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The postnatal development of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-immunoreactive neurons, previously labeled with [3H]thymidine on embryonic days E14-E22, has been studied in the rat occipital cortex. Immuno-histochemistry combined with autoradiography showed very little evidence of an "inside-out" pattern of maturation. Most VIP neurons are generated between E17 and E21 and are found in layers II-IV of the cortex, but their position within these layers is not dictated by their date of birth. There is evidence of a temporal maturation since E17 VIP neurons were seen first (at day 7) and E21 last. Peak numbers of VIP neurons were generated on E19. The numbers of VIP-immunoreactive neuronal somata detected in the cortex increased from the first week after birth to the third week and declined thereafter. However VIP-immunoreactive dendrites were still visible, suggesting that VIP levels in the cell bodies were very low, and not that there was a loss of neurons.  相似文献   

The ferret has emerged as an important animal model for the study of neocortical development. Although detailed studies of the birthdates of neurons populating the ferret visual cortex are available, the birthdates of neurons that reside in somatosensory cortex have not been determined. The current study used bromodeoxyuridine to establish when neurons inhabiting the somatosensory cortex are generated in the ferret; some animals also received injections of [3H]thymidine. In contrast to reports of neurogenesis in ferret visual cortex, most neurons populating the somatosensory cortex have been generated by birth. Although components of all somatosensory cortical layers have been produced at postnatal day 0, the layers are not distinctly formed but develop over a period of several weeks. A small number of neurons continue to be produced for a few days postnatally. The majority of cells belonging to a given layer are born over a period of approximately 3 days, although the subplate and last (layer 2) generated layer take somewhat longer. Although neurogenesis of the neocortex begins along a similar time line for visual and somatosensory cortex, the neurons populating the visual cortex lag substantially during the generation of layer 4, which takes more than 1 week for ferret visual cortex. Layer formation in ferret somatosensory cortex follows many established principles of cortical neurogenesis, such as the well-known inside-out development of cortical layers and the rostro-to-caudal progression of cell birth. In comparison with the development of ferret visual cortex, however, the generation of the somatosensory cortex occurs remarkably early and may reflect distinct differences in mechanisms of development between the two sensory areas. J. Comp. Neurol. 387:179–193, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The birth dates of neurons showing glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) immunoreactivity have been determined in mouse somatosensory cortex. Pregnant C57Bl mice received pulse injections of (3H)thymidine from E10 through E17 (E0 being the day of mating). The distributions of thymidine-labeled, GAD-positive and nonimmunoreactive (non-GAD) cells as a function of depth under the pial surface were recorded in adult animals. The maximum rate of generation of GAD-positive neurons occurred at E14, whereas the generation of non-GAD neurons reached its maximum rate at E13. Except for those in layer I, GAD-positive neurons followed an inside-out sequence of positioning. GAD-positive neurons born at E12 and E13 were located in layers VI-IV. GAD-positive neurons born at E14 were found throughout the cortical thickness, with a maximum in layer IV. The GAD-positive neurons labeled after pulses at E15 or E16 or E17 were limited to the superficial strata, forming a band that became narrower as it moved toward the pial surface with increase in age of pulse labeling. GAD-positive neurons in layer I were generated at a constant rate during the whole embryonic period analyzed. Non-GAD neurons also followed an inside-out spatiotemporal gradient. Two partially overlapping phases were distinguished in non-GAD neurogenesis. During the first phase (from E12 to E14) neurons populating adult layers VI and V originated, while neurons located in layers IV through I were generated during the second phase (from E13 to E17). Since GAD-immunoreactive neurons form a heterogeneous population, we envisage further studies in order to test whether differences exist in birth dates among the classes.