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目的探讨非开胸食管内翻拔脱术治疗食管癌的适应证、手术技巧及并发症处理。方法回顾性分析2002年7月至2010年7月南京医科大学第一附属医院105例食管癌患者行食管内翻拔脱术(其中28例辅助使用电视纵隔镜)的临床资料,其中男59例,女46例;年龄63(48~81)岁。食管上段癌51例,中段癌18例,下段癌36例;分析手术效果和安全性。结果手术时间153(140~210)min,术中出血量150(100~250)ml,住院时间15(10~35)d。全组无手术死亡,残端未见肿瘤细胞残留。27例术后发生并发症,其中3例吻合口瘘,4例喉返神经损伤,5例胸腔积液,2例气胸,3例合并肺部感染,3例心律失常,1例乳糜胸,2例切口感染,2例胃排空障碍,2例吻合口狭窄,经治疗后均痊愈。术后随访16个月~5年,随访97例,失访8例,已生存1年以上患者94例,生存3年以上67例,生存5年以上34例,部分患者待进一步随访。结论食管内翻拔脱术损伤小、恢复快,可使不能耐受经胸或不宜经胸手术的Ⅱ期及更早的食管癌患者获益。  相似文献   

非开胸食管内翻拔脱治疗颈段食管癌19例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食管颈段是指食管入口至胸骨柄上缘,由于颈段食管癌术后并发症和病死率较其他部位高,手术效果不如胸段,传统的方法选择放射治疗,近年来趋向于手术治疗.1997年至今,我院采用非开胸食管内翻拔脱术治疗颈段食管癌19例,取得良好的效果,现报告如下.  相似文献   

目的:探讨用简捷的术式治疗胸上、中段食管癌,减少术后并发症。方法:为8例食管癌患者施行胸腔镜辅助食管内翻拔脱术,分析手术操作过程、并发症及术后患者的康复情况等。结果:8例患者均采用胸腔镜辅助食管内翻拔脱术完成手术,1例发生吻合口漏,1例发生对侧气胸,经对症治疗治愈。结论:此术式治疗胸上、中段食管癌优于传统手术。  相似文献   

此手术方式是一种有争议的手术方法,国内、外学者均有这方面的报道。我科自1989年9月至2000年9月选择了19例食管癌及贲门癌患者,施行非开胸食管内翻拔脱术治疗,现报告如下。  相似文献   

本文报道1例腹腔镜下顺行食管内翻拔脱术治疗食管癌。患者女,72岁,吞咽不畅1个月,经胃镜和活检病理诊断为上胸段食管鳞状细胞癌。术前分期T1N0M0。2014年12月31日行腹腔镜下顺行食管内翻拔脱术。腹腔镜下用超声刀游离胃、膈食管裂孔和下胸段食管,左颈部切口顺行拔脱食管,经上腹部切口制做管状胃,将管状胃牵至颈部与食管残端吻合。手术过程顺利,手术时间200 min,术中出血量150 ml。术后恢复顺利,第9天进清流食,无呕吐,无反酸,第12天出院。住院期间未发生吻合口漏、声音嘶哑等并发症。术后病理食管鳞癌,淋巴结无转移。术后3个月复诊,进食可,无呕吐,胃酸反流2~3次/d。  相似文献   

220例右胸腹部二切口治疗胸段食管癌的疗效分析;镍钛合金组合式人工食管替代食管术后新生食管的形成与重构;结肠代食管术后远期并发症的观察;串列式食管内翻拔脱术;低位结扎胸导管预防食管癌术后乳糜胸的适应证探讨  相似文献   

本文报道2012年8月29日1例新辅助化疗后腹腔镜辅助食管内翻拔脱术治疗食管癌.患者男,58岁,吞咽困难进行性加重半年.经胃镜和活检病理诊断为颈段食管鳞状细胞癌.化疗3周期后,分期从T3N1M0降为T2N0M0,行腹腔镜辅助食管内翻拔脱术:腹腔镜下用超声刀游离胃、下段食管和膈食管裂孔,利用腔镜切割缝合器制成管状胃.同时,经颈部游离食管和清理颈部各组淋巴结.腹部悬吊,腹腔镜辅助食管内翻拔脱后,将管状胃牵至颈部,与食管残端吻合.手术时间2 h 50 min.术中出血量约210 ml.术后第7天进清流食,逐渐加量.术后第12天出院.住院期间未发生声嘶等并发症.术后病理:颈部各组淋巴结15枚,未见癌转移.术后3个月,酸反流4~6次/d,多在夜间.  相似文献   

