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【目的】 调研期刊同行评议现状,分析评议专家审稿行为的影响因素,为提高我国科技期刊同行评议的效率与质量提供借鉴。【方法】 基于传统同行评议模式,以审稿专家为研究对象,对专家同行评议培训的需求、愿意参与期刊同行评议的原因、拒绝审稿的原因及认可的同行评议激励机制4个方面进行问卷调查。【结果】 目前我国科学家参与同行评议培训的程度低而专家的同行评议培训需求却较高,参与调研的88.03%的专家认为参加期刊同行评议是科学家的职责,专家拒绝审稿主要是因为研究领域不符、文章质量不高及没有时间等,专家认可的激励方式主要包括加入期刊候选编委团队、为他们搭建学术交流平台及优秀审稿人认证及表彰。【结论】 期刊编辑部可以从丰富同行评议培训方式、细分专家研究领域、多途径扩大审稿专家库、规范同行评议流程、健全同行评议激励机制及提高编辑学术社交能力6个方面来提升同行评议的效率及质量。  相似文献   

【目的】 引入透明性同行评议这一新兴概念,对其边界进行界定,并建构相应的发展框架,提出实践对策。【方法】 使用案例分析和文献搜集的方法,总结透明性同行评议的特点、现状以及存在的问题,并在此基础上提出透明性同行评议的构建框架。【结果】 透明性同行评议解决了开放式同行评议中存在的基本问题,即作者发表论文的需求和评议专家保护隐私的需要,因此,透明性同行评议是理想与现实的结合,更具实践优势。【结论】 透明性同行评议涉及作者、评议专家、编辑、读者,以及科研机构评价体系等主体。在透明性同行评议的探索过程中,应该继续坚持多元合作的原则,将同行评议的改良工作扩展到更多的主体当中。  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨开放同行评议对作者、评审专家和编辑的要求及其对策,提出适合我国期刊的初始开放同行评议模式。 【方法】 分析现行同行评议模式,从作者、评审专家以及编辑角度分析各个主体需要面对的问题以及解决策略,提出试行开放同行评议模式的流程。 【结果】 同行评议模式各有利弊,期刊可以采取开放同行评议模式,有效监督学术不端问题,避免人情稿、关系稿,也可以加大对作者、评审专家和编辑的监督力度,使评议模式透明化、公开化。试行开放同行评议时暂不透露评审专家和作者信息,仅公开稿件的审稿意见以及作者回复,然后逐步开放同行评议,并不断完善开放同行评议制度,最终形成适合中国实际情况的开放同行评议模式。 【结论】 在科技期刊繁荣的背景下,改革同行评议模式势在必行,中国学术期刊需要探索并试行适合我国实际情况的开放同行评议,以便不断提高学术质量。  相似文献   

【目的】调查和比较国内外几种同行评议的回报模式,为国内期刊对评审专家所给予的回报提出一些建议,以期能激励专家的评审行为,并提升期刊的同行评议进程。【方法】 调研了国内外期刊为专家提供同行评议回报的相关文献。【结果】 各种回报模式有其自身特性,都可以较好地激发专家评审的积极性,其中知识回报和精神回报可能更能得到专家的青睐。【结论】 期刊需采取措施促进自身发展,来尽力发挥精神回报和知识回报对专家的激励作用,同时国家应出台一些措施来肯定专家在同行评议中的贡献,促使专家为期刊提供更好更优质的评审服务,促进期刊的发展。  相似文献   

对北京市朝阳区生活垃圾分类系统的监督管理内容进行系统疏理,构建垃圾分类管理体系框架;用专家打分法与层次分析相结合的方法,对各层次影响因子赋予权重。  相似文献   

【目的】 基于开放同行评议内涵及类型的理论分析,调研专家的接受度,提出专家接受度高且正面影响大的开放同行评议类型,以加快开放同行评议实践进程,并改变办刊主体对开放同行评议的认知偏差。【方法】 利用逻辑学的概念界定方法探析开放同行评议的理论内涵及类型;在此基础上,利用问卷调查揭示评审专家对不同类型开放同行评议的接受度及评价。【结果】 专家对开放同行评议接受度的差异较大。其中,向专家匿名公开审阅同篇稿件的其他专家意见、在网络平台以匿名身份公开评价稿件且可互动,期刊对外匿名公开专家全部审稿意见及各提交时间点三种类型的接受度较高,且被认为对审稿过程产生的正面影响大。公开专家身份尤其是向作者公开,被认为是负面影响大的模式。【结论】 学术期刊可尝试专家接受度高且可操作性强的开放同行评议类型,包括同篇稿件专家互相匿名公开意见,通过官网或社交媒体匿名公开全部意见,循序渐进扩展到开放特征更显著的其他类型,逐步增强同行评议的开放性,推进同行评议的高质量发展。  相似文献   

