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The outer hair cells of organ of Corti are innervated by the efferent neurons of medial olivocochlear neurons (MOC) of the brainstem which modify the cochlear auditory processing and sensitivity. Most of the MOC neurons are excited by a dominant ear and only a small portion of them is excited by both ears resulting in a binaural facilitation. The functional role of the feedback system between the organ of Corti and the cochlear efferent neurons is the protection of the ear from acoustic injury. The rapid impulse propagation in the bilateral olivocochlear system is suggestive of an electrotonic interaction between the bilateral olivocochlear neurons. The morphological background of the MOC pathway is not yet completely characterized. Therefore, we have labeled the bilateral cochlear nerves with different neuronal tracers in guinea pigs. In the anesthetized animals the cochlear nerves were exposed in the basal part of the modiolus and labeled simultaneously with different retrograde fluorescent tracers. By using confocal laser scanning microscope we could detect close appositions between the dendrites of the neurons of bilateral MOC. The distance between the neighboring profiles suggested close membrane appositions without interposing glial elements. These connections might serve as one of the underlying mechanisms of the binaural facilitation mediated by the olivocochlear system.  相似文献   

Out of 326 fibres in the horizontal semicircular canal branch of the goldfish vestibular nerve, 7 fibres could be identified as efferents. They showed irregular spontaneous activity and responded to rotatory stimuli with double frequency. Additionally in the central stump of the dissected nerve, efferent fibres were found, the spontaneous and stimulus modulated activity of which could not be differentiated from afferents.Efferents could be driven by a number of stimuli (vestibular, visual, somatosensory). Disruption of the efferent influence upon the receptors by dissection of the nerve or by pharmacological means (Gallamine) led to an increase of spontaneous afferent activity by 50%, showing that there is tonic efferent inhibition. Transfer functions of afferents were not changed after release from efferent influence. Electrical stimulation of efferents in 41% of the fibres led to an increase of afferent activity instead of the expected inhibition, which was seen in another 32%.  相似文献   

Summary In rat and guinea pig, cochlear efferents to the two ears were labeled simultaneously with different fluorescent tracers. It was found that in both species only few (1–3%) olivo-cochlear neurons were double-labeled and project to both cochleae. In most periolivary regions large olivocochlear neurons (OCN) projecting to the ipsilateral and contralateral side are intermingled and form a continuous cell column between the facial nucleus and lateral lemniscus. In a second series of experiments in rat, cochlear efferents and ascending olivo-collicular neurons were labeled. Olivo-cochlear and olivo-collicular neurons are intermingled in the lateral superior olive (LSO) and in the ventromedial periolivary region. No double-labeled neurons were found that project to the cochlea and the inferior colliculus.  相似文献   

Summary The efferent neurons of the gerbil vestibular system were investigated by retrograde tracing techniques and cytochemical staining for acetylcholinesterase (AChE), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and a number of peptides. The location, bilateral distribution, cell area and number of neurons in two identified groups of retrogradely labelled cells were described and quantified. The larger of the two groups was located dorsolateral to the facial nerve genu, ventral and medial to the vestibular nuclei. Unilateral tracer injection in the vestibular end organs labelled cells bilaterally in this and the smaller group, which was located immediately ventral to the genu. No cells were found that individually projected bilaterally to both labyrinths. After injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the utricle or saccule, significantly more cells were located on the contralateral side of the brainstem. The average (±SD) cross sectional area of labelled cell bodies associated with the otolith organs was 259.8 (±75.2) m2. ChAT immuno-reactive and AChE positive cells were found in an area coextensive with the location of the dorsal efferent group. In double-labelling studies, cell bodies in the same group that had been retrogradely labelled with a utricular injection of HRP, were immunocytochemically stained for calcitonin generelated peptide and met-enkephalin. In contrast, the ventral group of efferents did not have cells that were cytochemically stained for either of the acetylcholine-related enzymes or either peptide. The significance of the existence of peptidergic vestibular efferent neurons is discussed.  相似文献   

