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患儿男,6个月。生后即发现右小腿下部环形凹陷。随小腿增粗,而环沟逐渐加深。体检:右小腿了部见一明显的环形深沟,皮肤无红肿,肌力正常。左小腿未知异常。无外伤及家族畸形史。X线检查:右小腿下部软组织见一明显环状深沟。右胫骨下段前侧皮质于环沟相对处见有轻度凹陷。(附图)。X线诊断为先天性右下肢环沟。附图;右下腿正倒位片示下部软组织明显环沟。右胫骨下段前侧皮质于环沟相对处见有轻度凹陷。讨论环为是一种较为少见的先天性疾病,又称为产前肢体环形缩窄。病因有两种不同学说。一种认为是羊水过多,肢体和羊膜粘连或被羊膜…  相似文献   

寰椎椎动脉沟环平片观察——附13例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

甲沟炎是外科感染的常见病,系甲沟或其周围组织的感染。多因微小刺伤、挫伤、倒刺(逆剥)或剪指(趾)甲过深等损伤引起。致病菌多为金黄色葡萄球菌。甲沟炎可发生在手指和足趾。发生在足趾的甲沟炎病因以嵌甲、趾甲修剪不良而引起感染为主,且多发生在足大趾,经传统方法治疗复发率较高。因炎症行走困难,影响患者的生活质量。从1990年6月至2004年8月,我们采用甲沟成形术治疗足趾甲沟炎176例195趾,取得了优良的效果,经长期随访无1例复发,有3例轻度感染经对症治疗痊愈,现总结分析如下。  相似文献   

山东省计划生育科学技术发展计划项目[(2014)年第(20)号]。  相似文献   

目前,从耻骨上切除前列腺仍然是根治前列腺增生症的主要开放手术方式[1,2],止血仍是手术的关键环节。近14年来,我们也先后应用了各种止血方法:如气囊导管法、荷包活结线法、膀胱颈外结扎法、酒精注射法等。经比较,我们认为切除前列腺前,在膀胱腔内突起的前列...  相似文献   

正患者女,30岁,孕1产0,孕23+6周。超声所见:胎儿左骶后位,双顶径5.7cm,头围21.5cm,腹围20.0cm,股骨长4.4cm,肱骨长4.2cm,胎心率149次/min。胎儿左前臂近肘关节处皮下软组织有3.7cm×2.5cm×1.7cm大小的肿块,边界清楚,无明显包膜,内为实质高回声夹有较多的血管信号,此处无明显的肌肉组织,下缘距腕关节约1.7  相似文献   

目的:寰椎椎动脉沟环畸形与颈椎眩晕临床X线分析。方法:本文对250例寰椎椎动脉沟环畸形与颈椎性眩晕临床X线分析,诊断的主要依据是颈椎侧斜位X线片和临床体征,结合诱发眩晕的椎动脉扭曲实验。结果:①寰椎椎动脉沟环是人类进化中的形态学的退化痕迹,应归为先天畸形。主要X线表现:完整型(有完整的单、双侧骨性桥板),不完整型(中间骨性桥板不连贯);②寰椎椎动脉沟环与颈椎性眩晕的X线,狭窄的沟环是造成颈椎性眩晕的原因之一[1]。结论:临床颈椎X线片对寰椎椎动脉沟环畸形与颈椎眩晕具有实用诊断价值。  相似文献   

<正>血管周细胞瘤(HPC)又称血管外皮细胞瘤,是一种罕见的软组织肿瘤,来源于毛细血管壁外的周细胞,可发生于身体任何部位,最常见于肌肉骨骼系统,颅内较为罕见。HPC通常是良性的,生长缓慢,但颅内HPC的侵袭性强,复发率高,危害较大。HPC误诊率较高,诊断主要依赖于组织病理学检查。南昌大学第一附属医院2019年2月21日收治1例起源于嗅沟的血管周细胞瘤,现结合相关文献对其临床资料进行回顾性分析,报告如下。1 临床资料患者,女,29岁,  相似文献   

总结了1例急性拇趾甲沟炎保守治疗方法,包括口服抗生素、局部碘伏涂擦或湿敷、局部皮肤刺血减压消肿、患甲削刮术.认为采用保守疗法治疗早期甲沟炎,无副作用、无需拔甲,避免拔甲给患者带来的极度痛苦.  相似文献   

