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某国产HIV抗体快速检测试剂漏检报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年2月中旬,永川市疾病预防控制中心(CDC)艾滋病筛查实验室发现某国产艾滋病病毒(HIV)金标检测试剂存在漏检现象。经重庆市CDC艾滋病确证实验室验证及中国CDC性病艾滋病预防控制中心艾滋病参比实验室专家现场调查检测证实,该产品的确存在严重漏检。  相似文献   

目的构建艾滋病病毒(HIV)口腔黏膜渗出液(OMT)快速检测试剂(RDTs)评价盘,评价HIV OMT RDTs的质量。方法采集健康志愿者的口腔黏膜渗出液,用稀释液稀释HIV抗体阳性和阴性的血浆样本,分别构建实验室基础盘、实验室干扰盘、实验室线性稀释系列盘和实验室精密度盘。用6家HIV OMT RDTs(编号:试剂AF)分别检测构建的评价盘和HIV抗体口腔黏膜渗出液快速试剂的国家参考品,肉眼判读检测结果并测定GOD值。结果根据肉眼判读,试剂AF的敏感性、特异性、阳性参考品符合率、阴性参考品符合率均为100%,分析特异性≥95.12%(39/41),分析灵敏度≥3/5;试剂D的批内精密度高于其他试剂,试剂F的线性范围为28214。根据GOD值,试剂AE的特异性,阴性参考品符合率均为100%,分析特异性≥95.12%(39/41),敏感性≥92.50%(37/40),阳性参考品符合率≥95.00%(19/20),分析灵敏度≥3/5,线性范围分别为28216、27217、26216、26215、25212,批内精密度介于4.91%34.28%之间。结论试剂AF的敏感性、特异性、阳性参考品符合率、阴性参考品符合率、分析灵敏度、分析特异性较好,试剂BD的线性范围较宽,但饮食因素可能造成试剂D、E出现假反应性,试剂的批内精密度差别较大。  相似文献   

HIV抗体快速诊断试剂的评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 通过对艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体快速诊断试剂的质量评估,筛选检测性能好的试剂,为艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)提供依据。方法 用国家艾滋病参比实验室提供的50份参比样品、来自不同人群的400份样品、两套BBI(BOSTON BIOMEDICA,INC)抗体阳转血清盘(包括10份样品),对8个厂家的HIv抗体快速诊断试剂的敏感性、特异性进行了评估。结果 被评价的各种快速诊断试剂的敏感性为97.71%~100%,特异性为81.78%~99.63%;阳性预示值为72.78%~99.22%,阴性预示值为98.89%~100%;用BBI血清盘检测时的试剂敏感性及特异性均为100%。结论 HIV抗体快速诊断试剂有较好的检测性能,有些试剂的敏感性及特异性均在95%以上,适合在发展中国家的VCT场所、仪器设备缺乏的实验室、偏远地区的血液筛查及职业暴露后的快速诊断中使用。  相似文献   

目的 评价一种HIV抗体快速确证试剂在临床应用中的价值和质量性能.方法 按照检测流程进行HIV抗体筛查和确证检测,对评价试剂和对比试剂的符合性进行分析,分析评价试剂在HIV感染诊断中的敏感性和特异性.结果 本次评价共收集到云南省3个地区4个不同人群的500份样本,经抗体、核酸和随访后检测,314份(62.80%)确定为...  相似文献   

通过唾液检测HIV感染的方法简单快速,美国OraSure公司出品的OraQuick HIV1/2快速检测试剂就是一种通过唾液快速检测HIV感染的快速检测试剂。最近,美国出现了一些OraQuick试剂在应用中假阳性高的报道,引起人们对这种HIV感染的唾液快速检测试剂用于常规检测的怀疑。  相似文献   

