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乳酸阈强度下探讨无氧阈机制的人体与动物实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:分别通过人体和动物实验探讨乳酸阈强度下代谢转变的机制。方法:选取24名体育专业学生作为人体组,进行递增负荷功率自行车运动;选取30只SD大鼠作为大鼠组,进行递增负荷游泳运动。首先确定两组受试各自的乳酸阈强度,后在不吸氧与补充吸氧条件下按相同运动方案进行递增负荷运动至乳酸阈强度,分别于运动前和乳酸阈强度下测定人体组及大鼠组静脉血氧分压、丙酮酸和乳酸含量。结果:(1)人体组和大鼠组在乳酸阈强度下,氧分压平均值分别是33.55±6.49mmHg(不吸氧)、31.86±6.23mmHg(补充吸氧)和58.64±2.01mmHg(不吸氧)、54.82±7.27mmHg(补充吸氧);血乳酸平均值分别是3.61±0.56mmol/L(不吸氧)、3.72±0.58mmol/L(补充吸氧)和5.43±0.55mmol/L(不吸氧)、5.35±0.50mmol/L(补充吸氧)。人体组和大鼠组运动前及乳酸阈强度下,丙酮酸平均值分别是0.97±0.17mmol/L、1.04±0.16mmol/L和0.93±0.25mmol/L、0.91±0.37mmol/L。(2)在乳酸阈强度下,不论是否吸氧,人体组和大鼠组血乳酸含量与氧分压之间均不相关,整个测试过程中人体组血氧饱和度均不低于98%;而二者血乳酸与血丙酮酸含量之间均呈高度显著性差异(P<0.001);二者运动前与乳酸阈强度时的血丙酮酸含量均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结果表明,运动中由有氧向无氧代谢转变时体内不缺氧,本实验结果在整体水平上支持了糖酵解时丙酮酸转变成乳酸入血,以防止其堆积的观点。  相似文献   

目的:探讨呼吸肌群专门训练(SRMT)对优秀女子赛艇运动员最大摄氧量、乳酸阈功率、激素水平等机能指标的影响。方法:国家赛艇队女子公开级运动员12人,依照配艇情况随机分为实验组(6人)和对照组(6人)。两组在60天实验期间进行相同的日常训练,实验组每天还进行3组SRMT。在实验前和结束后1天采用直接法测试最大摄氧量;实验期间,每两周进行1次三级负荷测试乳酸阈功率;实验前后采用放免法测试血睾酮(T)和皮质醇(C)。结果:(1)60天SRMT后,实验组和对照组最大摄氧量无显著差异(P>0.05);SRMT后,实验组乳酸阈功率比实验前明显升高(P<0.01),且显著高于对照组(P<0.05);相关性分析显示,乳酸阈功率与呼吸训练器阻力负荷相关系数为0.918(P=0)。(2)60天SRMT后,实验组和对照组血清T均无显著变化(P>0.05);实验组血清皮质醇较实验前显著下降(P<0.05),T/C显著升高(P<0.05),且T/C显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:(1)阶段性SRMT通过有效提高优秀女子赛艇运动员乳酸阈功率,从而提高其有氧耐力水平;(2)60天日常训练结合呼吸肌群专门训练后,女子赛艇运动员血清皮质醇下降,T/C升高,机体合成代谢占主导。  相似文献   

报道60名新兵空运进驻3680m 前后通气无氧阈(ATGE)测定结果。受试者进入高原初期,负荷运动达无氧阈时,负荷功率和摄氧量均降低,心率升高;达最大负荷运动时,负荷功率,摄氧量和心率均降低,通气量升高。进驻高原前后各参数均存在显著性差异(P<0.01)。研究认为,ATGE 是很有价值而可靠的心肺功能评价指标,尤以 ATGE(负荷功率)最为敏感,其次为 ATGE(Vo2)。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同湿度高温环境对有氧运动能力的影响。方法:随机选取10名男性大学生为对象,设定环境温度为33℃,相对湿度分别为20%、40%、60%、80%作为模型,实验时间4周,两次测试之间间隔1周。测试时受试者进行递增负荷跑台运动,以8 km/h为起始速度,每分钟增加0.8 km/h到16 km/h为止,然后逐级加坡度,0.5%为起始坡度,每分钟递增0.5%直至受试者不能坚持,运动过程中监测心率、摄氧量、每分钟通气量(VE)以及主观用力感觉指数(RPE),测试前及结束后无名指采血测试血乳酸。结果:不同湿度高温环境下运动VE、最大心率(HRmax)、最大摄氧量(VO2max)无显著性差异,60%相对湿度下运动时VO2max(3831.7±313.16 ml/min)、VE(137.5±9.38 L/min)、HRmax(199.1±8.29 beat/min)均较其余相对湿度大。20%相对湿度组运动后3 min及5 min血乳酸较80%湿度组显著升高(P<0.05),60%相对湿度组运动后3 min血乳酸亦显著高于80%湿度组(P<0.05)。80%相对湿度组运动后1 min RPE仍显著高于40%相对湿度组(P<0.05),20%相对湿度组RPE值增加较缓慢,运动至第7和10 min时RPE值显著低于60%相对湿度组(P<0.05)。结论:与其余湿度相比,33℃高温环境下,80%相对湿度中机体有氧运动能力并未得到充分发挥。  相似文献   

