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抗水性防晒化妆品仪器测试的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的 ]研究SPF 2 90防晒系数分析仪用于评价抗水性防晒化妆品的可能性。 [方法 ]选择 4个标有抗水或防水功能宣传的防晒化妆品和 1个一般的防晒化妆品 ,用SPF 2 90防晒系数分析仪和振荡水槽测定。 [结果 ]SPF 2 90防晒系数分析仪的测定结果与防晒化妆品的宣传基本一致 ;长波紫外辐射 /中波紫外辐射 (UVA/UVB)比值的变化可推断水带走的产品中两类防晒剂的情况 ;水槽温度在 2 0~ 3 0℃、振荡频率在 5 0~ 2 0 0次 /min之间对样品的抗水性测试结果无明显影响。 [结论 ]SPF 2 90防晒系数分析仪可用于分析抗水性产品的防晒功能 ,并可判断配方中哪种吸收剂的疏水能力更强 ;在上述条件下抗水性测试结果稳定  相似文献   

[目的]研究采用SPF-290分析仪及一种新型载体聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯板对防晒产品的抗水性能进行评价的可行性。[方法]对15个经人体试验证实具有抗水性能的防晒化妆品用SPF-290分析仪及振荡水槽进行测定。[结果]抗水性的测试结果与相应的人体试验结果相当吻合,符合率为14/15。[结论]用本法取代人体法来测定防晒化妆品的抗水能力是可行的。  相似文献   

目的调查我国生产销售的防晒化妆品的基本情况,以及其中防晒剂的使用情况。方法统计分析2015年1—10月国家食品药品监督管理总局批准并在网站上公示的1 172件防晒类化妆品的基本情况、防晒能力宣称情况、防晒剂的使用种类、频率等。结果 1 172件防晒化妆品中63件宣称防水功能,占5.3%;1 109件未宣称防水功能,其中有62.5%的产品标识的SPF(sun protection factor)值为26以上,有74.4%的产品标识PA(protection UVA)++以上,国产和进口产品间SPF标示构成比、PA标示构成比均无差异。产品的SPF值和PA等级间存在相关性,SPF越高,PA等级越高。1172件防晒化妆品中添加的防晒剂共有22种,国产产品添加5种(30.4%)防晒剂的情况最多见,进口产品添加2种(30.0%)和3种(31.9%)防晒剂的情况为多见,国产与进口产品间添加防晒剂种类数有差异。添加的22种防晒剂中使用频率最高的是甲氧基肉桂酸乙基己酯(85.6%)和二氧化钛(69.8%)。国产与进口产品防晒剂的使用频率无差异。结论 SPF值在26及以上,同时具备(UVA)防护能力的产品为主流。复合防晒功能的美容修饰类产品占本次调查的50%,应对这类产品的防晒效果评估、标签标识说明另作进一步的细化要求。我国生产销售的防晒类化妆品中添加防晒剂的品种多,最常添加排位前3的为甲氧基肉桂酸乙基己酯、二氧化钛、氧化锌,均有一定的皮肤刺激性,建议关注防晒化妆品的皮肤不良反应。  相似文献   

[目的 ] 论证在测定防晒化妆品的防晒系数时 ,SPF - 2 90型防晒系数分析仪在我国用于评价SPF值的可行性 ,从而明确该仪器法与人体法的相关关系 ,为体外法测定SPF值提供科学依据。  [方法 ] 选择在日本用人体方式测试过的 9个样品 ,进行两种方法的比较。  [结果 ] 采用TransporeR1 52 7- 3型膜带 ,用 2 μL/cm2 的量涂布样品 ,在温度为 2 0℃、相对湿度 60 %的实验室环境内放置 2 0min后用SPF - 2 90防晒系数分析仪测试的SPF值与人体试验结果的相关系数为r=0 .9768;同时可根据防晒化妆品在 2 90~ 40 0nm之间的吸收曲线 ,估计产品防护UVA和UVB的能力。  [结论 ] SPF - 2 90型防晒系数分析仪在我国可以用于防晒化妆品防晒系数的测定。  相似文献   

