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Persistence, wash-resistance, and shelf life of mosquito nets treated with a water-dispersible tablet formulation of synthetic pyrethroid insecticide deltamethrin (K-O TAB) at 25 mg/m2 was evaluated against malaria vectors in India. During June 2001, treated and untreated polyester, nylon, and cotton nets were separately distributed in 3 villages and cone bioassays were performed on Anopheles culicifacies and An. stephensi 1 day after treatment and thereafter every month for 12 months. The mosquitoes were exposed for 3 min on the nettings (treated and unwashed, or treated and washed once or twice in 3 months, and untreated) and knock-down (1 h) and 24 h postexposure mortality were recorded. Unwashed polyester nets, and those washed once 1 month after treatment, gave 100% mortality in An. culicifacies for 6 months. A 2nd wash at 3 months after treatment marginally reduced the insecticidal action. Anopheles stephensi was fully susceptible up to 4 months when exposed to unwashed nets but washing considerably reduced insecticidal action (65-78% after 2 washes). Treated nylon and cotton nets were effective for 4 months on both vectors. Treated nets kept on shelf retained 100% efficacy for 10 months. Overall, the treated nets gave a considerably long persistence of insecticidal action even after a single wash. Treated polyester nets were found most effective. Compared with our earlier experiences of using liquid formulations, the tablet formulation is likely to have a better community acceptance in treating nets.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLITNs) are expected to be an important advance in malaria control, but operational experience is still scarce. This study presents some operational findings concerning the introduction of Olysettrade mark LLITNs (Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd, Japan) in Laos. The study site, Bourapar district, a remote district at high risk of malaria, received Olysettrade mark nets during 1999-2000. After distribution of the nets the number of malaria cases in the district hospital decreased for a time, however it began to rise again a year after the intervention. To sustain the effect of the nets, net users were given instructions on maintenance and use. This study aimed to investigate the condition of Olysettrade mark nets and the maintenance behaviour of net users after 2-3 years of use, and to examine the associations between maintenance behaviour and the number of malaria episodes during the previous year. METHODS: Questionnaire interviews and inspections of nets were conducted at 240 households during February-March 2003. RESULTS: About 40% of the observed nets had holes/were torn, and the maintenance instructions had not been followed sufficiently. Households following the recommended washing frequency (38.2%) reported fewer malaria episodes during the past year, which demonstrates the importance of the recommended washing frequency in the effective use of the nets. CONCLUSIONS: Our study promotes the idea that, in addition to pursuing high coverage of LLITNs, more effort should be made to ensure that nets are kept in good condition in future LLITN programmes.  相似文献   

In malaria endemic villages of the Indian State of Orissa, the impact of bednets treated with lambdacyhalothrin at 25 mg/m2 on malaria vectors was assessed during a 3-year intervention trial beginning in May 1990. The main malaria vector was Anopheles culicifacies with a small contribution from Anopheles fluviatilis. The impregnated bednets caused a significant reduction in vector density as assessed by morning indoor resting catches, man-biting rate, light trapping, the proportion of females engorged with human blood, and the parity rate as compared with villages with untreated or no nets. No statistically significant difference was observed in these parameters between the villages with untreated nets or no nets. The trial demonstrated that the lambdacyhalothrin-treated nets were highly effective against the malaria vectors.  相似文献   

An intervention trial was undertaken in a rural area of The Gambia to assess the impact on malaria morbidity of the use of bed nets. Bed nets were allocated at random among a group of 16 Fula hamlets, where they were previously rarely used. The incidence of febrile episodes with associated malaria parasitaemias throughout the rainy season and the prevalence of splenomegaly and parasitaemia at the end of the rainy season were determined in 233 children aged 1-9 years who slept under bed nets and in 163 children who did not. Bed nets were used correctly by the children in the study cohort, but direct observations showed that a significant number of children left their nets for a period during the night. There was no significant difference in the incidence of clinical attacks of malaria or in any other malariometric measurement between the 2 groups. Thus, bed nets were not effective in reducing malaria morbidity in this group of children. The apparent protection from bed nets demonstrated in previous retrospective surveys may have been due to an increased number of infective bites being received by exposed individuals sleeping close to users of bed nets.  相似文献   