管状胃在食管、贲门癌手术中的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价管状胃技术在食管、贲门癌患者根治手术中的临床效果。方法选取2008年1~10月瑞金医院胸外科收治的食管、贲门癌患者74例,按采取的手术方法不同分为管状胃组和胸腔胃组,管状胃组:46例,男36例,女10例;年龄59.67±9.96岁(36~77岁);食管癌31例,其中胸上段食管癌1例,胸中段食管癌23例,胸下段食管癌7例;贲门癌15例;采用左颈部吻合2例,主动脉弓上吻合19例,主动脉弓下吻合10例,贲门癌根治15例。胸腔胃组:28例,男25例,女3例;年龄59.17±11.33岁(37~86岁);食管癌22例,其中胸上段食管癌1例,胸中段食管癌17例,胸下段食管癌4例;贲门癌6例;采用左颈部吻合2例,主动脉弓上吻合17例,主动脉弓下吻合3例,贲门癌根治6例。观察两组患者手术后吻合口瘘发生率、手术时间、住院时间等临床指标。结果两组患者均顺利完成手术,管状胃组无吻合口瘘发生;胸腔胃组发生肺部感染并发症4例,死亡1例;管状胃组与胸腔胃组手术时间(180.00±10.34 min vs.185.00±6.23 min,t=1.669,P=0.078),术后住院时间(16.78±9.98 d vs.16.89±11.53 d,t=1.665,P=0.075)比较差异无统计学意义。结论管状胃在食管癌手术中并发症发生率较低,不增加手术时间和住院时间,可改善患者的生活质量,具有较好地临床应用价值。  相似文献   

<正> 我院自1997年~2001年共进行食管拔脱术治疗年龄在70岁以上老年人早期食管癌、贲门癌13例,取得了良好的治疗效果,现报告如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料:本组病人男性9例,女性4例,年龄在70~80岁之间。术前均行食道造影、胃镜、胸部CT等检查,确定为早期食管癌、贲门癌,其中上段5例,下段及贲门癌8例。10例患者术前伴有其它脏器疾病或功能障碍,其中4例合并两种  相似文献   

围手术期输血对食管癌和贲门癌病人免疫功能影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
输血对癌症病人免疫功能的抑制作用近年来逐渐被人们认识与关注。我们观察围手术期输血对食管癌和贲门癌病人免疫功能的影响 ,并进行了探讨。资料和方法  98例手术治疗的食管癌和贲门癌病人。其中食管癌 6 4例 ,均为鳞状细胞癌 ,食管胃颈部吻合 5例、食管胃主动脉弓上吻合 5 0例、食管胃主动脉弓下吻合 9例 ;贲门癌 34例 ,均为腺癌 ,均采用食管胃主动脉弓下吻合术。所有病人手术前 3个月内均无输血史 ,术前及术后 14d内亦未进行放、化疗和免疫治疗。输血组 5 1例中男 32例、女 19例 ;平均年龄 6 2岁 ;食管癌 36例 ,贲门癌 15例 ;围手术期…  相似文献   

A rare case of esophageal carcinoma metastasizing to early gastric cancer is reported herein. A 66 year old man who had experienced dysphagia for 8 months was preoperatively diagnosed as simultaneously having esophageal and gastric cancers. Thus, a lower esophagectomy and total gastrectomy with paraesophageal and paragastric lymph node dissection were performed. The surgical specimen revealed an ulcerative tumor in the lower esophagus and a slightly depressed lesion with a central elevation similar to that of early type IIc+IIa1 gastric cancer in the upper part of the stomach. Microscopically, the esophageal tumor was revealed to be well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma while the gastric tumor was found to be early gastric cancer with a metastatic focus of esophageal cancer in the center. Though less than one hundred cases of metastasis of cancer to cancer have previously been reported, metastasis from cancer of one digestive organ to that of another digestive organ is very rare. To our knowledge, this report represents the first case of an esophageal carcinoma metastasizing to a gastric carcinoma.  相似文献   

We present a case of a 65-year-old woman whose thyroid cancer metastasized to the lesion of primary lung cancer. Ten years after total thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer, chest radiograph by medical checkup demonstrated three nodular lesions in the bilateral lung fields. Segmental resection of the left S6, partial resection of right S4 and left S10 were performed to remove those lesions. Histologically, small nodules in the right S4 and S10 were diagnosed as a metastatic tumor of thyroid and well differentiated adenocarcinoma, respectively. Left S6 lesion 1.5 cm in diameter was also diagnosed as well-differentiated adenocarcinoma (Noguchi type C), however, small metastatic foci of papillary adenocarcinoma was identified within the lesion which revealed to be “cancer in cancer metastasis”. Metastasis of cancer to another primary cancer is a rare event. We discuss interesting phenomenon of cancer in cancer metastasis with a review of the literature.  相似文献   

(Received for publication on Feb. 10, 1999; accepted on Nov. 11, 1999)  相似文献   

目的 探讨结肠癌肝转移的外科治疗方法及其病理因素对预后的影响。方法 本组79例结肠癌肝转移患者中共有 2 5例接受原发灶根治术以及肝转移灶切除术或射频消融术。其中 14例进行了原发灶根治术及肝脏转移灶切除术 ,11例进行了肝脏转移灶射频消融术。结果 本组结肠癌肝转移患者术后 1年、3年生存率分别为 84 %、4 8%。分化程度高以及单个转移灶的患者预后较好。肝脏肿瘤切除与肝脏肿瘤射频消融术后患者生存时间无明显差异。结论 结肠癌肝转移患者原发肿瘤的分化程度、肝脏转移灶的数量对预测患者的预后有一定的作用。手术切除及射频消融术对治疗结肠癌肝转移能够达到较为接近的治疗效果。  相似文献   

