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通过对四川省高等医学院校进行医学伦理学课程开设总体情况、医学伦理学任课教师情况、医学伦理学具体教学和考核方式、学生对医学伦理学课程的反响、教师对高等医学院校开设医学伦理学课程的建议,共五方面的问卷调查,分析目前高等医学院校医学伦理学教学状况.找出医学伦理学教学中存在的问题,并提出相应对策,为实施有针对性的医学伦理教学改革提供科学依据.  相似文献   

医学伦理学教育是医学人才培养的重要内容,实验动物伦理教育则是医学伦理教育的启蒙和有力补充,"生理学实验"作为医学生首次接触以活体动物为实验对象的实践课程,加强其中的实验动物伦理教育对贯穿医学伦理思想具有重要意义.针对目前医学伦理学教育明显滞后且与临床实践严重脱节的现实情况,第三军医大学生理学教研室在"生理学实验"教学过程中,从加强宣传教育、强化理论知识教育和实验操作技能培训、改善实验动物饲育环境,以及坚持实验动物使用的3R原则等各个方面进行了实践和思考,为医学生的医学伦理教育改革奠定了坚实基础.  相似文献   

<正>把文学看作一种描述伦理学是现代伦理学的一个趋势,只是在许多研究文本中,如刘小枫的文章里,描述伦理学被称做"叙事伦理",尽管这两个概念并非完全等同。无疑,叙事伦理应该是现代描述伦理学的成员,其他的还有历史的描述,以及科学描述的方式。从描述伦理学角度上说,现代文学充当着叙事伦理的作用。医学与文学充当医学伦理学的教育方式,已经在美国一些医学院校普遍开展。此外,医学与文学作为生命伦理学叙述方式的研究方法,也成为多元的生命  相似文献   

《医学伦理学》是与临床结合密切、实践性很强的学科。在国内外医学院校的人文课程设置中始终处于重要地位,是医学院校核心课程的一个组成部分。根据医学类国家精品课程网上资源建设现状及教师和学生对网上资源的获取、应用情况,本文提出了《医学伦理学》精品资源共享课程的建设的设想及其意义,旨在促进《医学伦理学》网上资源共享与应用。  相似文献   

1992~1993学年,有47所医学院校开设医学伦理学必修课,87所开设医学伦理学选修课。尽管以往对医学伦理学教育进行了许多研究,但很少有人对医学伦理学教学效果进行系统探讨。 本研究的目的是评价医学伦理学课程对一年级医学生的影响。 方法 要求Virginia大学医学院全体一年级学生学习临床伦理学。该课共24学时,含授课和小组讨论两部分。学生使用伦理学和临床医学教师自编课本。上课期间,学生完成两次作业并通过终考。  相似文献   

护理伦理学是护理专业的专业核心基础课,是一门护理学与伦理学的交叉学科,同时也是伦理学基本原理在护理领域中的具体应用。本课程系统讲授伦理学的基本原则、规范和范畴,以及护理伦理学的基本任务、研究方法,国内外医学伦理现状,使学生能够运用所学的护理伦理学的知识,探讨实际工作和当代医学发展中产生的伦理问题,达到学以致用的目的,从而培养高素质的护理专业人才。  相似文献   

<正>我国医学人文教育仍存在不少问题,主要集中在师资队伍不足、课程设置不科学和教学方法单一等方面。师资队伍数量不足一方面,医学人文教师配备数量不足,一些医学院校甚至缺乏专门的医学伦理学教师,由思政课教师兼职教医学伦理课,一名教师一年中要承担数百学生的教学任务。另一方面,教师背景单一,缺乏高水平复合型人才。医学人文学科属于交叉学科,要求任课教师具有多样化的背景。目前大多数教师的专业背景为人文社会学科,他们对医学缺乏  相似文献   

赖平 《实用预防医学》2011,18(8):1588-1590
为帮助医学生学习伦理学知识,运用伦理学理论指导医疗实践,树立道德责任感和使命感,实现从普通学生向医学生的转变,我国各医学院校大多开设了《医学伦理学》。但现实中《医学伦理学》的教学存在着诸多困惑,笔者认为必须加以重视,从明确《医学伦理学》的课程定位、建设专家型教学团队、遵循道德教育规律、改革课程教学等几方面加强和改进《医学伦理学》教学,以充分发挥课程教学在医学生成长中的重要作用。  相似文献   

正国家科技部"中国科技核心期刊"(中国科技论文统计源期刊)《中国医学伦理学》杂志是中国目前关于医学伦理学、生命伦理学的大型学术刊物。杂志自创刊以来,积极服务于医学伦理学学科发展,关注医药卫生领域的实际问题,坚持助力深化卫生改革、构建和谐医患关系,促进医德医风建设,及时探讨生命伦理学的热点问题,为提高医学科研者、临床工作者、伦理审查者的医学伦理素质和职业精神发挥了重要的作用。开设的栏目有:医学伦理学理论与方法、医患关系、临床伦理、护理伦理、公共卫生伦理、科研伦理、伦理审查、卫生管理伦理、器官移植伦理、生殖伦理、死亡伦理、整合医学人文等,同时根据生命伦理学的前沿  相似文献   

