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Gastric intestinal metaplasia is a precursor for gastric dysplasia, which is in turn, a risk factor for gastric adenocarcinoma. Gastric metaplasia and dysplasia are known as gastric precancerous lesions (GPLs), which are essential stages in the progression from normal gastric mucosa to gastric cancer (GC) or gastric adenocarcinoma. Genetically-engineered mice have become essential tools in various aspects of GC research, including mechanistic studies and drug discovery. Studies in mouse models have contributed significantly to our understanding of the pathogenesis and molecular mechanisms underlying GPLs and GC. With the development and improvement of gene transfer technology, investigators have created a variety of transgenic and gene knockout mouse models for GPLs, such as H/K-ATPase transgenic and knockout mutant mice and gastrin gene knockout mice. Combined with Helicobacter infection, and treatment with chemical carcinogens, these mice develop GPLs or GC and thus provide models for studying the molecular biology of GC, which may lead to the discovery and development of novel drugs. In this review, we discuss recent progress in the use of genetically-engineered mouse models for GPL research, with particular emphasis on the importance of examining the gastric mucosa at the histological level to investigate morphological changes of GPL and GC and associated protein and gene expression.  相似文献   

While the cause of autism remains unknown, the high concordance between monozygotic twins supports a strong genetic component. The importance of genetic factors in autism encourages the development of mutant mouse models, to advance our understanding of biological mechanisms underlying autistic behaviors. Mouse models of human neuropsychiatric diseases are designed to optimize (i) face validity (resemblance to the human symptoms) (ii) construct validity (similarity to the underlying causes of the disease) and (iii) predictive validity (expected responses to treatments that are effective in the human disease). There is a growing need for mouse behavioral tasks with all three types of validity, to define robust phenotypes in mouse models of autism. Ideal mouse models will incorporate analogies to the three diagnostic symptoms of autism: abnormal social interactions, deficits in communication and high levels of repetitive behaviors. Social approach is tested in an automated three chambered apparatus that offers the subject a choice between spending time with another mouse, with a novel object, or remaining in an empty familiar environment. Reciprocal social interaction is scored from videotapes of interactions between pairs of unfamiliar mice. Communication is evaluated by measuring emission and responses to vocalizations and olfactory cues. Repetitive behaviors are scored for measures of grooming, jumping, or stereotyped sniffing of one location or object. Insistence on sameness is modeled by scoring a change in habit, for example, reversal of the spatial location of a reinforcer in the Morris water maze or T-maze. Associated features of autism, for example, mouse phenotypes relevant to anxiety, seizures, sleep disturbances and sensory hypersensitivity, may be useful to include in a mouse model that meets some of the core diagnostic criteria. Applications of these assays include (i) behavioral phenotyping of transgenic and knockout mice with mutations in genes relevant to autism; (ii) characterization of inbred strains of mice; (iii) evaluation of environmental toxins; (iv) comparison of behavioral phenotypes with genetic factors, such as unusual expression patterns of genes or unusual single nucleotide polymorphisms; and (v) evaluation of proposed therapeutics for the treatment of autism.  相似文献   

Despite massive research efforts, the exact pathogenesis and pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, remain largely unknown. Animal models can serve as essential tools for investigating the etiology and treatment of such disorders. Since the introduction of gene targeting techniques, the functions of more than 10% of all known mouse genes have been investigated by creating mutant mice. Some of these mutant mouse strains were found to exhibit behavioral abnormalities reminiscent of human psychiatric disorders. In this review, we discuss the general requirements for animal models of human psychiatric disorders. We also outline our unique approach of extrapolating findings in mice to humans, and present studies on forebrain-specific calcineurin knockout mice as an example. We also discuss the impact of a large-scale mouse phenotyping on studies of psychiatric disorders and the potential utility of an "animal-model-array" of psychiatric disorders for the development of suitable therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Human autoimmune diseases are a class of complex immune system disorders characterized by loss of tolerance to self-antigens. HLA class II molecules play a central role in the initiation, propagation and prolongation of the disease process. HLA class II transgenic mice with mouse endogenous class II gene Ab knockout were used successfully in several mouse models for human autoimmune diseases, such as IDDM, SLE and EAE in our Lab. However, these mice carry the functional mouse Eb gene from the Abeta(0/0) construct and could express Ebeta/DRalpha(Ealpha) molecules and shape the T cell repertoire in these mice. Recently, we have obtained the new MHCII(Delta/Delta) mice that are devoid of all endogenous conventional mouse MHC class II genes. When these mice are mated with our HLA class II transgenic mice, only human class II genes are expressed. The DR and DQ molecules expressed in these mice shape the T cell repertoire and regulate the immune response. Therefore, this new class of HLA transgenic mice is the first to be completely "humanized" in their MHC class II genes and will be an invaluable mouse model for human MHC class II associated autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Transgenic and knockout mouse technology represents a powerful tool for exploring the molecular pathways behind the wound healing process. The design and utilization of mouse wound healing models must be approached mindful of limitations of both the transgenic technology and the models themselves in order to continue generating useful information from studies with transgenic mice. A battery of standard and impaired wound healing models, when used in a systematic and combinatorial fashion, should yield significant contributions to wound healing research.  相似文献   