A trial of permethrin-treated nets (PTNs) versus untreated nets (UTNs) was conducted in Pitoa (north Cameroon), where the main malaria vectors, Anopheles gambiae s.l. and Anopheles arabiensis, show metabolic-based permethrin resistance. The deterrent effect of permethrin greatly reduced A. gambiae biting rate inside rooms where PTNs were installed. After 3 months of net use, malaria reinfection rate was significantly lower in children sleeping under a PTN, but no such effect was observed after 6 months. Parasitaemia was not significantly different between the two arms. These findings suggest good, although transitory, personal protection against malaria conferred by PTNs in an area of metabolic-based permethrin resistance.  相似文献   

A village-scale trial on the efficacy of mosquito nets treated with a tablet formulation of deltamethrin (K-OTAB) against malaria in comparison to untreated nets or no net was conducted in Sundargarh District of Orissa, India, which is characterized by perennial transmission with Plasmodium falciparum accounting for more than 80% of malaria cases. Three villages with similar topographical and epidemiological situations were selected and randomly assigned to 3 arms of the study: treated net, untreated net, and no net. Distribution of nets, based on a sleeping pattern survey, was carried out to cover 100% of the population in treated-net and untreated-net villages. Longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys were conducted to measure malaria incidence, prevalence, and splenomegaly. Malaria incidence was reduced by 64.3% in the village with treated nets, 45.2% in the village with plain nets, and 21.4% in the control village without nets. Comparison of malaria incidence data after 1 year of intervention showed significant difference between villages with treated net vs. untreated net (P < 0.05) and treated net vs. no net (P < 0.005). The incidence of clinical attack rate due to P. falciparum was significantly lower in the population using treated nets than in those using untreated nets and no nets. However, no age-specific protective efficacy of treated nets or untreated nets was observed. A significant reduction occurred in spleen rate and parasite rate in children aged 2-9 years using treated nets or untreated nets. An overall significant reduction was found in parasite rate in the total population using treated and untreated nets as compared to nonusers.  相似文献   

In a study carried out in the Ghassreghand Division (Baluchistan, Iran) from March through November 1995, efficacy of cyfluthrin-impregnated bednets was compared to that of untreated nets, in relation to malaria control. Ten villages with a total population of 4,572 and 3 villages with a total population of 1,935 were used as treatment and control, respectively. The collection, impregnation (target dosage of 40 mg active ingredient [AI]/m2), and redistribution of the nets (9% nylon, 52% light cotton, 30% medium cotton, and 9% heavy cotton), carried out in mid-April, were done by local health workers, supervised by the senior research staff. Anopheles culicifacies was considered to be the main vector of malaria in the named area. This species is mainly zoophilic, endophilic, and exophagic. The initial uptake of the insecticide was lower than the target dosage, with high variation (nylon, 12.5 +/- 5.4 mg AI/m2; light cotton, 33.3 +/- 26.1 mg AI/m2; medium cotton, 25.9 +/- 20 mg AI/m2; heavy cotton, 17.6 +/- 12.5 mg AI/m2). The use of impregnated mosquito nets (used primarily outside) had no significant effect on the incidence of malaria. No difference was detected in the parasite density of patients with positive slides. No significant effect was observed in the parous rate, human blood index, and sporozoite rate of anopheline vectors. Only the indoor resting densities of An. culicifacies and other malaria vectors were drastically reduced after the introduction of the cyfluthrin-impregnated nets into the treatment villages. The residual activity of cyfluthrin was lower than expected. The mortality of anophelines brought in contact with the treated nets for 3 min in bioassays dropped to less than 55% in 3 months. The loss of chemical activity was greatest for the light cotton nets, followed by the medium cotton nets. Cyfluthrin-treated nets were mildly irritating to host-seeking female anophelines in the laboratory. The protective rate of impregnation (all fabric kinds included) in preventing female mosquitoes from biting through the impregnated nets was initially 5-6 times that of the nonimpregnated nets. The study did not detect any significant difference between the use of untreated versus impregnated bednets in the Ghassreghand area. In planning future medium-scale trials, comparison of new compounds and formulations to the more widely used pyrethroids such as permethrin and deltamethrin is highly recommended.  相似文献   

In Indian villages with high malaria endemicity use of nylon bednets treated at 25 mg/m2 at 6-month intervals for 3 years caused significant reductions in malaria incidence, slide positivity rate, slide falciparum rate, annual parasite index, and parasite rate in the entire population, as well as reductions in rates of splenomegaly and anemia in children. In villages with untreated nets, considerable reduction also occurred in these parameters except for the rate of splenomegaly. In the village without nets, a relatively small drop occurred in the parasite rate and anemia but no change occurred in malaria incidence, and an increase occurred in the rate of splenomegaly. The trial thus showed the efficacy of impregnated bednets against malaria in the forested hills of Orissa State where the existing control strategy based on indoor residual spraying of DDT has remained incapable of interrupting malaria transmission.  相似文献   