Congenital hypothyroidism results in deafness that is caused by changes in the auditory receptor, including scanty development of the outer hair cells and a lack of synaptogenesis between these cells and the efferent system. although the afferent population is present. The normal efferent innervation of the cochlea originates in the superior olivary complex, arising from efferent neurons belonging to the lateral or to the medial olivocochlear system. In the rat, the former is constituted by neurons located in the lateral superior olivary nucleus, that project to the inner hair cells, while the later originates in the ventral nuclei of the trapezoid body and project to the outer hair cells. The aim of this work is to study the localization, number and morphology of the olivochochlear neurons in congenital hypothyroid animals by means of the injections of the retrograde tracers, either fast blue or cholera toxin, in the cochlea. The mean total number of labeled olivocochlear neurons after injection of fast blue in hypothyroid animals was 1,016, and in control ones was 1,027. Using cholera toxin, the mean total number of labeled olivocochlear neurons was slightly lower: 863 in hypothyroid animals versus 910 in control ones. Although both tracers showed no significant differences between groups, when the somatic area of the labeled olivocochlear neurons is considered, the size of all of the three different population of cells (lateral olivocochlear neurons, medial olivocochlear neurons and shell neurons) was significantly lower in the hypothyroid rats. This is the first study of the olivocochlear neurons in hypothyroid animals. The conclusion from this work is that in hypothyroid rats the labeled olivocochlear neurons are significantly smaller but that there is not any modification in the localization and number of the labeled olivocochlear neurons, suggesting that thyroid hormones are necessary for the neuronal growth. However, most of the medial olivocochlear neurons do not make contact with their target, so their maintenance suggests that the axons are in contact with other structures of the cochlea.  相似文献   

We have re-evaluated, using the anterograde tracer biocytin, supraspinal efferent projections from the parabrachial complex (PBN) to gain new information about the nature of its connections and nerve terminal patterns. We selectively injected biocytin into the 3 main regions of the nucleus (lateral PBN, medial PBN and Kölliker-Fuse nucleus). We observed distinct groups of ascending and descending fibres of different calibre from the PBN running throughout the brain and reaching many brain areas involved in the regulation of autonomic function. Here we detected labelled bouton-like terminals and fibres with en-passage varicosities. The ascending efferents from the lateral PBN mainly reached the reticular, raphe and thalamic nuclei, the zona incerta (ZI), central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) and lateral area of the periaqueductal grey (PAG). Thin descending efferents reached the ventral region of the solitary tract nucleus (STN). The ascending efferents from the medial PBN were seen in the raphe nuclei, reticular nuclei, ventral and lateral areas of the PAG, thalamic nuclei, and in the medial and lateral nuclei of the amygdala. Descending efferents were seen in the STN and in some reticular nuclei. The ascending projections from the Kölliker-Fuse targeted the ventral area of PAG, CeA, ZI, lateral hypothalamic area, ventromedial thalamic nucleus and, with only a few terminals, the ipsi and contralateral reticular area. A large number of descending efferents reached STN, caudal and paragigantocellular reticular nuclei. The higher sensitivity of biocytin compared with other types of markers allowed us to determine more effectively the distribution, nature and extent of the supraspinal PBN connections. This suggested that in several nerve circuits the PBN probably plays a more important role than previously thought.  相似文献   

