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目的评价Tooth Mousse护牙素抑制离体牛牙牙釉质脱矿及促进牙釉质再矿化的作用。方法60颗带托槽的离体牛牙随机分成3组,每组20颗。实验组涂擦Tooth Mousse护牙素,阴性对照组涂擦蒸馏水,阳性对照组涂擦氟化物。3组标本在人工致龋液和人工唾液中循环浸泡60d,用扫描电镜与偏光显微镜检查牙釉质脱矿及再矿化情况,用显微硬度计检查牙釉质显微硬度并进行统计学分析。结果扫描电镜观察结果显示实验组牙釉质表面有不规则的矿化物沉积;偏光显微镜下实验组牙釉质表面完整,以矿化为主的负性双折射区变宽;实验组牙釉质显微硬度高于阴性对照组(P<0.05),与阳性对照组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论Tooth Mousse护牙素在体外实验中能抑制酸性环境中牛牙釉质脱矿,促进釉质再矿化。  相似文献   

目的评价Tooth Mousse护牙素对减少离体牛牙粘接托槽周围的釉质脱矿及促进再矿化的功效。方法将60颗粘接托槽的离体牛牙随机分成实验组、阳性对照组和阴性对照组,分别在牙面上涂擦Tooth Mousse护牙素、Duraphat氟保护漆和蒸馏水。将3组样本轮流放置入人工致龋液和人工唾液中浸泡,然后使用偏光显微镜、扫描电镜、电子探针检测。结果偏光显微镜下观察,实验组釉质表面完整,主要表现为以脱矿为主的正性双折射区明显减少;扫描电镜观察实验组釉质表面有大量的矿物质沉积,填补釉质表面局限性的小凹陷;电子探针检测结果显示,实验组釉质表面钙、磷含量明显高于阴性对照组(P<0.05),与阳性对照组之间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论Tooth Mousse护牙素在体外实验模型中能使牛釉质在人工致龋环境中减少脱矿和促进再矿化。  相似文献   

目的 观察奥乐V护牙剂对早期釉质龋的再矿化作用。方法 将50个牛牙釉质块建立人工龋模型后随机分为5组:奥乐V护牙剂组、GC护牙素组、氟化钠(NaF)组、奥乐V护牙剂+NaF组、去离子水(DDW)组,分别进入 pH循环模型。采用显微硬度计测定各组标本脱矿前和pH循环后的釉质表面硬度值,扫描电镜观察各组再矿化后釉 质表面形态结构的改变。结果 各实验组经再矿化处理后其表面显微硬度均明显提高(P<0.001),奥乐V护牙剂组再矿化后其表面显微硬度低于NaF组(P<0.001),但与GC护牙素组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);再矿化后奥乐V护牙剂组釉质表面有较大颗粒沉积。结论 奥乐V护牙剂具有促早期人工釉质龋再矿化的作用。  相似文献   

目的 通过体外实验研究,观察天然药物表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯对乳牙早期釉质龋的再矿化作用.方法 将门诊因乳牙滞留拔除的上颌乳中切牙30颗按照随机数字表分为3组,实验组(表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯组)、阳性对照组(NaF组)和空白对照组(人工唾液组),每组10颗,进行体外实验.采用显微硬度计测定标本脱矿前后和pH循环后的硬度值,扫描电镜观察乳牙釉质块再矿化后表面形态结构的改变.结果 pH循环后3组乳牙釉质块表面显微硬度组间两两比较差异均具有统计学意义(F=1199.975,P<0.05),阳性对照组和实验组较空白对照组乳牙釉质龋的表面显微硬度高(q=41.986,P<0.05vs实验组;q=68.174,P<0.05vs阳性对照组),但表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯再矿化效果较NaF低(q=26.188,P<0.05).扫描电镜的结果显示,实验组和阳性对照组在乳牙釉质表面均有大量沉积物存在,空白对照组的乳牙釉质表面呈蜂窝状,凹凸不平,沉积物较少.结论 表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯在体外实验的研究中,具有促进乳牙早期人工釉质龋再矿化的作用.  相似文献   

