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性病病人健康教育前后性病预防知识改变的流行病学调查   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
目的:评估教育干预措施在提高性病预防知识,促进使用避孕套预防性病的作用。方法:将病门诊病人随机分成3组:A组为对照组(仅给予常规治疗);B组录像组(观察有关性病预防知识和如何正确使用避孕套的教育录像);C组录像+交谈(观看录像后由医生和病人交谈有关性病预防知识的问题)。采用问卷调查的方法了解干预前后病人性病预防知识和避孕套使用情况。结果:参加研究的648例病人中,超过半数的病人对性病预防知识有一定的了解。但避孕套使用率非常低,即使是与不熟悉的人发生性交,避孕套使用率也仅在20%左右,17%的病人不知道避孕套的使用方法。教育干预对提高性病病人性病预防知识并无显著作用,但在促进避孕套使用上,干预组显著高于非干预组(P<0.05)。结论:性病宣教育应着重在推广避免套使用和介绍正确使用避孕套的方法。  相似文献   

娱乐场所女性服务员艾滋病,性病感染与认知调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 了解娱乐场所女性服务员对艾滋病、性病认知和感染情况。方法 对湖南省宜章县500 名娱乐场所女性服务员进行艾滋病、性病检测,并对其中355 人进行了关于艾滋病、性病知识的问卷调查。结果 检出性病病人96 人(19-2 % ) 。91 % 对象对艾滋病、性病知识有一定的了解,但不全面。在对非婚性行为的态度表现宽容的比例达23-2 % 。性生活避孕套的使用率低于10 % 。结论 调查对象有关艾滋病、性病的基本知识的了解和掌握、避孕套的使用有待提高。  相似文献   

娱乐场所女性服务员艾滋病,性病感染与相关知识调查   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王巩  李时习 《中国公共卫生》1999,15(12):1104-1105
对湖南省宜章县500 名娱乐场所女性服务员进行了艾滋病、性病检测,并对其中355 人进行了关于艾滋病、性病知识的问卷调查。检出性病病人96 人(19-2 % ) 。多数对象对艾滋病、性病知识有一定的了解,但不全面。在对非婚性行为的态度表现宽容的比例达23-2 % 。性生活避孕套的使用率低于10 % 。提示今后的健康干预措施应集中在对教育对象有关艾滋病、性病的基本知识的了解和掌握、性观念的转变、避孕套的推广使用方面  相似文献   

目的了解合肥市庐阳区娱乐场所年轻女性流动人群艾滋病性病知识水平及性行为特征,探讨该人群高危性行为的影响因素。方法采用横断面调查的方法,采取随机抽样,抽取合肥市庐阳区22家娱乐场所为调查现场,招募符合要求的调查对象。调查内容包括社会人口学特征、艾滋病性病相关知识、安全套使用知识和自我效能、近1年患性病及生殖道感染状况、流产、近6个月性行为、性伴种类及安全套使用情况。运用EpiData3.0软件建立数据库并录入资料,运用SPSS13.0软件进行统计学分析。结果共调查娱乐场所流动女性180人,艾滋病基本知识知晓率为70.6%;30.0%的调查对象报告近1年患有性病或生殖道感染,58.3%既往有过流产;最近6个月有61.7%的调查对象发生过高危性行为,多因素Logistic分析结果显示,婚姻状态为已婚、累计打工时间〉3年、首次性行为年龄≤18岁、首次性行为未使用安全套者发生高危性行为危险性增加;随着安全套正确使用知识和安全套使用效能的增加,发生高危性行为危险降低。结论合肥市庐阳区娱乐场所女性流动人群性病艾滋病知识不足,高危性行为和生殖健康问题普遍存在,因此,需要制定针对性的干预策略和措施以提高该人群的生殖健康水平。  相似文献   

