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Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a parasitic infection and occurs in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide and in the region of the Mediterranean Sea. The diagnosis is based on the clinical appearance and biopsy findings that may be supplemented with polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In this study 20 cases were selected if (i) a histopathological diagnosis of granulomatous dermatitis was made, (ii) CL was taken into consideration or (iii) the diagnosis was CL. PCR analysis with primers specific for leishmania was performed on archived histological specimens and was positive in 6 of the 20 cases. In two cases both the clinical and histopathological diagnosis concurred with CL. In the remaining four cases a clinical diagnosis other than CL was made. In two of these cases the histopathology showed granulomatous dermatitis, and detection of parasites led to consideration of CL. In the last two cases leishmaniasis was not taken into consideration by clinicians or pathologists. Our study shows that CL may occur more often than anticipated in Norway, but clinicians do not consider the diagnosis as often as they should. Pathologists may also fail to diagnose or suggest CL especially when parasites are not visualized in the histopathological specimen.  相似文献   

Metastatic Crohn’s disease (CD) is an extremely rare extragastrointestinal manifestation of CD, and is characterized histopathologically by the presence of non-caseating granulomatous inflammation. Granulomatous vasculitis and lymphangitis have rarely been documented in metastatic CD. Herein, we report the first documented case of metastatic CD accompanied by both granulomatous vasculitis and lymphangitis in the vulva. A 35-year-old Japanese female with CD presented with multiple small nodules in her vulva. Biopsy was performed under a clinical diagnosis of genital warts. A histopathological study revealed marked lymphangiectasia in the papillary dermis. Within the dilated lymphatics, lymphocytes and aggregates of macrophages were present, which are typical features of granulomatous lymphangitis. Tiny non-caseating granulomas and granulomatous vasculitis were also observed. Accordingly, a diagnosis of metastatic CD accompanied by both granulomatous vasculitis and lymphangitis was made. The occurrence of cutaneous lesions in patients with CD is well known. Albeit extremely rare, lymphangiectasia has been reported in the vulva of CD patients that clinically mimicked viral warts, as in the present case. The diagnosis of metastatic CD in the present case was not difficult because characteristic histopathological features were present, and a clinical history of CD was available. However, a few cases of genital swelling associated with granulomatous inflammation prior to a diagnosis of gastrointestinal CD have been documented. Therefore, granulomatous vasculitis and lymphangitis in the external genitals should be considered as potential indication of metastatic CD even in cases without a history of gastrointestinal CD.  相似文献   

Chronic granulomatous disease is a neutrophil disorder in which phagocytic cells fail to produce a respiratory burst. Five genetic types of chronic granulomatous disease have been described and in each case the clinical manifestations relate to the inability to effectively kill catalase-positive organisms. It is classically described as a pure disorder of intracellular killing, with preservation of other aspects of phagocytic function such as migration and phagocytosis and normal function of nonmyeloid cells. This article describes a heretofore unrecognized feature of chronic granulomatous disease. Fifty-three patients with chronic granulomatous disease and 42 age-matched controls were studied by flow cytometry. Total T cell numbers and CD4 and CD8 T cell numbers were compared between patients and controls. Patients with chronic granulomatous disease had diminished T cell numbers compared to controls after 3 years of age. The difference increased with age. It is not known whether diminished T cell numbers influence the susceptibility to infections in these patients, but T cell effects could represent a significant cofactor for infection.  相似文献   

Granulomas of the skin may be classified in several ways. They are either infectious or non-infectious in character, and they contain areas of necrobiosis or necrosis, or not. Responsible infectious agents may be mycobacterial, fungal, treponemal, or parasitic organisms, and each case of granulomatous dermatitis should be assessed histochemically for those microbes. In the non-infectious group, examples of necrobiotic or necrotizing granulomas include granuloma annulare; necrobiosis lipoidica; rheumatoid nodule; and lupus miliaris disseminates faciei. Non-necrobiotic/necrotizing and non-infectious lesions are exemplified by sarcoidosis; foreign-body reactions; Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome; Blau syndrome; elastolytic granuloma; lichenoid and granulomatous dermatitis; interstitial granulomatous dermatitis; cutaneous involvement by Crohn disease; granulomatous rosacea; and granulomatous pigmented purpura. Histiocytic dermatitides that do not feature granuloma formation are peculiar reactions to infection, such as cutaneous malakoplakia; leishmaniasis; histoplasmosis; lepromatous leprosy; rhinoscleroma; lymphogranuloma venereum; and granuloma inguinale.  相似文献   

