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家庭为中心的护理现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查在儿科护理工作中,以家庭为中心的护理实施情况。方法采用波士顿儿童医院设计的“家庭为中心的护理量表”,经对35位家长预调查,内部一致性系数为0.76,随后对全院180位患儿陪护家长进行调查,用SPSS软件进行统计。结果护士的服务意识增强,能满足患儿及家长的基本需要,但护士与家长的沟通不够,对于患儿疾病的认识、转归等告知甚少,双方对儿童住院引起的心理和行为方面的问题都未予以重视。结论转变观念,承认家长在孩子患病过程中的重要作用,护士应提高沟通技巧及心理知识的学习,取得家长的合作,得到家长的支持,对患儿疾病的康复有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

家庭为中心的护理现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 调查在儿科护理工作中,以家庭为中心的护理实施情况。方法 采用波士顿儿童医院设计的“家庭为中心的护理量表”,经对35位家长预调查,内部一致性系数为0.76,随后对全院180位患儿陪护家长进行调查,用SPSS软件进行统计。结果 护士的服务意识增强,能满足患儿及家长的基本需要,但护士与家长的沟通不够,对于患儿疾病的认识、转归等告知甚少,双方对儿童住院引起的心理和行为方面的问题都未予以重视。结论 转变观念,承认家长在孩子患病过程中的重要作用,护士应提高沟通技巧及心理知识的学习,取得家长的合作,得到家长的支持,对患儿疾病的康复有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

以“家庭为中心护理”理念强调护理需要重视家庭和谐与健康,需要重视家庭成员为维护健康的重要参与者,要指导家长如何妥善地照顾患儿,满足家长和孩子在一起的需要,认同家长在孩子患病过程中的重要作用,并为孩子及家长提供适当的需要和护理。本研究通过对180名家长采用“以家庭为中心护理”量表进行调查,其结果显示“以家庭为中心护理”措施能满足儿童生理上的需求,能满足孩子和家长在一起的需求,能让儿童感受到很好的照顾。要把“以家庭为中心护理”理念变成具体的护理实践,必须对儿科护理人员进行有关“住院孩子行为和情感变化”及“疾病对家庭心理社会影响与应对”方面的培训,以便今后将其在儿科护理工作中落实。  相似文献   

目的:探索以家庭为中心儿科护理模式,提升患儿及家长的满意度和患儿安全。方法:创建以家庭为中心儿科护理模式,包括制定以家庭为中心儿科护理政策,配备数量充足和资历合格的护理人员,明确总责护士和责任护士的具体职责,对临床护理人员进行以家庭为中心儿科护理理论和实践的培训与考核,研制工具以评价护理人员执行以家庭为中心护理措施的情况,评价以家庭为中心儿科护理模式的实施效果。结果:患儿家长对以家庭为中心儿科护理模式的总体满意度为93.5%,患儿安全指标如给药错误发生率、跌倒/坠床发生率明显下降。结论:把以家庭为中心儿科护理理念转化为行动,深入到儿科护理实践的方方面面是一个长期持久的过程。而在患儿危机时刻,让家长和孩子在一起更是一个巨大的挑战,需要医护人员和患儿家长共同努力。  相似文献   

目的探讨哮喘儿童家庭护理中存在的问题以及患儿家庭对医疗护理服务的需求,旨在为患儿提供针对性的医疗护理服务并为实施以家庭为中心的护理提供依据。方法应用质性研究中的现象学研究法,对14位哮喘儿童父母进行深入访谈,采用Colaizzi的现象学资料7步分析法对资料进行分析、整理。结果哮喘儿童的照护现状及护理需求主要存在5个方面的问题,即患儿家长对疾病缺乏正确的认识,依从性较差,忽视哮喘对患儿心理的影响,家庭应对失败,家庭承受着心理和经济压力。结论医护人员应经常对患儿照顾者进行哮喘知识宣传教育,鼓励他们参与患儿的治疗、护理方案的制定,并有针对性地对患儿照顾者采取个性化的教育、指导。  相似文献   

<正>缺乏家庭照顾的孩子在身体发育和心理发展方面面临更多问题[1]。随着社会的进步,人类物质文化生活水平的提高,医学发展正在从强调"治愈"向强调"关怀照顾"转化。以家庭为中心护理模式应运而生,不断发展,要求护理人员视家庭成员为维护健康的重要参与者,要指导家长参与妥善地照顾患儿的过程中,满足家长和患儿在一起的需要,认同家长在患儿患病过程中的重要作用,并为患儿及家长提供适当及需要的护理。本文将  相似文献   

住院患儿家长心理状态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓陵 《检验医学与临床》2007,4(10):1005-1007
孩子是家庭的核心,孩子患病期间家长的心理状态不仅影响其自身的身心健康,更重要的还会影响患儿的情绪,以及患儿的救治和康复.本文通过对患儿家长心理状况进行理论研究,旨在为提高医院护理质量,为患儿创造更好的康复环境提供客观的指导.  相似文献   