目的探讨影响性病发病的危险因素。方法运用1:1配对病例对照研究,使用单因素Logistic回归分析结合多因素条件Logistic回归模型分析。结果单因素分析结果显示商业性行为(OR=15.76)、多性伴(OR=13.16)、每周性交次数(OR=8.94)、婚前性行为(OR=3.14)、饮酒(OR=2.98)、外向型性格(OR=3.95)、观看淫秽文艺作品(OR=2.45)、静脉吸毒(OR=6.77),是性病发病可能的危险因素,而使用安全套(OR=0.20),接受健康教育(OR=0.48)则是预防性病的保护因素。结论商业性行为、多性伴、每周性生活的次数、婚前性行为、饮酒、外向型性格、观看淫秽文艺作品、静脉吸毒、使用安全套、接受健康教育在性病的发病中起重要的作用。  相似文献   

目的研究公共娱乐场所服务人员性病艾滋病求医行为影响因素。方法以公共娱乐场所为基数,随机抽取50%的场所作为调查场所,对3679名符合条件的女性服务人员进行问卷调查.结果调查对象中58.03%的人有生殖道感染症状;生殖道感染症状和危害知晓平均得分分别为50.48和40.61;在有性生活者中42.51%有2个以上的性伴,53.11%有商业性性行为,26.52%有非意愿性行为,24.35%在性生活时不能每次都使用安全套;应就医而未就医率达69.41%,主动求询率只有36.88%,接受健康教育率83.37%,在医疗保障方面自费医疗达77.58%,只有28.16%的人参加各类医保。结论娱乐场所女性服务人员性病艾滋病防治知识知晓率低,医疗服务处于高需求状态,医疗服务利用率较低;避孕套使用、流产史、性生活及性伴多少、非意愿性性行为对生殖道感染发生有显著影响;知识知晓评分和医疗补偿途径对应就诊而未就诊有显著影响。  相似文献   

娱乐场所女性服务员预防艾滋病、性病行为干预研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:评价对娱乐场所女服务员实施预防性病、艾滋病行为干预的效果。方法:对贵州省贵阳市桑拿、卡拉OK厅、夜总会等38家娱乐场所的女服务员进行有关性病、艾滋病基本知识的宣传教育。比较受过健康教育干预后的302名调查对象和未受教育的306名调查对象的艾滋病的知晓率,艾滋病、性病的传播途径,预防方法等基本知识。结果:受教育组的回答正确率显著高于未受教育组。受教育组回答使用避孕套能预防艾滋病的正确率为82.4%,未受教育组回答正确率为52.3%。高危性行为时,受教育组避孕套的使用率为88.2%,未受教育组为74.0%。结论:加强健康教育、行为干预对改变危险性行为,预防艾滋病、性病的传播是可行的。  相似文献   

校园内放置避孕套自动售货机对大学生的影响评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解上海市大学校园内放置避孕套自动售货机对大学生的影响情况并对其进行评价 ,在上海市两所大学内进行调查 ,其中一所校园内有避孕套售货机 (为干预组 ) ,另一所校园内则没有 (为对照组 ) ,干预组和对照组分别调查了 60 6名和 631名大学生。结果 :干预组和对照组分别有 3.6%和 6.3%的大学生最近 6个月内有性生活 ,干预组略低 (P=0 .0 3)。多因素 logistic回归分析显示 ,最近 6个月内性生活情况与分组情况、户口、性别、母亲学历在大专以上、母亲要求非常严格和比较严格有关 ;两组对象的常用避孕方法均主要为避孕套 ,分别有 76.2 %和 65.8%有性生活的同学选用 (P=0 .41 )。干预组大学生对于避孕套售货机的态度更倾向于接受和认同 ,认为有必要在校园内安放售货机的大学生干预组 (83.3% )明显多于对照组 (63.2 % )。因此在大学校园内放置售货机不仅不会增加大学生性行为 ,而且也易于为大众所接受 ,可作为目前校园内获取避孕套的适当措施。  相似文献   

