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以“北京市老龄化多维纵向研究”基线调查资料为依据,从老年人的基本状况、家庭状况、敬老养老的态度、健康、医疗经济和社会状况五个方面,分析了老年人是否受尊敬的影响因素,阐述了提高人口文化素质,搞好老年社会保障是提高老年人家庭地位的基本措施。  相似文献   

北京市散居老人的贡献   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据"北京老龄化多维纵向研究"课题,1992年基线调查资料,分析了北京老年人作贡献的现状及影响作贡献的因素,比较不同贡献老人生活状况的差异。根据参与贡献老人在经济收入、心理健康、生活满意、家庭及社会支持等方面均优于未参与作贡献老人的结果,提出应该多方努力,鼓励老人积极参与,并为老人创造参与贡献的条件和机会  相似文献   

老年人胫骨超声检测的临床意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的了解老年人胫骨骨强度的变化。方法用骨定量超声仪(QUS)测量155例老年人和385例青年人胫骨超声速度(SOS),女性同时用双能X线骨密度仪(DEXA)测左前臂中、远端1/3交界处骨矿密度(BMD)。结果两组(60~69岁组和≥70岁组)老年人SOS,女性分别为3768±121和3748±132ms-1,男性分别为3906±123和3925±66ms-1。老年人SOS显著低于青年人(P<0.001),女性分别低5.2%±3.0%和5.7%±3.3%,男性分别低1.8%±3.1%和1.3%±1.7%,男女差异有显著性(P<0.001)。两组老年人骨质疏松症(OP)检出率女性分别为46.5%和61.1%,男性分别为11.4%和9.1%,女性显著高于男性(P<0.001)。QUS与DEXA的相关系数(r)为0.657(P<0.001),OP检出率分别为49.4%和55.1%,诊断符合率为60.0%。结论老年人胫骨SOS明显下降,老年女性SOS明显低于老年男性。  相似文献   

以北京市老年多维纵向研究基线调查资料为依据,从老年人的一般生活状况,基本特征,社会状况,对养老的态度及健康状况等几个方面分析老年妇女的生活状况,发现女性文盲老人的特征为:低教育水平,低就业率、高经济依赖,提示提高文素质特别是妇女的文化程度是改善生活状况和社会地位的根本措施。  相似文献   

老年人常见病调查与随访分析   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
目的通过调查和随访了解北京地区老年人常见病的患病情况,为预防和治疗提供参考资料。方法利用联合国人口基金资助的“北京老龄化多维纵向研究”课题对1992年基线调查的老年人2742例和1994年跟踪随访的有关资料进行对比研究。结果老年人常见病在性别、地区方面的差异有显著性(P<0.01)。危害老年人健康最严重的疾病患病率较高的是高血压(200‰)、冠心病(158‰)和脑卒中(54‰);随访中,糖尿病年发病率为265‰,列居首位;冠心病及脑卒中年发病率分别为19‰及17‰。结论老年人常见病一般具有病程长、患病种类多的特点,防治应从老年前期甚至从青中年期开始。  相似文献   

北京市老年人精神生活满意度和幸福感及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的探讨北京市老年人精神生活满意度和幸福感状况及其影响因素。方法利用2005“北京市老年人精神文化现状及居家养老服务需求调查”数据进行描述性分析。结果超过70%的北京老年人对自己的精神生活满意或比较满意。北京市老年人自评的精神生活满意度和幸福感基本上与客观物质条件、健康状况等呈正相关,但与某些变量如年龄等又呈现复杂的相关关系。人际交往、集体活动参与状况等因素明显地影响老年人精神生活的自评情况。结论由于幸福感或满意度包含着极强的个性化体验,因而不能仅仅关注数据反映出来的最终结果,而必须深入到可能影响老年人生活感受的诸多内核性因素。对老年人自评精神生活满意度和幸福感进行长期纵向调查非常有必要。  相似文献   

老年人健康自我评价的意义及决定因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的本从身体健康、心理健康、人、经济、家庭关系等方面,探讨决定老年人的健康自我评阶的相关因素。方法利用“北京市老龄化多维纵向研究’课题1992年基线谓查资料,分析了北京市城乡60岁以上2543例老人的健康自我评价及相关因素。结果多元逐步分析结果表明:心境和躯体一般健康与健康自我评价相关性很强;年龄、经济等相关性较低。根据1994年的随访结果,分析了基线调查时的健康自我评价在预示“92~94“年间存活中的作用。原健康自我评价“差”和“很差”,与自我评价“优”、“良”.“般”相比,1994年的存活率明显较低。结论健康自我评价综合的反映了老年人躯体、心理健康,是一简易可行,有明确实用意义的指标。  相似文献   

北京部分城区老年人慢性肾功能不全患病率及病因初探   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的了解北京市城区老年人肾脏疾病及肾功能不全的患病情况。方法于1992年及1997年对北京市部分城区同一老年人群5606例的肾脏疾病及肾功能不全的患病率分别进行调查。结果1992年及1997年肾功能不全的患病率分别为2.37%及2.17%,终末期肾病的患病率分别为0.09%、0.13%。原发病因中以肾硬化症占首位,其次为糖尿病,以后依次为梗阻性肾病、间质性肾病、肾小球肾炎、多囊肾和其他。结论这是国内首次对老年人肾功能不全的病因及患病率的调查,表明肾脏疾病是城区老年人的常见疾病,早期检出、早期治疗具有重要性。  相似文献   

