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活体肝移植围手术期处理   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 总结活体肝移植围手术期处理的经验。方法 对该院2001年1月至2002年12月完成的15例次(13例)活体肝移植围手术期的处理情况进行回顾性分析。结果 所有病例手术均获成功。13例供体术后均顺利康复.除1例在手术后1个月因拔除T管发生胆瘘外.其余均未出现严重并发症;受体生存率为92.3%(12/13).已健康生存2个月~2年;移植物存活率为86.7%(13/15)。1例成人肝豆状核变性患者于术后72d死于不可逆转的严重排斥反应。术后并发肝动脉血栓形成2例.另1例再次行减体积肝移植.1例再次行全肝移植,均获长期生存;发生严重排斥反应1例,ARDS2例.细菌和(或)病毒感染6例,大量胸腔积液7例.胆瘘1例。结论 围手术期处理是活体肝移植术的关键之一,完善的围手术期处理是肝移植成功的必要条件。  相似文献   

目的 报告3例活体供肝肝移植成功的初步经验。方法 回顾性分析1例肝细胞癌伴肝硬化、1例先天性肝内胆汁淤积症及1例药物性肝炎病人活体供肝肝移植经过和供受体恢复情况。结果 供肝均取自病人父亲,1例为右半肝,另2例为扩大左外叶,供肝重量分别为835g、295g及320g。第1例供体术后有一过性黄疸,且有轻度胆漏,另2例供体术后恢复顺利,无手术并发症。3例病人手术均顺利,1例成人一成人活体供肝肝移植胆道重建为胆管端端吻合,术后定期行全身化疗预防肿瘤复发。2例成人-儿童活体供肝肝移植胆道重建为胆管、空肠Roux-en-Y吻合。3例病人均行肝静脉整形以保证静脉回流通畅。随访至今,供受体已分别健康生存16、14、13个月。结论 严格的病例选择,完善的术前准备,精细的手术操作及正确的术后处理是活体供肝肝移植成功的关键。  相似文献   

亲体部分肝移植治疗Wilson病20例报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨亲体部分肝移植治疗肝豆状核变性病 (Wilson病 )的价值。方法 2 0 0 1年 1月至 2 0 0 3年 10月 ,我院连续为 2 0例Wilson病患者成功施行亲体部分肝移植术 ,男性 8例 ,女性 12例 ,年龄 7~ 2 0岁 ,平均 11 1岁。 3例是暴发性肝功能衰竭 ,17例慢性进行性肝损害。供肝者为患者父亲或母亲。结果供受体手术顺利 ,术后 1个月肝功能和铜蓝蛋白恢复正常水平。 19例病人健康存活 ,1例术后 72d死于排斥反应。术后并发症包括 :醒状昏迷 1例 ,肝动脉血栓形成 1例 ,创面胆漏 1例 ,平均随访 18 9个月。结论亲体部分肝移植是治疗Wilson病并发肝功能衰竭的有效疗法。  相似文献   

目的 总结开展活体肝移植的临床经验,探讨进一步提高活体肝移植疗效的措施.方法 回顾性分析我院22例活体肝移植供受体的临床资料,总结术前评估过程、手术方法和术后并发症的情况.结果 本组获取的供肝移植物包括左外叶2例、左半肝6例、扩大左半肝1例、右半肝5例和扩大右半肝8例.所有供体术后恢复顺利,未出现严重并发症.22例受体中成年患者13例,儿童患者9例.围手术期发生并发症8例,包括严重腹腔感染1例,肝功能恢复不良合并伤口感染1例,腹腔内出血继发肝动脉血栓形成1例,此3例患者最终均因多器官功能衰竭死亡.1例肝功能衰竭的患儿术后因心肺功能衰竭死亡.另外发生胆漏2例,顽固性腹水1例,右下肢深静脉血栓形成1例,均通过保守疗法治愈.18例受体病愈出院.手术后期发生胆道吻合口狭窄3例,行PTCD并留置支撑管治疗,Oddi括约肌失迟缓引起的梗阻性黄疸1例,行内镜下十二指肠乳头括约肌切开术治疗.此4例患者病情稳定,肝功能均已恢复正常.结论 选择合适的供体、掌握关键的手术技术,才能使供受体都获得良好的预后.  相似文献   

