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目的 探讨老年人上消化道出血急诊内镜诊断及治疗的效果和安全性。方法 分析1994—02/2004—02总共10年浙江省仙居第二人民医院收治的56例年龄在60岁以上的老年人上消化道出血急诊内镜病例资料,其中合并其他慢性疾病的病人有33例(55%)。对于这些老年病人,急诊内镜术前控制上消化道出血并发症及合并疾病,包括纠正休克、控制心衰、呼衰、血压、血糖等:术中密切监测病人全身情况,特别是心肺功能。并迅速判断出血原因并分别予以镜下注射、喷洒药物止血。结果 老年上消化道出血病人均能安全的接受急诊内镜处理。56例病人中,5l例明确出血病因,确诊率93.2%,出血病因以消化道溃疡为首位,其次为恶性肿瘤;活动性出血23例,经镜下止血,20例立即止血,急诊止血率达到86.9%。结论 急诊内镜在处理老年人消化道出血中,能快速地明确病因,镜下止血安全可靠,配合内科治疗可以达到较好的止血效果。  相似文献   

上消化道出血为老年人常见消化道疾病。本收集了南方医院消化病研究所96至97两年收治的上消化道出血322例,占全院同期上消化道出血病人的63.4%,其中老年108例,占该所上消化道出血病人的33.5%,并与214例中青年为对照,报告如下。  相似文献   

消化道出血的病因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的分析消化道出血的原因,更好地指导临床诊治。方法分析127例消化道出血患者的病例资料,对其病因进行分析总结。结果 78例(61.4%)位于上消化道;49例(38.6%)位于下消化道;上消化道出血的最常见原因是消化性溃疡,占48.7%,其次是急性胃黏膜病变(16.7%)和食管胃底静脉曲张破裂(12.8%);下消化道出血的主要原因是肿瘤和炎症性病变,分别占55.1%和16.3%。结论消化道出血的部位以上消化道多见,上消化道出血原因以消化性溃疡占首位,而下消化道出血则以肿瘤多见。  相似文献   

上消化道出血为老年人常见消化道疾病。本文收集了南方医院消化病研究所96至97两年收治的上消化道出血322例,占全院同期上消化道出血病人的63.4%,其中老年108例,占该所上消化道出血病人的33.5%,并与214例中青年为对照,报告如下。  相似文献   

目的 探讨并比较化学和免疫两种粪隐血试验方法 在消化道出血诊断中的意义.方法 对4474例门诊、住院及常规体检人群同时采用联苯胺化学法(CFOBT)及免疫层析法(IFOBT)进行粪隐血试验,对结果 阳性者复查2次并询问病史及行胃镜、结肠镜等检查,明确消化道出血部位及原因.结果 共检出粪便隐血阳性患者390例(8.22%),其中CFOBT阳性163例(41.8%),IFOBT阳性100例(25.6%),双项阳性127例(32.6%).经临床、内镜、腹部多普勒彩色超声及其他检查证实为上消化道出血235例(60.3%),下消化道出血136例(34.9%).CFOBT法与IFOBT法对上消化道出血和下消化道出血的检出率分别为90.2%、67.6%和42.5%、93.4%.消化道显性出血可呈双项检查法阳性.消化道出血相关疾病的主要病因为消化性溃疡、急性胃黏膜病变、胃癌、结肠息肉、结肠癌及内痔等.结论 粪隐血试验对消化道出血性疾病的筛选和诊断仍有非常重要的临床意义,诊断上消化道出血CFOBT优于IFOBT,而诊断下消化道出血则IFOBT优于CFOBT.  相似文献   

本文通过对76例上消化道出血儿童的纤维胃镜检查结果分析,探讨小儿上消化道出血的病因及其与临床症状的关系。76例上消化道出血的儿童,男性48例,女性28例,突然起病35例,出血前有消化道症状41例,以便血为主要表现51例(67.11%),呕血13例(17.11%),呕血便血同时出现12例(15.79%)。76例上消化道出血儿童中,7例是服用阿斯匹林后发病。结果提示:小儿上消化道出血的病因,常见于消  相似文献   