Cholinergic neurons of the superior olivary complex share a common embryological and phylogenetic origin with brainstem motor neurons and serve as the major descending efferent pathway either to the cochlea as part of the olivocochlear system or to the cochlear nucleus. In this study, we investigated the developmental expression patterns of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and its co-localization with calcitonin gene-related peptide within the superior olivary complex and neighboring brainstem motor nuclei. At embryonic day 12, neurons in the ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body were first to express ChAT. The temporal expression pattern of both ChAT mRNA and immunoreactivity in this periolivary region mimicked motor neurons in the facial and trigeminal motor nuclei. Just before birth, shell neurons surrounding the lateral superior olive expressed ChAT. Neither ChAT-positive periolivary neurons nor shell neurons co-expressed calcitonin gene-related peptide during development or in the adult. Immediately following birth, intrinsic neurons within the lateral superior olive expressed ChAT but not calcitonin gene-related peptide. However, a transient increase in the number of ChAT-positive neurons in the lateral superior olive coincided with the onset of the calcitonin gene-related peptide co-expression within these neurons. We conclude that ChAT expression appears first in periolivary regions containing medial olivocochlear neurons, precedes the expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide in the superior olivary complex, and is co-expressed with calcitonin gene-related peptide within the lateral superior olive containing lateral olivocochlear neurons. These data suggest that the lateral olivocochlear system co-expresses ChAT and calcitonin gene-related peptide, whereas the medial olivocochlear system does not.  相似文献   

Acute strychnine administration has long been used as a method to eliminate the effects of efferent activity. It has been shown that long after termination of chronic strychnine infusion into the cochlea, the ear becomes more susceptible to acoustic trauma suggesting that chronic strychnine infusion results in long lasting or permanent disruption of efferent function. Much research has been directed towards the functional significance of the olivocochlear system. However, there is little information concerning the effect of long duration inactivation of the medial olivocochlear system in an awake behaving animal. This study was designed to determine the structural and functional consequences of inactivation of the efferents by chronic infusion of strychnine into the cochlear perilymph of guinea pigs for two weeks via an osmotic pump. Physiological evaluations showed that the strychnine infusion eliminated the efferent induced reduction of the cochlear whole-nerve action potential three weeks after cessation of strychnine infusion. Contralateral efferent function remained unaltered. Histological evaluation at the light and electron microscopic levels revealed disoriented efferent synapses under the outer hair cells.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that medial olivocochlear (MOC) efferent neurons modify cochlear output to improve signal detection in noise. In animal models, stimulation of MOC efferents reduces the amount of compression in basilar membrane (BM) growth functions. Linearization of BM growth functions may assist in extending the neural response to the signal above that of noise, leading to a decrease in masking. In order to test this hypothesis, effects of MOC efferent neurons on BM compression were studied indirectly in humans by examining the effects of contralateral noise on distortion-product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) input–output functions at 1.0 and 2.0 kHz. Compression threshold estimates from a three-segment linear regression model applied to the DPOAE functions were derived in order to determine correlations with psychophysical measurements of masking of tones at 1.0 and 2.0 kHz. Contralateral noise shifted the DPOAE compression threshold to a significantly higher level at 1.0 kHz, but not at 2.0 kHz. A significant negative correlation between the change in DPOAE compression threshold and the amount of masking at 1.0 kHz was observed, but no correlation between these variables was detected at 2.0 kHz. The results of this experiment at the lower test frequency indicated that contralateral noise linearized DPOAE input–output functions, and individuals with larger DPOAE compression threshold shifts tended to exhibit less masking. Under certain conditions, decreases in cochlear compression induced by MOC efferent neurons may lead to unmasking of tones presented in noise.  相似文献   

