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本院基础医学研究所于一九八○年十二月二十二日至二十三日召开了一九八○年度学术年会。涂通今院长、赵阳政委、何曼秋部长等院部首长参加了会议。所领导同志均参加了会议。周廷冲所长在开幕时致了开幕词、会议结束时又作了总结。年会上宣读了包括神经生物学、细胞生物学、生化药理、生化免疫、遗传工程、生物物理和中医中药等七个方面的二十四篇工作报告。另外还邀请二所有关同志作了协作研究的“视  相似文献   

电子学、计算机科学、探头材料及阵列设计方面的发展推动了超声学的进展,极大地拓宽了超声在临床和科研工作中的应用范围.概述了探头材料、阵列设计、数字化超声成像和信号处理技术方面的进展,讨论了腔内超声、三维超声及谐波成像,评价了微气泡对比剂的最新临床应用,简述了介入性超声、超声治疗以及超声辅助下的药物和基因传递技术.  相似文献   

武警8610部队严密做好世博安保任务部队卫勤保障工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王庆安  陈节 《武警医学》2010,21(4):368-368
本刊讯 武警8610部队针对遂行世博安保任务政治责任大、投入兵力多、持续时间长、保障任务重的实际,加强卫勤保障任务研究,对集中居住部队卫生资源采取集中管理、派出保障方式,设立了前方综合救护所.建立了综合门诊、心理门诊、急救室、特检室、药材库、留观病室等十个功能科室,完善了卫生工作规范,落实了分工负责制,狠抓了卫生制度在末端的落实,为部队圆满完成世博安保任务奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

超声学进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子学、计算机科学、探头材料及阵列设计方面的发展推动了超声学的进展,极大地拓宽了超声在临床和科研工作中的应用范围。概述了探头材料、阵列设计、数字化超声成像和信号处理技术方面的进展,讨论了腔内超声、三维超声及谐波成像,评价了微气泡对比剂的最新临床应用,简述了介入性超声、超声治疗以及超声辅助下的药物和基因传递技术。  相似文献   

随着计算机的飞速发展,计算机网络应用技术受到普遍重视。我院将计算机视为医院实现高质量、高效率信息管理的先进工具和手段,一步到位实现了全院临床科、非临床科、机关部门微机联网工作。这一网络的建立达到了信息共享、及时处理、分级管理以及共同监督的目的。其中住院管理系统中医嘱录入部分的运用,改变了护士转抄、查对医嘱的方式,节省了时间,提高了工作效率,较好地把住了医嘱关。  相似文献   

为了加强卫生技术干部队伍的建设,根据总政、总后有关通知精神,一九八三年我们对全区医院、疗养院的卫生技术干部进行了全面考核,实考人数占应考人数的93.5%。通过考核摸清了卫生技术干部的数、质量状况,增强了大家学习的自觉性和工作的积极性,加强了团结,促进了业务建设,提高了医疗护理工作质量,基本做到了领导、群众、本人三满意。整个考核分准备、实施和总结三个阶段,其做法和体会是:  相似文献   

急性放射病临床研究现状与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对心血管型、亚急性放射病、皮肤红斑、头部等受大剂量照射后的临床表现作了补充阐述。介绍了白细胞、血小板动态变化对分度的价值;薪抗霉菌、抗病毒药、丙种球蛋白、GM-CSF 的应用。深入探讨了骨髓移植的作用。  相似文献   

中、重度烧伤的早期治疗及理论依据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文就中、重度烧伤早期治疗的若干问题进行了综述。对心肺复苏即早期休克的输液成份、电解质的改变以及吸入性损伤气道处理等进行了叙述;二、对代谢与营养,特别是早期进食的优点进行了介绍,并对某些营养物质所摄取的利弊作了较详尽的介绍;三、对创面的处理介绍了应用磺胺嘧啶银、磺胺嘧啶锌作了比较,并认为MEBO效果更好。此节并对烧伤水泡液的害处作了介绍,多数学者主张抽吸而保留水泡膜,作为天然敷料;四、止痛方面,作者认为MEBO有较好效果;五、对预防感染问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

