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背景:医学影像三维可视化技术将二维断层图像转化为三维图像,有利于提高医疗规划的准确性,是当今医学领域研究的热点,在诊断医学、手术规划、模拟仿真等领域都有重要的应用。目的:利用二维医学图像序列重建出三维模型的关键技术,对可视化系统进行总体设计。方法:首先研究现有三维重建技术,包括预处理技术,图像分割和配准可视化算法。其次给出了系统体系结构设计图,各模块中应用到各种三维重建关键技术。结果与结论:根据现有关键技术的研究,选用OpenGL作为可视化开发工具,设计了一种基于PC机的三维医学图像可视化系统。  相似文献   

肺部三维电阻抗图像重建是电阻抗成像技术的重要应用之一。利用3D光学云点技术对人体胸腔区域扫描,并融合X图像提供的肺部结构构建肺部三维EIT仿真模型。根据肺部膨胀及收缩时的电导率先验知识,由COMSOL软件求解获得三维灵敏度矩阵,并在Matlab平台下由共轭梯度迭代算法重建肺部EIT断层图像,进行三维立体重构,获得3D EIT图像。为研究电流敏感场均匀性,设置4组不同电极层间距进行比较仿真实验,结果表明,对于33 cm胸腔区域,电极层间距为8 cm时,成像效果最佳,其最大相关系数为0.810 3,敏感场均匀性为1.869 6×103,结构相似度为0.482 5,灵敏场的均匀性明显改善,有利于图像重建质量的提高。  相似文献   

目的 对个性化颅内动脉瘤患者动脉瘤周围脑动脉血管进行三维容积重建,探索平滑迭代次数对三维模型的影响。方法 针对个性化颅内动脉瘤患者,通过Philips公司的256排iCT进行计算机断层扫描血管造影(computed tomography angiography,CTA),基于256层头部连续断层图像,利用Mimics商业软件进行三维图像容积重建,获取动脉瘤周围动脉血管的三维解剖结构,对重建模型表面进行6次平滑处理,对比分析3D模型的瘤体直径与2D切片图像测得的瘤体直径,评估3D模型的精确性。结果通过三维容积重建方法得到了动脉瘤周围的颈内动脉C2-C7段、大脑中动脉、大脑前动脉等血管的三维容积模型。平滑迭代次数为3时,模型表面较平滑,颈内动脉血管直径为3.82~5.64 mm,双侧大脑中动脉血管直径2.31~3.83 mm,大脑前动脉血管可见多级分支,动脉瘤长径14.70 mm和短径10.32 mm。动脉瘤瘤体的长径和短径与2D图像上的测量结果相比误差均在4%以内。结论 利用三维容积重建技术所得的动脉瘤周围脑血管模型提供了较二维图像更直观的解剖显示和更好的后处理优势;过度平滑处理会导致三维重建模型尺寸与实际瘤体出现偏差,合理选择平滑迭代次数对三维模型的精确重建具有实际意义。  相似文献   

我们以Shepp-Logan模型为基础,对并行MRI成像进行了仿真,采用Matlab的图形用户界面创建了并行MRI数值模拟平台.该平台可以建立不同分辨率的数值模型,设置阵列线圈的尺寸和摆放位置,计算线圈的灵敏度,模拟k-空间数据的采集,得到多通道的原始数据,并进行图像重建.为国内研究各种MRI重建算法提供了数值模拟的参...  相似文献   

背景:通过医学影像图片数据进行三维重建的模型主要应用于医学临床分析,而采用激光扫描进行逆向重建时建立的模型主要用于生物力学分析。生物力学模型建立的精确程度,直接影响分析结果。 目的:分析采用医学影像图片数据和三维激光扫描重建医学器官模型的两种方法及意义。 方法:①通过人体CT断层扫描医学影像图片数据,并运用医学重建软件进行三维重建。②采用三维激光扫描仪对医学模型进行扫描得到点云数据,再利用逆向处理软件实现医学器官模型的逆向重建。 结果与结论:两种方法都可以建立符合人体解剖结构、可进行生物力学仿真计算的几何模型和有限元模型。医学影像CT/MRI数据重建的三维模型,能够真实再现被扫描对象的表面特征及内部结构,该模型为临床辅助诊断、手术规划、整形、假肢设计及解剖教学等方面提供了可靠的参考模型。三维激光扫描所得点云数据进行逆向重建,具有测量精度高、速度快,能够反映所测标本的表面形态,该模型可在交通运输、军事领域中因发生钝性冲击对人体内部器官造成的损伤进行计算机仿真分析。  相似文献   