目的探讨75%最大吸氧量(VO2max)强度运动中人体骨骼肌丙酮酸含量和丙酮酸脱氢酶系(PDC)活性变化及其二者关系.方法健康男性大学生6人,受试者一条腿在功率自行车上做力竭运动120分钟,使肌糖原接近耗竭,作为糖原消耗腿.另一条腿作为糖原未消耗对照腿.两条腿分别以75% VO2max负荷(210±5W)在功率自行车上运动12分钟.运动前后取大腿股外侧肌活检标本,测定丙酮酸含量、PDC活性、糖原总量、6-磷酸葡萄糖、乳酸和三羧酸循环中间产物(TCAI)含量.结果显示,PDC活性与丙酮酸含量之间存在一定关系,75%VO2max运动后,肌糖原消耗肌肉中丙酮酸含量变化不明显,PDC活性也没有显著升高;而在肌糖原未消耗肌肉中,随着丙酮酸含量增加了1.7倍,PDC活性也升高了3.3倍.提示75%VO2max运动中丙酮酸可能是影响PDC活性的重要物质.  相似文献   

目的:探讨骑车机械效率(GE)和骑车氧耗经济性(CE)与机体摄氧能力之间的关系。方法:16名男子自行车运动员进行自行车递增负荷练习,测试受试者每级负荷的骑车机械效率、骑车氧耗经济性和最大摄氧量。结果:从GE120开始,每级负荷的GE和CE与相对最大摄氧量(ml/min/kg)均呈现一定的负相关(P<0.05),GE360和CE360与最大摄氧量相对值(ml/min/kg)的相关系数分别高达-0.871(P<0.01)和-0.861(P<0.01),每级负荷的GE和CE与最大摄氧量绝对值(ml/min)均不存在相关。结论:个体之间,在中等强度以上最大有氧负荷强度范围内,机体的GE和CE与机体相对最大摄氧量呈现一定的负相关,有氧运动过程中机体运动的GE和CE与机体摄氧能力的强弱有一定关系。  相似文献   

目的:观察耐力训练对青少年运动员有氧能力和动脉血酮体比(AKBR)的影响。方法:18名青少年游泳运动员4周耐力训练前后,测定其递增负荷运动实验中VO2max、血乳酸和心率变化,以及恒定负荷运动实验后酮体含量和动脉血酮体比。结果:4周耐力训练后,受试者VO2max、最大运动时的负荷、心率、血乳酸水平较训练前显著提高,个体乳酸阈呈升高趋势;递增负荷运动中的摄氧量、心率和血乳酸动力学曲线右移;动脉血酮体比显著提高。结果表明,伴随青少年游泳运动员有氧运动能力的改善,在等量负荷运动条件下其肝线粒体氧化还原状态和能荷增强。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同强度吸气肌抗阻训练(IMRT)对青年男性有氧运动能力及肺功能的影响。方法:24名无训练经历的青年男性被随机分为阈值强度训练组(TG组,n=13)和对照组(CG组,n=11)。TG组以50%最大吸气压力(MIP)进行训练,每组30次,共完成2组;CG组以15%MIP进行训练,每组60次,共完成1组。两组均进行8周IMRT训练,每周训练3次,于干预前后进行递增负荷测试、肺功能测试和吸气肌力量测试。结果:(1)8周干预后,TG组的通气阈(VT)、通气阈占最大摄氧量的百分比(VT/VO2max)、达到通气阈时的速度(vVT),通气阈出现时间和递增负荷运动持续时间均显著高于干预前(P<0.05),CG组各指标无显著变化,且干预后TG组的vVT(P<0.01)和通气阈出现时间(P<0.05)显著高于CG组;(2)8周干预后,TG组的第一秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)和1秒率(FEV1/FVC)(P<0.01)与CG组的FEV1和FEV1/FVC(P<0.05)较干预前均有显著提高,且干预后TG组FEV1/FVC显著高于CG组(P<...  相似文献   