We have examined the distribution pattern and the density of various neuropeptide, neurotransmitter and enzyme containing neurons in the rat medial septum and the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca to assess their possible involvement in the septohippocampal, septocortical and septobulbar pathways. Immunohistochemical methods were combined with the retrograde transport of a protein-gold complex injected in the hippocampus, the cingulate cortex or the olfactory bulb. Cholinergic neurons were the most numerous. Galanin-positive neurons were about two or three times less numerous than cholinergic cells. Both these cell types had a similar location though the choline acetyl transferase-like immunoreactive cells extended more caudally in the horizontal limb of the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca. Immunoreactive cells for other neuroactive substances were few (calcitonin gene-related peptide, luteinizing hormone releasing hormone. [Met]enkephalin-arg-gly-leu) or occasional (dynorphin B, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, somatostatin, neurotensin, cholecystokinin, neuropeptide Y and substance P). No immunoreactive cells for bombesin, alpha atrial natriuretic factor, corticotropin releasing factor, 5-hydroxytryptamine, melanocyte stimulating hormone, oxytocin, prolactin, tyrosine hydroxylase or arg-vasopressin were present. Choline acetyltransferase- and galanin-like immunoreactive cells densely participate to septal efferents. Cholinergic neurons constituted the bulk of septal efferent neurons. Galanin-positive cells were 22% of septohippocampal, 8% of septocortical, and 9% of septobulbar neurons. Galanin containing septohippocampal neurons were found in the medial septum and the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca; galanin-positive septobulbar and septocortical cells were limited to the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca. Occasional double-labellings were noticed with some peptides other than galanin. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, calcitonin gene-related peptide and enkephalin were the most often observed; some other projecting cells stained for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide or dynorphin B. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, calcitonin gene-related peptide and enkephalin were observed in septohippocampal neurons; luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and vasoactive intestinal peptide were observed in septocortical neurons and calcitonin gene-related peptide, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and dynorphin B were observed in septo-bulbar cells. These results show that, in addition to acetylcholine, galanin is a major cellular neuroactive substance in septal projections to the hippocampus, the cingulate cortex and the olfactory bulb. The presence of septal projecting neurons immunoreactive for other peptides shows that a variety of distinct peptides may also participate, but in a smaller number, to septal efferent pathways.  相似文献   

The efferent neurons of the lateral line system of the euteleost Aplocheilus lineatus and the osteoglossomorph Pantodon buchholzi, both surface feeding fish, were examined by neuronal tract tracing. Besides horseradish peroxidase, fluorescent dextrans were used as tracers to allow simultaneus visualization of projections from different lateral line branches. Labeled efferent neurons were found in nuclei situated in the medulla ventral of ventricle IV. This position resembles the octavolateralis efferent nucleus of previous studies. The number of labeled cells in the efferent nucleus is low in both species. Most neurons were found ipsilaterally to the application site, some along the midline and only very few contralaterally. The size of efferent cells differs distinctly between Aplocheilus, possessing small cellbodies (length 16.5 m), and Pantodon, which has very large efferent cells (length 47.0 m). Efferent axon bundles course rostrally in both species, leaving the brain at the level of the anterior lateral line nerve. Only Aplocheilus has in addition lateral axon bundles leaving the brain at the level of the posterior lateral line nerve. After application of one fluorescent tracer to the lateral ramus and a different fluorescent tracer to the superficial ophtalmic ramus in a given animal, double-labeling of efferent cells hardly ever occurs. If the neuromasts I and IV of the dorsal skull of Pantodon are applied with one fluorescent tracer each, 10% of centrally labeled cells are double-labeled. Considering the results of double-labeling, the concept of a differential innervation of lateral line branches is supported and discussed.  相似文献   

The physiology of the medial efferent olivocochlear system involves suppressive interactions of contralateral sounds on ipsilateral sound-evoked responses, but its role is largely unknown to date. Medial efferents act at the level of cochlear outer hair cells via cholinergic synapses and might affect their mechanical activity, thereby modulating auditory sensitivity. The aim of the present work was to obtain noninvasive measurements of distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOEs), which reflect outer hair cell function, in order to establish the characteristics of medial efferent-induced suppression in awake, restrained guinea pigs. A clear suppression of DPOEs was induced by continuous contralateral white noise presented at 20–70 dB SPL, in the absence of any confounding effect of anesthesia, middleear muscles, or acoustic cross talk. Recently, acute injection of a high dose of the aminoglycoside antibiotic gentamicin (150 mg/kg) was reported to alter the suppressive effect of contralateral noise on eighth nerve-compound action potentials, presumably by blocking efferent synapses to outer hair cells. This hypothesis was confirmed with DPOEs for which a single injection of gentamicin at the same dose abolished suppression after about 1–2 h, whereas no change in basal levels was observed. Complete recovery was obtained after 48 h. This experiment may provide an easy, noninvasive tool for studying auditory function with and without functioning efferents.  相似文献   

