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正岁月悠悠,不知不觉,街边流行的紫格裙不再是你追逐的目光;新款手机,不再那么吸引你的注意;那些如痴如醉的流行音乐,不再激起你的欲望……这时,清风徐来,你猛然一惊,青春难道就这样远去?我还可以抓住青春的尾巴吗?你轻轻地说,该对青春说再见了吗?泪水盈满你的心间,是轻狂的后悔,是执着的向往,还是无忧无虑的留恋?风也无法说清,鸟儿也没法记起,唯有苦涩的泪水,浸透你的嘴唇,苦苦的,涩涩的。青春是春的季节,一切都是  相似文献   

老人丧偶,精神痛苦,生活孤单,需要温暖,需要亲朋的关怀,渴望幸福,希望有一个从心底里理解的对话人,共享欢乐,分担忧愁,相依相爱,以满足人生的爱与被爱的心理需要与生理需要。有一个情投意合的伴侣,来调整自己的心态,摆脱  相似文献   

安宁 《校园心理》2007,5(1):38-40
1小的时候,成绩考差了,既不怕老师的白眼,亦不怕父亲宽厚的巴掌,但是如果被母亲瞥见了,下一次考试来临前的日子,便会艰难。她的喋喋不休,她的出了名的大嗓门,她的暴怒的脾气,会让无处可逃的我,总觉得世界末日就要来临。那时候的姐姐,已经懂得心计,知道怎样在她的阴影里讨巧地生活。而我,却是倔强,拼命地反抗她的专制集权,却又像是那笼中的鸟,不仅无法逃出她的掌心,反而会因此遭到“断粮”的危险。幸亏有姥姥在身边,可以随时得到救助。否则,不被母亲打上千次,怕是一颗心,也会饱受她的“摧残和折磨”。那时候受了委屈,也只有找姥姥。父亲是个…  相似文献   

终于决定结束单身生活,是因为一场病。本来也没什么大不了的,同事搬家,她去帮忙,不知怎么的,就扭伤了肩膀,痛,说不出的痛,如撕裂一般,穿衣吃饭这样简单的动作,都完成得异常艰难。最苦的是晚上,躺在床上,需要翻身时,咬着牙,痛到冒汗,依然翻转不了,就算有眼泪慢慢淌下,也需自己抹了去,无人知晓。  相似文献   

正小暑大暑,上蒸下煮;但你有没有看到蒸煮般的燠热里,夏天那丰富、庞杂、充满梦幻气息的内瓤呢?夏雨,暴,一阵黑云压小院,煞黑。黑云房顶之间,挤出厉嗖嗖的凉风,风窜过,雨来到。沙沙,噗噗,哗啦啦……雨落,积水起了泡,小白花儿似的,一批盛开,一批幻灭,混成流水,滋溜滋溜流向下水口。雨天,总有梦幻般的迷茫,混在雨雾里,未知的,无助的,在白茫茫的声音的世界里,引而不发,又随时  相似文献   

戴巧云 《校园心理》2004,2(2):10-11
在我们的生活中,很多人都有过周围熟识的人突然自杀的经历,有的人,似乎一切都很好,身体不错,事业不错,生活不错,但就是错不过想死的念头,军人吞枪,文人悬梁,工人跳楼,农民喝毒药,五花八门的自杀方式不一而足。在现代社会,自杀已成为十分突出的普遍性的问题。随着科学技术的发展  相似文献   

天气说变就变,刚刚还是烈烈的阳光,转眼间就是乌云翻滚,电闪雷鸣,瓢泼大雨倾盆而下。小儿趴在桌前,对着窗外的雷雨发出惧怕的惊骇声。我最气不过的就是他这种胆小的样子,我冲他吼道,你是个男子汉知道吧,下雨打雷有什么好怕的,男子汉长大了要干大事的,来,挺直腰杆!小儿按照我的要求做了。没过一会儿,他好像想起件事,说,我要给妈妈打电话。于是,他拿过我的手机,口中喃喃有词,是他妈妈的手机号码。打通了,小儿急切地说:“妈妈,你在哪儿?”当得知妈妈正在乡下时,忙说:“妈妈,你现在可不能回来噢,城里正在下大雨,还打雷,好大好大的雷,你千万…  相似文献   

正看到一条新闻,说到当年摇滚界的老炮何勇,涉嫌持刀伤人,已经拘押月余。静下来,不免神伤,这毕竟是我少年时喜欢的歌手,尽管,除了那首说不出歌词的《垃圾场》之外,我还真说不出他其他的歌曲曲目,但是,我还是知道这是一种社会的痛。如何对待精神疾患的常态生活,我不是专业人士,也没有作过翔实的调查,说不了太多,但是,我知道,这个城市像何勇一样的人,并不少见。我知道,所有心理压抑、抑郁的人,不仅仅在职场存在,也生活在那些看来并不长于思考的普通大众中。  相似文献   