探讨同行评议在科技期刊应用过程中出现一些非公正性、非客观性和非合理性因素,通过对这些因素的正确认识和具体分析,科技期刊编辑部可根据自身情况建立同行评议专家资格审查制、动态同行评议专家数据库、同行评议专家回避制等,采取各种方式选择最优秀的同行评议专家,避免或最大可能减少同行评议过程中所产生的偏倚,完善我国科技期刊的同行评议制度,提高科技期刊质量。  相似文献   

【目的】了解国际科技期刊在开放评议和双盲评议方面的实践,探索这两种评议方式的优缺点及对科技期刊质量控制的价值。【方法】对国际科技期刊实行开放评议和双盲评议的案例进行调研,如BMC系列期刊、F1000Research、Nature系列期刊等。【结果】有越来越多的期刊在尝试这两种方式,它们在减少传统单盲评议的偏见方面发挥了一定作用,但也带来了新的问题。【结论】开放评议和双盲评议适合于不同类型的期刊。期刊应根据自身的学科特点、学术定位来选择适合自己的同行评议方式,并在实践中不断评估,对之进行适当的调整。  相似文献   

【目的】 基于国际表征学习会议(International Conference on Learning Representations,ICLR)同行评议的文本分析,利用自然语言处理方法探索同行评议中审稿意见效用的评估方法。【方法】 首先定义审稿效用的概念,然后对审稿文本进行标注,应用表示学习与深度学习模型提出一种审稿效用度智能识别方法。【结果】 所提出的智能识别方法能够快速、有效地进行分析,获得审稿文本的效用度。负面审稿意见以及录用论文对应的审稿意见的审稿效用更高,论文水平与审稿专家经验是审稿效用的重要决定因素,中国审稿专家的审稿水平可能与世界平均水平相当。【结论】 应用审稿效用度智能识别方法能够及时发现异常的审稿文本,辅助编委和编辑做出审稿最终决定,改善同行评议评价结果,进而健全同行评议机制。  相似文献   

常唯  袁境泽 《浙江预防医学》2020,31(10):1181-203
【目的】 了解国际学术出版领域同行评议的现状、进展、发展特点,把握其发展方向与脉络,为国内学术期刊同行评议的发展提供参考和借鉴。【方法】 以案例分析为主线,辅之以文献调研、比较分析的方法,对国际学术出版领域同行评议实践进行探索,分析其发展特点,探究其趋势和规律。【结果】 国际学术出版领域同行评议呈现多样化发展的趋势,同行评议参与主体多元化、组织形式多样化,多边合作不断加深,人工智能等新技术的应用日益广泛,对同行评议的认证和激励机制日益完善,对审稿人的同行评议技能培训更加全面、系统,对同行评议中的学术失当行为的监督和惩戒力度不断增强。【结论】 同行评议各方参与者正协同努力,通过流程再造、理念渗透、智能技术应用、政策法规指导、专业技能培育,不断提高同行评议的质量、效率、透明度、公信力,使同行评议专家更好地发挥学术出版质量把关者的作用。未来,同行评议将继续扮演学术出版质量控制的重要角色。随着理念的提升、技术的进步、操作的规范、开放科学实践的深入发展,同行评议必将向着更加客观、公平、透明、智能的趋势发展。  相似文献   