Summary In order to analyze the organization of the efferent projections of single barrel columns (BC, i.e. a barrel in layer IV of parietal cortex plus the cortical tissue above and below it), we made small iontophoretic injections of the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin in the barrel cortex of 20 adult mice. On the basis of reconstructions of the sites of terminal labelling, the brain regions receiving projections from the barrel cortex could be identified and classified in five groups. Each group is characterized by the topography of the distribution of efferents arising from a single BC. The projections to the trigeminal sensory complex are point to point: i.e. one BC projects only to the site of termination of the primary sensory neurons innervating the corresponding whisker follicle. In the ventrobasal thalamic nucleus BC projections are not restricted to the corresponding barreloid; instead they contact parts of barreloids belonging to one arc. In the reticular and posterior thalamic nuclei the projections from a row of BC's converge to a collective termination site, whereas in the superior colliculus the projections from an arc of BC's converge to a common termination site. There is a complete overlap of BC projections in restricted zones within SII, motor cortex, perirhinal cortex, contralateral barrelfield, caudoputamen and pons. The organization of the efferents from the barrel cortex demonstrates a contrast between feedback and feedforward projections from this important area of neocortex.  相似文献   

Five different genes encode the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. The muscarinic receptor subtypes M1, M3, and M5 are typically coupled to activation of the Galpha(q/11)-phosphatidyl inositol pathway, whereas the M2 and M4 subtypes are typically linked to Galpha(i) and adenylyl cyclase inhibition. In order to localize muscarinic receptors in the rat cochlea, we applied polyclonal antibodies for subtypes M1, M2, M3, and M5, and monoclonal antibody for subtype M4 to paraffin sections. In the organ of Corti, outer hair cells exhibited strong immunoreactivity for M3 and weak immunoreactivity for M1. Deiters' cells were strongly immunoreactive to antibodies for the M1 and M2 subtypes, with weak staining observed for M3, and weaker yet for M5. Inner hair cells showed moderate immunoreactivity for the M1 subtype, weaker staining for the M5 subtype, and slight staining for the M3 subtype. Among the spiral ganglion neurons, weak to moderate immunoreactivity was detected for M3 and M5 subtypes and weak staining was observed for the M1 subtype. The efferent fibers of the intraganglionic spiral bundle were positive for M2 and M5. In the lateral wall, weak to moderate staining was detected for M5 in the stria vascularis corresponding in position to the basolateral extensions of marginal cells. Staining for M3 was observed associated with capillaries. Fibrocytes of the spiral ligament exhibited limited but selective subtype immunoreactivity. No immunoreactivity was detected in the cochlea for the M4 subtype.From the present findings we suggest that M3 is the primary muscarinic receptor subtype in outer hair cells mediating a postsynaptic response to the medial olivocochlear cholinergic efferent input. The muscarinic receptor subtypes M1, M3, and M5 appear to subserve the action of cholinergic lateral olivocochlear efferent stimulation on postsynaptic responses in type I afferents. Whether M1, M3, and M5 protein in inner hair cells indicates constitutive or vestigial expression remaining from development is unknown. M2 and M5 muscarinic receptors expressed presynaptically may modulate the efferent signal. Finally, expression by Deiters' cells of several muscarinic subtypes raises the possibility that cholinergic efferents couple to these non-sensory cells through muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates by collision that vagal efferent fibres project from the dorsal medulla to the intra-abdominal organs in the dog and ferret. The efferents had a low frequency (below 5 Hz) spontaneous discharge with the majority having a unimodal distribution of interspike intervals. This background level of activity is sufficient to account for the basal levels of secretion and motility observed during the interdigestive period.  相似文献   

