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Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) antigen (Ag) levels were measured by radioimmunoassay in 64 patients with invasive squamous cell cervical carcinoma and 9 patients with nonsquamous carcinoma before the initiation of treatment. The mean antigen level in the squamous group was 10.5 ng/ml compared with 1.3 ng/ml in the nonsquamous group. In the patients with squamous cell carcinoma, mean SCC Ag level correlated well with stage, except for bulky stage IB tumors (P less than 0.05), where mean level was much higher than expected. Patients with exophytic tumors had significantly higher SCC Ag levels than those with nonexophytic tumors. Follow-up on 62 evaluable patients ranged from 20 to 40 months. The mean pretreatment SCC Ag level for patients free of disease at last contact was 5.6 ng/ml, in contrast to 16.1 ng/ml for those with recurrent disease. Only 32% of patients free of disease had pretreatment levels of 4.0 ng/ml or greater, while 86% of those with recurrent disease had such values (P less than 0.05). Forty patients had follow-up samples drawn 1 to 14 months after treatment. Mean post-treatment SCC Ag levels dropped to 1.8 ng/ml in 21 patients free of disease (73% decrease), but remained elevated at 13.4 ng/ml (17% decrease) in 19 patients with recurrences. The specificity of follow-up SCC Ag levels as a predictive test for outcome was 90%, with a sensitivity of 63%. We conclude that pretreatment SCC Ag levels correlate well with tumor stage, lesion morphology, and extent of disease. SCC antigen levels may be used to follow patients to determine effectiveness of treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Squamous cell carcinoma antigen levels in 74 healthy volunteers, 57 patients with CIN and 91 patients with cervical carcinoma were determined by radioimmunoassay. 5.4% of healthy volunteers were above and all patients with CIN were below 3.0 ng/ml. 63.1% of 65 patients with primary squamous cell carcinoma, 1 out of 7 adenocarcinomas and 68.4% of 19 patients with recurrence of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix had elevated SCC antigen levels. Elevated posttreatment levels carried a high risk factor of tumor persistence. Increases in SCC antigen levels during follow up usually signified recurrent carcinoma.  相似文献   

The serum concentrations of the tumor-associated antigen SCC were determined in 62 patients with invasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Antigen values above 2.0 ng/ml were considered as slightly positive, and those above 4.0 ng/ml as highly positive. Pretherapeutic levels were elevated (greater than 2.0 ng/ml) in 68% of the patients with cervical carcinoma. In 49 patients with carcinoma in situ, 18% of the SCC values were above the normal range. The greatest incidence of positive SCC titers (84%) was observed in women with recurrent cervical carcinoma. Only 6.7% of women in remission had elevated titers. Five of 24 cases (21%) with invasive endometrial carcinoma had SCC values exceeding 2.0 ng/ml. Slightly positive levels of tumor antigen were seen in 1.8% (1/56) of the control subjects. Serial SCC determinations revealed a correlation with the clinical course of disease in 84%. The determination of SCC is useful for the surveillance of patients with cervical squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

In a prospective study, serum concentrations of squamous cell carcinoma antigen, a subfraction of tumor antigen (TA-4), were determined by radioimmunoassay from healthy donors, pregnant women, and subjects with various benign and malignant gynecologic diseases. Ninety-six percent of 99 healthy persons including all 52 female controls, the 15 pregnant patients, and all 23 subjects with benign gynecologic tumors, had squamous cell carcinoma antigen levels less than 2.0 ng/ml. Seven of 51 (14%) patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and 16 of 24 (67%) patients with cervical squamous cell carcinoma had squamous cell carcinoma antigen levels greater than 2.0 ng/ml. Declining and rising levels of squamous cell carcinoma antigen, which were determined sequentially in nine cases of cervical carcinoma that were associated with elevated pretreatment levels of squamous cell carcinoma antigen, correlated with regression and progression of the disease. Serial serum levels of squamous cell carcinoma antigen provide a noninvasive means of monitoring the effects of individual therapy in patients with cervical squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

