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目的:探讨腮腺多形性腺瘤(pleomorphic adenoma,PA)的MRI特征,以提高术前诊断的准确性.方法:回顾性分析2005-2011年间17例经手术后病理检查证实的腮腺多形性腺瘤的MRI平扫加增强表现,其中男6例,女11例:年龄27~70岁,平均50岁.结果:17例患者的17个病灶均为边界清晰肿块,12例有分叶,16例可见包膜.病灶的最大径为1.0~6.3cm,平均2.6cm.与正常肌组织信号相比,肿瘤在T1WI呈等或略低信号,T2WI压脂相呈明显高信号o6例见囊变,2例有钙化影.增强后扫描,17个病灶均有明显延迟强化,其中,4例为均匀强化,13例呈不均匀强化.结论:腮腺单发孤立性病灶,MRI表现为边界清楚、有分叶、可见囊变(或)钙化、有包膜、增强扫描有明显延迟强化特点的肿块,应多考虑PA的可能.  相似文献   

腮腺浅叶多形性腺瘤改良术式的临床疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨腮腺浅叶多形性腺瘤改良术式的临床效果.方法:腮腺多形性腺瘤102例行肿瘤及部分腺体切除术(改良组)与102例腮腺浅叶肿瘤切除术(对照组)比较其术后并发症.结果:随访1~10年,随访率93.1%,两组病例术后均无复发,改良组术后并发症明显低于对照组(p<0.05).结论:腮腺多形性腺瘤及部分腺体切除术治疗腮腺浅叶多形性腺瘤较传统的肿瘤及腮腺浅叶切除术比较具明显优势.  相似文献   

目的:探讨腮腺腺淋巴瘤的临床、MRI及病理表现的特点。方法:回顾性分析经手术及组织病理学证实的26例腮腺腺淋巴瘤患者的MRI影像学特征及其相关病理学改变。结果:26例患者年龄45~82岁,平均54.5岁。吸烟者23例(88.5%),男女比例5.5:1。双侧发病8例,占30.8%。共有病灶34个,其中位于腮腺后下极者31个(91.2%)。MRI检查结果31个(91.2%)病灶在T1WI为中等偏低信号,局部见更低信号;29个(85.3%)病灶在T2WI表现为高等混杂信号。所有病例增强扫描后均有不同程度不均匀强化,稍高于正常腮腺。结论:腮腺腺淋巴瘤好发于50岁以上的男性患者,与吸烟关系密切,多位于腮腺后下极,有双侧多发的特点,MRI检查更利于术前诊断。  相似文献   

目的:比较腮腺多形性腺瘤区域性切除术与浅叶切除术两种术式的术后复发率及并发症发生情况,为临床合理选择术式提供参考依据。方法:总结2002-01—2008-06期间收治的腮腺多形性腺瘤81例,其中54例行腮腺区域性切除术,27例行腮腺浅叶切除术,随访3~9年。回顾性分析腮腺多形性腺瘤区域性切除术与浅叶切除术两种术式的术后复发率及并发症发生情况。结果:采用腮腺区域性切除手术的病例术后面瘫、Frey综合征、涎瘘的发生率均低于腮腺浅叶切除术,而肿瘤的复发率无明显差异。结论:区域性切除术手术创伤小,并发症少,还可以保存腮腺一定的功能,可作为腮腺多形性腺瘤临床治疗的首选术式。  相似文献   

腮腺多形性腺瘤术后复发11例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨腮腺多形性腺瘤术后复发的相关因素及临床治疗方法。方法:对11例腮腺多形性腺瘤术后复发病例进行回顾性分析。结果:11例复发病例第2次手术分别采用浅叶切除术、腮腺全切术、扩大切除术。11例中有5例首次术后病理报告为富有细胞型多形性腺瘤,占45.5%;有2例恶变(18%)者术后已辅以放疗。二次手术后随访3~15年,除1例多形性腺瘤恶变者第2次手术后5年复发,其余病例二次术后均未见复发。腮腺多形性腺瘤复发与组织学类型及术式关系密切,富于细胞者易复发,手术越简单其复发率越高。结论:不规范的手术方法是导致腮腺多形性腺瘤复发的直接原因。  相似文献   

目的 比较腮腺多形性腺瘤区域性切除术与浅叶切除术两种术式的术后复发率及并发症发生情况,为临床合理选择术式提供依据.方法 总结1998年1月~2004年6月间收治的腮腺多形性腺瘤61例,其中24例采用腮腺区域性切除术,37例行腮腺浅叶切除术,随访时间3~9年.结果 采用腮腺区域性切除手术的病例术后面瘫、Frey综合征、涎瘘的发生率均低于腮腺浅叶切除术,而肿瘤的复发率无明显差异.结论 区域性切除术手术创伤小,并发症少,还可以保存腮腺一定的功能,可作为腮腺多形性腺瘤临床治疗的首选术式.  相似文献   

