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上海不同地区变应性哮喘及变应性鼻炎患儿的变应原分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析上海不同地区变应性哮喘和变应性鼻炎患儿的变应原分布特点及意义,为防治儿童变应性呼吸道疾病提供理论依据。方法对2005年9月-2006年12月上海3家医院收治的502例变应性哮喘和变应性鼻炎患儿以及375例成人患者,采用12种德国Allergopharma变应原点刺液进行变应原皮肤点刺试验(SPT)。结果1.儿童组SPT阳性率80.9%,显著低于成人组的98.9%(χ2=69.278P=0.001),<7岁儿童组SPT阳性率低于≥7岁儿童组。2.SPT阳性患儿阳性率最高的变应原为粉尘螨,其次为猫上皮和狗上皮,阳性率分别为92.9%、35.7%和19.0%。3.儿童组中单纯哮喘患儿SPT阳性率的(67.7%),显著低于单纯鼻炎患儿(81.5%)和鼻炎并哮喘患儿(86.5%)(P=0.039,0.001)。4.上海市区患儿SPT阳性率(82.7%),显著高于上海郊区患儿阳性率(72.0%)(χ2=7.443P=0.006)。结论保持居住环境、家居用品清洁,减少尘螨接触,不养猫、狗等宠物,对减少儿童变应性哮喘和变应性鼻炎发病有很大帮助;儿童SPT阳性率受年龄影响;变应性鼻炎患儿在诊断治疗中较哮喘更应警惕变应原的检测和回避。  相似文献   

目的探讨自然杀伤细胞(nature killer cells,NK)在过敏性哮喘和(或)鼻炎患儿中的变化。方法选择2009年8月—2010年12月在儿科门诊和病房诊断明确、3~14岁过敏性哮喘和(或)变应性鼻炎发作且未用药物治疗的患儿45例,正常对照儿童30例,采用乳酸脱氢酶释放法检测外周血NK细胞杀伤活性,流式细胞技术测定外周血NK细胞数量,应用免疫磁珠分选技术纯化NK细胞,分别采用标准刺激剂(离子霉素+佛波酯)和尘螨试剂刺激NK细胞,流式细胞技术检测NK细胞内γ-干扰素(IFN-γ)和白介素(IL-4)的表达情况。结果过敏性哮喘和(或)鼻炎患儿与对照组比较,NK细胞数量减少,差异有统计学意义(P=0.015);NK细胞活性下降,差异有统计学意义(P=0.023)。在尘螨刺激下,NK细胞内IFN-γ和IL-4表达均升高,但IL-4升高幅度较IFN-γ强,导致IFN-γ/IL-4比值显著降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在过敏性哮喘和(或)鼻炎发作患儿中,NK细胞数量与活性均下降;在尘螨刺激下,NK细胞内IFN-γ/IL-4比值升高,导致NK细胞向NKⅡ型细胞方向失衡。推测NK细胞的数量、功能变化及...  相似文献   

肝素钙预防过敏性紫癜患儿肾损害临床观察与分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
探讨过敏性紫癜患儿应用肝素钙预防肾损害的有效性、可行性。方法将59例过敏性紫癜患 儿随机分成肝素钙治疗组和对照治疗组,另设非HSP对照组20例,追踪监测尿β  相似文献   

