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目的 观察深部电极记录的有效性及并发症,并探讨适应证.方法 20例药物难治性颞叶癫(癎)患者进行颅内电极植入,包括双侧颞叶纵向深部电极植入、双侧硬膜下颞底条状电极植入、颞外条状电极植入.结果 术前进行广泛的无创检查之后仍不能定位致灶的患者是选择颅内电极记录的主要适应证.在所筛选的病人中,17例患者可通过颅内电极记录定位...  相似文献   

目的 评价头皮及蝶骨电极脑电图对术前诊断颞叶内侧型癫 (MTLE)的可靠性。方法 回顾性分析在日本国家癫中心行选择性海马、杏仁核切除术的 110例患者中的 39例 ,他们皆为预后Engel分级一级 ,且保持 2年以上的患者。应用日本癫中心的分类方法对这些患者脑电图的术前发作间期放电 (IED)和发作期放电 (ID)进行分类 ,并与手术侧别相比较。结果 所有患者IED均起自蝶骨电极区或颞叶前区。半数患者有双侧IED。除 1例患者外 ,其余患者IED优势侧均与手术侧一致。切除低频度IED侧同样也可获得很好的预后。依照我们的分类方法 ,有 6 4 %的患者脑电图可见不同的发作类型。在 39例患者中 ,37例患者脑电图发作的侧别与手术侧一致。只有两例患者例外 ,但与手术同侧的发作次数占优势。结论 在MTLE患者中 ,发作间期脑电图呈现一侧优势时有定侧意义 ,低频度IED侧并非手术禁忌 ,应结合其他检查综合分析。发作期的头皮脑电图与发作间期相比 ,定侧更为可靠。  相似文献   

对我院住院患者中抗精神病药致癫疒间者进行分析。1一般资料为1991年至2005年在我院住院精神疾病患者1 523例,其中抗精神病药致癫疒间37例;男26例,女11例;年龄15~46岁,平均(25·0±7·4)岁;既住有癫疒间发作史2例,脑炎病史4例,颅脑外伤6例。服用氯氮平22例,平均剂量425 mg/d,平  相似文献   

目的 探讨小儿颞叶癫癎的临床特征及脑电图特点.方法 收集16例颞叶癫癎患儿,对其发作的临床特点及脑电图资料进行分析,对比难治性癫癎的脑电图变化规律.结果 患儿的癫癎发作形式主要表现为单纯部分性发作、复杂部分性发作、继发全面性发作.单纯部分发作频率高而持续时间短,复杂部分发作持续时间长但发作频率低并常见发作后朦胧状态.颞叶癫癎的脑电图特点:背景正常者约占62.5%(10/16);背景异常约占37.5%(6/16);异常放电及部位:颞叶棘波或慢波放电,表现为单侧或双侧同步或不同步放电.结论 小儿颞叶癫癎是一组部分性症状性癫癎综合征,多表现为复杂部分发作,临床发作及同步脑电图特点可为临床诊治提供帮助.  相似文献   

目的 探讨发作间期脑电图在难治性内侧颞叶癫(癎)(medial temporaJ lobe epilepsy,MTLE)术前评估以及预后判断中的价值.方法 对28例难治性内侧颞叶癫(癎)手术患者术前评估资料及术后随访情况进行回顾分析.统计前颞区发作间期放电(in-tedctal epileptic discharges,IEDs)棘波次数,区分单侧放电(≥90%的IEDs局限于一侧)与双侧放电、单侧优势(双侧独立IEDs在每侧均<90%,且一侧独立IEDs≥75%),并将其与发作期脑电图,MER结构异常以及术后结果比较.结果 发作间期放电(IEDs)明确单侧者比有双侧放电表现为IEDs单侧优势者显示更好的预后;对于有海马硬化(hippocampal sclemsis,Hs)的患者,与IEDs一致均有满意的手术效果.结论 术前发作间期脑电图有助于MTLE的术前定位以及预后评价.  相似文献   

  癫?是多种原因所致的慢性脑部疾病,其特征为脑部神经元异常过度放电引发身体某一部分或整个肢体非自主性抽搐,有时伴有意识丧失和尿便失禁。世界卫生组织的数据表明,全球约有5000万癫?患者[1],而我国就有癫?患者900万人,且每年新增癫?患者40万人[2]。癫?在卫生保健需求、过早死亡以及丧失工作生产力方面给社会经济带来严重的负担。  相似文献   