Between 1978 and 1989, 451 patients with cervical squamous cell carcinoma were referred to our department, of whom 143 experienced persistent or recurrent disease. Serial serum samples of the patients were analyzed for the presence of squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC). The incidence of elevated pretreatment serum SCC levels ranged from 37% in stage IB (N = 173) to 90% in stage IV (N = 19). Multivariate analysis showed that deep stromal infiltration and lymph node metastases were associated with significantly higher serum SCC levels. Serum SCC trends correlated with the course of disease: after treatment the sensitivity (percentage positive results in patients with persistent disease) was 79% and the specificity (percentage negative results in patients with no evidence of disease) was 91%. During follow-up, the sensitivity of the assay was 85.5% in patients with recurrent disease. However, the positive predictive value of a single serum SCC value greater than 2.5 ng/ml for tumor recurrence was only 49%. This figure rose to 76% when two consecutive elevations were determined. Stage and pretreatment serum SCC level were the only factors found to influence survival, using Cox's regression analysis with five pretreatment variables.  相似文献   

Serum levels of squamous cell carcinoma antigen were measured in 688 samples from 119 patients with cervical cancer. Ninety-seven patients had primary tumors and 22 had recurrent disease. Serum samples were obtained before each cycle of chemotherapy, before surgery, at least 4 weeks after surgery, and at 2- to 3-month intervals during follow-up from 78 of the patients with locally advanced cervical cancer who were receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Squamous cell carcinoma antigen serum levels were elevated (greater than 2.5 ng/ml) in 71% of the patients with primary tumors and in 77% of the patients with recurrent carcinomas. The percentage of positivity increased significantly with stage (p = 0.03) and was higher in squamous cell tumors than in adenocarcinomas (p less than 0.001). Pretreatment squamous cell carcinoma antigen levels were not predictive of neoadjuvant chemotherapy response; however, the serial measurement during chemotherapy showed a good correlation with clinical response. In the patients who had surgery, squamous cell carcinoma antigen positivity did not correlate to pathologic findings (lymph node status, cervical and parametrial infiltration). Disease-free survival was significantly longer in patients with squamous cell carcinoma antigen pretreatment values that were lower than 5 ng/ml, compared with patients with marker higher than 5 ng/ml (p less than 0.01). Abnormal squamous cell carcinoma antigen serum levels preceded the clinical detection of recurrence in eight of 11 patients with a median lead time of 5 months.  相似文献   

The significance of serum SCC antigen as a tumor marker was investigated in 94 women with squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva. The incidence of elevated serum SCC levels varied from 10% in FIGO stage I to 40% in FIGO stage IV. We did not observe a correlation between elevated pretreatment SCC values and the presence of lymph node metastases. During follow-up, elevated serum SCC values were observed in 8 of 19 patients (42%) with recurrent or progressive disease. It is concluded that the determination of serum SCC levels does not provide additional information in the staging of squamous cell vulvar carcinoma, but can be useful for the early detection of recurrent disease during follow-up in some patients. However, elevated serum SCC levels were also found in 25% of patients without demonstrable tumor activity during follow-up and benign skin disorders were recognized as a cause of false-positive SCC results.  相似文献   

Preoperative serum squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC) levels were examined in 148 cases of stage Ib squamous cervical cancer undergoing radical hysterectomy. The effect of the pelvic lymph node status on the marker level was examined by comparing 113 cases with cancer limited to the uterus and 23 cases with cancer confined to the uterus and pelvic lymph nodes using two different multivariate analyses. Ninety-five percent of patients with cancer limited to the uterus showed SCC levels of 4 ng/ml or below. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of patients with serum levels above 4 ng/ml exhibited pelvic lymph node metastasis. The marker values exceeding 4 ng/ml increased the risk of nodal metastasis by eight times, compared with serum levels of 4 ng/ml or below. Multivariate analyses confirmed that the pelvic lymph node metastasis had a larger impact on the marker level than did tumor size or depth of stromal infiltration. SCC levels greaterthan 4 ng/ml can be considered a high-risk zone for nodalmetastasis.  相似文献   

In this study, squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC) was detected in 96 of 157 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix and the percentage of patients with raised SCC levels increased with the stage of disease (P less than 0.01). The use of serial SCC assays and cervical biopsy histology during the course of radiotherapy to predict tumor response to irradiation was assessed. In patients who were given external irradiation before intracavitary radium, a high SCC level or the presence of viable tumor cells in the biopsy was found to be of no predictive value. However, at completion of radiotherapy, i.e., after intracavitary radium application, patients with persistently high SCC levels had a significantly higher incidence of residual tumor than patients whose SCC levels returned to normal (P less than 0.01). In 60% of patients with a persistently high SCC level, viable tumor was found in the cervical biopsy at the end of radiotherapy. On the other hand, only 5.4% of patients whose SCC level returned to normal had residual tumor.  相似文献   

