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出口速冻方便食品应对日本"肯定列表制度"对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日本是中国农产品出口的第一大市场,日本政府新近开始实施的食品农产品中农业化学品残留“肯定列表制度”,是一项严格、苛刻的技术性贸易壁垒,将给中国食品对日出口带来重大影响。现以出口速冻方便食品为例,对照日本“肯定列表制度”进行分析,从政府、企业、检验检疫部门等方面入手,探讨应对“肯定列表制度”的基本对策。  相似文献   

2006年5月29日,日本正式实施“肯定列表制度”。该制度中对734种农业化学品设定了51392个限量标准,对尚不能确定标准的农业化学品一律设定为0.01ppm,如被检出超出限量,产品将被销毁或退货,甚至禁止进口日本。增城地区出口日本食品以深加工冷冻食品为主。为了确保出口食品安全,有效地应对日本“肯定列表制度,”增城出入境检验检疫局对出口冷冻食品可能发生的不安全因素进行了分析,并制定了一系列应对措施,将检验检疫监管的重点放在原料的验收和检验上,从源头上把好食品质量关。措施仅实施了2个月,就截获了2批不格原料,保证了出口食品顺利进入日本市场。与去年同期相比,增城地区出口日本的冷冻食品在批次,重量,金额方面分别增长了65%、149%、219%。说明加强源头监管是应对“肯定列表制度”行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

方法收集中国大陆及香港、澳门、台湾地区,国际食品添加剂法典委员会,美国,加拿大,俄罗斯,日本和欧盟现行的食品添加剂标准和法规,对允许使用的甜味剂进行对比分析,确定与中国大陆的差异,在此基础上进行综合分析。各国和地区对甜味剂的使用品种都采用了正向肯定列表。美国、加拿大、日本允许使用的合成甜味剂种类较少,中国大陆、香港,国际食品添加剂法典委员会,欧盟和俄罗斯允许使用的合成甜味剂品种较多。以列表对各国和地区的使用品种差异进行了比对并进行差异分析。根据所存在的差异提出了对出口食品与进口食品关注的重点与管理原则。  相似文献   

食品添加剂对食品工业的发展起着举足轻重的作用。世界各国在大力发展食品添加剂的同时,也非常重视食品添加剂的安全,对食品添加剂的生产、经营和使用等进行严格监督管理。在具体措施上,对允许使用品种实行肯定列表,对每种允许使用的添加剂制定相应的规格标准等保障食品安全的重要措施。科学合理地制  相似文献   

在GCMS分析中,由于仪器间的差异和仪器状态的不同,样品的保留时间、响应值会有不同,所以绝大多数定量分析时必须通过分析标准样品,对目标化合物进行保留时间确认并制作相应的工作曲线。随着日本肯定列表制度的引入以及我国食品安全法规的不断完善,待检测残留农药及有害化学品的数量在不断增加,单一标准样品的获得以及配制、保存标准样品所花费的大量人力财力,使我们的检测部门越来越难以承受。基于这个全世界共同面临的难题,岛津公司和日本北九州城市环境科学研究院共同开发了Compound Composer多成分同时分析用数据库,这个数据库对定量分析所需要的信息(保留时间、响应因子、质谱图)进行了标准化,主要用于食品中残留农药、环境污染物以及紧急突发事件应对等领域进行.特点是能够进行化合物的快速筛选分析。  相似文献   

〔目的〕确保我国鹌鹑蛋罐头生产的安全卫生,应对日本"肯定列表制度",提高出口企业的国际竞争力。〔方法〕应用ISO220000食品安全管理体系,控制鹌鹑蛋罐头中的农兽药残留。〔结果〕为了消除食品原料本身带来的农兽药残留,鹌鹑蛋罐头生产企业应建立自己的鹌鹑养殖基地,并在基地实施ISO220000中所提出的可操作性前提方案和HACCP计划,对饲料原料使用的兽药和消毒剂进行危害分析,有效的控制饲料收购和兽药使用这2个关键控制点,确保饲料不被外来物质污染,保证合理,科学使用兽药。〔结论〕鹌鹑蛋罐头生产企业通过加强源头管理,在鹌鹑养殖基地全面引进ISO220000食品安全管理体系,就能够有效地控制鹌鹑蛋罐头中的农兽药残留,从而保证出口罐头符合国际标准。  相似文献   

在GCMS分析中,由于仪器间的差异和仪器状态的不同,样品的保留时间、响应值会有所不同,所以绝大多数定量分析时必须通过分析标准样品,对目标化合物进行保留时间确认并制作相应的工作曲线。随着日本肯定列表制度的引入以及我国食品安全法规的不断完善,待检测残留农药及有害化学品的数量在不断增加,单一标准样品的获得以及配制、保存标准样品所花费的大量人力财力,使我们的检测部门越来越难以承受。  相似文献   