NOD2 is an intracellular microbial sensor of the innate immune system that can act as a potent activator and regulator of inflammation. Mutations in the gene encoding NOD2 in humans have been associated with Crohn's disease (CD), Blau syndrome (BS), and early onset sarcoidosis (EOS). These diseases have in common features of dysregulated inflammation, but have very distinct phenotypes, which have been hypothesized to result from either loss-of-function (CD) or gain-of-function (BS/EOS) mutations. Here we describe an infant with early onset sarcoidosis who presented with systemic inflammation and disseminated granulomatous disease, including the triad of granulomatous arthritis, uveitis and dermatitis, as well as unusual gastrointestinal tract granulomas. The patient had a susceptibility polymorphism of NOD2 previously described in CD, but not in BS or EOS. We discuss the complex role of NOD2 in innate immunity to microbes and the clinical consequences of disturbances in this system.  相似文献   

Is granulomatous thyroiditis a complication of breast implants?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Granulomatous inflammation of the thyroid can occur secondarily to many underlying disease states, both infectious and noninfectious. Silicon, the second most abundant element on earth after oxygen, has been associated with autoimmune connective-tissue diseases and production of autoantibodies in patients with silicone breast implants. However, there has been no proven cause-and-effect relationship. Cases of granulomatous lymphadenopathy and pericapsular granulomatous reactions have been reported with silicone breast implants owing to silicone leakage. In this article, we report, for the first time, a case of granulomatous thyroiditis associated with silicone breast implants.  相似文献   

A 67-year-old man, with multiple skin lesions that appeared over 2 years, had biopsies that disclosed granulomatous dermatitis with associated small yeasts. The urinary antigen test results were negative for Histoplasma infection; cultures from the biopsies did not grow any fungi or other potential pathogens. The chest roentgenogram results were normal. Morphologic examination revealed features of a Malassezia species. Broad-range fungal polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing disclosed that the infecting fungus was Malassezia sympodialis , a lipid-dependent yeast. This report supports one other case report that Malassezia species may cause granulomatous dermatitis; in the previous case, the etiologic agent was Malassezia pachydermatis , a nonlipid-dependent species. We recommend the use of lipid-supplemented culture media for specimens from patients with granulomatous dermatitis because several Malassezia species are dependent on lipid; the absence of lipid supplementation in routine cultures likely explains the negative culture results for this patient. This, to our knowledge, is the first report of granulomatous dermatitis caused by M sympodialis.  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of enlarged cervical lymph nodes of a 9-yr-old boy complaining of progressive weight loss showed a combination of a necrotizing granulomatous process and pigmented histiocytes. The diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) of childhood was proposed, and it was later confirmed by histology. Although the NBT test was negative, the patient responded well to prolonged bactericidal therapy with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole associated with parenteral nutrition, indicating a rare case of CGD with a negative Nitro-Blue Tetrazolium (NBT) test. The cytologic findings appear to be unique for this disease.  相似文献   

The final diagnosis of granulomatous gastritis is based on morphological findings and clinical and laboratory data. Detailed analysis of the morphological features of the granulomas together with associated mucosal changes could generate more information on aetiology and pathogenesis. Biopsies from 71 patients diagnosed as having granulomatous gastritis were reviewed. Thirty-seven of these patients (52%) had Crohn's disease. In 18 patients (25%) an isolated granulomatous gastritis was diagnosed. In seven patients (10%) the final diagnosis was a foreign body reaction. Of the remaining cases, four (7%) corresponded to tumour-associated granulomas and one case each of sarcoidosis (1%), Whipple's disease (1%) and vasculitis-associated disease (1%). Two cases (3%) were unclassifiable. The granulomas were mainly found in the antrum (64% antrum only, 11% antrum and corpus, 6% transitional mucosa corpus-antrum). Granulomas were usually small. This was particularly true for those found in patients with Crohn's disease. Multiple granulomas were observed in the sarcoidosis, the Whipple's disease and vasculitis-associated cases. A pattern of chronic gastritis with atrophy was present in 95% of the biopsies (68/71 patients). Helicobacter pylori was detected in 92% of the biopsies (64/71 patients).  相似文献   

Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is a highly aggressive subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL). Lymphoma related granulomatous reaction rarely occurs in sporadic BL. Herein, we describe the first case of HIV related Burkitt lymphoma with florid granulomatous reaction. A 41-year-old HIV-positive Chinese male presented lymphadenopathy in the right cervical region for 3 months. The enlarged lymph node biopsies revealed the presence of prominent granulomas of varying size with Langhans giant cells, leading to the misdiagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis in other hospital. Subsequently, the case was sent to us for consultation. The morphology, immunophenotype, special staining, interphase FISH analysis and blood tests confirmed a diagnosis of HIV related Burkitt lymphoma with granulomatous reaction. Without radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the patient was alive and well with no evidence of lymphoma during the observation period of 24 months. The case suggested that lymphoma with florid granulomatous reaction can easily be misdiagnosed as benign lesions since the large number of epithelioid granulomas could obscure the primary lesion. Moreover, the granulomatous reaction may be an indicator for favorable prognosis in HIV related Burkitt lymphoma.  相似文献   

We present five cases of granulomatous phlebitis of the skin and compare them with a case of miliary tuber-culosis with granulomatous phlebitis. All five patients were hypersensitive to purified protein derivative, but without active tuberculosis. Although anti-tuberculous drugs were effective, no tubercle bacilli were isolated from the skin. Clinically, subcutaneous nodules were felt along the course of the leg vein. Histologically, epithelioid cell granulomas with Langhans' giant cells were observed within the walls of the cutaneous veins. In a later stage, granulomatous panniculitis was often associated. Using the polymerase chain reaction method, Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA was detected in four of the five cases of granulomatous phlebitis of the skin. Granulomatous phlebitis of the skin seems to represent a relatively early phase of delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions to Mycobacterium tuberculosis and may represent a distinct entity different from other types of tuberculid—a new tuberculid. Nevertheless, before making the diagnosis, the possibility of true tuberculosis must always be excluded. Nodular granulomatous phlebitis of the skin would be an appropriate name for the newly described condition.  相似文献   

Chronic granulomatous disease as a risk factor for autoimmune disease   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is characterized by recurrent infections and granuloma formation. In addition, we have observed a number of diverse autoimmune conditions in our CGD population, suggesting that patients with CGD are at an elevated risk for development of autoimmune disorders. In this report, we describe antiphospholipid syndrome, recurrent pericardial effusion, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, IgA nephropathy, cutaneous lupus erythematosus, and autoimmune pulmonary disease in the setting of CGD. The presence and type of autoimmune disease have important treatment implications for patients with CGD.  相似文献   

Blau syndrome (MK186580) comprises granulomatous arthritis, iritis, and skin rash, and is an autosomal-dominant trait with variable expressivity. So far it was described in 5 families. We report on a sixth family with severe progression of eye involvement and discuss the nosology with similar diseases, such as early-infantile sarcoidosis. Am. J. Med. Genet. 76:217–221, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Allergens play an essential role in atopic dermatitis, either intrinsic or extrinsic. They provoke cutaneous inflammation via IgE-dependent and cell-mediated immune reactions. Food allergens have a well-known contribution to disease activity of atopic dermatitis, especially in infants and young children. However, the importance of inhaled allergens is still under investigation. For clinical implication, identification of individualized allergens is an ideal strategy for better control of atopic dermatitis and avoidance of atopic march. The aim of this article is to discuss the common allergens in atopic dermatitis (AD), the specificity and sensitivity of laboratory tests for allergens, and the clinical effect of various preventions.  相似文献   

