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上颌骨骨皮质切开的快速扩弓的临床应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对混合牙列或乳牙列时期上颌牙弓宽度不足,进行上颌扩大治疗的效果,临床上已经得到肯定。但是对非生长期的患者,特别是成年人的上颌骨狭窄进行上颌骨快速扩大时(rapid maxillary expansion,RME)仍存在着骨阻力和复发的问题。Wertz 在研究中发现进行 RME 之后,磨牙间宽度变化存在着明显的年龄差异。18岁以上的患者复发率高达63%。他认为理想的扩弓年龄为13岁左右。成  相似文献   

用传统的上颌快速扩弓(RME)矫治器扩开上颌骨时,牙槽嵴的弯曲和上颌后牙的颊倾常导致下颌后旋,开(牙合)及垂直面高增加,对面部外形矫治不利。许多研究者建议采用口外联合固定装置来控制RME时产生的上后牙伸长及颊倾。本研究的目的是评价RME合并垂直颏兜牵引与单纯的RME这两者对牙面结构在矢状向、垂直向及横向  相似文献   

阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAS)是一种病因不明的睡眠呼吸疾病,临床表现有夜间睡眠打鼾伴呼吸暂停和白天嗜睡,其直接发病机制为上气道的狭窄和阻塞。安氏Ⅱ类错畸形中存在上气道口咽段结构性狭窄,OSAS患者尤其是非肥胖型患者都有较明显的Ⅱ类矢状骨面型高角的颅颌面特征。口腔矫治器的应用能够在治疗错畸形的同时改善气道狭窄,被认为是OSAS的一种有效治疗方法。该文将陈述阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征目前常用的治疗方法,为伴安氏Ⅱ类错畸形的治疗提供指导性意见。  相似文献   

上颌缩窄是颅面部最常见的骨发育问题之一,可导致严重的错畸形,并常伴有鼻通气不足、口呼吸和听力下降等功能问题。上颌快速扩弓(RME)作为临床正畸医生常用的上颌扩弓的一种方法,能有效打开处于生长发育期患者的腭中缝,使上颌骨板侧向移动,解除上颌缩窄。研究发现:随着腭中缝的打开,RME使患者颌面部软、硬组织结构发生重塑,进而可以改善鼻通气不足、口呼吸和听力下降等问题,对颌面部组织的功能产生积极影响。本文就RME对颌面组织结构和功能的影响作一综述。  相似文献   

目的:评价手术辅助上颌快速扩弓(SARME)联合下颌骨牵张成骨术(DO)矫治年轻骨性Ⅱ类伴重度阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAHS)患者的疗效。方法:4例上颌牙弓狭窄及下颌骨发育不足的骨性Ⅱ类患者(其中男2例,女2例,18~23岁,平均20.3岁),经多导睡眠检测为重度OSAHS。采取SARME联合下颌骨DO术矫治骨性Ⅱ类畸形,术后正畸治疗排齐拥挤牙列及咬合精细调整。分别采用CT、鼻声反射检查及多导睡眠检测,比较治疗前、后(T0、T1)上颌骨宽度、鼻腔体积、鼻阻力以及PSG参数的改变。结果:矫治后患者的上颌骨宽度呈"V"形扩大,鼻腔体积增大,鼻阻力减小。多导睡眠检测结果显示,治疗后睡眠呼吸暂停紊乱指数(AHI)显著减小并恢复正常,患者的OSAHS症状得到显著改善。结论:SARME联合下颌骨DO术对治疗严重骨性Ⅱ类伴OSAHS的年轻患者具有较好疗效。  相似文献   

上颌缩窄是颅面部最常见的骨发育问题之一,可导致严重的错验畸形,并常伴有鼻通气不足、口呼吸和听力下降等功能问题。上颌快速扩弓(RME)作为临床正畸医生常用的上颌扩弓的一种方法,能有效打开处于生长发育期患者的腭中缝,使上颌骨板侧向移动,解除上颌缩窄。研究发现:随着腭中缝的打开,RME使患者颌面部软、硬组织结构发生重塑,进而可以改善鼻通气不足、口呼吸和听力下降等问题,对颌面部组织的功能产生积极影响。本文就RME对颌面组织结构和功能的影响作一综述。  相似文献   