Free fatty acids (FFA) are liberated from triglyceride-rich lipoproteins by lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and are considered to be a principal energy source for the heart. The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) is a key regulator of FFA catabolism. To investigate its role in cardiac muscle metabolism, transgenic mice overexpressing LPL in skeletal and cardiac muscle were bred on a PPARalpha knockout background. Fifty-five percent of male animals lacking PPARalpha and overexpressing LPL died within 4 months after birth. In contrast, females of this genotype stayed alive. Deceased animals exhibited cardiopulmonary congestion but had no increase of neutral lipids in the heart. Changes in plasma glucose, FFA, lactate, and triglycerides did not clearly account for gender-specific differences in mortality; however, they indicated a critical role for PPARalpha during fasting. Analysis of cardiac function revealed that in isolated perfused hearts, left ventricular developed pressure (a measure of contractility) was markedly lower in PPARalpha knockout mice overexpressing LPL compared with controls. Glucose uptake of isolated perfused hearts was significantly higher in PPARalpha knockout mice with both normal or increased LPL expression. However, uptake of FFA was not different among genotypes. In contrast, fasted FFA levels were significantly lower in cardiac muscle of PPARalpha knockout mice with normal LPL expression (-26%) and PPARalpha knockout mice overexpressing LPL (-38%) compared with controls. Our results indicate a critical role for PPARalpha in myocardial pump function and suggest that mouse models combining different genetic effects such as PPARalpha knockout mice overexpressing muscle LPL may be useful to study cardiomyopathies.  相似文献   

Understanding cellular repair mechanisms in vivo has been advanced through the use of well-defined injury and repair models and their application to knockout and transgenic animals, primarily mice generated in a variety of background strains. However, little is known concerning the effect that mouse strain itself has on the interpretation and comparability of observations when the strain used for genetic manipulation is not the strain used to develop the model. We compared acute bronchiolar injury and repair in three strains of mice used in knockout mouse development (C57BL/6, 129/TerSv, and 129/SvEv) to the model strain (Swiss Webster) after treatment with the same dose of naphthalene and sacrificed at 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14 days after treatment. Extent of Clara cell toxicity and exfoliation was identical in the distal airways of all strains. There were significant strain-related differences in ciliated cell squamation, initiation and duration of proliferation, epithelial differentiation, and time to completion of epithelial repair. We conclude that ciliated cells play a prominent role in repair of distal airway injury, but that all phases of the repair process differ by strain. In addition, our findings reinforce that control animals must be of the same strain, ideally litter mates, when transgenic or knockout mice are used for the study of airway repair processes and mechanisms.  相似文献   

Early-life stress is a risk factor for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common and debilitating functional gastrointestinal disorder that is often co-morbid with stress-related psychiatric disorders. In the rat, maternal separation (MS) stress has been shown to induce visceral hypersensitivity in adulthood and thus has become a useful model of IBS. However, development of mouse models of maternal separation has been difficult. Given the advent of transgenic mouse technology, such models would be useful to further our understanding of the pathophysiology of IBS and to develop new pharmacological treatments. Thus, the present study aimed to develop a mouse model of MS stress-induced visceral hyperalgesia as measured using manometric recordings of colorectal distension (CRD). Moreover, since the GABA(B) receptor has been reported to play a role in pain processes, we also assessed its role in visceral nociception using novel GABA(B(1b)) receptor subunit knockout mice. CRD was performed in adult male wildtype and GABA(B(1b)) receptor knockout mice that had undergone unpredictable MS combined with unpredictable maternal stress (MSUS) from postnatal day 1 through 14 (PND 1-14). MSUS induced visceral hypersensitivity in both wildtype and GABA(B(1b)) receptor knockout mice when compared with non-stressed mice. Wildtype and GABA(B(1b)) receptor knockout mice did not differ in baseline or stress-induced visceral sensitivity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to show that early-life stress induces visceral hypersensitivity in a mouse model. These findings may provide a novel mouse model of visceral hypersensitivity which may aid our understanding of its underlying mechanisms in future studies.  相似文献   

