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不同行业人群中肺螨病流行情况的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 调查不同行业人群中肺螨病的流行特征。方法 询问病史、螨渗液皮试及对螨渗液皮试阳性者进行痰检。结果 对1409人作螨渗液皮试,皮试阳性429人.阳性率30.45%;对皮试阳性或有明显呼吸道症状的457人痰检,痰螨阳性107例,检出率为23.41%,总患病率7.59%(107/1409)。检出的螨经鉴定分5科10属12种。农村磨坊人员患病率为14.10%,其次为面粉厂11.1l%,粮库8.28%等。患病率随工作年限及年龄的增加而上升;性别间患病差别无显著性。结论 肺螨病流行与职业有密切关系,工作年限越长,工龄越长,患病率越高。对特定人群要加强个人劳动保护。  相似文献   

目的了解山东地区肺螨病病原的种类,以及肺螨病在该地区的流行状况。方法在省内8个地区16个县(市),以普通人群及从事不同行业的重点人群为对象,采用访问法和螨渗液皮肤点刺试验调查肺螨感染情况,计算肺螨感染率,检出的螨虫作分类鉴定;在生活环境及仓储环境采样查螨,并进行螨种鉴定。结果调查普通人群4 622人,肺螨感染率为0.26%;重点人群检查2 754人,肺螨感染率为6.90%,其中粮食加工人员感染率最高,为13.80%,粮食搬运工感染率为10.78%。肺螨感染主要与接触螨类孳生环境的时间长短有关,且随年龄增大感染率升高(P〈0.05),但性别感染率差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。痰检查出螨类4科7属8种,环境螨16种。结论肺螨感染与从事职业有关,在螨类环境中工作年限越长,肺螨感染率越高。粗脚粉螨和粉尘螨为肺螨病的常见致病螨。  相似文献   

中药材工作者肺部螨感染调查和治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的?摇调查中药材工作者肺螨症的患病情况, 观察甲硝唑治疗肺螨症的疗效。 方法 采用询问病史、痰检螨虫、血检嗜酸粒细胞、ELISA检测血中螨抗体水平和X线胸片检查, 以确诊痰螨感染和肺螨症人数。统计不同工种、年龄、工龄及性别的感染和患病率。痰螨感染者用甲硝唑治疗(剂量为0.8 g/d, 2次分服, 共2个疗程,每疗程7 d, 间隔7~10 d)。统计痰螨阴转率和肺螨症治疗有效率。 结果 调查327人, 痰螨阳性121例, 感染率为37.0%。其中肺螨症患者 (即有呼吸道症状, 嗜酸粒细胞增高或抗体阳性, X胸片异常者)共41例, 患病率为12.5%。不同工种人群的痰螨感染率和患病率不同,以中药材中转库人群最高,分别为51.8%和18.6%。其次是中药厂人群,分别为40.7%和15.7%。两组感染率和患病率均明显高于中药材库和中药店人群(P<0.01)。中年及工龄较长人群患病率较高(P<0.05)。不同性别间痰螨感染率和患病率差异均无显著性(P>0.05)。甲硝唑治疗痰螨阴转率为88.4%,治疗肺螨症患者有效率为92.3%。 结论 中药材工作人群是呼吸道螨感染和肺螨症高发人群之一, 应加强防护。甲硝唑是治疗肺螨症的有效药物。  相似文献   

呼吸系统疾病患者螨虫抗体测定的临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对呼吸系疾病的门诊病人进行了螨虫抗体的检测,同时进行痰检螨虫检查。结果128份病人血清中,抗体阳性者22例,阳性率为17.2%;痰中检到螨虫者12例,阳性率为9.4%,以从事粮食工作的人患病率最高(42.3%)。表明抗菌素治疗无效的呼吸系疾病的门诊病人中肺螨病占一定比例,应引起临床重视。  相似文献   

新疆生产建设兵团农九师位于新疆包虫病重点病区,1986年在全师范围内进行以包虫囊液皮试(ID)筛检为主的包虫病流行病学调查时,全师包虫液皮试平均阳性率为25.19%,平均患病率为1.78‰,为进一步探讨皮试抗原液的浓度对阳性率的影响,我们在自然人群中随机选择了8205人作为观察对象,以不同浓度的囊液抗原进行了皮试阳性符合情况的同体自身对照研究。  相似文献   