The vascular macrophyte Typha latifolia Linnaeus (common cattail) may be a sentinel for evaluating potential phytotoxicity to rooted aquatic macrophytes in aquatic systems. To further evaluate the potential utility of this species, T. latifolia seed germination, shoot growth, and root elongation were measured in 7-day aqueous exposures using mean measured aqueous copper concentrations of 10.0, 23, 41, 62, 174, and 402 μg Cu/L, which were ≥ 62% of nominal concentrations. Seed germination and seedling shoot growth were not significantly affected by any of these copper concentrations as compared to controls. Mean measured no-observed-effect-concentration (NOEC) and lowest-observed-effect-concentration (LOEC) for root elongation were 18.6 μg Cu/L and 35.0 μg Cu/L, respectively. Seven-day sediment tests were conducted by amending uncontaminated sediments with copper sulfate to mean measured concentrations of 7.9, 17.1, 21.0, 51.2, 89.5, and 173.5 mg Cu/kg, which were ≥ 84% of nominal concentrations. Seed germination was not significantly different from controls. Mean measured NOEC and LOEC values for seedling shoot growth were 89.5 mg Cu/kg and 173.5 mg Cu/kg, respectively, and mean measured NOEC and LOEC values for root growth were 14.0 mg Cu/kg and 19.7 mg Cu/kg, respectively. These results demonstrate that T. latifolia early seedling growth can be utilized for assessing aqueous and sediment toxicity of copper. Received: 21 March 2000/Accepted: 28 August 2000  相似文献   

Background: In October 1997 the Department of Health agreed to fund evaluations of 13 weight management projects and offer research training and support for the successful applicants.
Aims: To help the projects develop focused and relevant research questions for their evaluations; to encourage the use of appropriate methods to answer these research questions; and to help the projects set realistic timetables and budgets. A 2-day seminar was held in Oxford and follow up support was available from the seminar tutors.
Methods: A process evaluation was conducted. Semistructured telephone interviews with all seminar participants took place 2 weeks after the seminar and again after the completion of the evaluation reports. An independent assessor compared the original proposals with the final reports.
Results: Eleven projects sent representatives to the seminar. All of the 11 projects that sent representatives to the seminar had subsequent contact with the tutors and submitted final reports in February 1998. The independent assessor concluded that for six projects there was improvement in the research questions and methods which were used and no change for the other five.
Conclusions: Recommendations include amending the selection procedure for funding evaluations and specific suggestions to improve the organization and content of the research training seminar and follow-up support.  相似文献   

贵州省少数民族地区大学生营养知识,态度及行为调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前期的营养调查工作中我们发现大学生营养不平衡。结果显示大学生对营养知识缺乏深入的了解,尤其对营养与疾病的关系缺乏认识,以致多根据自己的爱好和口味或饮食习惯选购食物,结果造成偏食、膳食结构不合理,导致营养不平衡。但学生具有较好的营养态度,愿意接受更多的营养与健康知识。通过营养宣教也表明学生营养知识有所提高,择食摸式也有改进。因此认为对学生加强营养教育是纠正营养不平衡的措施之一,并且应通过多方式、多途径的长期宣传才能收到良好的效果。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The most common way to evaluate the effect of an intervention is to compare the intervention and nonintervention groups regarding the change in the outcome variable between baseline and follow-up; however, there are many different ways to define "changes." The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how different definitions of "change" used in the analysis can influence the results of a study. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Two different randomized controlled trials were used as examples. RESULTS: The results of the analyses showed that for continuous outcome variables, analysis of covariance seems to be the most appropriate because it corrects for the phenomenon of regression to the mean. For dichotomous outcome variables, multinomial logistic regression analysis with all possible changes over time as outcome seems to be the most appropriate, especially because of its straightforward interpretation. CONCLUSION: A different definition of "change" can lead to different results in the evaluation of the effect of an intervention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: BCM correlates significantly with mor tality from other site-specific cancers and cardiovascular diseases for both sexes. These other mortalities could be used as independent biomarkers (predictors) of BCM allowing an evaluation of the importance of common etiological factors. METHODS: BCM (age-adjusted, 45-74 years), obtained around 1992 from 37 countries worldwide, was estimated in multivariate regression to identify the best predictors. RESULTS: Male and female biomarkers predicted BCM with a R(2) of 0.80 and 0. 69, respectively. Strongest correlation was obtained with male colon, prostate, lung, and rectum cancer and female esophagus cancer (R(2) = 0.84, P < 0.0001). The estimated independent mean percentage contribution +/- SD to BCM was 40 +/- 7 from prostate cancer, 38 +/- 9 from male colon, 13 +/- 6 from male lung and rectum cancer combined, and 9 +/- 3 from female esophagus cancer. The regression equation (1992 data) predicted mean BCM in 28 available countries from 1967 to 1991 with a mean error of 5%. BCM in individual countries was also reliably predicted from 1967 to 1991, r = 0.86 to 0.90 (P < 0.0001). In 1953, r was 0.74 (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The evidence suggests a major influence of modifiable environmental factors common to BCM, its biomarkers, and both sexes: most likely nutrition, smoking, and alcohol intake. The results obtained with male data suggest a minor impact of sex-linked risk factors and, until recently, of treatment and early detection on BCM at the population level.  相似文献   



Discussion of the formative program evaluation results of the National Kidney Foundation of Hawai‘i (NKFH) Kidney Early Detection Screening (KEDS) program for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). The formative program evaluation had 921 participants who enrolled in the NKFH KEDS screening program between 2006–2009. The evaluation included 14 KEDS sites in Honolulu, Maui, and Hawai‘i counties.