Transgenic mouse models have been an invaluable resource in elucidating the complex roles of β-amyloid and tau in Alzheimer's disease. Although many laboratories rely on qualitative or semiquantitative techniques when investigating tau pathology, we have developed 4 Low-Tau, Sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) that quantitatively assess different epitopes of tau relevant to Alzheimer's disease: total tau, pSer-202, pThr-231, and pSer-396/404. In this study, after comparing our assays with commercially available ELISAs, we demonstrate our assay's high specificity and quantitative capabilities using brain homogenates from tau transgenic mice, htau, JNPL3, and tau knockout. All 4 ELISAs show excellent specificity for mouse and human tau, with no reactivity to tau knockout animals. An age-dependent increase of serum tau in both tau transgenic models was also seen. Taken together, these assays are valuable methods to quantify tau and phospho-tau levels in transgenic animals, by examining tau levels in brain and measuring tau as a potential serum biomarker.  相似文献   

Transgenic and knockout mouse models have been invaluable for the elucidation of basic mechanisms in autoimmunity and have contributed new experimental models of human autoimmune diseases. Transgenic models of self tolerance have helped to change our view of this state from a process mediated purely by thymic deletion to a more complex process encompassing deletion, peripheral anergy, down-regulation of receptors and modulation by regulatory cells. Experiments in which the genes for the candidate target antigens in autoimmune disease are over-expressed or under-expressed have helped to clarify the targets of attack. Several examples of T cell receptor transgenic mice have been described in which T cells carry the receptor derived from a human or mouse autoimmune T cell clone. Such mice allow the characterization of T cell specificities contributing to disease and of the additional factors and checkpoints influencing disease development. In addition, the expression of disease associated HLA alleles in 'humanised' transgenic lines allows the mapping of HLA-restricted T cell epitopes and investigation of the mechanisms underlying these genetic associations. These approaches are leading to the generation of new disease models, offering hope for the design and testing of novel immunotherapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome is a common cause of mental retardation involving loss of expression of the FMR1 gene. The role of FMR1 remains undetermined but the protein appears to be involved in RNA metabolism. Fmr1 knockout mice exhibit a phenotype with some similarities to humans, such as macroorchidism and behavioral abnormalities. As a step toward understanding the function of FMR1 and the determination of the potential for therapeutic approaches to fragile X syndrome, yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) transgenic mice were generated in order to determine whether the Fmr1 knockout mouse phenotype could be rescued. Several transgenic lines were generated that carried the entire FMR1 locus with extensive amounts of flanking sequence. We observed that the YAC transgene supported production of the human protein (FMRP) which was present at levels 10 to 15 times that of endogenous protein and was expressed in a cell- and tissue-specific manner. Macro-orchidism was absent in knockout mice carrying the YAC transgene indicating functional rescue by the human protein. Given the complex behavioral phenotype in fragile X patients and the mild phenotype previously reported for the Fmr1 knockout mouse, we performed a more thorough evaluation of the Fmr1 knockout phenotype using additional behavioral assays that had not previously been reported for this animal model. The mouse displayed reduced anxiety-related responses with increased exploratory behavior. FMR1 YAC transgenic mice overexpressing the human protein did produce opposing behavioral responses and additional abnormal behaviors were also observed. These findings have significant implications for gene therapy for fragile X syndrome since overexpression of the gene may harbor its own phenotype.  相似文献   