变应原特异性免疫治疗(AIT)属主动免疫疗法,能调节固有免疫和适应性免疫。变应性鼻结膜炎、哮喘的AIT新途径为淋巴结内免疫治疗和表皮内免疫治疗,但有效性及标准方案仍需进一步研究。低变应原性的重组变应原衍生物和具有免疫原性的肽段,联合新佐剂均是新的AIT研究方向。食物过敏口服免疫治疗具有一定疗效,但不良反应尤其是严重过敏反应的风险仍是需要解决的问题。近年来,被动免疫疗法应用于过敏领域的进展迅速,多种单克隆抗体生物制剂在传统治疗控制不佳的哮喘、特应性皮炎中有着较好效果,AIT联合生物制剂治疗提供了新的治疗选择。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that changes in dietary habits, particularly increased consumption of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and decreased consumption of omega-3 PUFAs may explain the increase in atopic disease seen in recent years. Furthermore, it seems possible that it is mainly prenatal or very early life environmental factors that influence the development of allergic diseases. It has also been suggested that intrauterine risk factors may act differently if mother themselves suffer from allergic disease. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the consumption of fish, butter and margarine during pregnancy might influence the development of allergic sensitizations in the offspring. The study population was divided into the offspring of allergic and non-allergic mothers. This was a retrospective cohort study enrolling 295 offspring of allergic mothers and 693 of non-allergic mothers. Information regarding maternal intake of fish, butter and margarine during pregnancy as well as other prenatal and perinatal confounding factors were retrospectively assessed by parental report via a standardized questionnaire. Atopy was determined by skin-prick tests (SPT) to eight prevalent inhalant allergens and two foods. In the allergic mothers' group there is no clear correlation between maternal intakes of fish, butter and margarine and sensitizations to food or inhalants. In the non-allergic mothers' group there was no correlation between butter and margarine intake and food or inhalant sensitizations. On the contrary, a protective effect of fish intake on SPT positivity was observed. In particular, frequent maternal intake ('2-3 times/wk or more') of fish reduced the risk of food sensitizations by over a third (aOR 0.23; 95% CI: 0.08-0.69). A similar trend, even if not significant, was found for inhalants. Finally, even in the whole study population, i.e. allergic group plus non-allergic group, there was a similar trend between increased consumption of fish and decreased prevalence of SPT positivity for foods. This study shows that frequent intake of fish during pregnancy may contrast the development of SPT sensitizations for foods in the offspring of mothers without atopic disease. Therefore, larger prospective studies are needed, enrolling mothers with and without allergic disease, to confirm these results.  相似文献   

Yao T‐C, Chang C‐J, Hsu Y‐H, Huang J‐L. Probiotics for allergic diseases: Realities and myths.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010: 21: 900–919.
© 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S The prevalence of allergic diseases such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis has increased sharply over the past two to three decades in many countries, and allergies are now the most common chronic disease among children throughout the world. In the past few years, probiotics have been advocated for the management of allergic diseases in many parts of the world. Physicians have a responsibility to ensure the efficacy and safety of any products they prescribe or recommend. This article provides a comprehensive overview and a critical interpretation of currently available evidence regarding the role of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases in humans and also discusses several major myths and potential risks associated with the use of probiotics. In the current era of evidence‐based medicine, there is still insufficient evidence to recommend probiotics for the prevention of allergic diseases or as part of standard management for any allergic conditions in children.  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童过敏性结肠炎(AC)的临床特点及诊治方法。方法回顾性分析浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院2008年1月至2010年12月收治的53例AC患儿的临床、结肠镜及病理学表现以及实验室检查和治疗情况等。结果 (1)AC以2岁以下儿童多见,共49例(92.5%)。临床表现以血便[46例(86.8%),包括黏液血便和鲜血便]及腹泻(35例)最常见。(2)内镜下表现为局部红斑33例(62.3%),颗粒样结节31例(58.5%),表面糜烂10例(18.9%),溃疡形成1例(1.9%),镜下黏膜正常3例(5.7%),病变主要累及直肠[43例次(81.1%)]及乙状结肠[45例(84.9%)]。组织病理学主要表现为黏膜固有层嗜酸粒细胞浸润,以6~20个/HP浸润为主(62.3%)。(3)病史及实验室检查结果:16例患儿有特应性体质史,部分食物蛋白及吸入性过敏原特异性抗体检测阳性8例,外周血嗜酸粒细胞升高16例,贫血12例,外周血总IgE升高5例。(4)患儿平均住院时间(6.9±4.0)d,均好转出院。<1岁患儿纯母乳喂养者单独使用白三烯受体拮抗剂较单独更换特殊配方奶粉及二者合用平均住院天数少(P<0.05),而非纯母乳喂养组各种治疗方法的住院天数差异无统计学意义。(5)结肠镜下多发淋巴样颗粒结节表现与组织病理上嗜酸粒细胞浸润程度有相关性(P<0.05)。结论儿童AC临床表现以腹泻及血便为主,内镜下表现各异,多发淋巴样颗粒结节可能是AC较特异性表现,详细的病史询问、体格检查、辅助检查对诊断具有重要意义。回避饮食疗法及抗过敏奶粉治疗是目前儿童AC的主要治疗方法,白三烯受体拮抗剂可能对AC患儿有效。  相似文献   