目的 调查广西地区MSM的HIV自我检测试剂使用现状,分析其相关影响因素。方法 2021年9月至2022年2月在广西南宁市、桂林市、柳州市及北海市通过方便抽样对MSM进行一对一面对面或线上匿名调查,用χ2检验和Logistic回归模型分析影响因素。结果 共调查330名MSM,年龄M(P25,P75)为25(21,31)岁,其中18~30岁占73.0%(241人);76.1%(251人)的MSM文化程度为大专及以上。63.3%(209人)的MSM使用过HIV自我检测试剂,其中85.6%(179/209)使用过血液HIV自我检测试剂。最近6个月性伴数M(P25,P75)为2(1,3)个。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,大专及以上(OR=2.475,95%CI:1.397~4.384)、认同自己生理性别(OR=2.086,95%CI:1.002~4.343)、性角色为插入方(OR=2.866,95%CI:1.474~5.574)、最近6个月使用过新型毒品(OR=2.475,95%CI:1.294~4.736)、认为自己有感染HIV的风险(OR=1.963,95%CI:1.113~3....  相似文献   

目的对一种唾液快速检测艾滋病病毒Ⅰ/Ⅱ型(HIV-1/2)抗体试剂进行现场评价,考核其现场使用的敏感性和特异性,以及与血液HIV-1/2抗体检测试剂的一致性。方法采集247例已知HIV感染者、1 090例正常献血人员、60例患有其它疾病的患者(包括孕妇、肿瘤患者、一般疾病患者),以及109例HCV感染者和119例未知HIV感染状况的吸毒人员的唾液标本,现场使用Vanguard OMTTM唾液HIV-1/2抗体快速检测试剂盒(CalypteBiomedical生产)进行检测,同时平行采集上述人群的血液标本,使用Vironostika HIV Uni-FormⅡplus O(BioMerieux生产)进行对比测试。结果247例已知HIV感染者中,247例唾液标本HIV-1/2型抗体检测均为阳性。1 259例血液酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测HIV抗体阴性人群中,1 257例唾液检测为阴性,2例为阳性。119例吸毒人员中,28例血液标本HIV阳性中,唾液标本检出27例。91例HIV阴性中检出阴性90例。该唾液HIV抗体快速检测试剂,敏感性为99.64%,特异性为99.78%。与ELISA检测的一致性为99.75%。结论唾液HIV-1/2型抗体检测试剂与现行的血液ELISA检测结果相近。唾液标本的采集方便而且危险性小,推荐在采血较困难的人群、基层医疗机构、VCT门诊等,可考虑使用唾液HIV-1/2型抗体快速检测试剂进行HIV抗体初筛检测。  相似文献   

目的了解男男性行为人群(MSM)对艾滋病病毒(HIV)快速检测的实际利用情况,获取影响MSM接受HIV快速检测的相关需求。方法 2012年10-12月,在杭州市下城区、江干区和富阳市MSM活动场所、自愿咨询检测门诊招募MSM,开展问卷调查。结果在接受调查的501名MSM中,268人回答知道HIV快速检测,占53.5%,其中93.7%(251/268)接受过快速检测,74.3%(199/268)知道快速检测可以较快获得检测结果。在需要做HIV检测时,52.7%(264/501)选择快速检测。在接受快速检测同时,希望接受艾滋病/性病咨询、梅毒检测和丙型肝炎病毒检测的比例分别为71.5%、60.9%、48.9%。79.6%希望接受快速检测的场所为疾病预防控制中心,89.2%愿意动员性伴接受快速检测。影响调查对象接受快速检测的主要因素为获得检测结果的时间(54.7%)、检测结果的准确性(54.5%)、个人信息的保密性(45.7%)等。结论 MSM对检测场所、隐私以及其他检测咨询等有不同的服务需求。因此,要加强对快速检测及相关特点的宣传,在开展快速检测时,从MSM实际需求出发进行改进,促进更多的MSM接受快速检测,扩大检测覆盖面。  相似文献   