目的观察阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,OSAS)的儿童在Silensor阻鼾器治疗后的上气道解剖学及平均呼吸紊乱指数的变化,评价Silensor阻鼾器的临床疗效。方法随机选择2008—2011年在南京市妇幼保健院及江苏省中医院耳鼻喉科的OSAS儿童患者(3~12岁)17例,根据呼吸紊乱指数(apnea hyponeaindex,AHI)分为轻度、中度和重度3组。治疗前后拍摄头颅定位侧位片,测量后鼻嵴-咽顶点距(PNS-R),后鼻嵴-上咽壁距(PNS-UPW),软腭后-软腭后咽壁距(SPP-SPPW),悬雍垂尖-中咽壁距(U-MPW),后气道间隙(TB-TPPW),会厌谷-下咽壁距(V-LPW)等指标的变化;多导睡眠监测仪对治疗前后进行检测,通过AHI评价治疗效果。结果 SPP-SPPW、U-MPW及TB-TPPW在轻、中度OSAS患儿中治疗后均有显著增加;AHI在轻、中度OSAS患儿中治疗后均有显著减小。结论 Silensor阻鼾器可以扩大上气道,是一种值得肯定的治疗儿童轻、中度OSAS的方法。  相似文献   

目的:研究下颌前伸矫治器对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)患者的疗效及机制.方法:采集80例OSAS患者应用下颌前伸矫治器治疗前、后的CT数据,利用三维影像重建技术测量上气道结构及容积变化,评价口腔矫治器(0A)的疗效及机制,采用SPSS17.0软件包对数据进行方差分析.结果:下颌前伸矫治器治疗OSAS多数患者主观症状缓解或消失,客观检测指标相应改善.OSAS患者存在上呼吸道的解剖性狭窄,戴入OA后,气道各分段截面积和容积均有变化,腭咽、喉咽段增大(P<0.01),口咽段减小(P<0.05).结论:OSAS存在形态学病因机制,下颌前伸矫治器通过前伸下颌骨,使上气道减小,内部变化而更平滑稳定,减小涡流和狭窄,进而发挥治疗效果.  相似文献   

目的 :通过戴用改良型Activator矫治器治疗OSAS ,探讨其影响患者睡眠呼吸结构 ,改善通气的作用机制。方法 :13例患者均根据多导睡眠呼吸监测结果及临床表现确诊为OSAS ,戴用改良的Activator矫治器 1-2月后再行多导睡眠呼吸监测 ,并与戴用前进行比较 ;结果 :戴用改良型Activator矫治器后 ,呼吸暂停低通气指数、呼吸紊乱指数、睡眠呼吸紊乱指数、最长呼吸暂停时间 (s)分别降低了 4.73± 3 .64、3 0 .85± 13 .3 2、3 0 .0 2± 9.48、5 5 .3 1± 2 2 .19(P <0 .0 1) ,最低血氧饱和度则升高了 13 .85± 6.2 4(P <0 .0 1) ,患者的客观症状如睡眠鼾声等得以改善。结论 :改良型Activator矫治器是下颌前移口腔矫治器治疗OSAS一种比较好的方法。  相似文献   

目的 :研究上颌快速扩弓 (RME)治疗前后及保持后口周力的分布特征和变化。方法 :选择 18名上颌牙弓狭窄患者 ,男 9人、女9人 ,年龄 11.3 15 .8岁 ,应用新型计算机辅助口周力测量系统在RME治疗前后及保持后上下颌两侧第一磨牙及第一双尖牙颊、舌侧进行口周力测量 ,并进行分析。结果 :RME治疗前 ,各测量区域的颊侧压力均大于相应部位的舌侧压力 ;各对应测量区域的颊侧压力、舌侧压力下颌均大于上颌。RME治疗后 ,随着牙弓宽度的增加 ,上颌颊侧压力有显著性增加 ,下颌颊侧压力有显著性减少 ;舌的位置趋于正常 ,上颌舌侧压力有显著性增加 ,下颌舌侧压力有显著性减少。RME保持后 ,颊肌发生适应性变化 ,与正常后牙覆盖时上下颌颊侧压力分布特征相似 ;舌处于正常位置 ,舌侧压力趋于稳定。结论 :牙弓形态的改变能引起口周软组织的显著性变化 ,经过保持 ,口周软组织能适应变化了的牙弓形态。RME治疗后必须采取良好的保持措施 ,以使口周软组织能够发生适应性变化。  相似文献   