目的 评价多种无创性定位手段在颞叶内侧癫(癎)患者术前癫(癎)灶定位中的可靠性.方法 选择2002年5月至2005年5月间在我院行前颞叶内侧切除,随访1年以上,预后为Engle I级的40例患者,回顾性地总结这组病例发作间期和发作期脑电图、发作症状、头颅MRI、发作问期SPECT所提供的定侧定位信息,分析其在癫疴灶定位中的价值.结果 (1)发作间期颞前尖波:出现单侧独立尖波者37例(92.5%),其中35例(94.6%)与癫(癎)灶侧别相符;(2)发作期脑电图:32例获取了发作期脑电图,26例(81.2%)的发作期脑电图可提供定侧信息,其中25例(96.2%)与癫(癎)灶的侧别相符;(3)发作症状:23例(57.5%)患者的发作症状可以提供癫(癎)灶侧别信息,其中19例(82.6%)提供的侧别信息与癫(癎)灶侧别一致;(4)头颅MRI:38例(95.0%)头颅MRI提示一侧海马及颞叶的信号或结构异常,其中37例(97.4%)与癫(癎)灶侧别相符;(5)发作间期SPECT:23例患者行同位素检查,22例(95.7%)可提供癫(癎)灶侧别信息,其中18例(81.8%)与癫(癎)灶侧别相符.结论 颞叶内侧癫(癎)术前无创性定位定侧方法中,提供定侧信息比较敏感的方法依次为SPECT、MRI、发作问期脑电图、发作期脑电图和发作症状,而定侧信息可靠性的高低依次为头颅MRI、发作期脑电图、发作间期脑电图、发作症状和SPECT.  相似文献   

目的探讨发作间期18FDG-PET和MR海马像在难治性颞叶癫癎(TLE)致癎源术前定侧中的价值.方法对17例药物难治性TLE患者术前定侧资料及术后随诊情况进行分析.结果本组患者中,有12例(71%)患者MR显示海马硬化(HS),海马萎缩与信号改变常共存,T2加权像和FLAIR序列有利于显示信号的改变.HS侧多提示为致癎源侧.PET检查均显示有至少一侧颞叶低代谢改变,并常多发或范围弥散.PET与MR的定侧准确率分别是100%(13/13)、77%(10/13),经x2检验两者间无差异(P>0.05).结论18FDG-PET和MR海马像在致癎源定侧中的作用是互补的,当颞叶低代谢侧与海马硬化侧相一致时手术效果较好.  相似文献   

目的:旨在评估抗癫癎药物(AEDs)对妊娠癫癎患者子代出现先天畸形的风险。方法:对妊娠癫癎患者采用登记和随访研究,分析其孕期AEDs用药情况、癫癎发作、妊娠结局及子代出现畸形的风险。结果:入选105例妊娠癫癎患者。服用AEDs患者79/105例(75.2%),未服用AEDs患者26/105例(24.8%)。单药治疗60/79例(75.9%),其中1/60例(1.7%)流产;患者子代中2/60例(3.3%)先天性畸形(1例服用卡马西平,出现先天性心脏动脉导管未闭;1例服用拉莫三嗪,出现无胚心)。联合用药19/79例(24.1%),子代无先天畸形出现。未服用AEDs患者中有2/26例(7.7%)流产,其余患者子代未出现先天畸形。结论:妊娠癫癎孕妇多数于孕期仍服用AEDs,且以单药治疗居多;使用AEDs(分别为卡马西平和拉莫三嗪)患者子代出现2例先天性畸形;丙戊酸钠易致畸但仍在妊娠癫癎中经常使用,本研究中服用丙戊酸钠孕妇未出现子代先天性畸形。  相似文献   

目的 观察难治性癫(癎)患者手术切除的颞叶脑组织中GFAP表达的变化,以探讨颞叶癫(癎)的发病机制.方法 以12例难治性癫(癎)患者为实验组,2例意外死亡的健康人为对照组,采用免疫组织化学方法观察2组颞叶脑组织中GFAP表达的变化.结果 与对照组相比,实验组颞叶GFAP的表达显著升高(P<0.05).结论 反应性胶质细胞增生参与了癫(癎)发生的病理过程,GFAP的表达上调可能是难治性癫(癎)发病的分子学机制之一.  相似文献   

目的:探讨 EEG、MR对颞叶癫癎(TLE)术前定位。方法:用 MR、EEG对 20例 TLE病例进行术前定位,与术中 EEG和术后随访结果比较。结果:20例病例中17例依据MR及EEG获得定位,主要在海马区域病变12例,前颞叶5例.另3例MR检查正常,依据多次EEG检查获得定位,随访疗效满意。结论:EEG是诊断TLE的重要手段,MR可对继发性TLE作出正确诊断,MR对海马硬化检查可协助EEG对TLE定位诊断。  相似文献   

Abstract. Temporal lobe epilepsy was studied by the 11C-glucose method of positron emission tomography. The temporal lobe at the level 25 mm above the orbitomeatal line showed the amygdala, hippocampus and hippocampal gyrus medially, and the T1, T2 and T3 neocortices laterally. The focus locations in these structures were divided into mesial, lateral and combined groups on the PECT images. This classification showed a close correlation between the clinical symptoms and the anatomical focus sites.  相似文献   

