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多功能验光试镜装置的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种多功能验光试镜装置的设计和应用。通过比较,得出该试镜装置对于传统器械具有的优势。在可调散光轴位、可调瞳距、可调镜腿、可调鼻托方面更方便、简捷,且重量轻更加契合人体生理特点,进一步满足临床对眼镜度数的检查需要。最后提出了一些改进意见。  相似文献   

目的强调医学验光是矫正视力、明确屈光不正的主要方法,应熟练掌握和使用多功能验光试镜装置,提高验光水平。方法比较多功能验光试镜装置与传统验光试镜箱以及综合验光仪在验光检测与机械调节方面所具有的优势。结果医学验光通常是在客观验光的基础上,对客观验光结果进行精细的调整,以更符合被测者的视觉要求,多功能验光试镜装置在散光轴位、瞳距、镜腿、鼻托调节方面更加方便、简捷,不但契合人体的生理特点、体积小、重量轻,而且验光功能全而,能较好地满足临床验光检查的需要。结论多功能验光试镜装置多种检查功能于一体,可替代综合验光仪和普通试镜架,它不但能检查球镜屈光度,还能正确查出散光度数和散光轴向,此外,还能对眼位调节情况作出正确的判断,熟练掌握和使用多功能验光试镜装置,是提高验光水平、实现医学验光的关键措施。  相似文献   

目的 为解决验光试镜过程中客观检影结果与主观感觉难以符合问题,我们按着自然,自觉,客观的原则,设计了一种‘自控动态散光轴向测定仪'.方法 在视力表灯箱上开窗安装-个圆盘,盘上设两个光标,圆盘由微电机带动,作180.旋转,由患者手持控制键.为检验该测定仪的效果,我们将门诊验光患者100列200只眼分别应用客观检影验光,该仪器验光,最后试镜.结果 该测定仪测定结果与患者试镜符合率100%.结论 该仪器在自然,主觉,客观,的状态下有效的解决了客观结果与主观感觉不符合的矛盾,使得验光测定散光轴向非常便捷.  相似文献   

为了解与验光配镜密切相关的试镜架、试镜片、电脑验光仪等公用物品的细菌污染状况,我们于1997年8月对这些物品的细菌污染状况进行了调查。1对象与方法1.1对象:随机抽取城区内12家眼镜店的对付试镜架,36块试镜片,3台电脑验光仪。1.2方法:用无菌棉签以涂抹的方法采样。其中对试镜架的鼻托及镜腿与人体皮肤接触处采样,每支镜腿采样长scm;对试镜片的屈光部分两面同时全部采样,采样面积415CmZ;对电脑验光仪与人体额头接触处采样,采样面积25Cm2。1.3检验方法:按《消毒技术规范》中“微生物污染监测技术”执行。2结果试镜架鼻托、…  相似文献   

曹阳 《大众医学》2010,(2):75-75
小刘是一名大三学生,患红斑狼疮性肾病2年多,内科医生建议她长期服用激素治疗。通过坚持治疗,她的病情还算稳定。可最近几个月来,小刘发现自己上课时看黑板越来越吃力,以为是近视度数加深了,就跑到眼镜店,打算换副新眼镜。可无论验光师怎么给她试镜,视力都没法矫正。到医院一查,眼科医生很奇怪地问她,怎么这么年轻就有白内障啦,而且是双眼发病。  相似文献   

目的为了研究脉冲噪声对机体的生物效应,我们研制了高强度可调脉冲噪声发生器,它由脉冲控制器、固态继电器、电磁阀和气流扬声器等几部分组成。方法利用该装置进行了脉冲噪声不同宽度对豚鼠听觉系统损伤程度影响的研究。结果高强度可调脉冲噪声发生器具有体积小、使用方便、几个参数可调等优点。结论试验显示,动物的听力损失随着脉冲宽度的增加而加重,组间差异显著。耳蜗毛细胞的缺失范围和缺失率也随脉冲宽度的增加而增大。建议在制订脉冲噪声卫生标准时应考虑长脉宽(如100ms以上)的不同宽度的作用。  相似文献   

正有的家长带着孩子到诊室对医生说,我的孩子没有其他毛病,就是来简单验光配副眼镜。其实,验光配镜并不是检查视力、电脑验光、插片试镜这么简单。一次合格的医学验光,需要眼科医师、视光师、特检技师通力合作才能共同完成。  相似文献   

