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目的:为天南星族药用植物的分类和鉴定提供依据。方法:以聚丙烯酰胺/凝胶等电聚焦电泳(IEF)方法对天南星族植物7种4变种1变形18个样品蛋白质进行分析。结果:不同属植物的电泳谱之间有明显差异。结论:利用IEF谱带差异可准确地区分犁头尖属、半夏属和天南星属。  相似文献   

韩进庭 《现代医药卫生》2010,26(16):2487-2488
天南星为天南星科植物天南星、异叶天南星、东北天南星或虎掌的干燥块茎.其植物计有105属种,分布区跨越从赤道带到寒温带的各个生态地带.在<中国药典>[1]的天南星科药用植性味一栏中均记载有"毒".  相似文献   

中药天南星(Rhizoma Arisaematis)来源于天南星科天南星属植物。天南星属植物约150种,大都分布于亚洲热带、亚热带和温带,少数产热带非洲,中美和北美也有数种。我国南北各省区有82  相似文献   

天南星为天南星科天南星属植物天南星Arisaema erubescens(wal1.)Schott、异叶天南星Arisaema heterophyllum Bl.或东北天南星Arisaema amurense Maxim.的干燥块茎,其性温,气微辛,味苦,具有燥湿化痰、祛风止痉等功效,临床用于治疗顽痰咳嗽、胸膈胀闷、中风、口眼歪斜等疾病。目前发现天南星含有多种化学成分,  相似文献   

目的对等电聚焦电泳(IEF)分析方法进行优化,以更好地评价重组人红细胞生成素(rHuEPO)产品的质量。方法用优化的IEF方法分析rHuEPO异构体分布,同时参照rHuEPO的体内外生物学活性和唾液酸含量结果,综合评判rHuEPO的质量。结果建立的优化等电聚焦电泳方法分析rHuEPO,图谱清晰,检测结果可靠。结论IEF方法的优化为rHuEPO的质量控制提供了快捷,准确的手段。  相似文献   

半夏属药用植物一新种   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡世林 《药学学报》1984,19(9):712-714
半夏Pinellia ternata Breit.为常用中药,自《内经》以来,主用于镇咳祛痰,和胃止呕。七十年代中期又发现半夏蛋白有抗早孕的作用,同属植物虎掌P.pedatisecta Schott具有抗癌活性。后者自古为天南星的一大来源,而天南星属Arisaema某些植物小块茎作半夏,大块茎作南星用。犁头尖属Typhonium一些种的块茎在民间亦按半夏功能  相似文献   

本文以表格形式列出世界各地民间口服避孕植物药汁62种。作者认为,值得对它们进行系统分析和临床试验。植物科属药用部分}用法}附注天南星科天南星科天南星科  相似文献   

天南星科魔芋属(Amorphophallus Blume)部分植物是风靡国内外的食疗植物,魔芋(A.riverii)和白魔芋(A.albus)中均含大量的葡萄甘露聚糖,有较好的减肥、降血脂、降血糖等效果。中草药书籍记载魔芋能“化淤散积,行淤消肿”;疏毛魔芋(A.sinensis)有抗癌作用等。为了给魔芋属植物的研究开发和该属的化学分类提供成分依据,我们对三种植物进行了无机成分的分析研究。  相似文献   

<正>蛇六谷是天南星科植物魔芋或华东魔芋的干燥块茎,属浙江、上海地区地方用药,目前未被国家药典收载。《上海常用中草药》《中国植物志》中认为蛇六谷应为天南星科植物华东魔芋的干燥块茎。包雪生等曾在上海当地考察,发现华东魔芋就是现代蛇六谷,并将其结论编入《上海市中药材标准》,因此在上海地区,蛇六谷应为华东魔芋。《浙江农药志》《浙江药用植物志》认为蛇六谷为天南星和异叶天南星的别名,在浙江地区考察天南星,其药用部位为干燥茎根,其性味  相似文献   

本文是在以经典的比较形态学和解剖学的方法对国产米仔兰族植物分类研究的基础上,运用数值分类方法对中国米仔兰族4属10种植物的分类作进一步探讨。每个运算分类单位(OTU)选用30个性状,进行多态编码,然后采用平均欧氏距离公式和UPGMA公式进行聚类运算。数值分类的结果为中国米仔兰族隶下的几个属的划分,尤其是椤木属Amoora的独立,提供了新的依据;并对大叶山椤提出新的组合:Aphanamixis polystachya(Wall.)R.N.Parker var.grandifolia(BL.)X.M.Chen,comb.nov.  相似文献   

两种豆科药材及其混伪品的可溶性蛋白质电泳鉴别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对赤小豆、决明子及其混伪品进行电泳鉴别,并考察考马斯亮蓝G-250的染色效果。方法:可溶性蛋白质凝胶电冰。结果:赤小豆、决明子及其混伪品的电泳图谱存在显著差异。结论:电泳图谱可作为赤小豆、决明子及其混伪品的鉴别依据,考马斯亮蓝G-250可用于电泳鉴别。  相似文献   

