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7例正常妇女被强奸后精神障碍分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
妇女被强奸因精神障碍而提请司法精神医学鉴定有两种情况,一是原患有精神疾病妇女,因丧失性防卫能力遭强奸、国内对这类案例报告颇多;二是精神正常妇女被强奸后出现精神障碍,对此报告甚少。本文对7例第二类案例与被奸后未发生精神障碍的  相似文献   

近年来性罪盛行为呈上升趋势,成为值得重视的社会问题.有不少研究发现,各种不同犯罪群体都存在严重的心理卫生问题,但对性罪错者心理状况研究不多.作者运用症状自评量表对50例女性住罪错进行了调查。1对象与方法对象:为某市国性罪错而收容教养的50例皆为女性,年龄16~35岁,平均23.6士4.7岁;未婚27例,已婚19例,离婚4例;小学文化20例,初中24例,高中6例;农民34例,待业9例,工人7例.平均起养时间157土85天.方法:采用症状目评量表(SCL-90)[‘],用统一指导语,受检者本人独立完成;对文化水平和理绍能力低的被试,由…  相似文献   

目的 分析重男轻女观与强奸案受害者的精神疾病.方法 146例接受精神疾病司法鉴定的被强奸案中的女性受害者,因重男轻女观思想,犯罪人选择患有不同精神疾病者为主要性迫害对象,及强奸案发生后对受害者和家庭的影响.结果 146例中有精神发育迟滞121例,精神分裂症15例,情感性精神障碍4例(其中抑郁发作3例,躁狂发作1例),器...  相似文献   

85例精神发育迟滞性患者性防卫能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对85例精神发育迟滞患者性防卫能力的分析,探讨其特征。方法用性防卫能力检查评定量表(CSSD),对85例精神发育迟滞性被害对象进行测评。结果性防卫能力消失者62例(72.94%),性防卫能力削弱者20例(23.53%),性防卫能力存在者3例(3.53%)。结论加强对精神发育迟滞患者的监护,提高她们的生活质量,提高性防卫能力。  相似文献   

目的探讨精神病患者性受害的特点和性自我防卫能力。方法回顾性分析185例不同精神疾病患者性受害司法精神医学鉴定资料,探讨不同精神疾病性受害特点和性自我防卫能力的判定原则。结果性受害被害人鉴足占司法精神医学鉴定总数11.71%;所鉴定精神病患者性受害中以精神发育迟滞居首位(54.59%),其余依次为精神分裂症(34.05%),情感性精神障碍(6.49%)和其他精神障碍(4.86%)。其性受害的特点和性自我防卫能力因病种不同而各有差异。结论判定性受害者是否有性自我防卫能力最关键的问题是判定被害女性对两性行为的意义、性质及后果是否缺乏辨认能力或丧失控制能力。  相似文献   

暴力犯罪案占司法精神医学鉴定案例数的比例较大,其暴力行为多在精神病性症状支配下所为[1,2],掌握精神病患者与精神正常者不同的作案规律和特征,是鉴别是否由精神病症状所致暴力犯罪的基本要素。本研究探讨司法精神医学鉴定中精神分裂症患者暴力行为的特点及相关因素。1对象和方法1.1对象1982年1月至2005年10月青海省第三人民医院司法鉴定室鉴定的暴力犯罪案例153例,占全部案例的27.42%。其中凶杀案58例、伤害案48例、抢劫案26例、强奸案14例、纵火案7例;鉴定诊断为精神分裂症者55例,心境障碍23例,精神发育迟滞21例,酒精所致精神障碍14例,…  相似文献   

女性犯罪的相关危险因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨女性犯罪的危险因素。方法:选择初中以上文化程度女犯和以年龄、文化、职业匹配的女性各200名,应用MMPI、SCL-90、FES-CV晴进行测查。结果:女犯存在的心理及家庭问题均较对照组多(P<0.05-0.01);Logistic回归分析显示,与犯罪有关的主要因素为家庭的亲密度低、既往重大躯体和精神疾病中、个人不良嗜好等;从MMPI的个体分析结果显示,在监女犯心理偏离占84.03%,明显高于对照组的8.81%,差异非常显著(P<0.01)。结论:女性犯罪的危险因素既有心理社会因素,也有生物学因素。  相似文献   