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is present in most cerebrocortical areas during fetal and postnatal development. In the rat frontal cortex, a dense radial fiber network containing NPY immunoreactivity is observed transiently as early as embryonic day 17 (E17) and disappears at the end of the first postnatal week. We have investigated the distribution of NPY receptors in the frontoparietal cortex at 13 stages of development, from E15 fetuses to adults, by in vitro autoradiography, using (125)I-pPYY as a radioligand. Quantitative receptor density was measured through all cortical layers at each developmental stage. Pharmacological identification of (125)I-pPPY binding sites was made by competition experiments using pNPY or [Leu(31),Pro(34)]pNPY and pNPY(13-36), as selective competitors for Y1 and Y2 receptors, respectively. NPY receptors were first detected in the cerebral cortex at low densities at E19 in a thin layer of tissue corresponding to the inner half of the intermediate zone (IZ) and the upper ventricular zone (VZ). The neuroepithelium did not contain binding sites. High densities of sites were observed by E21 onward to P10 in the deep cortical layers corresponding to the IZ and layers V-VI. A decreasing gradient of receptor density was observed from layer VI to the marginal zone (layer I). The distribution of NPY receptors does not match with the perikarya of transient NPY-immunoreactive neurons located in the cortical plate but does coincide with their axonal extension. The receptor density decreased abruptly between P10 and P12 in deep layers, whereas a moderate expression of binding sites is detected from P10 to P12 in layers I-III. By P14, the binding level was the lowest observed in the postnatal period. From P21 onward, receptors were observed in superficial layers I-III, and their density rose by two- to threefold up to adulthood. Competition studies indicated that the NPY receptors located in the deep cortical layers of the E21 or P1 rat cortex exhibit Y2 receptor type characteristics. The binding sites detected in the superficial layers from P10 to P12 rats also show Y2 receptors characteristics, unlike the NPY receptors in layers II-III of the adult, which behave like Y1 receptors. These data show that different NPY receptor types are successively expressed in specific layers during late gestation and early postnatal life in the rat frontoparietal cortex.  相似文献   

In recent studies, we demonstrated a distinct change in the distribution of glutamate decarboxylase 67 (GAD67) mRNA-containing neurons within the rat dentate gyrus from embryonic day 20 (E20) to postnatal day 15 (PN15) (Dupuy and Houser, J Comp Neurol 1997;389:402-418). We also observed a similar changing pattern for cells with birthdates of many of the mature GAD-containing neurons in the dentate gyrus (Dupuy and Houser, J Comp Neurol 1997;389:402-418). These observations suggested that some early-appearing GABA neurons within the developing molecular layer of the dentate gyrus may gradually alter their positions to become the mature GABAergic cells along the inner border of the granule cell layer. The goal of the present study was to provide additional evidence for our hypothesis by demonstrating the spatial relationships between GAD-containing neurons and granule cells at progressively older ages during development. In this study, immunohistochemical or in situ hybridization methods for the localization of GAD67 or its mRNA were combined with bromodeoxyuridine birthdating techniques that labeled early-generated granule cells with birthdates on E17. At E20, GAD67-containing neurons were located above the granule cell layer that contained E17 birthdated granule cells. During the first two postnatal weeks, both GAD67 mRNA-containing neurons and early-born granule cells were primarily concentrated within the granule cell layer. Double-labeled neurons were rarely observed, and this suggests that these two groups are separate populations. By PN15-PN30, most GAD67 mRNA-containing neurons were distributed along the base of the granule cell layer, significantly below the E17 birthdated granule cells. These findings support our new hypothesis that mature GABA neurons along the inner border of the granule cell layer reach their positions by migrating or translocating through the developing granule cell layer.  相似文献   