影响SPF-290分析仪测定结果的因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的 ] 研究SPF - 2 90防晒系数分析仪测定SPF值过程中的影响因素。 [方法 ] 选择防晒化妆品乳液和膏霜共 1 0个作为测定样本 ,研究SPF - 2 90防晒系数分析仪测定过程中的影响因素。  [结果 ] 涂样用膜的孔径与测得的SPF值成反向关系 ;SPF值随放置时间的延长而增大 ,至 2 0min左右 ,变化幅度减小 ;温度与测得的SPF值成正向关系 ;湿度与SPF值成反向关系 ;所有样品的SPF值都随涂布量的增加而增加 ,涂布量的微小变化可能会引起SPF值的较大变化。  [结论 ] 要使测定结果具有可比性 ,应在用膜孔径、放置时间、测定时环境温度、湿度、加样量等测试条件上加以规范  相似文献   

[目的 ] 研究采用Lab色度系统 (△E)评价不同类型防晒化妆品的防晒效果的可行性。  [方法 ] 选择 35名年轻女性 ,随机分为 4组 ,在颊部使用含不同防晒剂的化妆品 ,以仪器法测得 4种化妆品的防晒系数SPF值和APF值。用光谱光度计记录其在 9月份连续 1 7d进行 6h室外活动暴露前及暴露后第 1、3、4、7、9、1 4、1 7d其颊部的Lab色度系统△E变化情况。同时 ,采用SPSS多变量方差分析方法分析防晒剂MCX、Parsol1 789对人体皮肤的防护作用。  [结果 ]  4种防晒化妆品的SPF和APF值分别为 1 .0、2 .4、6 .3、9.2 (SPF)和 1 .0、3 .9、2 .0、4 .6(APF)。暴露期间 ,4组自愿者的颊部脸色 (△E)均比暴露前明显增加。使用防晒剂MCX能有效地阻止在阳光辐射下的肤色变深 ;SPF值或APF值不能完全代表UVA、UVB对肤色综合效应的防护作用。  [结论 ] Lab色度系统可以作为防晒化妆品防晒效果的评价指标 ,颊部是防晒化妆品人体试验合适的观察部位。  相似文献   

对2005~2007年6月本单位受检的169种防晒类化妆品皮肤毒理学试验结果进行比对分析。结果发现高SPF值防晒样品容易引起皮肤损害,并且皮肤损害程度随SPF值增加呈加重趋势;液质类防晒品较膏类、粉饼类防晒品对皮肤影响更大。结果分析提示,高SPF值防晒类化妆品应引起卫生监督工作的重视。  相似文献   

防晒化妆品防晒效果评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
防晒化妆品效果评价是评估其功能的主要手段。防晒化妆品的防晒效果评价主要有三种:人体试验法、SPF值测定仪测定及紫外分光光度法测定。人体试验法又叫生物学评价方法,用来评价UVB段(晒红区)的防晒效果。防晒效果用SPF(Sun Protection Factor)值来表示。紫外吸光度法是基于测定防晒化妆品吸收和散射掉紫外线的量来评价防晒化妆品的防晒效果。紫外吸光度法有三种方法:溶液法(solution method)、薄膜法(thin film method)和石英板法(plate method)。SPF值测定仪是经过改进的紫外分光光度计,其结果与人体法测定SPF值有较大的相关性。  相似文献   

[目的]研究低剂量使用防晒化妆品和不同涂布方式的日光防护效果,为指导消费者合理使用防晒化妆品提供科学依据。[方法]选择60名受试者,随机分为涂布组和对照组。涂布组在手背低剂量(0.5 mg/cm2)使用防晒化妆品,对照组不使用防晒化妆品。另外涂布组的左右手背分别采用双次涂布和多次涂布两种不同的使用方式。受试者在连续9 d的军训期间每天接受阳光紫外线照射6 h(上午8:00—11:00、下午14:00—17:00)。通过观察日光暴露前后手背皮肤颜色的变化,评价防晒化妆品的防晒效果。肤色的测量采用色差分析仪。[结果]与各自日光暴露前相比,两组受试者暴露后的手背皮肤颜色指标亮度L值均降低(53.95~54.86vs56.75~58.64),绿红色饱和度a(10.86~11.59vs9.44~10.20)和蓝黄色饱和度b(20.31~21.09vs19.16~19.74)值均升高(P0.05);日光暴露前后,涂布组受试者左右手背肤色的立体变化指标色差△E均小于对照组[(3.31±1.91),(3.17±1.82)vs(5.63±2.37),(5.74±2.56)](均P0.05),多次涂布手背肤色的立体变化指标色差△E与双次涂布的没有差异(P0.05)。[结论]与不使用防晒化妆品相比,低剂量使用防晒化妆品仅能减缓但无法避免肤色向黑红黄方向变化。在低剂量使用防晒化妆品的情况下,增加涂布次数没有增强防晒化妆品的防护效果。  相似文献   

