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文章以山东省干佛山医院儿科诊疗基地暨医技手术中心楼制冷机房机电安装工程为背景,阐述了基于BIM技术的建筑工厂化管理系统实现了该工程设计、加工、仓储、现场安装等协同工作,得出该技术可改变传统施工方式,提高施工效率,带来一定的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

总结了BIM在既有医院建筑中的应用方式。结合复旦大学附属华山医院老院区既有建筑中建筑信息模型(BIM)、增强现实(AR)技术的应用:从测量精度、数据处理、算法优化、现场管理、校验及核对等方面介绍了在既有建筑中采用反向测绘建立BIM并在运维中进行应用的难点及应对策略;阐述了BIM智慧化系统的建设过程;归纳了AR技术应用的注意事项;列举了BIM、AR在医院中的部分应用场景。  相似文献   

从智慧医院建设的需求出发,分析了BIM技术在国内外医院建设中的应用内容及效果,并结合具体实例,详细介绍了BIM协同管理平台的应用及成效。  相似文献   

分析了在医院建设项目管理中引入BIM监理的原因,并通过BIM监理在福建省妇产医院建设项目中的应用实践,阐述了其能够提升医院建设品质、利于使用后的运维管理。  相似文献   

2009年6月9日,程松受聘于北京某科技有限公司的工程部,负责机电维修、设备安装等工作,但双方未签订书面劳动合同。双方约定的工资标准为每月3200元,工资支付形式是按月支付现金或打到卡上,程松每次都在该公司的工资条上签字。  相似文献   

基于确保机电排灌设备正常运行是机电排灌设备管理的核心的观点,对机电排灌工程设备的常见故障进行了剖析,以期提高设备操作者的技术能力.紧接着从提高设备使用效率的角度,论述了机电排灌工程设备的科学管理.  相似文献   

针对医院大量移动式设备盘点和监管困难,设备遗失、闲置频发等问题,引进建筑信息模型(Bu简称BIM)及蓝牙室内定位和能耗监测技术。基于BIM技术融合设备台账、定位、能耗、建筑空间、边界范围等信息,开发了基于BIM的医院移动式设备管理技术和系统,实现了设备定位与盘点、轨迹分析、使用效率分析和异常状态智能识别等功能。在上海市新华医院儿科综合楼应用的实践表明,与传统管理模式相比,该系统可以智能识别移动式设备使用的异常情况,显著提升了设备管理效率。  相似文献   

为了推进医院建设项目高效率、高品质开办运行,综合应用建筑信息模型(BIM)技术和医疗工艺策划,探索研究医院建筑开办管理新模式—“开办+三级医疗流程及其工艺优化+BIM”,提供了开办新模式的设计思路和实施技术路线,将传统开办工作内容分解和前置。以上海某医院建设项目为例,基于BIM技术应用,在项目动议阶段、立项阶段、设计阶段和施工阶段完成大量开办工作,减少了传统开办模式下的返工和拆改工作,显著缩短了医院建设项目开办阶段的时间,获得了良好的效益。  相似文献   

自2010年4月,江都某公司在非洲某镍钴矿建设工地有工人出现身体不适,并逐渐出现大量工人有类似症状。作者随同工作组赴该国调查处理此次事件。1基本情况江都某建设工程公司在非洲某国镍钴矿项目承建采矿区建筑、钢结构及机电安装工程。工程所在地海拔1 500~1 800m。工程于2009年10月开工,截止  相似文献   

微机电系统应用于现代医疗领域的展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了微机电系统的基本概念和医用微机电系统的应用前景及其关键技术。  相似文献   

医用工程作为公共建筑的一个重要分支,其对机电设备安装的舒适性、稳定性、适用性指标有更高的要求.通过联合调试,业主能够对机电设备整体运行状况有感性认识,验证其满足设计文件要求的程度,进而明确接收后适应性调整工作的重点,使医用工程尽快发挥作用.  相似文献   