白血病患儿家长的护理需求及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解白血病患儿家长对护理的需求,为临床护士实施有效护理与宣教提供依据.方法自行设计问卷,对本院白血病患儿家长57人进行问卷调查,回收率100%.结果90%以上的家长希望入院时得到热情接待,渴望能与护士沟通交流;70%以上的家长希望了解白血病的预后及治愈率,想知道治疗措施、用药后的不良反应及饮食要求;45%左右的家长希望健康宣教在心情平静时进行,并要求面对面讲解,心情不愉快时能得到安慰,并希望对孩子隐瞒病情.结论白血病患儿家长心理压力大,在护理中应以患儿及家长的需求为中心,改变护理方式,提高护理质量.  相似文献   

整体护理是以现代护理学为指导,以护理程序为框架,根据患者身、心、社会、文化需要,提供优质护理,在儿科护理对象是0~14岁的儿童,由于语言表达能力及理解能力有限,进行心理护理非常困难,很难达到预计的效果和目的,为了更好的开展护理工作,我们通过对家长的心理护理,希望家长以其与患儿亲密的关系和熟悉的表达方式,达到良好的护理效果。1重视对患儿和家长的行为诱导行为科学认为,“认识”影响人的态度,也影响人的行为,患儿及家长初到医院,由于环境的改变和对疾病的担忧,往往出现陌生、焦虑、恐惧、孤独感,因此护士要热情接待患者,介绍病区环境、规章制度、主管大夫,主动做自我介绍,以恰当的称谓称呼患者,留下美好的第一印象,建立良好的互换关系,消除陌生感,帮助患儿家长尽快适应环境,消除紧张感、焦虑的心理。2注意调动患儿及家长的积极性,用行为科学“挫折”理论分析当家长的需求得不到满足时会出现消极情绪和不良反应,对初次入院的患儿及家长,满足一般的生活需求外,重要的是满足他们心理需求,即给予更多的关心、理解和尊重,这样可尽快消除家长的焦虑情绪及不良反应。3注意与家长互换角色小儿头皮静脉输液是家长对护士要求较高的一项技术操作,输液前家长提出要求...  相似文献   

整体护理是现代护理程序的核心,实施以病人为中心的系统化整体护理,已成为当今医院现代护理的重要内容[1]。在儿科对患儿家长的心理护理非常重要。现在的孩子大多是独生子女,一旦发病,一些家长非常紧张、焦虑,经常会对医护人员提出过高要求。所以,心理护理实际上很大程度上是对家长的心理支持,家长的心理状态对患儿有直接的影响。要做好家长的心理护理,要求护士不仅要有丰富的儿科护理知识和精湛的儿科护理操作技术,还必须了解和掌握患儿家长的心理特点。在此就儿科临床整体护理中,对患儿家长的心理护理介绍如下。1患儿入院时,对患儿家长的…  相似文献   

The needs of parents of hospitalized children have received some attention in the health literature, but few studies have compared parents' perceptions of needs with staff's ideas about parents' needs. The aim of this study was to examine differences between the perceptions of the needs of parents of hospitalized children held by staff - nurses, doctors and allied health staff, and parents in a 150-bed paediatric hospital in Sweden. The convenience sample comprised 132 staff - nurses, doctors and allied health staff and 115 parents of children admitted to all the wards except intensive care. Kristjánsdóttir's "needs of parents of hospitalized children" questionnaire (NPQ) was the instrument of choice and was modified slightly for use with staff. Results indicated significant differences in perceptions of the importance of different needs of parents, of how well they were being met in the hospital and how much help the parents needed to have them filled. Differences between parents' and staff's perceptions of the importance of parental needs were found in areas relating to psychosocial needs, but in general, in that hospital, the needs were being adequately met. The main differences between staff's and parents' results were in the degree of independence shown by parents in requiring help to have their needs met. This demonstrates either that parents are much more independent than appraised by staff, or, that parents are sometimes unaware of the level of assistance available.  相似文献   

ISSUES AND PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of trust in parents of hospitalized children. METHODS Using grounded theory, semistructured interviews were conducted with 15 parents of children previously hospitalized, focusing on parents' experiences during their child's hospitalization. Data were analyzed using a constant comparative process. Themes and the core variable were identified and a model of trust developed. RESULTS The core variable related to the development of trust in healthcare providers was whether parents' expectations for care were met. Thematic areas that influenced whether expectations for care were met included preexisting trust; evaluation of care, including evaluation of technical skills and the meeting of parental and child needs; and behaviors of nurses and other healthcare providers that inhibited and fostered trust. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS Strategies to enhance trust are discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the aspects of nursing practice that are predictive of parent satisfaction with their child's hospitalization. METHOD: A sample of 3,299 families whose children were hospitalized in a tertiary pediatric teaching hospital between 1995 and 1998 were surveyed. The survey covered their experiences during the child's hospitalization and their overall satisfaction with care. FINDINGS: Survey questions that were most strongly associated with overall satisfaction were questions about caring practices that are collaborations between nurses and parents. Satisfied parents reported nursing care that was tailored to their needs and preferences. CONCLUSIONS: These findings are consistent with Curley's model for nursing practice, which predicts better patient outcomes when nursing care is synergistic with patient characteristics.  相似文献   