1:SPF值越高。防晒时间越长SPF值,也称防晒系数,它是这样计算出来的:一般黄种人皮肤平均能抵挡阳光15分钟而不被灼伤,那么使用SPF15的防紫外线光用品,便有约225分钟的防晒时间。日常护理、外出购物、逛街可选用SPF5-8的防晒用品,外出游玩时可选用SPF10-15的防晒用品。游泳或做日光浴时用SPF20-30的防水性防晒用品。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We assessed the placement of magazine advertising for sun care products to lay the groundwork for broader promotion to more diverse and high-risk demographic groups. METHODS: We reviewed 579 issues of 24 magazines published between the months of May and September from 1997 to 2002. We conducted a cover-to-cover review of top-selling magazines for men, women, teens, parents, travelers, and outdoor recreation users. We determined if there were any advertisements for the following sun care products: sun tanning lotions containing sun protection factor (SPF), sunless tanners without SPF, sunscreen with SPF, moisturizers with SPF, or cosmetics with SPF (which include sunless tanners containing SPF. RESULTS: Sun care products, including sunscreens, were advertised primarily in women's magazines (77%). Nearly two thirds of all sun care products advertised were either for cosmetics (38%) or moisturizers (26%) containing SPF, followed by ads for sunscreen sold as a stand-alone product (19%). None of the ads contained all of the recommendations for safe use of sunscreen: a minimum SPF of 15, both UVA and UVB protection, reapplication instructions, and an adequate application coverage of 2 milligrams per square centimeter. DISCUSSION: Magazine advertising to men, travelers, outdoor recreation users, and parents/families (totaling a circulation of 41 million readers) during this six-year period were far fewer than those for women, despite high rates of excessive sun exposure in these groups.  相似文献   

[目的 ] 探讨长波紫外线 (UVA )对大鼠皮肤脂质过氧化和胶原合成的影响及防晒化妆品的防护效果。 [方法 ] UVA照射组和涂抹防晒化妆品组大鼠经UVA照射 8周后 (总计量为 30 6 1.8J/cm2 ) ,测定皮肤丙二醛 (MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、总胶原和可溶性胶原的含量。  [结果 ] UVA照射组大鼠皮肤MDA(11.36± 1.92nmol/mL)高于对照组 (7.0 3± 1.11nmol/mL) (P <0 .0 1) ,高于防晒化妆品组 (8.0 5± 1.2 8nmol/mL) (P <0 .0 1)。UVA照射组总胶原(2 5 .98± 3.0 6mg/g)低于对照组 (31.36± 3.99mg/ g) (P <0 .0 5 ) ,与防晒化妆品组 (2 8.71± 3.72mg/ g)差异无显著性 (P>0 .0 5 )。UVA照射组可溶性胶原 (4.2 5± 0 .83mg/ g)低于对照组 (6 .33± 1.19mg/g) (P <0 .0 1) ,低于防晒化妆品组(5 .70± 1.14mg/g) (P <0 .0 5 )。对照组、UVA照射组和防晒化妆品组的SOD分别为 18.6 9± 2 .82 U/mL、16 .40± 2 .14U /mL、17.86± 2 .95U/mL ,三者差异没有显著性 (P >0 .0 5 )。  [结论 ] UVA能使皮肤脂质发生过氧化和降低皮肤可溶性胶原的含量 ,防晒化妆品有一定的防护效果。  相似文献   

Sunscreens are ultraviolet radiation (UVR)-absorbing chemicals that attenuate the amount and nature of UVR reaching viable cells in the skin. They are selected and tested for their ability to prevent erythema. No sunscreen prevents photodamage, as it has been demonstrated that suberythemal doses of UVR cause a variety of molecular changes (including DNA damage) in these cells. Furthermore, the spectrum of UVR reaching viable cells is altered by topically applied sunscreen. In this review, the basic aspects of sunscreens and skin photobiology are reviewed briefly. Although there can be no question concerning the efficacy of sunscreens for the prevention of erythema, questions remain because of the possible cumulative effects of chronic suberythemal doses and the increased exposure of skin cells to longer UVR wavelengths. The current major issue surrounding sunscreens involves their ability to protect skin cells against the effects of UVA radiation. These UVA effects may be direct damage (base oxidations) or effects on the skin immune system, yet there is no uniformly accepted method for the evaluation of UVA protection. This review is focused primarily on the latter topic covering action spectra that implicate the need for UVA protection. In addition, in vivo and in vitro methods proposed for the evaluation of candidate sunscreen formulations of UVA protective ability are reviewed. Finally, revisions in the terminology used to describe the protection afforded by sunscreens are suggested. It is proposed that SPF ("sun" protection factor) be renamed "sunburn" protection factor and that "critical wavelength" be designated "long wave index."  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sunscreens may allow overexposure to ultraviolet A (UVA) in fair-skinned persons and prevent symptoms of sunburn, but their benefits for the prevention of melanoma are uncertain. METHODS: A PubMed search was performed that identified all known studies of the association of sunscreen use with melanoma risk during 1966-2007. A total of 18 studies were identified, of which 17 met criteria for inclusion in the analysis. Of these, 10 were conducted at latitudes >40 degrees from the equator and 7 at 40 degrees from the equator, the odds ratio was 1.6 (95% C.I. 1.3-1.9; p for heterogeneity = 0.006), whereas it was 0.7 at 40 degrees.  相似文献   