中草药工作者呼吸道感染螨类的调查研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
1986年5~12月,对两个中医院的中草药工作者进行了痰液螨类的调查。受检者75人。从痰液中检出螨类者35人,检螨率46.67%从受检的75人痰液中,均见有吸入不同程度的中草药粉末;从阳性者痰中,检出的有成螨、幼螨、螨足、螨前半体,还有昆虫幼虫及足。含螨数少者1只,多者22~43只。对中药房、发药处、中药库、中转库及粉碎切筛加工等工作人员操作附近环境进行吸尘采样,均采得成螨、螨足及小型线虫等。已鉴定螨类计34种,隶属10科31属,均为植物性和土壤性螨类。  相似文献   

黑龙江省宝清县小城村是作者1987年在乌苏里江水系新发现的并殖吸虫病流行区,在该区流行病调查中发现人群多为隐性感染,缺乏特异症状,痰检、粪检均未查到虫卵,为了调查人群感染情况,我们应用了并殖吸虫后尾蚴膜反应。首先以成虫抗原(1/2000)做皮内试验筛选,277例受检者中,77人皮试阳性,取其中34人血清进行了后尾蚴膜试验。从当地采集的锐刺  相似文献   

肠螨病的流行病学调查   总被引:40,自引:1,他引:39  
目的:调查肠螨病在安徽省淮南地区部分人群中的流行情况及病原螨的种类。方法:询问病史、粪检(饱和盐水漂浮法)及对部分螨阳性者进行血检(白细胞分类计数)。结果:对3312人作粪检,螨阳性者218例,检出率6.6%。检出的螨经鉴定的有7种,即粗脚粉螨、腐酪食螨、粉尘螨、屋尘螨、乳果螨、家甜食螨和谷跗线螨。肠螨病患者中有30例作了嗜酸性粒细胞检查,计数均数为0.71×109/L(0.32-0.78×109/L),分类中其构成比均数是0.09(0.04-0.11)。患者主要临床症状为腹痛、腹泻、脓血便等。结论:对特定职业人群及儿童应加强预防本病的知识教育,对特定职业人群要加强劳动保护。  相似文献   

肺螨症的临床观察及其治疗的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
调查与粮食和中药材密切接触者363人,其中65例肺螨症患者痰螨检查阳性。具有咳嗽、痰多、痰中带血、胸闷、胸痛、气急、乏力、低热等临床症状。胸片示肺门特征性结节状阴影。患者血清特异性抗体阳性,嗜酸粒细胞增高。所有患者均采用甲硝达唑治疗3个疗程,治疗量为0.2g每日3次,或0.4g每日2次,疗程7d,每疗程间隔7~10d,治后痰螨阴转率达94.4%,多数患者临床症状的X线胸片有明显改善,嗜酸粒细胞降至正常范围,提示对肺螨症有明显的疗效。  相似文献   

根据螨类孳生的习性,以从事粮食工作及与中药材接触较密切的人群为重点对象,并在医院门诊选择有呼吸道症状的其它不同职业的人群为对照,通过询问病史、体检和必要的实验室检查,并收集24h痰液用特殊的方法进行痰液消化后离心、分离螨类。凡有特殊的临床征象,且痰螨阳性者才得以确定肺螨病。然后,对肺螨病患者投以甲硝达唑进行治疗,治疗量每日0.6g、分3次服,或每日0.8g,分2次服(早晚各  相似文献   