The distribution and morphology of neurons labelled with antisera to glutamate or aspartate were examined, at the light and electron microscope levels, in the rat visual cortex. Using widely accepted light microscopic features as well as well-established nuclear, cytoplasmic, and synaptic criteria, we noted that glutamate-immunoreactive neurons were pyramidal cells distributed in layers II-VI, with an increased concentration in layers II and III. Aspartate immunoreactivity was localized chiefly to pyramidal neurons in layers II-VI. However, approximately 10% of immunolabeled cells were nonpyramidal neurons scattered throughout the cortex. Cell-body measurements revealed that, for both groups of neurons, layer V contained the largest labelled neurons, whereas layers IV and VI contained the smallest. Furthermore, in every layer, aspartate-stained neurons were larger than glutamate-positive cells. Finally, glutamate- and aspartate-labelled axon terminals formed asymmetrical synapses, which are presumably excitatory in nature, primarily with dendritic spines. These findings, together with recent detailed studies of the projections of glutamate- and aspartate-labelled cortical neurons, may provide essential background information for studies aimed to elucidate the function(s) of excitatory amino acids in the cortex and their role in pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis of the cat's primary visual cortex   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The 3H-thymidine method of birth-dating was used to determine when the cells belonging to each of the principal cellular layers of the cat's primary visual cortex are generated. In order to detect systematic differences in the position of radioactively labeled cells following 3H-thymidine administration at different prenatal ages, a geometric method was devised to represent the distribution of labeled cells in the form of depth histograms. Results show that visual cortical neurogenesis occurs largely during the second half of gestation between embryonic day 31 (E31) and E57. Cells of layer 6 are generated early, between E31 and E38, whereas cells destined for successively more superficial layers are generated at progressively later times. Layer 4 cells, the principal targets of geniculocortical afferents, are generated between E37 and E44. In addition, a special population of cells embedded in the white matter below layer 6 was found to be produced throughout the week-long period immediately prior to the onset of layer 6 neurogenesis. Overall, this radial pattern of cortical neurogenesis closely resembles the inside-first, outside-last, spatiotemporal sequence of development described for the monkey's primary visual cortex (Rakic, '74). In addition to finding this pronounced gradient in the radial dimension, we were also able to detect a less pronounced gradient along the tangential dimension: neurons destined for any given layer in the anterior part of the cortex (inferior visual field representation) are generated slightly in advance of neurons destined for more posterior regions (superior visual field). However even our more quantitative histogram analysis failed to reveal a mediolateral (central to peripheral visual field) gradient within area 17. In the cat, layers 6, 5, and 4 each take about a week to be generated, although their total cell numbers and packing densities differ in the adult. About 2 weeks are required to produce the cells of layers 2 and 3 combined. Furthermore, we found that neurons belonging to different layers and different morphological classes can be generated simultaneously. This suggests that the identity of a cortical neuron is not solely a function of the time of neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to analyze the distribution and characteristics of NPY immunoreactive structures in the cerebral cortex of lizards and to investigate the degree of co-existence of this neuropeptide with somatostatin and GABA. The immunoperoxidase method was applied to vibratome sections as well as to semithin sections. NPY neurons are multipolar or fusiform and were unevenly distributed throughout the brain cortex. Within the medial, dorsomedial and dorsal cortices, most NPY perikarya were located in the plexiform layers, especially in the deep one. This suggests that these cells could be regarded as interneurons. In the lateral cortex, NPY neurons were found throughout all layers. The dorsomedial cortex displayed the highest NPY cell density. Here, neuronal perikarya projected many immunoreactive processes toward two distinct zones: the deep plexiform layer of the medial cortex and the superpositio medialis. The NPY neurons of the dorsomedial cortex differed from the other NPY cortical immunoreactive cells in that the latter displayed very few immunoreactive processes. A high degree of co-existence among NPY, somatostatin, and GABA (approx. 80%) was found. This co-existence rate is very similar to that reported in mammals and suggests that co-localization is a phylogenetically ancient phenomenon.  相似文献   

