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88例甲状舌管囊肿临床病理分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 回顾性研究88例甲状舌管囊肿,总结其临床病理特点。方法 光镜下观察术后标本的病理切片,并复查其临床资料。结果 10岁以下的儿童为62.50%,11 ̄20岁的青少年为15.90%,囊肿分布舌骨下为54.54%,舌骨上为26.14%,舌肌水平19.33%,囊肿衬里上皮的形态依次为假复层纤毛柱状上皮(30.67%),扁平上皮(29.55%)及复层鳞状上皮(14.77%),结论 甲状舌管囊肿为好发于  相似文献   

88例甲状舌管囊肿临床病理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的回顾性研究88例甲状舌管囊肿,总结其临床病理特点。方法光镜下观察术后标本的病理切片,并复查其临床资料。结果10岁以下的儿童为6250%,11~20岁的青少年为15.90%;囊肿分布舌骨厂为54.54%,舌骨上为26.14%舌肌水平19.33%;囊肿衬里上皮的形态依次为假复层纤毛柱状上皮(30.67%),扁平上皮(29.55%)皮复层鳞状上皮(14.77%)。结论甲状舌管囊肿为好发于青少年的发育性囊肿,其衬里上皮多样,治疗小彻底易复发。  相似文献   

甲状舌管囊肿及瘘63例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甲状舌管囊肿及瘘63例分析刘治国田红霞(宁夏中宁县医院)甲状舌管囊肿源于甲状舌管的残余上皮,好发部位为颈中线舌骨附近,多见于青少年,易引起反复感染、破溃或切开后形成瘘管。1临床资料1.1一般资料63例患者中,男35例,女28例,最小年龄1.2岁,最大...  相似文献   

甲状舌管囊肿及瘘管的临床分析(附41例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甲状舌管囊肿及瘘管的临床分析(附41例报告)刁永全,张建华胚胎时期,甲状腺始基和甲状舌管自舌盲孔处开始,通过颈部向下直到胸骨切迹上方。甲状舌管囊肿为胎儿发育期中,甲状舌管退化不全,残存上皮分泌物聚积而形成的先天性囊肿。囊肿感染或溃破则形成甲状舌管瘘,...  相似文献   

甲状舌管瘘致甲状腺微癌13年随访一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甲状腺舌管囊肿和瘘管是甲状腺舌管退化不全而残留.并在颈部发生的囊肿。感染破溃或手术切开后成为瘘管。甲状舌管瘘长期不治可以癌变.既可来自异位的甲状腺组织.亦可来自上皮.文献报道甲状腺异位者少,而异位甲状腺癌变更少。笔者于1979年2月收治一例甲状舌管囊肿反复感染33年伴低热一年.入院次日囊肿破溃,术后病理报告诊断为甲状舌管瘘,甲状腺微癌(乳头状腺癌)。现介绍于下:  相似文献   

细胞角蛋白18和13在术后性上颌囊肿化生上皮中的表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究口腔术后性颌骨囊肿(POMC)化生上皮起源以及细胞角蛋白(CK)在鳞状化生细胞中的表达.方法采用免疫组化SP法、原位杂交法和RT-PCR法,分别检测46例POMC中细胞角蛋白的表达情况.其中13例囊肿衬里上皮只含有假复层纤毛柱状上皮细胞;30例囊肿衬里既含有纤毛柱状上皮细胞,又含化生的鳞状上皮细胞;3例囊肿衬里只含有化生的鳞状上皮细胞.结果43例纤毛柱状上皮细胞中,39例表达CK8,9例表达CK13,43例均有CK18表达.发生鳞状上皮化生的细胞中CK13表达较多,CK8和CK18表达较少.在33例发生化生的囊肿衬里中,24例表达CK8,23例表达CK13,26例表达CK18.CK13和CK18蛋白的表达与CK13、CK18-mRNA表达水平相关.原位杂交方法检测CK1g-mRNA表达时发现,26例CK18蛋白阳性的化生囊肿衬里上皮以及7例发生化生但不表达CK18蛋白的囊肿衬里上皮都有CK18-mRNA的表达.RT-PCR结果进一步证明所有发生鳞状化生的囊肿衬里上皮都有CK18-mRNA的表达,但是其表达水平较未发生化生的柱状细胞囊肿衬里上皮弱,而且CK13-mRNA的表达与CK18-mRNA表达相反.结论在发生上皮化生的全过程中,CK18-mRNA保持不变,但是其蛋白的表达水平下降,而且发生鳞状化生时CK18表达减少,CK13表达增加.  相似文献   

