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超声治疗外阴白色病变的临床和病理评价(附60例报告)   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
目的 :通过对超声治疗外阴白色病变的临床研究 ,评价其疗效。方法 :治疗对象均为经病理检查证实为外阴白色病变的患者 ,共 80例。随机分为 :超声治疗组 6 0例和光谱治疗对照组 2 0例。治疗期间及治疗后 ,观察病变部位的症状和体征及病理组织结构变化 ,进行疗效评价。结果 :超声治疗后 ,患者的瘙痒症状基本缓解甚至可以完全消失 ,外阴的形态和色泽可基本恢复正常 ,有效率达 95 %。超声治疗前后的病理对比研究发现 :超声治疗后表皮及真皮层组织结构逐渐趋于正常 ,基底层色素细胞沉积。结论 :超声是目前治疗外阴白色病变的一种有效的新方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨治疗的外阴白色病变的有效药物。方法:将200例外阴白色病变患者随机分为观察组和对照组,观察其临床疗效。结果:观察组与对照组前后比较,有显著差异(P<0.01),观察组疗效优于对照组。结论:中西药结合治疗外阴白色病变疗效确切,理想且安全,值得在临床上推广运用。  相似文献   

由于外阴白色病变的确切病因目前尚不明确,常规的药物治疗虽有一定的疗效,可以暂时缓解症状,但不能根治,因此复发率高。对外阴白色病变施行有效的治疗,成了妇科医师非常关心的问题。2006年1月至2007年10月我院采用聚焦超声治疗外阴白色病变22例,取得了良好的疗效,现报道如下。  相似文献   

目的探讨高强度聚焦超声治疗(HIFU)女性外阴炎性疾病(单纯外阴瘙痒症和外阴上皮内非瘤样病变)的疗效。方法应用高强度超声治疗仪对142例单纯外阴瘙痒症、267例不同病理类型外阴上皮内非瘤样病变(141例硬化苔藓和126例鳞状上皮细胞增生),规范了对不同疾病的治疗方法以及疗效判别标准。结果本方法对单纯外阴瘙痒症组两次治疗后总有效率为90.4%;对外阴上皮内非瘤样病变4次治疗后,病变区皮肤面积由(14.26±4.79)cm2减少至(3.83±2.04)cm2,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),其中对硬化苔藓型明显有效率为94.8%,对鳞状上皮细胞增生型患者明显有效率为92.0%。结论本组显示HIFU可使瘙痒症状显著减轻,外阴白色病变面积逐渐减少,并具有简便、无痛和安全无创等优点。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中药综合治疗外阴白色病变的方法及临床疗效。方法将我院2009年12月至2010年6月收治的100例外阴白色病变分为观察组和对照组,对照组采用常规治疗,观察组在对照组的基础上采用中药内服外治综合治疗,比较两组患者的临床疗效。结果观察组的总有效率为90.0%显著高于对照组的78.0%,P〈0.05。且观察组的复发率为10.0%显著低于对照组的22.0%,P〈0.05。结论中药综合治疗外阴白色病变疗效显著,能起到标本兼治和减少复发率的作用,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的:研究红外光治疗外阴上皮非瘤样病变的近远期临床效果。方法:对我院采用红外光治疗的89例外阴上皮非瘤样病变患者临床资料进行回顾性研究,随访成功82例,按型别分为3组:鳞状上皮增生型组25例,硬化性苔藓型组43例,混合型组14例。评估红外光治疗不同类型外阴上皮非瘤样病变的疗效及复发情况。结果:82例患者近期(治疗后1个月)总有效75例,总有效率为91. 5%; 3组间近期治疗有效率差异无统计学意义(χ2=0. 002,P=0. 999);远期(治疗2年内)总有效65例,总有效率为79. 3%; 3组间远期治疗有效率差异无统计学意义(χ~2=0. 164,P=0. 921)。总复发率12. 2%,仅1例发生不良反应。结论:红外光治疗各型外阴上皮非瘤样病变患者的近远期临床效果显著,复发率低,治疗安全。  相似文献   