济宁市老年抑郁情绪的现况及其影响因素的探讨   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:30  
目的研究济宁市中区和郊区≥60岁老年人抑郁情绪的现况并探讨其影响因素。方法按分层整群抽样法,应用Brink(1982)制定的老年抑郁量表(GeriatricDepresionScale,GDS)和自行编制的生活事件表进行调查。结果老年抑郁情绪的发生率为29.39%,其中女性43.61%,男性23.04%(P<0.001),老年抑郁情绪与下列因素密切相关:经济收入减少,子女生活状况,邻里关系,健身运动,社会地位变化,丧偶和健康状况。结论在各种负性生活事件刺激下老年人易产生抑郁情绪,减少社会心理应激与加强社会支持对预防老年抑郁情绪将起到重要作用。  相似文献   

职业对老年人生活质量的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的比较不同职业老年人群生活质量的差异。方法采用入户访谈方式,对519人不同职业离退休老年人的躯体健康、心理卫生和社会角色适应等方面进行调查。结果管理干部和专业人员冠心病的患病率(分别为23%和25%)高于一般干部和工人(均为10%),差异有极显著性(均为P<0.01);工人牙病患病率(9%)低于其他职业老年人(29%~40%),差异有极显著性(P<0.01)。专业人员的心理卫生健康水平低于其他职业老年人(P<0.01)。男性管理干部社会角色适应能力高于男性工人(P<0.01)。结论不同职业老年人在三维健康方面存在一定的差异。这种差异的产生与原职业背景有一定的联系。职业是影响老年人生活质量的一个重要的人口社会学特征  相似文献   

The authors assessed the prevalence and demography of depressive symptoms, their association with specific chronic diseases, and their influence on health service use in a large sample of elderly men seen in a primary care setting. Twenty-four percent of respondents reported clinically significant depressive symptoms; the prevalence of major depressive disorders was estimated at 10%, but only 1% reported receiving mental health treatment by a specialist. Self-reported marital separation or divorce and physical disability affecting employment were strongly associated with high depression scores, whereas the normative stresses of aging (widowhood, retirement, social isolation) were not. Only chronic lung disease was differentially associated with high depression scores, and this effect was weak. The authors discuss the implications of these findings for the design of comprehensive health services for the elderly with chronic disease.  相似文献   

This was a cross-sectional national survey of the elderly population of Saudi Arabia conducted between January 1994 and December 1995. The participants' physical, mental, social, and environmental health status were assessed in a personal interview during which a structured data form was completed by a trained research team. Data on 6,139 elderly participants have been analyzed: 64.2 percent were males mean age: 69.2 +/- 7.8 years which was higher than females 68.0 +/- 7.6 years (P < 0.0001). The widowhood (46.7%) status was also higher than the widowerhood (4.1%) and 9.3 percent of the participants were never married. The proportion of female illiterates (95.8%) was higher than the males (71.4%). The proportion of participants with definite psychopathology was 33.8 percent and this increased with age and higher among females than males. Overall, 18.8 percent were dependent on others for ADL. Other clinical findings included visual impairment (46.1%) and difficulty in hearing (19.9%). However, a sizeable majority (72.2%) enjoyed good health. Only 3.7 percent lived alone. The proportion of the elderly taking part in any recreational exercise was 14.7 percent and only 4.3 percent had any experience of physical therapy. There were no special hospital wards for the elderly patients, and they were treated by general internists. There is a need for a national cost-effective program for the care of the elderly. The present widespread primary health care centers can be upgraded to coordinate the proposed services.  相似文献   

Objectives: Assess the effects of social relationships on physical and mental health among the elderly in Taiwan. Methods: Using 4 waves of a survey of the elderly, we examine the relationship between social ties and perceived support and four health outcomes--mortality, functional status, self-assessed health, and depression. Results: Perceived support and social ties are related to health, but many of the apparent effects are attenuated in the presence of controls for prior health. However, positive perceptions about support are protective of mental (but not physical) health. Discussion: If baseline health is ignored, estimates of the effects of social relationships on health at a given stage of life are likely to be inflated by reverse causality or by effects occurring prior to baseline. Inclusion of controls for initial health reveals that, in general, the relationship between social support and health at the older ages in Taiwan is relatively modest.  相似文献   