目的 研究纤毛柱状上皮向鳞状上皮化生时细胞角蛋白13的表达,探讨其表达在上皮化生方面的意义。方法 取54例含牙囊肿和6例鼻腭管囊肿,分别采用细胞角蛋白13单克隆抗体进行免疫组织化学染色、HE染色和RT-PCR方法研究细胞角蛋白13基因的表达。结果 54例含牙囊肿中,46例为复屡鳞状上皮细胞衬里,CK13均呈阳性表达;8例混合性上皮衬里,其中的鳞状上皮细胞部分CK13也呈阳性表达;纤毛柱状上皮部分和6例鼻腭管囊肿的纤毛柱状上皮细胞均呈阴性表达。RT-PCR结果显示细胞角蛋白13基因在复屡鳞状上皮中表达最强,在混合性上皮中表达减弱,在纤毛柱状上皮中表达极弱。结论 细胞角蛋白13基因(CK13-mRNA)在纤毛柱状上皮、混和性上皮和复屡鳞状上皮三种不同上皮衬里中均有表达,但表达强度不同。呈由弱到强的变化。在鳞状上皮细胞中细胞角蛋白13呈强阳性表达;在纤毛柱状上皮细胞中细胞角蛋白13呈阴性;可是,当纤毛柱状上皮中出现鳞状上皮细胞时,可见细胞角蛋白13呈阳性表达,因而,细胞角蛋白13是纤毛柱状上皮细胞向鳞状上皮细胞化生过程中的标志性产物,但是有待进一步验证。  相似文献   

目的 分析31例口腔畸眙样囊肿的临床病理及免疫组化特点。方法 复习武汉大学口腔医学院1963至2003年病理档案资料及切片,31例符合Meyer的口腔畸胎样囊肿诊断标准。全部病例行组织学、组织化学和角蛋白免疫组织化学研究。结果 本组病例约占同期颌面部软组织囊肿的1.85%。31例中,儿童为27例,其中24例为先天性,男女比为1:0.55;口底和舌部分别为22例和8例;突出的临床特征为膨胀性生长;手术完整摘除,预后好。组织学观察该囊肿除复层鳞状上皮衬里外,还有呼吸道上皮和(或)胃肠上皮,其中8例含单层立方上皮。角蛋白免疫组化结果显示,AE1/AE3在4种上皮中均为阳性表达。AE1、CK8/18和CK7分别在少数复层鳞状上皮基底层和表层表达,所有复层鳞状上皮基底层表达CK19,而AE1、CK7、8/18和CK19在其余3种上皮中均呈阳性表达。CK16在4种上皮中均呈弱阳性表达,CK20仅在胃肠上皮呈阳性表达。结论 口腔畸眙样囊肿主要发生于儿童,口底和舌部为好发部位,镜下组织结构多样,角蛋白标记结果显示囊肿不同的上皮成分与机体相应部位的上皮表型相似,提示了衬里上皮的不同起源与分化。  相似文献   

目的探讨甲状舌管囊肿临床流行病学特点以提高手术治疗效果。方法对60例甲状舌管囊肿的临床表现、病理特点和治疗效果进行回顾性分析。结果甲状舌管囊肿以儿童好发,女性多于男性,舌骨及舌骨以下水平多见;多数甲状舌管囊肿位于颈正中线附近,极少数表现为颌下囊肿;囊肿以单个为主,少数表现为多个囊肿;多数病例术后可探查到管状物或条索状物。甲状舌管囊肿病理组织学表现呈多样性特征,治疗不当易复发。结论甲状舌管囊肿的临床表现及病理特点均表现为多样性特征,手术不当易复发。  相似文献   