Social media, specifically Pinterest with more than 175 million users, has changed the way people seek and share health information. Recent consumer interest in natural products has led to an increase of shared recipes for homemade products including sunscreen. Homemade sunscreen products are risky because they are not regulated or tested for efficacy like commercial sunscreens. With rising skin cancer rates, the use of effective broadband sunscreen is critical to reduce incidence of skin cancer. This study used directed content analysis to examine how homemade sunscreens were portrayed on Pinterest. Using the search terms, homemade sunscreen and natural sunscreen, researchers sampled every fifth pin to collect 189 relevant pins. A codebook was developed, pilot tested, and used to code pins. Two researchers coded pins and interrater reliability was established at 90%. Of the 189 pins, the majority of pins (95.2%) positively portrayed the effectiveness of homemade sunscreens and 68.3% recommended recipes for homemade sunscreens that offered insufficient UV radiation protection. Sun Protection Factor (SPF) claims were made in 33.3% of pins with a range of SPF 2 to SPF 50. In this sample of pins, 41.8% of pins had been saved by other users ranging from one to more than 21,000 times. Social media is a powerful source of health information. However, this study revealed widespread interest and acceptance of insufficient sun protection information. Pinterest and the interest in homemade recipes for sunscreen present an opportunity for public health professionals to proactively engage on social media.

Abbreviations: US: United States; SPF: sun protection factor; USFDA: United states food and drug administration; UV: ultraviolet  相似文献   

[目的 ]分析太阳光及长波紫外线 (UVA)、中波紫外线 (UVB)诱发Ml3mp2噬菌体DNA产生 8 羟基脱氧鸟苷(8 OHdG)的作用。 [方法 ]用太阳光、UVA和UVB照射处理M13mp2噬菌体样品 ,以HPLC EC检测DNA样品中的 8 OHdG。 [结果 ] 1、3、5h太阳光照射和 2 8、10 8、2 5 0、5 0 0kJ/m2 剂量UVA照射后的样品均可检测到 8 OHdG含量增加 ,并存在与照射剂量的依存关系。较高剂量 (2 6kJ/m2 )UVB照射也可引起 8 OHdG的产生。 [结论 ]太阳光照射致M13mp2噬菌体突变作用中 ,存在DNA的氧化损伤 ,主要是UVA的作用。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The action spectrum of ultraviolet radiation mainly responsible for melanoma induction is unknown, but evidence suggests it could be ultraviolet A (UVA), which has a different geographic distribution than ultraviolet B (UVB). This study assessed whether melanoma mortality rates are more closely related to the global distribution of UVA or UVB. METHODS: UVA and UVB radiation and age-adjusted melanoma mortality rates were obtained for all 45 countries reporting cancer data to the World Health Organization. Stratospheric ozone data were obtained from NASA satellites. Average population skin pigmentation was obtained from skin reflectometry measurements. RESULTS: Paradoxically, melanoma mortality rates decreased with increasing UVB in men (r = -0.48, p < 0.001), and women (r = -0.57, p < 0.001), and with increasing UVA in both sexes. By contrast, rates were positively associated with increasing UVA/UVB ratio in men (r = + 0.49, p < 0.001) and women (r = + 0.55, p < 0.001). After multiple adjustment that included controlling for skin pigmentation, only UVA was associated with melanoma mortality rates in men (p < 0.02) with a suggestive but non-significant trend present in women (p = 0.12). CONCLUSIONS: UVA radiation was associated with melanoma mortality rates after controlling for UVB and average pigmentation. The results require confirmation in observational studies.  相似文献   

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