外阴白色病变的传统保守治疗   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
外阴白色病变是指女性外阴皮肤和粘膜组织发生变性及色素改变的一组慢性疾病。因其病变部位皮肤和粘膜多呈白色而得名。它包括外阴鳞状上皮细胞增生 (以往称外阴增生性营养不良 )、外阴硬化性苔癣 (以往称萎缩性营养不良 )以及前两者同时存在的混合性外阴白色病变 ,其主要症状为外阴瘙痒。外阴白色病变的治疗方法主要分为外科治疗及传统保守治疗。外科治疗包括局部病灶切除或单纯外阴切除以及激光治疗。既往 ,多主张采用单纯外阴切除或局部病灶切除以缓解症状和防止癌变 ,但经过长期观察发现 ,该方法存在较多弊端 :①术后复发率高 ,可达 5 0…  相似文献   

聚焦超声治疗外阴白色病变的研究   总被引:43,自引:1,他引:43  
目的探讨聚焦超声治疗外阴白色病变的可行性和有效性.方法采用超声监测和组织病理学检查相结合的方法,观察76例经病理检查证实为外阴白色病变的患者,聚焦超声治疗期间及治疗后,症状、体征及局部组织结构的变化.采用链霉卵白素-过氧化物酶(SP)免疫组化技术,检测治疗前后患者外阴白色病变组织(石蜡切片)中,血管内皮细胞分化抗原决定簇 (cluster of differentiation of endothelial cell, CD34)及髓磷脂碱性蛋白(myelin basic protein, MBP)的阳性表达率.结果聚焦超声治疗后,患者的局部瘙痒症状明显缓解,甚至完全消失,外阴的形态和色泽基本恢复正常,治疗有效率达94.7%.治疗后局部皮肤的表皮完整,真皮组织有一过性的充血、水肿,水肿的高峰期在治疗后的24~48 h,以后逐渐消退,至治疗后7~10 d恢复正常.治疗后1个月复查,外阴白色病变部位的皮肤逐渐恢复正常形态,并有色素沉着,局部表皮保持完整.聚焦超声治疗前后的病理检查结果显示,治疗后表皮及真皮层组织结构均逐渐恢复正常,基底层细胞色素沉积,真皮内的微血管明显增多,且管腔形态正常,浸润的淋巴细胞数量明显减少.外阴皮肤内CD34、MBP等的阳性表达率比治疗前明显升高(P<0.05).结论聚焦超声用于治疗外阴白色病变安全、有效,是治疗外阴白色病变的新方法.  相似文献   

高压氧治疗外阴白色病变的疗效分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :探讨高压氧 (HBO)治疗外阴白色病变的疗效。方法 :采用医用氧舱 ,HBO方案为多人舱空气加压 ,压力 0 .15mPa下戴面罩吸纯氧 2 0分钟 3次 ,中间吸空气 2次 ,每次 5分钟 ,每日 1次 ,10次为 1个疗程。治疗最长 6个疗程 ,最短 0 .6疗程 ,平均 3.2疗程。结果 :2 8例外阴白色病变患者经治疗后显效 16例 (5 7.14 % ) ,好转 11例 (39.2 9% ) ,无效 1例 (3.5 7% )。治疗有效共 2 7例 ,有效率 96 .4 3%。随访 4年 ,复发 4例 ,复发率为 14 .81% (4 / 2 7) ,癌变率为 0。结论 :HBO为外阴白色病变的治疗提供了一种有效、无损伤的治疗方法  相似文献   

外阴白色病变是指女性外阴皮肤和黏膜组织发生变性及色素改变的一组慢性疾病。幼女外阴白色病变临床报道少,因幼女患者特殊的解剖与生理特点,更易导致外阴局部环境改变,由于其临床症状不如成人明显,加上幼儿自身认知能力尚未健全,易被父母忽视,延误病情。恩师洪家铁教授自拟方药运用中药外治法治疗本病疗效显著。  相似文献   

