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目的:研究口腔义齿修复常用材料甲基丙烯酸甲酯单体对小鼠肺、肝、肾组织的影响.方法:雄鼠50只分成2组,实验组和对照组.实验组小鼠强迫吸入挥发的甲基丙烯酸甲酯单体,对照组吸入空气,分别活体眼球后取血,血清检测ALP、GPT、GOT反映对肝功影响.颈椎脱臼处死法处死后取肝、肺、肾组织,包埋切片,观察其病理改变.结果:经统计学分析,血清中碱性磷酸酶、谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶的含量实验组与对照组比较,有显著性差异(P<0.05);组织病理切片可直接观察到:实验组小鼠肺组织出现炎细胞浸润、纤维样变、肺泡破裂的现象.肾组织中肾小球萎缩、玻璃样变,及肾小囊、肾小管内纤维素样渗出.结论:甲基丙烯酸甲酯引起了小鼠肝功的变化及肺肾组织的病理学改变,提示甲基丙烯酸甲酯对小鼠肝、肺、肾都有毒性作用.  相似文献   

李刚 《上海口腔医学》2008,17(3):225-228
2008年5月12日,四川省汶川县发生8级特大地震,陕西、北京、上海、天津、山西、河南、湖北等全国多个省市有明显震感.截至2008年6月16日,四川汶川地震已造成69170人遇难,374159人受伤.本文结合四川省汶川地震口腔医学专业救灾案例和经验,讨论口腔医学专业在国家特别重大地震灾害事件中急救阶段、安置阶段、重建阶段的救灾方式和目标,认为口腔医学专业在地震灾害中应为灾区急救和恢复重建做出更大的贡献.  相似文献   

一、临床资料 患者,男,29岁.两月前发现右侧上唇近口角处有一小肿物,黄豆大小,质软,无压痛,局部无发红,皮温不高,无发痒,全身无发热,无咽痛,牙痛史.曾于外院就诊,给予抗生素口服,具体药物名称不详,无明显疗效.近一周来,患者自觉肿物增大较明显,局部略有肿胀不适.  相似文献   

患者,女,38岁.下唇右侧无痛性肿物4年就诊.4年前患者偶然发现下唇右一"黄豆"大小肿物,活动,无疼痛及其他不适,生长缓慢,未曾就诊.近半年来,自觉肿物生长加快,前来就诊.查体:右侧下唇内侧-2.5cm×2cm×1.5cm大小肿物,与表面皮肤无粘连,边界清楚,中等偏硬,表面结节状,无疼痛,活动,与粘膜有少量粘连,粘膜色泽正常,下唇无麻木,双侧颌下及颈部未及肿大淋巴结.  相似文献   

目的:观察不同浓度臭氧在不同作用时间下对金黄色葡萄球菌、变形链球菌、表皮葡萄球菌和肺炎链球菌的灭活作用.方法:用碘滴定法测定打开臭氧发生器不同机组及不同时间时的臭氧浓度,按载体定量杀菌试验,将经臭氧作用的载体与相同环境下未经臭氧作用的载体上的细菌洗下,各取洗脱液50μl,接种于TSA平板并置厌氧箱(90%N2,10%CO2,37°C)培养24~48h后,进行活菌菌落计数.所得数据采用SAS 6.12软件包进行X.检验.结果:臭氧浓度越高、作用时间越长.杀菌效果越好.臭氧浓度2.73mg/L、作用45min时,对4种细菌的杀灭率达100%.结论:臭氧对4种细菌有良好的灭活作用,且杀菌效果有随臭氧浓度增加而增强的趋势.  相似文献   

二氧化氯(ClO2)是英国科学家Humpheny Davey于1811年发现的.ClO2具有强大的氧化作用,其氧化能力是氯气的2.63倍.因其抗菌广谱、高效、无毒、环保,被世界卫生组织(WHO)列为AI级消毒剂.ClO2最早仅用于造纸与纺织等工业的漂白脱色.  相似文献   