成人间右半肝活体肝移植肝中静脉的处理   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 总结成人间右半肝活体肝移植肝中静脉的处理经验。方法 回顾性分析两例成人间右半肝活体肝移植肝中静脉的处理方法,1例采取含肝中静脉的右半肝活体肝移植,肝中静脉移植供肝和剩余肝脏各保留一半,既有利于保证供体左肝内叶静脉回流,同时供肝右前叶静脉回流也不受到影响;另1例则采取不含肝中静脉的右半肝活体肝移植,术中重建供肝右前叶肝静脉回流通道,使供肝前叶淤血明显改善。结果 两例供体均存活,术后顺利出院,无并发症;受体1例存活,1例术后20d死于急性重度排斥反应。结论 成人间右半肝活体肝移植肝中静脉的处理十分关键,要注意保持供受体肝流出道的通畅,既要保证供体的绝对安全,又要尽量为受体提供足够的肝容量。  相似文献   

活体肝移植几种术式探讨(附50例报告)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wang XH  Zhang F  Li XC  Li GQ  Cheng F  Sun BC  Kong LB  Ge WG 《中华外科杂志》2006,44(21):1448-1452
目的探讨活体肝移植不同术式的临床应用。方法对1995年1月至2006年3月我科完成的50例活体肝移植的临床资料进行回顾性分析,探讨活体肝移植不同术式的临床应用和保障供体安全的策略等问题。结果本组资料中,所有供体术后均顺利康复,均未出现严重并发症。适应证:良性终末期肝硬化47例,恶性肿瘤3例。44例受体健在,手术死亡3例,3例死于远期并发症。本组供体右半肝(不包括肝中静脉)9例,右半肝(包括肝中静脉)1例,左半肝(包括肝中静脉)36例,左半肝或左外叶(不包括肝中静脉)4例。结论活体肝移植是解决目前全球供肝短缺问题的重要途径之一。活体肝移植手术过程复杂,根据临床实际选择合理手术方式是保证供体安全和提高手术成功率的关键。  相似文献   

目的分析原位肝移植术后胆1道并发症的病因。方法回顾性分析307例尸体供肝和40例活体供肝原位肝移植的临床资料,总结术后胆道并发症的病因。结果40例活体肝移植受体术后胆道并发症的发生率5.0%,307例尸体供肝肝移植受体术后胆道并发症的发生率为18.9%;肝内胆道狭窄和胆道铸型结石形成等严重胆道并发症在活体肝移植和放置“T”管的尸肝移植未发生。结论缺血时间尤其热缺血时间是导致严重胆道并发症的最主要的原因,放置“T”管引流能降低胆道并发症的发生率。  相似文献   

肝移植术后胆道并发症病因分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的探讨原位肝移植术后胆道并发症的病因.方法回顾性分析235例尸体供肝和36例活体供肝原位肝移植的临床资料,总结术后胆道并发症的病因.结果36例活体肝移植受体术后胆道并发症的发生率为5.6%,235例尸体供肝肝移植受体术后胆道并发症的发生率为19.1%;肝内胆道狭窄和胆道铸型结石形成等严重胆道并发症在活体肝移植中未发生.讨论缺血时间尤其热缺血时间是导致严重胆道并发症的最主要的原因,所留取的受体胆道长度也是影响胆道并发症的一个主要因素.  相似文献   

活体肝移植的几点关键外科技术   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
目的:探讨活体肝移植的几点关键外科技术。方法:2001年1月至2002年3月底,实施活体肝移植11例,其中左半肝8例,左外叶1例,成人右半肝2例;根据术前CT、血管造影和术中B超确定肝切除线,超声电刀离断肝实质,经门静脉灌注原位获取。受体手术采用保留腔静脉的全肝切除。移植肝原位植入,肝静脉重建采用扩大成型吻合技术,显微技术吻合肝动脉,胆道重建采用端端吻合,置“T“管引流。结果:11例供体术后顺利康复出院,未发生严重并发症。11例受体中,1例发生肝动脉血栓形成需再次肝移植,1例因不可逆转的严重排斥反应,于术后72d死亡。10例受体康复出院,肝功能、铜氧化酶恢复正常。结论:活体肝移植对供体是相对安全的。管道重建技术是活体肝移植的重要环节。术前、术中了解供体的解剖变异并正确处理,可降低并发症发生率。  相似文献   