目的 分析深圳市MSM利用口腔黏膜渗出液快速检测(简称口腔自检)试剂进行HIV检测的使用情况及相关影响因素。方法 2019年9月至2021年12月,通过微信网络、同伴动员等方式招募深圳市≥18岁且过去1年内发生过同性口交或肛交性行为的男性,利用在线问卷收集目标人群的社会人口学信息、性行为特征、口腔自检试剂使用情况等信息。结果 共纳入841名研究对象,其中128名(15.22%)曾做过HIV口腔自检。口腔自检试剂获取途径主要为网店购买和社会组织发放,分别占41.41%(53/128)、32.03%(41/128)。多因素Logistic分析结果显示,大专及以上学历(OR=2.51,95%CI:1.06~5.97)、通过网络寻找性伴(OR=3.13,95%CI:1.24~7.92)是MSM使用HIV口腔自检试剂的促进因素。结论 深圳市MSM HIV口腔自检率偏低,文化程度、性伴寻找方式可影响该人群HIV口腔自检试剂的使用。建议开通基于互联网的HIV口腔自检试剂申请渠道,提高HIV口腔自检的覆盖面以期进一步扩大HIV检测。  相似文献   

张辽  刘颖  陈红 《中国艾滋病性病》2022,(12):1457-1461
目的 系统评价MSM群体HIV自我检测意愿率、自检率及相关影响因素,以期为扩大MSM群体HIV自检提供参考。方法 检索中国生物医学文献数据库、万方数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、PubMed、Embase、PsycINFO、CINAHL、Web of Science,检索时限为建库至2022年8月,纳入评价MSM进行HIV自我检测意愿和/或自我检测经历以及相关的影响因素的横断面研究。采用Revman5.4.1软件对自检意愿率以及自检率进行Meta分析,采用随机效应模型进行数据合并。对影响因素进行描述性分析。结果 共纳入17篇文献,涉及24 444例MSM。Meta分析结果显示,MSM的自检意愿率为72%(95%CI:0.57~0.88),HIV自检率为48%(95%CI:0.32~0.64)。影响其自检意愿的因素包括文化程度及性行为特征等。实际进行HIV自检受年龄、文化程度、性行为特征等因素影响。结论 MSM的HIV自检意愿较高,实际总体自检率处于较低水平。建议相关人员重点关注年龄较大、多性伴及低文化程度等MSM,针对可干预可控因素,制定相应的干预措施进一步提升其HIV检测率。  相似文献   

This short report evaluates the feasibility of using electronic vending machines for dispensing oral, fluid, rapid HIV self-testing kits in Los Angeles County. Feasibility criteria that needed to be addressed were defined as: (1) ability to find a manufacturer who would allow dispensing of HIV testing kits and could fit them to the dimensions of a vending machine, (2) ability to identify and address potential initial obstacles, trade-offs in choosing a machine location, and (3) ability to gain community approval for implementing this approach in a community setting. To address these issues, we contracted a vending machine company who could supply a customized, Internet-enabled machine that could dispense HIV kits and partnered with a local health center available to host the machine onsite and provide counseling to participants, if needed. Vending machines appear to be feasible technologies that can be used to distribute HIV testing kits.  相似文献   

High levels of HIV stigma are one of the main difficulties in engaging African-American and Latino men who have sex with men (MSM) in HIV testing. The availability of home HIV test and the possibility of self-testing in private may improve uptake and counteract stigma. This paper sought to determine the correlates of requesting home HIV test kits among a sample of MSM social media users. The odds of participants requesting a test kit were significantly associated with using social networks to seek sexual partners (aOR: 2.47, 95% CI: 1.07–6.06) and thinking it is easier to use social networks for seeking sexual partners (1.87, 1.2–3.12), uncertain HIV status (4.29, 1.37–14.4), and having sex under the influence of alcohol (2.46, 1.06–5.77). Participants who had not been tested for more than 6 months were more likely to request a test kit than those who were tested in the past 6 months (2.53, 1.02–6.37). Participants who frequently talked to others about having sex with men online were less likely to request a test kit (0.73, 0.56–0.92). By reaching people over social media and offering them access to test kits, we were able to reach at-risk individuals who were uncertain about their HIV status and had not been regularly tested. The findings of the study will help to inform future HIV testing interventions.  相似文献   