自从60年代应用钛金属牙科种植体为缺牙病患治疗以来,牙科种植学已被广泛接受.回顾牙科种植学在牙科的发展,经历了由一开始确定材料的生物相容性,探讨种植成功率,到目前转而追求种植修复美观及时效性的过程.近几年来,牙科种植治疗的评估也逐渐向缩短治疗时程的方向发展,希望种植过程更加简化、方便、迅速.  相似文献   

不同排牙方法对全口义齿修复影响的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨不同的排牙方法对无牙颌患者满意度和全口义齿咀嚼效能的影响.方法 采用上颌排牙法、下颌排牙法和综合排牙法为10例无牙颌患者分别制作3副全口义齿.戴用3个月后,测试无牙颌患者对3种全口义齿的满意度,同时通过吸光度法测定咀嚼效率及咀嚼次数,比较三种排牙方法的全口义齿咀嚼效能的异同.结果 无牙颌患者在戴用3个月后对下颌排牙法和综合排牙法全口义齿的满意度均好于上颌排牙法义齿.本实验3组全口义齿中下颌排牙法和综合排牙法全口义齿的咀嚼次数和咀嚼效能无显著差异,但均好于上颌排牙法义齿.结论 下颌排牙法和综合排牙法的全口义齿排列的人工牙有利于无牙颌患者在咀嚼过程中稳定地使用义齿,提高咀嚼效能,而且无牙颌患者对下颌排牙法和综合排牙法的全口义齿也更满意.  相似文献   

3%盐酸甲哌卡因用于口腔局麻的有效性和安全性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价3%盐酸甲哌卡因在口腔局部麻醉中的有效性和安全性.方法:选取68例非高血压患者和36例轻、中度高血压患者,随机分为2组,分别使用3%盐酸甲哌卡因和2%利多卡因进行口腔局部麻醉,使用中心效应的COX回归方法比较2种药物的疗效指标.评价3%盐酸甲哌卡因的麻醉效果;使用SAS软件进行t检验比较2种药物的心率和血压变化,评价3%盐酸甲哌卡因药物的安全性.结果:(1)3%盐酸甲哌卡因的麻醉起效时间平均为111s,操作痛消失时间平均为212s麻醉持续时间平均为134min,与2%利多卡因疗效指标相似.2种药物之间无显著性差异;(2)注射药物后即刻、5min、10min及手术操作结束后,3%盐酸甲哌卡因与2%利多卡因之间的收缩压无显著差异(P>0.05),而舒张压和心率有显著差异(P<0.05).结论:3%盐酸甲哌卡因具有起效速度快、麻醉效果强的特点,毒性和副作用小,不良反应少见,对心血管的影响小.  相似文献   

目的:探讨喷砂预处理和不同表面处理剂对钛-瓷聚合体粘接强度的影响.方法:制作圆形铸钛试件56个,分为2组,分别用60#和150# Al2O3进行喷砂处理,各组取4个试件用于表面粗糙度和接触角的测量.其余试件分别采用2种表面处理剂(Metal photo primer和Primer paste)和2种瓷聚合体(Solidex和Artglass)制备钛-树脂粘接试件,测试抗剪粘接强度,并对剪切界面进行SEM观察.结果:60#喷砂处理后钛金属表面粗糙度为3.11 μm,接触角为43.83°,较150#喷砂处理后的表面更为粗糙,润湿性更好.抗剪粘接实验也表明60#Al2O3,喷砂预处理可以获得更大的粘接强度.此外,Artglass组抗剪粘接强度显著高于Solidex组(P<0.05),而不同剂型的金属表面处理剂对粘接强度无显著影响.结论:喷砂粒度对钛与瓷聚合体的粘接强度有显著影响,60# Al2O3喷砂预处理可以获得更大的粘接强度;不同瓷聚合体系统对与钛的粘接强度也有影响.  相似文献   