�������ֲ��Ѫ�ܱ������ƴ���   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:分析10例活体肝移植术中的血管变异,总结其外科处理经验,进一步提高手术成功率,减少并发症。方法:2001年1月至12月,行活体肝移植10例,其中左半肝8例,左外叶1例,右半肝1例,供肝者均为其母,经术中B超及胆管造影以确定肝切线。供体单支肝动脉分支与受体肝动脉吻合,两支肝动脉分别与受体肝左、右动脉吻合。门静脉分支与受体门静脉主干吻合。供体肝静脉与受体下腔静脉行端侧吻合。胆管重建均采用肝管分支与受体胆总管端端吻合,置T管引流。结果:10例活体肝移植,1例因肝动脉血栓形成,术后5天需次肝移植;1例发生排斥;其余8例均康复出院,5例已上学。结论:活体肝移植术中血管重建技术是其重要环节,术前和术中了解供受体解剖变异并正确处理,可减少术后血管和胆道的并发症。  相似文献   

Living related liver transplantation (LRLT) in adult recipients has been recently developed to overcome the organ donor shortage, but LRLT leaves the healthy donors at risk of serious post-operative complications, or even death. The aim of this paper is to report the prospective evaluation of the initial experience of adult LRLT at the University of Liège. From March 2002 till March 2003, in a consecutive series of 35 adult liver transplantations, five recipients (mean age: 51 years) underwent LRLT, including one retransplantation. Indications for transplantation were autoimmune hepatitis, hepatitis B virus related cirrhosis with hepatocarcinoma (two cases), hepatitis C virus related cirrhosis with hepatocarcinoma, and ischemic intrahepatic bile duct necrosis 10 years after primary liver transplantation. Mean age of the donors was 34 years (range: 21-53 years). All donation cases were intra familial at first degree. The right lobe was used as a graft in four cases and the left lobe in one case. All right lobe donors developed transient hyperbilirubinemia and hypocoagulation for 4 to 6 days. No severe complication (transfusion, bile duct fistula, reintervention, rehospital-ization) nor significant long-term sequelae were observed in the donors. In the recipients, graft function was immediate, and there was no small-for-size syndrome. One recipient developed biliary fistula treated by reoperation. One recipient died from invasive aspergillosis 11 days after the procedure. The four other recipients were alive without recurrence of the disease at follow-up. This report confirmed that LRLT may be a valuable alternative to cadaveric liver transplantation in the era of organ donor shortage. However, even if there was no severe complication for the donors in our preliminary experience, LRLT puts healthy living donors at risk of significant morbidity and even death.  相似文献   

Living related liver transplantation (LRLT) in adult recipients has been recently developed to overcome the organ donor shortage, but LRLT leaves the healthy donors at risk of serious post-operative complications, or even death. The aim of this paper is to report the prospective evaluation of the initial experience of adult LRLT at the University of Liège. From March 2002 till March 2003, in a consecutive series of 35 adult liver transplantations, five recipients (mean age: 51 years) underwent LRLT, including one retransplantation. Indications for transplantation were autoimmune hepatitis, hepatitis B virus related cirrhosis with hepatocarcinoma (two cases), hepatitis C virus related cirrhosis with hepatocarcinoma, and ischemic intrahepatic bile duct necrosis 10 years after primary liver transplantation. Mean age of the donors was 34 years (range: 21-53 years). All donation cases were intra familial at first degree. The right lobe was used as a graft in four cases and the left lobe in one case. All right lobe donors developed transient hyperbilirubinemia and hypocoagulation for 4 to 6 days. No severe complication (transfusion, bile duct fistula, reintervention, rehospitalization) nor significant long-term sequelae were observed in the donors. In the recipients, graft function was immediate, and there was no small-for-size syndrome. One recipient developed biliary fistula treated by reoperation. One recipient died from invasive aspergillosis 11 days after the procedure. The four other recipients were alive without recurrence of the disease at follow-up. This report confirmed that LRLT may be a valuable alternative to cadaveric liver transplantation in the era of organ donor shortage. However, even if there was no severe complication for the donors in our preliminary experience, LRLT puts healthy living donors at risk of significant morbidity and even death.  相似文献   

