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目的了解北京市海淀区社区普通人群常见皮肤病的患病情况并探讨可能的风险因素。方法采用横断面问卷调查方法于2008年8月对北京市海淀区以社区为单位随机整群抽取1个社区,共2345人,逐一进行皮肤科检查,收集常见皮肤病的流行病学资料。所有资料进行Logistic回归分析,用SPSS16.0软件进行统计分析。结果应调查人数2345人,实际调查2009人(85.67%)。皮肤病总患病率52.22%。患病率最高的皮肤病依次为浅部真菌病(16.67%)、脂溢性角化病(10.55%)、湿疹皮炎类皮肤病(9.26%)等。性别、年龄、药物过敏、伴系统疾病、睡眠质量差是影响皮肤病总患病率的独立风险因素(OR分别为1.407,1.029,1.653,1.442,1.954;95%可信区间分别为1.033~1.916,1.019~1.038,1.221~2.237,1.093~1.902,1.264~3.020);年龄、个人病史、不均衡饮食是脂溢性角化病患病的独立风险因素(OR分别为1.058,1.840,1.585;95%可信区间分别为1.040~1.076,1.252~2.702,1.128~2.228);年龄、伴系统疾病是浅部真菌病患病的独立风险因素(OR分别为1.016,1.460;95%可信区间分别为1.008~1.024,1.069~1.995);年龄、药物过敏及出生排行在前是湿疹皮炎类皮肤病患病的独立风险因素(OR分别为1.023,1.699,1.146;95%可信区间分别为1.012~1.033,1.168~2.474,1.003~1.310)。结论北京市海淀区社区普通人群中皮肤病很常见。年龄、药物过敏、伴系统疾病及睡眠质量差是患皮肤病的可能风险因素,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

目的了解北京某城乡结合区人群常见皮肤病的流行病学情况,探讨可能的高危因素。方法通过问卷调查方式对城乡结合区人群整群随机抽查,对4 109被调查者进行皮肤病筛查和危险因素调查。结果实查3 317人(80.72%),皮肤病总患病率56.95%。患病率较高的病种有浅部真菌病(21.01%)、湿疹(8.02%)和痤疮(7.66%)等。年龄、文化程度、睡眠质量、生活环境、社会经济地位、药物过敏史和过敏性疾病遗传史是影响皮肤病总患病率的危险因素,OR值分别为1.028,1.184,1.665,1.653,1.240,3.008和1.766。结论北京城乡结合区皮肤病很常见,年龄、文化程度、生活环境、睡眠质量、社会经济地位、药物过敏史和过敏性疾病遗传史是皮肤病的高危因素,对宣教和防治常见皮肤病有重要意义。  相似文献   

汕头市郊农村人群皮肤病流行病学调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :了解沿海农村人群常见皮肤病的发病情况。方法 :对普查对象进行麻风病、皮肤病调查。结果 :1 3 95 3人中共有皮肤病患者 5 61例 ,患病率 4 0 2 %。不同性别组患病率差异有显著性 ( χ2 =5 72 ,P <0 0 5 ) ;1 6岁以上和 1 5岁以下人群患病率差异有高度显著性 ( χ2 =3 9 5 4,P <0 0 1 )。结论 :该地区皮肤病患病率较高 ,可能与地理气候条件及卫生状况欠佳有关  相似文献   

我国6省雄激素性秃发流行病学调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:通过多地区人群调查获得我国雄激素性秃发(AGA)的患病率以及患病类型等数据.方法:采用整群抽样调查方法,在6个省各选择1个城市进行社区人群的流行病学调查.结果:共调查17 886人,收回有效问卷15 257份,应答率为85.3%.AGA总患病率12.8%,其中男性患病率21.3%,女性患病率6.0%显著低于男性(P<0.01).AGA的患病率随着年龄增长而增加.男性秃发混合型最常见,秃发程度Ⅳ级多见.女性秃发Ⅰ级最多见.各地区患病率存在明显差异(P<0.01).26.9%的AGA患者家族史阳性.结论:我国人群AGA总患病率12.8%,显著低于高加索人种,男性AGA患病率是女性的3.5倍.  相似文献   