育龄男女非婚性行为及避孕套使用情况调查   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 了解我国育龄男女非婚性行为发生情况,为项目干预措施提供基础资料。方法 2005年11~12月采用分层、三阶段与规模成正比的容量比例抽样方法获得调查对象,采用统一调查问卷由统一培训的调查员入户进行面对面调查。结果 90%以上的育龄男女认为人应该只有1个性伴侣,其中约i/3认为多性伴增加性传播疾病和艾滋病的危险。20.2%的未婚男性有过性行为,其中47.8%在第1次性行为时没有使用任何避孕方法,42.2%使用了避孕套。8.7%的未婚女性有过性行为,30.4%在第1次性行为时没有采取避孕措施,43.5%使用了避孕套。1.6%的已婚男性、0.5%的已婚女性和25.6%有过性行为的未婚男性、4.3%有过性行为的未婚女性有过临时性伴侣,且相当比例在发生性行为时未使用避孕套。结论 虽然大多数认为应该只有1个性伴侣,但仍有一定比例非婚性行为的发生,并且在发生非婚性行为时避孕套的使用较少。在加强道德教育时,还应加大避孕套使用的宣传力度,保证安全性行为。  相似文献   

江西省性病患者性行为特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘波 《现代预防医学》2007,34(5):880-882
[目的]研究人群中性病患者性行为特征与社会心理的相关性,为教育、行为干预的开展提供依据。[方法]2004年1月~2005年9月在江西省最大的专科与综合性医院,以性病身份就诊的患者为对象,采取医生访谈形式进行现况调查,调查包括对象的人口学特征、性行为特征以及避孕套使用等情况。[结果]性病在各种职业人群中均有分布,易发生于性活跃期,绝大多数患者存在无自我防护的高危性行为,如商业性性行为、多性伴和很少使用避孕套。各种婚姻状况的被调查者尤其是男性均认为传染源为临时性伴比例最高,但是58.2%已婚者调查前最后性伴为配偶。[结论]该省应针对一般人群,特别是具有高危性行为者以及高危人群(性服务者)采取不同的干预方式,制定保护一般人群,针对高危人群双管齐下战略措施。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES. This study assessed the impact of video-based educational interventions on condom acquisition among men and women seeking services at a large sexually transmitted disease clinic in the South Bronx, New York. METHODS. During 1992, 3348 African American and Hispanic patients were enrolled in a clinical trial of video-based interventions designed to promote safer sex behaviors, including increased condom use. Patients were assigned to one of three groups: control, video, or video plus interactive group discussion. Subjects were given a coupon to redeem for free condoms at a pharmacy several blocks from the clinic. Rates of condom acquisition were assessed by level of intervention. RESULTS. In comparison with a control group, subjects who viewed videos were significantly more likely to redeem coupons for condoms (21.2% redemption rate vs 27.6%). However, participation in interactive sessions after video viewing augmented the positive effects of video viewing alone (27.6% redemption rate vs 36.9%). Gender and ethnicity were significantly associated with outcomes. CONCLUSIONS. The condom acquisition are almost doubled with the use of culturally appropriate, video-based interventions. Designed to present minimal disruption to clinical services, these interventions can be implemented in clinics servicing at-risk men and women.  相似文献   

目的分析HIV抗体阴性MSM人群艾滋病相关行为特征,探讨干预效果。方法利用浙江省2011年MSM干预队列基线调查资料,分析MSM人群性行为及安全套使用等情况。结果在最近3个月,339名MSM中有87.32%的人发生同性非商业性肛交,其中52.03%的人有2个或2个以上同性非商业性伴;72.57%的人与同性固定性伴发生肛交,其中40.65%的人坚持使用安全套;49.26%的人发生同性临时性伴肛交,其中50.90%的人坚持使用安全套;76.70%的人接受面对面宣传干预,其最近1次同性临时性伴肛交安全套使用率80.16%高于未接受干预者60.53%(P0.05),HIV检测率69.62%高于未干预者28.00%(P0.01)。结论 MSM人群同性肛交发生率高,多性伴现象普遍,安全套使用率低,处于艾滋病感染和传播的高风险状态,干预措施亟需进一步完善。  相似文献   