目的 比较冷光牙齿美白胶贴和酸性饮料对离体牙釉质表面形貌以及Ca/P值和显微硬度的影响。方法 分别用冷光牙齿美白胶贴、可乐、橙汁对新鲜离体牙表面进行涂覆处理(以生理盐水为对照组),经过即刻、7 d、14 d后分别用扫描电子显微镜观察处理前后离体牙的表面形貌和表面Ca/P值变化,用显微硬度仪检测处理前后釉质显微硬度的改变。结果 处理后即刻,3个实验组的釉质表面均有脱矿现象,Ca/P值和显微硬度值均降低,明显小于对照组(P<0.05);7 d后逐渐升高,14 d后与对照组无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论 牙齿美白剂对釉质有一过性脱矿作用,与日常饮用的酸性饮料相比,其脱矿属于正常范围,且随着时间推移,釉质可以发生再矿化。  相似文献   

目的探讨含氟保护漆对正畸牙齿托槽周围釉质脱矿的影响。方法选用临床需拔牙正畸患者(至少拔除2颗前磨牙者),同一患者的前磨牙随机分为2组,观察组在其托槽周围牙面涂布含氟保护漆,对照组不加任何处理。85~95 d后,临床观察实验牙有无脱矿,同时,拔除受试牙,显微硬度计测定釉质脱矿的程度,偏光显微镜观察釉质脱矿病损的分布并测量龋损深度,扫描电镜观察表面形貌改变。结果实验组脱矿率为11.1%,对照组脱矿率为44.4%(P<0.05);观察组显微硬度高于对照组(P<0.05)。对照组样本出现明显的釉质脱矿,龋损的平均深度为(80.35±5.42)μm,而实验组中龋损的平均深度仅为(40.24±2.76)μm,两者有统计学差异(P<0.05)。扫描电镜下对照组出现了典型的脱矿结构,表面呈现孔隙凹坑的不规则外形,而处理组表面较为完整。结论氟保护漆能有效地防治正畸治疗中釉质的脱矿。  相似文献   

目的 通过体外实验研究酪蛋白磷酸多肽-无定形磷酸钙(cvv-ACP,商品名护牙素)对固定矫治中托槽周围牙釉质脱矿的预防作用.方法 将60颗因正畸治疗而拔除的前磨牙随机分成四组:①护牙素组;②0.2%NaF组;③0.2%NaF 护牙素组;④空白对照组.在牙齿颊面粘结正畸托槽.体外pH循环35天后.每组取10个样本经切片、磨片至厚度100/μm-110μm,采用软X线投照技术及高清晰度数码显微图像分析系统测量釉质脱矿深度和灰度.另外,每组取5个样本用扫描电镜观察釉质表面超微结构的改变.用SPSSl3.0统计软件进行数据处理分析.结果 形态学表现:软X线照片显示护牙素组、0.2%NaF组、0.2%NaF 护牙素组都没有出现明显脱矿,对照组出现了19.34±6.8pJn深的脱矿.扫描电镜显示前三组的牙釉质表面有矿物质沉积,孔隙变小,对照组的牙釉质表面有程度不等蜂窝状孔隙.灰度值比较结果显示:①护牙素组、0.2%NaF组之间脱矿量没有统计学差异(P>O.05);②护牙素组、0.2%NaF组、0.2%NaF 护牙素组的脱矿量与空白对照组之间有显著的统计学差异(P相似文献   

目的:观察护牙素(酪蛋白磷酸多肽)在预防正畸过程中对牙釉质脱矿的疗效.方法:随机选取200例正畸病例,治疗组100例采用护牙素治疗,对照组100例不做任何处置.结果:和对照组相比治疗组牙釉质脱矿显著减少(p<0.01).结论:正畸治疗过程中采用护牙素在托槽周围封闭牙釉质能够有效预防牙釉质的脱矿.  相似文献   