背景:基于C型臂2D投影的3D模型重建是一种以XRII图像作为基础,经过校正后的运用一定数值函数进行3D模型重建的技术,可在手术过程中提供给手术者丰富的图像信息,方便手术的进行。 目的:探讨基于C型臂2D投影的3D模型重建技术诸多方面的问题。 方法:由第一作者检索1990/2010 PubMed数据库、CNKI系列数据库及万方数据库有关图像引导手术技术、C型臂2D投影图像校正与重建、基于2D图像的3D模型重建以及医学图像配准等方面的文献。 结果与结论:基于C型臂2D投影图像的3D模型重建是指以C型臂获取的2D投影图像为基础,实现骨骼3D模型的术中重建。3D重建模型不仅含有更为丰富的骨骼外部形状等解剖结构信息,而且还可包含骨密度及强度等骨骼内部多元有用信息。该技术可分为两条主线:有限角度锥形束X射线摄影合成方法;基于统计可变模型的非刚性配准方法。未来的研究可将该技术与手术导航相关技术进行结合从而建立手术导航系统。 关键词:数字化医学;C型臂;2D投影;工作原理;关键技术;重建 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2012.13.036   相似文献   

电阻抗成像(EIT)技术中逆问题的病态特性是造成重建图像分辨率较低的主要原因之一,增加先验信息是改善成像效果的可行方法.建立三维圆柱体仿真模型,对边界电压数据进行多项式曲面拟合,增加先验信息,采用节点反投影方法进行图像重建.对两种目标模型进行仿真实验,并利用本实验室设计的128通道EIT系统进行水槽物理模型重建实验.仿真实验结果表明,较之传统的反投影方法,两种目标模型采用节点反投影方法重建的总体误差分别降低了8.87%和6.85%;在物理模型中,重建图像可清晰显示目标物体.所提出的方法有望用于提高临床检测与监护的成像质量.  相似文献   

本研究旨在构建面向3D打印的医学图像3D重建平台,实现医学影像数据的目标分割、3D重建与3D打印所需区域裁剪与输出功能。该软件平台采用Qt设计用户界面,调用ITK、VTK类库处理医学影像数据。软件平台实现了医学影像数据的输入输出及处理、分割与3D重建等功能;在3D打印模型输出前,可实现对感兴趣区域的截取。以肘关节为例,利用该平台可实现模型重建,截取区域输出STL文件并完成3D打印。结果表明,该软件平台操作简单、界面简洁,可以从医学影像数据中重建得到3D模型,并进行3D打印,具有重要的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

骨盆邻近区域解剖复杂,有消化、泌尿、生殖等脏器及重要血管和神经,因此,骨盆肿瘤精准切除及切除后骨缺损精准重建极为困难。医学3D打印技术的发展为骨盆肿瘤的精准切除和个性化重建提供了新思路。3D打印个性化病变模型、截骨导板和重建假体"三位一体"在骨盆肿瘤切除与保肢重建中的应用,取得了良好的临床效果。但目前缺乏针对3D打印个性化骨盆肿瘤模型、截骨导板和重建假体设计、制备流程及应用的规范性指导标准,制约了其推广应用。本共识的制定旨在为基于3D打印的"三位一体"个性化治疗模式在骨盆肿瘤保肢重建中的应用提供规范性指导。  相似文献   

背景:由于医学CT体数据存在各向异性的特点,导致CT序列图像重建网格模型时产生阶梯表面,从而影响后续的医学诊断。目的:利用数字几何处理技术重建个性化骨骼模型。方法:首先基于互信息的图像配准算法对骨骼CT序列图像进行配准,接着使用图像分割提取骨骼轮廓集并转化为三维点云,然后使用高斯加权的主成分分析方法估算点云法向量并对点云进行三边滤波去噪,最后对点云进行自适应圆球覆盖及网格化处理,完成个性化骨骼模型重建。结果与结论:文章所提的方法可以生成光顺的个性化骨骼表面网格模型,所形成的三角网格形状规则且自适应分布,可以为计算机辅助制造、有限元分析及3D打印提供准确的三维模型。  相似文献   