Between 1992 and 1995 a series of studies was undertaken to assess the long-term suitability of pyrethroid-impregnated bednets (PIBs) for malaria control in Afghan refugee communities in two villages in North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan. During 1992, 86% of bednet owners volunteered to have their bednets re-impregnated, and a further 15% of families purchased nets at two-thirds of cost price. From 1992 onwards, 27% of the villagers returned to Afghanistan, and annual house spraying campaigns were introduced to protect those still resident but sleeping without bednets. Within 3 years, these campaigns, together with PIBs, reduced the annual incidence of malaria by 87%, from 597 to 78 cases per 1000 population. Nevertheless, 65% of resident families continued to re-impregnate their nets annually with permethrin. To assess whether PIBs were still being used and were still protective, in view of these reduced transmission rates, we carried out a case--control study in 1994 on febrile or otherwise symptomatic patients presenting at village health centres. Comparison of the slide-positivity rates of PIB users and those without bednets showed that regular usage reduced the odds of contracting falciparum and vivax malaria to 0.22 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.09-0.55) and 0.31 (95% CI: 0.19-0.51), respectively. There was no evidence of a sex- or age-bias in bednet use or in protective effect. The results indicate that a community-based PIB programme is an appropriate malaria control measure in areas where management or security problems make traditional house-spraying campaigns impossible. A relevant finding for those involved in the monitoring of bednet distribution projects is that the local coverage of bednets and the local impact on malaria, even when introduced to remote areas, can be estimated very cheaply by health centre microscopists who simply catalogue blood film diagnoses according to patients'' bednet use practices.  相似文献   

The use of pyrethroids to impregnate mosquito nets has had a good impact on the incidence of morbidity and mortality from malaria. These nets are therefore likely to be used on a large scale as an important strategy of malaria control in the future. Published information on the cost and effectiveness of mosquito nets is presented and analysed. In two examples, from Malawi and Cameroon, the per household expenditure to purchase and use impregnated mosquito nets compares favourably with the costs of malaria. Thus, we expect that the economic losses from malaria would be reduced by 37.3% over a 3-year period in Malawi. Even if the impact of malaria on productivity is not taken into account, the introduction of nets will result in gains, as shown in Cameroon; savings of 9.3% and 11.2% in two places resulted as a consequence of a diminished need for case treatment. The role of government programmes in the promotion of bednets is indirect and concerned mainly with facilitation and the dissemination of information. Much depends on the capability of the private sector and the willingness of the target population to buy the nets for a programme to be effective. Specific studies by health economists on this subject are lacking.  相似文献   

Do untreated bednets protect against malaria?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Bednets are thought to offer little, if any, protection against malaria, unless treated with insecticide. There is also concern that the use of untreated nets will cause people sleeping without nets to receive more mosquito bites, and thus increase the malaria risk for other community members. Regular retreatment of nets is therefore viewed as critical for malaria control. However, despite good uptake of nets, many control programmes in Africa have reported low re-treatment rates. We investigated whether untreated bednets had any protective benefit (in October and November 1996) in The Gambia where nets, although widely used, are mostly untreated. Cross-sectional prevalence surveys were carried out in 48 villages and the risk of malaria parasitaemia was compared in young children sleeping with or without nets. Use of an untreated bednet in good condition was associated with a significantly lower prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum infection (51% protection [95% CI 34-64%], P < 0.001). This finding was only partly explained by differences in wealth between households, and children in the poorest households benefited most from sleeping under an untreated net (62% protection [14-83%], P = 0.018). There was no evidence that mosquitoes were diverted to feed on children sleeping without nets. These findings suggest that an untreated net, provided it is in relatively good condition, can protect against malaria. Control programmes should target the poorest households as they may have the most to gain from using nets.  相似文献   



This study aimed at determining the prevalence of malaria and anemia among children in rural community of Okada, Edo State Nigeria, as well as to assess the level of use of Insecticide treated bed nets and its impact on prevalence of malaria and anemia among study population.


Thick blood films from 226 children with signs and symptoms of malaria in Okada community were stained and examined for presence of malaria parasites. Hemoglobin concentration of all children was also determined using standard method.


