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少数民族地区小儿营养不良60例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨少数民族地区小儿营养不良的发病原因、特点和预防及治疗措施。方法回顾性分析60例小儿营养不良的年龄、病因、并发症、预防、治疗情况。结果小儿营养不良儿以0.5~2岁发病率高,与母乳量不足、人工喂养方法不当、未及时添加辅食或添加不当有关。结论本病发病与农村少数民族地区文化生活水平较低卫生习惯较差、喂养不科学、护理不当等有关。本病的预防应采取综合措施,提倡科学育儿,及时添加辅食和诊治各种感染性疾病,搞好儿童保健等。  相似文献   

小儿营养不良临床初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨小儿营养不良的发病原因,特点,预防及治疗措施。方法分析9例小儿营养不良的年龄、地区分布、病因、并发症、预防、治疗。结果小儿营养不良儿6个月~2岁发病率高,与母乳量不足,未及时添加辅食或添加不当,特别是蛋白质不足有关。结论本病农村发病率明显高于城市,与农村文化生活水平较低卫生习惯较差,喂养不科学,护理不当等有关。  相似文献   

目的了解广州市郊区0~2岁婴幼儿喂养状况,为指导婴幼儿的科学喂养提供依据。方法整群抽取广州市番禺区1754名婴幼儿,对喂养方式进行问卷调查。结果①4个月龄母乳喂率79.05%,完全母乳喂养率29.82%。②婴儿辅食添加普遍较早,2个月时已有10%婴儿开始添加蛋白质及蔬菜,35%添加碳水化合物;4个月时90%以上婴儿添加碳水化合物及蛋白质,86%添加了蔬菜和水果,添加辅食的品种较丰富;但豆类添加率较低,到12个月时仅为43.5%。③12~18个月断奶率为95.6%,2岁时达99.4%。结论我区婴幼儿的喂养仍存在问题,需继续提高母乳率,特别是纯母乳喂养率,改变过早添加辅食的现象,增加豆类添加率,进一步提高添加辅食质量。  相似文献   

目的了解广州市郊区0~2岁婴幼儿喂养状况,为指导婴幼儿的科学喂养提供依据。方法整群抽取广州市番禺区1754名婴幼儿,对喂养方式进行问卷调查。结果①4个月龄母乳喂率79.05%,完全母乳喂养率29.82%。②婴儿辅食添加普遍较早,2个月时已有10%婴儿开始添加蛋白质及蔬菜,35%添加碳水化合物;4个月时90%以上婴儿添加碳水化合物及蛋白质,86%添加了蔬菜和水果,添加辅食的品种较丰富;但豆类添加率较低,到12个月时仅为43.5%。③12~18个月断奶率为95.6%,2岁时达99.4%。结论我区婴幼儿的喂养仍存在问题,需继续提高母乳率,特别是纯母乳喂养率,改变过早添加辅食的现象,增加豆类添加率,进一步提高添加辅食质量。  相似文献   

张琪  吴庆红  刘建丽  惠敏 《江苏医药》2013,39(6):728-729
婴幼儿时期是人一生中身心健康成长的第一个重要阶段,此时的营养状况、饮食行为与体格、智能和心理发育关系密切.婴幼儿营养和饮食行为偏差所造成的营养不良或营养过剩,都会对日后的身心健康产生不良影响.母乳是婴儿早期最理想食品,及时、适宜的辅食添加和正确的喂养行为是婴幼儿健康成长的重要保证.为了解北戴河地区婴幼儿喂养状况,我们开展婴幼儿喂养方式、喂养行为与膳食营养状况等方面的调查,结果报道如下.  相似文献   

辅食添加情况对婴儿体格发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
母乳可满足婴儿最初几个月的营养需要 ,但随着婴儿的生长发育 ,单纯母乳喂养已嫌不足 ,必须适时添加辅食。一般认为 ,辅食的添加应从 4~ 6月龄开始 ,其种类和数量逐渐增加 ,至 9~ 12月龄完全断乳 [1 ] 。为了保证婴幼儿的生长发育处于良好的状态 ,选择各类辅食的适宜添加时间便显得尤为重要。1 对象与方法1.1 对象 :2 0 0 0年 3月至 11月在山西省妇幼保健院参加定期健康检查的 12月龄婴儿 ,剔除人工喂养儿 ,产时情况异常儿 (早产、过期产、低出生体重、窒息、产伤、畸形、Ap-gar评分 <7等 )及患严重影响生长发育的疾病儿 (甲低、软骨发…  相似文献   