目的:了解河北廊坊地区雄激素性脱发患病率及影响因素。方法:对廊坊地区多个社区采用整群抽样的方法入户进行现场问卷。结果:共调查人群3 596人,其中男1891人,女1705人。确诊雄激素性脱发418例(患病率11.6%),其中男327例(患病率17.3%),女91例(患病率5.3%)。经常饮酒者患病率(28.1%)高于不饮酒者(10%)和偶尔饮酒者(12.7%);睡眠时间<8 h/天者患病率(13.5%)高于睡眠时间≥8 h患者(10.2%);患病率随体重指数升高而升高。结论:廊坊地区雄激素性秃发男性患病率高于女性。饮酒、睡眠不足和体重指数高是廊坊地区雄激素性脱发的危险因素。  相似文献   

澳门青少年皮脂溢出症的现状及危险因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的评估澳门青少年皮脂溢出症的患病情况及其危险因素。方法采用横断面问卷调查方法,以学校为单位于2001年9~10月在澳门特别行政区内的中学中,随机整群抽取7所中学,共4600名12~20岁的青少年,对其逐一检查并以问卷调查的方法收集脂溢性皮肤病的流行病学资料,用SPSS10.0软件进行资料统计分析。结果澳门地区青少年皮脂溢出症的总患病率是50.5%,其中男48.0%,女54.6%,男女间差异显著(χ2=18.505,P=0.000);男、女各年龄组之间的患病率也有差异(男χ2=72.755,P=0.000;女χ2=67.516,P=0.000);患病高峰年龄组为女性17岁、男性18岁。多因素Logistic回归分析显示性别、年龄、口臭、正上腹痛、腹胀、经常排气、季节(夏季)、喜食油炸食物、乳晕周围体毛较长等为其危险因素。结论澳门青少年皮脂溢出症患病率较高,危险因素可能主要涉及内分泌、年龄、性别、生活环境与生活习惯、消化道功能紊乱等。  相似文献   

目的了解农村已婚育龄妇女生殖道感染(RTI)流行情况其危险因素。方法通过整群抽样方法抽取四川省金堂县农村社区一般人群中的已婚育龄妇女作为研究对象,调查内容包括问卷调查、妇科检查和实验室检查,并分析RTI有关危险因素。结果金堂县农村社区已婚育龄妇女RTI总感染率为32.7%,前三位生殖道感染依次为细菌性阴道病(17.8%)、阴道假丝酵母菌感染(9.3%)、沙眼衣原体感染(6.1%)。多因素Logistic逐步回归分析表明:阴道多核白细胞数量≥10/HP是农村社区已婚育龄妇女RTI的危险因素;年龄40~44岁是细菌性阴道病的危险指示因素;家庭年收入5000元以下是阴道假丝酵母菌感染的危险因素。结论金堂县农村社区的已婚育龄妇女RTI患病率较高,细菌性阴道病占RTI第一位。阴道多核白细胞≥10/HP、年龄40~44岁及家庭年收入5000元以下是农村社区已婚育龄妇女生殖道感染的危险因素。  相似文献   

目的 调查中国城市0~7岁学龄前儿童皮肤病患病率.方法 2014年11月至2015年4月选择我国12个城市作为调查点,以0~7岁学龄前儿童为调查对象,采用以人群为基础的随机分层抽样,并以40个预防接种门诊和84个幼儿园为调查现场.由经过培训的皮肤科医师完成问卷调查和皮肤科体检.结果 共调查20033人,年龄0.08~6.83(2.41±1.82)岁.7 823人患有皮肤病,总患病率为39.05%,12城市患病率依次为大连66.96%、上海56.73%、武汉55.49%、太原49.18%、成都47.16%、南京41.93%、重庆41.03%、合肥35.98%、深圳33.87%、长沙31.37%、北京23.52%、沈阳(13.42%).共调查40种皮肤病,在调查的20 033人中,患病率最高的10种疾病依次是湿疹/婴儿湿疹/特应性皮炎(18.71%,3 749例)、寻常型鱼鳞病(6.25%,1 253例)、毛发苔藓(5.73%,1 148例)、尿布皮炎(5.29%,1 059例)、丘疹性荨麻疹(5.25%,1 052例)、血管瘤/血管畸形(3.86%,774例)、白色糠疹(3.45%,691例)、感染性皮肤病(2.59%,519例)、荨麻疹(1.72%,344例)和接触性皮炎(0.5%,100例).结论 中国城市学龄前儿童人群中皮肤病总患病率达39.05%,以湿疹/特应性皮炎最为常见.  相似文献   