In a cross-sectional survey of 172 homosexual men in a city of one million inhabitants, questions were asked on testing for AIDS and counselling history, sexual practices, prophylactic behaviours, condom use and associations with the gay subculture along with other background variables. Respondents were divided into four groups: those who had had both HIV testing and safer sex counselling, those who had only had testing, those who had only had counselling, and those who had had neither. All but 4 per cent of respondents had heard of safer sex. Results showed that increase in comdom use for both oral and anal sex, and stopping prior to ejaculation were associated with the combined testing and counselling group, and occurred significantly more often than the counselling only and no intervention groups. The testing only group fell midway between the counselling plus testing and the counselling only, and no intervention groups. A scale constructed by summing the four measures of safer sex showed that testing only, and counselling and testing combined were significantly superior in terms of safer sex practices than the counselling and no intervention groups. Correlates of being given a condom at point of testing included increased insertive anal intercourse and stopping before ejaculation as well as increased condom use during anal intercourse. These findings suggest that provision of free condoms in a context of professional and peer support may enhance condom usage during behaviours known to transmit HIV. While these data may be interpreted with caution with regard to causality, they do imply (in the absence of evidence that such behaviours characterise individuals who present for HIV-related interventions) that some interventions or combinations of interventions are significantly more effective than others.  相似文献   

We report on two studies that assessed the impact of a soap-opera style videotape on inner-city STD (sexually transmitted disease) patients' knowledge about and attitudes toward condom use, and willingness to redeem coupons for free condoms. Subjects in the first study who viewed the videotape (and participated in a brief oral recall session) had higher knowledge scores and more accepting attitudes than subjects who did not (knowledge test means of 11.1 versus 7.9, attitude index means of 13.0 versus 11.3). The intervention was most effective among those who were relatively poorly educated and, to a lesser extent, among those who reported less frequent use of condoms and fewer sex partners. In the second study, intervention group subjects were more likely than control group subjects to redeem coupons. Both groups exhibited a high level of interest in the free condoms. We argue that education and accessibility to free condoms can increase condom use and that health care providers have a vital role in promoting this form of STD prevention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although condom promotion schemes have been widely piloted in UK general practices, there have been no rigorous evaluations of their effectiveness. OBJECTIVES: To see if a practice-based sexual health education intervention increases the number of women having smears who are given condoms and advice on avoiding STDs. To see if this low cost intervention affects subsequent condom use. METHOD: We conducted a cluster randomized trial of condom promotion in 1382 women aged <35 years attending 28 South London general practices for cervical smear tests. RESULTS: More women in intervention than control practices reported receiving advice on avoiding sexually transmitted infections (27% versus 10%) and being given condoms (28% versus 1%, P < 0.05). However, there was no difference in subsequent condom use, even in the 22% of women reporting >/=2 sexual partners in the previous year. CONCLUSIONS: To provide evidence of effectiveness, future interventions may need to be more intensive or focus on higher risk groups.  相似文献   

北海市桑拿、发廊嫖客安全套使用及其影响因素调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
[目的]了解到桑拿、发廊寻求性服务的嫖客安全套使用情况及其影响因素,以便制订定预措施。[方法]2001年在北海市选择没有进收容所,也未到性病门诊就诊的桑拿、发廊嫖客50人进行调查,用非条件Logistic模型分析安全套使用的影响因素。[结果]调查50名嫖客。最近1次商业性行为、非商业性行为中,安全套使用率,桑拿客人分别为56.7%、53.3%,发廊客人分别为30.0%、40.0%;选择使用安全套的,客人占60.8%,小姐占30.4%,其他因素占8.8%;选择不使用安全套的,客人占69.7%,小姐占9.1%,其他因素占21.2%。安全套的使用率高中以上文化程度较高,具有性病易感性认识者较高;非条件Logistic分析结果,文化程度、对性病易感性的认识是影响嫖客使用安全套的因素。[结论]是否使用安全套嫖客起决定作用,文化程度低、缺少对感染性病的认识是不用安全套的主要因素。  相似文献   