Aminopeptidase N, or CD13, is a receptor for serologically related coronaviruses of humans, pigs, and cats. A mouse line transgenic for the receptor of human coronavirus-229E (HCoV-229E) was created using human APN (hAPN) cDNA driven by a hAPN promoter. hAPN-transgenic mice expressed hAPN mRNA in the kidney, small intestine, liver, and lung. hAPN protein was specifically expressed on epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted renal tubules, bronchi, alveolar sacs, and intestinal villi. The hAPN expression pattern within transgenic mouse tissues matched that of mouse APN and was similar in mice heterozygous or homozygous for the transgene. Primary embryonic cells and bone marrow dendritic cells derived from hAPN-transgenic mice also expressed hAPN protein. Although hAPN-transgenic mice were resistant to HCoV-229E in vivo, primary embryonic cells and bone marrow dendritic cells were infected in vitro. hAPN-transgenic mice are valuable as a source of primary mouse cells expressing hAPN. This hAPN-transgenic line will also be used for crossbreeding experiments with other knockout, immune deficient, or transgenic mice to identify factors, in addition to hAPN, that are required for HCoV-229E infection.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of good mouse models for central nervous system (CNS) disorders. However, the development of gene-targeted technology and the recognition of the importance of the mouse as a model organism have led to the development of a range of behavioural tests for mice. Spontaneous mutations in mice have already provided important information about the role of novel gene products in disorders such as epilepsy and deafness. This has provided the impetus to the establishment of large-scale mutagenesis programmes to generate new mutations. Tests of sensory and motor function have previously been most frequently used as these are simple to perform and the phenotypes are relatively obvious. Subtle phenotypes, of relevance to pyschiatric disorders such as anxiety and schizophrenia, can be detected using more complex tests. Screens such as prepulse inhibition and startle have been adapted for mice and these can be run with relatively high throughput using fully automated equipment. Other behaviours such as sleep and circadian rhythms, learning and memory and nociception can also be assessed. New technological advances in non-invasive imaging and neurochemical analyses have meant that these techniques can be readily applied to mouse phenotyping. The use of these screens together with mutagenesis is already beginning to increase the numbers of mouse models of potential relevance to CNS diseases.  相似文献   

Significant differences exist in the production and release of nitric oxide (NO) from human macrophages versus macrophages of mouse origin. Human macrophages have been shown to respond poorly to stimuli that provoke strong inflammatory reactions from mouse macrophages. To address the differences in macrophage function in an animal model, a transgenic mouse was created that contained the entire human NOS2 gene, including the human promoter and all of its exons and introns. The huNOS2 transgenic mouse was then mated to mice lacking a functional NOS2 gene (muNOS2(/) or NOS2 knockout mice) to generate a double transgenic mouse (huNOS2(+/0)/muNOS2(/)) that expresses a functional human NOS2 gene in place of the mouse NOS2 gene. These double transgenic mice were found to express only human NOS2 mRNA and human iNOS proteins in response to immune stimulation. The production and release of nitric oxide from isolated macrophages from the doubly transgenic mouse also more closely paralleled human responses rather than mouse. Peritoneal macrophages from double transgenic mice generated nanomolar levels of nitrite in response to inflammatory stimuli, while peritoneal macrophages from wild-type mice generated micromolar levels of nitrite in response to the same inflammatory stimuli. Similarly, microglia from the huNOS2(+/0)/muNOS2(/) mice accumulated nanomolar levels of nitrite following inflammatory stimulation. Reduced nitrite release persisted in spite of normal responsiveness to inflammatory stimulation as measured by tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-6 production and release. These data suggest that the human-specific release of nanomolar levels of nitrite may largely result from differences between the human and mouse NOS2 genes, which may program different degrees of nitric oxide responses to inflammatory signals in humans than in mice.  相似文献   

Klebsiella pneumoniae is a leading cause of both community-acquired and nosocomial gram-negative bacterial pneumonia. A significant clinical complication of Klebsiella pulmonary infections is peripheral blood dissemination, resulting in a systemic infection concurrent with the localized pulmonary infection. We report here on the critical importance of beta(2)-microglobulin expression during murine K. pneumoniae bacteremia. Beta(2)-microglobulin knockout mice displayed significantly increased mortality upon intravenous inoculation that correlated with increased bacterial burden in the blood, liver, and spleen. As beta(2)-microglobulin knockout mice lack both CD8(+) T cells and invariant NK T cells, mouse models specifically deficient in either cell population were examined to see if this would account for the increased mortality noted in beta(2)-microglobulin knockout mice. Surprisingly, neither CD8 T-cell-deficient (TAP-1 knockout; in vivo anti-CD8 antibody treatment) nor invariant NK (iNK) T-cell-deficient (CD1d knockout, J alpha281 knockout) mice were more susceptible to K. pneumoniae bacteremia. Combined, these studies clearly indicate the importance of a beta(2)-microglobulin-dependent but CD8 T-cell- and iNK T-cell-independent mechanism critical for survival during K. pneumoniae bacteremia.  相似文献   

