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目的 探讨不同孕期妇女膳食营养状况及体成分测定分析,为孕期妇女饮食指导提供依据。方法 回顾性分析2020年8月至2021年10月定期来乌鲁木齐市妇幼保健院产检孕期妇女,收集近一周平均膳食摄入情况及体成分指标。结果 共收集1752名孕妇,孕早、中、晚期分别有200人、994人、558人。孕前体质量、当前体质量及体质量增加量在孕早、中、晚期均存在差异;孕早期对蔬菜、水果、鱼禽肉蛋、大豆/坚果类摄入缺乏;孕中期所有的膳食摄入均缺乏;孕晚期对蔬菜和鱼禽肉蛋的摄入较缺乏。孕早期各类营养素摄入不足;孕中期对Ca、Mg的摄入基本达标,孕晚期仅Ca摄入量充足。基础代谢率、总体水、细胞内水分、细胞外水分、体脂百分比、体脂、去脂体质量、肌肉量及蛋白质含量在孕早、中、晚期均有统计学差异;体成分指标与不同孕期体质量增加量存在相关性。结论 不同孕期妇女的膳食摄入及营养素摄入情况均不同,仍有相当数量的孕妇膳食营养素参考摄入量不达标;体成分与孕期体质量增加量存在相关性,可合理使用体成分分析结果进行个体化指导孕妇科学合理饮食,有效控制孕妇的孕期增重。  相似文献   

孕期膳食结构的变化及对妊娠结局的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解孕期膳食结构的变化,以及对妊娠结局的影响。方法由孕妇自己记录当天膳食的情况,并根据食物模型估算出食物的重量,然后输入计算机,计算出总能量、碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白质所占的供能比,依据结果对孕妇进行膳食指导,定期随访直至分娩,共有62名不同孕期的妇女进行了膳食调查。结果62名孕妇孕期总能量摄入低于推荐量,碳水化合物的供能比较低,碳水化合物的供能比正常或以上者仅占43.55%,脂肪所占的能量比87%在正常或以上,给予膳食指导后,总能量有所增加,蛋白质的摄入量增加,但碳水化合物供能比下降,脂肪供能比增加,正常或以上者为95.45%。孕期平均增重17.7kg,新生儿平均出生体重为3372.58±333.84g,膳食调查组妊娠期糖尿病的发生率为9.67%。未进行膳食调查的对照组孕期平均增重18.6kg,新生儿平均出生体重为3481.63±329.25g,两组之间无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。结沦孕期能量摄入低于孕妇推荐标准,碳水化合物供能比下降,脂肪供能比增加,DDP评分平均低于90分,孕期膳食的合理性有待改善。  相似文献   

目的:为了解新沂市高中住校学生膳食营养与健康情况,让社会、家长、学校能认识存在的问题,进而采取有效措施。方法运用1个月计帐法膳食调查、身体质量指数和生化检测等研究方法,对新沂市区4所高中2846名住校学生膳食营养与健康状况进行调查,并针对调查结果进行分析讨论。结果①奶类、鱼虾类、水果供给量不足,谷类、蔬菜类、蛋类、畜禽肉类供应量均略高于参考量的上限值。油、盐供给量超高。②能量、蛋白质、铁、Vit B1、Vit C的摄入量均达到RNI标准;视黄醇当量、Vit B2的摄入量不足,钙摄入量严重不足。生热营养素供能比例比较适宜。③身体质量指数结果:偏瘦占0.6%;过重占13.3%;肥胖占7.1%;血红蛋白测定结果:贫血总患病率8.66%,其中女生占11.65%,男生占7.06%,男女生之间患贫血情况存在显著性差异。结论调查学生生长发育状况良好,但仍然存在营养素摄入不合理所致的营养缺乏性疾病以及超重、肥胖问题,应进一步加强学校食堂膳食营养的监督指导和青少年合理饮食的健康教育。  相似文献   