北京地区学龄儿童变应性鼻炎相关因素分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 了解北京城区学龄儿童变应性鼻炎的主要变应原、伴发结膜炎的情况及其与气道高反应的关系.方法 2006年和2007年8-9月在首都儿科研究所耳鼻喉科门诊就诊的100例6~14岁的变应性鼻炎患儿为病例组,小学健康儿童(无变态反应性疾病)30名为正常对照组,进行问卷调查及吸入变应原皮肤点刺试验(skin prick test,SPT);随机选取病例组中53例鼻炎患儿和对照组30名儿童做乙酰甲胆碱气道激发试验(methacholine bronchial provocation test,Mth BPT).结果 ①变应性鼻炎组中螨、霉菌、艾蒿、猫狗毛、夏秋季花粉、葎草SPT阳性率较高,分别为55%、39%、36%、34%、31%、27%、22%.②变应性鼻炎组中各年龄组螨SPT阳性率差异无统计学意义,而艾蒿和夏秋季花粉随年龄增加SPT阳性率明显增JJ玎(x2=7.51,6.29,P均<0.05).③变应性鼻炎合并结膜炎患儿为65%.合并结膜炎组患儿变应原阳性数量高于单纯变应件鼻炎组,差异有统计学意义(t=3.06,P<0.05).④变应性鼻炎症状越重,变应原阳性数幂越多(r=0.21,P=0.04),越可能合并变应件结膜炎(r=0.31,P=0.002).⑤变应性鼻炎组53例患儿乙酰甲且日碱气道激发试验阳性率为77%,正常对照组儿童为16.7%,两组差异有统计学意义(x2=28.56,P<0.0001).变应性鼻炎组激发试验阳性的发生概率是正常对照组的17.08倍(95%可信区间5.38~54.26).结论 北京城区儿童8-9月变应性鼻炎就诊高峰和花粉变应原有关,其中艾蒿、夏秋季花粉和年龄有相关性.变应性鼻炎合并结膜炎发病率高,应注重结膜炎的诊断和治疗.变应性鼻炎儿童气道反应性增加,应对其积极治疗,减缓和预防哮喘的发生.  相似文献   

The prevalence of allergic diseases is reported to have increased worldwide. Two questionnaire surveys, five years apart, were conducted to evaluate the trend of prevalence rates and possible risk factors among primary school children in Ankara, Turkey. A previous survey in 1992 revealed the lifetime prevalences of asthma, wheezing, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis were 17.4%, 23.3%, 28% and 6.1%, and the prevalences for the preceding 12 months were 8.3%, 11.9%, 15.4% and 4%, respectively. The survey was repeated with the same questionnaire in the same age group (6–13 years) of the same school in May 1997. The parents of 358 boys and 380 girls completed the questionnaire. The lifetime and last 12 months' prevalences of asthma, wheezing, rhinitis and atopic dermatitis were 16.8%, 22.5%, 18.7%, 6.5%, and 9.8%, 13.3%, 14.1%, 4.3%, respectively. There was a significant change only for the lifetime prevalence of rhinitis (p < 0.001). The rate of indoor smoking had declined from 73.9% to 64%, and pet ownership had risen from 7.9% to 22.9% (p < 0.001 for both). Atopic family history was the most prominent risk factor for all types of allergic disorders. Male gender was a significant risk factor for current asthma and wheezing [odds ratio (OR) = 1.80 and 1.59; 95% confidence intervals (CI) = 1.09–2.98 and 1.01–2.48, respectively], and passive smoking affected the occurrence of allergic rhinitis (OR = 1.84; CI = 1.13–3.00). The prevalence rates of allergic diseases among primary school children in Ankara stabilized during a 5‐year period for all diseases other than allergic rhinitis. However, there are changing behavior patterns, i.e. indoor smoking and keeping pet animals, which that may have affected these rates.  相似文献   