A total of 185 (81.9%) children were infected with malaria parasite. Malaria parasitaemia was significantly affected by age (P =0.003). A significantly higher number of positive cases of malaria and anemia was observed in rainy season as compared to dry season (P<0.05). The prevalence of anemia in children was 47.3%. Malaria was a risk factor for development of anemia in children (OR=2.551; 95% CI=1.227, 5.305; P=0.015). Use of insecticide treated bed nets was recorded in 11(4.9%) of children studied, and did not significantly reduce the prevalence of malaria and anemia. However among malaria parasite infected children, its use significantly reduced the prevalence of anemia (OR=0.126; 95%CI=0.015, 1.047; P=0.031).


Malaria and anemia among children was high malaria intervention progammes by relevant agencies is strongly advocated.  相似文献   

A 3-year entomological study was carried out on the transmission of malaria in a village of 900 inhabitants in a rice-growing area of Burkina Faso. In the study area inhabitants use bed nets to protect themselves from mosquito bites. In the first year of the study, baseline data were collected; in the second year, the village was divided in two parts and all the bed nets in the southern part were sprayed with deltamethrin (25 mg/m2); and in the third year, all the bed nets in both parts of the village were sprayed. The inoculation rate was estimated by hand collection of mosquitos on human volunteers who were not protected by bed nets. The overall inoculation rate in the first year was 55 infected bites per person and was higher in the southern than in the northern part of the village. During the second year the rate increased to 70 bites per person on average (but was slightly lower than this in the southern part of the village). During the third year, the inoculation rate fell to three infected bites per year, i.e., a reduction of 94% compared with the first year. This reduction arose primarily because of a marked decrease in the sporozoitic index and a lower density of vectors. Thus, use of pyrethroid-impregnated bed nets by all members of the community appears to be a major tool in preventing transmission of malaria.  相似文献   



To date, there is no effective vaccine or no effective drug for mass chemoprophylaxis against malaria. Thus, proper know-how and use of prevention methods is crucial. This study aims to assess the knowledge and practice of malaria prevention methods among the residents of Arba Minch area, Southern Ethiopia.


A community-based cross-sectional study that utilized a two-stage sampling was conducted from January 22 to February 1, 2007 on a sample of 454 household heads or their deputies. SPSS 16 for windows was used for data analysis. Chi-square and Fisher''s exact probability tests were used to assess the association of selected variables with place of residence.


Majority (86.8%) of the respondents mentioned fever as a symptom of malaria, and 98.2% of the respondents reported mosquito bite as the cause of malaria. Three hundred and eighty four (84.6%) of the respondents mentioned mosquito nets as protective measures against mosquito bites. The protective measure mostly used by the respondents or other household members in the last 12 months was mosquito net (73.3%) followed by aerosol insecticide (13%) with the former being used more in rural areas and the latter in urban areas.


The study subjects'' awareness regarding the cause, symptoms and preventive measures of malaria was high. Use of mosquito net as protective measure against mosquito bites in the last 12 months was high. However, use of other preventive measures was low. Behavioral change communication is required to increase the use of other preventive measures along with mosquito nets.  相似文献   

A school-based study was carried out to assess the knowledge on malaria and its prevention among children in Kyela District, south-western, Tanzania in August-September 2004. A total of 400 schoolchildren (age = 10-20 years) from four schools were selected. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data on knowledge on malaria transmission, methods of prevention, source of information and use of mosquito nets. More than 85% of the respondents were knowledgeable on malaria and preventive measures. Sources of information about malaria and its control were mainly from their teachers (47.4%), print materials (21.9%), family members (20.4%), television and radio (7.3%) and medical personnel (2.2.%). The perceived best control measures were untreated nets (32.1%), treated nets (21.4%), environmental management (25.7%) and burning mosquito coils and insect repellents (20.8%). Availability of mosquito nets was relatively high (70%), but only 38% of the pupils were using insecticide treated nets (ITNs). Low ITN use was due to its unavailability (57.5%), cost (35%) and foul smell and fear of side effects (7.5%). These findings suggest schoolchildren are aware about malaria and its prevention methods, but are not well-informed of the benefits of using ITNs. More education and advocacies on use of ITNs to parents and children is needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Case-control studies have been proposed as an appropriate tool for health impact evaluation of insecticide-treated nets (ITN) programmes. METHODS: A dispensary-based case-control study was carried out in one village in Tanzania. Each case of fever and parasitaemia in a child under 5 years was paired with one community and one dispensary control without fever and parasitaemia. Cases and controls were compared with regard to ITN ownership and other factors assessed by a questionnaire. A cross-sectional survey of factors associated with parasitaemia, including ITN use, was carried out during the study. Dispensary attendance rates of the study children were calculated using passive case detection data. RESULTS: Cases and dispensary controls had higher dispensary attendance rates compared to community controls and children with nets attended more for most of the illness events. A comparison of cases and community controls showed a strong and statistically significant association between untreated net use and being a case (odds ratio [OR] = 2.1, 95% CI : 1.3-3.4). For those with ITN there was a smaller and weaker association between risk of being a case and ITN use (OR =1.4, 95% CI : 0.9-2.2). Comparison of cases and dispensary controls showed no association between untreated or treated nets and the risk of being a case (for treated nets OR = 0.9, 95% CI : 0.5-1.4 and for untreated nets OR = 1.2, 95% CI : 0.7-2.0). These results are contrary to those from the cross-sectional assessment, where children with ITN had a lower prevalence of parasitaemia than those with no nets (OR = 0.5, 95% CI : 0.3-0.9), and also contrary to other assessments of the health impact of ITN in this population. CONCLUSIONS:The positive association between mild malaria and net ownership is counter-intuitive and best explained by attendance bias, since children with nets attended more frequently for all curative and preventive services at the dispensary than those without nets. Dispensary-based case-control studies may not be appropriate for assessing impact of treated nets on clinical malaria, while cross-sectional surveys might represent an attractive alternative.  相似文献   

Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) have been advocated as an effective tool against malaria transmission. However, success of this community based intervention largely depends on the knowledge and practice regarding malaria and its prevention. According to the national strategy plan on evaluation of LLINs (Olyset nets), this study was conducted to determine the perceptions and practices about malaria and to improve use of LLINs in Bashagard district, one of the important foci of malaria in southeast Iran. The study area comprised 14 villages that were randomized in two clusters and designated as LLINs and untreated nets. Each of households in both clusters received two bed nets by the free distribution and delivery. After one month quantitative data collection method was used to collect information regarding the objectives of the study. On the basis of this information, an educational program was carried out in both areas to increase motivation for use of bed nets. Community knowledge and practice regarding malaria and LLIN use assessed pre- and post-educational program. The data were analyzed using SPSS ver.16 software. At baseline, 77.5% of respondents in intervention and 69.4 % in control area mentioned mosquito bite as the cause of malaria, this awareness increased significantly in intervention (90.3%) and control areas (87.9%), following the educational program. A significant increase also was seen in the proportion of households who used LLINs the previous night (92.5%) compared with untreated nets (87.1%). Educational status was an important predictor of LLINs use. Regular use of LLIN was considerably higher than the targeted coverage (80%) which recommended by World Heaths Organization. About 81.1% and 85.3% of respondents from LLIN and control areas reported that mosquito nuisance and subsequent malaria transmission were the main determinants of bed net use. These findings highlight a need for educational intervention in implementation of long-lasting insecticidal nets; this should be considered in planning and decision-making in the national malaria control program during the next campaigns of LLINs in Iran.  相似文献   

A trial was undertaken in a rural area of The Gambia to investigate the impact of permethrin-treated bed nets on malaria. Two groups of children, matched for age, sex, and malaria exposure, were followed through the rainy season of 1985 for illness and febrile episodes. One group of 205 children slept under permethrin-treated bed nets (0.5 g/m2); 184 children who slept under placebo-treated nets formed the control group. At the end of the rains the children were examined for splenomegaly and blood samples were taken for determination of packed cell volume (PCV) and parasitaemia. Permethrin treatment of bed nets was well accepted and was without side-effects. Children who slept under treated nets had significantly fewer episodes of clinical malaria than control children. However, at the end of the rains there was no significant difference in the prevalence of splenomegaly or parasitaemia or in the mean PCV between the groups. It is suggested that permethrin treatment of nets may have a greater effect on the duration of probing by mosquitoes for a blood meal than on the number of bites received.  相似文献   

Pyrethroid resistance is becoming widespread in Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes, coinciding with expanded use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) throughout Africa. To investigate whether nets in use are still protective, we conducted household trials in northern and southern Benin, where An. gambiae mosquitoes are susceptible and resistant, respectively, to pyrethroids. Rooms were fitted with window traps and monitored for mosquito biting and survival rates before and after the nets were treated with pyrethroid. Sleeping under an ITN in the location with resistant mosquitoes was no more protective than sleeping under an untreated net, regardless of its physical condition. By contrast, sleeping under an ITN in the location with susceptible mosquitoes decreased the odds of biting by 66%. ITNs provide little or no protection once the mosquitoes become resistant and the netting acquires holes. Resistance seriously threatens malaria control strategies based on ITN.  相似文献   

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