目的了解本市婴儿喂养现状及存在的问题,为该市今后的婴儿喂养指导和干预措施提供参考。方法抽取我市415名婴儿,填写婴儿喂养情况问卷,调查内容包括家庭基本情况、母乳喂养情况、辅食添加情况。应用SPSS18.0软件进行统计分析。结果本地人群和流动人群在婴儿喂养方式、主要喂养负责人、第一次辅食品添加时间上都有明显差异,具有统计学意义。流动人口中以母乳喂养居多,父母是主要喂养负责人,辅食添加时间较早;本地人口以人工喂养居多,主要喂养负责人以祖父母为主,第一次给婴儿添加辅食以4~6月较多;差异均有统计学意义。婴儿期添加的第一种食物均以家庭自制米粉为主。结论本市婴儿喂养现状需进一步改善,今后应加强宣教,父母应增加育儿知识,提高母乳喂养率,促进本市婴儿健康生长。  相似文献   

<正>什么是混合喂养混合喂养是指婴儿喂养期,在确定母乳不足的情况下,以其它乳类或代乳辅食补充喂养,如牛奶、奶粉、婴儿米粉等,维持婴儿正常生长发育,促进婴儿营养健康的喂养方式。对于混合喂养年龄阶段来看,宝宝混合喂养可以分为新生儿混合喂养和婴儿混合喂养,年龄分别是在28天内和1岁内。  相似文献   

喂养方式对婴幼儿智能发育的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢志才  丘惠娴  周曙明 《河北医药》2010,32(13):1697-1698
目的比较母乳喂养、混合喂养与人工喂养对婴儿智能发育的影响。方法选择足月出生的正常体重儿348例,分母乳喂养、混合喂养和人工喂养3组,纳入婴儿分别于1、3、6月龄进行丹佛智能筛查表(DDST)发育测试,同时记录6个月内患呼吸道感染、肺炎、腹泻、佝偻病等疾病的情况。结果婴儿常见病患病率以母乳喂养组最低、混合喂养组次之,人工喂养组最高,且3组中两两比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。3组婴儿在1、3、6月龄的DDST压线项目通过率中,大多数项目通过率母乳喂养组〉混合喂养组〉人工喂养组,且差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。其中3月龄中62.5%的项目,3组差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);6月龄中38.46%的项目,3组差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论母乳是4个月内婴儿的最佳食物,其营养素齐全,能够减少患病率、全面满足婴儿体格生长,同时适时添加高质量的辅食对婴儿智能发育的作用是不可忽视的。  相似文献   

100名婴儿辅食添加情况及相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解婴儿辅食添加情况,以便更好地指导儿童保健工作。方法:选取2007年3月—2007年5月在山西省妇幼保健院儿童保健科做健康检查的100名6~11个月婴儿,对其代养人进行问卷调查,了解辅食添加情况,调查结果应用SPSS12.0统计软件进行分析。结果:婴儿开始添加辅食的时间平均为(4.36±0.64)个月,67%选择添加蛋黄或米粉,肉豆类适时添加率为42%,且应用频率低。结论:婴儿辅食添加情况不容乐观,应注重辅食添加的指导。  相似文献   

目的探究婴儿期婴儿喂养行为并分析其特点。方法选取2010年9月~2012年6月于本院进行儿童定期保健检查的婴儿480例作为研究对象,采用自制的调查问卷,对婴儿的母亲进行详细的问卷调查,并进行统计学分析。结果本实验的480例婴儿中,母乳喂养率为65.63%,4个月内仅有单纯母乳喂养率为90.77%;4个月内婴儿营养差发生率为6.15%.6个月内婴儿营养差发生率为10.00%.8个月内婴儿营养差发生率为16.18%,10个月内婴儿营养差发生率为17.97%,1岁内婴儿营养差发生率为19.17%。此外,辅食添加合理组的营养状况(83.33%)明显优于辅食添加不合理的婴儿(63.81%),两组比较,差异有高度统计学意义(χ2=11.66,P〈0.01)。结论婴儿期婴儿喂养行为存在一定的问题,应该引起社会的足够重视,提高母乳喂养率,适时逐步为婴儿添加辅食,保证婴儿合理的营养,促进婴儿健康的生长发育。  相似文献   