2007年,我院承担了北京军区“卫生信息数据交互平台”(以下简称“平台”)的试点任务。“平台”的运行,既实现了日报、月报、季报、年报数据的网络直报,又实现了团卫生队、师医院、师卫生科、军卫生处之间的数据信息网络共享,还减少了人为误差,提高了工作效率,确保了数据信息报送的准确性与时效性。现将“平台”应用情况报告如下。  相似文献   

2009年,我院与甘肃号百公司联合研发了医疗短信服务平台,该平台通过移动通信技术和医院HIS、LIS、PACS等系统的结合,实现了将医院预约挂号、候诊排队、检验结果、住院检查、出院随访等信息,在第一时间自动发送或反馈到患者的移动电话上,方便了患者就诊,提高了工作效率和服务质量,产生了良好的社会效益。  相似文献   

目的探讨超声引导下聚多卡醇泡沫在肾囊肿硬化治疗中的临床应用价值。 方法分析我院于2019年1月至2020年6月期间收治的42例肾囊肿患者,均在超声引导下行聚多卡醇泡沫硬化治疗,所有患者在术后1、3、6、12个月定期随访复查超声,根据囊肿的缩小率评价疗效。 结果42例患者的42个肾囊肿,术后1、3、6、12个月随访,治愈率分别为11.9%、35.7%、42.9%、59.5%;总有效率分别为59.5%、83.3%、92.9%、100.0%。Cox多因素回归分析显示囊肿容积的大小为影响聚多卡醇治疗效果的主要因素。 结论超声引导下聚多卡醇泡沫硬化治疗肾囊肿安全、有效,术后随访时间越长,治疗效果越显著,且囊肿容积越小,疗效越确切,值得在临床推广应用。  相似文献   

No organ in the chest is spared the negative effects of uremia. The dialytic treatment itself is often associated with a large array of thoracic complications. We review the main thoracic manifestations of the terminal uremia from the radiological point of view, such as: uremic pleuritis and pericarditis, uremic pneumonia, renal osteodystrophy, infections, and metastatic pulmonary calcifications. Respiratory function derangement and the problems related to peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis are discussed in some detail, along with the diagnostic role of plain films, US, nuclear medicine, and CT. The main focus of this review is on the hydration problems and pulmonary edema, often related to a large number of pathogenetic factors. Based on our experience, we think that the chest X-ray is not able to accurately discriminate between cardiogenic edema and fluid overload edema (so-called renal pulmonary edema). The radiological findings of the thoracic complications in uremic patients are multiple and complex but, in most cases, the imaging techniques may offer an accurate and noninvasive diagnostic approach, with a high benefit-cost ratio.  相似文献   

To consider the role of the physico-chemical properties of drugs in their post-mortem redistribution, we designed the present study to investigate the influence of lipophilicity using an experimental rabbit model. Three beta-blockers (BB), atenolol, metoprolol and propranolol, with a similar dissociation constant (pK a) and increasing partition coefficient (K p) were administered intravenously to 18 rabbits. One hour after the last administration, the animals were killed by thiopental injection and placed in a supine position at room temperature. Autopsies were performed at 0, 2, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h post-mortem. Concentrations of the three BB were determined in fluids (right and left cardiac blood, peripheral blood, urine, bile, stomach content, vitreous humour) and tissues (cardiac muscle, lungs, liver, brain, diaphragm, iliopsoas muscle) using a previously published, validated liquid chromatography–electrospray–mass spectrometry method. Our results show that lipophilicity influences post-mortem redistribution of the molecules in a certain number of anatomical sites such as the stomach, lungs, cardiac muscle, cardiac blood or liver, but does not appear to intervene in other sites such as the brain or the vitreous humour.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and accessible for authorised users.This work was presented in part at the 40th International Meeting of The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, 26–30 August 2002, Paris, France, and at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique, 11–13 June 2003, Dinard, France.  相似文献   

