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目的:观察二氧化碳(CO2)、二甲苯(Xyl)、二氧化硫(SO2)、一氧化碳(CO)4种不同浓度组合成的混合气对动物呼吸频率(RR)和正中神经传导速度(MNCV)的影响,探讨其中影响最大的气体和浓度组合,为修订潜艇舱室空气组分容许浓度提供科学依据。方法:实验用新西兰大白兔和ICR小鼠在动物染毒舱内对4种有害气体进行了每天4小时连续5天的吸入染毒实验。结果:4种气体中SO2是染毒早期引起动物呼吸抑制的主要因素;3个高浓度、3个中浓度、2个高浓度加1个中浓度,再分别加1个低浓度组合成的上述混合气体对动物的呼吸有较为明显的抑制作用。结论:常见的4种有害气体中,SO2是抑制呼吸的主要因素。在制订潜艇舱室容许浓度时应充分考虑这4种气体在潜艇舱室中的组分浓度。  相似文献   

目的:研究潜艇舱室空气中有害气体的组成及主要成分的浓度,为研究潜艇空气控制系统和修订“潜艇舱室空气组分容许浓度”提供依据。方法:在潜艇取样,用气相色谱-质谱仪(GC-MS)作为定性分析的主要手段。用GC及多种专用分析方法在现场作定量分析。结果:定性鉴别出潜艇舱室空气中376种组分,包括脂肪烃、芳香烃、卤代烃、含氧有机物、无机成分等几类;定量测定了舱室中71种组分的浓度;以定量测定结果为主要依据,结合各组分的毒性大小、来源广泛性等因素,提出了舱室中应重点监控的组分及其顺序。结论:潜艇舱室空气污染组成很复杂,某些组分(CO2、CO、HCl、H2SO4、O3等)的浓度有时超过容许标准,需加强监测和控制  相似文献   

利用fNIRs研究噪声环境下脑力负荷变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究噪声环境下操作者的脑力负荷(mental workload,MWL)变化规律。方法采用功能性近红外光谱技术(functional near-infrared spectroscopy,fNIRs)、心电、皮肤电和脉搏波多种生理测量手段结合脑力负荷敏感脑区的氧合血红蛋白幅值变化、主观量表评价和脑力负荷评估模型输出来评估噪声刺激下操作者的MWL变化。选用16名参试者完成中性图片N-back任务,分为噪声组和对照组,噪声环境采用(80±3)d B,对照组的外界声源控制为45 d B以下。结果在同一任务负荷状态下,噪声环境中参试者的脑力负荷水平高于对照组,其中噪声组2-back任务诱发的脑力负荷水平等同于对照组3-back任务诱发的脑力负荷水平,但其在3-back任务阶段脑力负荷仅略高于对照组的同等任务阶段。结论参试者在噪声环境下执行同等工作记忆任务时脑力负荷水平可以提高,但任务难度较高时提升幅度降低;利用fNIRs监测大脑前额叶皮层血氧生理参数方法能够有效评估噪声环境下的脑力负荷变化,值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

两种非金属材料在不同温度条件下CO脱气规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为预防和控制航天器、飞机、潜艇等密闭环境中的CO污染,以两种常用的非金属材料30-9304泡沫塑料、双面镀铝聚酯薄膜压敏胶带作为实验样品,密封于玻璃瓶中,在不同的温度条件下脱气,应用转化/气相色谱法在70d的时间内对脱出的CO量进行连续测试,并做曲线拟合与回归。结果表明:当脱气温度恒定时,脱气量与脱气时间的关系为“S”型曲线或指数曲线;当脱气时间恒定时,脱气量随温度升高呈指数增长;两种材料100℃脱气12h脱出CO的量相当于50℃脱气45d,材料的CO脱气存在等效原则。提示密闭条件下的非金属材料CO脱气有一定规律,探讨并利用这些规律有助于防止密闭环境CO的污染。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨在热脱水之后,高温、常温及非脱水条件下运动时血乳酸(HLa)的变化。12名身体健康男大学生(非热环境适应者),在以下3种不同环境条件下,进行功率自行车渐增负荷运动,测定吸氧量(VO2)、通气量(VE)、心率(HR)及直肠温度(Tr):(1)在常温条件下,不进行桑拿浴(N25℃):(2)进行桑拿浴后,在常温条件下(m5℃);(3)进行桑拿浴后,在高温条件下(D4O℃)。结果如下:(uD4O℃渐增负荷运动时,HLa显著性高于D25℃和N25℃,并且渐增负荷运动m5℃时Ma也高于N25℃。但是3种条件下VO2却未出现显著性差异;(2)不但N25℃时最大吸氧量(Vqntax)要比o25℃和D40℃高,而且D25℃时VO2max也比D40℃高。N25℃时力竭时间明显长于D25℃和MO℃。结果表明,热脱水之后,高温渐增负荷运动时HIa上升由于活动肌肉的糖元分解增强,而非局部缺氧所致。肝脏清除HLa能力下降也可导致HLa上升。  相似文献   

