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目的 探讨不同液体术前急性高容量血液稀释(AHH)对深静脉血栓病人血液流变学的影响.方法 拟行股静脉取栓术病人30例,年龄40~64岁,栓塞时问<48 h,随机分为3组(n=10):生理盐水组(NS组)、羟乙基淀粉组(HES组)和琥珀酰明胶组(GEL组).麻醉诱导前分别静脉输注生理盐水、6%羟乙基淀粉(HES,200/0.5)或琥珀酰明胶40 min,输注速率20 ml·kg-1·h-1.分别于AHH 前、后即刻采集静脉血样5 ml,测定全血粘度高切变率、全血粘度低切变率、血浆粘度、红细胞压积、红细胞聚集指数和变形指数,并记录MAP、HR和SpO2.记录术中输液量和输血量.结果 AHH前、后三组血液动力学指标均在正常范围内.与NS组比较,HES组AHH后即刻全血粘度高切变率、全血牯度低切变率和红细胞聚集指数降低,血浆粘度和红细胞变形指数升高,GEL组AHH后即刻全血粘度高切变率和低切变率降低,血浆粘度升高(P<0.05或0.01);与HES组比较,GEL组全血粘度低切变率、红细胞聚集指数升高,红细胞变形指数降低(P<0.01).结论 6%羟乙基淀粉(200/0.5)和琥珀酰明胶术前AHH改善深静脉血栓病人血液流变学状态的效果优于生理盐水,且6%羟乙基淀粉的效果更优,可改善该类病人血液流动缓慢和血液高凝状态,降低了再次发生血栓的危险.#  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effects of acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH) with different fluids on blood rheology in patients with deep vein (femoral and iliac) thrombosis. Methods Thirty ASA I or II patients aged 40-64 yr who had developed deep vein thrombosis in 48 h and were scheduled for embolectomy were randomly divided into 3 groups ( n = 10 each) ; group I normal saline (NS) ; group II 6 % HES 200/0.5 ( HES) ; group IE gelofusine (GEL). AHH was performed with normal saline, 6% HES or gelofusine infusion at 20 ml·kg-1 ·h-1 for 40 min. MAP, HR and SpO2 were monitored. Blood loss, volume of blood transfusion and fluid infused and urine output during operation were recorded. Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl 3-5 fig/kg, etomidate 0.15-0.30 mg/kg, propofol 1-2 mg/kg and succinylcholine 1-2 mg/kg and maintained with 2% isoflurane and propofol infusion at 5-8 mg·kg-1·h-1 and intermittent iv boluses of vecuronium. The patients were mechanically ventilated (VT 8 ml/kg, RR 12 bpm). PaO2 and PaCO2 were maintained within normal range. Venous blood samples were obtained before and after AHH for measurement of hematocrit (Hct), whole blood viscocity (WBV) at low or high shear rates, plasma viscosity, RBC aggregation and RBC deformation. RBC aggregation index and RBC deformation index were calculated. Results MAP and HR were stable in all patients. The amount of blood transfusion and fluid infused was significantly less in group HES and GEL than in group NS. The WBV at low or high shear rates in group HES and GEL, Hct in all 3 groups and RBC aggregation index in group HES were significantly decreased after AHH, but the RBC deformation index was significantly increased in group HES. Conclusion Colloid is better than crystalloid and HES is better than gelofusine in improving intraoperative hypercoagulability and sluggish blood flow.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effects of acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH) with different fluids on blood rheology in patients with deep vein (femoral and iliac) thrombosis. Methods Thirty ASA I or II patients aged 40-64 yr who had developed deep vein thrombosis in 48 h and were scheduled for embolectomy were randomly divided into 3 groups ( n = 10 each) ; group I normal saline (NS) ; group II 6 % HES 200/0.5 ( HES) ; group IE gelofusine (GEL). AHH was performed with normal saline, 6% HES or gelofusine infusion at 20 ml·kg-1 ·h-1 for 40 min. MAP, HR and SpO2 were monitored. Blood loss, volume of blood transfusion and fluid infused and urine output during operation were recorded. Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl 3-5 fig/kg, etomidate 0.15-0.30 mg/kg, propofol 1-2 mg/kg and succinylcholine 1-2 mg/kg and maintained with 2% isoflurane and propofol infusion at 5-8 mg·kg-1·h-1 and intermittent iv boluses of vecuronium. The patients were mechanically ventilated (VT 8 ml/kg, RR 12 bpm). PaO2 and PaCO2 were maintained within normal range. Venous blood samples were obtained before and after AHH for measurement of hematocrit (Hct), whole blood viscocity (WBV) at low or high shear rates, plasma viscosity, RBC aggregation and RBC deformation. RBC aggregation index and RBC deformation index were calculated. Results MAP and HR were stable in all patients. The amount of blood transfusion and fluid infused was significantly less in group HES and GEL than in group NS. The WBV at low or high shear rates in group HES and GEL, Hct in all 3 groups and RBC aggregation index in group HES were significantly decreased after AHH, but the RBC deformation index was significantly increased in group HES. Conclusion Colloid is better than crystalloid and HES is better than gelofusine in improving intraoperative hypercoagulability and sluggish blood flow.