重力变化对小鼠神经内分泌及免疫功能的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
为研究航天特殊环境对机体神经内分泌免疫功能的影响,探讨了超重与模拟失重对小鼠脑递质去甲肾上腺素(NA)、多巴胺(DA)、五羟色胺(5~HT)、血浆皮质酮及淋巴细胞转化的影响。结果表明,3级起飞曲线峰值5G加速度(约800Gs)作用后即刻NA、DA升高,皮质酮和T细胞转化增加,B细胞转化显著降低,作用后72小时NA、DA、皮质酮恢复,T、B细胞转化明显升高,5-HT升高,作用后144小时NA、DA、5-HT均恢复正常组水平,皮质酮则明显降低,T、B细胞转化开始恢复,但仍高于正常对照组水平。模拟失重等因素作用12d,小鼠脑NA、DA升高,5-HT无变化,皮质酮明显升高,T、B细胞转化明显降低。  相似文献   

Ultrasonography is the imaging technique of choice for studying the digestive tract in pediatric patients from the neonatal period to adolescence. Its dynamic character, absence of radiation, and scant preparation required make ultrasonography preferable to contrast-enhanced fluoroscopy, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging. Technical advances in ultrasound, including high-resolution multifrequency probes, panoramic studies, color Doppler, Doppler with microvascularization, elastography, and contrast agents for use in children, have increased the sensitivity and specificity of this technique.Intestinal ultrasound is indicated for conditions with diverse etiologies and pathogenesis: congenital, infectious, inflammatory, tumor-related, and vascular. Knowledge of embryological development and the normal characteristics of the digestive tract help in identifying, recognizing, and interpreting the ultrasound findings of the different conditions in pediatric patients.This paper aims to show the indications for ultrasound studies of the digestive tract in children, the findings on these studies, and the management of the most common gastrointestinal conditions in pediatric patients.  相似文献   

目的 探讨炎症及营养指标对严重下呼吸道感染患者临床转归的预测价值.方法 运用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC曲线)计算曲线下面积(AUC),分析143例呼吸重症监护病区(RICU)下呼吸道感染患者入院时血清降钙素原(PCT)、超敏C反应蛋白(Hs-CRP),清蛋白(Alb)、前清蛋白(PA)、尿素氮(BUN)、肌酐(Cr)、总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、血红蛋白(Hb)水平和淋巴细胞计数(LY)等指标对于入院25 d死亡及实施机械通气的预测价值,进行炎症与营养指标的相关性分析.结果 ROC曲线对于25 d死亡预测分析中,PCT的AUC值最高(>0.70),其余指标AUC均>0.50.25 d死亡组与非死亡组间各指标比较,LY、PCT、Alb及PA的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01).各指标预测实施机械通气 ROC曲线分析中,LY的AUC值最高,除PA和Cr外,各指标AUC均>0.50.实施机械通气与未实施机械通气组间比较,LY、PCT、Hb及HDL-C的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).患者PCT与Hb、PA、Alb、TC、HDL-C及LDL-C水平呈负相关(P<0.05或P<0.01),与BUN及Cr水平呈正相关(P<0.01);Hs-CRP与PA、Alb水平呈负相关(P<0.01).结论 PCT、LY对于严重下呼吸道感染患者近期死亡及实施机械通气独立预测价值相对较高,且PCT水平与营养状况有密切关系.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography is not the most cited imaging technique for the evaluation of infectious and neoplastic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the peritoneum, but it is often the initial technique used in the initial workup for nonspecific clinical syndromes. Despite its limitations, ultrasonography's strengths enable it to provide meaningful diagnostic information.To discuss the most important ultrasonographic, clinical, and epidemiological findings for infectious disease, we follow a topographical approach: stomach (Anisakis), proximal small bowel (Giardia lamblia, Strongyloides stercoralis, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex, and Cryptosporidium), distal small bowel (Yersinia, Salmonella, and Campylobacter), terminal ileum and cecum (tuberculosis), right colon (Entamoeba histolytica), left colon (Shigella), sigmoid colon and rectum, pancolitis (Clostridium difficile, Cytomegalovirus, and Escherichia coli), and peritoneum.To discuss the ultrasonographic and clinical findings of the most common neoplastic diseases, we follow a nosological approach: polyploid lesions as precursors of tumors, carcinomas, neuroendocrine tumors, hematological tumors, mesenchymal tumors, and metastases. We briefly discuss tumors of the peritoneum and the use of ultrasonography to guide percutaneous biopsy procedures.  相似文献   