Staging of cervical cancer is routinely performed by means of examination under anesthesia in combination with radiographic and/or endoscopic techniques. This “clinical” staging leads to 10–25% misclassification, mostly due to positive lymph nodes or lymph or blood vessel invasion. Determination of pretreatment squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC) and CA 125 serum levels may solve part of this staging problem and may improve the selection of the most appropriate individual therapy. Using 2.5 ng/ml (SCC) and 35 U/ml (CA 125) as cutoff levels, we studied 99 patients retrospectively. Elevated levels were found in 27% (SCC) and 23% (CA 125). In clinical stage IB or IIA disease 45/81 patients had positive nodes or lymph or blood vessel invasion at operation. Of these patients 49% had elevated serum levels of SCC or CA 125. Strongest correlation was found with blood vessel invasion (57%). Only 19% of low-stage patients without evidence of vascular spread of disease had positive levels. The positive predictive value of SCC and CA 125 for detection of vascular spread of disease in low-stage cervical cancer was 76%. In most centers surgery is the primary treatment of choice in low-stage cervical cancer. Nevertheless, with respect to patient survival, results of primary surgery and primary radiotherapy are comparable. Radiotherapy given in an adjuvant setting leads to a high incidence of severe complications. In order to overcome part of these complications one should consider radiotherapy as the primary therapy of choice in patients with clinical stage IB or IIA cervical cancer with elevated pretreatment SCC or CA 125 levels.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We wanted to investigate the clinical usefulness of determining the pretreatment levels of multiple serum tumor markers in predicting lymph node status and the prognosis for patients with cervical carcinoma. METHODS: The preoperative serum levels of squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC), cancer antigens CA125 and CA19-9 were assayed simultaneously in 103 patients with stages IB to IIB cervical SCC undergoing radical hysterectomy. The cut-off values of SCC, CA125, and CA19-9 in this study were 1.5 ng/ml, 35 U/ml, and 37 U/ml, respectively. The relation between preoperative tumor marker levels and histopathologic prognostic factors including lymph node metastasis and patient survival was studied. RESULTS: Preoperative serum SCC, CA125, and CA19-9 levels were significantly related to the FIGO stage. In addition, serum SCC and CA125 levels were significantly related to tumor diameter, depth of cervical stromal invasion, lymph-vascular space invasion, and lymph node metastasis. We subsequently created a double-tumor-marker (DTM) index, which incorporated the number of positive markers of SCC and CA125. The DTM index was strongly related to the number of positive pelvic lymph nodes (p = 0.0002) and to the site of positive nodes (none vs. pelvic only vs. common iliac/paraaortic) (p = 0.0005). Probability of lymph node metastasis according to the DTM index = 0, 1, and 2 was 6/48 (12.5%), 14/45 (31.1%), and 8/10 (80.0%), respectively. The rate of common iliac/paraaortic node metastasis according to the DTM index = 0, 1, and 2 was 1/48 (2.1%), 2/45 (4.4%), and 3/10 (30.0%), respectively. By logistic regression analysis, it was shown that the DTM index and tumor diameter were independently related to lymph node metastasis. Using multivariate Cox regression analysis including singly determined serum SCC and CA125 levels, clinical stage (IB/IIA vs. IIB), tumor diameter ( 4 cm), parametrial invasion, lymph node metastasis, and the DTM index, the DTM index was found to be the most important prognostic factor (p = 0.0005). However, when the sites of positive nodes were included in the multivariate analysis, only the sites of positive nodes (p = 0.0008) and parametrial invasion (p = 0.041) showed independent prognostic significance. CONCLUSION: Combination assay of pretreatment serum SCC and CA125 levels seems to be useful in estimating lymph node status and the prognosis for patients with cervical SCC in a preoperative setting.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of circulating immune complexes (CIC), cancer antigen 125 (CA125), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and a sub-fraction of the TA-4 squamous cell carcinoma tumor-associated antigen (SCC) has been undertaken in 38 patients with cervical carcinoma. Pre- and post-treatment values have been compared with those obtained in well-defined clinical remission and relapse phases of their disease. Each tumor marker was assessed in terms of "lead time" before clinically obvious recurrent disease became evident. The data from the four subjects with adenocarcinoma of the cervix gave equivocal results and no firm conclusions could be drawn. However, for the 34 patients with squamous cell carcinoma the medium value (data was skewed) for SCC was elevated above normal in the presenting pretreatment sera (4.5 ng/ml) and significantly fell to 2.5 ng/ml post-treatment (P less than 0.01). A similar pattern was not apparent for CIC, CEA, or CA125 data. When results were examined for an individual patient, of those with recurrent squamous cell lesions who died, 12/24 demonstrated elevated, and rising SCC values before clinical evidence of the disease and a further 6 (25%) at the time recurrence was clinically evident. This information gave lead times of between 2 and 52 months (median 13 months) for 75% of patients. Only 1 subject had values which remained in the normal range (less than 2 ng/ml) even though their disease was progressive. Similarly of the subjects still in clinical remission 8/9 had values within the normal range. The data for CIC, CA125, and CEA were not individually useful as a marker. Furthermore, combining the data from all analytes to give a panel of potential markers did not improve the prognosis already evident with SCC alone. It has therefore been concluded that SCC is a useful biochemical marker of the progression of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Mature cystic teratoma of the ovary transforms into malignant tumors, mostly squamous cell carcinomas, at an incidence of approximately 2%. Preoperative diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma arising in mature cystic teratoma of the ovary is a difficult task. The present study aims to assess whether combined use of two serum tumor markers, macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC), is effective in preoperatively diagnosing squamous cell carcinoma arising in mature cystic teratoma of the ovary, distinguishing it from mature cystic teratoma without malignant transformation. METHODS: Serum levels of M-CSF and SCC were assayed using blood samples collected preoperatively from 31 patients with squamous cell carcinoma arising in mature cystic teratoma of the ovary and 133 patients with mature cystic teratoma of the ovary without malignant transformation. RESULTS: In 22 of the 31 (71.0%) patients with squamous cell carcinoma arising in mature cystic teratoma of the ovary, the serum M-CSF levels exceeded the upper limit of the normal level (1056 U/ml). This positive incidence of the elevated serum M-CSF levels was significantly higher compared with that (13.5%, 18/133) observed in patients with benign cystic teratoma of the ovary (P < 0.0001). Regarding the serum levels of SCC, 13 of 31 (41.9%) patients with malignant tumors showed positive values exceeding the cutoff value of 2.0 ng/ml. Again, this incidence of positive cases was significantly higher compared with that (15.0%, 20/133) observed in patients with benign tumors (P < 0.01). There was no correlation between the serum levels of M-CSF and SCC among patients with squamous cell carcinoma arising in mature cystic teratoma of the ovary. Patients with malignant tumors testing positive for elevated M-CSF did not necessarily test positive for SCC. Patients with positive values for excess M-CSF and/or SCC constituted 87.1% of the total (27/31). Even when patients were restricted to those with stage I tumors, a value as high as 83.3% (15/18) was still obtained for those testing positive for elevated M-CSF and/or SCC. CONCLUSION: Serum M-CSF was proven to be useful as a tumor marker for detecting squamous cell carcinoma arising in mature cystic teratoma of the ovary. Combined use of serum M-CSF and SCC as a marker seemed to be useful in the selective diagnosis of mature cystic teratoma of the ovary harboring malignant squamous carcinoma, discriminating it from that without malignant carcinoma.  相似文献   

