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贵州省2001年HIV/AIDS监测及流行病学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:在贵州省对HIV/AIDS感染状况进行监测及流行病学分析,以便为政府及卫生部门防治艾滋病提供依据。方法:用酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)和确认实验(WB)对贵州省各高危人群分别进行HIV初筛和确认。结果:2001年共检测合省HIV/AIDS高危人群血清标本8469份,发现HIV感染者79人,占1993年以来感染者一半以上。在我省普通农村中HIV感染率达0.65%。感染者以吸毒者为主,年龄在20-40岁男性为主,地区分布以重吸毒、高静注率地区为主。结论:静脉吸毒传播已成为我省艾滋病的主要传播途径;我省高危人群中HIV感染的流行速度发生了变化,部分地区吸毒人群感染率超过5%,已进入艾滋病高流行期;对农村艾滋病感染问题应予重视。  相似文献   

目的:分析梧州市注射吸毒人群中艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者和艾滋病(AIDS)病人(简称HIV/AIDS)的死亡獉獉情况。方法:从"艾滋病综合防治信息系统"收集截至2017年12月31日现住址为梧州市和传播途径为注射吸毒獉獉人员的HIV/AIDS死亡病例资料进行分析。结果:截至2017年12月31日,梧州市累计报告554例注射吸毒人员獉獉死亡病例,累计病死率为46. 21%(554/1199);死亡前最后一次CD4+T淋巴细胞≤200个/μl占52. 04%(191/367);死亡病例确认阳性后1年内死亡的仅占17. 32%(96/554);存活5年以上的占45. 85%(254/554)。结论:梧獉獉州市注射吸毒人群HIV/AIDS确证阳性后的生存时间中位数及存活5年以上的比例,均高于梧州市其他感染途径的HIV/AIDS,有关注射吸毒人群HIV/AIDS的生存研究值得今后进一步深入探究。  相似文献   

抗艾滋病药物的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自首例艾滋病(AIDS)于1981年6月被美国疾病控制中心(CDC)确认以来,艾滋病横行肆虐于全球,严重威胁着人类的健康和生存。据联合国艾滋病规划署和世界卫生组织的最新统计,截至1998年底,全世界仍存活的HIV感染者和艾滋病患者总数为3340万,已死亡1390万,两数共计达4730万。1998年全世界新增HIV感染者和艾滋病患者580万,平均每天有16000HIV新感染者。在全球范围内,AIDS是十大主要死因之一。按目前发展趋势可预测,在不久的将来,AIDS死亡将替代一些常见死因而进入五大死因之列。我国自1985年发现首例AIDS以来,HIV感染人数不断上升,尤以近年来发展势头迅猛,必须予以高度警惕,严格控制。截至1999年9月,全国31省、自治区、直辖市报告HIV感染者15080例,其中AIDS477例,死亡224例。据专家估计,我国实际HIV感染者可能已逾40万。仅1998年,全国共报告HIV感染者3306例,其中AIDS136例,静脉吸毒人群中HIV感染者在1994年  相似文献   

开展HIV/AIDS社区支持与关怀可持续性发展的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开展HIV/AIDS社区支持与关怀的可持续性是当前艾滋病防治工作中一个非常重要的议题,生产自救自助也是艾滋病综合防治示范区一项重要工作。在过去一些项目中,项目结题后,整个活动也宣告结束。我市于2002年开展了HIV/AIDS社区支持与关怀的工作,取得一些成绩,如何使HIV/AIDS社区支持与关怀工作具有可持续发展性呢?我们作了一些探索,取得初步成效,现报告如下。  相似文献   

贵阳市吸毒人群传播艾滋病的危险行为干预研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
目的:探索贵阳市社区普通人群和吸毒人群传播艾滋病危险行为的有效干预方法,以此提高他们预防艾滋病的知识水平及对毒品和艾滋病的警觉性,提倡百分之百使用安全套,降低吸毒人群共用注射针剂的高危行为。方法:利用调查表对三个社区及两个戒毒所的吸毒人群1192人进行艾滋病知识,态度,行为等基线资料调查,采用发放宣传资料,讲课,放录像,防治咨询,发放安全套和一次性注射器等方法进行教育干扰。结果:通过健康教育干预后,预防STD/AIDS知识比基线调查的回答正确率显著提高;艾滋病是传染病由82.67%上升到92.91%,对艾滋病的三种传播途径的了解由61.83%提高到75.45%,认为一般日常生活接触不会传播艾滋病的由70.50%上升到98.43%,共用注射器静脉吸毒可传播艾滋病由74%上升到89.53%,高危行为时使用安全套可预防性病艾滋病由43.25%上升到65.16%,经χ^2检验差异均具有非常显著意义(P<0.01),结论:在社区吸毒人群中采用大力宣传,“同伴教育”健康咨询等预防策略及减少伤害等干预措施是吸毒人群中遇到STD/AIDS蔓延的重要干预手段,应在全省各社区广泛开展。  相似文献   