为评价~(99m)Tc-RBC显像检查对消化道出血的诊断价值,我们对41例消化道出血进行检查,部分病例与内镜、动脉造影比较.结果:41例核素显像阳性率为73.2%,其中上消化道出血占52.9%,下消化道出血为87.5%.6例行胃镜检查的核素显像阳性的上消化道出血病例中,核素显像定位诊断符合率为66.7%.在下消化道出血核素显像阳性率明显高于动脉造影与结肠镜检.其中7例行手术病检的病例,定位诊断符合率达85.7%.结果提示,核素显像检查灵敏、可靠、耐受性好,对上消化道出血可作为胃镜的补充;对下消化道出血有更高的定位诊断符合率,可为外科手术提供可靠信息.  相似文献   

鄂西北458例上消化道出血诊治过程的临床回顾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 分析总结鄂西北山区上消化道出血的病因及治疗方法.方法 对我院消化科2007年1月~2010年1月收治的458例上消化道出血病人的病历资料,进行回顾性分析.结果 ①鄂西北上消化道出血病因依次为消化性溃疡、上消化道肿瘤者、静脉曲张者、急性黏膜病变者、慢性炎症者、少见疾病等.②上消化道出血以中年人最多见,其次为老年人、青年人、少年患者.③上消化道出血男性病人多于女性,为2.75∶1.④急诊胃镜检查率68.6%(314/458),明了出血原因达96.2%,急诊胃镜下止血成功率93.6%.结论 鄂西北上消化道出血男性患者多于女性,以中年人居多,首位原因是溃疡,肿瘤为第2位原因,应提高警惕.急诊胃镜检查有很好的诊断价值和治疗价值.  相似文献   

老年人上消化道出血临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨老年人上消化道出血的病因及临床特点。方法对所有患者均进行胃镜检查,对原因不明的患者进行小肠气钡造影及下消化道钡透或结肠镜检以排除下消化道疾患引起的出血,同时进行出血量及出血形式的记录以及愈后情况的观察。结果老年人上消化道出血的原因以溃疡组最多,共84例(42.41%),其次为肿瘤组64例(32.16%),食道静脉曲张作为独立因素共14例(7.04%),粘膜炎症组(急性胃粘膜病交、慢性胃炎、吻合口炎)21例(10.55%),还有少见病引起的出血如食管贲门粘膜撕裂症2例(1.01%),食管憩室1例(0.50%),,胃息肉2例(1.01%),Dieulafoy征1例(0.51%)。原因不明10例(5.03%)。出血以少量黑便为主,199例中有10例死亡(5.03%)。结论老年人上消化道出血男性多于女性,以慢性消化性溃疡和肿瘤为主要原因,且多以少量出血和黑便形式为主要特点,临床表现不典型,出血持续时间长,易反复发作;死亡率较高,因此及时诊断和采取有效治疗措施是非常重要的。  相似文献   

