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后勤管理质量对医院运营有重要意义。指出医院后勤信息化建设滞后,缺乏科学、规范的管理流程,缺乏专业的管理人才,是目前医院后勤管理质量提升的瓶颈。提出如下对策:构建后勤闭环式管理流程,建立后勤保障掌上服务平台,建立“三级巡查”闭环式管理机制,加强后勤管理人才队伍建设等。上述对策的实施,实现了后勤管理的规范化、精细化、信息化、现代化,提高了医院后勤管理质量和水平,提升了医院运营效率。  相似文献   

医院后勤修缮项目管理工作是确保医院正常运行、促进医院发展的一项重要工作。作为医院的保障及成本部门,近些年很多大型医院都将医院基本设施修缮的重视程度提到了历史新高,所以提高后勤修缮项目管理水平及效率是重中之重。本文从后勤修缮项目现状、特点、管理要素及管理手段等方面结合实际工作进行了分析,以期更好地对医院后勤修缮项目进行管理。  相似文献   

智能化、信息化、数字化等技术正逐渐地深入到医院的方方面面,它们改变着医院的运营模式和管理者的思维,并且已经成了医院现代化的重要标志之一。与这种形势形成鲜明对比的是,很多医院的后勤工作仍然维持着多年以来延续下来的模式,后勤队伍素质、管理理念、思维模式等已经越来越不适应医院的快速发展。一些医院尝试在后勤管理中引入智能化技术,以提高后勤管理水平和工作效率,并积累了宝贵经验。  相似文献   

随着医院管理的深化,运营成本控制和物资供应管理已成为医院后勤管理的重要课题。传统的管理方法和流程使得医院在物资采购、存储和配送上投入大量资金和人力,不仅占压资金,也造成损耗加大。供应商管理用户库存(Vendor Managed Inventory,VMI)策略的引入,解决了上述问题。我院结合新的管理理念重新设计并实施了物资供应管理系统。在医院物资供应管理工作上进行了有益的探索,提高了医院物资供应和物流管理水平,同时为进一步在医院后勤物资使用的成本核算奠定一定的基础。  相似文献   

肖平  方豪  刘颜 《现代医院》2005,5(9):2-4
现代医院要在激烈的医疗市场竞争中求生存、图发展,就需要非常重视医院后勤管理的发展和创新。研究者通过对比国内外医院后勤管理运营模式及发展状况,探索我国医院后勤服务社会化改革发展的趋势。  相似文献   

满足现代医院发展需求,发挥医院后勤保障平台作用,提高后勤管理的信息化管理水平是医院后勤管理者需要思考的问题。通过检索国内外关于后勤信息化管理相关文献,分析我国医院后勤信息化管理的发展趋势,提出明确后勤管理目标,梳理后勤业务体系,加强组织领导和基础管理工作等建议,为构建医院后勤保障信息系统提供参考。  相似文献   

浅谈医院经济管理中容易忽视的几个问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文结合医院的管理现状,指出医院经济管理中的三个问题:一是没能加强行政后勤管理的成本核算;二是没能建立完善的内控制度;三没能有效发挥内审监督部门的作用。同时,提出相应建议:树立全成本效益理念,制定合理奖金分配激励机制;后勤管理要“节流”;建立高效精简的管理队伍。构建医院全成本核算体系;健全内部控制制度,认真履行财务内控监查,考核制度。高度认识审计工作,赋予审计部门相对的独立性和权威性,责权明晰,建设专业化和具有使命感审计队伍。  相似文献   

目的提高医院危机管理的水平。方法以某综合医院在后勤社会化过程中发生的危机事件为例,对医院危机处理及危机公关的原则、过程、方法、要点进行了阐述。结果某综合医院后勤社会化危机得到有效处置,医院运营平稳,效率提升。结论要加强对医院危机管理的系统研究,不断提升医院危机处置能力。  相似文献   