目的分析评价HIV/AIDS生命质量,为规范抗病毒治疗提供科学依据。方法选取艾滋病感染者和患者大于200人的高发村,用SF-36健康调查量袁分别对HIV/AIDS与普通村民进行生命质量的评价。结果HIV/AIDS7个领域得分较普通村民均有明显下降,PR、GH和RE3个领域与普通村民间的差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),社会功能(SF)与普通村民间的差异没有统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论全球基金艾滋病项目的大力支持,进一步加大了河南省艾滋病防治措施、帮扶救助政策的落实及反歧视等工作的开展。项目县HIV/AIDS生命质量得到明显提高。  相似文献   

对艾滋病病毒感染者(HIV)和艾滋病病人(AIDS)进行医学随访[1],是预防控制艾滋病的策略之一,随访活动的开展对高危人群行为干预、确定治疗救助目标有着积极现实的意义.吸毒的HIV感染者由于其行为方式与正常人存在较大差异,当知道自己感染HIV的事实后是否能改变其高危行为,是疾病预防控制工作需要探讨的问题.  相似文献   

目的了解社区干部对艾滋病认知水平及歧视状况,并提出相应对策。方法自行设计调查问卷,调查小组进社区进行面对面不记名询问调查,被调查患者独立回答,并现场登记在调查表中。结果社区干部对15项艾滋病防治知识总体知晓率为75.12%。获取知识途径中通过咨询医务人员和医生专题讲座的却很少,仅为19.92%和13.82%。歧视调查中,66.26%不会让自家小孩与感染者家小孩一起玩,62.60%不会与感染者同桌共餐,53.25%不会去感染者家串门,50.41%认为感染者与道德品质有关。结论社区干部不但对艾滋病相关知识的知晓率较低,而且对艾滋病带有一定的歧视性。因此,社区干部要带头学习和宣传艾滋病正确知识,掌握以"四免一关怀"为主的防治政策,开展多层次多形式、易于接受和理解的健康教育,加强对艾滋病感染者的人文关怀,实施社区预防艾滋病同伴教育,最终减少艾滋病高危行为的发生。  相似文献   

目的分析昭阳区2006年以来结婚登记人群艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染状况及特征,为艾滋病的防治工作提供科学依据。方法对2006-2008年昭阳区结婚登记人群开展艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体检测,对检测结果及监测资料进行分析。结果2006年4月至2008年10月共检测血清10642份,检测出艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者24例,感染率0.23%。男女之比为1.67:1。由农民和城镇无业人员组成,其中大多数为外出务工人员。静脉吸毒、不沽性行为是婚前HIV/AIDS感染的主要危险因素。结论建议加大禁毒防艾力度,提倡安全眭行为,提高全民素质,进一步防止艾滋病通过眭传播和静脉吸毒方式蔓延。  相似文献   

贵州省艾滋病流行现状及流行趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷世光 《贵州医药》1999,23(2):154-156
自1993年我省发现首例艾滋病病毒(HW)感染者以来,全省已累计发现HIV感染者46例,包括1例艾滋病(AIDS)患者,已死亡。现就我省HIV/AIDS流行现状及流行趋势分析如下。146例HW感染者的统计分析1.1时间分布:1993年发现首例HIV感染者,1996年发现首例AIDS患者,1997年共发现HIV感染者32例,超过前4年发现数总和的两倍(见表1)。豆.2年龄分布:在HW抗体阳性者中,年龄最小的仅12岁,系因共用注射器吸毒而感染。20-49岁年龄.段有明例,占感染总数的86.96%,说明我省HIV感染以青壮年为主(见表2)。豆.3国籍分布:46例…  相似文献   

目的 了解农村地区艾滋病患者和感染者的社会支持现状.方法 通过对河南省某县农村地区的艾滋病患者和感染者及其家属、乡村干部、乡村医生进行个人访谈来了解当地社会支持现状.结果 各类人群对艾滋病知识的掌握比以前有所提高,HIV感染对被感染者本人及其家庭带来了精神痛苦和经济困难,社会支持除了来自家庭内部外,家庭外支持特别是政府支持也相对充分.结论 艾滋病防治相关的社会支持与卫生服务已有明显改善,但仍应进一步提高.  相似文献   