目的观察早产儿出院后配方奶对具有营养不良高危因素的早产儿出院后喂养的效果。方法采用前瞻性研究,以2005年九省市中国儿童生长标准为对照,对具有营养不良高危因素的100例早产儿出院后采用早产儿出院后配方奶喂养,定期进行生长发育检测,当生长参数(头围、身高、体重)均达到相当月龄生长曲线第25百分位者即转换婴儿配方奶或者母乳,探索喂养时间的长短。矫正年龄1岁时,以头围、身高、体重作为评判指标,将生长指标≤P10(生长曲线第10百分位)定义为宫外生长发育迟缓,分别记录其发生率;应用贝利婴幼儿发展量表评估其智力发展指数与运动发展指数。结果本组病例中无退出病例,最短的喂养时间为4个月即转换奶粉,最长的喂养时间是12个月才转换奶粉,大部分为喂养7~11个月即转换奶粉,其中以喂养10月转换奶粉者为最多,为32例。矫正年龄1岁时以头围、身高、体重作为评判指标,宫外生长发育迟缓分别为3%、2%、2%,智力发展指数平均为(92.26±9.84),运动发展指数为(90.04±8.84)。结论早产儿出院后配方奶对具有营养不良高危因素的早产儿出院后喂养的效果较好,大部分喂养7~11个月即能够帮助其实现追赶性生长,矫正年龄1岁体格发育与神经系统发育大致正常。  相似文献   

目的:对深圳市松岗街道婴幼儿营养状况进行调查及并对相关影响因素进行分析。方法选取2010年3月~2012年7月在本所儿童保健门诊进行健康检查的6个月~3岁的本街道儿童5670例,进行问卷调查。结果生长迟缓检出率最高(21.35%),消瘦检出率最低(7.11%)。随月龄增大,生长迟缓率和体重低下率均呈现增高趋势(P<0.05),而消瘦率呈现降低趋势(P<0.05);男童生长迟缓和消瘦高于女童(P<0.05),而体重低下则相反。除母亲年龄外,其余14项影响因素均与婴幼儿营养不良相关(P<0.05)。结论深圳市松岗街道婴幼儿营养不良发生率较高,其发生与喂养方式、出生情况、患病情况和家庭情况有关。  相似文献   

Progress in the diagnosis and management of seizure disorders and the availability of effective anticonvulsive medications has enabled increasing numbers of epileptic women of child-bearing age to raise families. Breast feeding, which these women may wish to choose, provides health, nutritional, immunological, developmental, social, economic and environmental benefits. The traditional anticonvulsants, such as phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproic acid (valproate sodium), are generally considered safe for use during breast feeding; however, observation for adverse effects is recommended. The use of phenobarbital while breast feeding is controversial because of its slow elimination by the nursing infant. The newer anticonvulsants, such as clobazam, felbamate, gabapentin, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, tiagabine, topiramate, and vigabatrin, are used mainly as adjunctive therapy. Data on the use of these drugs in pregnancy and lactation, and regarding long term effects on cognition and behaviour, are sparse. Weighing the benefits of breast feeding against the potential risk to the nursing infant, breast feeding is considered to be safe when the mother is taking carbamazepine, valproic acid or phenytoin. Infant monitoring for potential adverse effects is advisable when the mother is taking phenobarbital, clobazam, gabapentin, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine or vigabatrin. Monitoring of infant serum drug concentrations is advisable but not compulsory. The use of felbamate, tiagabine and topiramate during breast feeding should await further study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dietary caffeine and dimethylxanthine concentrations in breast milk of 40 mothers from different ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. Their diets and drug intake were not restricted in any way. Each nursing mother provided a fasting and a combined breast-milk sample each day for 3 consecutive days. No significant differences were found in intake levels of any of the methylxanthines among the groups tested. No significant differences were found among the four groups in breast-milk levels of caffeine, theobromine, or paraxanthine. However, the mean theophylline milk levels were significantly higher on 2 of the 3 days examined in Anglo-American woman compared to Hispanic-American women. Socioeconomic and ethnic variables were also compared among the four groups. The daily amounts of methylxanthines found in the breast milk of this free-living population of mothers do not appear to present clinically significant amounts to the infant.  相似文献   