医院精细化管理的持续开展使医院后勤管理在医院运营管理中越来越重要。文章引入联合库存管理(JMI)的供应链管理模式,分别建立了基于货存供方模式的高值耗材管理模式和基于货存需方的洗消服务管理模式,应用后有效保障了医院和供应商的协同发展和服务资源的优化配置,实现了科学合理的医院供应链管理。  相似文献   

医院后勤设备开发项目具有设备品种多、数量少、流程复杂、跨部门流程多等特点,因此经常受到来自多方面因素的影响。这些影响对项目的时间、成本、质量等控制目标是不利的。文章通过对医院在变配电系统、热力系统等动力设备集群监控系统建设中引入项目管理方法的介绍,阐述了应用项目管理方法对提高医院后勤设备开发项目成功率的作用。  相似文献   


To review health and safety practice s and to determine the occupational health status of dam workers in the Lesotho Highlands, a health and safety audit and a health study of 258 workers was undertaken. The workers were administered respiratory health questionnaires and underwent chest x-rays and lung function and audiometric testing. The audit revealed a low level of aware ness of health and safety issues at all levels of management and a lack of occupational medicine an d industrial hygiene systems. Noise-induced hearing loss occurred among 92% of the study subjects. Among the 158 dam construction workers, 5.4% had pneumoconiosis. With poorly developed laws and regulatory bodies, unsophisticated trade unions, and little client supervision, health and safety had a low priority in this construction project. Recommendations are made that are pertinent to health and safety management where international companies are operating in developing countries.  相似文献   

目的:构建基于智能货架和物流机器人的手术室智能物流体系,缩短手术室物资库管理和派送时间及人力成本,精确盘点物资使用量及库存量.方法:引入智能货架和物流机器人,以耗材管理信息系统和手术麻醉系统为辅助,设置由智能回旋货架、智能物流机器人、智能冰箱和智能耗材柜组成的智能硬件系统,以及由物资管理系统、智能货架管理系统、手术麻醉...  相似文献   

目的:应用ISO9001质量管理体系构建医院后勤管理标准操作程序,为建立医院后勤绩效考核体系奠定基础。方法:运用文献查阅、关键人物访谈、ISO9001质量管理工具制定医院后勤管理标准作业流程。结果:应用ISO9001质量管理体系这项基础性的管理工具,开展后勤管理标准操作程序构建,取得了满意的效果。结论:管理者善于运用管理工具,对管理工具优点加以灵活应用,并与其他管理工具互为补充,成为解决管理问题的新途径。  相似文献   

Aim To bring the research evidence for the prevention/management of post-operative nausea and vomiting into clinical practice in the surgical services department of a community hospital. Methods Audit and feedback were used to lead organisational change at the project hospital. A team of key stakeholders was created and helped to bring change to the way post-operative nausea and vomiting was treated and managed at the institution. The Chief of Anesthesia, Assistant Chief Nursing Officer, Nurse Researcher, Director of Surgical Services, operating room manager, post-anaesthesia care unit manager, pre-admission testing nurse and author as team leader made up the change management team. Current compliance with the six criteria set forth as research evidence for the change was derived from a surgical chart audit. Strategies for changes to increase compliance were then developed by the team. For the next several months change management occurred. Results There was a vast improvement in evidence-based practice following change management. Furthermore, post-operative nausea and vomiting decreased from 18% at the start to 5% nausea and 0% vomiting at the end. Conclusion Change management using audit and feedback is effective in changing organisational practice and in improving patient outcomes following surgery.  相似文献   

目的:探索国家基本公共卫生服务项目资金绩效审计方法。方法:根据当前国家基本公共卫生服务项目资金在管理和使用中存在的问题并结合审计经验,分析并提出相应的对策和审计方法。结果:采取逻辑分析法和财务反推法,加强对事前、事中审计能够提高审计质量,规范国家基本公共卫生服务项目资金的管理和使用。结论:鼓励有条件的地区,逐步对国家基本公共卫生项目采取资金绩效审计,以提高项目资金的使用效益,让百姓获得更大的实惠。  相似文献   