The production of ferret visual cortical neurons was studied using 3H-thymidine autoradiography. The genesis of cortical neurons begins on or slightly before embryonic day 20 (E20) of the 41 d gestational period, continues postnatally until 2 weeks after birth (P14), and follows an inside-out radial gradient with neurons for the deeper cortical layers being generated before those for the superficial layers. Layer I neurons are generated both early (E20-E30) and late (P1-P14) in the period of cortical neurogenesis and, thus, provide at least a partial exception to the inside-out gradient of cortical neurogenesis. Tangential gradients of cortical neurogenesis extend across areas 17 and 18 in both the anterior-to-posterior and lateral-to-medial directions. Neither of these gradients bears a meaningful relationship to the cortical representation of the visual field. Most infragranular and granular layer neurons are generated prenatally, while most supragranular layer neurons are produced postnatally. Neurons destined for a given layer are produced over a period of several days, and the neurons generated on any given day contribute to the formation of 2 or more cortical layers. In general, prenatally generated neurons complete their migration in 1 week or less, while most postnatally generated neurons require approximately 2 weeks to complete their migration.  相似文献   

In the mammalian cerebral cortex, neurons in a given layer are generated at about the same time in development. These cells also tend to share similar sets of morphological and physiological properties and have projection patterns characteristic of that layer. This correspondence between the birthday and eventual fate of a cortical neuron suggests the possibility that the commitment of a cell to a particular laminar position and set of connections may occur very early on in cortical development. The experiments described here constitute an attempt to manipulate the fates of newly generated cortical neurons upon transplantation. The first set of experiments addressed the normal development of neurons in the primary visual cortex (area 17) of the ferret. Injections of 3H-thymidine into newborn ferrets showed that neurons generated after birth are destined to sit in layer 2/3 of the cortex, whereas neurons born on embryonic day (E) 32 populate primarily layers 5 and 6. Many layer 2/3 neurons in adult ferrets could be retrogradely labeled with HRP from visual cortical areas 18 and 19, while about half of the neurons in layer 6 were found to project to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). In the second set of experiments, presumptive layer 2/3 cells were labeled in vivo by injecting ferrets with 3H-thymidine on P1 and P2. Before the cells had a chance to migrate, they were removed from the donor brain, incubated in a fluorescent dye (DAPI or fast blue), and dissociated into a single-cell suspension. The labeled cells were then transplanted into the proliferative zone of a littermate host ferret ("isochronic" transplants). Over the next few weeks, many of these dye-labeled cells underwent changes in their position and morphology that were consistent with a radially directed migration and subsequent differentiation into cortical neurons. The final positions of isochronically transplanted neurons in the host brain were mapped out by using the 3H-thymidine marker after long survival periods. About 97% of radioactively labeled cells had migrated out into the visual cortex, where they attained a compact laminar distribution: 99% were found in layer 2/3, their normal destination. The labeled cells had normal, mostly pyramidal neuronal morphologies and appeared to be well integrated with host neurons when viewed in Nissl-stained sections. Ten isochronically transplanted neurons were successfully labeled after HRP injection into 2 normal target regions, areas 18 and 19.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Multiple types of neuropeptide Y-containing neurons in primate neocortex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The avidin-biotin-peroxidase method was used at the light and electron microscopic levels to analyze neuropeptide Y (NPY)-containing neurons in the neocortex of six adult macaque monkeys. Regions studied included various sensory, motor, limbic, and association areas, designated as 17, 18, 7, 22, 3, 4, 6, 24, and 9 by Brodmann (Beitr?ge zur Histologischen Lokalisation der Grosshirnrinde. Leipzig: Barth, '06). Several types of NPY-containing neurons can be distinguished by their laminar location, by the size of their perikarya, and by the size, shape, and pattern of ramification of their processes: 1) layer I small local circuit neurons; 2) layer II granule cells; 3) aspiny stellate cells located in layers II-III and V-VI, with long, slender dendrites; 4) sparsely spiny stellate cells; 5) aspiny stellate cells with long, horizontally oriented dendrites, whose cell body is situated in layer VI; 6) Martinotti cells in areas 9, 7, and 24; and 7) multipolar neurons situated in the white matter subjacent to the cortical gray. The possibility of additional neuronal types containing NPY is suggested by labeled densely spinous dendrites in area 6 and recurving axons and axonal loops in the supragranular layers in areas 7 and 9. No NPY-containing neurons were found in layer IV of any area, except layers IVA and B of the visual cortex. Likewise, nonneuronal elements were not labeled. The regional differences in the distribution of some NPY-containing neuron types may reflect adaptations of local neuronal circuits for specialized functions.  相似文献   