Self-Testing for HIV (HIVST) is widely recognised as a feasible and effective means of increasing rates of testing and detection of HIV, particularly in non-testing and infrequent testing populations. Currently in Australia, the only means of accessing this technology is to purchase unregulated products on-line. A search of available on-line distributers was purposefully performed from the perspective of an English-speaking individual, with no clinical background or specific understanding of HIV testing practices, seeking to determine their HIV status. Purchased kits were assessed against a structured extraction tool based on the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) HIV testing clinical performance guidelines. In total, eight HIVST kits were purchased from seven different distributers. Analysis of the purchased kits and linked websites revealed that none met the TGA’s requirements for HIV testing kits intended for home use; none also conformed to the additional recommendations for information, quality and links to services developed from this study’s review of HIVST associated literature. People seeking HIVST kits are able to purchase sub-standard products that ill-serve their needs, and do so at a time of great personal vulnerability. The fact that Australians are willing to purchase and use these sub-standard products indicates HIVST is in demand. Health policy and models of service are needed in order to ensure people have access to a safe and effective registered device at prices that enable equity of access to all Australians, particularly those most at risk of HIV. Other countries awaiting access to regulated HIVST devices also need to consider the potential implications. Collaboration between manufacturers, distributers, regulatory bodies, service providers and the community is needed globally in order to ensure HIVST is embedded into testing methods in a manner that does not disrupt but rather safely and effectively increases HIV testing rates.  相似文献   

High interest and a growing body of evidence suggest that HIV self-testing could help fill the HIV testing gap for populations who have been hesitant to access testing services through current mechanisms. Evidence from five of six studies funded by 3ie answers questions posed by the Kenyan government to understand the readiness of Kenyans for HIV self-testing. The findings suggest that Kenyans are generally ready for HIV self-testing. Most people would not only like to obtain self-test kits through public health facilities but also expect to be able to obtain them from pharmacies – easy access being a key factor for a distribution outlet. Respondents across the studies seem to understand the importance of counseling and confirmatory testing, although the decision to access services after an HIV self-test will certainly be influenced by the results of the test. Respondents do have some concerns about potential harms and abuses from HIV self-tests. These concerns are focused on what they expect others would do, rather than reflections of what they say they would do themselves. Additionally, most people believe that such concerns were mostly unwarranted and/or could be addressed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the willingness to use and pay for HIV Self-testing (HIVST) among Australian gay and bisexual men (GBM). Bivariate and univariate multinominal logistic regression of data from an online survey was performed. Thirty-one (13%) had never HIV tested and 41.9% (88) were testing sub-optimally by Australian guidelines. Half (58.4%, 136) had never heard of HIVST, however, 56.2% (131) reported willingness to use HIVST, with sub-optimal (OR=2.13; p?<?0.01) and never-testers (OR=2.01; p?<?0.10) significantly more likely to do so than optimal-testers. Most were confident (51.7%, 119) or somewhat confident (29.1%, 67) accessing support following a reactive result, however, never-testers were significantly less confident compared to previous testers (OR=3.47; p<?0.05). Less than a quarter (23.6%, 57) were willing to pay for a kit with AUD$15 (R2 = 0.9882) the estimated preferred price. This research confirms that HIVST is an important and accepted adjunct to established HIV testing modalities, particularly among sub-optimal and never-testers and that online (61.6%, 143) or clinic-based (61.6%, 143) dissemination are preferred. Research examining how best to disseminate HIVST in a range of safe and effective models needs to continue to ensure HIVST is part of a comprehensive strategy that facilitates usage and linkages to care.  相似文献   