This review aimed to capture the key findings that animal models have provided around the role of the alternative pathway and amplification loop (AP/AL) in disease. Animal models, particularly mouse models, have been incredibly useful to define the role of complement and the alternative pathway in health and disease; for instance, the use of cobra venom factor and depletion of C3 provided the initial insight that complement was essential to generate an appropriate adaptive immune response. The development of knockout mice have further underlined the importance of the AP/AL in disease, with the FH knockout mouse paving the way for the first anti-complement drugs. The impact from the development of FB, properdin, and C3 knockout mice closely follows this in terms of mechanistic understanding in disease. Indeed, our current understanding that complement plays a role in most conditions at one level or another is rooted in many of these in vivo studies. That C3, in particular, has roles beyond the obvious in innate and adaptive immunity, normal physiology, and cellular functions, with or without other recognized AP components, we would argue, only extends the reach of this arm of the complement system. Humanized mouse models also continue to play their part. Here, we argue that the animal models developed over the last few decades have truly helped define the role of the AP/AL in disease.  相似文献   

Hypocretin/orexin peptides are known for their role in the control of the wake–sleep cycle and narcolepsy–cataplexy pathophysiology. Recent studies suggested that hypocretin peptides also have a role in pregnancy. We tested this hypothesis by conducting a retrospective analysis on pregnancy complications in two different mouse models of hypocretin deficiency. We recorded 85 pregnancies of mice lacking either hypocretin peptides (knockout) or hypocretin‐releasing neurons (transgenic) and their wild‐type controls. Pregnancy was associated with unexplained dam death before delivery in 3/15 pregnancies in knockout mice, and in 3/23 pregnancies in transgenic mice. No casualties occurred in wild‐type pregnant dams (< 0.007 versus hypocretin‐deficient mice as a whole). Hypocretin deficiency did not impact either on litter size or the number of weaned pups per litter. These data provide preliminary evidence of a critical role of hypocretin deficiency in pregnancy.  相似文献   

The complexity of cancer, where a single genetic alteration can have multiple functional effects, makes it a fascinating but humbling disease to study, and the necessity of investigating it in its entirety is more imperative than ever before. Advances in transgene technology have made it possible to create cancer cells, or mice with specific genetic alterations, and the application of an array of both functional and molecular non-invasive MR methods to these transgenic cancer cells and mice to characterize their phenotypic traits is revolutionizing our understanding of cancer. With the establishment of multi-modality molecular imaging centers within barrier or pathogen-free facilities, multi-parametric and multi-modality imaging of transgenic mouse models of human cancer are becoming increasingly prevalent. In this review, we outline some of the methods currently available for generating transgenic mice and cancer cell lines. We also present examples of the application of MR methods to transgenic models that are providing novel insights into the molecular and functional characteristics of cancer and are leading to an era of "non-invasive phenotyping" of the effects of specific molecular alterations in cancer.  相似文献   

Several transgenic mouse models for Alzheimer's disease (AD) that develop -amyloid deposition have recently been advanced, including the Tg2576 mouse. Thorough behavioral phenotyping of this, or any mouse line/population, requires not only analysis of multiple behavioral measures through a comprehensive battery of tasks, but also a clear understanding of the interrelationships between behavioral measures in such a battery. In our accompanying study (King et al., this volume), Tg2576 transgenic (Tg+) and nontransgenic (Tg-) mice aged 3-19 months were administered an extensive behavioral test battery. The present study involved correlation analysis between those behavioral measures. Numerous correlations were evident for all 169 mice (Tg+ and Tg-) combined, with additional correlations being dependent on genotype or age. For all mice combined, intratask measures in water maze and circular platform were highly correlated; in addition, several measures of activity correlated with each other, as did various measures of balance/agility. A number of correlations between the six cognitive-based tasks of the test battery (e.g. Y-maze, Morris water maze, circular platform, visible platform, passive avoidance, and active avoidance) were also evident, as were correlations between cognitive and sensorimotor measures. In as much as some correlations were found to be exclusive to either Tg+ or Tg- animals alone, separate analysis by genotype is clearly warranted whenever two or more genotypes are involved. Likewise, some correlations were age-dependent, being present either in young adulthood (3 months) or in old age (19 months). These correlation analysis results in mice indicate that: (1) performance in one or several behavioral measures can be predictive of performance in others and (2) both genetic background and age influence the degree and profile of intra-/intertask relationships in an extensive behavioral test battery.  相似文献   

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