Acaroid mite,intestinal and urinary acariasis   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
AIM: To investigate epidemiology and pathogenic mite species of intestinal and urinary acariasis in individuals with different occupations.METHODS: A total of 1994 individuals were tested in this study. History collection, skin prick test and pathogen identification were conducted. The mites were isolated from stool and urine samples by saturated saline flotation methods and sieving following centrifugation, respectively.RESULTS: Among the 1994 individuals examined, responses to the skin prick test of "+++", "++", "+","±" and "-" were observed at frequencies of 3.96 % (79), 3.21% (64), 2.31%(46), 1.25 % (25) and 89.27 % (1780), respectively. A total number of 161 (8.07 %) individuals were shown to carry mites, with 92 (4.61%) positive only for stool samples, 37(1.86 %) positive only for urine samples and 32 (1.60 %)for both. The positive rate of mites in stool samples was 6.22 % (124/1994), being 6.84 % (78/1140) for males and 5.39 % (46/854) for females. No gender difference was observed in this study (χ2=1.77, P>0.05). The mites from stool samples included Acarus siro, TynoPhagus putrescentiae,Dermatophagoides farinae, D. pteronyssinus, Glycyphagus domesticus, G.ornatus, Carpoglyphus lactis and Tarsonemus granaries. The positive rate of mites in urine samples was 3.46 % (69/1994). The positive rates for male and female subjects were found to be 3.95 % (45/1140) and 2.81%(24/854) respectively, with no gender difference observed (χ2=1.89, P>0.05). Mites species in urine samples included Acar us siro, Tynophagus putrescentiae, T. longior, Aleunocglyphus ovatus, Caloglyphus berlesei, C mycophagus, Suidasia nesbitti, Lardoglyphus konoi, Glycyphagus domesticus,Carpoglyphus lactis, Lepidoglyphus destructor,Dermatophagoides farinae, D. pteronyssinus, Euroglyphus magnei, Caloglyphus hughesi, Tarsonemus granarus and T.hominis. The species of mites in stool and urine samples were consistent with those separated from working environment. A significant difference was found among the frequencies of mite infection in individuals with different occupations (χ2=82.55, P<0.001), with its frequencies in those working in medicinal herb storehouses, those in rice storehouse or mills, miners, railway workers, pupils and teachers being 15.89 % (68/428), 12.96 % (53/409), 3.28 %(18/549), 2.54 % (6/236), 5.10 % (13/255) and 2.56 % (3/117), respectively.CONCLUSION: The prevalence of human intestinal and urinary acariasis was not associated with gender, and these diseases are more frequently found in individuals working in medicinal herb, rice storehouses or mills and other sites with high density of mites. More attention should be paid to the mite prevention and labor protection for these highrisk groups.  相似文献   

目的观察甲硝唑治疗实验性肺螨病的治疗效果。方法把纯净的活螨注入家兔气管形成肺螨病的动物模型。40d后用甲硝唑(药物浓度为50mg/ml)鼻饲家兔,35mg/kg/d,每天2次,每疗程7d,共二个疗程,间隔7d。并比较螨接种前后,治疗前后兔体内的嗜酸性粒细胞、螨抗体、X胸片及肺部病变的变化。结果螨接种后兔体内的嗜酸性粒细胞(2.948×109/L)明显高于螨接种前嗜酸性粒细胞的计数(0.8387×109/L)(t=7.28,P<0.01)。治疗后,兔体内的嗜酸性粒细胞明显下降,从3.192×109/L下降到1.617×109/L(t=3.15,P>0.01)。抗体水平也明显下降,为未治疗组抗体水平的23.63%(t=4.59,P<0.01)。X胸片及肺部病变有明显的改善。结论甲硝唑在治疗实验性肺螨病中有很好的疗效。  相似文献   

Diarrhea and acaroid mites: A clinical study   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
AIM: To explore the characteristics of diarrhea caused by acaroid mites.METHODS: Acaroid mites in fresh stools of 241 patients with diarrhea were separated by flotation in saturated saline.Meanwhile, skin prick test, total IgE and mite-specific IgE were detected in all patients.RESULTS: The total positive rate of mites in stool samples of the patients was 17.01% (41/241), the positive rates of mites in male and female patients were 15.86 % (23/145)and 18.75 % (18/96), respectively, without significant difference (P>0.05). The percentage of skin prick test as ″+++″″++ ″″+ ″″±″″-″ was″+++, ″++″,″ +″, ″±″ and ″-″was 9.13 % (22/241), 7.47 %(18/241), 5.81% (14/241), 4.98 % (12/241) and 72.61%(175/241), respectively. The serum levels of total IgE, mitespecific IgE in patients with and without mites in stool samples were (165.72±78.55) IU/ml, (132.44±26.80) IU/ml and (145.22±82.47) IU/ml, (67.35±45.28) IU/ml,respectively, with significant difference (P<0.01). The positive rate of mites in stool samples in staffs working in traditional Chinese medicine storehouses or rice storehouses (experimental group) was 26.74 % (23/86), which was significantly higher than that (11.61%, 18/155) in people engaged in other professions (X2=8.97, P<0.01).CONCLUSION: Acaroid mites cause diarrhea and increase serum levels of total IgE and mite-specific IgE of patients,and the prevalence of diarrhea caused by acaroid mites is associated with occupations rather than the gender of patients.  相似文献   