力竭性运动前后的脉图观察研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对37名男性志愿者进行力竭性运动前后生理、生化指标的变化进行测定,并同步对其桡动脉脉图进行检测记录。结果显示:在力竭性运动后DBP、LDH、CK变化显著(与运动前比较均P<0.01);脉图波形变化表现为,主波宽度增加,降中峡降低,波形面积减小;脉图指标h4/h1、w/t、S、t1/t较运动前均有显著变化(均P<0.001);脉图生物龄比运动前平均增大14.96岁。结果表明,力竭性运动前后,脉图指标与生化指标均有显著变化,通过对运动脉图的观察研究,可以尝试建立一种无创的机能评价方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨潜艇航行时舱室中的4种(安静、舒适、工效、安全)噪声允许水平。方法:分析我们自己的实验材料及有关的文献资料。结果:从医学工程的观点提出了以下的噪声水平:安静水平<60dBA,最好<55dBA;舒适水平<65dBA,最好<60dBA;工效水平<70dBA;安全水平<80dBA。结论:以上所提出的4种噪声水平,可作为长期航行时潜艇舱室或类似的密闭舱室建立舱室噪声限值的基础或依据。  相似文献   

为了解特殊条件下血浆内皮素(endothelin,ET)变化的规律,我们测定了出海训练中潜艇艇员的血浆ET含量,并与水面舰艇艇员进行比较,现报道如下。一、对象与方法1.对象:潜艇组93名,均为正在出海训练的男性艇员,年龄20~36岁,平均25.5±4...  相似文献   

目的:研究NO在几种硝酸酯类药物的体内作用中的地位。方法:用自旋捕集- ESR法,测定了4 种硝基类药物作用小鼠体内外不同组织和尿液中一氧化氮(NO) 含量的变化。结果:硝普钠,硝酸甘油和消心痛作用后,小鼠体内外NO均有不同程度的升高,而硝苯地平则未表现出NO改变。结论:由此表明,上述4 种药物在小鼠体内的作用机制是不同的  相似文献   

临床生化检验数据库管理系统的研究和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立一种临床生化检验数据库管理系统。方法:在Foxpro2.5BforMS-DOS高级关系型数据开发软件环境下,应用计算机信息处理技术,研制临床生化检验信息数据库管理系统。结果:本系统具有通用性和广泛的兼容性,能够在UCDOS6.0中文环境下运行,可以在80386CPU以上档次的任何微机中使用,对内存和硬盘均没有严格要求。结论:本系统设计功能强大,运行速度快,具有一定的容错性,是一种较为理想的临床生化检验数据库管理系统  相似文献   

几种反坦克武器对坦克舱室内环境影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解坦克在受到反坦克武器攻击后舱室内环境的改变,以确定人员的受伤机制和特点,用4种武器发射4种弹药,并用某型反坦克地雷置于坦克履带下引爆,同时测量坦克舱室内冲击波超压、有害气体和温度。结果发现,坦克受攻击后舱室内空气压力明显增高,一氧化碳明显增加,反坦克地雷爆炸后舱室内空气压力增高;上述武器所致舱室内温度变化不明显。提示坦克受反坦克武器攻击后,除弹片因素外,还会造成冲击伤、一氧化碳中毒等。  相似文献   

The Salyut-7 cabin environment was investigated with respect to the chemical, biological and physical factors. The gas composition was measured qualitatively and quantitatively. This determination showed a higher content of acetone and acetaldehyde when the cosmonauts worked on various trainers and unloaded the Progress cargo vehicles. The time-course study of the toxic impurities indicated that the increase in their content was transient (no more than 4 h). The microbial content was lower than in the Salyut-6 cabin environment. The study did not show a correlation between the microbial content in the environment and the time the prime crew remained onboard. There was a correlation between the microbial content, temperature variations, and conduct of certain experiments. On the whole, the Salyut-7 cabin environment was normal for the life and work of the crewmembers.  相似文献   