急诊胃镜诊治上消化道大出血48例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
消化道出血是消化系统常见的急症,急性出血死亡率可达10%左右,约90%的急性消化道出血是源于上消化道。其原因有溃疡病、静脉曲张、息肉、糜烂、肿瘤、血管畸形、胆胰疾病及全身疾病等:急诊胃镜对上消化道出血不仅能明确诊断,确定出血部位,明确病变性质,还可同时进行相应治疗。2004年3月至2006年12月间我院对48例上消化道大出血患者行急诊胃镜检查,并行胃镜下止血治疗,取得了良好效果。现报告如下。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little is known about lower gastrointestinal (GI) hemorrhage in the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected population. Our aim was to determine the underlying causes, the clinical outcome, and the risk factors for recurrent bleeding and mortality in HIV-infected patients with acute LGIH. METHODS: We reviewed the medical records of consecutive HIV-infected patients with acute lower GI hemorrhage who were evaluated with endoscopy from January 1992 through January 1997 at Bellevue Hospital Center. RESULTS: During the 5-year study period, 312 patients with acute lower GI hemorrhage underwent colonoscopy (n = 233) or flexible sigmoidoscopy (n = 79). Cytomegalovirus colitis (25.3%), lymphoma (12.2%), and idiopathic colitis (12.2%) were the most common causes identified. Within 30 days of presentation, recurrent bleeding occurred in 17.6% of patients. Independent predictors of recurrent bleeding included the presence of at least one comorbid illness, a hemoglobin level of less than 8 gm/dL, a platelet count of less than 100,000/mm3, and major stigmata of hemorrhage. The 30-day mortality from lower GI hemorrhage was 14.4%, and the presence of comorbid disease, recurrence of bleeding, and surgical intervention were found to be the only independent predictors of mortality in this patient population. CONCLUSIONS: Acute lower GI hemorrhage in HIV-infected patients is most commonly caused by cytomegalovirus colitis and is associated with a high short-term morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Acute GI bleeding is a life-threatening complication of warfarin therapy. Acute GI bleeding in patients with an international normalized ratio of 4.0 or greater (supratherapeutic) is often attributed to trivial mucosal lesions. The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of potentially significant lesions that would warrant endoscopy in this setting. METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted of patients treated with warfarin who were admitted to a single Veterans Affairs hospital from 1996 to 2000 with acute GI bleeding. Endoscopic findings, clinical management, and outcomes are reviewed for patients with a supratherapeutic international normalized ratio (>or=4.0) and compared with patients with an international normalized ratio in the therapeutic range (2.0-3.9). RESULTS: Fifty-five patients with an international normalized ratio of 4.0 or greater (mean 8.4 [3.9]) and 43 patients with an international normalized ratio between 2.0 and 3.9 (mean 2.9 [0.6]) were hospitalized with acute GI bleeding. Thirty-seven patients (67%) with a supratherapeutic international normalized ratio and GI bleeding underwent upper endoscopy. Of these, 81.1% had positive findings, 18.9% had peptic ulcer disease, and 7.2% required endoscopic treatment. Thirty-eight percent of the patients with a supratherapeutic international normalized ratio underwent lower endoscopy; of these, 57.1% had abnormal findings and 9.5% required endoscopic treatment. Four patients (7.3%) in the supratherapeutic international normalized ratio group died during the index hospitalization. When patients with GI bleeding and a therapeutic international normalized ratio were compared with those with a supratherapeutic international normalized ratio, there were no significant differences between the two groups with regard to days of hospitalization, units of blood transfused, frequency of recurrent bleeding, need for surgery, or in-hospital deaths. CONCLUSIONS: The high frequency of clinically significant lesions in patients taking warfarin with an international normalized ratio in the supratherapeutic range and acute GI bleeding supports a role for endoscopic evaluation.  相似文献   