CONTEXT: The female condom remains the only female-initiated method for preventing pregnancy and STDs, including HIV. Innovative methods for promoting its use, and for involving male partners in its use, are needed. METHODS: A sample of 217 women and their main male sexual partners were randomly assigned to one of three study conditions: a six-session relationship-based STD prevention intervention provided to the couple together, the same intervention provided to the woman only or a single-session education control provided to the woman only. Assessments were conducted at baseline and three months postintervention. Contrast coding was used to examine whether the effects of the two active interventions differed from those of the control intervention, and whether the effects of the two active interventions differed from each other. Regression analyses were used to estimate treatment effects. RESULTS: During follow-up, participants in either active intervention were more likely to use a female condom with their study partner and with all partners, and used female condoms at a higher rate with all partners, than individuals assigned to the control intervention; at the end of three months, they were more likely to intend to use the condom in the next 90 days. No significant differences in outcomes were found between the active intervention groups. CONCLUSIONS: Focusing on both a woman and her main male sexual partner is efficacious in increasing female condom use and intention to use among heterosexual couples at risk for HIV and other STDs.  相似文献   

In August 1987, a letter, informational pamphlet and order coupon for free mail-order condoms were sent to an experimental group of teenage males 16-17 years of age. An experimental design was used to measure the impact of the mailing on teenagers' knowledge, attitudes and behavior. Approximately five weeks after the mailing, 985 members of this group and 1,033 members of the control group (who received no mailing) were interviewed by telephone. About seven months after the mailing, members of the experimental group who claimed they had ordered the free condoms were reinterviewed by phone. The results of the initial interviews revealed that about three-fourths of the teenagers in the experimental group had received the materials, and about two-thirds had read them. Moreover, males in the experimental group, particularly those who reported having received and read the pamphlet, were slightly but statistically significantly more knowledgeable about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), pregnancy and contraceptives. On the other hand, there were no differences between males in the experimental and control groups in attitudes toward STDs or birth control, nor were there differences in actual sexual activity or in the use of birth control. However, the experimental group was significantly more likely to have ordered condoms by mail, presumably as a result of having received the free mail-order condom offer. Many of those who ordered condoms had previously had sex and had used condoms. However, a sizeable portion of those who ordered condoms did so prior to first intercourse, suggesting a possibly important early intervention.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess condom application ability and the relationship between perceived ability and demonstrated ability. Also, to examine the association between high-demonstrated condom application ability and recent sexual risk behaviors and laboratory-diagnosed sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among African-American adolescent females. METHODS: A purposeful sample of sexually active African-American females (n = 522) completed a structured interview and provided vaginal swab specimens for STD testing. Subsequent to the interview, adolescents demonstrated their condom application skills using a penile model. A 9-item scale assessed adolescents' perceived self-efficacy to apply condoms. Sexual risk behaviors assessed by interview were noncondom use at last intercourse and the last five intercourse occasions for steady and casual sex partners as well as any unprotected vaginal sex in the past 30 days and the past 6 months. RESULTS: Approximately 28% of the sample tested positive for at least one STD and nearly 26% self-reported a history of STDs. Controlled analyses indicated that adolescents' self-efficacy for correct use was not related to demonstrated skill. Adolescents' demonstrated ability was not related to any of the sexual risk behaviors. Likewise, recent experience applying condoms to a partner's penis and demonstrated ability were not related to laboratory-diagnosed STDs or self-reported STD history. CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents may unknowingly be at risk for human immunodeficiency virus and STD infection owing to incorrect condom application. Further, high-demonstrated ability to apply condoms was not related to safer sex or STDs. Reducing sexual risk behaviors may require more than enhancing adolescent females' condom application skills and may require addressing other relational skills.  相似文献   

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