目的了解郑州市某寄宿制幼儿园儿童的膳食结构和营养状况,提出改进意见。方法采用5日连续称重记账法进行膳食调查,同时进行体格检查和营养生化指标的测定。结果郑州市某寄宿制幼儿园学龄前儿童热能和三大营养素的摄入量达到了相应供给量标准,钙、锌、视黄醇当量、硫胺素的摄入量分别是(RDA)52.7%、82.4%、51.4%、81.3%,铁的摄入量为供给量的135.8%,但来源于动物性食物的铁仅达到17%。营养过剩表现较突出,其发生率为17.4%;贫血的患病率为6.27%。结论调整膳食结构,增加副食摄入,增加钙、锌、视黄醇当量、硫胺素、铁的供给,减少动物性脂肪及胆固醇的摄入量,适当增加碳水化合物的摄入,增加来源于动物性食物的血色素铁的供给,增加幼儿的运动量,达到平衡膳食,合理营养。  相似文献   

陆菲 《医学信息》2006,19(12):2203-2205
目的 调查幼儿冬季膳食情况。方法 称重法、代量食谱法和记帐法。结果 就总体来看热量和蛋白质的摄入量基本是充足的,优质蛋白的摄入量,大部分幼儿园均不足。结论 其它营养素(除铁和尼克酸外)均不足或明显不足。  相似文献   

目的了解新疆伊犁地区孕妇孕期膳食摄入状况和膳食模式,为进一步改善和提高孕妇膳食营养状况提供原始资料。方法采用24 h回顾调查法结合称重法、记账法、收集被调查者连续7 d的膳食摄人情况;然后将调查内容输入由北京医网中心提供的孕期饮食营养分析与指导系统进行评价计算。结果 1.调查对象膳食结构以谷薯类为主,早、中、晚期杂粮各占谷薯类食物4.2%、9.5%、9.1%.奶类、水果类、蔬菜、豆类食物的日平均摄入量均高于全国水平,蛋类日平均摄入量低于全国水平,早、中、晚期肉类食物摄入量均低于全国水平[1],以早期更为明显。谷薯类、奶制品、肉类中中期与早晚期相比较有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2.碳水化合物供能比相对偏低。油脂的摄入量过高,约为推荐摄入量的3倍。碘及叶酸缺乏较为严重,约90%以上的孕妇未及推荐摄入量。中晚期钙、铁、锌、维生素A摄人量未达到AI或者RNI者,所占比例较大。3.三大产能营养素供能及一日三餐能量分配不合理。结论 1应增加伊犁地区城市孕妇在中晚期海产品、水果、瘦肉、豆类的摄入量,提高优质蛋白质、钙、铁、锌、维生素A的含量,适当减少饱和脂肪酸的摄入。  相似文献   

目的了解青春期学生骨量的影响因素,从而为生命早期预防骨质疏松提供科学依据。方法调查柳州市区初中学生353名,年龄为12~17岁,男生164人,女生189人。采用24h回顾法了解膳食摄入、体力活动问卷了解体力活动情况。采用双能量X线骨密度测量仪(DEXA)测量全身骨量及体脂百分比。用Tanner五分期法评价第二性征发育。采用身高标准体重评价研究对象的营养状况。结果与男生全身BMD关系最大的是体重,其次是体力活动强度、Tanner期、膳食钙摄入量、年龄和碳水化合物,与BMC关系最大的是体重,其次是身高、Tanner期和体力活动强度;与女生全身BMD关系最大的是体重,其次是乳房发育分期、年龄、月经初潮、体力活动强度、膳食钙摄入量、身高和脂肪摄入量,与BMC关系最大的体重,其次是身高、乳房发育分期、营养状况、月经初潮、蛋白质摄入量、膳食钙摄入量和磷摄入量。结论影响青春期学生骨量主要决定因素为体重、青春发育状况、身高和体力活动强度,并且体力活动强度和膳食钙对男生全身骨量的影响大于对女生的影响。  相似文献   

对某高校316名本科生进行问卷调查,考察大学生应对方式特点以及和社会支持水平之间的关系。研究发现:(1)大学生从总体上说更倾向于采取解决问题、求助应对方式,男生比女生更多的采取解决问题应对方式,而女生比男生更多采取求助应对方式。(2)从总体上说,社会支持水平与积极应对呈正相关,与消极应对无明显相关.(3)大学生更重视来自主观的社会支持,主观支持对解决问题应对方式贡献率较大,社会支持利用度明显影音求助应对方式的采用。(4)男生和女生应对方式存在一定差别。对于男生,客观支持和退避呈负相关,社会支持水平对解决问题贡献率较大;对于女生,客观支持和退避成正相关,社会支持对于求助应对贡献率较大。(5)在幻想应对方式上,性别和社会支持存在交互作用。  相似文献   