Cell number and proliferation of reactive astrocytes were studied quantitatively in the stabbed cerebral cortex of adult mice, using immunohistochemistry for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and [3H]thymidine autoradiography. GFAP-positive astrocytes increased in cell number gradually from 24 to 96 h after stabbing, and their immunoreactivity became intense. The maximum number of GFAP-positive cells was about 4.5 times normal in the layers II-VI of the cortex, whereas it was only 1.5 times normal in the layer I (molecular layer). In contrast to the gradual increase in cell number, no GFAP-positive astrocytes were labeled with [3H]thymidine prior to 48 h after stabbing, in either the layer I or the layers II-VI. Then 3-5% of them were labeled at 72 and 96 h, but very few again after 6 days. By injecting [3H]thymidine successively for 6 days after stabbing, only 17% of GFAP-positive astrocytes of the layer I or the layers II-VI were labeled. These results reveal that, in the cortical layers II-VI, many GFAP-negative source cells initially express much more GFAP-antigen without proliferation and change into GFAP-positive reactive astrocytes. Proliferation of reactive astrocytes is not the major factor for the marked increase in number of them. The cortical layer I would have few GFAP-negative source cells for reactive astrocytes. These source cells may be protoplasmic astrocytes.  相似文献   

Neurochemical heterogeneity among corticofugal and callosal projections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biochemical, physiological, and anatomical studies over the past 30 years have firmly established glutamate (Glu) as the major neurotransmitter of those cortical neurons which give rise to corticofugal pathways. In the present study we utilized immunohistochemistry, with an antibody directed against Glu, in conjunction with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) histochemistry to examine the Glu-containing neurons which give rise to corticofugal and callosal projections of the rat. Injections of WGA-HRP into the pons labeled cells in layer V of both visual and somatosensory cortices. WGA-HRP-labeled cells which also stained for Glu were large pyramids and in the visual cortex constituted approximately 42% of the total number of neurons which had effectively transported WGA-HRP, while the percentage was 56% in the somatosensory cortex. Following caudate/putamen injections, WGA-HRP-labeled cells were confined to layer V of the somatosensory and motor cortices. Of these cells, 40% in the somatosensory cortex and 53% in the motor cortex were also stained for Glu. Finally, after WGA-HRP injections in the visual cortex numerous WGA-HRP-positive neurons were found throughout layers II-VI around the boundaries between area 17 and areas 18 and 18a of the contralateral hemisphere. Here, 38% of these cells were also labeled for Glu, but this percentage was higher (49%) when layers II-III were considered alone. These findings show that Glu is not the neurotransmitter used overwhelmingly in corticofugal and callosal projections and that different proportions of neurons are Glu-immunoreactive in the systems examined.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The earliest-generated neurons of the cat cerebral cortex have been studied here during development using a combination of 3H-thymidine birthdating with immunohistochemistry for the neuron-specific protein MAP2 or for several neuropeptides/transmitters. These neurons are the first postmitotic cells of the cortex, with birthdates during the 1-week period preceding the genesis of cells of the adult cerebral cortex (Luskin and Shatz, 1985a; Chun et al., 1987). However, they are transient and the majority disappear by adulthood (Luskin and Shatz, 1985a; Chun and Shatz, 1989). When autoradiographic birthdating is combined with MAP2 immunostaining during fetal life, the entire population of these early-generated neurons appears to be stained, resulting in labeled bands above and below the cortical plate. The band above the cortical plate (in the marginal zone) contains early-generated neurons with horizontal