306例吸毒者吸毒行为及HIV/AIDS的KAB调查   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
目的 :了解吸毒者的吸毒行为及有关HIV AIDS的知识、态度和行为情况。方法 :采用自制问卷匿名填表方法于 1998年 6月对昆明市两戒毒机构的戒毒人员进行横断面调查。调查结果用SPSS10 .0版本进行统计分析。结果 :77.1%的吸毒者以静脉注射的方式吸毒 ,其中 ,6 8.3%的人共用过注射器 ,仅 6 .2 %人采用正确方法消毒注射器。吸毒者中 79.6 %的人有两个以上的性伴侣 ,经常或每次使用安全套的人仅占 16 .9%。大多数吸毒者能正确回答艾滋病的传播途径但缺乏预防艾滋病的知识。结论 :吸毒人群感染HIV AIDS的危险行为非常普遍 ,且知晓知识到行为改变仍有很大距离 ,建议开展减少伤害的干预项目。  相似文献   

Expansion of outreach through government AIDS centers is needed to prevent the spread of HIV in Russia. Orel, Russia, is the site of a pilot project in HIV community outreach conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Russian Ministry of Health. We sought to determine whether outreach, a documented method for reaching injection drug users and their female sex partners for HIV prevention, is feasible through a Russian Government AIDS Center. We used a rapid assessment cross-sectional-survey. We demonstrated that at-risk persons who are not currently in contact with the public health system can be reached through community outreach by a government AIDS Center with limited resources and political constraints. Community-recruited persons, compared with institutionally recruited persons, had more risk behaviors and less HIV knowledge, suggesting that they are not being reached by current prevention efforts. We recommend that other AIDS centers in Russia consider piloting similar outreach projects in partnership with non-government organizations and the federal government.  相似文献   

Because of the HIV risk behaviors of substance abusers, particularly injection drug users and those who exchange sex for drugs, and the large numbers who are already infected with HIV or showing symptoms of AIDS, significant service delivery issues are associated with their criminal justice processing. Many strategies have been implemented in correctional settings in an effort to prevent and control the transmission of HIV. A number of these are for the purpose of lowering transmission risk in institutions, whereas others have been structured for the sake of offering prevention/intervention to inmates before they return to the free community. As such, prisons and jails represent opportune settings for HIV prevention and education. The most common HIV control/prevention/education strategies include mandatory testing of inmates for HIV, segregating infected inmates from the general prison population, establishing special health care units for HIV positive and AIDS symptomatic inmates, offering HIV prevention and risk reduction programs, and granting medical parole for the terminally ill. Because drug abuse treatment results in substantial declines in the use of heroin, cocaine, and other drugs, treatment per se can play a significant role in reducing the spread of HIV and AIDS among those coming to the attention of the criminal justice system. Most promising are continuous and integrated treatment services that are tied to the stages of correctional supervision: primary treatment while incarcerated; secondary treatment while on work release, halfway house or community supervision; and, tertiary treatment in ongoing aftercare.  相似文献   

目的:通过同伴宣传和针具交换项目提高干预对象关于艾滋病知识的知晓率,减少吸毒者传播和感染艾滋病病毒的高危行为,降低吸毒人群中艾滋病病毒的传播流行。方法:通过卫生工作人员和同伴宣传员向吸毒者提供并回收清洁针具、发放宣传折页、张贴宣传画以及对吸毒者进行面对面的宣传等措施在广西壮族自治区百色地区的注射吸毒者中开展了为期1 a的针具交换和同伴宣传项目。在干预前后分别进行基线和终期横断面调查,通过对比两次调查中吸毒者的艾滋病知识和自我报告的高危性行为等变化情况对干预效果进行评估。结果:终期调查时,吸毒者所有艾滋病知识的知晓率均显著高于基线调查时;在终期调查时吸毒者的单一性伴比例为50.5%,显著高于基线调查(27.6%)时,但是他们在婚外性行为中的安全套使用率却显著低于基线调查。结论:同伴宣传结合针具交换干预措施能显著提高吸毒者关于艾滋病方面的知识,显著降低吸毒者多性伴的比例,但是对于提高他们的安全套使用率方面却没有效果。  相似文献   

By the end of 2005, there were 10,158 reported cases of HIV infections in Taiwan, of them, 2,403 had developed full blown AIDS, and 1,333 had died. It represented an average annual increase of 15% in HIV diagnoses before 2003. The most common route of transmission is through men having sex with men followed by heterosexual contact, while infections through injecting drug use (IDUs) remained low. However, the number of newly reported HIV infections has been rising sharply since 2003, mainly among IDUs. The consequences of this HIV/IDU epidemic include a rapid increase in female HIV/AIDS patients and a decreased mean age of HIV/AIDS cases. Only 2% of patients in the IDU group have been diagnosed with AIDS, suggesting that most IDU cases are in the early stage of HIV infections.HIV/AIDS patients are provided with free medical care by the government in Taiwan, including anti-retroviral treatment. The case fatality rate of AIDS cases declined gradually from 64% in 1996 to 8.9% in 2005. Patients in the IDU group seek medical care less frequently than patients in the sexual contact group. Statistics show that 61.4% of patients in the IDU group did not seek HIV-related medical care, significantly higher compared to the sexual contact group.The Taiwanese government implemented a trial “Harm Reduction Programme,” which involved a needle-syringe programme (NSP) and substitution treatment, in August 2005. After 1 year's pilot study, the HIV incidence in cities with NSP decreased from 13.9 to 13.3 per 100,000 persons compared to an incidence increase from 11.5 to 15.3 per 100,000 persons in cities without NSP. We scaled up the programme to cover the whole of Taiwan in July 2006 and are expecting to see the efficacy in the near future.  相似文献   