目的通过体外实验研究酪蛋白磷酸多肽-无定形磷酸钙(CPP-ACP,商品名护牙素)对固定矫治中托槽周围牙釉质脱矿的预防作用。方法将60颗因正畸治疗而拔除的前磨牙随机分成四组:①护牙素组:②0.2%NaF组;(劲,2%NaF+护牙素组;④空白对照组。在牙齿颊面粘结正畸托槽,体外pH循环35天后,每组取10个样本经切片、磨片至厚度100μm~110μm,采用软X线投照技术及高清晰度数码显微图像分析系统测量釉质脱矿深度和灰度。另外,每组取5个样本用扫描电镜观察釉质表面超微结构的改变。用SPSS13.0统计软件进行数据处理分析。结果形态学表现:软x线照片显示护牙素组、0,2%NaF组、0.2%NaF+护牙素组都没有出现明显脱矿,对照组出现了19.34&#177;6.8μm深的脱矿。扫描电镜显示前三组的牙釉质表面有矿物质沉积,孔隙变小,对照组的牙釉质表面有程度不等蜂窝状孔隙。灰度值比较结果显示:①护牙素组、0.2%NaF组之间脱矿量没有统计学差异(P〉0.05);②护牙素组、0.2%NaF组、0.2%NaF+护牙素组的脱矿量与空白对照组之间有显著的统计学差异(P〈0.05);③护牙素组及0.2%NaF组与0.2%NaF+护牙素组之间均有显著的统计学差异(P〈0.05)。结论护牙素在正畸治疗中具有预防牙釉质脱矿作用;护牙素和氟化物有协同作用,可增强牙齿的防龋能力。  相似文献   

目的:比较局部应用氟化物处理年轻恒牙牙釉质后,釉质表面抵抗果汁类饮料酸蚀及脱矿牙釉质再矿化的变化.方法:采用维氏显微硬度仪,观测年轻恒牙牙釉质经果汁饮料浸泡后再经氟化物局部处理,或用0.1%NaF溶液及含氟牙膏处理后再经饮料浸泡的表面显微硬度(SMH)变化;应用扫描电镜(SEM)观察各实验组牙釉质表面形态的变化;采用Roche生化分析仪,测定恒牙牙釉质饮料处理前后饮料中钙、磷含量的变化;采用SPSS15.0软件包中的单因素方差分析法进行统计学分析.结果:果汁饮料浸泡后,可导致年轻恒牙牙釉质钙、磷溶出和表面显微硬度下降;果汁饮料侵蚀后再经氟化物局部处理的年轻恒牙,釉质的显微硬度显著增加(P<0.05):氟化物及含氟牙膏处理釉质表面后再经果汁饮料浸泡,则釉质的钙、磷溶出和表面显微硬度的下降显著减少(P<0.05).扫描电镜下可见各实验组釉质表面经饮料及各种氟化物处理后呈现不同程度的釉质溶解和再矿化.结论:果汁类饮料会导致牙釉质脱矿.而在釉质表面应用氟化物,能增强牙釉质抵抗饮料的酸蚀,并能促进酸蚀后的牙釉质再矿化.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of an iodine compound for disinfecting the waterlines in dental units has an effect on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets bonded to enamel. Forty molar teeth were divided randomly into two groups- group 1 control: twenty teeth were etched for 15 seconds with 35% phosphoric acid, washed with a distilled water spray for 10 seconds, stored in distilled water for 5 minutes, dried to a chalky white appearance, and the sealant applied to the etched surface; group 2 experimental: twenty teeth were etched for 15 seconds with 35% phosphoric acid and washed for 10 seconds with water containing iodine. The teeth were stored for five minutes in the iodinated water, dried to a chalky white appearance, and the sealant applied to the etched surface as in the control group. Precoated brackets were placed on all the teeth and light cured for 20 seconds. All teeth were debonded within 30 minutes from the initial time of bonding. The t-test results (t = 1.74) indicated that there were no significant (P = .09) differences in the shear bond strengths of the teeth that were washed and immersed in the iodine solution and the control group in which distilled water was used. The mean shear bond strengths for the two groups were 6.5 +/- 3.5 MPa and 4.7 +/- 3.1 MPa, respectively.  相似文献   

Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vivo and in vitro effects of a casein phosphopeptide‐amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP‐ACP) and fluoride containing topical agents in reducing enamel demineralization around orthodontic brackets, and to compare this with a control group. Methods: Twenty‐one patients and 60 extracted premolars were divided into three groups: two experimental and one control. Tooth Mousse® (CPP‐ACP gel; GC‐Corp, Tokyo, Japan) and Fluoridin N5® (Fluoride gel; Voco‐GmbH, Cuxhaven, Germany) were applied to tooth surfaces around orthodontic brackets in the experimental groups. Teeth were extracted after 60 days to evaluate the in vivo effects of the testing materials. For the in vitro experiment, samples were cycled for 14 days through a daily procedure of demineralization. All teeth were sectioned and evaluated by superficial microhardness analysis. An indentation was made from two positions (occlusal‐cervical) and one depth (10 μm). Results: Comparisons of occlusal and cervical microhardness scores for all specimens showed no statistically significant side differences. A multiple comparison test showed that the use of CPP‐ACP and fluoride containing topical gels were more significantly efficient than the control group (p <0.001). No significant differences were detected between CPP‐ACP and the fluoride groups against demineralization. Conclusions: In vivo and in vitro evaluations indicated that CPP‐ACP and fluoride containing agents successfully inhibited caries around orthodontic brackets.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of acid etching to aid adhesion to enamel, there has been much research into dental materials to improve bond strength, but little into the surface topography of etched enamel, particularly regarding possible variations between tooth types. This study was a systematic investigation into the quality and quantity of etch patterns found on the buccal surfaces of different human permanent teeth. Twenty-nine orthodontic patients had high-resolution silicone impressions taken of the buccal surface of incisor, canine, premolar and molar, upper and lower teeth, following etching for 30s with 37% phosphoric acid. Impressions (n=266) were replicated in epoxy resin and examined under high magnification in a scanning electron microscope. A modification of the classification of Galil and Wright was used, with histometric techniques, to quantify the quality of etch patterns on enamel surfaces where orthodontic brackets are typically bonded. There was no difference between right and left or between upper and lower teeth of the same type (P>0.05). There was a general trend toward the increasing occurrence of no etch (type D) from anterior to posterior teeth, and a trend toward fewer good-quality etches (types A and B) in the same direction. Etch types A and B were found to occupy the smallest area on the etched buccal surface enamel. The greatest amount of type A etch 'ideal' was found on the lower incisors, yet it occupied less than 5% of the etched buccal surface enamel. The greatest area of etched enamel surface was occupied by type C (etched, but enamel prisms not evident). It was concluded that there is a significant difference in the acid-etch patterns achieved on different tooth types, which suggests that bond-strength studies should be performed with a single tooth type or that an equal number of different tooth types be included.  相似文献   

During bonding of orthodontic brackets to enamel, conventional adhesive systems use three different agents: an enamel conditioner, a primer solution, and an adhesive resin. A unique characteristic of some new bonding systems is that they need neither a priming agent nor a curing light to bond brackets. Such an approach should be more cost-effective for the clinician and indirectly also for the patient. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of using a cyanoacrylate adhesive on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets and on the bracket/adhesive failure mode. The brackets were bonded to extracted human teeth according to one of two protocols. Group 1: Teeth were etched with 37% phosphoric acid. After applying the primer, the brackets were bonded with Transbond XT (3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif) and were light-cured for 20 seconds. Group 2: Teeth were etched with 35% phosphoric acid. The brackets were then bonded with Smartbond (Gestenco International, G?thenburg, Sweden). The present in vitro findings indicated that the use of the cyanoacrylate adhesive to bond orthodontic brackets to the enamel surface did not result in a significantly different (P = .24) shear bond force (mean = 5.8 +/- 2.4 MPa) as compared to the control group (mean = 5.2 +/- 2.9 MPa). The comparison of the Adhesive Remnant Index scores indicated that there was significantly (P = .006) less residual adhesive remaining on the tooth with the cyanoacrylate than on the tooth with the conventional adhesive system. In conclusion, the new adhesive has the potential to be used to bond orthodontic brackets while reducing the total bonding time.  相似文献   

One of the solutions for the problem of white spot lesions has been the application of a polymer coating to the labial enamel surface. The aim of this study is to find out whether the liquid polish BisCover affects the bond strength of brackets bonded with a light-cured system (Transbond XT) and a no-mix system (Unite). Standard stainless steel premolar brackets were bonded to 100 permanent human premolars randomly divided into five equal groups. Two different enamel surface conditions were studied: dry and varnished with BisCover. For each enamel surface condition, two orthodontic adhesive systems were used: a light-cured system (Transbond XT) and a no-mix system (Unite). All teeth were conditioned with 37% phosphoric acid for 30 seconds, followed by thorough washing and drying. The teeth in groups 1 and 2 were bonded with Transbond XT and Unite, respectively. For groups 3, 4, and 5, a thin layer of BisCover was applied to the etched enamel with a brush and light cured for 15 seconds. In group 3, a thin layer of Transbond XT primer was applied, whereas in group 5, no additional primer was used on BisCover. In groups 3 and 5, the brackets were bonded with Transbond XT adhesive resin. Group 4 was bonded with no-mix Unite. Shear forces were applied to the samples by a Zwick Universal test machine, and bond strengths measured in megapascals. The results revealed that shear bond strengths of the groups did not differ significantly from each other.  相似文献   