目的:探讨头面部测量特征在广西和河南2 个地区的汉族群体之间是否存在差异。方法:2017 ~ 2018 年, 在广西和河南共测量了2 039 例( 广西和河南分别为1 017 例、1 022 例)汉族成年个体的58 项头面部特征。对这 些数据进行性别、年龄和地区间的统计分析及相关分析,并基于个体数据筛选出在2 个汉族群体中有较大差异的 特征进行主成分分析。结果:46 项性状都存在显著性别差异,且男性33 项头面部测量值均大于女性;女性52 项, 男性48 项性状与年龄有关;主成分分析表明,广西汉族与河南汉族之间在第一主成分( PC1)上存在显著的南 北地区差异;广西汉族面较狭、鼻较宽,河南汉族面更阔、头更宽、鼻更狭。结论:以广西为代表的南方汉族和 以河南为代表的北方汉族头面部测量特征存在明显的地区差异,这种差异主要表现在面部区域,以鼻部特征最为 明显。  相似文献   

司法精神病学鉴定中"无精神病"115例的初步分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:探讨司法精神病鉴定中无精神病案例的特点是及其“精神症状”的表现形状,方法:对在本院司法鉴定中诊断为无精神商的115例的有关资料进行统计分析。结果:无精神病占鉴定总数的12.1%,刑事案件的被鉴定者作案动机目的明确,自我保护能力好,案后出现“精神症状”多见,“精神症状”比例按次序为幻觉,行为紊乱,情感障碍,妄想等,且以单一症状较常见,民事案件以离婚及案前“行为模式”与常人不同来鉴定为多。结论:本组刑事案的被鉴定作案特点与正常人相同,表现“精神症状”不符合精神病症状的表现规律,司法精神鉴定中要注意识别。  相似文献   

对性受害妇女司法精神鉴定及性防卫能力评定的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文搜集我院1989~1995年接受司法精神医学鉴定的107例受害妇女案件资料,进行研究分析,以望找出这些妇女为何易被案犯捕捉的特点。1一般资料1.1年龄107例受害妇女均为被强奸案,14~20岁25例,21~30岁34例,31~40岁28例,41~50岁13例,51~60岁2例,61岁以上4例,年龄不详1例。1.2文化程度方盲71例,小学13例,初中16例,高中3例(另有文化不详4例)。1.3职业农民90例,工人9例,学生3例,无业1例(职业不详4例)。1.4婚姻已婚64例,未婚36例,离婚2例,丧偶1例(婚姻状况不详4例)。2案情资料2.1性受害者与案犯的关系107例被强…  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sexual violence against women is common. The prevalence appears to be higher in north America than Europe. However, not all surveys have differentiated the experience of forced sex by a current or former partner. Few women are thought to report these experiences to their general practitioner (GP). AIM: To measure the prevalence of rape, sexual assault, and forced sexual intercourse by a partner among women attending general practices, to test the association between these experiences of sexual violence and demographic factors, and to assess the acceptability to women of screening for sexual violence by GPs. DESIGN OF STUDY: Cross-sectional survey. METHOD: A self-administered questionnaire survey of 1207 women aged over 15 years was carried out in 13 general practices in Hackney, east London. RESULTS: Eight per cent (95% confidence interval [CI] = 6.2 to 9.6) of women have experienced rape, 9% (95% CI = 7.0 to 10.6) another type of sexual assault, and 16% (95% CI = 13.6 to 18.1) forced sex by a partner in adulthood: 24% (95% CI = 21.2 to 26.5) have experienced one or more of these types of sexual violence. Experiences of sexual violence demonstrated high levels of lifetime co-occurrence. Women forced to have sex by partners experienced the most severe forms of domestic violence. One in five women would object to routine questioning about being raped and/or sexually assaulted, and one in nine about being forced to have sex by a partner. CONCLUSION: Experiences of sexual violence are common in the lives of adult women in east London, and they represent a significant public health problem. Those women who have one experience appear to be at risk of being victims again. A substantial minority object to routine questions about sexual violence.  相似文献   

Although many sexual assault survivors seek support from mental health sources for adverse psychological symptoms due to sexual assault, many do not. A diverse sample of adult sexual assault survivors was surveyed about their sexual assault experiences, social reactions received when disclosing assault, attributions of blame, coping strategies, and psychological symptomatology. Statistical analyses were run to identify demographic, assault, and postassault factors differentiating women who disclosed from those who did not disclose sexual assault to mental health sources. Both demographic (race, sexual orientation, and age) and postassault factors (posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD] symptom severity, number of informal support sources told, receipt of tangible aid/information support) significantly predicted assault disclosure. Implications of the results are discussed. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comm Psychol 35: 619–638, 2007.  相似文献   