Mathematical phantoms are essential for the development and early stage evaluation of image reconstruction algorithms in x-ray computed tomography (CT). This note offers tools for computer simulations using a two-dimensional (2D) phantom that models the central axial slice through the FORBILD head phantom. Introduced in 1999, in response to a need for a more robust test, the FORBILD head phantom is now seen by many as the gold standard. However, the simple Shepp-Logan phantom is still heavily used by researchers working on 2D image reconstruction. Universal acceptance of the FORBILD head phantom may have been prevented by its significantly higher complexity: software that allows computer simulations with the Shepp-Logan phantom is not readily applicable to the FORBILD head phantom. The tools offered here address this problem. They are designed for use with Matlab?, as well as open-source variants, such as FreeMat and Octave, which are all widely used in both academia and industry. To get started, the interested user can simply copy and paste the codes from this PDF document into Matlab? M-files.  相似文献   

Recently, several exact cone-beam reconstruction algorithms, such as the generalized filtered-backprojection (FBP) and backprojection-filtration (BPF) methods, have been developed to solve the long object problem. Although the well-known 3D Shepp-Logan phantom (SLP) is often used to validate these algorithms, it is deficient due to the discontinuity of the SLP. In this paper, we first construct a differentiable polynomial function to approximate the unit rectangular function on [-1, 1]. Then, we use this function to obtain a differentiable ellipsoid phantom, whose x-ray transform is differentiable for any smooth scanning trajectory. Finally, we propose a differentiable Shepp-Logan phantom (DSLP) for numerical simulation of the exact cone-beam CT algorithms. Our numerical simulation shows that the reconstructed DSLP has a better image quality than the reconstructed SLP, and is complementary to the traditional SLP for evaluation of the exact cone-beam CT algorithms.  相似文献   

针对有限投影角度的CT图像重建问题,提出一种改进的基于自适应图像全变差(Total p Variation, TpV)约束的代数迭代重建算法。改进算法采用两相式重建结构,首先利用代数重建技术(ART)算法重建中间图像并做非负修正,然后利用自适应TpV正则项约束图像稀疏特性,进一步优化重建结果,其中正则项可根据图像区域特性自适应的调整决定平滑强度的参数p,两项交替进行直到满足收敛要求。本文应用经典的Shepp-Logan体模对改进算法进行仿真重建,以重建图像及其局部放大图作为主观分析依据,以profile图和归一化绝对距离值作为客观评估标准,与经典的ART-TV算法进行比较,对比分析重建结果发现:本文算法重建图像不仅与真实体模更接近,重建误差更小,而且能更好地保护图像的边缘特性。  相似文献   

In computed tomography, analytical fan-beam (FB) and cone-beam (CB) image reconstruction often involves a view-dependent data differentiation. The implementation of this differentiation step is critical in terms of resolution and image quality. In this work, we present a new differentiation scheme that is robust to changes in the data acquisition geometry and to coarse view sampling. Our scheme was compared to two previously suggested methods, which we call the direct scheme and the chain-rule scheme. Image reconstructions were performed from computer-simulated data of the Shepp-Logan phantom, the FORBILD thorax phantom and a modified FORBILD head phantom. For FB reconstruction, we investigated three acquisition geometries: a circular, an ellipse-shaped and a square-shaped trajectory. For CB reconstruction, the circle-plus-line trajectory was considered. Image comparison showed that the new scheme performs consistently well when varying the scenario, in both FB and CB geometry, unlike the other two schemes.  相似文献   

For applications in bolus-chasing computed tomography (CT) angiography and electron-beam micro-CT, the backprojection-filtration (BPF) formula developed by Zou and Pan was recently generalized by Ye et al to reconstruct images from cone-beam data collected along a rather flexible scanning locus, including a nonstandard spiral. A major implication of the generalized BPF formula is that it can be applied for n-PI-window-based reconstruction in the nonstandard spiral scanning case. In this paper, we design an n-PI-window-based BPF algorithm, and report the numerical simulation results with the 3D Shepp-Logan phantom and Defrise disk phantom. The proposed BPF algorithm consists of three steps: cone-beam data differentiation, weighted backprojection and inverse Hilbert filtration. Our simulated results demonstrate the feasibility and merits of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

