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为了加强社会办医管理,都江堰市卫协会社会办医分会于今年三月六日正式成立。分会设正、副会长各1人,并制定了职责和义务。下设5个小组分别管理该市5个片区的社会办医机构和个体开业医人员。分会在市卫生局、市卫协会的领导下,负责维护全市正常的社会医疗秩序,组织分会会员(辖区内社会办医单位、个体开业医生)学习党的卫生工作方针政  相似文献   

爱卫月可做大“文章”──科学城开展爱卫月活动的做法与体会四川省科学城爱卫会办公室朱金华1989年《国务院关于加强卫生工作的决定》明确提出要在全国“建立爱国卫生月制度”。四川省科学城通过组织历年的爱卫月活动,深刻体会到抓好爱卫月活动,对深入开展爱国卫生...  相似文献   

目的总结推广近年来院校在开展爱卫创卫活动中好的经验做法。方法回顾性梳理和总结。结果梳理出党委重视,组织健全;浓厚氛围,强化观念;军地结合,综合施治;突出重点,全面整改;定期抽查,有效督导;禁烟控烟,提高认识等6点做法。结论总结出的做法对做好爱卫创卫活动有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为检验社区参与是否能促进老年健康,文章通过对四城市老年人问卷调查数据的logit回归分析发现,那些从不参与社区文体活动的老年人自评不健康的比率明显高于参与社区文体活动的老年人.为此,我国当前城市社区建设过程中应积极组织和鼓励老年人参与各种形式的社区群体活动,以增进老年人健康.  相似文献   

一、恢复和重建卫协会眉县卫生协会在恢复与重建时,紧紧围绕加强社会散在医药卫生人员的管理,全面贯彻落实党的卫生工作方针、政策、法令、条例,便于群众防病治病。1、在组建县卫协会领导班子时,由县防疫站、妇幼保健站,药检所的领导任县卫协会委员,防疫站领导兼任县卫协会副主任。各乡镇卫生院防疫医生当选各分会委员兼秘书。使各级卫协会的指挥权紧紧握在两站一所人员手中,使卫协会做到安排、布置、检查、总结卫生防疫、妇幼  相似文献   

充分发挥县级卫协组织在初保工作中的积极作用,对于促进全县初级卫生保健各项指标的实现具有十分重要的意义。本文根据我县几年来卫协工作的实践,对县级卫协组织参与农村初保工作的适宜形式作初步探讨。  相似文献   

刘学敏  洪青  李婷  张京红 《职业与健康》2010,26(17):1984-1986
目的通过了解军校工科研究生应对方式的特征,为军校心理健康教育和管理工作提供依据。方法采用简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)对349名军校工科研究生进行调查。结果军校工科研究生的积极应对分为(1.95±0.42)分,处于中等偏上水平;消极应对(1.17±0.50)分,处于中等偏下水平。他们常采用的应对方式依次为:通过工作、学习或其他活动解脱(39.3%);尽量看到事物好的一面(35.2%);找出几种不同的解决问题的方式(30.8%);寻求业余爱好,积极参加文体活动(30.1%);与人交谈,倾诉内心烦恼(28.3%);向亲戚朋友或同学寻求建议(28.3%)。不常采用的应对方式为:依靠别人解决问题(3.0%);通过吸烟、喝酒、服药和吃东西来解除烦恼(5.8%);试图忘记整个事情(6.8%);认为时间会改变现状,唯一要做的便是等待(8.3%0;幻想可能会发生某种奇迹改变现状(8.6%)。学历层次对消极应对影响的差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论军校工科研究生面对压力较多使用积极应对策略,应加强硕士研究生使用积极应对方式的教育。  相似文献   

卫监督发〔2006〕56号各省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅局,新疆生产建设兵团卫生局,卫生部卫生监督中心:为规范重大活动食品卫生监督工作,防止食品污染和有害因素对人体健康的危害,保障食品卫生安全,我部组织制定了《重大活动食品卫生监督规范》。现印发给你们,请遵照执行。二○○六  相似文献   

去年下半年四川省农村卫协抓了以下几项工作: 一、加强对农村卫协的宣传,抓紧各级卫协会的建立。会议希望各地卫生行政部门要充分认识卫协组织对巩固发展农村卫生事业,推动农村卫生改革的作用,力争年内把卫协组织都建立起来。二、抓好农村卫协会办事机构的建设。各级卫协会成立后都应抓紧协会的办事机构建设,创造必要的办公条件,配备适当的办事人员。办事人员有专职更好,没有专职工作人员可以聘用热心农村卫生事业建设,有一定工作能力和经验,不占编制的离、退休人员担任。与此同时,各级卫协都要建立健全相应的规章制度,使卫协日常工作尽快走上轨道。  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯上海市医学会医疗卫生事业管理专科分会成立大会暨中国医改之突破口专题研讨会2010年5月22日在上海举行。上海市医学会医疗卫生事业管理专科分会是由上海市医疗卫生管理工作者和研究者组成的群众性学术团体,主要任务是广泛传播医疗卫生管理知识,加强科研团体间的合作与交流,培训医疗卫  相似文献   