This study examined correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mental health service seeking for women sexually assaulted in childhood and/or adulthood (N = 619) identified from the National Comorbidity Survey (1990–1992). Factors related to correlates of PTSD and mental health service seeking varied according to sexual assault history. Ethnic minority women with less formal education, more traumatic and stressful life events, and longer duration of sexual abuse had greater odds of PTSD within certain sexual assault history subgroups. Mental health service seeking was predicted by demographics (e.g., more education, Caucasian race), as well as other psychosocial factors (e.g., life events, social support), and medical insurance status, especially for adult sexual assault victims. Implications for mental health treatment and intervention are drawn for women with different sexual assault histories. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A sample of 54 adult psychiatric outpatients, previously identified as victims of sexual or physical assault, were interviewed regarding their childhood and adult victimization experiences. Patients were questioned about the nature of the assaults, their relationship to the perpetrator(s), the number of assaults suffered in each relationship, and whether the assault(s) occurred before or after the onset of their mental illness. Eighty percent of the sample had experienced major physical assault as an adult and 59% had experienced major physical assault as a child; 37% and 31%, respectively, reported major sexual assault as a child and as an adult. Women were more likely than men to report physical and sexual assault as an adult and sexual assault as a child. Childhood assault most often occurred before the onset of the patient's mental illness; whereas, adult sexual assault for women and physical and sexual assault for men was as likely to occur after the onset of the psychiatric disorder, suggesting an increased vulnerability to victimization for the adult mentally ill.  相似文献   

Identifying predictors of bystander behaviors and sexual assertiveness can help to inform sexual assault prevention programs on college campuses. College sorority members (N = 141) completed measures of sexual assault history, rape myth acceptance, bystander self‐efficacy, sexual assertiveness, and bystander behaviors before attending The Women's Program, which is a bystander‐based sexual assault prevention program. Regression analyses were conducted. Lower rape myth acceptance and greater bystander self‐efficacy predicted more engagement in bystander behaviors and higher sexual assertiveness. A total of 28 participants completed a 2‐week follow‐up survey that included measures of rape myth acceptance, bystander self‐efficacy, and sexual assertiveness. T‐test analyses were conducted. Rape myth acceptance was significantly lower among participants at 2‐week follow‐up compared to baseline. Implications for sexual assault prevention on college campuses are discussed.  相似文献   

Disclosure of rape to informal support sources is relatively common, but not well understood. This study expands our limited knowledge of disclosure recipients’ experience by examining associations between their sociodemographic and life experiences with receipt of a rape disclosure and encouragement of the victim to formally report her assault. Over 35% of the 3,001 community‐residing women in this national sample reported receiving a rape disclosure. Women who had a personal history of sexual assault, met lifetime diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder or depression, met past‐year diagnostic criteria for substance abuse, engaged in monthly binge drinking and nonexperimental substance use, and sought help for emotional concerns were significantly more likely to be recipients. Approximately two thirds (69%) of disclosure recipients encouraged the victim to formally report the rape, and encouragement was also significantly associated with these characteristics. Implications of these findings for improving the disclosure process are provided.  相似文献   

Given the high prevalence of crime within the general population and the increased rates of victimization among those seeking medical care, professionals who work in emergency departments, primary care medical facilities, or mental health settings need to be prepared to address physical and psychological problems related to sexual and physical assault. In this paper, interpersonal violence prevalence studies are reviewed in terms of study design and findings for sexual assault and physical assault. Common injuries following both forms of assault are documented, followed by a review of long-term medical outcomes. In addition to a review of physical health outcomes, primary psychological effects of violence are also reviewed. Strategies with which to screen for interpersonal violence in the medical setting are offered, and issues related to mandatory reporting are summarized. Interventions for assault victims that can be implemented in the medical setting are outlined, and a new hospital-based treatment for victims of rape is described.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the results of the Ohio University Sexual Assault Risk Reduction Project, which is a program designed to reduce college women's risk for sexual assault. The program was evaluated at 2 separate universities with 762 women. Participants were randomly assigned either to the program or to the no-treatment comparison group, and they completed measures that assessed sexual victimization, dating behaviors, sexual communication, and rape empathy at the pretest and at the 2-month and 6-month follow-ups. At the 2-month follow-up, there were no differences between the groups on any of the outcome measures. However, those women who were moderately victimized during the 2-month follow-up were significantly less likely to be revictimized during the 6-month follow-up period if they participated in the program.  相似文献   

This study used experimental methodology to investigate the differential impact of various levels of sexual victimization on women's perceptions of risk and evaluative judgments of sexual assault within a dating interaction. Single- and multiple-incident victims were compared with nonvictims. Results supported the hypothesis that revictimized women would exhibit longer latencies than either single-incident victims or nonvictims in signaling that an audiotaped date rape should be halted. Revictimized women with greater posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, arousal symptoms in particular, exhibited latencies similar to those of nonvictims, whereas revictimized women with lower levels of PTSD symptoms had significantly longer latencies. Dissociative symptoms were not related to latency. These findings suggest that PTSD-related arousal symptoms may serve a buffering effect, increasing sensitivity to threat cues that portend a sexually coercive interaction.  相似文献   

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