The benefit of breast feeding to prevent or delay the development of food allergy in infants is somewhat controversial. Although prolonged breast feeding has widely been recommended for infants at high risk of allergy, studies concerning the composition of human milk in atopic mothers are scarce. Human breast milk is not a stabile concept. We have previously found that the cellular composition of human milk is significantly different in mothers with a food allergic infant than in those with a healthy child. The number of monocytes, lymphocytes or eosinophils, was greatly elevated whereas the number of activated macrophages was decreased in the breast milk of mothers with a severely allergic infant. The high numbers of eosinophils could easily increase the permeability of the gut thereby increasing the absorption of dietary antigens, and thus enhance the development of food allergies. Breast feeding provide many advantages to the suckling infant. However, infants developing food allergic symptoms on exclusive breast feeding may benefit from changing to formula feeding to protect adequate growth and to prevent the development of a more severe allergic symptomatology.  相似文献   

婴幼儿家长预防缺铁性贫血的喂养知识和行为调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解婴幼儿家长预防缺铁性贫血的喂养知识和行为,为给予针对性健康教育提供依据。方法用自行设计的知识和行为问卷对332例3岁以下儿童的家长进行调查。结果婴幼儿家长预防缺铁性贫血的喂养知识平均得分率为62.0%,其中喂养方式得分较好,得分率为88.6%,辅食添加和均衡饮食知识较差,得分率分别为49.7%和58.4%;行为方面:平均得分率为60.2%,其中,喂养方式得分较好,得分率为84.3%,家长的辅食添加和均衡饮食行为较差,得分率分别为55.2%和53.1%;此外,参加喂养讲座的家长的知识、行为得分高于没有参加讲座的家长(P〈0.05)。结论婴幼儿家长预防缺铁性贫血的喂养知识和行为中,喂养方式的知识和行为较好,辅食添加、均衡饮食的知识和行为较差,建议医务人员在母乳喂养健康教育的基础上,加强辅食添加和均衡饮食的健康教育。  相似文献   

Plasma and breast-milk concentrations of dothiepin and its metabolite northiaden were measured in 20 lactating women receiving the drug for post-partum depression. Samples were collected at steady-state and both compounds quantitated by HPLC. Doses of dothiepin varied from 75 mg/day to 225 mg/day. Accordingly a wide range of plasma and breast-milk concentrations of dothiepin and northiaden were determined. Most determinations were made for women receiving 150 mg/day. At this dose mean (± SD) plasma concentrations of dothiepin and northiaden were 56(±27)m?g/l and 72(±79)m?g/l respectively while breast-milk concentrations were 95(±71) m?g/l and 40(±29) m?g/l for dothiepin and northiaden respectively. The data reflect the well recognised inter-individual variability in plasma concentrations for subjects receiving the same oral dose. Similar variability was noted in breast-milk concentrations at all doses of dothiepin. Dothiepin passes into the breast-milk of lactating women receiving the drug for post-partum depression. In this respect the drug is similar to other tricyclic antidepressants. The inter-individual variability of results recorded here suggest the need to determine drug concentrations on an individual basis before reaching a decision about breastfeeding. Perceived side effects in the infant are clear criteria for cessation of breastfeeding; high levels of drug in breastmilk where the infant is unaffected, warrant monitoring in view of our inadequate knowledge regarding long term effects of these drugs.  相似文献   

Nursing mothers are occasionally treated with intravenous lidocaine for ventricular dysrhythmias. There have been no reports on the excretion of lidocaine into breast milk. This case documents the excretion of lidocaine into breast milk in small amounts and shows the validity of the TDx methodology used in the whole-milk lidocaine assay. We observed breast-milk concentrations of lidocaine at 40 percent of the serum levels. Clinical practitioners should be aware the lidocaine is excreted into breast milk in small amounts and the mother could probably continue to safely breast-feed her child while on parenteral lidocaine. Any adverse reactions in the nursing infant would probably be limited to an idiosyncratic or allergic reaction.  相似文献   

A method is described for testing infant monkeys on a variety of operant tasks as soon as they can self-feed, typically within the first week of life. Each infant was housed during the 16-21-hour experimental session in a cage to which operant behavioral equipment was attached. Computer control of the experimental contingencies and data acquisition allowed a relatively large number of monkeys to be tested simultaneously, as well as detailed analysis of response parameters. Infant monkeys are capable of learning a number of tasks that assess learning and memory, including visual discrimination and reversal, simultaneous discrimination, and spatial and nonspatial matching to sample. Infant monkeys also perform like older animals on intermittent schedules of reinforcement. The long experimental sessions allowed determination of feeding pattern over the course of the night. Analyses of these variables have proved sensitive to the effects of developmental exposure to neurotoxicants such as lead and caffeine.  相似文献   

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