The likelihood of an incident with one of your workers involving an electrocution or electric arc flash is significantly reduced by maintaining a safe electrical work environment that includes three major components: proper installation, safe electrical work practices, and an effective, ongoing electrical maintenance program.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study is to analyze the thermal characteristics of electrical wirings depending on the number of operating load by connecting four types of electrical wirings that are selected by surveying the conditions for the electric fans, automatic waterers and halogen warm lamps that were installed in cattle barns in different years. The conditions of 64 cattle barns were surveyed and an experimental test was conducted at a cattle barn. The condition-survey covered inappropriate design, construction and misuse of electrical facility, including electrical wiring mostly used, and the mode of load current was evaluated. The survey showed that the mode of load current increased as the installation year of the fans, waterers and halogen lamps became older. Accordingly, the cattle barn manager needed to increase the capacity of the circuit breaker, which promoted the degradation of insulation of the electrical wires’ sheath and increased possibility for electrical fires in the long-run. The test showed that the saturation temperature of the wire insulated sheath increased depending on the installation year of the load groups, in case of VCTFK and VFF electric wires, therefore, requiring their careful usage in the cattle barns.  相似文献   

Carpetlayers have a high prevalence of occupational knee morbidity, partly attributable to their use of the knee kicker to stretch carpet for wall-to-wall installation. While a mechanical alternative "power stretcher" is available, knee kickers are still widely used. A questionnaire survey indicated that unavailability of the mechanical stretcher at installation sites was a major factor for continued use of the knee kicker. Strategies to reduce use of the knee kicker are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Behavior-Image Model (BIM), an emerging and innovative paradigm for planning brief interventions for adolescents that fuse the prevention of harmful behaviors with the promotion of healthy habits. We discuss the components of the BIM as a new paradigm for creating multiple behavior health interventions, as well as the empirical and conceptual underpinnings of the model, and present Project Sport as an illustration of how the BIM may be applied to construct a brief multi-behavior intervention. The BIM posits that selected salient images of others and ourselves may be used to cast gain- and loss-framed messages coupling and motivating health-promoting and health-risk behaviors within single interventions. This content in turn activates prototypes and future self-images through the processes of social and self-comparison, leading to improvements in risk and protective factors and subsequent change in targeted health-promoting and health-risk behaviors. Recommendations are offered for conducting future research integrating health-risk and health-promoting behaviors in both brief and non-brief interventions for adolescents and adults.  相似文献   

主要论述了判断医疗电气设备供电电源是否合乎标准、电源波形畸变到何种程度、电源是否被污染的方法。根据国家标准《电能质量公用电网谐波》的要求,阐述医疗电气设备谐波污染的处理措施、方法和安装方式。  相似文献   

目的:为解决因干扰电流引起的电机运行过程中的抖动现象,提出解决方案的设计。方法:对原有电路结构进行分析,归纳产生干扰电流的种类,提出解决干扰电流的方法。通过实验和实践对电路进行改装,检验了两种方法的可行性。结果:加装逻辑电路和隔离电路均能达到去除干扰电流的目的,实现电机的正常平稳运行。结论:产生干扰电流的原因很多,其中一部分会产生逻辑错误,引起电器性能的改变,经过认真的分析和精心设计,增加合适的电路,干扰电流是可以被隔绝的。  相似文献   

血透机在为病人治疗时也会有突发性的故障,这样我们会立即终止治疗,对机器做相应的处理。而有时也会出现病人下机以后才知道机器多脱水或者少脱水,这种现象有很多因素导致,下面介绍1例因为安装不当而造成的故障。  相似文献   

电子显微镜是近年来飞速发展起来的精密仪器,空气质量,水压、水温,水质及电源均有严格要求,本文着重以PHILIPS CM120为例,从以上几个方面叙述电子显微镜的安装要求,给出具体参数,以供参考。  相似文献   

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