中药菟丝子的高效毛细管电泳法鉴别   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  
提取菟丝子种子植物蛋白用高效毛细管电泳法进行生药鉴定。实验表明,同属不同种菟丝子的碱溶性或酸溶性蛋白在成分和含量上均存在显著差异。根据其种子植物蛋白的电泳谱图,可有效地鉴别菟丝子的来源。运用此法对13个生药样品进行了鉴定,结果与扫描电镜和显微鉴别的结果一致。  相似文献   

The glutathione (GSH) S-transferases are believed to have dual functions as hepatic detoxifying enzymes and intrahepatic binding proteins. Little is known about their alterations in human liver diseases. Therefore, we have studied the relationship between the enzyme activity and rose bengal (RB) binding in hepatic cytosol and plasma indocyanine green (ICG) kinetics in patients with various liver diseases. The enzyme activity was measured in samples of hepatic cytosol obtained from 52 patients. In addition, the content of cationic and neutral transferases was estimated in 17 biopsy samples by densitometry of Coomassie blue stained sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoretograms. RB binding studies also were performed on cytosol samples. ICG kinetic parameters were determined using the two-compartment open model in 17 patients who were given the dye (0.5 mg kg?1) intravenously. Correlations between the enzyme activity and liver function tests, content of the enzyme, RB binding and ICG kinetic parameters were evaluated. The following results were obtained. (1) The enzyme activities were high in alcoholic liver disease, fatty liver and Gilbert's syndrome, and low in cirrhosis. (2) The enzyme activities were positively correlated with serum cholinesterase activity, serum albumin level and hepaplastin test, and negatively correlated with ICG retention rate at 15 min. (3) The enzyme activity, its content and RB binding affinity of the cytosol were positively correlated with each other. (4) The enzyme activity was positively correlated with hepatic ICG distribution volume. These results are consistent with the role of the GSH S-transferases as ligandins in intracellular storage of dyes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of childhood physical and sexual abuse to subsequent lifetime alcohol or drug use disorders among American Indians (AIs) by using cross-sectional and retrospective data collected from a structured epidemiological interview. METHOD: A sample of 3,084 AIs from two tribal populations-Southwest and Northern Plains--participated in a large-scale, community-based study. Participants were asked about traumatic events and family history and were administered standard diagnostic measures of substance use disorders. RESULTS: Prevalence of childhood physical abuse was approximately 7% for both tribes, and childhood sexual abuse was 4%-5%, much higher for females. The Northern Plains tribe had higher prevalences of substance use disorders. Childhood physical abuse had a significant main effect in bivariate models of substance dependence, but remained significant only in the multivariate models of substance dependence for the Northern Plains tribe. Correlates of disorder were psychiatric and medical comorbidity, parental alcohol problems and adult experience of physical attacks. CONCLUSIONS: Childhood physical abuse had a stronger effect than childhood sexual abuse on lifetime substance dependence. Childhood sexual abuse, on the other hand, was more associated with lifetime substance abuse. Females more commonly experienced childhood abuse but were less likely than males to develop substance use disorders. Although additional covariates reduced the main effect on disorder, results provide clinical guidance to constellations of risk factors and expand the population at risk to include males.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(4):601-624
The standardized evaluation of alcoholism and other psychopathologies in minority populations, particularly American Indians, has long been questioned. This study investigated the validity of one of the most commonly applied assessments for alcoholism—the Short Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (SMAST)—in two distinct American Indian tribal groups. We analyzed data collected from 1989 to 1995 from largely community representative samples of 456 Southwestern and 214 Plains Indians ages 21 or older. For comparison, alcohol dependence was diagnosed using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition–Revised (DSM-III-R) criteria from a detailed, modified version of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia—Lifetime (SADS-L). Accuracy of the SMAST was quantified as sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, and the area under the curve for receiver operating characteristics, using the DSM-III-R diagnosis as the reference. The standard SMAST cutoff score of ≥3 had a demonstrated sensitivity 86% to 95%, but did not perform well in terms of specificity (23%–47%). Significantly higher cutoff scores (≥5 for both genders in the Southwestern tribe and 8 and ≥6 for men and women in the Plains tribe) were required to demonstrate acceptable levels of specificity in both tribes. The findings suggest that the SMAST is not a valid tool to screen for alcohol misuse in these two tribal populations. The highly elevated and different thresholds required from one population to the next and from one gender to the next constitute a significant obstacle to the use of the instrument.  相似文献   