20140226老年人常见皮肤病/郝海水(兰州军区临潼疗养院),张秀芳//中国皮肤性病学杂志.-2013,27(4).-416~419随着人口老龄化问题的日趋明显,老年皮肤病的患病率不断增加。老年患者病史采集较困难,常有许多其他系统疾病而同时使用几种药物治疗,皮肤病的临床表现各不相同,因此老年人皮肤病的诊断和治疗对皮肤科医生来说是一项艰巨的工作。瘙痒是老年人群最主要的症状之一,发病率约29%,瘙痒症病例涉及多个系统疾病,治疗可局部外用激素、抗组胺剂、安抚剂和润肤剂。褥疮、湿疹也是老年人常见的皮肤病变之一,细菌、病毒、真菌等感染性疾病在老年病人中也非常普遍。在一些养老院,寄生虫病也较为常见。  相似文献   

目的:了解汕头市潮阳区金浦镇农村居民麻风病、皮肤病的发病情况。方法:设计调查问卷对当地村民进行麻风病、皮肤病流行病学调查,对经初筛的可疑麻风病、皮肤病人员进行检查以确定诊断。结果:调查的39325人中患有皮肤病者2165例,患病率5.51%;该地区居民麻风病核心信息总知晓率为32.73%,皮肤病知晓率为35.15%;性别及吸烟、喝酒等因素对皮肤病患病率无明显影响( P>0.05);不同年龄、文化程度、个人卫生习惯、居住环境的皮肤病患病率差异均有统计学意义( P <0.01)。结论:该地区居民麻风病、皮肤病知晓率较低,皮肤病患病率较高,提示我们今后应加强农村地区麻风病、皮肤病的健康教育工作。  相似文献   

Skin diseases are considered to be common in Nyala, Sudan. This study was carried out to verify the prevalence of skin diseases in Nyala. This prospective observational study included skin examination of a total of 1802 people: 620 patients who were evaluated in the outpatient clinics (OC) and 1182 people from orphanages and refugee camps (ORC) in Nyala, Sudan. χ2 test was used. The total prevalence of skin disorders in the sample was 92.6% (1670/1802). One thousand and fifty of 1182 (88.8%) people from ORC had a skin disorder. The most common skin diseases in this community were: fungal infections (32.6%), dermatitis/eczema (10.5%), bacterial skin infections (10.3%), disorders of skin appendages (8.7%), parasitic infestations (7.7%), atrophic skin disorders (7.4%), disorders of pigmentation (7.4%), hypertrophic skin disorders (6.4%), viral infections (5.8), benign neoplasm (1.9%), dermatoses due to animal injury (0.4%), bullous dermatoses (0.1%), and malignant neoplasm (0.1%). Hypertrophic and atrophic disorders of the skin were mainly lesions of scarification (mostly atrophic) (5.7%) and keloids (5.6%). Fungal infection, bacterial infection, and parasitic infestation were more common in the ORC group, while dermatitis and eczema, disorders of skin appendages, hypertrophic and atrophic disorders of the skin, disorders of pigmentation, and benign neoplasm were more common in the OC group. The prevalence of skin diseases in the rural Nyala was more than our expectation and was dominated by infectious skin diseases. In addition, infectious skin diseases were more common in ORC rather than OC.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Continuing advances in medical care and nutrition have prolonged the lifespan and expanded the elderly demographic world-wide. Despite increasing elderly populations within Taiwanese nursing homes, there has been a lack of dermatologic surveys, and the prevalence of skin conditions within this group is unknown. METHODS: To establish the prevalence of skin disease within nursing homes in southern Taiwan, we undertook a dermatologic and epidemiologic investigation of 398 patients in Tainan City, southern Taiwan, between November 1999 and February 2000. RESULTS: This study revealed that more than half of all nursing home patients suffered from fungus (61.6%) and xerosis (58.3%), while other pruritic skin diseases, such as dermatitis and scabies, were less prevalent at 7.3% and 3.3%, respectively. Risk factors for fungal infection included bedridden status (risk ratio (RR), 1.2; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.1-1.4) and male gender (RR, 1.2; 95% CI, 1.0-1.3). Xerosis was statistically correlated with an age range of 80-90 years (RR, 1.2; 95% CI, 1.0-1.4) when compared to other age ranges. Current scabies diagnosis was strongly associated with a previous history of scabies (RR, 8.9; 95% CI, 1.7-21.1). CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides clinically relevant data regarding the prevalence of skin diseases in institutionalized Taiwanese patients for the first time. The results suggest that scabies persists within some nursing homes despite treatment, and that some patients remain undiagnosed. The dermatologic needs of these Taiwanese patients are not currently being satisfied.  相似文献   