目的 为满足医疗活动中快速病理诊断的需要而研制快速冰冻切片机。方法 由病理医师联合制冷业、电控业、机械加工业的有关人员共同设计、研制适合于本国国情的经济实用的快速病理制片用机械。结果 该快速冰冻切片机性能可靠、外形美观。冷箱温度为0--30℃可调,冷台为0--45℃可调。切片厚度为3-10μm可调。  相似文献   

可调钠透析减少低血压及失衡综合征的临床护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
低血压和透析失衡综合征是血透中两个常见并发症,患者常表现头痛、恶心呕吐、抽搐等症状,使患者对血透的耐受能力下降,影响血透生活质量。近年来国内外开展可调钠透析能维持透析中较高的血钠水平,减少失衡综合征和低血压的发生。我院通过可调钠透析预防低血压和失衡综合征,现报告如下。  相似文献   

戴南平 《中国校医》2000,14(5):380-381
我校门诊部对新生体检视力采用阿托品松弛调节进行验光 ,并问卷调查 ,以探讨大学新生近视类型 ,以及调节因素和近视相关因素对其近视各阶段的作用和影响。1 对象与方法1.1 对象 本组为近 3年南京医科大学大学生入学体检的所有近视患者 ,远视力低于 1.0、近视力正常、无散光或散光在0 .5 0D以下 ,小瞳孔检影与试镜为近视 ,共 2 2 0例。年龄在 16~18岁之间 ,平均 17.5岁 ,屈光度为 -0 .5 0~ -8.0 0D ,平均为 2 .75D。 -5 .0 0D以下者占 90 % ,病程为半年~ 7年 ,平均为 2 .5年。1.2 方法  对每例患者先作小瞳孔检影及试镜 ,再任选…  相似文献   

Optometry in a Hospital Setting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was designed to determine the extent to which optometry has been integrated within the hospital delivery system in New York State and to determine the types of services rendered by optometrists in governmental and non-governmental hospitals. A survey was developed and sent to all hospitals in the State to assess which hospitals provided eye care and whether optometrists were on staff. The number of optometrists affiliated with a hospital has increased from 27% in 1978 to 43% in 2003. Virtually all (90%) of city, county, and federal government hospitals used optometrists as compared to 32% of voluntary hospitals. Optometrists were found to provide a full range of medical ocular services including treatment. Given the cost savings of using optometrists, hospitals should consider integrating this profession into their primary eye care services.  相似文献   

娄丽萍  王平 《中国妇幼保健》2012,27(30):4791-4794
目的:研究双眼屈光不正性弱视患者单纯屈光矫正后的治疗效果。方法:根据国内最新弱视诊断标准,对确诊为双眼屈光不正性弱视患者58例(116只眼)使用1%硫酸阿托品眼用凝胶点双眼,睫状肌麻痹后验光,按MPMVA原则根据患者年龄并结合患者眼位(隐斜)给予全矫或保留生理性的远视度数,散光足矫,然后随访追踪患者戴镜后3、6个月及1年时的视力。结果:屈光矫正3个月时视力达到同龄儿童视力参考值下限的有57只眼(49.1%),6个月时有84只眼(72.4%),1年时有102只眼(87.9%)。随访1年时视力平均提高(3.59±2.04)行,其中视力提高≥2行的弱视眼占90.5%(105只眼);100.0%(38只眼)中度远视患者、82.4%(28只眼)高度远视患者、83.3%(30只眼)远视散光患者以及75.0%(6只眼)混合散光患者达到同龄儿童视力参考值下限,50.0%(9只眼)≥8岁患者视力达1.0。结论:多数屈光不正性弱视患者仅通过单纯屈光矫正治疗可取得良好的治疗效果,准确的验光和正确的屈光矫正方法是提高这类弱视患者视力的关键。  相似文献   

目的:探讨微计算机控制视力检测仪的原理与临床应用。方法:采用微计算机控制视力检测仪,其由单片机、手柄和液晶显示屏构成,手柄具有上下左右方向等功能键,根据手柄上的按键选取随机出现视标“E”朝向的正确与否来检测视力。结果:其具有操作简单、结果准确、体积小、便于携带、使用方便、交直流两用等优点,防止了人为因素造成的测试结果不准和被测者记忆视力表的现象。结论:该仪器在各个方面优点突出,可广泛应用于医院、学校、各单位及家庭。  相似文献   