Although heat illness is recognized as a leading cause of death and disability during participation in U.S. high school and collegiate athletics, the incidence of heat illness among younger children and adults participating in sports and recreational activities is unknown. To examine the incidence and characteristics of nonfatal sports and recreation heat illness among persons of all ages, CDC analyzed 2001-2009 data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System--All Injury Program. This report describes the results of that analysis, which found that an estimated 5,946 persons were treated in U.S. emergency departments (EDs) each year for a heat illness sustained while participating in a sport or recreational activity, for an estimated annual rate of 2.0 ED visits per 100,000 population. Incidence was highest among males (72.5%) and among those aged 15-19 years (35.6%), and 7.1% of patients were hospitalized. These findings highlight the need for effective heat illness prevention messages to target all persons who are physically active, including those who participate in unstructured sports and recreational activities. Specific emphasis should be placed on targeting appropriate prevention messages toward those aged 15-19 years, who are at greatest risk, and their coaches and parents.  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the physical activity participation patterns of college students when defined by their Health Locus of Control orientation. One thousand thirty-three college-aged students completed the Wellness Activity Profile, a questionnaire that yielded data on Health Locus of Control and self-reported frequency of participation in physical activities. Discriminant analyses indicated that the combination of physical activities associated with internally and externally oriented students were different for both males and females. Participation in high caloric expenditure activities was more frequent among internal subjects (Male: bicycling, volleyball, other individual sports, and snorkel/scuba diving; Female: basketball, weight training, tennis, fast walking/jogging/running, and judo/karate), while low caloric expenditure activities were associated with an external orientation (Male: baseball/softball, sailing, fishing, golf, and other recreational sports; Female: track and field jumping and fishing).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--The aim was to describe the sex and socioeconomic differences in patterns of physical activity at work and in leisure time of men and women aged 36 years, and to investigate factors in childhood and adolescence which predict high rates of participation in sports and recreational activities in later life. DESIGN--Data collected in childhood, adolescence, and at 36 years on members of a national prospective birth cohort study were used. SETTING--The population sample was resident in England, Scotland, and Wales. SUBJECTS--A stratified sample of about 3500 men and women was studied regularly from birth until 43 years. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--More men than women reported high rates of sports and recreational activities, gardening, and do-it-yourself. In contrast women reported higher rates of bicycling and walking. Higher levels of education were associated with frequent participation in sports. Individuals often engaged in one type of activity without necessarily engaging in other types. Those who were most active in sport had been above average at sports in school, more outgoing socially in adolescence, had fewer health problems in childhood, were better educated, and had more mothers with a secondary education than those who were less active. CONCLUSIONS--Studies that examine the relationship between physical activity and chronic disease should consider a broad range of pursuits rather than extrapolating from only one area of physical activity, and in their explanations should take account of the possible role of childhood characteristics. The findings suggest the importance of developing skills and habits in childhood as well as of encouraging healthier exercise habits in adults who may have had few opportunities or low motivation previously.  相似文献   

A population-based study to assess the use of hearing protection devices by older adults during noisy recreational activities was performed. The population-based Epidemiology of Hearing Loss Study was designed to measure the prevalence of hearing loss in adults residing in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. The use of hearing protection devices during noisy recreational activities was assessed by performing three examinations over a period of 10 years (1993-1995, no. of participants (n)=3753, aged 48-92 years; 1998-2000, n=2800, aged 53-97 years; 2003-2005, n=2395, aged 58-100 years). The recreational activities included hunting, target shooting, woodworking/carpentry, metalworking, driving loud recreational vehicles, and performing yard work using either power tools or a chain saw. The prevalence of using hearing protection devices during any of these activities increased with time (9.5%, 15.0%, and 19.9% at baseline, 5 years, and 10 years, respectively). However, the use of hearing protection devices remained low for most activities. Those under the age of 65 were twice as likely to use hearing protection devices during noisy activities than were older adults. Men, those with a hearing handicap, and those with significant tinnitus were more likely to use hearing protection devices. Smokers and the less educated were less likely to use hearing protection devices. The results demonstrated that many adults expose themselves to potentially damaging recreational noise, leaving them at risk for hearing loss.  相似文献   

A brief outline is given of marine microbiology, relating to both natural microorganisms and those resulting from pollution. Microbial indicators of pollution and their methods of detection are discussed and recent epidemiological surveys of health effects associated with seawater recreational activities are reviewed. Reference is made to microbiological standards for bathing waters. It is evident that more work is required to elucidate the complex ecological interactions of marine microorganisms; that current microbial pollution indicators are in need of refinement; and that although recreational exposure to coastal waters has some association with the acquisition of minor illness, attempts to relate this to the microbiological quality of the water are confounding.  相似文献   