The Bartha strain of the alpha-herpes pseudorabies virus (PrV) was used as a retrograde transneuronal tracer to map synaptic inputs to the vestibular efferent neurons of the Mongolian gerbil, Meriones unguiculatus. Although previous experiments have shown that vestibular efferent neurons respond to visual motion and somatosensory stimuli, the anatomic connections mediating those responses are unknown. PrV was injected unilaterally into the horizontal semicircular canal neuroepithelium of gerbils, where it was taken up by efferent axon terminals. The virus was then retrogradely transported to efferent cell bodies, replicated, and transported into synaptic endings projecting onto the efferent cells. Thirty animals were sacrificed at approximately 5-h increments between 75 and 105 h post-infection after determining that shorter time points had no central infection. Infected cells were visualized immunohistochemically. Temporal progression of neuronal infection was used to determine the nature of primary and higher order projections to the vestibular efferent neurons. Animals sacrificed at 80–94 h post-inoculation exhibited immunostaining in the dorsal and ventral group of vestibular efferent neurons, predominately on the contralateral side. Neurons within the medial, gigantocellular, and lateral reticular formations were among the first cells infected thereafter. At 95 h, additional virus-labeled cell groups included the solitary, area postrema, pontine reticular, prepositus, dorsal raphe, tegmental, the subcoeruleus nuclei, the nucleus of Darkschewitsch, and the inferior olivary beta and ventrolateral subnuclei. Analysis beyond 95 h revealed virus-infected neurons located in the vestibulo-cerebellar and motor cortices. Paraventricular, lateral, and posterior hypothalamic cells, as well as central amygdala cells, were also labeled. Spinal cord tissue exhibited no labeling in the intermediolateral cell column, but scattered cells were found in the central cervical nucleus. The results suggest functional associations among efferent feedback regulation of labyrinthine sensory input and both behavioral and autonomic systems, and support a closed-looped vestibular feedback model with additional open-loop polysynaptic inputs.  相似文献   

Contralateral acoustic stimulation (CAS) with white noise and pure tone stimuli was used to assess frequency specificity of efferent olivocochlear control of cochlear mechanics in the gerbil. Changes of the cochlear amplifier can be monitored by distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs), which are a byproduct of the nonlinear amplification by the outer hair cells. We used the quadratic DPOAE f2-f1 as ipsilateral probe, as it is known to be sensitive to efferent olivocochlear activity. White noise CAS, used to evoke efferent activity, had maximal effects on the DPOAE level for f2-stimulus frequencies of 5-7 kHz. The dominant effect during CAS was a DPOAE level increase of up to 13.5 dB. The frequency specificity of the olivocochlear system was evaluated by presenting pure tones (0.5-38 kHz) as contralateral stimuli to evoke efferent activity. Maximal DPOAE level changes were triggered by CAS frequencies close to the frequency of the DPOAE elicitor tones (tested f2 range: 2.5-15 kHz). The effective CAS frequency range covered 1.4-2.4 octaves and was centered 0.42 octaves below the DPOAE elicitor tone f2. The frequency-specific effect of CAS with pure tones suggests a dedicated central control of mechanical adjustments for peripheral frequency processing.  相似文献   