CA125 (reference value [RV] = 35 U/mL), CA50 (RV = 20 U/mL), CA72.4 (RV = 3.8 U/mL) and SCC (RV = 3.6 ng/mL) levels were retrospectively assayed in blood samples collected at diagnosis from 42 patients with endometrial carcinoma, 45 patients with cervical carcinoma and 68 patients with benign uterine pathology as controls. Among the patients with endometrial carcinoma. CA50 was the antigen with the highest sensitivity (SE) (34.4%) followed by CA125 (26.2%), CA72.4 (21.9%) and SCC (16.7%). The incidence of elevated serum CA125 and CA72.4 levels was significantly greater in advanced stages than in early ones (66.7% vs 19.4%, p = 0.032 for CA125; 66.7% vs 11.5%, p = 0.012 for CA72.4), while CA50 positivity was not significantly correlated with the extent of disease (50% in advanced stages vs 30.8% in early ones, p = 0.38). Among the patients with cervical carcinoma, CA125 and CA50 respectively showed a SE of 33.3% and of 42.9% for adenocarcinoma, while SCC had a SE of 33.3% and of 42.9% for squamous cell adenocarcinoma; in particular among the patients with squamous cell carcinoma, the incidence of elevated SCC levels was correlated with the extent of tumor (57.1% in advanced stages vs 12.5% in early ones, p = 0.013). In conclusion, CA50 and CA125 were the most sensitive tumor markers in both endometrial carcinoma and cervical adenocarcinoma, while SCC was the most reliable antigen for squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. Because of the affinity of SCC, CA50 and CA125 for different histological types of cervical carcinoma, the combined evaluation of SCC with CA50 or CA125 showed an increased SE with respect to each marker alone.  相似文献   