Adulthood lifetime physical activity and breast cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Epidemiologic studies have shown that breast cancer risk is reduced 30% to 40% in highly physically active compared with inactive women. However, the effects of moderate activities, timing of activities, and intervening effects of other risk factors remain less clear. METHODS: We analyzed data on physical activity patterns in 2176 incident breast cancer cases and 2326 controls in a population-based breast cancer case-control study in Poland conducted in 2000-2003. Using unconditional logistic regression analyses, we calculated odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) associated with physical activity levels (measured by average metabolic equivalents of energy expenditure hours per week), controlling for potential confounders. RESULTS: Total adult lifetime activity reduced risk of breast cancer, with individuals in the highest quartile having an OR of 0.80 (CI = 0.67-0.96) compared with the lowest quartile. Reduced risks were most consistent for the highest quartiles of moderate-to-vigorous activities: moderate/vigorous recreational activities (OR = 0.74; CI = 0.62-0.89), outdoor activities (0.81; 0.68-0.97), heavy physical work (0.60; 0.42-0.87), and combined high intensity (metabolic equivalent >6.0) activities (0.75; 0.63-0.90). These relations were not modified by body mass index, menopausal status, or family history of breast cancer. Reductions in risk with moderate/vigorous recreational activities were stronger for larger tumors and those with nodal involvement. Women who increased their recreational activity in their 50s had significantly reduced risk, with those in the highest tertile of change being at a 27% lower risk. CONCLUSIONS: Leisure-time moderate-to-vigorous activities reduce breast cancer risk irrespective of underlying host characteristics.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the physical activity levels reported by obese individuals with binge eating disorder (BED), as well as the relationships between physical activity and body mass index (BMI), features of eating disorders, and associated psychological variables. METHOD: A series of 166 obese treatment-seeking adults (121 women and 45 men) with BED were administered structured diagnostic interviews and self-report questionnaires. RESULTS: This clinical group was found to be extremely sedentary. Self-reported physical activity levels, measured by the Paffenbarger Physical Activity Questionnaire, were comparable with those reported by obese samples with or without binge eating in other studies, but were considerably lower than those reported by a community sample. Lifestyle physical activity (e.g., amounts of walking and stair climbing) and sports and recreational physical activity were unrelated to most clinical characteristics. BMI was significantly, albeit weakly, associated with reported sports and recreational activities in women, but not in men. CONCLUSION: Our findings highlight the degree to which obese patients with BED are inactive. Physical activity was largely uncorrelated with measures of eating disorder and psychological functioning in both men and women but was significantly, but weakly, correlated with BMI in women. Additional research is needed to determine the clinical value of physical activity for this patient group.  相似文献   

Objective: It is widely recognised that individuals residing in regional or rural areas have poorer health outcomes than those from metropolitan areas. Factors associated with these poorer health outcomes include geographical isolation, population declines, limited health care provision and higher levels of inactivity compared to urban areas. The mental, social and physical health of individuals and communities in rural areas can be improved through active participation in sport and recreation activities. Unfortunately, participation in such activities can potentially lead to injury. There is a suggestion that there is an increased risk of sports injuries in rural areas due to the lack of health professionals and coaching personnel, fewer available volunteers to organise and deliver sport, and the general attitude towards injuries in rural settings. Results: There is very limited information about the number and types of injuries sustained during participation in sports activities in rural and regional settings. This is largely related to a lack of formal sporting structures and support mechanisms including research funding and trained personnel. Conclusion: A range of factors need to be implemented to improve safety for sporting and recreational participants in these areas. These include improved monitoring of injury occurrence, stronger promotion of safety initiatives and wider implementation of education strategies. What is already known: It has been speculated that there is an increased risk of injury during sport in rural areas, compared to metropolitan centres. However, there is very little information about the actual levels of sports injury risk in rural communities. What this study adds: This review of formal and informal sources has identified significant gaps in our knowledge about sports injuries in rural Australia. It is likely that this lack of information, and the injury risk, is related to a lack of formal sporting structures and support mechanisms in these areas.  相似文献   

Monitoring the microbiological quality of water used for recreational activities is very important to human public health. Although the sanitary quality of recreational marine waters could be evaluated by standard methods, they are time-consuming and need confirmation. For these reasons, faster and more sensitive methods, such as the defined substrate-based technology, have been developed. In the present work, we have compared the standard method of membrane filtration using Tergitol-TTC agar for total coliforms and Escherichia coli, and Slanetz and Bartley agar for enterococci, and the IDEXX defined substrate technology for these faecal pollution indicators to determine the microbiological quality of natural recreational waters. ISO 17994:2004 standard was used to compare these methods. The IDEXX for total coliforms and E. coli, Colilert®, showed higher values than those obtained by the standard method. Enterolert® test, for the enumeration of enterococci, showed lower values when compared with the standard method. It may be concluded that more studies to evaluate the precision and accuracy of the rapid tests are required in order to apply them for routine monitoring of marine and freshwater recreational bathing areas. The main advantages of these methods are that they are more specific, feasible and simpler than the standard methodology.  相似文献   

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