Fiberoptic endoscopy has enabled clinicians to make accurate diagnoses of the cause of acute upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, but, contrary to expectation, that information by itself has not led to improved morbidity or mortality in patients with upper GI bleeding. However, the identification of the so-called stigmata of recent hemorrhage and the subsequent development of effective endoscopic treatments of bleeding lesions have provided hope, based on evidence from numerous clinical trials, that some patients with acute upper GI bleeding will benefit from endoscopic intervention. Injection sclerotherapy, now standard treatment for bleeding esophageal varices, is capable of controlling acute variceal bleeding and is equally effective or better than surgical procedures such as portosystemic shunts and esophageal transection. The question remains whether sclerotherapy of esophageal varices improves survival. With regard to therapeutic endoscopy of bleeding ulcers, multipolar electrocoagulation, laser photocoagulation, and injection of various agents all may be effective and beneficial. All of these methods appear to be capable of controlling acute bleeding and may improve survival, but because of the safety and low cost of injection therapy, that treatment ultimately may be preferred.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patients with acute nonvariceal upper GI hemorrhage are routinely hospitalized, regardless of clinical status or endoscopic findings. The aim of this study was to compare outcomes for outpatient versus hospital care of patients with nonvariceal upper GI hemorrhage at low risk of recurrent bleeding. METHODS: Endoscopic and clinical criteria were used to select patients at low risk for recurrent bleeding. Ninety-five consecutive patients were randomized for either early discharge and outpatient care (48) or hospital care (47). Baseline clinical and endoscopic features were comparable. During the first 30 days patients were examined daily by their primary care physician and contacted by a gastroenterologist by telephone to assess clinical status. Rates of recurrent bleeding, hospitalization, surgery, and mortality were determined. RESULTS: All patients underwent endoscopy within 12 hours of the onset of hemorrhage. No patient underwent surgery or died. Rates of recurrent bleeding were 2.1% in the early discharge group and 2.2% in the hospital-treated group (1 patient in each group). Median costs were $340 for the outpatient group and $3940 for the hospital group (p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Outpatient care of patients at low risk for recurrent nonvariceal upper GI hemorrhage is safe and can lead to significant savings in hospital costs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A standard diagnostic evaluation including upper and/or lower endoscopy, tagged red blood cell scintigraphy, and visceral angiography identifies the source of GI bleeding in the majority of patients who present with acute GI hemorrhage. However, in a small group of patients the source of bleeding remains obscure; this form of GI hemorrhage is uncommon but represents a considerable diagnostic challenge. Some investigators have advocated provocation of bleeding with vasodilators, anticoagulants, and/or thrombolytics in association with tagged red blood cell scans or angiography. Unfortunately, the available literature on this topic is limited. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to report our experience with provocative GI bleeding studies. METHODS: The radiology databases at Duke University Medical Center and the Durham Veterans Administration Medical Center were reviewed from 1994 to 1999. Any patient who received a vasodilator, anticoagulant, or thrombolytic to induce bleeding during a tagged red blood cell scan or visceral angiogram was included. RESULTS: Seven provocative bleeding studies were performed on seven patients. All patients underwent a visceral angiogram with intra-arterial administration of tolazoline (a vasodilator), heparin (an anticoagulant), and/or urokinase (a thrombolytic). Of the seven provocative studies, only two induced angiographically identifiable bleeding. Both of these patients underwent surgical therapy. There were no complications attributed to the provocative bleeding studies. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that provocative GI bleeding studies can be performed safely. However, because an active bleeding source was identified in only a small proportion of patients, we believe that further study is required to optimize patient selection and to clarify the cost-effectiveness of this approach in patients with GI hemorrhage of obscure origin.  相似文献   

