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王飞  汤少梁  邱英鹏 《安徽医药》2016,37(5):618-621
目的 明确在改革背景下城市公立医院的发展战略。方法 利用SWOT分析城市公立医院在城市公立医院综合改革背景下的发展优势、劣势、机遇和威胁。结果 城市公立医院的优势体现在人才、技术上,劣势是管理体制和运行机制不完善,面临的发展机遇是国家大力推动公立医院改革以及城镇化、疾病谱的改变,威胁是分级诊疗和社会办医的影响。结论 城市公立医院应推动管理体制和运行机制改革,并继续发挥在人才、技术上的优势,将服务定位于危急重症和疑难杂症等高层次医疗服务需求上。  相似文献   

钟超  万春燕  龚晓云 《中国药事》2022,36(12):1438-1442
目的:探讨当前家庭药师服务模式的优缺点及优化方案。方法:通过SWOT法分析中国科学院大学深圳医院(光明)家庭药师服务模式的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战,提出改善策略。结果:中国科学院大学深圳医院(光明)家庭药师服务模式具有较强的可操作性,但尚需建立有效的质量控制体系和效果评价体系,实现全程化闭环管理。结论:通过加强政策支持、优化专业培训、防范过程风险、注重团队建设、提高信息化管理等策略,可有效优化家庭药师的服务模式。  相似文献   

刘盈  李长艳  邢婷玉  邹欢  郭澄  韩永龙 《中国药房》2014,(30):2878-2880
目的:探讨作为临床药师在医院的发展策略。方法:通过分析临床药师这个职业的现状,并利用SWOT分析法剖析与医院临床药师职业密切相关的各种因素。结果与结论:通过SWOT分析得出了临床药师要立足优势因素、抓住机遇因素(SO),依靠优势因素、规避威胁因素(ST),抓住机遇因素、克服劣势因素(WO)和克服劣势因素、抵御威胁因素(WT)的发展策略。SO发展策略为与医师形成互补和充分发挥药物经济学的作用;ST发展策略为加强沟通改善社会对临床药师的认知度的同时,通过提高药物情报的收集能力来降低职业风险;WO发展策略为提高自身业务水平和明确自身在医院的定位;WT发展策略为不断地加强法律意识和风险防范意识。  相似文献   

摘 要 目的:探讨临床药师在协助医师制定抗栓治疗策略中的作用。方法:临床药师积极参与颅内大动脉狭窄合并房颤的脑梗死患者抗栓治疗策略的制定,通过对患者进行卒中病因分型、卒中风险评估、以及循证证据的分析,为医师提供了充分的决策依据,并提供合理的药物治疗建议。结果:临床药师协助医师为患者制定出更加合理、个性化的抗栓治疗策略。结论:临床药师参与临床治疗团队,能为医师的药物治疗决策提供积极的帮助。  相似文献   

摘 要 目的:临床药师通过参与1例鲍曼不动杆菌导致颅内感染患者的治疗过程,探索最佳的药物治疗方案。方法: 临床药师参加治疗团队,参与患者治疗方案的设计,从药物的选择、给药剂量、途径及不良反应(ADR)方面对患者进行个体化给药。结果: 选择敏感抗菌药物,成功的治疗颅内多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌感染。鲍曼不动杆菌引起的颅内感染,头孢哌酮舒巴坦钠、米诺环素都可以作为有效治疗药物。结论:临床药师参与临床会诊,医师与药师互相协作,保证了患者用药的安全、有效、经济。  相似文献   

目的 探讨临床药师参与肝功能不全患者治疗过程的药学服务模式。方法 结合肝功能不全患者的具体案例,分析临床药师参与临床药物治疗的工作内容和方法。结果 临床药师通过识别及分析药物性肝损伤、协助医师制定肝功能不全患者的药物治疗方案、对肝功能不全患者开展会诊及药学监护等个体化的药学服务为切入点参与临床药物治疗。结论 临床药师发挥自身所长,与医护人员组成团队为患者提供药学服务,体现自身价值,促进临床用药的安全、有效和合理。  相似文献   

张峰  朱玉萍 《中国药师》2017,(8):1411-1414
摘 要 目的:通过参与外科术后耐药菌感染会诊的案例分析,探讨临床药师在外科抗感染药物治疗中的作用。方法: 临床药师根据指南及掌握的抗菌药物抗菌谱与药动学特点,协助临床医师参与患者术后抗感染方案的制定,开展药学监护。结果: 临床药师参与外科术后耐药菌感染会诊后,3例术后感染患者均获痊愈。结论: 临床药师在外科治疗团队中的药学监护作用不可忽视。  相似文献   

杨杰  安琪  李峰  孟海阳  贾萌萌  李彩  裴建颖  张晓坚 《中国药事》2019,33(12):1464-1468
目的:探索建立药师的抗感染多学科诊疗工作模式,为药师参与多学科协作提供参考。方法:参考美国"药物治疗管理"服务模式,从收集患者信息、药物治疗相关问题的评估、药物治疗行动计划的制定、干预和随访等5个核心要素,结合我院实际案例探讨标准化的药学服务流程的建立。结果:探索建立的工作流程提升了药师在多学科工作中的影响力,且为现阶段药师绩效考核制度的建立提供了依据。结论:药物治疗管理模式有助于药师参与抗感染多学科诊疗工作标准的建立,但还需要更多研究数据优化用药相关问题的制订标准。  相似文献   