目的探讨腮腺多形性腺瘤的治疗方法。方法通过对1992—2009年江苏省徐州市第六人民医院口腔科收治的148例腮腺多形性腺瘤患者的临床资料进行总结,比较分析腮腺浅叶切除术(88例患者)与腮腺区域性切除术(60例患者)两种术式治疗腮腺多形性腺瘤的效果。结果采用腮腺区域性切除术治疗的病例,术后瘢痕、局部凹陷畸形、暂时性面瘫、涎瘘、Frey综合征及腮腺功能等方面明显优于采用腮腺浅叶切除术的病例。两种术式的术后复发率差异无统计学意义。结论应根据肿瘤的部位及大小选择不同的术式,对界限清楚、体积较小的腮腺浅叶多形性腺瘤应尽量采用腮腺区域性切除术,预防面部凹陷畸形,减少并发症;对过大或边界不清的肿瘤仍宜采用传统腮腺浅叶切除术,以减少复发。  相似文献   

腮腺多形性腺瘤的典型术式是保留面神经的腮腺浅叶及全叶切除术。本文就经病理学证实的86例腮腺多形性腺瘤手术后并发涎瘘及面瘫的原因、处理等进行分析及探讨。1临床资料1.1性别与年龄男性39例,女性47例。年龄最小16岁,最大70岁,平均年龄37.2岁1....  相似文献   

功能性腮腺浅叶切除术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
腮腺浅叶良性肿瘤临床上十分常见 ,尤以腮腺多形性腺瘤为多。根据现有教科书的手术方法和作者的习惯 ,在切除多形性腺瘤时需将腮腺浅叶切除 ,同时结扎并切除腮腺导管。我们在腮腺浅叶切除时试保留腮腺导管 ,使深叶腮腺功能得以保留 ,故称之为功能性腮腺浅叶切除术。 1990年以来我们采用此法对 32例腮腺浅叶多形性腺瘤实施手术 ,并与前期行常规腮腺浅叶切除术的病例进行对照。1 材料与方法1.1 病例选择1990年以来我院收治的腮腺浅叶多形性腺瘤患者 32例 ,均经术后病理诊断确诊。年龄 2 5~ 5 6岁 ,其中男性 17例 ,女性 15例。病史 1~ 10年…  相似文献   

基质金属蛋白酶-2、CD44v6在腮腺多形性腺瘤中的表达研究,涎腺内镜对慢性阻塞性涎腺炎的诊治价值,保留腮腺导管的腮腺浅叶良性肿瘤手术67例临床总结,腮腺肿物231例临床诊断和治疗分析,p16、p21在涎腺多形性腺瘤及恶性多形性腺瘤中的表达[编者按]  相似文献   

腮腺浅叶肿瘤切除术中腮腺主导管存留的临床评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日的:评价腮腺浅叶肿瘤切除术中腮腺主导管保留的临术效果.方法:对66例临床诊断为腮腺浅叶良性肿瘤的病例,作解剖和保存面神经及腮腺主导管,切除腮腺浅叶及其肿瘤术.结果:(1)术后无肿瘤复发,(2)术侧无明显凹陷性畸形,(3)术后涎瘘明显减少.结论:腮腺主导管及其深叶的保留与肿瘤复发无关,该术式适应腮腺浅叶及峡部的良性肿瘤.  相似文献   

Ultrasound (US) is a valuable technique for the assessment of salivary gland disease and regional nodes. When used in combination with fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) or core biopsy it has a high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of tumours. The role of additional cross-sectional imaging (computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance (MR)) to help with the diagnosis of benign parotid tumours is questionable except when there is deep lobe extension or the suggestion of malignancy. We investigated 37 FNAC-confirmed benign parotid tumours in patients who had undergone both US and CT or MRI investigations, to find out whether cross-sectional imaging had provided any further useful diagnostic information before operation. Three patients had bilateral Warthin tumours. Tumours ranged in size from 11 to 45 mm (mean 22). Of the 37 patients 35 (95%) had a clearly delineated mass in the superficial lobe of the parotid on US and no further information was gained from additional CT or MRI. On US 34 patients (92%) had features suggestive of a benign tumour, and three had features suggestive of malignancy but these were found to be benign on FNAC and after operation. CT or MRI confirmed these suspicious findings. In two different patients the deep margin was not visible on US (suggestive of deep lobe extension) and this was confirmed on MRI. The mean time delay between US and CT or MRI was four weeks (range 1-44). These results suggest that additional imaging is not required in most patients with a sonographically and FNAC confirmed benign lesion confined to the superficial lobe of the parotid and confirmed by FNAC or biopsy examination.  相似文献   

目的:探讨保存功能性外科在腮腺深叶肿瘤切除术中的应用及疗效。方法:17例腮腺深叶良性肿瘤患者,其中位于深叶者12例,累及浅深2叶者5例,直径均≤3 cm。采用制备筋膜腺体瓣并预留出将要切除的肿瘤及周围腺体的方法,完整切除腮腺深叶及肿瘤同时保存腮腺浅叶功能。结果:全部患者的手术均顺利完成,创口均Ⅰ期愈合,无涎瘘,外形满意;暂时性面瘫发生2例(11.76%)。17例均获随访,随访时间6~24个月,平均11个月。未见肿瘤复发;面瘫基本消失。结论:应用功能性腮腺切除术治疗腮腺深叶良性肿瘤能有效保存腺体功能,减少面部凹陷畸形及味觉出汗综合征等并发症。  相似文献   