morphologies, while the thicker band beneath the cortical plate (within the intermediate zone) contains the somata of early-generated neurons and their elaborate processes that are frequently directed towards the ventricular surface. In view of the correspondence between the location of the early-generated neurons and the MAP2-immunostained band beneath the cortical plate, we suggest that this combined approach can be used to define accurately the subdivision of the intermediate zone known as the subplate. The early-generated neurons are also immunoreactive for GABA, neuropeptide Y (NPY), somatostatin (SRIF), and cholecystokinin (CCK) during fetal life. While GABA, NPY, and SRIF immunostaining could be detected by embryonic day 50 (E50), that for CCK was not found until E60. Moreover, there is a relationship between neuropeptide immunoreactivity and location within the cerebral wall. The marginal-zone neurons are immunoreactive only for CCK. The subplate neurons are immunoreactive for CCK, SRIF, and NPY. Most of those immunoreactive for SRIF tend to be clustered within the upper part of the subplate, while those immunoreactive for NPY tend to be located more deeply. Cells immunoreactive for GABA are more uniformly distributed throughout the cerebral wall. These observations demonstrate directly that the marginal zone and subplate contain peptide- and GABA-immunoreactive neurons that belong to the earliest-generated cell population of the cerebral cortex. The presence of these early-generated neurons, which achieve a remarkable degree of maturity during fetal life, suggests that they perform an essential, yet transient, role in the development of the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics of the neurons of the auditory cortical areas of the rhesus monkey were investigated using Golgi and horseradish peroxidase methods. Neurons of the auditory cortices can be segregated into two categories, spinous and nonspinous, which can be further subclassified according to their dendritic arrays. The spinous neurons include pyramidal, "star pyramid," multipolar, and bipolar cells. As in other cortices, pyramidal cells are found in layers II-VI and appear to be the most numerous of all cortical neurons. The "star pyramids" have radially oriented dendrites with a less prominent apical shaft and are found mainly in the middle cortical layers. The spinous multipolar neurons are also found in the middle cortical layers and have their dendrites radially arrayed but have no apical dendrite. The spinous bipolar cells, found in the infragranular layers, occur most frequently in the lateral auditory association cortex. The nonspinous neurons include neurogliaform, multipolar, bitufted, and bipolar cells and are found in all cortical layers. The neurogliaform cells are the smallest of all neurons and have radially arrayed, recurving dendrites. The nonspinous multipolar cells also have radially arrayed dendrites but vary in size from being confined to one cortical layer to extending across four laminae. The bitufted neurons are subclassified into three groups: neurons whose primary dendrites arise radially from their somata, those whose dendrites arise from two poles of their somata, and those that have a single primary dendrite arising from one pole and multiple dendrites from another pole of their somata. The nonspinous bipolar cells also have several variants but usually have dendrites arising from two poles of the somata. The chemical characteristics of the auditory neurons were investigated using histochemical and immunocytochemical methods. Peptidergic neurons, i.e., cholecystokinin-, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-, somatostatin-, and substance P-reactive neurons are found in the various subregions of the auditory cortices and are distributed differentially in the cortical laminae. These neurons are of the nonpyramidal type. Gamma aminobutyric acid-reactive neurons are also nonpyramidal cells and they are found in all cortical layers. Their numbers varied among the cortical laminae in the different auditory regions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