Eighteen adult patients with hemifacial microsomia were treated with a combination of skeletal and augmentation surgery. Three typical cases are presented. In principle, skeletal and augmentation surgery have recently been performed in combination in a single stage. Groin flaps and scapular or scapular ostocutaneous flaps have mainly been employed for augmentation surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the nature of the inflammatory infiltrate associated with different transmucosal implant surfaces in dogs. METHODS: Three experimental and one control single-stage implants were randomly placed on each side of the jaw in eight dogs. The transmucosal portion of the test implants consisted of an acid-etched surface (type A), a machined surface with a circumferential groove (type C) and a surface prepared by mild anodic oxidation (type D). The control was a standard machined surface (type B). In order to determine the response to the different surfaces, plaque control was carried out twice weekly following placement of the implants for the entire period of the experiment. At 6 months, gingival biopsies and plaque samples were obtained. The area of inflammatory infiltrate and the nature of the infiltrating cell types were determined using immunohistology. Real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to identify putative periodontal pathogens. RESULTS: Inflammatory infiltrates were associated with all implant surfaces and were commonly found subepithelially and perivascularly. T cells were the predominant infiltrating cell type in all lesions, associated with the different surfaces. In all lesions the CD4 : CD8 ratio was approximately 2 : 1. Statistical analysis showed that the type C surface (machined surface with a groove) had significantly larger inflammatory infiltrates than the type B surface (machined surface without a groove; P<0.05). No statistically significant differences were found with respect to the size of the inflammatory infiltrates or in terms of the nature of infiltrating cells. However, despite the intensive plaque control regime, plaque was present on all implant surfaces at the time of biopsy 6 months after placement. All implants had similar numbers of Tannerella forsythia, Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, was not detected in any sample. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the development of inflammation associated with implants is independent of surface type, but is nevertheless associated with the presence of plaque. The different surfaces had no influence on the nature of the infiltrate, with T cells being the predominant cell type in all lesions. Finally, the different implant surface types seemed not to influence the peri-implant microbiota. However, the presence of the circumferential groove tended to be associated with larger infiltrates. Whether this is due to increased plaque accumulation remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Two cases of vasovagal syncope (VVS) during venous access are reported. Both patients had a history of fainting episodes and experienced bradycardia with asystole, hypotension, and fainting. Pain and phobic stress during venous access triggered an increase in parasympathetic tone, resulting in bradycardia with asystole and hypotension in both cases. Hypotension and bradycardia likely caused cerebral hypoperfusion, leading to fainting. The intense parasympathetic tone triggered by somatic or emotional stress was likely responsible for directly depressing the sinus node, leading to asystole and bradycardia. Bradycardia with asystole progressing to syncope is a potentially fatal dysrhythmia in patients with cardiovascular disease or older patients with decreased cardiac function. Appropriate treatment for VVS includes the administration of intravenous fluids, vagolytics, ephedrine, and the rapid use of the Trendelenburg position. Intravenous fluids and atropine were used to treat the present patients.  相似文献   

The development of recurrent pyogenic granulomas as multiple satellite lesions has not been reported in the oral cavity. This report describes an unusual case of intraoral pyogenic granuloma recurring multiple times after surgical excisions with the formation of satellite lesions. Due to failure of surgical management, an alternative approach was taken. We illustrate how the lesions were successfully treated with a series of intralesional corticosteroid injections.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The use of immunosuppressive medication is a dominant risk factor for infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methotrexate (MTX) is one of the traditional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. Adalimumab [a human anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha (anti-TNF-alpha) monoclonal antibody] represent an important advance in the treatment of RA and has been recently come in use. TNF-alpha plays a role in the host defense against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and notably in granuloma formation. Infections occur at a high rate among those who use one or the combination of the two medications. METHOD: We examined a female patient that was referred to our department for evaluation and treatment of a granular lesion on the soft palate and uvula, complaining of mild dysphagia. The patient was treated for 4 months with MTX and adalimumab for RA before the oral lesion appeared. RESULTS: The histopathological examination of a specimen of the oral lesion, taken by biopsy, showed a chronic inflammation characterized by tuberculous granulomas. Polymerase chain reaction test and culture of a new specimen was positive for M. tuberculosis. CONCLUSIONS: The therapeutic use of MTX or/and adalimumab for the treatment of RA or few others diseases, can cause oral tuberculosis.  相似文献   

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