为研究人体正常活动状态在模拟舱环境之间气体交换的关系,探讨超氧化物在供氧系统中的作用,由6名18~19岁的健康男性青年在相对密闭的模拟舱内常压下,分别采用超氧化钾(KO2),超氧化钠(NaO2)进行试验。结果:单罐KO2的利用率为92%~96%,受试者平均氧耗量为424.3L/人·d-1,能量值平均为102W/人,NaO2的利用率为73%,平均氧耗量为439.8L/人·d-1,能量值平均为105W/人,双罐KO2的利用率为95%~98%,平均氧耗量为464.0L人·d-1,能量值平均为111W/人。这为进一步开展生命保障系统的试验研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to study the perception of cabin air quality (CAQ) and cabin environment (CE) among commercial cabin crew, and to measure different aspects of CAQ on intercontinental flights. METHODS: A standardized questionnaire was mailed in February-March 1997 to all Stockholm-based aircrew on duty in a Scandinavian flight company (n = 1,857), and office workers from the same company (n = 218). The answers were compared with an external reference group for the questionnaire (MM 040 NA). During this time, smoking was allowed on intercontinental flights, but not on other shorter flights. Smoking was prohibited on all flights after 1 September 1997. The participation rate was 81% (n = 1,513) in the aircrew, and 77% (n = 168) in the office group. Air humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide (CO2) and respirable dust were measured during intercontinental flights, during both smoking and nonsmoking conditions. Statistical analysis was performed by multiple logistic regression analysis, keeping age, gender, smoking, current smoking, occupation, and perceived psychosocial work environment simultanously in the model. RESULTS: Air humidity was very low (mean 5%) during intercontinental flights. In most cases (97%) the CO2 concentration was below 1,000 ppm. The average concentration of respirable particles was 67 microg x m during smoking conditions, and 4 microg x m(-3) during non-smoking conditions. Complaints of draftiness, too high temperature, varying temperature, stuffy air, dry air, static electricity, noise, inadequate illumination, and dust were more common among aircrew as compared with office workers from the same company. Female crew had more complaints on too low temperature, dry air, and dust. Current smokers had less complaints on stuffy air and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Younger subjects and those with atopy (childhood eczema, allergy to tree or grass pollen, or furry animals) reported more complaints. Reports on work stress and lack of influence on working conditions were strongly related to perception of a poor cabin environment. Flight deck crew had more complaints about inadequate illumination and dust, but less complaints about other aspects of the cabin environment, as compared with flight attendants. Aircrew who had been on a flight the previous week, where smoking was allowed, had more complaints on dry air and ETS. CONCLUSION: Complaints about work environment seems to be more common among aircrew than office workers, particularly draft, stuffy air, dry air, static electricity, noise, inadequate illumination and dust. We could identify personal factors of importance, and certain conditions that could be improved, to achieve a better perception of the cabin environment. Important factors were work stress, lack of influence on the working conditions, and environmental tobacco smoke on some longer flights. The hygienic measurements in the cabin, performed only on intercontinental smoking flights, showed that air humidity is very low onboard, and tobacco-smoking onboard leads to significant pollution from respirable dust.  相似文献   

目的:探讨移居高原居住不同时间尿生化指标的变化。方法:对移居海拔4 300 m高原3个月(103人)、6个月(70人)及1年(106人)的男性汉族健康青年,采用自动尿分析仪进行晨尿11项指标分析。结果:移居高原者尿11项指标均有异常出现,主要以尿蛋白、尿潜血、白细胞居多。尿蛋白、尿潜血和白细胞在移居高原3个月较6个月和1年以上的阳性率均增高(P<0.01或0.05);6个月与1年以上比较无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:高原低氧环境对肾脏的损害是随着居住时间的延长而减弱。低氧导致肾小管重吸收功能降低和肾小球透性增强。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Diffusion-weighted (DW) MR imaging is a useful technique for detecting ischemia. In adults and neonates, however, temporal changes on DW images after ischemia complicate interpretation. Our purpose was to investigate the temporal evolution of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), diffusion-tensor (DT) imaging components, and anisotropy in neonatal brain after hypoxic-ischemic white matter injury and to determine which anisotropy index is preferable. METHODS: DT images were obtained with single-shot echo-planar imaging, by using pulsed field gradients in six directions. Sixteen volunteers and 10 term neonates with normal MR images were evaluated to obtain reference values. Among the anisotropy indexes of fractional anisotropy (FA), relative anisotropy (RA), volume ratio (VR), linear (CI) and planar (Cp) diffusion, and axial anisotropy (Am), simulations were performed to select the most appropriate indexes for clinical practice. The ADC, DT imaging components, and anisotropy were evaluated as a function of time after onset of symptoms in 11 neonates with hypoxic ischemia. RESULTS: In neonates, changes in lesions were characterized by a large decrease (40%) in all eigenvalues, with a stronger decrease in the direction perpendicular to the fibers, resulting in increased anisotropy indexes. The temporal evolution of the relative change in ADC did not show a significant trend (P >.05). The relative change in anisotropy decreased linearly with time (P <.05), with the strongest trend in anisotropy index Am. CONCLUSION: In clinical practice, anisotropy indexes FA, RA and Am appear to be useful. Am is the best index to monitor anisotropy changes. DT imaging provides information about diffusion parallel and perpendicular to white matter fibers, which helps the interpretation of physiologic changes after hypoxic-ischemic injury.  相似文献   