Summary We have established an enzyme immunoassay for placental protein 4 (PP4), by using avidin-biotin binding reaction, and set its normal range below 10.9 ng/ml (mean + 2σ). Throughout the menstrual cycle, the serum PP4 profile was similar to that of serum progesterone. In the follicular and ovulatory phase, PP4 remained relatively low, with the mean levels of 1.5 ng/ml and 1.8 ng/ml, respectively. In the luteal phase, the mean level was 3.2 ng/ml. In normal pregnancy, serum PP4 levels were low irrespective of gestational age, with a mean level of 3.0 ng/ml. There was only one case in which the serum PP4 level over 10.9 ng/ml. Mean serum PP4 levels and the frequencies of elevated serum PP4 levels were respectively 6.3 ng/ml and 11% in patients with benign ovarian neoplasms, 4.7 ng/ml and 6% in patients with endometriosis, and 5.5 ng/ml and 18% in patients with uterine myomata. The frequency of raised PP4 levels was 48% and the mean value was 13.3 ng/ml in patients with endometrial carcinoma, and the values were 44% and 13.4 ng/ml respectively in patients with cervical carcinoma. In patients with ovarian malignancy, the respective values were 15% and 7.0 ng/ml. The results did not relate to clinical stages of disease (FIGO), while the frequencies of elevated serum PP4 in patients with uterine carcinoma was over 40% in stage I diseases. Compared with other tumor markers such as carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA) and cancer antigen 125 (CA125), PP4 seems to be more promising as a marker of endometrial carcinoma. In patients with recurrent gynecological malignancy, 79% of serum PP4 levels were elevated. In endometrial carcinoma and recurrent gynecological malignancy, stromal destruction might be the cause of elevated serum PP4 levels.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the pretreatment serum squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC-ag) level as a generally applicable measurement in predicting and estimating the treatment outcome of patients with locally advanced SCC of the cervix. Three hundred fifty-two patients with stage IIB-IVA SCC of the cervix were managed with both external irradiation and high-dose rate intracavitary brachytherapy. A significantly higher median SCC-ag was seen in association with increasing stage, tumor size, and lymph node involvement. The difference in disease-free survival (DFS) between stages IIB and III patients was not statistically significant with SCC-ag level <2 ng/mL. In multivariate analysis, median SCC-ag level (> or =6.0 ng/mL) and lymph node metastases had significant independent effects on absolute survival and DFS. A direct linear relationship (y=-2.932x+ 84.896) existed between the median SCC-ag of groups distributed by pretreatment prognostic factors and the 5-year DFS rate. The 5-year DFS rate as a function of SCC-ag level defined by cervix size, lymph node status, and hydronephrosis was obtained from a formula combining risk scores and the baseline survival function. From the obtained formulas, we can objectively estimate the treatment outcome in patients with locally advanced squamous cell cervical cancer.  相似文献   

Sixty-seven patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix (FIGO Stages IB2, IIA, and IIB) were reviewed to evaluate the pretreatment level of squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) which may be used to predict a subset of patients with poor prognosis. The rate of pathologic pretreatment serum level of SCC increased significantly in cases with Stage IIB compared to that of Stages IB2 and IIA (50% versus 16.3%). The rate of pathologic pretreatment serum level of CEA did not show any difference between these two groups (29.2% versus 30.2%). The 48-month disease-free survival for patients with pathologic pretreatment serum levels for one or both tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) was 40.0% versus 91.7% for patients with normal levels (log-rank test,P< 0.005) in Stages IB2 and IIA. Patients who had a pathologic pretreatment serum level for one or both TAAs showed higher incidence of lymph node metastasis than patients with normal levels (36.7% versus 10.8%). The patients who had pathologic pretreatment serum levels for both TAAs and lymph node metastasis have the poorest prognosis. The pretreatment serum levels for one or both TAAs make it possible to predict the clinical response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy consisting ofcis-platinum (DDP) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Our findings suggest that pretreatment of SCC in conjunction with CEA is a valuable tumor marker to predict the prognosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix and to foresee a clinical response to subsequent neoadjuvant chemotherapy.  相似文献   