背驮式肝移植治疗Wilson′s病:附29例报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的:总结经典背驮式肝移植术(SP2BLT)和改良背驮式肝移植术(MPBLT)治疗Wilson′s病的临床经验。方法:对近12年来29例Wilson′s病患者施行背驮式肝移植的临床资料进行回顾性分析。男22例,女7例; 8~14岁者6例,14~37岁者23例。暴发性肝功能衰竭2例,慢性肝功能不全18例,肝功能基本正常9例; 伴有不同程度的神经精神障碍者24例。手术方式:SPBLT 13例,MPBLT 16例。结果:随访1个月至12年,中位随访时间为47个月。围手术期死亡4例,其中2例死于肝静脉回流受阻导致术后肝功能衰竭,均发生在SPBLT组; 另外2例分别死于肝动脉栓塞和胆瘘合并严重感染。受体1年存活率为86%,3年存活率为79%。血清铜和铜兰蛋白在术后4周基本恢复正常。神经精神障碍术后均有不同程度的缓解。最长存活期12年。结论:背驮式肝移植治疗Wilson′s病可获得满意的临床效果和生活质量,而MPBLT技术可减少术后并发症,提高手术存活率。  相似文献   

活体肝移植受者的外科并发症防治   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:探讨活体肝移植受者术后外科并发症的防治方法。方法:回顾性分析18例活体供肝原位部分肝移植受者的临床资料。结果术后发生肝动脉栓塞2例(11.1%),其中1例手术取栓失败,2例均接受再次肝移植,获得成功;门静脉栓塞1例(5.6%),手术取栓失败,患者死亡;胆漏2例(11.1%),经置管引流、抗感染治疗后痊愈;无流出道梗阻及胆道狭窄发生。住院期间死亡2例,分别死于多器官功能衰竭、门静脉栓塞。结论:活体原位部分肝移植后的外科并发症重在预防,供肝的采取、修整以及手术技术是关键。  相似文献   

The authors successfully performed a series of 33 living related liver transplantations (LRLT) on children (15 males and 18 females, ranging from 7 months to 15 years of age) from June 1990 to May 1992, with the informed consent of their parents and the approval of the Ethics Committee of Kyoto University. Before operation, six of the children required intensive care, another 14 were hospitalized, and 13 were homebound. Donors (12 paternal and 21 maternal) were selected solely from the parents of the recipients on the basis of ABO blood group and graft/recipient size matching determined by computed tomography scanning. Procurement of graft was performed using ultrasonic aspirator and bipolar electrocautery without blood vessel clamping and without graft manipulation. All donors subsequently had normal liver function and returned to normal life. The left lateral segment (16 cases), left lobe (16 cases), or right lobe (one case) were used as grafts. The partial liver graft was transplanted into the recipient who underwent total hepatectomy with preservation of the inferior vena cava using a vascular side clamp. Twenty-seven of 33 recipients are alive and well with the original graft and have normal liver function. The patient survival rate was 89% (24/27) in elective cases and 50% (3/6) in emergent cases. The other six recipients had functioning grafts but died of extrahepatic complications. Complications of the graft were minimal in all cases. Hepatic vein stenosis, which occurred three times in two cases, was successfully treated by balloon dilatation. In cases with sclerotic portal vein, the authors anastomosed the portal vein of the graft to the confluence of the splenic vein and the superior mesenteric vein without a vascular graft, after experiencing a case of vascular graft thrombosis. After hepatic artery thrombosis occurred in one of the initial seven recipients whose arterial anastomosis was done with surgical loupe, microsurgery was introduced for hepatic artery reconstruction. There has been no occurrence of thrombosis since then. The current results with LRLT suggested that the meticulous management of surgical factors at each stage of the LRLT procedure is crucial for successful outcome. Living related liver transplantation is a promising option for resolving the graft shortage in pediatric liver transplantation and may be regarded as an independent modality to supplement cadaver donation.  相似文献   