Skin diseases are associated with environmental factors and a public health approach is particularly important. We determined the prevalence of skin conditions and associated socioeconomic factors in primary school children in Turkey. A questionnaire for determining the socioeconomic level and a complete dermatologic examination were performed in 785 children in two primary schools in different socioeconomic areas of suburban and central Manisa, Turkey. The study included 345 (43.9%) girls and 440 (56.1%) boys with a mean age of 9.25 +/- 1.55 (range 6-14 years). Infectious skin diseases were frequently observed: pediculosis capitis in 74 children (9.4%), scabies in 17 (2.2%), viral skin diseases in 30 (3.8%), and fungal infections in 6 (0.7%). The other common conditions were melanocytic nevi (14.4%), keratosis pilaris (12.5%), pityriasis alba (12%), xerosis (11.8%), and atopic dermatitis (6.8%). Pediculosis capitis, acne, and dandruff were more common in girls. The rate of infections, atopic dermatitis, xerosis, and pityriasis alba were significantly higher in the school children with poor socioeconomic conditions. Improvement in socioeconomic conditions along with education may be needed to decrease the prevalence of some of these skin disorders in order to decrease costs related to treatment.  相似文献   

The prevalence of skin conditions in Romanian school children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Virtually nothing is known about the prevalence of skin conditions in children in the general population. Although we know something about the relative frequency of skin conditions seen by dermatologists, we do not know how such referrals are influenced by factors such as social class, accessibility to medical services or educational and cultural background. In order to estimate the burden and relative frequency of dermatological disease in children in the community, we measured the point prevalence of skin conditions in 1114 Romanian schoolchildren aged 6-12 years, using the British Association of Dermatologists diagnostic index. The overall point prevalence of children with one or more skin diseases was 22.8%, with no significant differences according to age group or sex, except for pityriasis alba which showed a male predominance (P = 0. 007). The most common diseases were infectious dermatoses such as viral warts and insect bites (6.3%), dermatitis/eczema (5.1%), pityriasis alba (5.1%), keratosis pilaris (4.0%) and urticaria (1. 9%). Together, these five groups accounted for more than 84% of the cases. Of the 1114 children, 213 (19.1%) had only one skin disease and 41 (3.7%) had two skin diseases. While acknowledging the limitations in defining which skin conditions can benefit from medical care, this study suggests that skin disorders are common in Romanian schoolchildren, affecting about one-quarter of 6-12 year olds. Such a point prevalence is likely to be conservative because of the tendency of prevalence estimates to exclude many other dermatoses of short duration. The finding that over 80% of the disorders can be grouped into fewer than six categories is important in informing training programmes and delivery of service for primary health care teams. This study provides a baseline for further studies into the morbidity and use of health care services by children with skin disease in the community.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is difficult to carry out studies on the prevalence of tinea pedis in the community. Some studies are performed on selected groups of subjects, exposed to the same risk factors, i.e. schoolchildren, public bathers, athletes and military men. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this work was to detect in a sample of military men the prevalence of tinea pedis and the awareness of their condition, and to relate the infection to risk factors of the group as well. METHODS: 410 male Italian navy cadets in an Italian navy petty officers school were clinically examined and mycological cultures were performed, employing the skin scrapings obtained from suspected lesions. RESULTS: Dermatophytes were isolated from toe clefts in 10 subjects, giving a point prevalence of 2.4% (95% confidence interval 1.3-4.4%). The isolated dermatophytes were Trichophyton mentagrophytes (70%), Trichophyton rubrum (20%) and Epidermophyton floccosum (10%). None of the subjects was aware of his disease. No significant association was observed between tinea pedis and risk factors (i.e. hyperhidrosis and habits). CONCLUSION: The prevalence in our sample was lower than that observed in previous studies on military men. That can be attributed to the general amelioration of hygienic conditions and strengthening of preventive habits. Therefore the prevalence of tinea pedis in Italian sailors seems to be reduced but still rather relevant. That is important because these subjects are a reservoir of ringworm infection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In spite of the importance of skin diseases in Africa south of the Sahara, dermatology is insufficiently represented within the established primary health care systems. Aim of this study was to find out whether an integrated dermatology project could reduce the prevalence of dermatoses. PATIENTS/METHODS: Since 1994 trained community health workers have carried out regular weekly visits to schools and nurseries in 10 communities in rural western Kenya. Epidemiological studies were done in 13 schools in 4 communities involving 5780 and 4961 pupils one year before (1993) and 5 years (1999) following the introduction of the dermatology project. RESULTS: Within this period the prevalence of bacterial skin infections fell from 12.7% to 11.3% (n.s.). Mycoses rose from 10.1% to 13.9% (p < 0.05), while arthropod infections (mainly scabies) remained unchanged with a prevalence of 8.3% in 1993 and 8.0% in 1999 (n.s.). Dermatitis also showed no changes (1.7% in both years). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of infective dermatoses depends not only on medical treatment but also far more on socio-economic factors.  相似文献   