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effects of acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH) with different fluids on blood rheology in patients with deep vein (femoral and iliac) thrombosis. Methods Thirty ASA I or II patients aged 40-64 yr who had developed deep vein thrombosis in 48 h and were scheduled for embolectomy were randomly divided into 3 groups ( n = 10 each) ; group I normal saline (NS) ; group II 6 % HES 200/0.5 ( HES) ; group IE gelofusine (GEL). AHH was performed with normal saline, 6% HES or gelofusine infusion at 20 ml·kg-1 ·h-1 for 40 min. MAP, HR and SpO2 were monitored. Blood loss, volume of blood transfusion and fluid infused and urine output during operation were recorded. Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl 3-5 fig/kg, etomidate 0.15-0.30 mg/kg, propofol 1-2 mg/kg and succinylcholine 1-2 mg/kg and maintained with 2% isoflurane and propofol infusion at 5-8 mg·kg-1·h-1 and intermittent iv boluses of vecuronium. The patients were mechanically ventilated (VT 8 ml/kg, RR 12 bpm). PaO2 and PaCO2 were maintained within normal range. Venous blood samples were obtained before and after AHH for measurement of hematocrit (Hct), whole blood viscocity (WBV) at low or high shear rates, plasma viscosity, RBC aggregation and RBC deformation. RBC aggregation index and RBC deformation index were calculated. Results MAP and HR were stable in all patients. The amount of blood transfusion and fluid infused was significantly less in group HES and GEL than in group NS. The WBV at low or high shear rates in group HES and GEL, Hct in all 3 groups and RBC aggregation index in group HES were significantly decreased after AHH, but the RBC deformation index was significantly increased in group HES. Conclusion Colloid is better than crystalloid and HES is better than gelofusine in improving intraoperative hypercoagulability and sluggish blood flow.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effects of acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH) with different fluids on blood rheology in patients with deep vein (femoral and iliac) thrombosis. Methods Thirty ASA I or II patients aged 40-64 yr who had developed deep vein thrombosis in 48 h and were scheduled for embolectomy were randomly divided into 3 groups ( n = 10 each) ; group I normal saline (NS) ; group II 6 % HES 200/0.5 ( HES) ; group IE gelofusine (GEL). AHH was performed with normal saline, 6% HES or gelofusine infusion at 20 ml·kg-1 ·h-1 for 40 min. MAP, HR and SpO2 were monitored. Blood loss, volume of blood transfusion and fluid infused and urine output during operation were recorded. Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl 3-5 fig/kg, etomidate 0.15-0.30 mg/kg, propofol 1-2 mg/kg and succinylcholine 1-2 mg/kg and maintained with 2% isoflurane and propofol infusion at 5-8 mg·kg-1·h-1 and intermittent iv boluses of vecuronium. The patients were mechanically ventilated (VT 8 ml/kg, RR 12 bpm). PaO2 and PaCO2 were maintained within normal range. Venous blood samples were obtained before and after AHH for measurement of hematocrit (Hct), whole blood viscocity (WBV) at low or high shear rates, plasma viscosity, RBC aggregation and RBC deformation. RBC aggregation index and RBC deformation index were calculated. Results MAP and HR were stable in all patients. The amount of blood transfusion and fluid infused was significantly less in group HES and GEL than in group NS. The WBV at low or high shear rates in group HES and GEL, Hct in all 3 groups and RBC aggregation index in group HES were significantly decreased after AHH, but the RBC deformation index was significantly increased in group HES. Conclusion Colloid is better than crystalloid and HES is better than gelofusine in improving intraoperative hypercoagulability and sluggish blood flow.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effects of acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH) with different fluids on blood rheology in patients with deep vein (femoral and iliac) thrombosis. Methods Thirty ASA I or II patients aged 40-64 yr who had developed deep vein thrombosis in 48 h and were scheduled for embolectomy were randomly divided into 3 groups ( n = 10 each) ; group I normal saline (NS) ; group II 6 % HES 200/0.5 ( HES) ; group IE gelofusine (GEL). AHH was performed with normal saline, 6% HES or gelofusine infusion at 20 ml·kg-1 ·h-1 for 40 min. MAP, HR and SpO2 were monitored. Blood loss, volume of blood transfusion and fluid infused and urine output during operation were recorded. Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl 3-5 fig/kg, etomidate 0.15-0.30 mg/kg, propofol 1-2 mg/kg and succinylcholine 1-2 mg/kg and maintained with 2% isoflurane and propofol infusion at 5-8 mg·kg-1·h-1 and intermittent iv boluses of vecuronium. The patients were mechanically ventilated (VT 8 ml/kg, RR 12 bpm). PaO2 and PaCO2 were maintained within normal range. Venous blood samples were obtained before and after AHH for measurement of hematocrit (Hct), whole blood viscocity (WBV) at low or high shear rates, plasma viscosity, RBC aggregation and RBC deformation. RBC aggregation index and RBC deformation index were calculated. Results MAP and HR were stable in all patients. The amount of blood transfusion and fluid infused was significantly less in group HES and GEL than in group NS. The WBV at low or high shear rates in group HES and GEL, Hct in all 3 groups and RBC aggregation index in group HES were significantly decreased after AHH, but the RBC deformation index was significantly increased in group HES. Conclusion Colloid is better than crystalloid and HES is better than gelofusine in improving intraoperative hypercoagulability and sluggish blood flow.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effects of acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH) with different fluids on blood rheology in patients with deep vein (femoral and iliac) thrombosis. Methods Thirty ASA I or II patients aged 40-64 yr who had developed deep vein thrombosis in 48 h and were scheduled for embolectomy were randomly divided into 3 groups ( n = 10 each) ; group I normal saline (NS) ; group II 6 % HES 200/0.5 ( HES) ; group IE gelofusine (GEL). AHH was performed with normal saline, 6% HES or gelofusine infusion at 20 ml·kg-1 ·h-1 for 40 min. MAP, HR and SpO2 were monitored. Blood loss, volume of blood transfusion and fluid infused and urine output during operation were recorded. Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl 3-5 fig/kg, etomidate 0.15-0.30 mg/kg, propofol 1-2 mg/kg and succinylcholine 1-2 mg/kg and maintained with 2% isoflurane and propofol infusion at 5-8 mg·kg-1·h-1 and intermittent iv boluses of vecuronium. The patients were mechanically ventilated (VT 8 ml/kg, RR 12 bpm). PaO2 and PaCO2 were maintained within normal range. Venous blood samples were obtained before and after AHH for measurement of hematocrit (Hct), whole blood viscocity (WBV) at low or high shear rates, plasma viscosity, RBC aggregation and RBC deformation. RBC aggregation index and RBC deformation index were calculated. Results MAP and HR were stable in all patients. The amount of blood transfusion and fluid infused was significantly less in group HES and GEL than in group NS. The WBV at low or high shear rates in group HES and GEL, Hct in all 3 groups and RBC aggregation index in group HES were significantly decreased after AHH, but the RBC deformation index was significantly increased in group HES. Conclusion Colloid is better than crystalloid and HES is better than gelofusine in improving intraoperative hypercoagulability and sluggish blood flow.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effects of acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH) with different fluids on blood rheology in patients with deep vein (femoral and iliac) thrombosis. Methods Thirty ASA I or II patients aged 40-64 yr who had developed deep vein thrombosis in 48 h and were scheduled for embolectomy were randomly divided into 3 groups ( n = 10 each) ; group I normal saline (NS) ; group II 6 % HES 200/0.5 ( HES) ; group IE gelofusine (GEL). AHH was performed with normal saline, 6% HES or gelofusine infusion at 20 ml·kg-1 ·h-1 for 40 min. MAP, HR and SpO2 were monitored. Blood loss, volume of blood transfusion and fluid infused and urine output during operation were recorded. Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl 3-5 fig/kg, etomidate 0.15-0.30 mg/kg, propofol 1-2 mg/kg and succinylcholine 1-2 mg/kg and maintained with 2% isoflurane and propofol infusion at 5-8 mg·kg-1·h-1 and intermittent iv boluses of vecuronium. The patients were mechanically ventilated (VT 8 ml/kg, RR 12 bpm). PaO2 and PaCO2 were maintained within normal range. Venous blood samples were obtained before and after AHH for measurement of hematocrit (Hct), whole blood viscocity (WBV) at low or high shear rates, plasma viscosity, RBC aggregation and RBC deformation. RBC aggregation index and RBC deformation index were calculated. Results MAP and HR were stable in all patients. The amount of blood transfusion and fluid infused was significantly less in group HES and GEL than in group NS. The WBV at low or high shear rates in group HES and GEL, Hct in all 3 groups and RBC aggregation index in group HES were significantly decreased after AHH, but the RBC deformation index was significantly increased in group HES. Conclusion Colloid is better than crystalloid and HES is better than gelofusine in improving intraoperative hypercoagulability and sluggish blood flow.