Objective: To analyse the changes in nasal air flow and school grades after rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in oral breathing children with maxillary constriction. Material and Methods: Forty-four oral breathing children (mean age 10.57 y) underwent orthodontic RME with a Hyrax screw. Forty-four age-matched children (mean age 10.64 y) with nasal physiological breathing and adequate transverse maxillary dimensions served as the control group. The maxillary widths, nasal air flow assessed via peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF), and school grades were recorded at baseline, and 6 months and one year following RME. Results: After RME, there were significant increases in all the maxillary widths in the study group. PNIF was reduced in the study group (60.91 ± 13.13 l/min) compared to the control group (94.50 ± 9.89 l/min) (P < 0.000) at the beginning of the study. Six months after RME, a significant improvement of PNIF was observed in the study group (36.43 ± 22.61). School grades were lower in the study group (85.52 ± 5.74) than in the control group (89.77 ± 4.44) (P < 0.05) at the baseline, but it increased six months after RME (2.77 ± 3.90) (P < 0.001) and one year later (5.02 ± 15.23) (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Nasal air flow improved in oral breathing children six months and one year after RME. School grades also improved, but not high enough to be academically significant.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of 10-14 days of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on nocturnal enuresis (NE) in children who have long-standing resistance to medical therapy and to evaluate the long-term success rate after 10 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-three children with NE, aged 6-15 years old (mean age = 10), who wet their bed almost every night and had never been dry were referred from pediatric specialists. Mean RME was 6.5 mm (range = 5-8), but only 7 of the 23 patients had lateral crossbites. Rhinomanometric measurements were taken before and after RME, and patients were interviewed 10 years after treatment. RESULTS: Positive effects of RME were observed in nearly 50% of the patients within 1 month of treatment: six were completely dry and five had notable improvements. Relapse in the overexpanded arches to a normal transversal occlusion was noted within 1 year. No correlation was found between success and improved airways, familial heritage, school performance, or other social factors. Younger children responded better to the treatment. Results were stable at the 10-year follow-up, and no adverse reactions were reported. CONCLUSION: Orthodontic RME is a new option for treating children with NE who are resistant to medical therapy; the treatment has no adverse side effects.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo determine whether dysfunctional Eustachian tubes of children with resistant otitis media with effusion (OME), ventilation tube placement indication, and maxillary constriction will recover after rapid maxillary expansion (RME).Materials and MethodsThe RME group consisted of 15 children (mean age: 10.07 years) with maxillary constriction, Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD), and resistant OME. The control group consisted of 11 healthy children (mean age: 8.34 years) with no orthodontic and/or rhinologic problems. Recovery of Eustachian tube dysfunction was evaluated by Williams'' test at three timepoints: before RME/at baseline (T0); after RME (T1); and after an observation period of 10 months (T2). The control group was matched to all these periods, except T1.ResultsIn the control group, functioning Eustachian tubes were observed in all ears at baseline (T0), and tubes showed no worsening and no change during the observation period (T2) (P > .05). In the RME group, functioning Eustachian tubes were observed in eight of 30 ears and ETD was observed in the remaining 22 ears at baseline (T0). The RME group showed significant improvements in tube functions after RME and the observation period (P < .05). Fifteen of 22 dysfunctional ears recovered (68.2%) and started to exhibit normal Eustachian tube function after RME (T1) and the observation period (T2).ConclusionsThe findings suggest that ears having poorly functioning Eustachian tubes are restored and recovered after RME in most of children with maxillary constriction and resistant OME. Thus, RME should be preferred as a first therapy alternative for children with maxillary constriction and serous otitis media.  相似文献   

Objective: To analyse the changes in nasal air flow and school grades after rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in oral breathing children with maxillary constriction. Material and Methods: Forty-four oral breathing children (mean age 10.57 y) underwent orthodontic RME with a Hyrax screw. Forty-four age-matched children (mean age 10.64 y) with nasal physiological breathing and adequate transverse maxillary dimensions served as the control group. The maxillary widths, nasal air flow assessed via peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF), and school grades were recorded at baseline, and 6 months and one year following RME. Results: After RME, there were significant increases in all the maxillary widths in the study group. PNIF was reduced in the study group (60.91 ± 13.13 l/min) compared to the control group (94.50 ± 9.89 l/min) (P < 0.000) at the beginning of the study. Six months after RME, a significant improvement of PNIF was observed in the study group (36.43 ± 22.61). School grades were lower in the study group (85.52 ± 5.74) than in the control group (89.77 ± 4.44) (P < 0.05) at the baseline, but it increased six months after RME (2.77 ± 3.90) (P < 0.001) and one year later (5.02 ± 15.23) (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Nasal air flow improved in oral breathing children six months and one year after RME. School grades also improved, but not high enough to be academically significant. Key words:Maxillary constriction, oral breathing, nasal air flow, rapid maxillary expansion, school grades.  相似文献   

