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用高效液相色谱法(GB/T 22220-2008)测定了6份驴乳粉中的胆固醇含量.结果表明:驴乳粉平均含胆固醇(38.17±6.96)mg/100g,变异系数18.23%,范围33.4~51.8 mg/100g.在食用前用温开水按粉、水比1:8的比例融化后,驴乳粉复原乳中胆固醇含量为4.24 mg/100g(3.71~5.76 mg/100g),可声称为无或不含胆固醇(≤5 mg/100g)食品/饮品,胆固醇含量较高者(5.76 mg/100g)可声称为低胆固醇(≤10 mg/100mL)食品/饮品.  相似文献   

按国标法对冻干驴乳粉中12种脂肪酸含量进行测定并分别计算其占总脂肪酸的比例,结果表明:亚油酸、油酸和棕榈酸含量居前3位,分别为2 125 mg/100 g、2101 mg/100 g和1684 mg/100 g,占总脂肪酸的比例依次为25.9%、25.6%和20.5%;人体必需脂肪酸(亚油酸和α-亚麻酸)含量达2 344.5 mg/100 g,占总脂肪酸28.6%,并含有婴幼儿必需的ARA、DHA等功能性脂肪酸。  相似文献   

为了检测特色乳制品马乳粉的维生素含量,依据国标对马乳粉中维生素A、维生素E、维生素D、维生素K1、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素B6、维生素B12、烟酸、泛酸、生物素和叶酸进行检测.结果3份新疆伊犁地区某乳品企业生产的马乳粉的维生素平均含量:维生素A 71.53μg/100 g,维生素D30.73μg/100 g,维生素E 0.547 mg/100 g;维生素B20.294 mg/100 g,B60.39 mg/100 g,B120.303μg/100 g,烟酸1.47 mg/100 g,泛酸2.76 mg/100 g,生物素7.29μg/100 g,叶酸21.5μg/100 g,维生素C77 mg/100 g.结论:马乳粉的烟酸、泛酸和维生素C含量较高,可以作为人体补充维生素的最佳食物来源之一.  相似文献   

按国标法对16头新疆驴的驴乳进行牛磺酸质量浓度测定,结果表明:驴乳中牛磺酸的平均质量浓度为(1.35±0.34)mg/100 g,范围(0.72~1.91)mg/100 g,变异系数25.19%。不同驴乳样本间牛磺酸质量浓度差异较大。  相似文献   

对新疆生产的牛、马、驴、双峰驼乳粉脂肪酸(FA)含量和组成进行测定和比较分析.结果表明:乳粉中FA含量按从高到低排列依次为双峰驼乳粉、牛乳粉、马乳粉、驴乳粉,和4种家畜生乳中脂肪含量排序相一致.双峰驼乳粉短、中链FA所占比例显著低于牛、马、驴乳粉.马、驴乳粉硬脂酸所占比例显著低于牛、双峰驼乳粉.马、驴乳粉必需脂肪酸(EFA,亚油酸艳+α-亚麻酸)所占比例显著高于牛、双峰驼乳粉.马、驴乳粉的不饱和脂肪酸(USFA)/饱和脂肪酸(SFA)比值指数显著高于牛、双峰驼乳粉,单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)/SFA比值指数低于牛、双峰驼乳粉.4种乳粉中EFA占多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)的比例均在80%以上,马、驴乳粉EFA/PUFA比值指数高于牛、双峰驼乳粉.  相似文献   

对3家不同企业生产的驴乳粉中蛋白质含量、17种氨基酸含量和氨基酸组成进行测定和分析,结果表明:驴乳粉平均含蛋白质17.5%,总氨基酸含量为15.84%,占蛋白质90.5%;驴乳粉氨基酸种类齐全,人体必需氨基酸占总氨基酸42.39%;按生驴乳总干物质含量和蛋白质含量进行折算,驴乳粉蛋白质含量和生驴乳蛋白质含量基本相符;驴乳粉的氨基酸组成和必需氨基酸占总氨基酸的比例和生驴乳接近。  相似文献   