A new antibacterial and fluoride-releasing bonding system consists of a self-etching primer that contains an antibacterial monomer and a bonding agent that contains sodium fluoride. This study was to determine the effect of using this new adhesive on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets. Forty molar teeth were randomly divided into two groups. Group 1 consisted of 20 teeth that were etched for 15 seconds with 35% phosphoric acid, washed with a water spray for 10 seconds, and dried to a chalky white appearance, and the sealant was applied to the etched surface. The precoated brackets were placed on the teeth and light cured. Group 2 consisted of 20 teeth that were etched with 35% phosphoric acid for 15 seconds as suggested by the manufacturer when bonding to intact enamel. The teeth were washed with a water spray for 10 seconds and dried to a chalky white appearance, and the primer containing antibacterial monomer was applied to the etched surface, left for 20 seconds, and sprayed with a mild airstream. The adhesive was applied to each tooth, and the precoated bracket was placed and light cured. There were no significant differences (P = .220) in the shear bond strengths of the two groups. The mean shear bond strength for the antibacterial fluoride-releasing adhesive was 11.7 +/- 5.6 MPa and for the control was 9.6 +/- 5.0 MPa. The use of an antibacterial fluoride-releasing adhesive system did not affect the shear bond strength of the orthodontic brackets within the first half hour after initial bonding.  相似文献   

This study determines the effect of applying a new protective sealant to the enamel surface on the shear bond strengths of orthodontic brackets. Sixty teeth were randomly divided into three groups. In group 1 (control), the brackets were bonded to the etched teeth using the regular sealant. In group 2, the sealant was replaced with Pro Seal and light cured as recommended by the manufacturer; the brackets were then placed, and the adhesive was light cured. In group 3, Pro Seal was applied, the bracket with the adhesive was placed on the tooth, and both Pro Seal and the adhesive were cured simultaneously. The purpose of this modification was to reduce one of the steps during the bonding procedure. A shear force was applied at the bracket-tooth interface using a Zwick Universal Test Machine. The results of the analysis of variance (F-ratio = 1.35) indicated that the shear bond strengths of the three groups were not significantly different (P = .267) from each other. The mean shear bond strength of the control group was 4.9+/-2.1 MPa. The mean shear bond strength for teeth coated with Pro Seal and light cured followed by application and light curing of the adhesive was 4.8+/-2.3 MPa, and the mean for the teeth coated with Pro Seal and then bracket placed followed by simultaneous light curing of the sealant and the adhesive was 4.0+/-1.5 MPa.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Enamel demineralization is an undesirable side effect of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances. The purpose of this in-vitro study was to evaluate the efficacy of applying a light-cured filled sealant onto the buccal tooth surfaces to prevent demineralization. METHODS: Fifty extracted human third molars were allocated to 1 of 5 groups: (1) enamel surface untreated (control); (2) surface etched; (3) fluoride varnish applied; (4) enamel etched and coated with a light-cured, unfilled sealant (control sealant); and (5) enamel etched and coated with a light-cured, filled sealant (Pro Seal, Reliance Orthodontic Products, Itasca, Ill). The enamel surface of each specimen was brushed for 15,000 strokes with nonfluoride toothpaste slurry with a piston-action brushing machine under a standardized load. All samples were then cycled for 14 days through a daily procedure of demineralization for 6 hours and remineralization for 17 hours. Then the teeth were sectioned and evaluated quantitatively by cross-sectional microhardness testing. RESULTS: Demineralization in the Pro Seal group was significantly less (P < .05) than in the other groups. Teeth treated with fluoride varnish exhibited 30% less demineralization than the control teeth, the enamel-etched teeth, and the teeth treated with a light-cured, unfilled sealant (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Pro Seal can be considered for use as a preventive method to reduce enamel demineralization adjacent to orthodontic attachments, particularly in patients who exhibit poor compliance with oral hygiene and home fluoride use.  相似文献   

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