目的通过Meta分析评估~(125)I粒子近距离放射治疗恶性梗阻性黄疸的疗效及安全性。方法检索中国生物医学数据库(CBM)、万方数据库、中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、维普数据库(VIP)、Pubmed、Cochrane library、Embase、Ovid建库以来到2018年3月已公开发表的~(125)I粒子治疗恶性梗阻性黄疸的随机对照试验文献。由2名研究者独立筛选文献、评价文献质量、提取数据,通过Rev Man5.3软件进行Meta分析。结果符合纳入标准的文献共15篇,共1 015例病人。Meta分析结果显示,~(125)I放射组病人1年生存率高于对照组(RR=2.06,95%CI:1.62~2.62,P0.000 1),生存风险低于对照组(HR=0.38,95%CI:0.26~0.57,P0.000 1);~(125)I放射组术后1个月总胆红素低于对照组(WMD=-6.08,95%CI:-9.05~-3.10,P0.000 1),术后3个月总胆红素也低于对照组(WMD=-37.72,95%CI:-44.99~-30.45,P0.000 1);胆道通畅情况优于对照组;术后1个月~(125)I近距离放射组肿瘤缩小,而对照组肿瘤增大(SMD=-2.77,95%CI:-5.10~0.44,P=0.02);术后1个月2组谷丙转氨酶差异无统计学意义(WMD=-3.06,95%CI:-7.97~1.85,P=0.22);术后常见并发症发生率差异无统计学意义(RR=0.96,95%CI:0.68~1.35,P=0.80);~(125)I近距离放射组的病人疼痛缓解率明显优于对照组(RR=21.08,95%CI:4.43~100.16,P=0.000 1)。结论与单纯放置支架、胆道引流术相比,~(125)I近距离放射能有效地延长恶性梗阻性黄疸病人的生存时间和胆道通畅时间,并能抑制肿瘤生长和缓解疼痛等,同时并不增加肝功能损害和手术并发症。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To test the hypothesis that the primary, secondary, and tertiary eigenvectors of the diffusion tensor (DT) measured with DT-MRI correspond to the fiber, sheet, and sheet normal directions, respectively, we compared DT-MRI data with the texture visible in the cut face of fresh bovine myocardium. MATERIALS AND METHODS: DT-MRI and optical images obtained under identical conditions were compared objectively. Ink prints were made of the cut tissue, and the local orientations within these images were defined by analysis of local autocorrelations for regions matching DT-MRI pixels. Deviation angles between the cleavage orientations and the diffusion eigenvectors were analyzed in eight specimens sliced in three orthogonal planes. RESULTS: Root-mean-square (RMS) angular disparity was 11 degrees between the first eigenvectors of the DT and the fiber direction, 14 degrees between the second eigenvector and the sheet direction, 14 degrees between the third eigenvector and the sheet normal direction, and 15 degrees between the tensor orientation in the imaging plane and the cleavage orientation of the cut face. CONCLUSION: The results support a parallel relationship between the eigenvectors of the DT and symmetry axes of the myocardial architecture. Specifically, the first, second and third eigenvectors correspond to the fiber, sheet, and sheet normal directions, respectively.  相似文献   

Among the various items recovered from crime scenes or persons involved in a crime event, clothing items are commonly encountered and submitted for forensic DNA sampling. Depending on the case circumstances and the activity-of-interest, sampling of the garment may concentrate on collecting DNA from the wearer, or from one or more offenders who have allegedly contacted the item and/or wearer. Relative to the targeted DNA, background DNA already residing on the item from previous contacts, or transferred during or after the crime event, may also be collected during sampling and observed in the resultant DNA profile. Given our limited understanding of how, and from where, background DNA is derived on clothing, research on the transfer, persistence, prevalence, and recovery (TPPR) of DNA traces from upper garments was conducted by four laboratories. Samples were collected from several areas of two garments, each worn on separate working or non-working days and individually owned by four individuals from each of the four laboratories, and processed from DNA extraction through to profiling. Questionnaires documented activities relating to the garment prior to and during wearing, and reference profiles were obtained from the wearer and their close associates identified in the questionnaire. Among the 448 profiles generated, variation in the DNA quantity, composition of the profiles, and inclusion/exclusion of the wearer and their close associates was observed among the collaborating laboratories, participants, garments worn on different occasions, and garment areas sampled.  相似文献   

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