患者男性,7岁,上颈部无痛性软包块7年入院.入院时检查:颏下正中区约舌骨水平扪及一胡桃大小软性包块,边界清楚,吞咽时随舌骨上下移动,表皮未见窦道口或瘘口;穿刺检查抽出淡黄色黏稠液体.入院诊断:甲状舌管囊肿.拟于全麻下行甲状舌管囊肿摘除术.  相似文献   

细胞角蛋白(CK)13在鼻腭囊肿衬里上皮中的表达及其意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 研究细胞角蛋白(CK)13在鼻腭囊肿衬里上皮中变化的规律和其表达的意义.方法 对经临床和病理诊断的36例鼻腭囊肿的衬里上皮进行常规HE染色和免疫组化染色,检测CK13在鼻腭囊肿上皮中的表达.结果 CK13在鼻腭囊肿的纤毛上皮表达呈阴性;在纤毛柱状与鳞状上皮细胞的混合型上皮的中间层表达呈弱阳性;CK13在部分鳞状上皮的基底层、中间层或表层表达为阳性;鳞状上皮的全层呈强阳性.结论 在纤毛柱状上皮细胞中出现化生鳞状上皮细胞时,同时表达CK13;CK13随着纤毛柱状上皮向鳞状上皮化生程度的逐渐增强而逐渐增多;CK13可作为判断鼻腭囊肿上皮鳞状化生的标志和检测化生程度.根据纤毛柱状上皮向鳞状上皮化生过程中细胞形态的变化和CK13的表达,推测鳞状上皮细胞是由纤毛柱状上皮化生而来.  相似文献   

Benign cysts of the parotid gland are not frequently diagnosed. They occur in any portion of the parotid gland and may be difficult to diagnose. They present with considerable histological variation in their linings. Three cases are presented of unilocular benign cystic lesions of the parotid gland that have been treated by superficial parotidectomy. Two of them were lined by a single or pseudostratified layer of cuboidal epithelium and were diagnosed as retention cysts. The third was a lympho-epithelial cyst and was lined by stratified squamous and partially by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. A review of the relevant literature is also presented.  相似文献   

This report presents the clinical and histologic features and treatment of a classic nasolabial (nasoalveolar) cyst. Review of the literature confirms the fact that this lesion is a benign developmental cyst that may arise from epithelium of the nasolacrimal duct. The lesion is usually unilateral, but may be bilateral, is located beneath the ala of the nose, and occurs more frequently in females. Histologically, it is most frequently lined by a pseudostratified columnar epithelium, although both stratified squamous and cuboidal epithelium and goblet cells may be found. The cyst responds well to conservative enucleation.  相似文献   

Ciliated epithelium-lined radicular cysts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: This report describes 3 cases of ciliated epithelium-lined radicular cysts among 256 apical periodontitis lesions and also illustrates the occurrence of an Actinomyces-infected periapical cyst. STUDY DESIGN: Serial and step serial sections of 256 plastic-embedded root apices with attached apical periodontitis lesions that were prepared for a previous investigation were reviewed for the presence of ciliated epithelium-lined radicular cysts. The lesions that were found to have such epithelial lining were examined in a transmission electron microscope to elaborate the fine structure of the ciliated cells. RESULTS: A total of 3 ciliated columnar epithelium-lined cysts was found among the 256 apical periodontitis lesions examined. Two of the lesions also contained stratified squamous epithelium. All 3 lesions affected maxillary premolars. One of the lesions was a true cyst, and the other 2 were periapical pocket cysts. The lumen of 1 of the latter revealed the presence of typical "ray-fungus" actinomycotic colonies. CONCLUSION: Although the stratified squamous component of the epithelia that lined the radicular cysts reported here may be derived from the cell rests of Malassez, the ciliated epithelial cells may be of sinus origin. Microbial agents from diseased root canals can advance into radicular cysts, particularly in pocket cysts, with the possible threat of such infection in upper posterior teeth spreading into the maxillary sinus.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to review our experience, examine the clinical and pathological features of nasolabial cysts, and to provide a basis for the diagnosis and treatment in an Asian population. We made a retrospective review of patients with nasolabial cysts who were treated at the Department of Otolaryngology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital between January 1999 and December 2004. Clinical data, presenting symptoms, clinical features, pathological findings, preoperative investigations, treatment, and outcome were analysed for each case. We found 17 patients with nasolabial cysts. The findings of adult onset, higher incidence among women and preponderance on the left side confirmed current opinion. The clinical diagnosis of nasolabial cyst was accurate in all cases. Preoperative computed tomograms (CTs) done for one patient did not alter the management. All patients had the cysts excised completely through a sublabial incision. Breaches of the nasal vestibular mucosa healed spontaneously without repair. Histopathological examination showed that cysts were lined with pseudostratified columnar (n=9), stratified squamous (n=4), mixed respiratory and squamous epithelium (n=3), and simple cuboidal epithelium (n=1). No patient developed complications or recurrences. Nasolabial cysts are relatively common in Singapore, and the diagnosis must be kept in mind if they are to be treated early. Diagnosis is based on clinical features and the treatment of choice is complete excision.  相似文献   