目的 探讨县级医院临床药师的工作技能培养和规范化考核指标。方法 通过我院临床药师参与临床药物治疗实践,分析总结县级医院临床药师知识结构的重要性和细化量化临床药师工作指标的必要性。结果 临床药师的知识转型是参与查房与会诊、用药监护和用药指导的必备条件,实施规范化考核是深入开展临床药学工作并持续提升药学服务质量的保障。结论 县级医院临床药师需参与临床多学科的药学服务,在实践中丰富临床知识,在落实考核指标中持续提升工作质量。  相似文献   

摘 要 目的: 探讨临床药师在参与多部位感染患者的抗菌治疗过程中发挥的重要作用。方法: 通过临床药师参与多部位感染患者的抗菌治疗过程(早期经验性抗感染治疗及目标性治疗),分析、评价临床药师在其中发挥的重要作用。结果: 临床药师的有效参与,能够协助医生更好地制定临床治疗策略,在临床治疗过程中及时、有效地进行抗感染治疗。结论:临床药师参与多部位感染患者的抗菌治疗,在危重患者的抗感染治疗策略的制定中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨医院药学部开展微信用药咨询的实践模式。方法:采用SWOT分析法分析药学部开展微信用药咨询具有的优势、劣势、机会与威胁,并结合已开展的工作探讨微信用药咨询的实践模式。结果:药学部开展微信用药咨询具有药物咨询工作已有多年经验、药物咨询团队人员分布合理、全程信息化管理、硬件设施齐全、检测项目丰富、微信公众平台关注度高、具有开放性和共享性等优势,也有药师需要加强临床医学知识的学习,微信互动及时性有待提高、需安排专职微信咨询药师而造成人力资源紧张等劣势,面临开展微信用药咨询有临床和社会需求等机会,也面临社会对微信咨询知晓度不够、微信咨询不能产生直接经济效益,投入产出严重不平衡,难以长期持续等威胁。结论:药学部开展微信用药咨询可以发挥药师的专业特长,促进药师参与患者用药全过程的管理,提高患者依从性,从而促进合理用药。  相似文献   

陈志刚  甄健存 《中国药房》2009,(17):1355-1357
目的:探讨药师在药物临床试验领域的发展前景,为拓展医院药学积累经验。方法:采用波特五力模型和PEST模型对现阶段药师的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁进行评价;构建SWOT矩阵,制定发展战略。结果:药师在药物临床试验领域的优势和劣势均十分明显,机遇与威胁并存。结论:药师应抓住临床试验市场的机遇,坚定行业发展目标,确立自身发展空间和不可替代的地位。  相似文献   

BackgroundWhile the importance of pharmacists’ involvement in disaster management is becoming increasingly recognised in the literature, there remains little research on methods for preparing pharmacists and pharmacy staff for disasters.Objective(s): To investigate the use of a table-top disaster exercise to improve disaster awareness and preparedness for pharmacists and pharmacy staff attending The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) Medicine Management conference 2019.MethodsA table-top disaster exercise was developed by the research team and presented as a workshop at the SHPA's annual conference in 2019. The workshop presented attendees with the hypothetical ‘Cyclone Oma’ that was tracking across the fictional state of ‘New Cardiff’. Each workshop table was assigned a different hospital and was required to respond to Cyclone Oma as the scenario evolved. Workshop attendees were invited to complete a pre- and post-survey assessing their perceptions of disaster management and preparedness for pharmacists and pharmacy staff.ResultsThe pre- and post-workshop survey was completed by 41 out of the 47 attendees. Participants’ assessments of their understanding of disaster management activities increased after attending the workshop (p< 0.001). Most participants felt the workshop improved their understanding of their role in a disaster (87.8%, 36/41) and allowed them to identify their strengths and weaknesses in disaster management (90.2%, 37/41). The workshop was well received with 92.7% (38/41) of participants stating they would like further continuing professional development opportunities in disaster management.ConclusionsThis is the first disaster table-top exercise in Australia targeted specifically at the pharmacy workforce to be conducted and evaluated. The exercise improved understanding of disaster management and was well received by the participants. This research calls for further education and training opportunities in disaster management targeted at the pharmacy workforce.  相似文献   