目的研究影响不同性别大学生心理健康状况的社会支持因素。方法采甩社会支持评定量表(SSRS),并制定出“社会支持因素对心理健康的影响”调查问卷,对480名高校1~4年级学生进行调查。结果①高校女生所获得的主观支持和对支持的利用度高于男生。②除了SSRS中列出的问题,信息获取和自尊实现也均对大学生心理健康有显著影响。③影响不同性别大学生心理健康的主要社会支持因素也不相同。结论不同性别大学生的社会支持状况和受社会支持因素的影响均不相同,男生更多受到自尊实现、对前途信心的影响,女生更多受到家庭成员的支持、在学校有无归属感的影响。  相似文献   

大学生社交回避及苦恼现状调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
幸蓉  王佳权 《校园心理》2009,7(5):312-313
本文旨在了解大学生社交回避及苦恼现状,探讨其产生的原因,以期为大学生心理健康教育提供依据。采用社交回避及苦恼量表(SAD)为调查工具,通过分层整群抽样,对重庆市某高校340名大学生进行问卷调查。结果大学生中存在社交回避与苦恼现象;大学生的社交回避与苦恼感受,女生显著高于男生,没有恋爱的大学生显著高于恋爱的大学生。结果显示,大学生的社交回避及苦恼有性别、是否恋爱的差异有统计学意义。  相似文献   

The authors carried out six transverse anthropometric, dietary, and parasitological surveys of 274 schoolchildren (138 boys and 136 girls), aged 10-12 years (in 2001), from the Dongting Lake region in rural South China from 2001 to 2005 to examine intra-population differences in growth. Compared to the Chinese references, the subject children were judged to be retarded in growth at the population level. Comparisons among tertiles classified by the extents of change in weight-for-age Z score from the first to the last survey revealed significant effects of dietary intakes and parasite infections. In particular, there were two observations for the high-tertile boys and girls, whose Z scores of height-for-age, weight-for-age and BMI-for-age in higher ages were similar to, or higher than, the Chinese references. First, their energy intakes were larger than those of mid- and low-tertile boys and girls but were only 80-88% of the recommended dietary allowances for Chinese. Second, they were characterized by high prevalence of Schistosoma japonicum at the first survey but nil from the second survey. In conclusion, there is a high possibility that the children, who are recognized as undernourished at the population level, are able to attain the Chinese standards by increase of energy intake to the level of 10% lower than the recommended allowance for Chinese and eradication of S. japonicum.  相似文献   