Microscopic colitis with granulomatous inflammation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIMS: To present four cases in which the clinical and endoscopic findings were consistent with microscopic colitis, but the inflammatory infiltrate included a conspicuous granulomatous reaction. Microscopic colitis is defined as a syndrome of chronic watery diarrhoea with a chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate in the colonic mucosa and without significant abnormalities at colonoscopy. It encompasses both collagenous and lymphocytic colitis. METHODS AND RESULTS: In all cases the clinical course and endoscopic findings were unlike Crohn's disease and no infectious agents were identified. In all cases the main symptom was frequent watery diarrhoea, all were female and there were no endoscopic findings apart from mild mucosal erythema. Histologically, an active chronic inflammatory infiltrate was accompanied by scattered non-necrotizing granulomas, often closely associated with crypt epithelium (cryptolytic or pericryptal granulomas). In three of the patients the symptoms began after antibiotic use or had worsened with antibiotic use. Two of the patients were on allopurinol at the time of the onset of symptoms. In two of the patients symptoms have continued for more than 10 years. One patient died as a result of medical complications relating to severe diarrhoea and dehydration. CONCLUSIONS: Microscopic colitis rarely may be characterized by granulomatous inflammation. Such patients should not be regarded as having Crohn's disease.  相似文献   

A. Wollenberg  K. Feichtner 《Allergy》2013,68(12):1509-1519
During the last few years, an impressive amount of experimental studies and clinical trials have dealt with a variety of distinct topics in allergic skin diseases – especially atopic dermatitis. In this update, we discuss selected recent data that provide relevant insights into clinical and pathophysiological aspects of allergic skin diseases or discuss promising targets and strategies for the future treatment of skin allergy. This includes aspects of barrier malfunction and inflammation as well as the interaction of the cutaneous immune system with the skin microbiome and diagnostic procedures for working up atopic dermatitis patients. Additionally, contact dermatitis, urticaria, and drug reactions are addressed in this review. This update summarizes novel evidence, highlighting current areas of uncertainties and debates that will stimulate scientific discussions and research activities in the field of atopic dermatitis and skin allergies in the future.  相似文献   

In a clinicopathological study of granulomatous prostatitis, we have found two distinct histological patterns. Approximately one third of cases consisted of localized, often elongated or stellate lesions, resembling rheumatoid nodules. Where clinical details were available, most of these cases had a history of previous transurethral resection. The remaining cases showed more diffuse involvement of the prostate, with lesions centred on ducts and glands, and were not associated with previous prostatic surgery or systemic illness. Immunohistochemical studies of the associated inflammatory infiltrate showed an apparently random distribution of T- and B-lymphocytes in the former group, while in the latter group there was a concentration of T-cells in and around damaged ducts and glands, suggesting a possible immune-mediated destruction of these structures.  相似文献   

季士亮   《医学信息》2018,(18):112-114
目的 调查药源性剥脱性皮炎的发生特点及诊疗方法,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法 计算机检索中国知网、万方数据库、PubMed、Embase电子数据库有关药物致剥脱性皮炎的不良反应文献并结合手工检索不良反应网站,检索时间为2000~2018年,查阅药物型剥脱性皮炎的病例报道。按照相关项目录入SPSS22.0对性别、年龄以及药物品种、类别、给药途径等用药情况进行统计分析。结果 共查阅药物型剥脱性皮炎报道285篇,文献中包含病例320例,其中男性占60.30%,女性占38.13%,男性发病率高于女性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);年龄分布以成年人为主;其中有63.75%的患者存在药物过敏史或皮肤病史;大部分患者的症状能在1个月内得到控制或治愈。结论 药物致剥脱性皮炎与性别有一定的关联性,且患者预先存在的皮肤病及其治疗可能是引起ED发生的主要原因。  相似文献   

Two cases of granulomatous inflammation of the thyroid gland associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are presented. In neither case is there an obvious cause of granuloma formation, the only accompanying abnormality being rheumatoid arthritis in one of the patients. Autoimmune thyroid disease has been reported in association with sarcoidosis as well as rheumatoid arthritis, diseases in which cellular immunity is activated. Immune mechanisms alone are capable of initiating and amplifying granulomatous inflammation. In this report, we suggest that the granulomas in both cases may have their origin in immunological malfunction, the same immunological malfunction responsible for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.  相似文献   

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