�᳦�����󸴷�36���ٴ�����   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的 探讨结肠癌术后复发的原因,以期达到早期诊断提高术后复发的治疗效果。方法 回顾性分析1999~2003年36例结肠癌术后复发病人的临床资料。结果 吻合口复发18例,腹腔、盆腔种植复发13例,局部复发6例,腹壁切口复发6例。非手术治疗2例,手术治疗34例。根治性切除14例,姑息性切除11例。根治性切除和非根治性切除病人的中位生存时间分别为26个月和9个月。结论 结肠癌术后复发的预防重在术中无瘤操作,定期随访是早期诊断的关键。应积极手术治疗,以延长生存期,提高生活质量。  相似文献   

We present herein the case of a 73-year-old Japanese man in whom a minute malignant islet cell tumor, 7 mm in maximal diameter, was discovered. The patient was admitted to our hospital to undergo a gastrectomy for gastric cancer, at which time preoperative ultrasonography (US) revealed a minute hypoechoic mass located in the head of the pancreas. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography, angiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging failed to reveal the features or location of the tumor; nowever, these details were obtained by endoscopic and intraoperative US. Although intraoperative fine-needle aspiration cytology of the tumor enabled a diagnosis of islet cell tumor to be made, it failed to provide enough material to evaluate the grade of malignancy, which was confirmed by histologic examination of the enucleated tumor, allowing the appropriate surgical procedure to be decided.  相似文献   

Bolton DM 《BJU international》2010,106(11):1578-1593
??Positron emission tomography (PET) is a diagnostic tool using radiotracers to show changes in metabolic activities in tissues. We analysed the role of PET and PET/computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis, staging, and follow-up of urological tumours. ??A critical, non-structured review of the literature of the role of PET and PET/CT in urological oncology was conducted. ??PET and PET/CT can play a role in the management of urological malignancies. For prostate cancer, the advances in radiotracers seems promising, with novel radiotracers yielding better diagnostic and staging results than 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG). In kidney cancer, PET and PET/CT allow a proper diagnosis before the pathological examination of the surgical specimen. For testis cancer, PET and PET/CT have been shown to be useful in the management of seminoma tumours. In bladder cancer, these scans allow a better initial diagnosis for invasive cancer, while detecting occult metastases. ??PET and its combined modality PET/CT have shown their potential in the diagnosis of urological malignancies. However, further studies are needed to establish the role of PET in the management of these diseases. Future applications of PET may involve fusion techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging with PET.  相似文献   

Pancreatic carcinoma carries a poor prognosis, especially invasive ductal carcinoma of the pancreas. This retrospective study describes the results of the treatment and prognosis for double cancers in which cancer of the pancreas was associated with malignancies in other organs in 12 patients who were diagnosed and treated at Kurume University Hospital. The patients included 4 women and 8 men, with an average age of 67 years. Of the 12 tumors, 7 were metachronous pancreatic cancers which occurred after resections of other organ malignancies. Five patients had synchronous double cancers, one of whom was diagnosed to have gastric cancer on admission. Two other patients of this group were diagnosed to have lung cancer, while the remaining 2 patients suffered from colon cancer. By the time pancreatic cancer was diagnosed, gastrectomies had been performed in 7 patients for either gastric cancer or ulcers. In addition, one patient underwent a hysterectomy for uterine carcinoma and another received a low anterior resection for rectal carcinoma. Four of 5 patients in the synchronous group had nonresectable tumors and a palliative bypass operation was performed in 2 of these patients. Six patients who had metachronous double cancers died because of pancreatic cancer recurrence or metastases. We conclude that the prognosis of double cancers, where cancer of the pancreas is associated with other organ malignancies, primarily depends on the prognosis of the pancreatic carcinoma, and the present study suggests the necessity of long-term follow-up examinations for gastrectomy patients in order to make an early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Received: September 24, 1999 / Accepted: March 24, 2000  相似文献   

We report herein the case of a 75-year-old man who developed anal canal metastasis from squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. Initially, he underwent a right middle and lower lobectomy combined with left atrial wall resection under cardiopulmonary bypass. He presented 3 months later with an anal polyp which had prolapsed and bled, for which he underwent a transanal polypectomy. Histologically, the polyp was classified as squamous cell carcinoma and considered to be a metastasis from the primary lung cancer. He is presently well with no signs of recurrence 9 months after his initial operation. To our knowledge, there has been no other case of anal metastasis from lung cancer ever reported.  相似文献   

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