BackgroundCommunity pharmacists are key partners to public health agencies during pandemics and other emergencies. Community pharmacy and public health agencies can establish memoranda of understanding (MOUs) for dispensing and administering medical countermeasures and providing related services to affected population(s) during a public health incident.ObjectiveThe objective of this facilitated discussion exercise was to identify the strengths and opportunities associated with the activation of a statewide pharmacy–public health agencies MOU with community pharmacists on the basis of a simulated pandemic influenza event.MethodsA facilitated discussion exercise was held in the Puget Sound region of the State of Washington in May 2017. The participants included pharmacists from 2 community pharmacy organizations, emergency preparedness officials from 2 local health departments and the state health department, staff of the state pharmacy association, and faculty from a school of pharmacy. The evaluators recorded the discussions and observations, augmented by a postexercise telephone call with participants from each of the participating community pharmacy organizations. Key themes from the exercise are reported.ResultsFive themes were identified during the facilitated discussion exercise. Two themes described the strengths of the MOU and its operational plan: (1) collaboration strengthens preparedness and response planning, and (2) an MOU provides a framework for effective collaboration. Three themes acknowledged the opportunities to optimize activation of the existing MOU: (1) early and active engagement between health department personnel and community pharmacists, (2) establishing pharmacy policies and procedures to support readiness and response, and (3) addressing the training or other educational needs of community pharmacists.ConclusionThis exercise provided community pharmacists and public health agency personnel an opportunity to better plan for responding to a pandemic. The open dialogue in this facilitated discussion allowed the exercise participants to identify the strengths, priorities, and perspectives as well as the gaps in the MOU operational plan. The lessons learned in this exercise can inform the community pharmacy and public health response to the coronavirus disease pandemic.  相似文献   

采用SWOT方法对中药店的现状进行分析,即分别从优势、劣势、机会和威胁这4个要素的角度对中药店所处的环境和形势进行分析探讨,以充分认识和发挥有利条件,控制和化解不利因素,为"十二五"期间中医药相关发展策略的落实提供依据,也为中药店的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

目的:运用态势分析法,探讨医院制剂的发展前景。方法:运用SWOT分析法,对医院制剂目前形势下的优势、劣势及机会与威胁进行系统分析评价,寻求最佳的发展策略。结果:医院制剂室的优势和劣势均十分明显,机会与挑战并存。结论:在目前形势下,医院制荆应积极把握机遇,充分发挥密切结合临床的优势,以科研、教学为先导,以服务临床为目的,求得自己应有的发展空间和不可替代的地位。  相似文献   

IntroductionMedicine price transparency initiatives provide public or government on information about the product's prices and the components that may influence the prices, such as volume and product quality. In Malaysia, medicine price transparency has become part of the government's strategies in ensuring adequate, continuous and equitable access to quality, safe, effective and affordable medicines. Since the effect of medicine price transparency depend critically on how prices are presented, this study aims to evaluate the stakeholders' perspective of medicine price transparency practice in the private healthcare system in Malaysia.MethodsThis study was conducted as face-to-face, semi-structured interview. Respondents from private pharmaceutical industries, community pharmacists, general practitioners, private hospital pharmacists, governments, academicians and senior pharmacist were recruited using purposive sampling. Using phenomenological study approach, interviews were conducted, and audio recorded with their consent. Data were transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic analysis with Atlas.ti 8 software and categorised as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT).ResultsA total of 28 respondents were interviewed. There was a mixed perception regarding the price transparency implementation in Malaysia's private healthcare settings. The potential strengths include it will provide price standardization, reduce price manipulation and competition, hence allowing the industry players to focus more on patient-care services. Moreover, the private stakeholders were concerned that the practice may affect stakeholders' business and marketing strategy, reduce profit margin, increase general practitioner's consultation fees and causing impact on geographical discrepancies. The practice was viewed as an opportunity to disseminate the truth price information to consumer and strengthen collaboration between healthcare industries and Ministry of Health although this may become a threat that affect the business survival.ConclusionPrice transparency initiatives would benefit the pharmaceutical industries, consumer and countries, but it needs to be implemented appropriately to prevent price manipulation, market monopoly, and business closure. Future study may want to evaluate the impact of the initiatives on the business in the industry.  相似文献   

BackgroundCommunity pharmacy is in the middle of a paradigm shift from provider of medication to provider of care around medication. Much of this care involves giving information to patients so as to maximize pharmacotherapy outcomes; however, this is not necessarily recognized by patients. The initiation of chronic medication for diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), arouses much uncertainty in patients, and it is not certain how information provision roles by pharmacists are viewed.ObjectivesTo obtain insight in the information needs of patients who have recently started treatment with oral antidiabetics and to investigate the opportunities for pharmacy regarding the provision of information for patients with T2DM.MethodsA qualitative study with both semistructured telephone interviews and patient focus group discussions was conducted. Individual patients' comments were categorized and used in a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis exploring the role of the community pharmacist in the field of providing information at the moment of initiation of T2DM oral medication.ResultsFrom interviews with 42 patients and 2 focus groups, discussions emerged that the general practitioner (GP) does not fulfill all information needs. For the pharmacist, there is an opportunity, as patients feel a need for information and like to discuss drug-related issues. SWOT analysis revealed main strengths of the pharmacy as “expertise” and “service and kindness.” Together with more cooperation with GPs and nurse practitioners, these strengths give the pharmacist the opportunity to further develop pharmaceutical care activities.ConclusionPharmacists are challenged to increase their visibility as health care provider while keeping logistic service on a high level and improving cooperation with other health care providers.  相似文献   

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