Main Findings

Based on the results of the formative evaluation, process changes were made to program recruitment, training, and procedure. A majority of participants were women, between 46 and 75 years old. The ethnic groups represented were: White, Japanese, Hawaiian/Part Hawaiian, Filipino, Chinese, Hispanic, and Other. The three most common risk factors identified were: (1) blood relative with diabetes, (2) blood relative with cardiovascular disease, and (3) self-reported high blood pressure. Participants in Hawai‘i County had the highest mean for total risk factors. Ethnicity, gender, and age were significantly associated with selected vital signs, physiological measures, and lab tests. Fourteen percent of KEDS participants had an abnormal albumin:creatinine (A:C) ratio and 12% had an abnormal glomerular filtration rate (GFR), requiring follow-up by a health care professional.

Principal Conclusions

The KEDS formative program evaluation findings improved program planning and implementation. Summative program evaluation and implications for conducting research studies in this area will be the next step in the evaluation process.  相似文献   

【目的】 深入了解期刊利益相关者对期刊质量的意见,显化隐性知识,形成具有共识性的社科学术期刊质量评价维度。【方法】 首先,对受访者开展6轮凯利方格访谈,从访谈资料中挖掘出43个期刊质量评价维度构念。随后,请206位受访者进行构念重要程度打分。汇总整理数据后,剔除平均得分低和解释度不高的构念,对剩余构念采用主成分分析降维。【结果】 最终形成6个具有共识性的社科期刊质量评价维度——规范性、创新性、专业性、重要性、影响力和吸引力,以及一系列子维度。【结论】 6个评价维度可更为全面地反映期刊学术质量,为多维度期刊评价、多维度结果呈现、期刊多元化发展提供支持。  相似文献   

We examined 62 telehealth websites using four assessment criteria: design, literacy, information and telehealth content. The websites came from the member list of the American Telemedicine Association and the Office for the Advancement of Telehealth and partner sites, and were included if they were currently active and at least three clicks deep. Approximately 130 variables were examined for each website by two independent researchers. The websites reviewed contained most of the design variables (mean 74%, SD 6), but fewer of those relating to literacy (mean 26%, SD 6), website information (mean 35%, SD 16) and telehealth content (mean 37%, SD 18). Only 29% of websites encouraged users to ask about telehealth, and 19% contained information on overcoming telehealth barriers. Nonetheless, 84% promoted awareness of telehealth. All evaluation assessments were significantly correlated with each other except for literacy and information. The present study identified various matters that should be addressed when developing telehealth websites. Although much of this represents simple common sense in website design, our evaluation demonstrates that there is still much room for improvement.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) has recently twice amended the framework Council Directive 90/394/CEE on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to carcinogens at work: protective measures were extended to category 1 and 2 mutagens; a new carcinogenic agent was identified in "work involving exposure to hardwood dusts" and three exposure limit values were fixed for carcinogens. The EU Member States are required to incorporate amending Directives into national legislation not later than 29 April 2003. Italy acknowledged these directives by the Decree 66/00 of the 25/2/2000. In this paper the development and the evolution of European legislation in the twenty years from 1980 to 2000 are overviewed: first, occupational exposure limits were defined and introduced for harmful chemicals, then for occupational carcinogens and later three binding limit values for benzene, VCM and hardwood dusts were fixed. The paper attempts to identify the expected problems and advantages that incorporation of the amending Directives will have on the protection of workers from carcinogenic risk.  相似文献   

我国公立医院绩效评价的现状与问题   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
当前我国公立医院一直没能建立起有效的绩效评价体系,一定程度上导致公立医院的低效率运行。本文主要对我国公立医院绩效评价的现状进行分析,对我国常用的绩效评价指标体系进行综述,发现我国公立医院现有绩效评价体系存在的问题,并对构建我国公立医院的绩效评价体系提出一些建议。  相似文献   

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