The question of whether atopic diseases are a risk factor for allergic reactions to insect sting is still unresolved. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between atopic diseases (asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic eczema) and allergic reactions to insect stings among schoolchildren in Israel. A self‐report questionnaire of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood was administered to a national sample of 13–14‐yr‐old schoolchildren. Questions regarding reactions to insect stings were added. A total of 10,021 questionnaires were available for analysis. Among the children who reported insect stings (56.3%), the prevalence of current asthma was 6.0%, of allergic rhinitis, 10.5%, and of atopic eczema, 8.7%, with no significant differences from the whole study population. Among children with any of the atopic diseases, 36.9% reported an allergic reaction to insect sting compared to 24.8% of the non‐atopic children (p < 0.0001). On multivariate analysis, asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic eczema were found to be significant risk factors for allergic reactions of any severity. Children in the atopic group had a significantly higher rate of severe allergic reactions than the non‐atopic children, and relatively higher rates of milder ones (p < 0.0001). Asthmatic patients with severe allergic reactions had more parameters of severe asthma than asthmatic patients with mild or no reactions. In conclusions, allergic diseases are associated with a higher rate and greater severity of allergic reactions to insect sting in children. The severity of the allergic reaction is related to the severity of the asthma symptoms.  相似文献   

The effect of immunotherapy on 21 Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dpt)-sensitive patients (15 children with extrinsic asthma and six children with extrinsic asthma plus allergic rhinitis) aged 8.9±0.71 years was studied. Their subjective and objective respiratory symptom score was recorded before beginning and after the first year of immunotherapy. The respiratory subjective symptoms, such as cough day/night, running nose, sputum production, sneezing, shortness of breath at night and asthma attacks, decreased significantly from pretreatment level (P < 0.05). The objective symptoms, such as wheezing, dyspnea with prolonged expiration, sibilant rales and retractions score, gradually decreased during treatment (P < 0.01). Total eosinophil count decreased in 76.2% of patients after immunotherapy (P < 0.01). While total immunoglobulin E (IgE) decreased in 81% of patients and specific IgE for Dpt decreased in 90.5% of patients, specific IgG for Dpt increased in 76% of patient (P < 0.001). Our results suggested that rising IgG and falling IgE values do not always coexist in the patients who benefit from immunotherapy.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Zinc and copper status was examined in 19 healthy and 43 atopic children (22 asthmatics and 21 eczematous) 2–14 years old. Dietary intakes for energy, protein, zinc and copper and some nutritional indices (height, weight, serum protein, albumin, ceruloplasmin) were similar in the allergic and in the control group. The proton-induced X-ray fluorescence technique was used to assess zinc and copper concentrations in serum and hair. No difference was detected in serum zinc concentration between allergic and healthy children. In contrast, mean hair zinc level was lower ( p <0.05) in allergic than in healthy children (99±6 vs. 147±9 μg/g). Mean serum copper content was higher in asthmatic than in control children while mean hair copper was higher ( p <0.05) in asthmatic and eczematous children than in the control group. These findings suggest a different zinc and copper nutritional status between allergic and healthy subjects. Allergic children, in particular, seem to be a risk of zinc deficiency.  相似文献   

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