We developed a novel digital tomosynthesis (DTS) reconstruction method using a deformation field map to optimally estimate volumetric information in DTS images. The deformation field map is solved by using prior information, a deformation model, and new projection data. Patients' previous cone-beam CT (CBCT) or planning CT data are used as the prior information, and the new patient volume to be reconstructed is considered as a deformation of the prior patient volume. The deformation field is solved by minimizing bending energy and maintaining new projection data fidelity using a nonlinear conjugate gradient method. The new patient DTS volume is then obtained by deforming the prior patient CBCT or CT volume according to the solution to the deformation field. This method is novel because it is the first method to combine deformable registration with limited angle image reconstruction. The method was tested in 2D cases using simulated projections of a Shepp-Logan phantom, liver, and head-and-neck patient data. The accuracy of the reconstruction was evaluated by comparing both organ volume and pixel value differences between DTS and CBCT images. In the Shepp-Logan phantom study, the reconstructed pixel signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) for the 60 degrees DTS image reached 34.3 dB. In the liver patient study, the relative error of the liver volume reconstructed using 60 degrees projections was 3.4%. The reconstructed PSNR for the 60 degrees DTS image reached 23.5 dB. In the head-and-neck patient study, the new method using 60 degrees projections was able to reconstruct the 8.1 degrees rotation of the bony structure with 0.0 degrees error. The reconstructed PSNR for the 60 degrees DTS image reached 24.2 dB. In summary, the new reconstruction method can optimally estimate the volumetric information in DTS images using 60 degrees projections. Preliminary validation of the algorithm showed that it is both technically and clinically feasible for image guidance in radiation therapy.  相似文献   

Half-scan cone-beam CT fluoroscopy with multiple x-ray sources   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Liu Y  Liu H  Wang Y  Wang G 《Medical physics》2001,28(7):1466-1471
To develop volumetric micro-CT fluoroscopy for small animal imaging, we have proposed a cone-beam system with multiple x-ray sources. In this paper, we extend Parker's single-source half-scan weighting scheme to the case of an odd number of x-ray sources that are equiangularly distributed, and apply it for half-scan Feldkamp-type reconstruction in this unique geometry. In the numerical simulation with the Shepp-Logan phantom, representative images indicate that the proposed half-scan Feldkamp-type algorithm produces temporal resolution significantly superior to that with a single x-ray source cone-beam system.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine noise levels in HMPAO RCBF SPECT images. Eight simulated images of a uniform sphere of activity were made at each of three different count levels. Three images of the Amersham brain phantom were obtained at each of three count levels, roughly corresponding to the simulation levels. Image reconstruction involved a modified Shepp-Logan filter with and without attenuation correction. The scaling constant in the Budinger equation was shown to vary little over the count range used with a mean value of 23 for uncorrected phantom data and 27 for corrected phantom data, corresponding to RMS noise levels of 7%-15%. The variance due to noise was calculated as a percentage of the variance obtained for 53 normal control studies following image registration and normalization. Values of 54% for uncorrected images and 67% for corrected images were obtained. For 10 normal controls a repeated study was performed. The ratio of within-subject to (single sample) between-subject variance was determined as 73% for uncorrected images and 78% for corrected images.  相似文献   

目的:直接反投影是一种快速简便的CT图像重建方法,但由于星形伪影会使图像模糊。为有效地改善CT反投影重建图像的质量,提出一种新的基于穿越长度权重的反投影重建算法,为图像重建提供一种新算法;同时穿越长度的计算方法也能为代数重建算法中的投影系数的计算提供一种新方法。方法:采用VC++6.0工具设计模拟软件,对Shepp-Logan模型进行计算机模拟扫描获得投影数据,同时计算各射线穿越各体素的长度.以穿越长度作为权重对获取的数据进行反投影重建图像。结果:开发出一个具有模拟X-CT扫描与重建功能的软件,该软件能直观地显示传统直接反投影和基于穿越长度权重的反投影重建算法得出的图像,并能对得到的图像进行定量评价和定性分析。结论:基于穿越长度的反投影重建算法能有效地减少星状伪影,提高重建图像的质量,且评价指标(归一化均方距离判据d,归一化平均绝对距离判据r,最坏情况距离判据e)都优于传统的插值法;同时开发出的软件具有可扩展性,为其他算法的实现及比较提供一个良好的平台。  相似文献   

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