[3H]Thymidine autoradiography was used to investigate neurogenesis of the lateral limbic cortex and morphogenesis of the medial and lateral limbic cortices in adult and embryonic rat brains. Ontogenetic patterns in the limbic cortex are unique because some neurogenetic gradients are linked to those in neocortex, others are linked to those in paleocortex. These findings are related to hypotheses of cortical phylogeny. The experimental animals used for neurogenesis were the offspring of pregnant females injected with [3H]thymidine on 2 consecutive days: Embryonic Day (E) 13-E14, E14-E15, ...E21-E22, respectively. On Postnatal Day (P)60, the proportion of neurons originating during 24-h periods were quantified at nine anteroposterior levels and one sagittal level. Similar to neocortex, deep cells are generated earlier than superficial cells throughout the lateral limbic cortex: layer VI mainly on E14-15, layer V on E15-E16, and layers IV-II on E16-E18. There is a ventral/older to dorsal/younger neurogenetic gradient between the ventral agranular insular, dorsal agranular insular, and gustatory cortical areas and between ventral and dorsal orbital areas beneath the frontal pole. Similar to paleocortex below the rhinal sulcus, limbic cortex in the rhinal sulcus has a "sandwich" gradient: the older posterior agranular insular area is sandwiched by anterior and posterior younger areas (ventral agranular insular and perirhinal). To study morphogenesis, pregnant females were given single injections of [3H]thymidine during gestation and embryos were removed in successive 24-h intervals (sequential-survival). Neurogenesis finishes first in ventral limbic areas, later in dorsal limbic areas, and latest in neocortical areas. The cortical plate in the region of the medial and lateral limbic cortices does not have a separate subplate layer as is found in the region of the neocortex. Instead, layer VI in the limbic cortices has unusually older cells that are generated simultaneously with subplate cells.  相似文献   

Birthdates of the neurons that comprise the layers of the mature visual cortex in the wallaby (Macropus eugenii) have been determined with the aid of tritiated thymidine autoradiography. The laminar positions of cells, identified by their birthdates, have then been followed at early stages during development and compared with previously published data on the distribution of thalamocortical afferents and corticothalamic projecting cells (Sheng et al. [1991] J. Comp. Neurol. 307:17-38). Neurons are born in a deep to superficial sequence typical of other mammals. The loosely packed zone of cells, which develops at the base of the thin compact zone of cells at the superficial margin of the cortical plate early in development, was identified as being part of the cortical plate. Afferents did not wait below this zone but grew into the developing cortical layers immediately after the cells that form these layers began accumulating in the loosely packed zone, starting with layer 6 on postnatal day 22 (P22). The genesis of layer 4 did not begin until P32, and these cells reached the superficial cortical plate at P54 and entered the loosely packed zone by P65. Cells of layers 5 and 6 formed the initial projection to the thalamus. Despite the protracted development of the wallaby and the large discrepancy between the time of thalamic ingrowth and genesis of layer 4, there was no extended waiting period for afferents in the subplate.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have shown that nerve cells containing NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) are relatively resistant to various damaging processes. NADPH-d has been found to be colocalized with somatostatin (SOM) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) in neuronal populations of several forebrain regions. We have investigated the anatomical distribution, morphology and cell sizes of NADPH-d neurons in amygdala and temporal cortex in Alzheimer's disease (AD) compared to controls of different age. NADPH-d cells and fibers were present in layers II-VI of the cortex and in the white matter below the cortical mantle. In the amygdaloid complex, NADPH-d cells and processes were observed in almost all subnuclei. In the amygdala of aged controls, only insignificant atrophic alterations of NADPH-d neurons and fibers were seen. In AD, a moderate, but significant shift towards an increased number of medium-to small-sized neurons was measured in amygdala and cortex, indicating cell shrinkage during the course of the disease. However, there were no differences when comparing NADPH-d staining in amygdaloid subregions in AD cases that contained numerous neuritic plaques (i.e., accessory basal nucleus) with areas that were relatively free of lesions (i.e., lateral nucleus). Analysis of cell size of SOM- and NPY-immunoreactive cells revealed only slight atrophic changes during aging. In AD, however, a significant atrophy of somatostatin neurons in temporal cortex was found, whereas no further cell shrinkage was noted for NPY as compared to aged controls. Colocalization tests demonstrated a large overlap between NPY, SOM and NADPH-d in the amygdala, whereas a subpopulation of cortical SOM neurons, predominantly localized in upper layers, showed a lack of NADPH-d. Our findings of a relative stability of a selective subclass of neurons during aging and AD support the hypothesis that cellular pathology may affect only specific neuronal populations while others might be spared.Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-schaft, Un 59/2-1 and Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung, 88.016.1  相似文献   