Caring for parents of hospitalized children: a hidden area of nursing work   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Children are the recognized patients when admitted to hospital but their parents can also present demands for care by nurses. Involvement in care can be stressful for parents, particularly when children are required to undergo unpleasant procedures. Parents turn to their families for support in the first instance but some also look for care from nurses. Consequently parents can present a need for care of themselves to nurses whose primary patients are children. In this paper the experiences of a group of parents who became co-clients of nurses are considered along with the views of nurses working on the same ward. The discussion arises out of a larger study of the experiences of the parents of children admitted to a surgical ward in a children's hospital. The principal purpose of the study was to examine parents' and nurses' perceptions of their participation in the care of hospitalized children. The work of caring for parents is found to be ad hoc and unpredictable. The implications of the study for practice and policy are considered.  相似文献   

The role of the parent of a hospitalized child has changed considerably over the past 30 years. Where parents were previously expected to had responsibility for care over to their child's nurses, there is now an expectation that parents will be extensively involved in the care of their hospitalized children. The negotiation of roles between nurses and parents has been advocated by workers concerned about conflicts between nurses and parents. However, it is not known whether such negotiation takes place between nurses and parents. It is clear that power is not evenly distributed between nurses and parents: issues of territory, stress, anxiety, uncertainty, control and conflicts arising from parental competence all place the parent in a weaker position. It is argued that the nurse holds the initiative in the decision about whether negotiation takes place. A small study is described in which nurses were invited to describes their response to their perception that a parent wanted to increase or decrease her or his involvement in her or his child's care. The critical incident technique (Flanagan 1954) was used to collect data. Nurses' responses were categorized into categories of 'encouragement', 'explanation/advice' and 'negotiation'. Responses were then placed in more specific subcategories. The inter-rater reliability of the categorization was measured. Owing to the limitations of the study, the results can only be regarded as suggestive. Nevertheless, significant association was found between the category of response and the grade of staff, with a stratified pattern of category of response demonstrated. The implications of the study for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

A study of the needs of parents of hospitalized 2- to 6-year-old children.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study uses a qualitative approach to explore and identify areas of needs among parents of 2- to 6-year-old children who are hospitalized. An extensive literature review and informal in-depth interviews with five parents and six pediatric health care professionals were analyzed by content to develop a representative list of statements about needs. Six groups of needs were recognized: (a) the need to be able to trust doctors and nurses, (b) the need for information, (c) needs related to other family members, (d) a need to feel that they are trusted, (e) needs related to human and physical resources, and (e) the need for support and guidance. A congruency is found between statements about needs of parents of hospitalized 2- to 6-year-olds in the literature on the one hand and the needs of parents expressed by parents themselves and pediatric health care professionals on the other hand.  相似文献   

Spiritual care is essential to the well‐being of patients, and nurses provide spiritual care as a fundamental part of nursing practice. In this study, we investigated the spiritual care needs of hospitalized patients to determine whether the perceived knowledge of nurses corresponded with these spiritual care needs. A cross‐sectional study was conducted on 1351 hospitalized patients and 200 registered nurses recruited from a medical center in central Taiwan. A questionnaire, including the 21–item Spiritual Care Needs Inventory (patient and nurse version) and basic demographic information, was distributed to eligible participants. The top three items of the spiritual care needs expressed by the hospitalized patients were respect for privacy and dignity, showing concern, and guidance in gaining a sense of hope in life; the percentages of nurses not knowing how to provide these spiritual care needs were 0%, 1%, and 15%, respectively. The spiritual care needs of patients showed a significant relationship with the knowledge of nurses, suggesting that the perceived knowledge of the nurses generally corresponded with the spiritual care items that the patients required most.  相似文献   

Treatment interference in children with acute and critical conditions is the conscious or unconscious, threatened or actual disrupting, dislodgment, or removal of the technological equipment/devices used for monitoring and/or treating such conditions. The purpose of this research was to explore the intervention strategies used by critical care nurses and parents as they attempted to maintain the technological interface and avoid treatment interference. Using an ethological approach, data were collected by observing and interviewing 18 children, ages 3 through 6 years, who were hospitalized in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) of a pediatric hospital located in the mid-Atlantic region, reviewing systematically their health care records, and interviewing their parents/legal guardians. Field notes were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. Parents used psychosocial and physiologic strategies, as well as manual restraint, to avoid treatment interference. Nurses used psychosocial, physiologic, activities, and environmental strategies, in addition to physical restraint, to maintain the technological interface.  相似文献   

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