目的:选择应用异丙酚麻醉的胃肠镜检查的患者,观察检查时的效果,总结有效的舒适护理模式,分析舒适护理的应用效果减少不良反应的发生,提高患者的舒适度。方法对600例选择异丙酚麻醉的患者分为两组,舒适护理组在常规护理基础上给予舒适护理,进行术前,术中,术后地观察,归纳总结,观察比较两组患者的舒适度和对护理的满意度。结果全部患者顺利完成检查,术中大部分患者感觉注射部位疼痛,少部分患者出现循环不稳定,苏醒延迟,经过护理后均能缓解,无术后并发症,舒适护理组有较好的心理和生理方面的改善,满意程度优于常规护理组。结论异丙酚麻醉应用与胃肠镜检查的患者,舒适护理组在心理,生理,环境上达到愉快,完善检查流程,检查效果满意,术后无并发症,提高患者的舒适度,提高患者对护理的满意度,值得在临床推广应用。  相似文献   

正说不清,这是怎样的缘,让我遇见你。在这萧萧秋日,原本一泓湖水一样的心地,又沸腾起喧闹的情感,尽管外表依然端肃沉静。昏昏的天空,雾气四下蒸腾,空旷的马路,我与你并行。记不住说了什么,更多的是沉默,沉默是最好的语言。没有什么情意的表白,那美丽的明眸,胜过万语千言。人到中年,自认为是波澜无  相似文献   

A new nitrocellulose immunoprint technique has been developed to detect specific antigens or/and allergens present among a heterogeneous solution such as a water-soluble crude extract of a grass pollen (Dactylis glomerata). The antigens are separated by isoelectric focusing (IEF) in an agarose gel and characterized by their isoelectric point (pI). These antigens are transferred and immobilized on a nitrocellulose sheet. They are recognized by the binding of specific antibodies contained in an unfractionated serum to be studied. Finally, the binding of these antibodies is visualized by species- or/and class-specific antibodies themselves labeled by an enzyme or by radioactivity. So one can detect the allergens recognized by the specific serum IgE antibodies and also the other antigens recognized by specific IgG, IgA or IgM antibodies.  相似文献   

Commercially available latex agglutination and coagglutination reagents were evaluated for their ability to detect bacterial antigens in the sera of 165 patients to determine their suitability for rapid diagnosis of pneumonia. These reagents were used to detect the polysaccharide capsular antigens of Haemophilus influenzae type b and Streptococcus pneumoniae in nonbacteremic patients known to be respiratory culture positive for these organisms. The reagents were unable to detect the polysaccharide antigens in sera from nonbacteremic patients. Patients with a clinical diagnosis of pneumonia who had respiratory or extrarespiratory infections with a variety of organisms were also tested. No evidence of cross-reactivity or of false-positive reactions was observed with either reagent. Because a negative agglutination test may occur during the course of a nonbacteremic infection, these reagents should not be used alone, and if used, they should be used only in conjunction with standard bacteriological tests.  相似文献   

The effect of mouse interferon (ITF) on the expression of Friend leukaemia virus (FLV) an on dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO)-stimulated haemoglobin synthesis in Friend erythroleukaemic cells (FLC) was studied. Immunofluorescent staining was used to detect intracellular antigens, and incorporation of 3H-uridine into virions to detect extracellular virus release. Interferon markedly inhibited haemoglobin synthesis and FLV production, but enhanced accumulation of virus antigens in the cytoplasm; on the cell surface, however, FLV antigens were present to the same extent whether ITF was present or not. When ITF was removed, virus production rose and intracellular virus antigens fell to the levels of untreated controls.  相似文献   

A double antibody ELISA technique is described to detect HLA antigens in extracts of blood stains. The assay involves capture of free HLA determinants using an immobilized monoclonal antibody directed against monomorphic regions of HLA class I and HLA class II antigens. The captured antigens are then detected using alloantisera directed against the polymorphic regions of the captured HLA entities. The technique is able to detect specific HLA-A, B, and DR antigens in extracts prepared from blood smears as well as from dried and freshly thawed lymphocytes. The assay may be of potential use in forensic medicine, particularly in instances where extraction of nucleic acids for fingerprinting is not feasible.  相似文献   