Objective:To test the null hypothesis that there are significant differences in hearing improvements of children with resistance otitis media with effusion (OME) who undergo a rapid maxillary expansion (RME) procedure or ventilation tube placement.Methods:Forty-two children between 4.5 and 15 years old were divided into three groups: RME, ventilation tube, and control groups. The RME group consisted of 15 children with maxillary constriction and resistance OME that indicated ventilation tube placement. The ventilation tube group consisted of 16 children for whom ventilation tube placement was indicated but no maxillary constriction. The control group consisted of 11 children with no orthodontic and/or rhinologic problems. Hearing thresholds were evaluated with three audiometric records: (1) before RME/ventilation tube placement (T0); (2) after RME/ventilation tube placement (T1), and (3) after an observation period of 10 months (T2). The control group was matched to these periods, except T1.Results:Hearing thresholds decreased significantly in both the RME and ventilation tube groups (P < .001). Hearing thresholds decreased approximately 15 and 17 decibels in the RME and ventilation tube groups, respectively, but differences in improvements were insignificant between the two study groups (P > .05). Slight changes were observed in the control groups.Conclusion:The null hypothesis was rejected. RME showed similar effects as ventilation tube placement for release of otitis media and improvement of hearing thresholds levels. RME should be preferred as a first treatment option for children with maxillary constriction and resistance OME.  相似文献   

Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in the adult is thought to be an unreliable procedure with several adverse side effects and, consequently, surgically assisted RME is considered the preferred procedure. The purpose of this paper is to study the efficacy of nonsurgical RME, and to determine the incidence of complications such as relapse of the expansion, pain and tissue swelling, tipping of the molars, opening rotation of the mandible and gingival recession. Rapid maxillary expansion using a Haas expander was examined in 47 adults and 47 children. A control group of 52 adult orthodontic patients who did not require RME was also studied. Students' t-test, and the analysis of variance followed by the Scheffe test were used to determine if there were significant differences among time periods and among the 3 study groups. The mean transarch width increase was similar in adults and children who had RME; 4.6 +/- 2.8 compared to 5.7 +/- 2.4 mm for the molars and 5.5 +/- 2.4 compared to 5.7 +/- 2.5 mm for the second premolars. In the adults, transarch expansion and the correction of the posterior crossbites were stable following discontinuance of retainers (mean 5.9 years). If the expander was properly fabricated, and turned no more than once a day, the procedure was well-tolerated. Rapid maxillary expansion in adults flared the molars buccally only 3 degrees per side. The mandibular plane and lower facial height were unchanged. The adults achieved 18% of their transmolar expansion at the height of the palate and the remainder with buccal displacement of the alveolus. The children achieved 56% of their expansion by an increase at the height of the palate with the remainder due to displacement of the alveolus. There was some buccal attachment loss (0.6 +/- 0.5 mm) seen in the female subjects associated with RME, but the extent was clinically acceptable. This resulted in significantly longer clinical crowns, but rarely caused exposure of buccal root cementum. Complications were infrequently observed or of minimal consequence. The results indicate that nonsurgical RME in adults is a clinically successful and safe method for correcting transverse maxillary arch deficiency.  相似文献   

Objective:To evaluate whether rapid maxillary expansion (RME) could reduce the frequency of nocturnal enuresis (NE) in children and whether a placebo effect could be ruled out.Methods:Thirty-four subjects, 29 boys and five girls with mean age of 10.7 ± 1.8 years suffering from primary NE, were recruited. All subjects were nonresponders to the first-line antienuretic treatment and therefore were classified as “therapy resistant.” To rule out a placebo effect of the RME appliance, all children were first treated with a passive appliance for 4 weeks. Rhinomanometry (RM), acoustic rhinometry (AR), polysomnographic registration, and study casts were made at different time points.Results:One child experienced severe discomfort from the RME appliance and immediately withdrew from the study. Following RME, the long-term cure rate after 1 year was 60%. The RM and AR measurements at baseline and directly after RME showed a significant increase in nasal volume and nasal airflow, and there was a statistically significant correlation between reduction in enuresis and increase in nasal volume. Six months postretention, a 100% relapse of the dental overexpansion could be noted.Conclusions:RME has a curative effect in some children with NE, which could be connected to the positive influence of RME on the sleep architecture. Normal transverse occlusion does not seem to be a contraindication for moderate maxillary expansion in attempts to cure NE in children.  相似文献   