CA 125 and CA 19-9 are antigenic determinants associated with human epithelial ovarian carcinomas. Murine monoclonal antibodies have been raised against these determinants, and immunoradiometric assays have been developed to monitor antigen levels in the serum of cancer patients. This study was undertaken to determine whether concomitant measurement of CA 125, CA 19-9, and carcinoembryonic antigen would provide a more precise correlation with tumor progression or regression than could be obtained with any single assay. Among 105 patients with surgically demonstrable epithelial ovarian carcinoma, serum CA 125 levels were elevated (greater than 35 U/ml) in 83%, CA 19-9, levels (greater than 37 U/ml) in 17%, and carcinoembryonic antigen levels (greater than or equal to 2.5 ng/ml) in 37%. Within individual samples, no correlation was found among values for the three markers, but patients with elevated CA 19-9 levels also had increased levels of CA 125. At least one of the three markers was elevated in 90% of the subjects. When 41 patients were monitored serially over 2 to 60 months, alterations in CA 125 levels correlated with disease progression or regression in 94% of instances, whereas alterations in CA 19-9 levels correlated in 33% and alterations in carcinoembryonic antigen levels in 25% of instances. Concomitant measurement of CA 125, CA 19-9, and carcinoembryonic antigen did not prove superior to measurement of CA 125 alone in the monitoring of patients with epithelial ovarian carcinoma.  相似文献   

Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), cancer antigen 125 (CA-125) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) antigen were measured in 56 full-termed pregnancies by enzyme-immunoassays (EIA-MEIA). The measurements were done in maternal serum (MS), umbilical cord blood (UCB) and amniotic fluid (AF) samples, during delivery. Very high antigen levels were found in AF samples (median: CEA = 124 ng/ml; CA-125 = 710 U/ml; SCC = 710 ng/ml) compared to UCB and MS. CEA and SCC showed significantly lower values in MS (0.6 and 1.7 ng/ml, respectively) than in UCB (1.6 ng/ml, P = 7.7 x 10(-9); 3.55 ng/ml, P = 6.5 x 10(-6), respectively), while CA-125 had significantly higher values in MS (6 U/ml) than in UCB (0.0 U/ml, P = 17 x 10(-6); Wilcoxon paired test). All CEA values in MS were below cut-off (less than or equal to 5 ng/ml), while 10% of CA-125 and 30% of SCC values were above cut-off (less than or equal to 35 U/ml and less than or equal to 2.5 ng/ml, respectively). Amniotic fluid CEA with meconium had higher values (P = 0.0002), while the highest CA-125 values in AF samples were found in primiparae (P = 0.02). Moreover SCC in AF samples from vaginal delivered pregnancies showed significantly higher values, compared to those from cesarean section (P = 4.2 x 10(-7); Mann-Whitney U-test). Thus, our findings suggest that pregnancy has an influence on maternal serum SCC and CA-125 values, while CEA is independent of gestation and seems to conserve its diagnostic value during pregnancy as well.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the clinical significance of multiple tumor markers, plasma levels of carcino-embryonic antigen (CEA), squamous cell carcinoma-related antigen (SCC), tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA) and immunosuppressive acidic protein (IAP) were measured before and after treatment in 136 patients (89 surgery cases and 47 radiotherapy cases). The patients had invasive cervical carcinoma (stages I-IV). The effect of radiotherapy was examined by cytology and biopsies obtained by colposcopy. For CEA, SCC and TPA there was a significant reduction (p less than 0.01) in values between the pretreatment and posttreatment periods, but plasma IAP was transiently increased after operation. Cytology and histology revealed negative rates of 95.6% and 86.7%, respectively, after radiotherapy. Regarding recurrence, for the negative groups and positive groups plasma CEA, SCC, TPA and IAP were determined in 24 patients with stage IIIb before radiotherapy. Only the CEA concentration showed a good correlation with the outcome (p less than 0.01). Effective serial plasma determinations of CEA, SCC and TPA in patients with cervical carcinoma following therapy may often be useful in the evaluation of therapy as well as in the earlier detection of recurrent disease.  相似文献   

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