聚焦超声治疗外阴上皮内非瘤样病变900例临床疗效分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的 探讨聚焦超声治疗外阴上皮内非瘤样病变的临床疗效,评价聚焦超声治疗的有效性、安全性及可行性。方法 对2003年6月至2005年8月,采用聚焦超声治疗的941例外阴上皮内非瘤样病变患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,其中鳞状上皮增生型498例(占52.9%),硬化性苔癣型342例(占36.4%),硬化性苔癣伴增生(混合)型101例(占10.7%)。患者年龄18~70岁,平均年龄40.8岁。平均病程为6.2年(3个月~45年),于治疗后6、12个月评价其疗效(分为治愈、有效、无效,以治愈及有效例数计算有效率)。结果 941例患者中900例患者随访资料完整,治疗后6个月,临床治愈434例(占48.2%),有效420例(占46.7%),无效46例(占5.1%),治疗后6个月的有效率为94.9%。治疗后12个月的有效率为83.7%。治疗后12个月有101例患者再次出现明显的外阴瘙痒症状(占11.2%),再次给予聚焦超声治疗,其中90例达到临床有效。900例患者中,无一例出现阴道周围组织(尿道或直肠)损伤等并发症,但有50例患者(5.6%)在治疗中及1周后出现皮肤水泡及局部浅表溃疡,经对症治疗后全部愈合。结论 聚焦超声是当前治疗外阴上皮内非瘤样病变行之有效的新方法,值得在临床上进一步推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨聚焦超声治疗外阴上皮内非瘤样病变的近远期疗效及并发症,并初步分析其预后影响因素。方法 选择经病理检查证实为外阴上皮内非瘤样病变患者共76例,采用聚焦超声进行治疗。术后定期随访局部瘙痒症状的改善情况,采用阴道镜检查方法观察体征的变化。结果 聚焦超声治疗后平均随访28.3个月(24~60个月),有39例患者治愈(27例为鳞状上皮增生型,12例为硬化性苔癣型),总治愈率为51%(39/76),总有效率达95%(72/76),累计复发率为36%(26/72)。对复发病例在间隔一段时间后进行再次聚焦超声治疗,同样可以获得显著的临床治疗效果,18例复发后再治疗患者中,6例完全恢复正常,12例症状明显减轻或缓解。76例患者中,4例(2例鳞状上皮增生型,2例硬化性苔癣型)于治疗后2~4h出现治疗区皮肤少量水疱,经抗炎、对症治疗后均痊愈。另有2例(1例鳞状上皮增生型,1例硬化性苔癣型)在治疗后2周出现治疗区局部皮肤浅表溃疡,经抗炎、对症及促表皮生长等治疗3周后痊愈。76例患者经24~60个月的临床观察未发现有远期并发症。不同的麻醉方式及不同的病理类型对聚焦超声治疗效果的影响比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),但病程越短、年龄越小,聚焦超声治疗的临床效果越好。结论 聚焦超声用于治疗外阴上皮内非瘤样病变安全有效,无远期并发症发生。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to review clinical characteristics, histologic findings, and recommendations for surgical treatment of patients with granular cell tumors of the vulva.STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective study of 20 patients diagnosed with a granular cell tumor of the vulva from December 1963 to June 1994 was undertaken to evaluate age, lesion location, size, histopathologic features, presenting symptoms, progression of disease, and treatment.RESULTS: The average age was 50 years, with a range of 26 to 78 years. Fourteen of the 20 patients were black and six were white. Lesions were identified on the labia majora (18), on the clitoris (one), and in the perineal region (one). Only two patients had multiple lesions. Presenting complaints included increasing growth of the lesion (nine), pain (three), and pruritus (one). Six patients were asymptomatic. Lesion size ranged from 0.4 × 0.4 cm to 7 × 8 × 12 cm. Two lesions were found to infiltrate surrounding connective tissue. The 12 lesions that were stained for S-100 protein all had positive results. Nineteen patients were treated with wide local excision only. The twentieth patient required radical surgery because of the large size of the lesion; she died with pulmonary metastasis.CONCLUSION: Granular cell tumors of the vulva are slow-growing, predominantly solitary tumors that are commonly asymptomatic. The tumors originate at the neural crest, as demonstrated by S-100 staining. The majority of lesions are benign and may be treated with conservative wide local excision. An extremely uncommon histologically benign but clinically malignant form of granular cell tumor of the vulva needs special attention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the pattern of lymph node metastases, recurrence rate, and survival of patients with lateral T1 and T2 squamous cell cancer (SCC) of the vulva treated by radical vulvectomy or hemivulvectomy and inguinal lymphadenectomy. METHODS: An institutional review was performed to identify lateral T1 and T2 SCC of the vulva confined to the labium majus and minus. RESULTS: Sixty-one patients with lateral T1 and 61 patients with lateral T2 SCC of the vulva were treated from 1963 to 2003. Radical vulvectomy (RV) was performed in 60 patients, and radical hemivulvectomy (RHV) in 62 patients. Seven of 61 patients (11%) with T1 lesions had ipsilateral superficial inguinal lymph node (SIL) metastases, but none had deep inguinal lymph (DIL) node metastases. Nineteen of 61 patients (31%) with T2 lesions had ipsilateral SIL metastases, and 8 had ipsilateral DIL metastases. No patient had contralateral SIL or DIL metastases. Six patients (10%) with T1 lesions and seven patients (11%) with T2 lesions developed recurrence to the ipsilateral vulva and were treated by re-excision. All patients are alive with no evidence of disease 10-195 months after treatment. One patient with T1 and three patients with T2 SCC developed distant recurrence and died of disease (DOD) 10-15 months after surgery. Disease-free survival of patients with T1 lesions was 98% at 2 years and 98% at 5 years, and with T2 lesions was 95% at 2 years and 93% at 5 years. Local or distant recurrence was not more common in patients treated by RHV than in those treated by RV. CONCLUSION: Lateral T1 and T2 squamous cell cancers of the vulva spread to the ipsilateral inguinal lymph nodes and can be treated effectively with RHV and ipsilateral SIL dissection. Deep inguinal lymphadenectomy is indicated only when the SIL are positive.  相似文献   