Dietary intake data were gathered on 123 rural and 111 urban males, ages 6, 9, and 15 years, living in and near St. Petersburg, Russia. Data were analyzed to estimate intakes of kilocalories, protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, and percentage of kilocalories from protein, carbohydrate, and fat. Comparisons were made between nutrient intakes of urban and rural subjects; intakes were also compared with the Recommended Dietary Intakes (RDI) of the USSR Research Institute of Nutrition. There were no significant differences between rural and urban boys in energy intake at any age. Urban boys consumed more vitamin C at ages 6 and 9, had higher intakes of protein, calcium, and niacin at age 9, and consumed more protein at age 15. Rural boys had higher intakes of riboflavin and calcium than urban boys at age 6. Urban boys consumed larger proportions of energy as carbohydrate at age 6, protein at age 9, and both protein and fat at age 15 than rural subjects. Rural boys had higher proportions of kilocalories from fat at age 6 and carbohydrate at age 15 than urban boys. Mean nutrient intakes below the RDI were: energy for rural boys at 9 and 15 years; iron for rural subjects at ages 6 and 9 and urban boys at age 6; calcium for rural and urban boys at all ages; vitamin C for rural subjects at ages 6 and 9; vitamin A for rural and urban boys at age 15; and protein for rural boys at age 15. At age 6, rural boys had nutrient intakes superior to those of urban boys; urban nutrient intakes were better than rural at ages 9 and 15. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In nutritional studies of traditional societies, it is often assumed that dietary intakes are sufficiently homogeneous for dietary studies of short duration to be adequate for accurate assessment of group nutrient intake. The present study examines this assumption by considering food and nutrient intakes of 25 adult males in rural Papua New Guinea (PNG). Five-day weighed dietary intakes were carried out on each individual twice, with a 6-month interval between measurements. The two measurements corresponded to the times of year when the climate was wet and wetter. Energy intakes, at 167 and 169 kJ/kg body weight, were within the range of values reported by other authors for adult males in PNG. Intakes of protein, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and calcium were low, while intakes of iron and vitamins A and C were above WHO (FAO/WHO, 1974) recommended daily allowances. Energy and nutrient intakes did not vary between the two times of year, with two exceptions: vitamin C and iron. Intakes of foods and food types varied between wet and wetter times, however. Within- and between-subject coefficients of variation of intakes of energy and six nutrients were used to calculate sample sizes needed to obtain estimates of group intakes at different levels of reliability and number of days of dietary measurement. This varied with the nutrient under consideration and the time of year. At a given level of reliability, accurate estimates of carbohydrate intake could be obtained with smaller sample sizes and/or number of days of observation than for energy, protein, and vitamin C intakes. Longer periods or larger samples would have been needed for the estimation of group vitamin A, fat, and calcium intakes. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings of a cross-sectional study of the growth and nutrition of children living in rural Ontario, Canada. The objectives of the research were threefold: (1) to obtain data on obesity prevalence and nutrient intake in a sample of rural Canadian schoolchildren, (2) to compare findings with rural and national-level data on obesity prevalence and nutrient intake, and (3) to provide data to school board and public health agencies planning and implementing nutrition policy and programs to this population. Measures of height and weight were obtained for 504 children ages 7-13 years. Height for age and body mass index scores were calculated and compared with 2000 data from the Centers for Disease Control (Kuczmarski et al. [2002]: Vital Health Stat 246:1-190). Weekday 24-h dietary recall was conducted on a subsample of 352 children and the results compared with Canada's Food Guide (Health Canada,1997) and dietary reference data from the US Institute of Medicine (2000). Prevalence of overweight and obesity were high in this sample, with 17.7% of children classified as overweight and 10.9% of children classified as obese. Fifteen percent of boys were classified as obese, compared to 6.8% of girls. Boys consumed significantly more servings from the grain and meat food groups than girls. While mean daily intake of fiber and micronutrients was significantly low for both boys and girls, there were significant gender differences in nutrient intake, with boys consuming greater energy, protein, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and sodium than girls. A number of limitations are discussed, in particular issues arising from the use of Dietary Reference Intakes.  相似文献   

大学生毕业前心理健康调查   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
许多研究表明大学生尤其是一、四年级大学生是心理障碍的高危人群 ,但学校不同 ,心理障碍的状况也有所不同[1- 4] ,学校的环境、设施也可能是大学生心理健康的影响因素之一。汕头大学是位于南国海滨城市的一所综合性大学 ,她的园林化建筑、充足的教学资源以及齐全的文体设施为大学生提供了一个舒适的学习环境。本文对毕业前的汕头大学学生应用SCL - 90进行了调查 ,试图了解他们的心理健康状况 ,学习环境的重要性。现将结果报告如下。1 对象和方法1.1 对象在汕头大学 2 0 0 0年应届毕业的大学生中 ,按不同专业进行整群抽样 ,共抽取受试…  相似文献   

目的了解低年级大学生性态度、行为和性健康知识状况,为高校开展生殖健康教育与服务提供参考。方法参考以往同类型调查和项目自行设计问卷,调查内容包括性态度、性行为、生殖健康知识、性病知识的知晓率和对性健康知识和服务需求状况。结果低年级大学生性态度性别差异大,男生性态度较开放,有性经历的男生(13.9%)明显多于女生(6.4%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=11.532,P〈0.01);对于人流危害的认识女生优于男生(P〈0.05);对AIDS知识的知晓情况男生优于女生(P〈0.05),但两者对避孕知识及性健康知识掌握均有所不足;男女生性健康知识的获取途径主要为互联网、媒体和同伴;男女生希望提供的服务均依次为知识教育、生殖健康咨询及性病/艾滋病防治知识、避孕方法。结论对大学生进行性健康咨询、性知识教育、性病/艾滋病防治知识及避孕方法知识的教育非常迫切。  相似文献   