Brain death secondary to cerebrovascular disease is a possible early complication of orthotopic liver transplantation. If liver graft continues to function normally, the reuse of liver for another patient may be considered. We report three cases of successful reuse of liver grafts after death of the first recipient. In our experience, liver graft can be reused in the first weeks after a previous transplantation provided that liver function is good, in the absence of systemic uncontrolled infection, graft rejection and after gross graft examination at laparotomy.  相似文献   

Living related liver transplantation in adults.   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the outcome of living related liver transplantation (LRLT) in adult patients and to assess graft size disparity and graft regeneration. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Although LRLT has been accepted as an optional life-saving procedure for pediatric patients with end-stage liver disease, the feasibility of LRLT for adult patients has not been reported with reference to a clinical series. METHODS: Adult-to-adult LRLT was performed using whole left lobar grafts in 13 patients (5 with primary biliary cirrhosis, 6 with familial amyloid polyneuropathy, 1 with biliary atresia, and 1 with citrullinemia). The 13 donors comprised 5 husbands, 3 sons, 2 sisters, 2 fathers, and 1 mother. The ratio of the graft volume to standard liver volume (GV/SV ratio) was calculated for use as a parameter of graft size disparity. RESULTS: Although the liver graft was markedly small for size (GV/SV ratio 32%-59% at the time of LRLT), none of the 13 patients developed postoperative liver failure. Eleven of the patients are still alive and well with satisfactory graft function 2 to 35 months after LRLT. Graft liver volume increased rapidly after LRLT and approximated the standard liver volume with time. CONCLUSIONS: Our LRLT program for adult patients has produced good results. LRLT in adults can be indicated for selected donor-recipient combinations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The deceased donor organ shortage has forced surgeons to implement innovations, including living-related liver transplantation (LRLT). OBJECTIVE: To present the first 20 cases of adult LRLT in a single center in Saudi Arabia. METHODS: From November 2000 to May 2004, we performed 20 cases of LRLT. Eighteen donors were men and 2 were women. Their median age was 27 years. Seventeen of the recipients were men and 3 were women of median age 55 years. One patient received combined liver and kidney grafts. RESULTS: All cases had liver cirrhosis. Seven had hepatitis C; six, hepatitis B and C; three, hepatitis B; one, alcoholic cirrhosis; one, Bylar disease, one hepatic schistosomiasis, and one cryptogenic cirrhosis. Three cases had associated hepatocellular carcinomas. There was no donor mortality. In the recipients, the overall patient and graft survival was 85%. While 10 donors presented uneventful postoperative courses, 8 experienced minor complications and 2, major complications: biliary stricture and portal vein thrombosis. Recipients complications included biliary complications (35%), acute rejection (20%), hepatitis C reactivation (20%), hepatic vein stenosis (10%), hepatic artery stenosis (5%), and hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence (5%). CONCLUSIONS: LRLT has become a standard option in adults with end-stage liver failure in our center.  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the perioperative factors that influence patient and graft outcome in living‐related liver transplantation (LRLT). Between April 1995 and October 1998, we performed a series of 46 LRLT procedures, including 11 adult cased, at our institute. Mean age and weight of the recipients were 12.0 ± 2.3 years and 23.7 ± 2.6 kg, respectively. Seven out of the 46 patients had renal failure and received hemodialysis therapy before and after LRLT or kidney transplantation. The recipients were divided into two groups: those who survived for 7‐48 months after LRLT (group 1, n = 36), and those who died within 4 months after surgery (group 2, n = 10). Factors analyzed included recipient age and weight, graft/recipient body weight ratio (G/R ratio), emergent vs elective surgery, United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) status, presence of preoperative plasmapheresis (PEX) and renal failure, and so on. Recipients in group 1 compared with group 2 had less advanced liver disease (i. e., a lower rate of emergent surgery, 14% vs 50%, and fewer patients with UNOS status 1, 14% versus 70%; P < 0.05 and P < 0.001, respectively). Group 1 recipients also had a lower percentage of preoperative treatment with plasmapheresis (22% vs 70%, P < 0.01). However, neither the G/R ratio nor the presence of renal failure affected the patient survival rate. In conclusion, factors independently associated with reduced patient survival after LRLT include emergent surgery, Child‐Pugh class, UNOS status 1, and preoperative plasmapheresis.  相似文献   

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