目的:观察灵龟八法针刺消除台阶运动疲劳后血乳酸的作用效果。方法:40名体育专业健康男性大学生随机分为灵龟八法照海开闭穴组(简称照海组)、灵龟八法申脉闭开穴组(简称申脉组)、辩证取穴组(简称三阴交组)和对照组4组,每组10人。实验分两个阶段:第一阶段选在照海穴开穴时间段进行。4组受试者进行台阶运动至疲劳后平卧,照海组、申脉组和三阴交组分别进行针刺,照海组选取双侧照海穴、列缺穴,申脉组选取双侧申脉穴、后溪穴,三阴交组选取双侧三阴交穴、合谷穴。留针30分钟,每10分钟行捻转补法1次。对照组平卧床上,不进行任何恢复干预。第二阶段:第一阶段实验结束24小时后,在申脉穴开穴时间段进行,方法同第一阶段。测定受试者两个阶段台阶运动前、运动停止30分钟后血乳酸值。结果:(1)第一阶段台阶运动停止30分钟后,照海组、申脉组和对照组的血乳酸值显著高于运动前(P<0.05,P<0.01),三阴交组升高不显著(P>0.05)。(2)第一阶段台阶运动24小时后,照海组和三阴交组血乳酸值显著低于运动前(P<0.01,P<0.05),而申脉组和对照组无显著变化(P>0.05);照海组和对照组之间比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。(3)第二阶段台阶运动停止30分钟后,照海组、申脉组和对照组血乳酸均显著高于运动前(P<0.01),三阴交组增高不显著(P>0.05)。结论:灵龟八法针刺和辩证取穴针刺均有促进台阶运动后乳酸清除、降低血乳酸浓度的作用。  相似文献   

高原地区健康人运动状态下最大摄氧量与左心功能的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海拔3341m对18名健康世居藏族和16名移居汉族用心阻抗图和Jeager气体代谢自动分析系统测定了无氧阈(AT)和最大摄氧量(V Ⅱ O_2max)时的SV、CO和PEP/LVET,并对其相关关系作了分析。结果显示:①AT和最大摄氧量时,世居组的功率、SV、CO和VO_2高于移居组,而PEP/LVET比值小于移居组(P<0.001)。②两组的SV峰值出现时间不同,世居组在AT或AT以后出现的占72%,而移居组仅占31%(P<0.05)。③世居组的VO_2max与P/Lmax呈负相关而与COmax呈正相关。④当运动到最大负荷时,世居组的SaO_2下降了8.9%,而移居组下降了16%(P<0.01)。以上结果提示心功能是影响AT和最大摄氧量的重要因素,并证实了高原世居者最大摄氧能力及低氧耐力等方面都明显优于移居人群。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that the rate of muscle glycogen utilization is related to exercise intensity expressed relative to maximal aerobic power (%VO2max). The purpose of this study was to compare the relationship between glycogen utilization and %VO2max to that between glycogen utilization and intensity expressed relative to the onset of blood lactate accumulation (%OBLA) during cycle exercise. It was hypothesized that the rate of glycogen utilization would be related more closely to intensity expressed as %OBLA than to intensity expressed as %VO2max. Nineteen subjects (15 males and 4 females) performed two separate tests to determine VO2max and OBLA during continuous incremental exercise. On a third occasion biopsies were taken from the m. vastus lateralis before and after 30 min of exercise at randomly assigned intensities ranging from 50-80% VO2max, corresponding to 67-117% OBLA. There was a large inter-subject variation in aerobic fitness with VO2max ranging from 34 to 66 mL.kg-1.min-1 and OBLA ranging from 64-84% VO2max. Absolute VO2max and the VO2 at OBLA were correlated strongly (r = 0.90). The change in glycogen concentration during the 30-min exercise bout ranged from an increase of 58 to a depletion of 200 mmol glucose units.kg-1 dry muscle weight. Neither absolute nor relative glycogen utilization was significantly related to the exercise intensity expressed as either %VO2max or %OBLA. Stepwise multiple regression was used to identify variables which could account for the variation in glycogen depletion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the relations between %HRmax, %HRR, %VO2max, and %VO2R in elite cyclists and to check whether the intensity scale recommended by ACSM in its 1998 position stand is also applicable to this specific population. METHODS: Twenty-six male elite road cyclists (25.1 +/- 0.7 yr, 71.0 +/- 1.2 kg, 70.9 +/- 1.2 mL x kg(-1) x min(-1), 433.9 +/- 9.8 W) performed an incremental maximal exercise test (50 W x 3 min(-1)). Individual linear regressions based on HR and VO2 values measured at rest, end of each stage, and maximum, were used to calculate slopes and intercepts, and to predict %HRmax, %HRR, %VO2max, or %VO2R for a given exercise intensity. RESULTS: Below 85% VO2max or VO2R, predicted %HRmax values were significantly higher (P < 0.001) than the ACSM intensity scale (58, 65, 73, and 87% vs 55, 62, 70, and 85% HRmax at 40, 50, 60, and 80% VO2max, and 48, 61, 74% vs 35, 55, and 70% HRmax at 20, 40, and 60% VO2R). The %HRR versus %VO2max regression mean slope (1.069 +/- 0.01) and intercept (-5.747 +/- 0.80) were significantly different (P < 0.0001) from 1 and 0, respectively. Conversely, the %HRR versus %VO2R regression was indistinguishable from the line of identity (mean slope = 1.003 +/- 0.01; mean intercept = 0.756 +/- 0.7). Predicted %VO2R values were equivalent to %HRR in the 35-95%HRR range. %VO2max was equivalent to %HRR at and above 75%HRR, and it was significantly higher at (P < 0.05) and below 65%HRR (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The intensity scale recommended by ACSM underestimates exercise intensity in elite cyclists. Prediction of %HRR by %VO2R is better than by %VO2max. Thus, elite cyclists should use %HRR in relation to %VO2R rather than in relation to %VO2max.  相似文献   