对断奶、1.5岁、成年不同年龄驴分7组采用不同营养水平饲喂63~113 d,各组将接近平均体重的3头屠宰,取股二头肌、眼肌和臂三头肌肉样进行营养成分测定,结果表明.驴肉与其它肉类相比为高蛋白、低脂肪、低热能肉品,蛋白质质量优异,全价性好;断奶、1.5岁、成年退役驴肉中各成分平均值(%)为干物质(25.28±2.67),粗蛋白(21.19±2.06),粗脂肪(2.38±2.18),粗灰分(1.10±0.12),热能(1.441±0.129) kcal/g;随年龄增加,驴肉中干物质、脂肪、能量上升,粗蛋白、灰分下降.驴肉氨基酸总量平均为20.08g/100g,含量比《食品成分表》所列(15.99~19.57g/100g)要高;其中精氨酸、酪氨酸、组氨酸与猪肉、马肉相比差异达极显著水平(P<0.01);限制性赖氨酸与猪肉、羊肉、牛肉相比差异也达极显著水平(P<0.01);鲜味氨基酸中的天门冬氨酸和谷氨酸试驴驴肉与猪肉、羊肉、马肉相比差异也达极显著水平(P<0.01);衡量肉品蛋白质质量的色氨酸驴肉(0.662g/100g)远高于其它家畜肉中含量.1.5岁试驴驴内不饱和脂肪酸和必需脂肪酸含量(%)平均为(61.09±0.71),必需脂肪酸(亚油酸、亚麻酸、花生四烯酸)含量(%)平均为(21.25±3.73);两者与猪肉、牛肉相比差异达极显著水平(P<01),后者与羊肉相比差异也达显著水平(P<0.05);试验数据同时表明,不饱和脂肪酸和必需脂肪酸含量1.5岁试驴驴内股二头肌均高于臂三头肌和眼肌.1.5岁试驴眼肌肉中胆固醇含量较低为79.20 mg/100g,比猪肉、羊肉、牛肉含量低;不同部位脂肪中胆固醇含量不一.1.5岁试驴眼肌肉中维生素含量与其它家畜肉相近,而微量元素则较多.  相似文献   

家畜需要的矿物元素,大体可划分为两大类别。一类叫常量元素,指的是钙、磷、氯、钠、钾、硫、镁等矿物质;一类叫微量元素,指的是碘、钴、铁、铜、钼、锰、锌、硒、氟、铭、矽等矿物质,其中氟、铭、矽等元素是七十年代证实的家畜必需的微量元素,而铭与矽对奶牛不重要,尚未列为是必需的元素。 微量元素是某些酶特定需要的,为大多数酶活化所必需。镁是一个常量元素,但其功能在很多方面与微量元素相似。 在正常条件下,奶牛日粮中所需的钙、磷、氯、钠比一般家畜要多。  相似文献   

本文比较了驴乳、其他家畜乳和人乳在基本化学成分、蛋白质和脂肪酸构成、矿物元素和维生素含量等方面的区别,分析了驴乳的营养价值和特点,并对驴乳中功能性活性成分及其健康效应、驴乳的保健作用和适宜人群作了简略介绍。  相似文献   

常量矿物元素是畜禽饲料添加剂的重要组成成分,且常量矿物元素是畜禽机体重要的组成部分,参与机体营养代谢,影响畜禽的生长性能,同时部分研究显示常量矿物元素也是影响肉品质的重要因素之一。已知影响畜禽肉品质量的因素较为复杂,畜禽的种类、性别、年龄、饲喂方式及营养成分等均可影响畜禽的肉品质,且常量矿物元素作为畜禽生长的营养元素也是影响畜禽肉品的因素之一。目前关于常量矿物元素的研究大多集中在畜禽生长性能、蛋、奶等畜禽产品的研究方面,对畜禽肉品质影响的研究较少。本文主要对钠、钾、镁、硫、钙和磷等常量矿物元素作为饲料添加剂饲喂畜禽以及屠宰后将肉品腌制处理对畜禽肉品质影响的简述,以期为进一步研究常量矿物元素改善畜禽肉品质提供参考。  相似文献   