Background: Skin diseases have great socio‐economic importance in Germany due to their high and in some cases still‐increasing prevalence. Little attention has yet been paid to the influence of the change in climate on these diseases. Objective: Clarify the evidence of the effects of climate change on the prevalence of skin diseases and allergies in Germany. Methods: First, a theoretical model of the possible mechanisms and influence factors of climate and weather was created for different disease groups (skin malignancies, allergies, skin infections). Then, a systematic online and manual literature search was made for model‐derived key words.The relevant publications were selected and evaluated according to a priori criteria. Results: From a total of n = 31,221 hits, n = 320 publications remained for evaluation.Changes in the following parameters can be regarded as essential climatologic factors influencing the prevalence of skin and allergic diseases: temperature, UV radiation, precipitation/humidity, cloudiness, and general weather conditions.There were only a few original articles addressed to this topic. Most of them address recurring phenomena (especially levels of airborne pollen), UV radiation or ozone (and the ozone hole). Quantitative statements, prognosis models and climate scenarios have not yet been published for Germany with respect to skin diseases. Conclusion: Only few scientific articles on the relationship between climate changes and the prevalence of skin diseases have been published. They do not allow a reliable statement on future developments. The outlook for changes in prevalence requires further clarification using published climate models.  相似文献   

Little information is available about the prevalence of skin conditions among children in the general population of northern India. Low socioeconomic status, malnutrition, overcrowding, and poor standards of hygiene are important factors accounting for the distribution of skin diseases in developing countries such as India. In order to estimate the burden and relative frequency of dermatologic diseases among children in the community, we measured the point prevalence of skin conditions in 12,586 Indian school children ages 6-14 years. The overall point prevalence of one or more identifiable/apparent skin conditions was 38.8%. Of those studied, 3786 children (30%) had only one skin disease, 765 (6%) had two, and 336 (2.7%) had three skin pathologies. The most common skin conditions and their respective point prevalences were skin infections (11.4%), pityriasis alba (8.4%), dermatitis/nonspecific eczemas (5.2%), infestations (5.0%), disorders of pigmentation (2.6%), keratinization disorders (mostly keratosis pilaris) (1.3%), and nevi/hamartomas (1.1%). This study shows that skin conditions are common in children and about one-third of them are affected at any given time. The finding that more than 85% of the disorders can be grouped into fewer than eight categories is important in designing training programs for medical teams involved in the delivery of primary health care services in developing countries such as India, where about one-third of the population is less than 15 years of age.  相似文献   

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