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克什克腾旗蒙古族民间医生从当地采集的药用植物共有42种、2变种,隶属24科40属。所用的药用植物在药用部位的选择上以花类为主,全部种类中有4种植物有2~3个不同的药用部位。未见百里香Thymus serpyllum的药用记载。  相似文献   

本文通过对比,研究中蒙医药发展密切关系的文献中记载的“草本类”药物,对药用部位的选用方面存在的与中药交叉品种间的异同点进行了对比研究.经整理研究发现,《四部医典》里记载的“草本类”蒙药与中草药交叉使用药材中有漏芦花、秦艽、茵陈、黄柏等10种药材的药用部位使用不同.  相似文献   

新疆厄鲁特蒙古族对植物的药物利用知识包括对植物种类的选择、植物药用部分的选择、功能和主治的认识、药用方法的实践等4个方面。民间药用植物共有42种,隶属于22科、38属。民间选择的药用部位可分为全草类、根及根茎类、茎类、叶类、花类、果实类、其他类等7个类型,根及根茎类和全草类是药用最多的部位。民间对药用植物功能和主治有着一定的认识,但往往不能明确区分植物药用功能和主治。民间对植物的药用方法有着类似炮制、配方、剂型和用药方法的知识和经验;内服药以水煎服为主,外用药以涂搽和洗浴为主。新疆厄鲁特蒙古族民间药用植物知识对寻找药用植物新种类及其方法提供了线索。  相似文献   

在调查阿鲁科尔沁旗蒙古族民间药用植物及相关传统知识的前提下,从植物种类、药用部位、治疗的疾病和用药方法等方面,同蒙药与中草药进行了对比分析。结果表明,有不同程度的一致性的同时,民间药也有它本身的特色而存在某些不一致性。民间药与蒙药的一致性说明了它们属于相同的系统;民间药与中草药的一致性说明了蒙古族和汉族之间存在着传统药知识的交流和文化的渗透现象;而不一致性则反映了当地蒙古族民间药用植物知识的丰富性及进一步深入挖掘的价值。  相似文献   

以植物药为主且同为民族传统医药,中药和蒙药除了各自独特的药用品种外,还有很多交叉应用。本文的目的是整理和对比中药与蒙药对同一基源植物的不同用法,对中药和蒙药的异同点进行系统分析,有助于促进二者的相互借鉴、推广以及新药源的开发。本文通过对比《蒙药正典》、2015年版《中华人民共和国药典》与《中国植物志》,对《蒙药正典》中480种基源植物为高等植物的蒙药进行了分类对比。研究发现,只有蒙药使用的药物为295种;蒙药和中药基源植物与药用部位都相同的药物有138种;基源植物相同而药用部位不同的有47种,可见蒙药中仍有超过半数以上的药物值得中药开发与学习,以树类、汤类及草类药物为主。本文详细列举了这47种植物并探讨了其研究价值。本文可为扩大中药的药用部位、开发新药源提供思路,并且促进中药与蒙药的共同可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文对内蒙古哲里木蒙古族的民间植物药用情况进行了调查,并与蒙医药药用情况进行了对比和分析。调查表明,内蒙古内蒙古哲里木蒙古族的民间药用植物共71种,隶属32科、56属。内蒙古哲里木蒙古族的植物药物利用与其生产生活方式密切相关。相对于蒙医药知识,植物药功能主治的描述单一、笼统,还没有形成医药理论体系。相对于蒙医药,有20种植物无蒙药用记载,是内蒙古哲里木蒙古族的民间医药文化的特色之处。  相似文献   

本文对内蒙古哲里木蒙古族的民间植物药用情况进行了调查,并与蒙医药药用情况进行了对比和分析。调查表明,内蒙古内蒙古内蒙古哲里木蒙古族的民间药用植物共71种,隶属32科、56属。内蒙古哲里木蒙古族的植物药物利用与其生产生活方式密切相关。相对于蒙医药知识,植物药功能主治的描述单一、笼统,还没有形成医药理论体系。相对于蒙医药,有20种植物无蒙药用记载,是内蒙古哲里木蒙古族的民间医药文化的特色之处。  相似文献   