目的:比较无训练年轻女性骑车与跑步的脂肪氧化动力学、最大脂肪氧化强度(Fatmax)和最大脂肪氧化率(MFO)的差异。方法:12名无训练年轻女性采用递增负荷模式分别完成自行车测试和跑台测试,测定每级负荷运动过程中机体的气体代谢指标,采用每级负荷后30秒气体代谢数据计算脂肪氧化率,通过3阶数多项式拟合曲线确定脂肪氧化动力曲线及Fatmax和MFO。结果:运动强度和运动方式对脂肪氧化率均有影响。随着运动强度增加,脂肪氧化率呈先增加后减少的变化趋势。骑车的脂肪氧化率在50%~60%VO2max强度阶段呈现相对较高水平(4.48~4.68 mg/min/kg),跑步的脂肪氧化率在50%~65%VO2max强度阶段呈现相对较高水平(6.36~6.67 mg/min/kg)。相同强度跑步运动脂肪氧化率高于骑车运动,最大脂肪氧化强度和最大脂肪氧化率也高于骑车运动(56.51±2.50%VO2max vs 53.18±3.25%VO2max,P<0.05;6.71±1.15 mg/min/kg vs 4.74±1.67 mg/min/kg,P<0.001)。骑车和跑步诱导脂肪氧化率达最大的95%以上强度范围分别为44.86~60.60%VO2max和48.21~65.41%VO2max。结论:相同强度运动,跑步脂肪氧化率高于骑车,且跑步最大脂肪氧化强度和最大脂肪氧化率也高于骑车,提示在对肥胖、糖尿病及与脂肪代谢相关的其他疾病的运动干预中,跑步的干预效果可能优于骑车。  相似文献   