Objective:To assess the three-dimensional (3D) skeletal response to a standardized 5 mm of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in growing children (6–15 years) with maxillary width deficiency and crowding.Materials and Methods:A bonded appliance was used prior to the eruption of the maxillary first premolars (Mx4s), and a banded appliance was used thereafter. A consecutive sample of 89 patients (29 boys and 60 girls) from a large pediatric dentistry and orthodontics practice was divided into four groups: 1) 6–8 years old (n  =  26), 2) 9–11 years old with unerupted Mx4s (n  =  21), 3) 9–11 years with erupted Mx4s (n  =  23), and 4) 12–15 years (n  =  19). For all patients, the 3D evaluation of dental and skeletal effects was performed with cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT).Results:For both appliances in all patients, CBCT confirmed a triangular pattern of expansion in both the frontal and sagittal planes. Overall, both appliances produced significant maxillary expansion (>80% of the 5-mm activation), but older children showed a progressively more dental (less skeletal) response. Comparison of the two types of expanders in the crossover sample, children aged 9–11 years, showed that the bonded RME produced the most efficient skeletal expansion in the preadolescent sample. Increased maxillary width at the level of the zygomaticomaxillary suture was the best indicator for development of maxillary arch circumference.Conclusion:Development-dependent appliances (bonded RPE before Mx4s erupt, and a banded device thereafter) provided optimal RME treatment for all children from age 6–15 years.  相似文献   

目的:探讨上颌前牵引联合快速扩弓对儿童骨性Ⅲ类错的矫治效果。方法:对28例儿童骨性Ⅲ类错病人(7~10岁)进行上颌前牵引治疗,在前牵引前快速扩弓1周。分别在治疗开始(T0)和结束(T1)时拍摄头颅定位侧位片,进行定点测量分析。结果:①硬组织变化:ANB角增加5.37°(P<0.05),Wit’s值增加5.74 mm(P<0.05),Ptm-A增加2.49 mm(P<0.05),Yaxis增加1.82°(P<0.05);SNB角减小0.75°(P>0.05),Go-Me、Co-Gn分别增加0.64 mm、2.21 mm,但P>0.05,SN-PP减小0.61°(P>0.05),PP-MP增加5.54°(P<0.05),下面高、下面高/全面高分别增加3.98(P<0.05)、1.61(P>0.05);U1-NA角增加3.10°(P<0.05),L1-NB角减小1.23°(P<0.05),Ms6-PP距增加1.13 mm(P<0.05);②软组织测量项目变化:面型角增大5.98°,颏唇角减小2.45°、H角增大5.2°,上唇-E线距增大1.42 mm,下唇-E线距减小1.18 mm(P<0.05)。结论:前牵引联合快速扩弓矫治儿童骨性Ⅲ类错,可产生显著治疗效果,能促进上颌骨的生长,使面型改善,但下颌出现顺时针旋转,高角病人慎用。  相似文献   

The aim of this retrospective study was to cephalometrically evaluate and compare the skeletal and dental effects of a transverse sagittal maxillary expander (TSME) and a Hyrax-type expander (RME) in children with maxillary hypoplasia. Fifty subjects (26 males and 24 females), aged from 6 to 15 years, with a maxillary crossbite caused by basal apical narrowness, were divided into two equal groups. Twenty-five were treated with a TSME and the other 25 with a RME. For each patient, a lateral cephalogram was obtained before treatment (T0) and at the end of the retention period (T1). Changes in the two groups during the observation period were calculated, compared, and statistically analysed with a paired samples t?-test. In the TSME group, SNP-A, I?SN, and I?FH and in the RME group SN-SNP.SNA, N-Me, and U6.PP displayed a statistically significant increase (P < 0.05). The increase in SNP-A, I?SN, and I?FH in the TSME group was significantly greater following treatment than in the RME group. The results support the use of the TSME to produce skeletal changes and dentoalveolar modification and to correct maxillary hypoplasia. It was also demonstrated that in patients with an anterior open bite, the use of the TSME is not contraindicated as the anterior vertical dimension did not increase significantly.  相似文献   

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