Response adaptation is a general characteristic of neurons. A number of studies have investigated the adaptation characteristics of auditory-nerve fibers, which send information to the brain about sound stimuli. However, there have been no previous adaptation studies of olivocochlear neurons, which provide efferent fibers to hair cells and auditory nerve dendrites in the auditory periphery. To study adaptation in efferent fibers, responses of single olivocochlear neurons were recorded to characteristic-frequency tones and noise, using anesthetized guinea pigs. To measure short-term adaptation, stimuli of 500 ms duration were presented, and the responses were displayed as peristimulus time histograms. These histograms showed regular peaks, indicating a "chopping" pattern of response. The rate during each chopping period as well as the general trend of the histogram could be well fit by an equation that expresses the firing rate as a sum of 1) a short-term adaptive rate that decays exponentially with time and 2) a constant steady-state rate. For the adaptation in medial olivocochlear (MOC) neurons, the average exponential time constant was 47 ms, which is roughly similar to that for short-term adaptation in auditory-nerve fibers. The amount of adaptation (expressed as a percentage decrease of onset firing rate), however, was substantially less in MOC neurons (average 31%) than in auditory-nerve fibers (average 63%). To test for adaptation over longer periods, we used noise and tones of 10 s duration. After the short-term adaptation, the responses of MOC neurons were almost completely sustained (average long-term adaptation 3%). However, in the same preparations, significant long-term adaptation was present in auditory-nerve fibers. These results indicate that the MOC response adaptation is minimal compared with that of auditory-nerve fibers. Such sustained responses may enable the MOC system to produce sustained effects in the periphery, supporting a role for this efferent system during ongoing stimuli of long duration.  相似文献   

Signals of individual muscle vasoconstrictor efferents of gastrocnemius muscle were recorded in narcotized cat during rise and fall of systemic arterial pressure induced by phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside, respectively. In control, mean discharge rate of these efferents was 2.0±0.4 Hz. Phenylephrine (45 g/kg) increased arterial pressure from 120.3±4.2 to 170.7±8.2 mm Hg. This increase was accompanied by a short-term (5-10 sec) decrease in discharge rate of muscle vasoconstrictor efferents to 0.5±0.3 Hz followed by virtually complete recovery of muscle discharge rate against the background of increased arterial pressure. Sodium nitroprusside (30 g/kg) decreased arterial pressure from 132.8±6.2 to 64.1±4.3 mm Hg. Under these conditions the discharge rate of vasoconstrictor efferents increased to 3.5±0.6 Hz and remained at this level throughout the hypotension period (2-3 min). Unloading of baroreceptors (occlusion of the carotid artery) increased the discharge rate of muscle vasoconstrictor efferents throughout the occlusion period (up to 30 sec). Thus, blood pressure rise and drop induced asymmetric by their duration changes in the discharge responses of muscle vasoconstrictor efferents. Phenylephrine increased asymmetry of the vasoconstrictor component of the baroreflex and induced cumulative rise of discharge rate of muscle vasoconstrictor efferents in response to a series of short-term reversible blood pressure jumps caused by repeated occlusions of the abdominal aorta. Our findings extend our knowledge on the efferent component of the baroreflex regulation and on possible mechanisms of hypertension.  相似文献   

Environmental enrichment to sound stimulation, in the adult, can promote physiological changes and protection against trauma in the auditory peripheral and central nervous system. Sound enrichment, or sound conditioning is a method that utilizes a low-level, non-damaging acoustic stimulus as a protective agent. Pre-treating subjects to a moderate or low-level acoustic stimulus reduces the damaging effects of a subsequent traumatic stimulus. The intention of this review is to describe how environmental enrichment to sound affords protection against a subsequent trauma, and the role that the dopaminergic pathways in the cochlea and the auditory brainstem play in this protection. Dopamine is released from the lateral efferents and exerts a tonic inhibition of auditory nerve activity thus preserving auditory sensitivity and protecting against excitotoxicity. Sound conditioning up-regulated tyrosine hydroxylase in the lateral efferents under the inner hair cells and acoustic trauma reduced these levels. Thus, sound conditioning triggers an up-regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase both in the lateral efferent of cochlea and in the lateral superior olivary complex. These findings expand our understanding of the neurochemical balance and regulation between the lateral olivocochlear neurons and the lateral efferent terminals in the cochlea during sound stimulation.  相似文献   

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