目的统计分析消化道出血的病因与相关因素,分析消化内镜在消化道出血患者中的应用,并比较上消化道出血患者和下消化道出血患者的临床差异。方法对宜昌市中心人民医院消化内科2012年1月-2012年12月所有434例消化道出血住院患者进行回顾性分析。结果消化道出血占消化科所有住院患者的17.5%,消化性溃疡、食管胃底静脉曲张、急性胃黏膜病变和结肠癌为消化道出血的主要原因。上消化道出血以消化性溃疡、食管胃底静脉曲张、急性胃黏膜病变、胃癌居多,下消化道出血主要为结肠癌、结肠息肉、炎症性肠病及慢性结肠炎。内镜对消化道出血患者的诊断阳性率高(83.4%),内镜下介入治疗患者较未接受内镜介入治疗患者有更高的治愈率(91.0%vs 65.5%,P0.05)和更少的住院时间[(8.2±4.3)d vs(12.8±6.1)d,P0.05]。结论消化性溃疡、食管胃底静脉曲张、急性胃黏膜病变、结肠癌为消化道出血最常见的病因,内镜检查可明显提高诊断率,内镜介入治疗可提高治疗成功率。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We aimed at evaluating the frequency of acute severe bleeding in CD and its potential association to some risk factors, including clinical features of CD, environmental factors, and genetic alterations. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 174 consecutive patients with CD (103 female (59%) and 71 men (41%), with a mean age of 37 years) were included. We analyzed all major acute lower gastrointestinal (GI) hemorrhage related to CD. Potential risk factors like smoking, site of disease, and presence of gene mutations in CARD15, TLR-4, and CD14 were also analyzed. RESULTS: Three patients (1.7%) suffered from severe acute lower GI bleeding. All patients required surgery to resolve their hemorrhage, and this indication represented 3.4% of all surgical procedures related to CD. All three patients were young ( < 25 years) and suffered ileal CD with inflammatory pattern (L1-B1 in the Vienna Classification). No relationship was found between acute bleeding and any of the potential risk factors evaluated. CONCLUSIONS:Acute severe GI bleeding is a rare, but severe complication in CD patients, and presents mainly in patients with inflammatory ileal disease. An association of endoscopy and arteriography is necessary for diagnosis. Urgent surgery is usually required in these patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) is generally indicated for the management of patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) with upper gastrointestinal (GI) hemorrhage but its impact in community practice has not been measured. Thus, the effectiveness of 3 EGD factors, viz., accurate initial diagnosis, performance within 24 hours of admission (early EGD), and appropriate intervention, was examined. METHODS: Records of 214 patients admitted to the ICU of 10 metropolitan hospitals with upper GI hemorrhage were reviewed. Unadjusted and severity-adjusted associations of the 3 EGD factors with length of hospital stay, length of ICU stay, readmission to ICU, recurrent bleeding, surgery, and death were evaluated. RESULTS: Inaccurate diagnosis occurred in 10% of patients at initial EGD and was associated with significant increases in risk of recurrent bleeding (70% vs. 11%, p < 0.001), rate of surgery (20% vs. 4%, p < 0.05), length of hospital stay (median 7.5 vs. 5 days, p < 0.005), length of ICU stay (median 4 vs. 2 days, p < 0.005), and rate of readmission to ICU (20% vs. 0.6%, p < 0.001). These associations persisted after adjusting for severity of illness. Early EGD performed in 82% of patients was associated with significant severity-adjusted reductions in hospital (-33%: 95% CI [-45%, -18%]) and ICU (-20%: 95% CI [-24%, -3%]) stay. Appropriate intervention at initial EGD, performed in 84% of patients, was associated with reductions in severity-adjusted length of ICU stay (-18%: 95% CI [-32%, 0%]) and rate of recurrent bleeding (odds ratio = 0.37, 95% CI [0.13, 1.06]). CONCLUSIONS: Early, accurate EGD with appropriate therapeutic intervention is effective as practiced in the community and is associated with improved outcomes for patients with upper GI hemorrhage admitted to the ICU. Inaccurate diagnosis at initial EGD is uncommon but has a significant adverse association with all outcome measures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine recent time trends in incidence and outcome of upper GI bleeding. METHODS: Prospective data collection on all patients presenting with acute upper GI bleeding from a defined geographical area in the period 1993/1994 and 2000. RESULTS: Incidence decreased from 61.7/100,000 in 1993/94 to 47.7/100,000 persons annually in 2000, corresponding to a 23% decrease in incidence after age adjustment (95% CI = 15-30%). The incidence was higher among patients of more advanced age. Rebleeding (16% vs 15%) and mortality (14% vs 13%) did not differ between the two time periods. Ulcer bleeding was the most frequent cause of bleeding, at 40% (1993/94) and 46% (2000). Incidence remained stable for both duodenal and gastric ulcer bleeding. Almost one half of all patients with peptic ulcer bleeding were using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin. Also, among patients with ulcer bleeding, rebleeding (22% vs 20%) and mortality (15% vs 14%) did not differ between the two time periods. Increasing age, presence of severe and life-threatening comorbidity, and rebleeding were associated with higher mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Between 1993/1994 and 2000, among patients with acute upper GI bleeding, the incidence rate of upper GI bleeding significantly decreased, but no improvement was seen in the risk of rebleeding or mortality in these patients. The incidence rate of ulcer bleeding remained stable. Prevention of ulcer bleeding is important.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine how factors that increase the risk of major upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract hemorrhage (recent upper GI tract bleeding or concurrent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) influence the choice of antithrombotic therapy in older patients (those > or = 65 years) with atrial fibrillation. METHODS: For older patients with atrial fibrillation and no other contraindications to antithrombotic therapy, a Markov decision-analytic model was used to determine the preferred treatment strategy (no antithrombotic therapy, long-term aspirin use, or long-term warfarin sodium use) based on their risk of major upper GI tract hemorrhage. Input data were obtained by a systematic review of MEDLINE. Outcomes were expressed as quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs). RESULTS: For 65-year-old patients with average risks of stroke and upper GI tract bleeding, warfarin therapy was associated with 12.1 QALYs per patient; aspirin therapy, 10.8 QALYs; and no antithrombotic therapy, 10.1 QALYs. For persons with significantly higher risks of upper GI tract bleeding and/or lower risks of stroke, warfarin was no longer clearly the optimal antithrombotic therapy (eg, for 80-year-old persons with a baseline risk of stroke of 4.3% per year who were concurrently taking a conventional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug: warfarin, 7.44 QALYs; aspirin, 7.39 QALYs; and no treatment, 7.21 QALYs). CONCLUSIONS: For older patients with atrial fibrillation and factors that place them at a higher than average risk of upper GI tract bleeding, the optimal choice of antithrombotic therapy to prevent stroke can vary according to the magnitude of this risk. Based on the risks of stroke and upper GI tract bleeding, clinicians can use the treatment recommendations of this study to provide rational stroke prevention therapy for older patients with atrial fibrillation.  相似文献   

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