Background Many healthcare providers acknowledge the importance of encouraging health professionals to base their practice on current evidence. There is a plethora of evidence supporting tight glucose control in critically ill patients to reduce mortality and morbidity and many studies have shown that hyperglycaemia in critically ill patients has been associated with an increased susceptibility to infection and impaired immune response. Methods This project aimed to improve current practice in the prevention and management of hypo- and hyperglycaemia in critically ill patients based on the best available evidence. The setting for the project was a large public hospital in Brisbane, Queensland, with an 11 bed tertiary referral intensive care unit (ICU) for critically ill adult patients. A pre-implementation audit using a set of evidence-based criteria from a systematic review on tight glucose control in critically ill patients was undertaken. The Joanna Briggs Institute on-line audit and feedback software, paces (Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System), was used to analyse the data to determine ICU's current compliance with established best practice in glucose management. These initial audit results were used to develop an action plan to improve glucose management practice within the unit. This included the development and implementation of a glucose management protocol, the identification of barriers and facilitators and education of clinical staff. Following the implementation of this protocol a post-implementation audit was conducted using the same criteria as in the initial audit. Results The post audit findings indicated improvement in most areas of glucose management practice within the ICU. Conclusion The success of this project is not only evident through improved ICU glucose management practice over 12?weeks, but also through clinicians gaining experience in the process of utilising evidence-based recommendations in all areas of practice.  相似文献   

随着我国医疗体制改革的不断深化,医院管理者尝试着从不同视角优化医院的内部结构,构建医院发展模式,降低医院运营成本.而医院的物流管理是形成医院竞争优势的主要因素,医院需要努力改善物流管理,通过构建完善的物流服务体系,降低医院运营成本最终达到提高医院竞争力的目的.本文通过对比国内、国外医院物流现状,对目前状态下国内医院物流管理中存在的问题进行分析,并且针对问题提出了发展方向,阐述以满足医院需求为核心,降低成本、提高效益为理念的医院物流管理的发展理念.  相似文献   

The need to implement programs for developing leadership and practice improvement skills using an evidence-based practice approach to practice change is becoming more apparent in the health and aged care services. This is no more apparent than in high care residential health and aged care services, where health professionals are increasingly required to provide care for older people with multifocal and complex healthcare needs. This paper describes one of the projects undertaken as part of the Joanna Briggs Institute Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing Clinical Aged Care Fellowship program from February 2005 to June 2005. This purpose of this particular project was twofold. First it sought to improve the local practice in the prevention and management of constipation and that this practice was performed according to the best available evidence. Second to use the Joanna Briggs Institute Practical Application of Clinical Guidance (PACES) program to implement a process of audit and feedback as a strategy to improve practice. The project was designed to link in with the facility's existing quality improvement program and better practice continence management project. The project was conducted over 6?months and was divided into six stages involving the identification of evidence-based standards of care, an initial audit to determine appropriate sample size, a clinical audit across the facility, planning of the implementation process, implementation of the action plan and re-audit to assess practice change. Overall, the results were extremely positive and demonstrated a real improvement in practice relating to constipation in the project facility. This success, however, needs to be seen in the context of the benefits of having the support of senior management, an existing quality improvement and continence management better practice project, and a culture of clinical review. Although there will always be more work to be done, the success of this project can be viewed in terms of the improvements gained and the long-term benefits for the facility and the organisation using the time-efficient audit and feedback strategy.  相似文献   

浅谈医院建设工程竣工结算审核工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨医院建设工程竣工审核问题。通过加强严格核对发包合同条款.认真检查隐蔽验收记录、落实设计变更签证、按图核定工程量、严格执行定额单价。着重讨论了医院建设工程审核节约工作的管理。  相似文献   

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