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effects of acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH) with different fluids on blood rheology in patients with deep vein (femoral and iliac) thrombosis. Methods Thirty ASA I or II patients aged 40-64 yr who had developed deep vein thrombosis in 48 h and were scheduled for embolectomy were randomly divided into 3 groups ( n = 10 each) ; group I normal saline (NS) ; group II 6 % HES 200/0.5 ( HES) ; group IE gelofusine (GEL). AHH was performed with normal saline, 6% HES or gelofusine infusion at 20 ml·kg-1 ·h-1 for 40 min. MAP, HR and SpO2 were monitored. Blood loss, volume of blood transfusion and fluid infused and urine output during operation were recorded. Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl 3-5 fig/kg, etomidate 0.15-0.30 mg/kg, propofol 1-2 mg/kg and succinylcholine 1-2 mg/kg and maintained with 2% isoflurane and propofol infusion at 5-8 mg·kg-1·h-1 and intermittent iv boluses of vecuronium. The patients were mechanically ventilated (VT 8 ml/kg, RR 12 bpm). PaO2 and PaCO2 were maintained within normal range. Venous blood samples were obtained before and after AHH for measurement of hematocrit (Hct), whole blood viscocity (WBV) at low or high shear rates, plasma viscosity, RBC aggregation and RBC deformation. RBC aggregation index and RBC deformation index were calculated. Results MAP and HR were stable in all patients. The amount of blood transfusion and fluid infused was significantly less in group HES and GEL than in group NS. The WBV at low or high shear rates in group HES and GEL, Hct in all 3 groups and RBC aggregation index in group HES were significantly decreased after AHH, but the RBC deformation index was significantly increased in group HES. Conclusion Colloid is better than crystalloid and HES is better than gelofusine in improving intraoperative hypercoagulability and sluggish blood flow.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effects of acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH) with different fluids on blood rheology in patients with deep vein (femoral and iliac) thrombosis. Methods Thirty ASA I or II patients aged 40-64 yr who had developed deep vein thrombosis in 48 h and were scheduled for embolectomy were randomly divided into 3 groups ( n = 10 each) ; group I normal saline (NS) ; group II 6 % HES 200/0.5 ( HES) ; group IE gelofusine (GEL). AHH was performed with normal saline, 6% HES or gelofusine infusion at 20 ml·kg-1 ·h-1 for 40 min. MAP, HR and SpO2 were monitored. Blood loss, volume of blood transfusion and fluid infused and urine output during operation were recorded. Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl 3-5 fig/kg, etomidate 0.15-0.30 mg/kg, propofol 1-2 mg/kg and succinylcholine 1-2 mg/kg and maintained with 2% isoflurane and propofol infusion at 5-8 mg·kg-1·h-1 and intermittent iv boluses of vecuronium. The patients were mechanically ventilated (VT 8 ml/kg, RR 12 bpm). PaO2 and PaCO2 were maintained within normal range. Venous blood samples were obtained before and after AHH for measurement of hematocrit (Hct), whole blood viscocity (WBV) at low or high shear rates, plasma viscosity, RBC aggregation and RBC deformation. RBC aggregation index and RBC deformation index were calculated. Results MAP and HR were stable in all patients. The amount of blood transfusion and fluid infused was significantly less in group HES and GEL than in group NS. The WBV at low or high shear rates in group HES and GEL, Hct in all 3 groups and RBC aggregation index in group HES were significantly decreased after AHH, but the RBC deformation index was significantly increased in group HES. Conclusion Colloid is better than crystalloid and HES is better than gelofusine in improving intraoperative hypercoagulability and sluggish blood flow.  相似文献   

目的 探讨急性高容量血液稀释(AHH)对深静脉血栓患者凝血功能的影响.方法 30例股静脉血栓行取栓术患者随机分为三组,入手术室以20 mg·kg <'1>·h<'1>的速度输注6%羟乙基淀粉200/0.5(H组)、琥珀酰明胶(G组)、生理盐水(R组)40 min.观察AHH前后血小板计数(Plt)、血小板聚集功能(PAG)、凝血酶原时间(PT)、活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)及纤维蛋白原(FIB)变化.结果 AHH后H组Plt明显低于AHH前和G、R组(P<0.05或P<0.01);APTT明显长于AHH前和G、R组(P<0.05或P<0.01);AHH后H组PAG明显低于AHH前和R组(P<0.05);AHH后G组FIB明显低于AHH前和H、R组(P<0.01).结论 AHH后胶体液较晶体液对深静脉血栓患者凝血功能影响明显,可改善患者术中血液高凝状态.  相似文献   

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