Tate RB  Lah L  Cuddy TE 《The Gerontologist》2003,43(5):735-744
PURPOSE: Although the concept of successful aging is used widely in the field of gerontology, there is no agreed-on standard or common underlying definition for measuring success in aging. Our recent survey of an elderly male population asked respondents to define "successful aging." This paper describes the themes that evolved from those definitions, explores interrelationships between the themes, and examines the association between characteristics of respondents and the themes provided in their definition. DESIGN AND METHODS: The Manitoba Follow-up Study has followed a cohort of 3,983 World War II Royal Canadian Air Force male aircrew recruits since July 1, 1948. At a mean age of 78 years in 1996, the survivors were surveyed and asked, "What is your definition of successful aging?" and "Would you say you have aged successfully?" A content analysis identified themes emerging from their definitions. RESULTS: The most frequent of the 20 component themes from the definitions of successful aging as provided by 30% of the 1,771 respondents related to "health and disease"; "physical," "mental," and "social activity" were more likely to be found in a definition including "interest," "having goals," "family," or "diet," and they were less likely to be mentioned with themes of "independence" or "health." Many of the themes reflect an individual's attitudes toward life and the aging process. Current life satisfaction, self-rated health, and limitation in activities of daily living were significantly associated with an increased likelihood of reporting specific themes in definitions. IMPLICATIONS: As health care professionals adapt to the changing demographic composition of society, it should be of interest to understand what successful aging might mean to the elderly males to whom they are attending.  相似文献   

北京市城市、农村老年人生活满意度的对比分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
利用"北京老化多维纵向研究"1992年基线调查资料,对比分析了1693例城市老年人和850例农村老年人,对夫妻、子女关系、一般生活、经济、住房、健康、休闲活动、医疗等八个方面的满意度,以及由此得出的总体生活满意度的结果。城市老年人中满意度最低的是住房,农村则是健康。满意度最高的都是生活。两地老年人总体生活满意度均在2级左右(1级为很满意,5级计分),农村老年人总体生活满意度较城市高。分析这种差别主要归于受教育水平的不同。  相似文献   

Examined was the extent to which 373 programs in eight types of services provided by the aging network in Massachusetts were utilized by elderly persons with mental retardation. Based on a mailed survey, it was found that over half the programs (52%) had served such clients in 1987. In 2 of the 8 types of services, clients with mental retardation constituted at least 10% of the caseload. Characteristics that differentiated programs that provided services to persons with mental retardation and programs that did not were reported. The policy implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   

北京城区老年人心理健康状况及其相关因素分析   总被引:27,自引:8,他引:27  
目的 调查北京城区老年人心理健康状况 ,分析其主要相关因素 ,并提出相应的改善措施。方法 对象为北京城区老年人 1 0 1 0例。采用自编老年心理健康问卷作为评定工具。结果 老年人心理健康总分存在显著的性别、教育水平和职业差异 ,年龄和婚姻差异不显著 ;健康满意度、生活满意度、经济满意度、夫妻关系满意度、亲子关系满意度、患病数、重大生活事件数与心理健康总分或分量表分相关显著 ;回归分析发现 ,健康满意度和教育水平对总分有显著影响。结论 北京城区老年人心理健康保持尚好 ,促进老年人身体健康和提高其教育水平将有助于改善其心理健康状况。  相似文献   

A survey of 977 community subjects aged 65 or older identified 719 of them as not impaired in physical health. Of these, 104 (14 percent) perceived their physical status to be poor, whereas 615 (86 percent) accurately perceived it to be unimpaired. There were no significant differences between the two groups with regard to age, sex, race, social class, living arrangements and number of drugs used. The physically healthy elderly who perceived their physical status to be poor were more depressed, more hypochondriacal, and more dissatisfied with life. They tended to complain of multiple symptoms; activities of daily living were decreased, and they were more likely to visit their doctor frequently during the year (analysis controlled for physical health in each case). Mental health was slightly but significantly more impaired in these subjects; nevertheless, they were more likely to seek the help of a trained counselor. The findings suggest that a self-perception of poor health among the physically healthy elderly may represent a generalized request for attention from trained personnel in the social environment.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to explore the relationship between the SES, mental health and the NLTC of the Japanese elderly, with the aim of providing useful information to lower the NLTC. A longitudinal survey was carried out in Tama City, Tokyo in 2001 and 2004. Data were collected from the urban-dwelling older adults, aged 65 years old and above, through self-reported questionnaires, which was participated by 7905 respondents (47.6% male and 52.4% female). Chi-square test, Kendall tau-b correlation analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to identify the association between SES, mental health and NLTC. The results of the SEM analysis indicated that mental health would exert a negative effect on NLTC for both the elderly men and the elderly women, while the effect was stronger for the elderly women; SES was significantly and negatively associated to NLTC, both for the elderly men and elderly women; a significant and positive relationship was observed between SES and mental health for both genders, but slightly stronger for the elderly men. These findings have implications for targeting the interventions that are aimed to delaying the NLTC and the financing of LTC system.  相似文献   

目的:探讨系统性护理对老年冠心病患者生活质量的影响。方法:选取我院老年冠心病患者118例,根据随机数字表法将其分为常规护理组和系统性护理组,每组各59例。观察比较两组患者护理前后健康调查表SF-36情况。结果:护理前两组患者的躯体疼痛、生理职能、生活功能、精神健康、情感职能、精力、社会功能和总体健康评分比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。护理后,系统护理组患者的以上维度评分均优于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:系统性护理科显著提高老年冠心病患者的生活质量,值得推广应用于临床。  相似文献   

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