孙山 《新医学》2001,32(5):292-292
1 引 言临床上常见的大脑前动脉变异,多表现为无前交通动脉,左右两侧大脑前动脉形成吻合。而一侧大脑前动脉缺失的Willis环变异在临床上较罕见,现报告将我院收治的1例报道如下。2 病例报告 某男,72岁。因突然神志不清、呕吐、小便失禁半小时,于2000年5月28日入院。晚饭后与家人对棋时突然神志不清,送往医院,途中出现呕吐、小便失禁,无抽搐。既往有高血压病史20年、糖尿病史16年,否认心脏病史。体格检查:体温36℃,脉搏80次/分,呼吸20次/分,血压26.5 kPa/16 kPa。中度昏迷,呼之不应,头部深反射减弱。双眼球向左侧凝视,…  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDPalato-radicular groove (PRG) is defined as an anomalous formation of teeth. The etiology of PRG remains unclear. The prognosis of a tooth with a PRG is unfavorable. The treatment of combined periodontal-endodontic lesions requires multidisciplinary management to control the progression of bone defects. Some researchers reported cases that had short-term observations. The management of teeth with PRGs is of great clinical significance. However, to date, no case reports have been documented on the use of bone regeneration and prosthodontic treatment for PRGs.CASE SUMMARYThis case reported the management of a 40-year-old male patient with the chief complaint of slight mobility and abscess in the upper right anterior tooth for 15 d and was diagnosed with type II PRG of tooth 12 with combined endodontic-periodontal lesions. The accumulation of plaque and calculus caused primary periodontitis and a secondary endodontic infection. A multidisciplinary management approach was designed that included root canal therapy, groove sealing, a periodontal regenerative procedure, and prosthodontic treatment. During a 2-year follow-up period, a good prognosis was observed.CONCLUSIONThis report indicates that bone regeneration and prosthodontic treatment may contribute to the long-term favorable prognosis of teeth with PRGs.  相似文献   

We describe the abnormal sonographic findings in the brain of a 26‐week fetus, which increased the suspicion of isolated lissencephaly. Follow‐up ultrasound examination and MRI depicted diffuse cortical agyria, microcephaly, hypotelorism, and proptosis. Cordocentesis showed a normal 46,XY karyotype, and no short arm deletion of chromosome 17 was detectable. Postmortem examination confirmed complete agyria of the whole fetal brain. Early detection of fetal microcephaly and other cranial abnormalities can be a sign of isolated lissencephaly and need to be evaluated carefully with ultrasound and MRI for detection of abnormal cortical development of the fetal brain. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Ultrasound, 2009  相似文献   

Choledochal cyst is one of the intra-abdominal abnormalities of the biliary ducts that present as a cystic mass in the right upper quadrant abdomen. Prenatal diagnosis has been achieved by the demonstration of a connection between a dilated common bile duct and a cystic lesion. In this report, we describe a pregnant woman in whom routine fetal anomaly scan strongly suggested a choledochal cyst at 29 weeks of gestation by demonstrating a round cystic mass in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, completely separated from the stomach, bowel loops, and gall bladder, and which showed a connection with the dilated common bile duct.  相似文献   

Robinow syndrome, also known as fetal face syndrome, is a rare genetically heterogeneous condition characterized mainly by mesomelic limb shortening, facial malformations, and genital abnormalities. This report describes the sonographic findings in a case of autosomal‐dominant Robinow syndrome diagnosed at 23.1 weeks' gestation, in a patient with no history of affected relatives. Here we describe the sonographic characteristics of this syndrome from the diagnosis until birth. The prenatal and postnatal findings, the differential diagnosis, and the prognosis of patients with this syndrome are discussed. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Ultrasound, 42 :297–300, 2014  相似文献   

We described a combined periodontal–endodontic lesion, which was caused by a palatogingival groove and an additional root. An interdisciplinary approach involving endodontic therapy, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) filling, root resection, guided tissue regeneration, and papillary reconstruction was used for the case. The tooth presents morphologically and functionally normal except tooth discoloration caused by MTA.  相似文献   

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