A 45 year old man presented with a swelling on the right side of his face of 12 months duration. Subsequent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans revealed he did in fact have two discrete tumours of his right parotid gland. Following a superficial parotidectomy and dissection of the deep lobe, histopathology revealed both tumours to be pleomorphic adenomas. We discuss the clinicopathological findings and implications in contemporary surgical management of parotid neoplasms.  相似文献   

This article reports the surgical resection of clinically benign tumours in the maxillomandibular deep lobe of the parotid gland via sternocleidomastoid muscle–parotid space (SPS) approach. The use of maxillary–mandibular planes to subdivide the deep lobe of the parotid gland in order to establish the tumour location and accessibility is introduced. This approach, which does not raise a skin flap, may preserve the superficial lobe. Ten patients with clinically benign tumours in the maxillomandibular deep lobe of the parotid gland were treated via the SPS approach. The patients were followed up for 3–5 years and the surgical outcomes were analysed. All tumours were completely enucleated via the SPS approach with an optimal aesthetic outcome. No permanent facial weakness or tumour recurrence was identified during the 3–5 years of follow-up. The SPS approach to surgical resection is an ideal option for clinically benign tumours in the maxillomandibular deep lobe of the parotid gland and demonstrates good results.  相似文献   

Selective deep lobe parotidectomy is a demanding technique, but it preserves healthy glandular tissue, improves cosmetic results and minimises the incidence of Frey's syndrome. We have evaluated postoperative function of the superficial lobe of the parotid after selective resection of the deep lobe. Fourteen patients who each had a mass involving the deep lobe of the parotid were selected from 127 patients with tumours of the parotid gland who were seen and treated between January 2001 and March 2004. Of the 14, 12 matched the study criteria. The preoperative diagnosis was made using both computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound or fine needle aspiration cytology, and the diagnosis was confirmed by histological analysis. All cases were treated by the same surgeon. At 6 months follow-up all patients had a House-Brackmann test, iodine starch test, and scintigraphy of both parotid glands. After scintigraphy the maximum uptake value and function of the gland were evaluated with the concentration index (CI) and the CI percentage ratio. The concentration function of the gland in the resected side of the study group had a mean (S.D.) CI index of 5.5 (3.6) and a CI percentage ratio of 84%. Selective deep lobe parotidectomy has the following advantages: it minimises the impact of treatment on the facial contour, it does not increase postoperative morbidity and it preserves the function of the gland.  相似文献   

保留腮腺主导管腮腺浅叶切除术的临床应用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
目的 探讨保留腮腺主导管腮腺浅叶切除的临床应用。方法 对 110例临床诊断为腮腺良性肿瘤或多形性腺瘤的病例作保留腮腺主导管腮腺浅叶加肿瘤切除手术。结果  10 6例病例得到 1~ 4年的随访。随访率96.3 %。无一例病例发生肿瘤复发。结论 腮腺肿瘤的复发和深叶腮腺组织剩留无内在联系。手术关键是保存有足够的安全切缘 ,严格掌握适应证和术中的准确操作。适合于位于腮腺浅叶、峡部和下极的良性肿瘤和临界瘤  相似文献   

Oncocytoma is a rare salivary gland tumour consisting of oncocytes with many hyperplastic mitochondria. It usually occurs in the parotid gland. Because the features of oncocytoma resemble those of other benign and low-grade-malignant salivary gland tumours, clinical diagnosis is often challenging. This report presents the pathologic and imaging findings of an oncocytoma arising in the deep lobe of the left parotid gland in a 66-year-old man. Oncocytoma was diagnosed on the basis of histological, magnetic resonance imaging, and scintigraphic findings. The tumour showed accumulation of technetium-99m pertechnetate and decreased signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted magnetic resonance images.  相似文献   

目的:对腮腺行部分切除术治疗腮腺浅叶多形性腺瘤的手术疗效经进行系统评估。方法:回顾分析2006~2010年我科诊治的128例腮腺浅叶多形性腺瘤患者,其中60例患者采用腮腺部分切除术的为A组,68例患者采用腮腺浅叶切除术的为B组,比较两组患者的手术切口长度、手术时间和术后并发症,从而判定手术疗效以及患者术后功能恢复状况。结果:与B组相比,A组患者的手术时间短,切口小,具有统计学差异(P〈0.05),且A组患者术后各项并发症发生率低,具有统计学差异(P〈O.05)。结论:腮腺部分切除术手术创伤小、并发症少,疗效优于浅叶切除术。目前可作为治疗腮腺浅叶多形性腺瘤的较好方法。  相似文献   

Lipoma of the parotid gland is a rare clinical entity. Because of the rarity, they are not often considered in the differential diagnosis of parotid tumors. Lipoma of the parotid gland constitutes around 3% of all parotid tumors. These are asymptomatic and occur both in the deep and the superficial lobe of the parotid.1 The most favored age group is from the fifth to sixth decade of life and is 10 times more common in the males.6  相似文献   

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