我国开发超高压食品的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对用超高压加工处理过的食品,在我国被称为“超高压食品”。而在日本、西欧,则称之为“高压食品”。超高压食品的研究开发是八十年代首先在日本进行的,1992年被《日  相似文献   

食品生产加工小企业小作坊质量安全监管办法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食品加工小作坊是食品安全问题的“重灾区”。提高食品质量安全水平的关键环节是提高食品加工小作坊的质量安全水平。作者通过分析食品加工小作坊的监管现状,进一步明确小作坊监管的目标定位、约束条件,应用决策收益矩阵比较可供选择的监管方案,提出了在制度创新的基础上,进一步提高食品生产小作坊监管绩效的思路和办法。  相似文献   

第一层:食品 食品是人类食用的物品,包括天然食品和加工食品.天然食品是指在大自然中生长的,未经加工制作,可供人类食用的物品,如水果、蔬菜、谷物等;加工食品是指经过一定的工艺进行加工后生产出来的以供人们食用或者饮用为目的的制成品,如大米、小麦粉、果汁饮料等,但不包括以治疗为目的的药品.食品质量安全市场准入制度中所涉及到的食品是指加工食品,属于工业范畴,即以农产品、畜产品、水产品等为原料,经过加工,制作并用于销售的制成品.  相似文献   

The Fat Portion Exchange System was developed as a tool for counseling clients on how to follow a diet low in total fat. The system incorporates the use of the Fat Portion Exchange List, which is an extensive list of foods with fat grouped according to food type. Listed is the amount of each food item that provides one fat portion (FP), or approximately 5 gm fat, as determined from food composition tables. The number of FPs to be eaten daily is prescribed according to the total daily caloric intake so that a diet with a specified percentage of calories from fat can be followed. The system emphasizes the tracking of only one nutrient--fat--which contributes to its simplicity, flexibility, and versatility.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 通过对江苏省幼儿园和大、中、小学校统一供应的早餐和午餐中食源性致病菌的调查分析,了解学生餐安全状况,发现食品安全隐患。方法 2014年在江苏省6个省辖市采集757份学校早餐和午餐样品,按照国家食品污染和有害因素风险监测工作手册方法对其中沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、蜡样芽胞杆菌、单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌进行检测。结果 757份学生餐样品中中沙门氏菌检出率0.5%,金黄色葡萄球菌检出率1.2%,蜡样芽胞杆菌检出率3.7%,未检出单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌。乳与乳制品、米面食品、盒饭中食源性致病菌污染率相对较高,分别为8.3%、5.8%、6.6%。学生餐样品中食源性致病菌检出率夏天显著高于冬天。结论 江苏省市学生餐中存在不同程度食源性致病菌污染,应加强卫生监管,防止学生食物中毒的发生。  相似文献   

This paper presents the plant information included in the eBASIS (BioActive Substances in Foods Information System) database on composition and biological activity of selected bioactive compounds from European plant/mushroom foods with putative beneficial and/or toxic effects. The European Food Information Resource (EuroFIR)-NETTOX Plant List (2007) presents scientific and vernacular names in 15 European languages for around 325 major European plant/mushroom foods and also for different parts of these foods. This list and its predecessor, the NETTOX List of Food Plants, have been used by national food authorities and within the European Union for consideration of plants and mushrooms that have been used to a significant degree up to 1997 and are therefore not covered by the novel food regulation (European Parliament and Council of the European Union, 1997). The species and the plant part studied are insufficiently characterised in many scientific papers. This paper informs about the naming of plants and mushrooms as an aid for scientists who are not botanists or mycologists themselves. Knowledge on scientific names used, including synonyms, may also be important for finding all relevant papers when searching the literature. In many cases, vernacular/trivial names in, for example, English do not uniquely identify the species. Finally, recommendations are given to assist researchers and reviewers of papers dealing with botanical/mycological information.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Because several nutrients are known to affect bone mineral density (BMD), the analysis of dietary patterns or combinations of foods may provide insights into the influence of diet on bone health. OBJECTIVE: We evaluated associations between dietary patterns and BMD in Japanese farmwomen. DESIGN: The study included 291 premenopausal farmwomen (aged 40-55 y) who participated in the Japanese Multi-centered Environmental Toxicant Study (JMETS; n = 1407). Forearm BMD was measured by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Diet was assessed by using a validated self-administered diet history questionnaire comprising 147 food items, from which 30 food groups were created and entered into a factor analysis. RESULTS: Four dietary patterns were identified. The "Healthy" pattern, characterized by high intakes of green and dark yellow vegetables, mushrooms, fish and shellfish, fruit, and processed fish, was positively correlated with BMD after adjustment for several confounding factors (P = 0.048). In contrast, the "Western" pattern, characterized by high intakes of fats and oils, meat, and processed meat, tended to be inversely associated with BMD; however, the association was not significant (P = 0.08). CONCLUSION: A dietary pattern with high intakes of fish, fruit, and vegetables and low intakes of meat and processed meat may have a beneficial effect on BMD in premenopausal women.  相似文献   