目的 :了解高温环境下战士的作功能力。方法 :采用踏阶试验 ,利用高温舱模拟热区高温高湿环境 ,测定并计算实验前后战士PWC170 指标。结果 :实验前后战士PWC170 及体重均存在非常显著性差异。结论 :热区环境因素对战士的作功能力有明显的影响。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A number of studies have examined the effect of the airliner cabin environment and other factors on the health and comfort of flight attendants (FAs), but no comprehensive review of such studies is available. METHODS: This paper reviews studies conducted after 1980 that addressed FA short-term health and comfort effects. Relevant literature was identified using the National Institute of Health's PUBMED database. RESULTS: Twenty-one studies were identified and classified into two types: in-flight surveys and surveys of general flight experiences. Most studies used questionnaires to obtain perceptions of the cabin environment, comfort, and health-related symptoms, but some included objective measurements. Only a few studies used a random sample or control groups. Effects of confounding variables generally have not been analyzed. DISCUSSION: Most studies shared some weaknesses such as poor response rate, significant response bias, exclusive reliance on questionnaires, or limited analysis. Taken together, the studies indicate that various complaints and symptoms reported by FAs appear to be associated with their job duties and with the cabin environment. Most notable are "dryness" symptoms attributable to low humidity and "fatigue" symptoms associated with factors such as disruption of circadian rhythm. Practically all symptoms are exacerbated by longer flight durations. Studies citing problems of "poor aircraft cabin air quality" tend to be weak in design and have addressed only general flight experiences of FAs. Although certain FA complaints are consistent with possible exposure to air pollutants, the relationship has not been proven and such complaints also are consistent with causes other than poor air quality.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Survival time within a disabled submarine (SUBSUNK) is dependant on atmospheric composition and proper design and use of emergency atmospheric control systems. The objective of this study was to investigate atmospheric changes and physiological responses during a SUBSUNK trial. METHODS: There were 18 volunteers who were restrained within a 250 m3 front compartment of an Ula-class submarine submerged in 8 degrees C seawater for 6 d, 18 h. Atmospheric control was maintained according to emergency procedures using non-electrically powered chemical CO2 absorption, and O2 was replenished using chlorate candles. Atmospheric parameters, skin and body temperatures, weight, urine, and drinking volume were measured. Subjective responses to cold were measured on a visual analog scale (VAS), and symptoms were logged on the environmental symptoms questionnaire (ESQ). RESULTS: Atmospheric temperature gradually decreased to a minimum of 14.1 degrees C. Toe, heel, and finger temperatures decreased significantly. Subjects reported inferior subjective thermal comfort on the VAS and increased cold stress on the ESQ. Except for CO2, no inorganic or volatile organic compounds exceeded occupational exposure limits. The PO2 and PCO2 ranged from 17.4-20.3 and 1.9-2.8 kPa, respectively, during the first 5 d. During the last 2 d, PO2 and PCO2 were deliberately maintained at about 15.8 and 3.1 kPa, respectively. Mean oxygen consumption and CO2 production were 23.8 and 19.8 L standard temperature and pressure (STP) x man(-1) x h(-1), respectively. Soda lime and lithium hydroxide CO2 absorption capacities were 126 and 405 L STP x kg(-1) respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Atmospheric conditions can be controlled acceptably for 6 d, 18 h within the front compartment of an Ula-class submarine operating according to emergency SUBSUNK procedures.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨模拟不同船舱环境对血浆血管紧张素Ⅱ (AngⅡ )及抗渡海运动病能力的影响 ,为我军特殊环境的预适应体能训练提供依据。方法 :以解放军体育学院学员二旅 80名新学员为对象 ,随机分成两组 ,一组接受良好船舱环境 ,另一组经历高温高湿、低氧、异味等恶劣船舱环境 ,采用Graybile运动病评价体系分析受试者渡海运动病情况 ,放免法测定血浆AngⅡ。结果 :与良好船舱环境相比 ,经历恶劣船舱环境后受试者渡海运动病发病率明显增高 ,发病程度明显加重 ;血浆AngⅡ浓度显著下降 (P <0 0 1)。结论 :恶劣船舱环境可削弱人体的抗渡海运动病能力 ,血管活性物质平衡失调可能是原因之一。  相似文献   

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