"巴沙嘎"是蒙医常用药材之一,应用历史悠久,具有凉血、止刺痛,解毒之功效。"巴沙嘎"类蒙药复方制剂在临床上疗效显著,被广泛应用在各大蒙医医院。但由于内蒙古各地区传承方式、药用部位不同、植物有异,"巴沙嘎"类蒙药应用中同名异物、同物异名的现象十分明显,导致临床用药混乱,使此类蒙药的安全性和有效性面临着巨大的挑战。为了解"巴沙嘎"类蒙药在蒙药复方制剂中的应用情况,该文通过对近几年的相关文献整理及以蒙成药标准、制剂规范和内蒙古各蒙医医院、蒙中医院制剂室应用情况为依据,收集并整理含"巴沙嘎"类蒙药的复方制剂,对其制剂剂型、入方品种、功能主治、临床应用情况进行统计分析,为今后优化提升"巴沙嘎"类蒙药和蒙成药标准提供参考,提高标准整体水平。为加强"巴沙嘎"类蒙药在复方制剂中的综合开发研究提供基础数据,保证和提高蒙成药处方中"巴沙嘎"类蒙药使用的准确性和临床有效性,从而奠定了"巴沙嘎"类蒙药合理使用及现代研究的基础。  相似文献   

目的调查整理科尔沁沙地民间毛茛科野生蒙药植物,为其合理的开发利用提供依据。方法通过野外调查和查阅大量相关文献资料及相关标本,进行统计整理。结果科尔沁沙地民间毛茛科野生蒙药植物共9属17种,介绍了他们的药用部位、医疗用途、生境分布、资源状况等。结论建议对其中药用价值高、资源丰富,具备开发潜力的6种药用植物进行合理开发。  相似文献   

张传领 《河北中医》2014,(10):1551-1552
《蒙药正典》是传统蒙药学的经典著作,是19世纪蒙药学家占布拉道尔吉用藏文所著,全称《医病甘露无误识别善巧明鉴所现妙状·华丽眼饰》,藏名《色斯日密格占》,蒙名《乌吉斯古楞图尼敦其木格》,又译为《无误蒙药鉴》,1971年被翻译成英文(仅前言部分)[1]。本书是蒙药古籍中对草本类药物论述最全面、最丰富、最具特点的典籍,该书收载药物614种,其中590种附有药图,每种药物名称由蒙、藏、满、汉4种语言纪录,该书被喻为蒙药学中的《本草纲目》,也是现代蒙药研究及蒙药本草考证等不可多得的古籍资料[2]。但是到目前为止,尚无系统研究该书基原植物多样性特征的报道。笔者试图从药用植物种类、生活型特征及药用部位使用3方面对本书所记载的植物进行研究,结果如下。  相似文献   

Tribal and non-tribal inhabitants of Andhra Pradesh used nearly 80 medicinal plants for treating asthma. The tribal people have a strong faith and belief in the traditional health care system, through herbal treatment. Plant species are generally used along with other materials and plant products in different combinations to effective cure. Herbalists reported that plant ingredients are used in the form of dry powder, decoction and juice in the treatment of asthma. The knowledge of most asthma drug plants used in herbal treatment and their method of using them are confined to some of the local healers. Some of the plants mentioned by local healers however, are extensively used nationally in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicines including those to treat asthma. Clinical and pharmacological data are available for these plants. Most of the plants used for treating asthma by local herbalists appear not to have been recorded hitherto.  相似文献   

采用第四次全国中药资源普查中野生重点中药资源调查方法——样方调查法,记录品种种类、数量,采集标本及药材,重点品种测量单株重,统计不同代表区域、植被类型、海拔的样方数,普查共记录药用植物品种703 种,重点品种143 种,占重庆市重点品种的74.5%,隶属于71 科,132 属,野生重点品种128 种,栽培重点品种30 种(包括15 种既有野生也有栽培),其中14 种中药材得到大规模栽培。通过此次普查有助于了解城口县重点药用植物分布情况、生长环境和资源蕴藏量,为中药资源持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:调查了解哲里木蒙古族民间用作药物的野生植物种类、药用部位、所治疗的疾病、用药方法和草原医药的文化特点。方法:采用民族植物学研究方法。结果:当地民间常用的当地野生植物共有69种和2变种;药用部位有全草、地上部分、根、茎、叶、花、果、种子、枝条木质部、根皮等;所治疗的疾病以感冒、咳嗽、发烧、风湿病、胃肠病和皮肤病、冻伤、外伤等当地常见病为主;用药方法包括内服和外用两种。结论:当地蒙古族民间药用植物传统知识和经验沉淀极深,具有浓郁的草原医药的文化特点,对农牧民基础医疗保障仍在发挥作用,但这一知识在迅速流失,应深入调查和挖掘、整理。  相似文献   