To improve the functionality of our MAternal Record System (MARS), we reviewed the clinical problems entered into the MARS database from approximately 2800 patient records and interviewed representative clinicians about their use of the Clinical Comments and Problem List sections of MARS. Problems were assigned a unique term that corrected for spelling, spacing, synonyms, and abbreviation variations. Analysis of these terms suggested design changes that would increase the number of unique entries into the Problem List, including (1) modifications in the automated problem entry functions within MARS and (2) integration of the Problem List and Clinical Comments sections.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to investigate, by means of event-related potentials (ERPs), whether obese individuals process food-related information differently as compared to normal-weight individuals. Because amplitudes of late positive ERP components (P3, LPP) reflect motivational tendencies, obese participants were expected to display enlarged P3 and LPP amplitudes towards food pictures. Obese and normal-weight adults were exposed to pictures of food and control items, while EEG was recorded. Subjective levels of food craving and hunger were also assessed. While there were no differences in ERP amplitudes between obese and normal-weight individuals, significantly larger P3 and LPP amplitudes were elicited by pictures of food items as compared to control pictures. Positive correlations were found between P3 and LPP amplitudes and self-reported increases of hunger. It was concluded that food-related information is processed differently in the brain as compared to non-food-related information, in a manner that reflects the natural motivational value of food. In the present study, there was no indication of an electrophysiological or subjective hyper-reactivity to food cues in obese adults.  相似文献   

目的:探讨积极心理治疗对更年期妇女负性心理干预效果。方法:将276例更年期妇女按咨询日期随机分为观察组和对照组,观察组采用积极心理治疗,对照组采用传统心理治疗,用90项症状自评量表(SCL-90)对干预效果进行评价,用SPSS 11.0软件统计分析。结果:观察组的强迫症状、抑郁、焦虑及饮食睡眠状态显著好于对照组(P0.01)。结论:积极心理治疗对改善更年期妇女负性心理明显优于传统心理治疗。  相似文献   

This paper discusses lipid therapy decision-making at the population level within the United States (US) Military Health Services System. The US Military Health Services System serves approximately 8.2 million beneficiaries fairly representative of the general population. Of its $680 million annual pharmacy expenditure, $45-$50 million is spent on lipid-lowering drugs. The military Medical Treatment Facilities (MTF) carry a Tri-Service Drug Formulary list, which serves as a bare minimum to which individual facilities may add other agents. The Department of Defense Pharmacoeconomic Center (PEC) performs cost-effectiveness analyses, establishes the Tri-Service Drug Formulary list and the National Mail Order Pharmacy formulary list, and provides drug treatment guidelines. Hyperlipidemia treatment guidelines published by the Pharmacoeconomic Center in 1995, which recommend the use of niacin, colestipol, and pravastatin, are currently under revision to take into consideration new drugs and new information in the field of lipid-lowering therapies. Future changes to the MTF outpatient formulary management may include the introduction of a Basic Core List of essential agents and a Master Pharmaceutical Agent List comprising the only drugs from which facilities may choose to add to their Basic Core List. These changes are designed to standardize drug availability across military facilities to leverage market share for lower drug prices.  相似文献   

Risk characteristics within a psychometric paradigm have been of major concern in studies of food risk perception. This study compared the influence of psychometric factors, perceivers’ characteristics (i.e., risk attitude, trust, and favorability of the country of origin), and that of the news media on the levels of food risk perception. The interaction of news media with the other two factors was also examined. A nationwide survey (n = 1,500) was conducted. The foods under investigation were Chinese processed foods and Japanese seafood imported to South Korea. In both cases, hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that psychometric factors had the greatest influence on food risk perception, followed by perceivers’ characteristics and media use. In addition, our results showed that the effect of perceived benefit and dread in Chinese food were salient only for those with little media use. The implication of the interaction effect on food risk perception is discussed in terms of accessibility and limited capacity of information processing.  相似文献   

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