通过对中西方医学伦理发展的对比,特别是西方医学伦理学在一系列热点问题上的争论、发展,浅析了医学伦理中"尊重生命"核心价值的真正意义。  相似文献   

Manson H 《Family medicine》2008,40(9):658-664
Professional and accreditation organizations have endorsed medical ethics as a fundamental component of education for family medicine trainees. Yet various obstacles combine to work against the continuation of formal medical ethics education beyond medical school and into residency training. This article reviews the current consensus on the scope and objectives of medical ethics education in the context of family medicine training. The need for, and outcomes of, medical ethics teaching are analyzed on the basis of the available evidence. Recent trends in medical education that potentially influence graduate medical ethics training are also discussed (specifically ethics training in medical schools and the priority given to training in professionalism). This review shows a strong evidence-based need to provide medical ethics education for family physicians in training, a need that is apparent on many levels. The current reliance on medical school ethics education and emphasis on professionalism does not answer this need. A well-constructed course in medical ethics for family medicine trainees can teach an array of competencies stipulated by professional and accreditation agencies as important in the practice of family medicine. Educators must strive to overcome barriers and provide formal medical ethics programs to better prepare family physicians for modern professional roles.  相似文献   

临床医学院开展医学伦理学教育的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对医学伦理学概念及其内涵界定的基础上,立足于国内外医学伦理学教育的现状,分析了临床医学院开展医学伦理学教学的必要性,并进一步探讨了如何在临床医学院开展医学伦理学教育,认为临床医学院医学伦理学教育应结合医德教育有重点、分层次推进的模式进行。  相似文献   

当代社会转型和价值多元的背景下,加强医务人员的医德教育成为当前一项重要而紧迫的任务。脱离生活的医德教育目标、过于知识化的医德教育内容和过于形式化的医德教育方式大大降低了医德教育的实效。只有基于生活的医德教育才能引起医务人员的共鸣与认同,才能有效培养医务人员的道德。  相似文献   

"医德碗"活动作为美国部分高校开展临床前阶段医学生医德教育的新形式,以建构主义学习理论、合作学习理论、需求层次理论为依托,契合了低年级医学生心理需求,有效调动了学生学习医德的主动性,培养了医学生团队精神,更重要的是培养学生更实用的医德能力,为进一步的医德教育提供了可靠的评价依据。通过对"医德碗"活动的分析,文章认为应从构建"医德碗"活动体系、优化医德教育理念、大力提倡形成性评价三个方面加以学习借鉴,进一步完善我国医学生医德教育工作。  相似文献   

职业道德教育是高职高专医学生教育的重要组成部分。通过提高临床医学专业教师的职业道德素养,采用多种方法在理论课、实验课、见习、实习中渗透职业道德教育等途径,使学生在获得专业知识的同时,提高职业道德素养,培养既有专业技能,又有良好医德的新一代医学生。  相似文献   

Efforts to reform medical education have emphasized the need to formalize instruction in medical ethics. However, the discipline of medical ethics education is still searching for an acceptable identity among North American medical schools; in these schools, no real consensus exists on its definition. Medical educators are grappling with not only what to teach (content) in this regard, but also with how to teach (process) ethics to the physicians of tomorrow. A literature review focused on medical ethics education among North American medical schools reveals that instruction in ethics is considered to be vitally important for medical students. Agreement by medical educators on a possible “core curriculum” in ethics should be explored. To develop such a curriculum, “deliberative curriculum inquiry” by means of a targeted Delphi technique may be a useful methodology. However, the literature reveals that medical curricular change is notoriously slow. General implications for medical ethics education as a discipline are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

One hundred and one students at different levels of their medical education were surveyed as to their views about inclusion of medical ethics in their curriculum. The results showed that 88% of the students feel that medical ethics has a place in their curriculum, and 84% rated medical ethics to be of High to Critical Importance to good medical care. They tended to read infrequently about medical ethics, which they would like integrated at all levels of the curriculum, particularly the clinical years. The more senior students were less sensitive to ethical issues. The students mentioned only dramatic issues in their accounts of encounters with cases involving ethical issues. It is felt that a wide gap is left in the education of these students if medical ethics is not included in a positive way in their curriculum.  相似文献   

Postgraduate education in medical ethics in Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this paper was to investigate what kind of postgraduate education in medical ethics medical residents in Japan receive and what they want for ethical education and guidelines. Sixteen teaching hospitals that provide a general internal medicine residency programme in Japan were used (145 medical residents working at the departments of general internal medicine). A total of 114 residents participated in our survey, yielding a response rate of 79%. Of these, 28% received education in medical ethics more than once a month; 24% were offered it only when ethical problems were involved in actual patient care; and 18% answered that opportunities were very rare and sporadic. A full 30% had received no education in medical ethics at all. Many residents (71%) learned medical ethics from individual supervising doctors. A majority of the residents had been taught about informed consent (79%) and doctor–patient relationships (54%); 46% had learned about the appropriateness of truth telling and of ethical decisions regarding withholding and withdrawing a life-sustaining treatment, respectively. A total of 85 residents (75%) wanted to have more comprehensive education in medical ethics, 13% could not decide, and 12% did not want it. Many (66%) thought that both doctors and ethical philosophers should jointly teach medical ethics in postgraduate residency programmes. The results suggest that many residents desire more comprehensive and interdisciplinary education in medical ethics and educators in Japan should aim to develop education programmes to meet these desires.  相似文献   

当前,对实习医学生医德的培养教育工作,主流应该予以肯定。但是仍然存在一些问题,如医院对医德教育不重视;对实习生管理和考核比较松弛;医务人员榜样示范作用有待提高;医德考核机制形式化。这就需要带教老师主动培养医学生的崇高医德;开展医德讲座,树立医德模范;建立学校和医院为一体的严格的医德评价体系。  相似文献   

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