Ictal SPECT in Temporal and Extratemporal Epilepsy   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

Previous studies of interictal regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in temporal lobe epilepsy have shown variable correlations with clinical measures. We used high spatial resolution hexamethyl propyleneamine oxime single photon emission computed tomography (HMPAO SPECT) in 80 consecutive patients with complex partial seizures (CPS), comparing results with those from a large series of normal subjects. Visual image analysis detected abnormalities of rCBF in 41 of 80 (51%; numeric analysis detected abnormalities in 38 of 80). Age at epilepsy onset was significantly younger in patients with temporal hypoperfusion (p = 0.002), and the frequency distribution of hypoperfusion versus age at epilepsy onset was reverse exponential. The results of numerical image analysis showed that degree of hypoperfusion did not vary with age at epilepsy onset. These data suggest a single insult operating early in life as a cause of temporal hypoperfusion, as has been shown for mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS). We could not demonstrate relationships with other clinical variables, including time since last seizure.  相似文献   

Masato Matsuura 《Epilepsia》2000,41(S9):39-42
Summary: The chronicity and severity of epilepsy, as well as the presence of temporal lobe foci, appear to correlate with psychopathology. A high prevalence of psychopathology has been reported among patients who are candidates for anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL). A review of the literature indicates that episodic psychosis may diminish when patients become free of seizures after surgery and that chronic psychosis neither improves nor worsens after ATL. If this is the case, patients with episodic psychosis may benefit from ATL. Patients with chronic psychosis may benefit if they become free from seizures after the operation, even if the psychosis persists. Case reports of maladjustment to seizure-free life after surgery, and de novo psychopathology, underline the importance of preop-erative psychiatric evaluation and postoperative psychiatric intervention in patients undergoing epilepsy surgery. Although there is a need for each epilepsy center to state its policy with regard to patients with psychopathology who undergo epilepsy surgery, it would be unwise to make a decision on whether to reject a patient simply on the grounds of psychosis. A detailed psychiatric evaluation of each individual patient is required.  相似文献   

目的对颞叶癫(TLE)患者头颅磁共振成像(MRI)异常表现进行分析,为临床诊治TLE提供参考。方法对56例TLE患者的头颅MRI异常表现进行分析总结。结果 56例TLE患者头颅MRI主要表现为海马硬化、颞叶软化灶、颞叶肿瘤、颞叶皮质萎缩等。其中,颞叶肿瘤类型多样,主要为少突胶质瘤、星形细胞瘤、脑膜瘤。结论 TLE患者头颅MRI异常表现复杂多样,正确掌握其特点有助于TLE的诊治。  相似文献   

Summary: We report 2 patients in whom visual interpretation of interictal positron emission tomography (PET) with [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) suggested false lateralization of an epileptic focus. PET scans were interpreted as showing diffuse left temporal lobe hypometabolism in 1 patient and lateral temporal hypometabolism in the other. However, seizures began in the right mesial temporal lobe in both patients, and both responded favorably to right temporal lobectomy. In 1 patient, the intra-cranial EEG showed continuous asymptomatic subclinical seizure activity emanating from the right amygdala. These limbic discharges probably caused unrecognized right temporal lobe hypermetabolism. In the other case, quantitative analysis of metabolic rates showed conflicting mesial and lateral metabolic indexes. Frequent mesial interictal discharges might have increased lateral temporal metabolism. We conclude that asymptomatic epileptiform activity may alter temporal lobe metabolism and that quantitative PET analysis helps clarify contradictory visual PET interpretations.  相似文献   

Summary: Purpose : We report a case of musicogenic epilepsy with ictal single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) study and discuss the findings of this patient in the context of 76 cases with musicogenic epilepsy described in the literature and seven other cases followed in Zurich.
Methods : We analyzed the 83 patients according to the precipitating musical factors, type of epilepsy, presumed localization of seizure onset, and demographic data.
Results : Fourteen of 83 patients (17%) had seizures triggered exclusively by music. At time of examination, music was the only known precipitating stimulus in 65 of 83 patients (78%). Various characteristics of the musical stimulus were significant, e.g., musical category, familiarity, and instruments.
Conclusions : Musicogenic epilepsy is a particular form of epilepsy with a strong correlation to the temporal lobe and a right-sided preponderance. A high musical standard might predispose for musicogenic epilepsy. Moreover, the majority of cases do not fall into the category of a strictly defined "reflex epilepsy", but appear to depend on the indermediary of a certain emotional reaction mediated through limbic mesial temporal lobe structures.  相似文献   

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