目的探讨大学生手机短信交往行为的特点。方法采用自编的大学生手机短信交往行为调查问卷对广州市655名大学生进行调查。结果 73.7%的大学生短信的主要内容是联系同学、朋友、家人,81.8%的大学生发送短信的主要对象是自己的朋友。女生每月短信发送量高于男生(t男=288.34,t女=349.48,P0.05),独生子女每月短信发送量高于非独生子女(t独=344.19,t非=301.96,P0.05)。结论大学生短信交往行为,女生多于男生,独生子女多于非独生子女。  相似文献   

Sex differences in the effects of sleep duration on dietary intake and eating behaviours were examined prospectively in relation to overweight/obesity at ages 6 and 7. Using data from a representative sample (QLSCD 1998-2010) of children born in the province of Québec (Canada), 1106 children were followed to age 6 and 1015 to 7years. Average nocturnal sleep duration was surveyed annually from 2.5-6years, food-frequency and eating behaviour questionnaires were administered at age 6, and body weight and height were measured at 6 and 7years. Associations were examined longitudinally and mediation examined with adjustments for potential confounders. In boys and girls, shorter sleep duration patterns were associated significantly with less favourable dietary intakes at 6years: boys consumed vegetables and fruits less frequently and meats/alternatives more frequently than boys with longer sleep patterns; and girls consumed vegetables, fruits and milk products less frequently and soft-drinks more frequently than girls with longer sleep patterns. However, boys with shorter sleep patterns were also more likely to eat at irregular hours or to eat too much/fast at 6years. These behaviours, and not dietary intake, mediated an inverse association between sleep duration and overweight/obesity in boys. Sleep duration did not associate with any problem eating behaviours or overweight/obesity in girls. Shorter sleep in early childhood appears to associate with problematic eating behaviours in boys and diet quality in both sexes, regardless of an association with overweight/obesity. This is important for public health and should be considered in relation to other diet-related diseases.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of nutrition and physical activity on growth and health of 228 native Bolivian prepubertal girls and boys 10–12 years of age, from high socioeconomic status (HSES) and low socioeconomic status (LSES), living at high altitude (HA) in La Paz (∼4,000 m) and at low altitude (LA) in St. Cruz (∼400 m). In the 4 years of the study, dietary information and daily physical activities were obtained with the 24-hour recall method by interviewing the child and mother. All food items were converted into grams, and nutrients were calculated by using food composition tables for Latin America. Physical activities were estimated in four intensity levels and calculated in terms of energy output. The results show that nutritional intake is influenced by socioeconomic status, but not by altitude. Overall, the energy and nutrient intake of the HSES girls and boys was significantly higher (P ≤ 0.01) than the intake of the LSES children at both altitudes; no sex effect was evident. HSES girls and boys consumed greater amounts of nutrients, especially protein and fat; they were taller but also fatter. The physical activity of LSES children was higher than that of HSES children. The lower energy intake and the higher energy expenditure of LSES children were reflected in their smaller body size. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 9:51–62 © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Patterns of nutrient selection in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of experimental diabetes on energy intake, patterns of nutrient selection, water intake, body weight and body composition were examined in male Sprague-Dawley rats given ground Purina Chow or a dietary self-selection regime. Following adaptation to dietary conditions, a portion of the animals in each diet group were made diabetic by the administration of 45 mg/kg streptozotocin (STZ). The remaining animals in each group served as vehicle-injected controls. STZ reliably produced diabetes in rats on both dietary regimes. Immediately after the induction of diabetes, rats on the self-selection regime increased carbohydrate and protein intakes and decreased fat intake. Approximately three weeks after STZ administration, diabetic rats reduced carbohydrate intake and increased fat intake. Diabetic animals in both diet groups were hyperphagic and polydipsic relative to non-diabetic controls. During the first three weeks following STZ injections, energy and water intakes of diabetic animals in the two dietary conditions were similar. However, after this initial period, energy and water intakes of diabetic rats given the self-selection regime were significantly lower than those of diabetic animals given Purina Chow.  相似文献   

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