There are considerable problems with developing an assay to detect the often small quantities of autoantibodies which react against antigens in a heterogeneous and complex mixture from a source such as brain. An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been developed which can detect naturally occurring autoantibodies in serum that are reactive with integral brain membrane antigens. Sera were collected from autoimmune BXSB and NZB mice and non-autoimmune C57BL/6 mice at various ages and were assayed for the presence of brain-reactive autoantibodies (BRAAs). It is shown that this technique provides a highly sensitive, specific, and rapid assay for detecting BRAAs in serum. It shows that integral membrane antigens from whole brain can be isolated and used to detect and quantitate antibodies in the sera of autoimmune and non-autoimmune mice. The data also confirm studies, using different techniques, showing higher levels of autoantibodies to brain in autoimmune as compared to non-autoimmune mice. There are numerous potential applications for this ELISA, such as in rapidly screening large numbers of samples of biological fluids, tracking autoimmune disease progression over time, detecting small quantities of antibody against brain antigens, and as an assay system for investigating the role of BRAAs in the pathogenesis of immune mediated CNS disease.  相似文献   

An antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay employing rabbit and mouse antisera to Giardia lamblia cyst antigens was developed for the diagnosis of Giardia infection through detection of G. lamblia-specific stool antigens in cell-free aqueous eluates of human stool. This is the first report of the use of anti-cyst antibodies in an enzyme immunoassay for G. lamblia. The assay gave a positive result with 54 of 59 stools from patients with symptomatic, clinically diagnosed giardiasis, giving the test a sensitivity of 91.5%. A negative reading was obtained with all of 25 stools from G. lamblia-negative control patients. The assay could detect as few as 20 sonicated cysts added to control stool eluate. The assay was more sensitive to cyst-derived antigens than to trophozoite-derived antigens. With two exceptions, the assay gave a negative result with stools from patients infected with Entamoeba histolytica (seven), Cryptosporidium sp. (four), or Blastocystis hominis (seven) and thus appears to be specific for G. lamblia antigens. Storage of stool eluates for more than 6 months at 4 degrees C as unpreserved aqueous eluates or as formalinized eluates did not affect the ability of the assay to detect the giardial antigens. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay proved useful for monitoring the levels of G. lamblia-specific stool antigens in the stool of patients undergoing antigiardial chemotherapy.  相似文献   

This report describes an investigation of the abilities of different immunoassays to detect differences in affinities between related antigens for particular monoclonal antibodies. Nine different monoclonal antibodies were used and 6 strains of influenza virus represented closely related antigens. Parameters defining assay sensitivity were estimated experimentally for each antibody in 4 different immunoassays. Predicted failures of particular assays to detect differences in antigen affinities, based on these parameters, were demonstrated. One assay method failed to detect heteroclitic activity of 1 antibody which was clearly evident in the other 3 assays. As well as supporting theoretical models of assay sensitivity derived in the preceding paper the experiments demonstrated a significant effect of antibody subclass.  相似文献   

Tyramide signal amplification-avidin-biotin complex (TSA-ABC) method is a powerful technique used to detect antigens that are not detectable by ordinary immunohistochemistry. It is worth trying in cases where localization of antigens by the conventional method has failed and antibodies are precious.  相似文献   

A method is described whereby commercially available radioimmunoassay-grade antibodies specific for the polypeptide hormones calcitonin, gastrin, glucagon, and somotastatin are used to detect these antigens on paraffin sections of routinely fixed tissue. The hormone antibodies are applied to deparaffinized tissue sections as the primary specific immune sera using the standard peroxidase technic. The use of these hormone antibodies to detect their respective antigens has proved valuable in demonstrating polypeptide forming tumor cells in pathologic specimens.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were used in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect antigens of the parasite in toxoplasma lysate, in peritoneal fluid of mice, and in sera from humans acutely infected with T. gondii. Four of the six monoclonal antibodies were able to detect antigens of toxoplasma in these specimens. Control sera from individuals not infected with T. gondii and from individuals chronically infected with the parasite were negative in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Sera from individuals not infected with T. gondii but with positive titers from rheumatoid factor were also negative; 2 or 10 sera from individuals not infected with T. gondii but with positive titers for antinuclear antibodies reacted with the monoclonal antibodies. When the results of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with monoclonal antibodies and with the F(ab)2 fraction of an immunoglobulin G from a rabbit infected with T. gondii were compared, it was noted that the F(ab)2 was more active in detecting parasite antigens than were the monoclonal antibodies. Thus, although monoclonal antibodies can be used to detect antigens of T. gondii in sera and other body fluids, polyvalent antibody (such as the F(ab)2 fraction) appears to be more satisfactory for this purpose.  相似文献   

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