全泌乳驴养殖是新疆喀什地区农民创造的一种新型奶驴饲养和经营模式。本文阐述了全泌乳驴养殖对发展驴乳生产的积极意义,分析了该模式的优势和存在问题,并从驴乳产业发展的角度,提出相应对策和建议。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究早期补饲和提前隔离挤奶时间对驴驹生长发育指标的影响。选择平均出生时间2.37 d的德州驴公驴驹20头,按体重和出生时间接近的原则随机分为4组,每组5头,分别为对照组、试验组Ⅰ、试验组Ⅱ和试验组Ⅲ。对照组采用传统饲养方式,产后25日龄母子隔离挤奶,隔离期间给驴驹供给苜蓿干草;试验组产后15日龄挤奶,产后7日龄开始补饲教槽,10日龄开始在补饲精饲料+苜蓿干草,2次/d,30 min/次。精饲料的基础配比相同,试验组Ⅱ和试验组Ⅲ分别添加了5%和10%的代乳粉。在31~65日龄,给试验组精料中添加0.05%的微生态制剂。结果显示:在出生到30日龄的平均日增重比较中,对照组和试验组Ⅲ之间差异显著(P<0.05);试验组和对照组各阶段体尺指标差异均不显著;试验组各组的教槽效果与代乳粉的添加成正比;由于微生态制剂的添加,试验组Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ的65日龄体重显著高于对照组(P<0.05),试验组各组之间差异不显著。试验结果表明,早期补饲可以促进驴驹的生长发育,并提前母驴的挤奶时间。  相似文献   

Complex situations related to the environment, as in the regions affected by the Chernobyl accident and regions in which nuclear weapons testing were undertaken, as in Semipalatinsk, could be reflected in the trace element content in mothers' milk. The evaluation of fractional transfer to milk of ingested or inhaled activity and of the corresponding dose coefficients for the infant, following a mothers' radioactive intake, can take advantage from wide-ranging studies of elemental and radionuclide contents in mothers' milk. In this work the possibility to determine elements, such as Ru, Zr, Nb, Te, Ce, Th, U, in milk powder has been investigated. Although results from elemental analyses of breast milk are to be found in the literature, the determination of the identified elements has attracted poor attention since they are not considered essential elements from a biological point of view. Nevertheless, in the case of radioactive releases to the environment, such data could be of interest in evaluation of dose to the breast-fed infant.  相似文献   

通过对新疆喀什地区岳普湖县两户奶驴养殖户泌乳驴日粮的调查和乳成分分析,研究不同日粮结构(秸秆+青鲜苜蓿+精饲料或秸秆+精饲料)对驴乳质量的影响。结果发现:在保证营养水平的基础上,日粮多样性和日粮结构合理有利于提高驴乳产量和质量,尤其是添加优质青苜蓿可显著提高乳脂率和全乳固体含量(P<0.01)。建议:奶驴养殖者根据实际情况,改善泌乳驴的日粮结构,增加饲料品种,并注意补充优质青鲜牧草。  相似文献   

Effect of collagen on bone mineral analysis with CT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Single-energy and dual-energy quantitative computed tomography (CT) techniques were used to analyze test solutions that contained agar, K2HPO4, and isopropanol, which stimulated collagen, mineral, and fat, respectively. The impact of the use of peripheral and anthropomorphic (central) calibration phantoms was also studied. A 10% change in fat content was found to cause errors in the estimated bone mineral content of -10 mg/mL, -14 mg/mL, and -1 mg/mL for single-energy CT at 80 kVp, single-energy CT at 140 kVp, and dual-energy CT, respectively. In the K2HPO4 solutions, the addition of 50 mg/mL agar increased the estimated bone mineral content by 20-33 mg/mL for single-energy CT, and by 12-17 mg/mL for dual-energy CT. The best estimates were obtained with central calibration and dual-energy CT, but the estimates were still 14%-24% greater than the true values. Calibration samples that more accurately simulate actual spongiosa may reduce this source of error. Caution should be exercised in the use of quantitative CT under conditions in which either the bone marrow or collagen content is altered by disease or therapy.  相似文献   