The standardized evaluation of alcoholism and other psychopathologies in minority populations, particularly American Indians, has long been questioned. This study investigated the validity of one of the most commonly applied assessments for alcoholism--the Short Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (SMAST)--in two distinct American Indian tribal groups. We analyzed data collected from 1989 to 1995 from largely community representative samples of 456 Southwestern and 214 Plains Indians ages 21 or older. For comparison, alcohol dependence was diagnosed using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition-Revised (DSM-III-R) criteria from a detailed, modified version of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia--Lifetime (SADS-L). Accuracy of the SMAST was quantified as sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, and the area under the curve for receiver operating characteristics, using the DSM-III-R diagnosis as the reference. The standard SMAST cutoff score of > or = 3 had a demonstrated sensitivity 86% to 95%, but did not perform well in terms of specificity (23%-47%). Significantly higher cutoff scores (> or = 5 for both genders in the Southwestern tribe and 8 and > or = 6 for men and women in the Plains tribe) were required to demonstrate acceptable levels of specificity in both tribes. The findings suggest that the SMAST is not a valid tool to screen for alcohol misuse in these two tribal populations. The highly elevated and different thresholds required from one population to the next and from one gender to the next constitute a significant obstacle to the use of the instrument.  相似文献   

Context: The resistance of bacteria to antibiotics is raising serious concern globally. Asian medicinal plants could improve the current treatment strategies for bacterial infections. The antibacterial properties of medicinal plants used by the Khyang tribe in Bangladesh have not been investigated.

Objective: The present study examines the antibacterial properties of 18 medicinal plants used by the Khyang tribe in day-to-day practice against human pathogenic bacteria.

Materials and methods: Leaves, bark, fruits, seeds, roots and rhizomes from collected plants were successively extracted with hexane, ethyl acetate and ethanol. The corresponding 54 extracts were tested against six human pathogenic bacteria by broth microdilution assay. The antibacterial mode of actions of phytoconstituents and their synergistic effect with vancomycin and cefotaxime towards MRSA was determined by time-killing assay and synergistic interaction assay, respectively.

Results and discussion: Hexane extract of bark of Cinnamomum cassia (L.) J. Presl. (Lauraceae) inhibited the growth of MRSA, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumannii with MIC values below 100 µg/mL. From this plant, cinnamaldehyde evoked at 4?×?MIC in 1?h an irreversible decrease of MRSA count Log10 (CFU/mL) from 6 to 0, and was synergistic with vancomycin for MRSA with fractional inhibitory concentration index of 0.3.

Conclusions: Our study provides evidence that the medicinal plants in Bangladesh have high potential to improve the current treatment strategies for bacterial infection.  相似文献   

Rhagadiolus stellatus Gaertn., a Mediterranean member of the Cichorieae tribe of the Asteraceae family used as a food plant, was analyzed for its spectrum of phenolic compounds. Kaempferol 3-O-β-glucoside 1, kaempferol 3-O-β-rutinoside (nicotiflorin) 2, quercetin 3-O-β-glucoside 3, and luteolin 4 were isolated from the n-butanol layer of a methanolic extract of whole plants of Rh. stellatus of Spanish origin by repeated Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography. Structures were determined based on NMR and MS data as well as by comparison with literature data. Additionally, chlorogenic acid 5 and 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid 6 were detected by HPLC/DAD and HPLC/MS. Chemosystematic implications of the presented findings are discussed in comparison with other members of the Cichorieae tribe.  相似文献   

The proximal and distal effects of adversity on the onset of symptoms of substance dependence during adolescence were explored in two culturally distinct American Indian (AI) reservation communities (Northern Plains and Southwest). Data (N=3084) were from the American Indian Service Utilization, Psychiatric Epidemiology, Risk and Protective Factors Project (AI-SUPERPFP). The age-related risk of symptom onset increased gradually from age 11 through age 16, remained relatively high through age 18, then declined rapidly. Both tribe and gender were related to onset of dependence symptoms; men and Northern Plains tribal members were at greatest risk and Southwest women were at particularly low risk of symptom onset across adolescence. For all tribe and gender groups, both proximal and cumulative distal experiences of adversity were associated with substantially increased risk of symptom onset. The relationship of adversity to onset of substance dependence symptoms remained strong when previous symptoms of psychiatric disorder and childhood conduct problems were considered. These findings suggest that efforts to help children and adolescents in AI communities develop constructive mechanisms for coping with adversity may be especially valuable in substance dependence prevention.  相似文献   

Chloroplast trnK gene sequences of Cnidium officinale and Ligusticum chuanxiong were determined to establish an effective method for identifying Japanese Senkyu and Chinese Chuanxiong, the two which have the same drug name in Chinese characters, similar external feature, but different botanical origins. Three sites of nucleotide differences were found between these 2 species at positions 767,924 and 964 from upstream in trnK gene sequence, allowing molecular identification of the two plants and crude drugs. Further, three kinds of specific primers of 14 mer, 23 mer and 30 mer long were designed to detect these 3 sites of marker nucleotides. By using multiplex single base extension (MSBE) analysis with the 3 specific primers, C. officinale and L. chuanxiong could be distinguished clearly by the electrophoretograms, where 3 peaks with different color of ddTMP, ddCMP and ddTMP were observed in case of C. officinale and those of ddGMP, ddAMP and ddGMP in L. chuanxiong. Moreover, trnK gene sequence of "Dongxiong," a kind of Chuanxiong cultivated in Northeast China, suggested that its botanical origin was C. officinale.  相似文献   

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