Clinicopathologic study of the postoperative maxillary cyst   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sixty cases of the postoperative maxillary cyst were studied clinicopathologically. The cysts accounted for 19.5% of all oral cystic lesions. Most of the patients were in their 20s and 30s at the time of diagnosis, and the postoperative duration was between 10 and 49 years. Radiographically, most cases revealed a unilocular cystic lesion. In two thirds of the cases, the lesion occupied more than half the volume of the maxillary sinus while the remaining one third of the cases revealed more limited lesions of the sinus. Histopathologically, cuboidal, squamous, and mixed epithelial cyst linings were observed, although the basic epithelial lining was the ciliated columnar type. Epithelial dysplasia was found in two cases. The cysts near the nasal cavity may originate from regenerated nasal mucosa, and the cysts that are located at a distance from the nasal cavity may be lined with epithelium derived from residual mucosa of the sinus entrapped during surgery to relieve sinusitis.  相似文献   



This article reports on the morphologic features and the frequency of ciliated epithelium in apical cysts and discusses its origin.


The study material consisted of 167 human apical periodontitis lesions obtained consecutively from patients presenting for treatment during a period of 12 years in a dental practice operated by one of the authors. All of the lesions were obtained still attached to the root apices of teeth with untreated (93 lesions) or treated canals (74 lesions). The former were obtained by extraction and the latter by extraction or apical surgery. Specimens were processed for histopathologic and histobacteriologic analyses. Lesions were classified, and the type of epithelium, if present, was recorded.


Of the lesions analyzed, 49 (29%) were diagnosed as cysts. Of these, 26 (53%) were found in untreated teeth, and 23 (47%) related to root canal–treated teeth. Ciliated columnar epithelium was observed partially or completely lining the cyst wall in 4 cysts, and all of them occurred in untreated maxillary molars. Three of these lesions were categorized as pocket cysts, and the other was a true cyst.


Ciliated columnar epithelium-lined cysts corresponded to approximately 2% of the apical periodontitis lesions and 8% of the cysts of endodontic origin in the population studied. This epithelium is highly likely to have a sinus origin in the majority of cases. However, the possibility of prosoplasia or upgraded differentiation into ciliated epithelium from the typical cystic lining squamous epithelium may also be considered.  相似文献   

目的研究CK13蛋白和CK13-mRNA在术后性上颌囊肿(post operative maxillary cysts,POMCs)衬里上皮细胞中的表达,进而探讨CK13在纤毛柱状上皮向鳞状上皮化生过程中的意义.方法本研究采用免疫组织化学染色法和RT-PCR法分别检测CK13蛋白和CK13-mRNA在32例POMCs衬里上皮中的表达.结果免疫组织化学染色显示CK13蛋白在鳞状上皮中呈阳性表达,在纤毛柱状上皮中呈阴性;RT-PCR法检测出CK13-mRNA在所有囊肿衬里上皮均呈阳性表达,其中13例纤毛柱状上皮呈弱阳性,14例既有纤毛柱状上皮又有鳞状上皮的混合上皮呈中等强度表达,5例鳞状上皮呈强阳性.结论 POMCs衬里的纤毛柱状上皮中存在CK13-mRNA,提示化生的鳞状上皮细胞可能来源于纤毛柱状上皮.在纤毛柱状上皮向鳞状上皮化生时CK13蛋白可能起着重要作用.  相似文献   

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