the 1990s, the system has been disrupted by destruction of the former Yugoslavia, wars, refugees, changes in the economy, and NATO bombardment. Economic trends, main industries, and employment and unemployment conditions in Yugoslavia are presented. The organization of occupational health services, their tasks, and prevailing problems are discussed. Occupational diseases and relevant research and educational opportunities are described. The authors conclude by suggesting approaches to improving worker's health in the future.  相似文献   

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