吸毒人群中的性病艾滋病调查   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
目的 :了解吸毒人群中性病、艾滋病感染情况及其对性病、艾滋病知识知晓情况 ,提出对该人群采取针对性的教育和干预 ,预防和控制性病、艾滋病的传播。方法 :对 1997年 1月 - 2 0 0 2年 4月入所的吸毒人员 5 3 85人进行HIV及性病检测与调查 ,同时随机抽取 3 0 0名吸毒者进行性病、艾滋病知识情况匿名问卷调查。结果 :5 3 85例吸毒者中检出HIV阳性者 12 4例 ,占 2 .3 % ,全部为静脉注射毒品者 ;检出的性病主要有淋病 (2 10例 ) ,梅毒 (190例 ) ,尖锐湿疣 (13 2例 )等 ;在有效应答的 2 98份匿名问卷调查中 ,能够正确回答预防性病、艾滋病知识的有 2 0例 ,占调查对象的 6.7%。结论 :吸毒者为性病、艾滋病感染的高危人群 ,静脉注射毒品已成为传播艾滋病的主要途径之一 ;吸毒者对艾滋病知识知晓率较低 ;健康教育和行为干预利于控制性病、艾滋病的传播  相似文献   

我国目前艾滋病毒感染特点探讨及防控状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从1985年我国出现第一例艾滋病病人至今的25年间,艾滋病感染和发病情况日益严峻,艾滋病跃升为危害人类生命的头号传染病.本文对我国目前艾滋病毒的感染特点进行分析探讨,并对HIV的生物学特征、感染宿主的生物学过程和传播途径、HIV的诊断和检测做了学术上的论述,加深人们对艾滋病毒的认识.详细介绍艾滋病的预防和治疗方法、我国...  相似文献   

Spain is the European country with the highest cumulative AIDS caseload and presently has an estimated population of at least 120,000 persons living with HIV. Most Spanish HIV and AIDS cases are due to needle sharing in the context of intravenous drug use. This article traces the development of targeted HIV prevention policy in the field of drug use, exploring the reasons for the time-lag in making harm reduction among drug users a policy priority. Reports about dramatically high HIV prevalence rates among Spanish drug users had already emerged by 1986-1987. However, the Spanish government began to devise large-scale harm reduction programmes for drug users only in the years 1992-1994. This new development has led to the establishment of Europe's largest methadone maintenance programme. In the meantime, though, the central government (as opposed to health authorities in some of Spain's regions) continued to treat public health concerns as secondary to a drug policy focused on the goal of abstinence. The article argues that both (a) the rapid diffusion of HIV among drug users in the late 1970s and early 1980s and (b) the time-lag in elaborating an adequate policy reaction to the emerging AIDS crisis were related to the country's transition from an authoritarian regime to democratic government. Rather than in terms of direct continuity, it is argued, authoritarianism left its mark on HIV epidemiology and policy in terms of the fast social change triggered by its demise.  相似文献   

Spain is the European country with the highest cumulative AIDS caseload and presently has an estimated population of at least 120,000 persons living with HIV. Most Spanish HIV and AIDS cases are due to needle sharing in the context of intravenous drug use. This article traces the development of targeted HIV prevention policy in the field of drug use, exploring the reasons for the time-lag in making harm reduction among drug users a policy priority. Reports about dramatically high HIV prevalence rates among Spanish drug users had already emerged by 1986-1987. However, the Spanish government began to devise large-scale harm reduction programmes for drug users only in the years 1992-1994. This new development has led to the establishment of Europe's largest methadone maintenance programme. In the meantime, though, the central government (as opposed to health authorities in some of Spain's regions) continued to treat public health concerns as secondary to a drug policy focused on the goal of abstinence. The article argues that both (a) the rapid diffusion of HIV among drug users in the late 1970s and early 1980s and (b) the time-lag in elaborating an adequate policy reaction to the emerging AIDS crisis were related to the country's transition from an authoritarian regime to democratic government. Rather than in terms of direct continuity, it is argued, authoritarianism left its mark on HIV epidemiology and policy in terms of the fast social change triggered by its demise.  相似文献   

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