We intended to investigate the effects of different modes of exercise on oxygen uptake (VO2), the heart rate and the levels of lactate and pyruvate in venous blood. For this, untrained male subjects performed three modes of exercise with a treadmill (TR), a bicycle ergometer (UP) and a supine leg ergometer (SU). The percentage of maximal oxygen uptake (% VO2max) and VO2/weight for TR were significantly higher than those for UP or SU at lactate levels of 2, 3 and 4 mmol/l. The heart rate was also higher for TR than for SU at these lactate levels. The correlations of blood lactate with % VO2max, VO2/weight and the heart rate were significant for TR and SU, but not for UP. Blood lactate levels were lower for TR than for SU or UP at 60, 70, 80% VO2max, whereas the values for UP were lower than those for SU only at 60% VO2max. Blood pyruvate levels were always lower for TR than for SU. The ratios of lactate/pyruvate differed for TR and SU only at 60% VO2max. For a given mode of exercise, blood lactate and the ratio of lactate/pyruvate increased with an increase in % VO2max, but those of pyruvate did not. These results reveal that the relationships between any two of lactate, pyruvate, VO2 and the heart rate are different at different modes of exercise, and that blood lactate depends on adaptation of muscles to a mode of exercise rather than on the quantity of muscles mobilized.  相似文献   

Blood lactate accumulation during exercise in older endurance runners   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To delineate the possible age-related differences in blood lactate response during exercise and its relations to endurance performance, 34 male runners (aged 21 to 69 years) performed an incremental treadmill running test. There were no significant differences in training distance and relative body fat among younger runners (YR), middle-aged runners (MR), and older runners (OR). The 5-km run time slowed with age, but was ranked at relatively the same level in each age group. OR had a 23% (P less than 0.001) and 12% (P less than 0.01) lower maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and a 22% (P less than 0.001) and 11% (P less than 0.001) slower 5-km run time than YR and MR, respectively. However, mean VO2 corresponding to 4 mM of blood lactate (OBLA VO2) was the same among the groups when expressed as %VO2max (YR; 84.3%, MR; 85.9%, OR; 85.9%). Significant correlations were found between OBLA VO2 (ml.kg-1.min-1) and 5-km run time in each group (YR; r = -0.648, P less than 0.05; MR; r = -0.658, P less than 0.01; OR; r = -0.680, P less than 0.05). These results suggest that OR attain a given blood lactate level at almost similar %VO2max to YR and MR and that OBLA VO2 in OR is useful for evaluating an endurance performance as well as in YR and in MR.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The American College of Sports Medicine has stated that aerobic training needs to occur at a minimum threshold intensity of 50% VO(2max) for most healthy adults and at 40% VO(2max) for those with a very low initial fitness. Recently, the concept of VO(2) reserve (%VO(2R), i.e., a percentage of the difference between maximum and resting VO(2)) has been introduced for prescribing exercise intensity. This analysis was designed to determine the threshold intensity for improving cardiorespiratory fitness expressed as %VO(2R) units. METHODS: Previous studies in healthy subjects (N = 18) that evaluated the results of training at low-to-moderate intensities (i.e., < or = 60% VO(2max)) were identified. The original studies described the intensity of exercise variously as %VO(2max), %HRR, %HR(max), or as a specific HR value. In each case, the intensity was translated into %VO(2R) units. RESULTS: Exercise training intensities below approximately 45% VO(2R) were consistently ineffective at increasing VO(2max) in studies that used subjects with mean initial VO(2max) values > 40 mL x min(-1) x kg(-1). In studies using subjects with mean initial VO(2max) values < 40 mL x min(-1) x kg(-1), no intensity was found to be ineffective. For this latter group of subjects, the lowest intensities examined were approximately 30% VO(2R). CONCLUSION: Although evidence for a threshold intensity was not strong, this analysis of training studies supports the use of 45% VO(2R) as a minimal effective training intensity for higher fit subjects and 30% VO(2R) for lower fit subjects.  相似文献   