The generation, migration, and morphogenesis of atypically oriented pyramidal neurons in the rat visual cortex were examined. In the mature cortex, these neurons were distributed through layers II-VI. Moreover, the atypically oriented pyramidal neurons in a particular layer tended to be oriented in a specific way; atypically oriented pyramidal neurons in layer II, layers III-VIa, and layer VIb were obliquely, radially, and obliquely oriented, respectively. Ultrastructurally, the somata of atypically oriented pyramidal neurons contained large euchromatic ovoid nuclei and cytoplasm that was replete with rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. These somata formed only symmetric axosomatic synapses. Many atypically oriented pyramidal neurons projected axons into the white matter as demonstrated by a Golgi method and by a retrograde tract-tracing technique; however, some of these pyramidal neurons in layers III-V had axons that ascended to layer I. By using a technique which combined retrograde tract tracing with [3H]thymidine autoradiography, it was determined that most atypically oriented pyramidal neurons in layers V and VIa, layer IV, and layer II were generated on gestational days (GD) 15-17, GD 17-19, and GD 20-21, respectively. Atypically oreinted pyramidal neurons were identified during the period from postnatal day 0 (day of birth) to day 30. On day 0, obliquely oriented pyramidal neurons were distributed in the deep cortical plate, i.e., immature layer VI. On day 3, the youngest atypically oriented pyramidal neurons were radially oriented and were located in layer IV. Some obliquely oriented pyramidal neurons were present in layer II on day 6, but the greatest number and the most severely canted pyramidal neurons in layer II were evident on day 9. The orientations of the cell body and the apical dendrite did not change appreciably after migration was complete, except for those in layers V and VI with obliquely oriented cell bodies and radially oriented apical dendrites. The second and third postnatal weeks were marked by substantial morphological differentiation of all pyramidal neurons as noted by the lengthening and branching of dendrites and by the appearance of dendritic spines. By the fourth postnatal week, atypically oriented pyramidal neurons achieved their mature morphology. The generation, migration, and morphogenesis of atypically oriented pyramidal neurons proceed by an inside-to-outside sequence. This development is similar and concurrent with that of typically oriented pyramidal neurons.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry, with antisera directed against glutamate (Glu) or aspartate (Asp), was combined with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) histochemistry to examine the distribution, morphology, and proportions of Glu- and Asp-containing neurons that give rise to corticofugal and callosal projections of the rat visual cortex. WGA-HRP injections in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus resulted in retrograde labelling of small and medium-sized cells throughout layer VI of the visual cortex. Of these cells, 60% were also Glu-immunoreactive and 61% Asp-positive. WGA-HRP injections in the superior colliculus labelled large and medium-sized neurons in the upper portion of layer V of the visual cortex. Of these cells, 46% were also stained for Glu and 66% for Asp. Injections in the pontine nuclei resulted in retrograde labelling of cells in the deeper part of cortical layer V. Retrogradely labelled cells, which were also immunoreactive for Glu or Asp, were large pyramidal cells. Corticopontine neurons, which were also Glu-positive, accounted for 42% of the total number of WGA-HRP labelled cells, whilst for Asp-positive neurons this percentage was 51%. Finally, after injections in the visual cortex, retrogradely labelled small and medium-sized cells were found throughout layers II-VI in the contralateral visual cortex. Of these neurons, 38% were also labelled for Glu while 49% were also Asp-immunoreactive. The present results demonstrate that substantial proportions of projection neurons in the rat visual cortex are immunoreactive for Glu or Asp, suggesting that these excitatory amino acids are the major transmitters used by the cortical efferent systems examined. Furthermore, the proportions of these immunoreactive neurons in the efferent pathways vary according to the target.  相似文献   

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