目的测定竹胎粉中的营养成分,观察竹胎粉辅助卟啉铁改善营养性贫血的效果。方法测定竹胎粉中造血相关因子类似物的含量,检测微量元素的含量,并建立营养性贫血大鼠动物模型,灌竹胎粉加卟啉铁,观察血红蛋白、红细胞压积和体重的变化。结果竹胎粉中含造血因子红细胞生成素(EPO)、IL-2、IL-1β结构类似物及刺激或参与造血功能的微量元素Mn、Fe、Zn、Cu、Ti等。动物试验结果显示,大鼠给予竹胎粉10.49g/kg bw,复合卟啉铁2.97mg/kg bw后,血红蛋白、红细胞压积、体重与对照组相比均有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。结论竹胎粉能够辅助卟啉铁改善营养性贫血。  相似文献   

新疆养驴历史悠久,驴品种资源丰富,但由于毛驴役用淘汰加剧,新疆的驴产业正经受着前所未有的挑战,尽管新疆养驴目前存在些问题,但产业特点鲜明,优势明显,只要政府重视、社会参与,新疆的驴产业具有很好的发展前景。  相似文献   

Four hundred and fifty cholecystograms were assessed regarding the effectiveness of various agents used as the fatty meal. 200 patients were given Arachis oil emulsion, 100 chocolate-Sorbitol preparation, 100 46 g of milk chocolate, and 50 26 g of milk chocolate. The films were assessed for degree of contraction, improvement in opacification, and visualisation of the biliary ducts. No statistically significant difference was found between any of the groups. It is concluded that milk chocolate is an effective palatable and cheap form of fatty meal.  相似文献   

Quantitative CT (QCT) studies of trabecular vertebral bone tissue have been carried out in vitro on a GE CT/T 9800 scanner. Results of both single energy (SE) 80 kVp and dual energy (DE) 80/140 kVp QCT data are compared with chemical mineral analysis to determine accuracy. We examined 62 vertebral specimens, from 28 cadavers (19 male and 9 female with an age range of 19-93 years, mean = 60.4). Averaging the results of all vertebral bodies of the same individual for SEQCT versus ashweight, we found a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.94 (p less than 0.0001), a standard error of the estimate (SEE) of 12.2 mg/cm3 (calibrated to K2HPO4), with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 13.2% and an average underestimation of bone mineral content of 18.7 mg/cm3. The corresponding DEQCT results were r = 0.98 (p less than 0.0001), SEE = 7.4 mg/cm3, CV = 7.0%, and an average underestimation of 4.9 mg/cm3. The SE and DE results are correlated with r = 0.98 (p less than 0.0001), SEE = 8.0 mg/cm3, and CV = 8.7%. From our SEQCT data and the results of the chemical analysis of bone mineral and fat content we calculated a fat sensitivity of 7.7 mg/cm3 K2HPO4 per 100 mg/cm3 fat change for our scanner. Using an average fat variability of 87.5 mg/cm3, this leads to a fat-related uncertainty for the normative SEQCT data of 6.7 mg/cm3, which is far lower than the normal biological variation of 29.4 mg/cm3. Using tabulated normative data on fat content versus age and versus mineral content of 188 vertebral specimens from five collaborating centers, we derived a correction algorithm for QCT measurement that reduces our average underestimation to 0.88 mg/cm3 with an SEE of 12.1 mg/cm3. Hence, this correction procedure can be used to estimate the fat corrected absolute mineral density for research purposes or for scanners with high fat sensitivity. For the GE CT/T 9800 scanner, with a relatively low fat to mineral sensitivity at 80 kVp, the correction procedure is generally not recommended for clinical studies since it minimizes the average fat induced error but does not reduce the residual, partially fat related uncertainty. Finally, since the fat related uncertainty is small compared to biological variation, the correlation is high between SEQCT and DEQCT, and the radiation dose is lower and the precision higher for SEQCT, we suggest that most clinical diagnostic studies using the GE CT/T 9800 scanner for bone mineral determination employ SEQCT at 80 kVp.  相似文献   

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