为了探讨在渐减负荷运动中不同负荷量对运动后过量氧耗的影响 ,选择了 12名身体健康的体育学部男子大学生 ,在下述不同运动条件下 ,进行功率自行车负荷运动 ,测定吸氧量 (VO2 )、通气量 (VE)、心率 (HR)及血乳酸浓度(La) :(1)通过渐增负荷运动以确定最大功率及最大吸氧量 ;(2 )均以个人最大吸氧量 90 %功率为起点 ,分别进行每分递减 30W、2 0W、10W至 0负荷的 3种不同方式的渐减负荷运动。结果如下 :(1)渐增负荷运动时的最大吸氧量为 2 .81± 0 .12l/min,最大血乳酸浓度为 9.6 5± 1.2mmol/L ;(2 )每分递减 30W的渐减负荷运动时La浓度明显低于每分递减2 0W、10W运动时的值 ;(3)每分递减 10W的运动时VO2 显著高于每分递减 30W、2 0W运动时的值 ;(4)每分递减 30W运动时的VO2 excess与La之间呈低相关 (r=0 .16 7n.s ) ,而每分递减 2 0W和每分递减 10W运动时的VO2 excess与La之间均呈高相关 (2 0W :r=0 .482 ,p <0 .0 5 ;10W :r =0 .76 3,p <0 .0 0 1)。结果表明渐减负荷运动时的递减速度越低 ,其VO2 excess与La浓度相关越密切。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the physiologic and metabolic parameters of speed-skaters with different training regimes and performance level and examine some physiologic prerequisites for speed-skating. The subjects were 25 male speed-skaters including members of the 1984 Japanese National Speed Skating Team whose ages ranged from 19 to 25 years. Aerobic threshold (AerT), anaerobic threshold (AnT), and VO2max were determined during a progressive bicycle ergometer exercise. The power was increased by 12.25 W every 3 min to exhaustion. AerT was determined using gas exchange variables; nonlinear increase in VE and VCO2, and peak VO2.VE-1. AnT was estimated from breakaway VE and the onset of decrease in FECO2.VO2max was measured during another incremental exercise on a bicycle ergometer. Mean AerT, AnT, and VO2max for skaters (n = 25) were 2.47 +/- 0.36.min-1 (61.1 +/- 7.2 %VO2max), 2.93 +/- 0.33.min-1 (73.4 +/- 5.9 %VO2max), and 4.06 +/- 0.42.min-1, respectively. All-arounders had higher AerT values but the same VO2max as sprinters. AnT of all-arounders was significantly higher than those of sprinters. A significant difference between the top ten elite skaters and the other skaters (n = 15) was found only in VO2max expressed as l.min-1. However, no significant correlation was noted between measured physiologic variables (AerT, AnT, and VO2max) and performances expressed as mean velocities at various events.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的:探讨高住高练低训(HiHiLo)对运动员红细胞膜和有氧能力的影响。方法:13名女子跆拳道运动员分为实验组(8名)和对照组(5名),进行4周实验。实验组每晚在低氧房(氧浓度14.7%,模拟海拔2800m高原环境)居住10小时,每周在低氧房进行3次72%最大摄氧量蹬功率自行车练习,每次30分钟;对照组平原居住,每周在平原环境进行3次80%最大摄氧量蹬功率自行车练习,每次30分钟。两组平时的专项训练由同一教练、按同一训练计划、于同一道馆进行。分别于实验前、入住10小时、实验1周、2周、3周、4周测试两组受试者血液红细胞变形指数、红细胞膜流动性、膜band-3蛋白含量以及个体无氧阈(ILT)。结果:实验组在实验3周时band-3蛋白含量显著高于实验前(P<0.05);4周时,实验组band-3蛋白含量显著高于实验前(P<0.01)和对照组(P<0.05);实验组4周时的ILT显著高于实验前(P<0.05)和对照组(P<0.01)。结论:HiHiLo可提高红细胞膜band-3蛋白含量,有利于红细胞发挥正常生理功能;HiHiLo可提高机体有氧运动能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of short-term training on maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and two different measures of endurance performance. Endurance was determined for 15 female subjects (7 training, 8 control) as (1) exercise time to exhaustion at 80% VO2 max (T80%) and (2) the highest relative exercise intensity tolerable during a 30-minute test (T30 min), before and after a 6-week training period. In addition, VO2 max and the work rate equivalent to a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol.l-1 (OBLA) were determined. Maximum oxygen uptake increased by 24% (p less than 0.01) for the training group (TG) and 7% (p less than 0.01) for the control group (CG). Cumulative average work rate (CAWR) during T30 min increased by 25% for the TG while there was no change for the CG. No significant difference was found pre- and post-training in the %VO2 max (estimated from CAWR) at which the TG and CG performed T30 min. Exercise time to exhaustion on T80% increased by 347% (p less than 0.01) and 16% (NS) for the TG and the CG respectively. Good correlations were found between VO2 max and CAWR (W) (pre-training r = 0.84; post-training r = 0.83), OBLA (W) and CAWR (W) (pre-training r = 0.89; post-training r = 0.88) and change in endurance time and the change in submaximal blood lactate concentration (r = 0.70, p less than 0.01). The results of this study suggest that the ability to sustain a high relative exercise intensity is not enhanced following short-term training.  相似文献   

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