Uptake of HIV testing remains lower among children and adolescents compared to adults. This study explored adolescents’ perceptions of HIV self-testing (HIVST) and caregivers’ perceptions of testing their children using an oral mucosal transudate (OMT) rapid HIV test (caregiver-provided testing). We conducted 31 interviews with adolescents aged 16–18 years and caregivers of children aged 2–15 years who received an OMT test. Participants described barriers to HIV testing including lack of privacy and the potential for discrimination by community members towards children and adolescents who received an HIV test. Most participants felt caregiver-provided testing and HIVST could address these barriers through increased privacy. Some participants expressed worry about their ability to correctly perform the OMT and their anxious reactions to a positive result. Counseling and assistance from health care workers were viewed as ways to alleviate concerns. Concerns shaped participants’ preferences for facility-based HIVST and caregiver-provided testing. Findings demonstrate HIVST performed by adolescents and caregiver-provided testing could increase the uptake of HIV testing. Concerns related to being able to test correctly and the availability of post-test counseling must be addressed in any future delivery mechanisms.  相似文献   

This study aims to pilot and evaluate an integrated model for HIV self-testing (HIVST) service delivery in a peer-led Queensland community setting to increase access to HIVST, particularly for men who have sex with men (MSM) living in regional, remote and rural areas. It seeks to provide evidence that would overcome some of the key objections previously raised to HIVST.

Recruitment strategies have been designed to engage hard to reach MSM populations in testing. Awareness of the trial will be generated through advertising on social media platforms, including dating applications, word of mouth and HIV related websites. Participants will access an HIVST online ordering system hosted by a HIV community organisation. This system: (1) enables on-line informed consent; 2) gives clients the choice to accept verbal pre-test information from a trained peer test facilitator or not; and (3) allows for ordering of the HIVST kit after completion of an online survey (with demographic information and testing history etc.). Clients receive the kits via the post; and at 2 weeks receive a follow-up phone-call and SMS link to a post-test survey. If the test is non-reactive, clients can opt for test reminders. If reactive, referral to clinical services, peer navigation and support systems are provided.

This study addresses important gaps in understanding of acceptable and feasible methods to integrate HIVST into an existing peer-led testing service and into the broader suite of HIV testing options and services. The findings will inform the actions needed to enhance access to HIVST for MSM wishing to use this technology in Australia and elsewhere, especially those who have never tested and infrequent testers.  相似文献   


HIV testing among female sex workers (FSWs) is an established global health priority. HIV self-testing (HIVST) seems to have the potential to address issues of confidentiality, privacy and convenience among this key population. HIVST, however, may result in unintended consequences as its implementation unfolds in a complex sex work context characterised by unequal power relations, stigma and high HIV prevalence. We aimed to explore the experiences of FSWs with HIVST in the context of retesting and antiretroviral usage in Blantyre, Malawi. We used an ethnographic approach to understand meanings and views around HIVST and retesting. We found high levels of retesting, especially among those on antiretroviral, two of which received “false-negative” results. We identified three broad narratives: (1) retesting in response to experiences in the sex work context, (2) retesting driven by the desire to self-monitor HIV-negative status, and (3) retesting in the hope of sero-reversion. The FSWs’ experiences indicate that the implementation of HIVST in this context is complex with potential for unintended harms such as coercive testing. HIVST programmes must include clear and appropriate messaging to reduce retesting while on ART and implement strategies to address FSW concerns and anxieties about the accuracy of their HIV-positive test results.  相似文献   

艾滋病自检的形式包括自助采样送检和自测两种。虽然艾滋病自检的提出已有20多年的历史,但自检本身仍存在很大争议,一方面,艾滋病自检有利于保护检测者隐私,赋予人们自我管理感染艾滋病风险的权利,使得它在人群中有一定的需求;另一方面,自检又存在缺乏准确性、专业咨询和支持等问题,使得管理部门对放开自检心存顾虑。目前世界范围内,艾滋病自检基本处于研究阶段。中国对艾滋病自检研究很少,有必要加强相关研究,正确引导自检,扬长避短,使其为扩大艾滋病检测面服务。  相似文献   

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