The people of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, still depend, to a large extent, on traditional herbal medicine for the treatment of various diseases and ailments. This includes the use of plants for the treatment of wounds. Information collected from the traditional healers, the Sangomas, has revealed 38 plant species that are used for the treatment of wounds in the Province. The plants belong to 26 families of which Asteraceae, Asphodelaceae and Solanaceae are the most represented. The use of plant leaves as a poultice and infusions are the commonest categories of herbal preparations. In all cases, the treatment of wounds involved the external application of the herbal medicine.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to highlight the new or lesser known medicinal uses of plant bioresource along with validation of traditional knowledge that is widely used by the tribal communities to cure four common ailments in Lahaul-Spiti region of western Himalaya. The study area inhabited by Lahaulas and Bodhs (also called as Bhotias), is situated in the cold arid zone of the state of Himachal Pradesh (HP), India. During the ethnobotanical explorations (2002-2006), observations on the most common ailments like rheumatism, stomach problems, liver and sexual disorders among the natives of Lahaul-Spiti were recorded. Due to strong belief in traditional system of medicine, people still prefer to use herbal medicines prescribed by local healers. A total 58 plant species belonging to 45 genera and 24 families have been reported from the study area to cure these diseases. Maximum use of plants is reported to cure stomach disorders (29) followed by rheumatism (18), liver problems (15) and sexual ailments (9). Among plant parts used, leaves were found used in maximum herbal preparations (20) following flowers (12) and roots (11) respectively. Most of these formulations were prescribed in powder form, whereas juice and decoction forms were also used. Plants having more than one therapeutic use were represented with 24 species, however 34 species were reported to be used against single specific ailment. Validation of observations revealed 38 lesser known or new herbal preparations from 34 plant species, where 15 species were used to cure stomach disorders, 7 for rheumatism, 10 for liver disorders and 6 for sexual problems. Mode of preparation, administration and dosage are discussed along with the family and local names of plants and plant parts used.  相似文献   

蒙药本草研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
松林 《世界科学技术》2008,10(1):145-149
本文对蒙药本草研究进行了总结,探讨分析了以下蒙药的研究方向:食疗植物药材的开发、药用植物药用部位的扩增、与其它传统药物的对比研究、与农学结合研究野生药材的引种、筛选、栽培、蒙药本草的历史沿革、传统制剂学的本草考证。  相似文献   

本文对蒙药本草研究进行了总结,探讨分析了以下蒙药的研究方向:食疗植物药材的开发、药用植物药用部位的扩增、与其它传统药物的对比研究、与农学结合研究野生药材的引种、筛选、栽培、蒙药本草的历史沿革、传统制剂学的本草考证。  相似文献   

Traditional medicine in Fiji: some herbal folk cures used by Fiji Indians   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditional medicine has been practised in the South Pacific country of Fiji by almost all ethnic groups, both indigenous and immigrant. This paper reports on a survey on traditional medicinal practices in one major group, the Fiji Indians, who came from India in late 19th and early 20th century. The extent of knowledge and skills possessed by traditional healers and lay people, the plants and plant materials used by them for herbal remedies, parallel uses in India of the various plant species and their biodynamic properties are presented.  相似文献   

AIM OF THE STUDY: Based on the authors' fieldwork in a Sundanese village, Indonesia, this paper aimed to elucidate the roles of herbal medicine in treatment of illnesses and to report medicinal plants and their uses, comparing with those mentioned in the encyclopedic book series of Plant Resources of South-East Asia (PROSEA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Interview survey was conducted for all of the 19 herbalist healers about their therapies for the past 1-month period, and the medicinal plants used were botanically identified. For 70 non-healer households, treatments for all members' illness episodes in the past 1-month period were asked. RESULTS: Medicinal plants were used in two-thirds of illness cases, either through the villagers' self-treatment (60.9%) or by the healers (6.5%). The healers made 96 therapies for illnesses (classified into 23 categories), using 117 plant species. There were 257 types of illness-plant pairs, and only 114 of them (44.4%) were judged conformed to those mentioned in the PROSEA. CONCLUSION: Sundanese villagers have depended heavily on herbal medicine, and high proportion of non-conformed illness-plant pairs suggests necessity of further studies about Sundanese medicinal plants, particularly their pharmacological effects.  相似文献   

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