目的 探讨开封市学龄前儿童屈光异常情况及其影响因素,为指导儿童眼保健提供依据. 方法 采取整群随机抽样方法抽取25所幼儿园7 862例3~6岁儿童进行屈光度筛查,屈光异常者进一步检查诊治;同时以问卷形式进行屈光异常影响因素调查分析. 结果 (1)屈光异常者中共散瞳验光1 733例,确诊弱视81.3%.弱视屈光类型远视、近视、混合散光分别为75.9%、5.2%、18.9%.3年变化趋势为,远视成分逐年降低,近视有所增加,尤其混合散光所占比例明显增加.(2)影响屈光异常有母亲孕期的烟酒接触史、胎龄、窒息史及出生体重、家族史、父母眼保健知识及收入状况、视电子视频产品及户外活动的时间和开夜灯睡眠. 结论 加强婚前遗传咨询,重视围产期保健,减少出生缺陷,培养孩子良好的用眼习惯,定期对学龄前儿童进行视力和屈光筛查,早期采取防治措施,对指导儿童眼保健,降低儿童眼病的发生率起重要作用.  相似文献   

主要介绍裂隙灯显微镜起源与发展现状.裂隙灯显微镜的基本结构、工作原理与检查方法.重点突出弥散光线照明法、直接焦点照明法、间接照明法、后部照明法、镜面反射照明法及裂隙灯的滤光片等在视光学检查中的应用,为临床广大的视光从业人员广泛且规范的使用裂隙灯显微镜提供参考。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Unmet expectations are a major cause of client dissatisfaction, yet very little is known about the expectations and health values that clients in optometry practice hold about having an eye examination and purchasing spectacles. This study identified different attitudes and behaviours held by presbyope clients in optometric practices. METHOD: A total of 158 presbyope clients, recruited from 14 practices, completed a questionnaire which was developed from the theory of planned behaviour. The questionnaire examined attitudes towards spectacles and visiting the optician, motivation to visit the optician, perceptions of barriers to attending the opticians, information requirements, and preferences for shared decision-making. Responses were analysed using principal components analysis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Four factors were identified, which were labelled style, vision, avoiding and seeking. Style is concerned with the importance of appearing fashionable or stylish, and desiring approval from others. Vision relates to clients' attitudes towards obtaining clear vision and to maintaining healthy eyesight. Avoiding describes the perceived difficulties associated with visiting the optician and purchasing new spectacles. Seeking corresponds to the desire for information on the technical details of lenses. Practitioners could use these characteristics to tailor information to meet the needs and address the expectations of individual clients. This may make the information provided more personally relevant, and could enhance client satisfaction.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper describes a highly successful pilot program of four audio-teleconferences that was offered in 1993 to optometrists based in rural and regional areas of Queensland. The program represents the first application of such technology for this purpose, either within Australia or overseas. It accessed the facilities of eight of a network of 38 open learning centres across Queensland and comprised an integrated package of three workshops, each of 3 hours duration, covering issues relating to the eye disease, glaucoma, and a stand-alone workshop covering general practice/legal issues. A 'complex directed conference model' of audio-teleconferencing was used, with each workshop incorporating a slide presentation and companion workbook that described individual pre-workshop preparatory activities and was structured to provide a focus for group discussions during the workshop. The program demonstrated audio-teleconferencing to be both a cost- and educationally-effective medium for the delivery of continuing education to a widely distributed audience.  相似文献   

This paper addresses expertise as the foundation of professional boundaries and domains through a comparative study of four eye care occupations in the Netherlands. Claims of expertise are explored with an analysis of whether practitioners believe that expertise is exclusive to their profession. Results show that (a) established professions display a stronger sense of the 'exclusiveness' of expertise; (b) idiosyncratic expertise is more common among encroaching professions than among established ones. These findings substantiate trends towards professionalism, as jurisdictional disputes on professional domains and boundaries usually occur between more established medical professions seeking to protect their knowledge area, and encroaching ones trying to expand theirs. The study next addresses the ways in which claims to expertise influence practitioners' attitudes towards professional status and professional practice. Attitudes to expertise are influenced by age, and affect professional work in the workplace. Practitioners who considered expertise as a collective characteristic were younger, undertook more examinations, more diagnoses, gave more treatments, referred less, and perceived more problems regarding inter-professional recognition of their professional status.  相似文献   

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