The etiology of chronic urticaria and angioedema remains uncertain in most of the patients. There are several agents and factors including medications, foods and food additives, infections, contactants, inhalants, physical factors and autoimmunity that implicated in provoking urticaria symptoms. In addition, the possible role of house dust mites has been considered in a few reports. We investigated skin test positivity to house dust mites and other inhalants in 259 patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria and angioedema but without allergic rhinitis and/or asthma. Results were compared with both 300 healthy controls and 300 atopic patients. Immediate cutaneous reactivity to one or more allergens was detected in 71 patients in the study group (27.4%). The most common allergens were house dust mites (24.7%). Skin prick test sensitivity to other inhalant allergens including pollens, molds and cockroach were 7.7%, 0.4% and 0.8%, respectively. In the healthy control group 7% of patients were found as atopic with respect to skin prick test results. The most common allergens in healthy controls were pollens (6%), and house dust mites (4.7%). In atopic control group, pollens and mites are also the most common allergens detected in skin prick test (62% and 50.3%, respectively). The difference between study and healthy control group was statistically significant with respect to presence of atopy and mite sensitivity (p < 0.001). Similar differences were not established in other inhalant allergens. Significant mite sensitivity in the study group is not a coincidence. Because, ratio of skin test positivity to house dust mites in the study group was higher than the healthy controls, but was not as high as atopic patients. Furthermore, the rate of skin reactivity to other aeroallergens was not different from healthy controls. Urticaria as a sole clinical manifestation in mite sensitive patients was unusual.  相似文献   

Sensitization to domestic mites is common in Germany. The main objectives of this study were (1) to establish the rate of skin test sensitivity to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Acarus siro, Lepidoglyphus destructor, and Tyrophagus putrescentiae in 512 consecutive patients evaluated for upper and/or lower respiratory complaints; (2) to verify how many of the patients with a positive skin test to at least one of the three storage mites were also skin test positive to D. pteronyssinus; and (3) to verify how many of the patients with at least one positive skin test to one of the storage mites previously mentioned were also sensitized, in vitro, to other mite species. A total of 512 consecutive patients with rhinitis and/or asthma, living in urban or rural areas of central Germany were skin tested with extracts of D. pteronyssinus, A. siro, L. destructor, and T. putrescentiae. In addition, specific IgE determinations to Euroglyphus maynei, Blomia tropicalis, Blomia tjibodas, Blomia kulagini, and Gohieria fusca were conducted in those individuals with a positive skin test to at least one of the storage mites used in skin testing. Of the 512 patients, 103 (20.1%; 77 urban dwellers and 26 farmers) reacted to at least one of the storage mites. From this latter group, 88 individuals (85.4%) also skin tested positive to D. pteronyssinus. In vitro specific IgE determinations revealed a high rate of sensitization to the other mite species studied. We conclude that sensitization to storage mites in Germany is frequently associated with sensitivity to D. pteronyssinus. Overall, skin test sensitivity to storage mites was greater in rural than in city dwellers. In vitro sensitization to B. tjibodas was also significantly greater in rural than in city dwellers.  相似文献   

ABC-ELISA法诊断肠螨病的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨生物素 -亲和素酶联免疫吸附试验 (ABC -ELISA)在肠螨病诊断中的应用价值。方法 采集 4 8例肠螨病患者血清 ,用ABC -ELISA法检测血清中螨特异性抗体IgG ,并与葡萄球菌A -蛋白酶联免疫吸附试验 (SPA -ELISA)进行比较。结果 用ABC -ELISA法和SPA -ELISA法检测 4 8例肠螨病患者血清中的螨特异性抗体IgG阳性率分别为89 5 8% (43/ 4 8)和 5 6 2 5 % (2 7/ 4 8) ,两者比较 ,差异具显著性 (χ2 =13 5 0 ,P <0 0 1)。结论 ABC -ELISA法是实验室诊断肠螨病的一种有效方法  相似文献   

104例支气管哮喘患者血清五种螨类特异性IgE检测的结果分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的研究5种螨与支气管哮喘的关系。方法用PharmaciaCAP系统测定104例支气管哮喘患者血清屋尘螨、粉尘螨、粗足粉螨、腐食酪螨和害嗜鳞螨的特异性IgE(SIgE),16例健康人作对照,结果与尘螨浸液皮内试验作比较。结果104例病人中83例血清5种螨的SIgE阳性,全部对照组为0级。阳性率依次为7692%、7692%、6346%、5962%和5865%,在46种SIgE中排前6位。5种螨的SIgE检测强度依次为屋尘螨、粉尘螨、粗足粉螨、腐食酪螨和害嗜鳞螨。与皮试的阳性符合率为925%,阴性符合率为722%。结论除屋尘螨与粉尘螨外,粗足粉螨、腐食酪螨和害嗜鳞螨也是引起变态反应与哮喘的重要过敏原。  相似文献   

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