During a 15-month period, September 1984 through January 1986, 10 women who were treated in the Section of Gynecologic Oncology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, developed vaginal or vulvar adenosis after CO2 laser vaporization. The indications for therapy were condylomata of the cervix, vagina and vulva refractory to conservative management in 3 patients, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia in 3, lichen sclerosus in 1 and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia with condylomata on the cervix and vagina in 3. All the patients underwent treatment of the vagina. Most underwent treatment of the cervix, and some underwent treatment of the vulva at various degrees of intensity and depth. During the posttreatment colposcopic follow-up examination, all the patients demonstrated lesions colposcopically consistent with adenosis of the vagina or vulva within the area treated with the CO2 laser. Biopsies of the lesions were performed, adenosis was confirmed histologically, and endometriosis was ruled out histologically. This entity has not been previously associated with CO2 laser vaporization, and its clinical significance is undetermined. Further follow-up is indicated.  相似文献   

Paget's disease of the vulva   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to review our experience with Paget's disease of the vulva relative to initial examination, treatment, and oncologic outcome. STUDY DESIGN: Patients who were treated for extramammary Paget's disease of the vulva at the University of South Florida were identified in our vulvar cancer database for the period 1988 through 2000. The charts were reviewed, and the data were collected regarding patient demographics, previous Paget's treatment, symptoms, surgical margin status, associated malignancies, and time to recurrence. RESULTS: Twenty-three women with extramammary Paget's disease of the vulva were treated by the Division of Gynecologic Oncology during the 12-year period. The average patient was postmenopausal and white and had symptoms for 21 months before the diagnosis was made. A pruritic lesion was the most common symptom. Treatment included wide local excision or vulvectomy, depending on the extent of disease. Six of the 23 patients displayed invasive disease and, consequently, underwent radical resection. There were 8 recurrences that were found, on average, 30 months after the surgical procedure. Two of the 8 patients had invasive disease at their primary operation, and 1 patient had underlying invasive disease at the time of recurrence. The average follow-up time was 39 months (median, 13.5 months; range, 1-216 months). CONCLUSION: Delay in diagnosis did not correlate with size or extent of disease. Margin status did not change the natural course of disease. Recurrence is relatively common, and long-term monitoring is recommended, with repeat excision of symptomatic lesions.  相似文献   

Melanocytic dysplasia and multiple melanoma of the vulva   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report a case of a 24-year-old woman with multiple pigmented lesions on her vulva. Histologically the lesions showed a heterogeneous pattern: the majority consisted of melanoma in situ and invasive melanoma; in a few lesions a much less clear-cut picture was found with only melanocytic dysplasia of various degrees. Our case shows the relationship between anomalous melanocytic proliferation of the vulva and vulvar melanoma and underlines the necessity of a thorough check of all melanocytic vulvar lesions also in young patients.  相似文献   

Between January 1960 and December 1982, 142 patients with carcinoma in situ of the vulva were treated at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and UCLA Medical Center. Primary treatment consisted of wide excision in 45 patients; vulvectomy in 23 patients; topical chemotherapy in 9 patients; and CO2 laser therapy in 42 patients. Twenty-three patients were also treated with the CO2 laser for recurrent disease. Multifocal disease was present in 59% of the cases. Lesions involving the posterior vulva recurred most commonly, for both initial and recurrent disease. Results utilizing the CO2 are compared with the other methods of treating carcinoma in situ of the vulva. The CO2 laser is well suited for treatment of both multifocal and unifocal vulvar lesions, as it allows for maximal retention of vulvar integrity with no decrease in therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   

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