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生物医学工程专业研究生跨学科培养模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物医学工程是理工医相结合的综合性交叉学科。该学科要求培养在知识结构上既懂医学又掌握工程技术的复合型人才,这对该学科研究生知识、能力和素质的培养提出了更高的要求。由于各高校生物医学工程专业学科背景与培养侧重点不同。生物医学工程研究生培养模式各异。本文从生物医学工程学科特征与现状分析人手。介绍了中南大学生物医学工程学科发展历程与现状。并结合中南大学生物医学工程学科强大的工程背景、夯实的医学研究与实践发展平台,对生物医学工程研究生跨学科的培养计划、课程设置和培养过程管理等方面进行了系统分析与探讨。同时从科研选题、中期考核和论文答辩等环节对培养过程管理进行了展开讨论。为生物医学工程研究生跨学科复合型人才的培养提供借鉴。  相似文献   

生物医学工程作为新兴交叉学科,在国家战略背景下,对人才培养提出了更高的要求,现有的培养模式难以实现培养目标,需要不断改革创新。该文分析了目前高校生物医学工程专业研究生培养存在的普遍问题,并以上海交通大学生物医学工程专业为例,从课程体系调整、医学类课程和实践育人环节的增加等方面实施了一系列的改革措施并提出进一步发展的思考,以期大幅提升教学质量,完善我国生物医学工程专业的研究生人才培养体系,提升研究生医工融合能力、产学研践行能力,造福人民健康。  相似文献   

过去医院对生物医学电子技术人员的培养不够重视。同样,在技术学校和大学,对已被医院雇用的技术人员和工程师也不重视。本文讨论了有关医院应如何参与对生物医学电子专业的大学生的培训和培训计划的方法问题。提出技术学校和医院应相互协作,并将各自有利条件提供给学生,共同继续对生物医学电子技术人员进行教育和培训。并指出在医院中培训新技术人员是一种行之有效的方法。 Tufts-new英格兰医学中心,受医学工程系和医学管理系的委托,接受大学生和研究生的培训工作。其目的是培养医院临床仪器设备的使用人员。而专门研究和改革这些设备的技术人员,则主要由技术学院和大学输送。在1973年波士顿富兰克林学院首先制订了这项培训计划,接着由Tufts大  相似文献   

文献追踪是在读研究生全面了解国内外相关领域研究现状和前沿的重要途径。生物医学工程是一门跨多学科的新型边缘学科,快速提高该领域学生的文献追踪能力是培养研究生科研能力和创新能力的重要任务之一。结合本学科研究生培养中的教学实践,本文总结了一套切实可行的文献追踪和阅读的教学模式,主要包括文献选择、文献追踪顺序、文献阅读技巧和文献管理模式等,希望对本学科研究生快速提高文献阅读水平及全方位了解学科发展动态提供帮助。  相似文献   

研究生教育是推动医院科技发展的动力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
江济华  陈建中 《医学信息》2005,18(11):1455-1457
本文通过统计分析在以论文形式的科研成果产出中,研究生群体在论文数量、质量和影响力方面,对医院科研做出的积极贡献,进一步阐明了研究生教育对医院科技发展的推动作用,并提出研究生创新能力培养中要注意研究生创造性思维的培养和人文社会科学知识教育,正确认识创新与跟踪、创新与失败、创新与效益回报的关系。此外,对研究生科研成果及时鉴定、请奖,是培养研究生科研能力和科研自信心、拓宽医院成果产出渠道的良好途径。  相似文献   

蔡谱  谭小丹  周凌宏  陈武凡 《医学信息》2010,23(16):2531-2531
由于广东省生物医学工程专业的发展势头良好,部分职业学校已经开设了生物医学工程相关专业的专科。医院里的医学工程技术人员大多数是本专业或相关专业的大专毕业,知识结构和技术水平很难适应未来的发展需要。总的来说,生物医学工程专业成人高等教育发展比较缓慢,还不能适应和满足经济、科技和现代医学的发展。本文结合学院实际对生物医学工程专升本专业规划进行了一些探索  相似文献   

1办刊宗旨:《生物医学工程学杂志》是由四川省科学技术协会主管,四川大学华西医院、四川省生物医学工程学会联合主办的综合性学术刊物,以及时全面地反映我国生物医学工程学领域(生物工程、医学工程、人工器官、生物材料、生物力学、计算机在生物工程中应用等方面)的最新科研成果和科技动态,报道科研、教学和医疗技术的创新与改进,开展国内外学术交流为办刊宗旨。2主要栏目:论著、新技术与新方法、综述。3适合范围:该刊适合多学科性科研、教学、生产及科技管理人员、相关专业研究生、本科生、医院与广大对生物医学工程学科的爱好者。  相似文献   

大连理工大学生物医学信号处理(研究)实验室建立于2001年5月。实验室根据国际国内生物医学工程研究的进展与需求,以信息技术特别是信号与信息处理技术为核心,交叉神经电生理学、生物学和医学,深入研究生物医学信号分析与处理技术,旨在推动信息技术与生命科学的相互渗透与融合,开发新型的疾病诊断和治疗方法,为改善人民的健康水平做出自己的贡献。实验室依托于大连理工大学电子与信息工程学院和大连理工大学生物医学工程研究中心,参与生物医学工程一级学科点和信号与信息处理二级学科点的建设和博士、硕士研究生的招生与培养工作。实验室聘请…  相似文献   

北京协和医学院是我国生物医学工程学科的发祥地,1978年前任院校长黄家教授发起并建立了生物医学工程系,同年将中国医学科学院医学仪器器械研究所更名为生物医学工程研究所,由此奠定了北京协和医学院生物医学工程学科的基础。1979年招收第一批硕士研究生、1986年获得教育部博士学位授权点资格,并设有博士后科研流动站。  相似文献   

由于广东省生物医学工程专业的发展势头良好,部分职业学校已经开设了生物医学工程相关专业的专科.医院里的医学工程技术人员大多数是本专业或相关专业的大专毕业,知识结构和技术水平很难适应未来的发展需要.总的来说,生物医学工程专业成人高等教育发展比较缓慢,还不能适应和满足经济、科技和现代医学的发展.本文结合学院实际对生物医学工程专升本专业规划进行了一些探索  相似文献   

骨髓基质干细胞和软骨组织工程   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
关节软骨是透明软骨 ,它是一种特殊的结缔组织 ,由单一的软骨细胞、纤维和基质构成。软骨组织具有自身独特的生理学特点 ,无血管 ,无神经 ,无淋巴引流 ,在关节腔内仅靠滑液来获取营养 ,其代谢主要以无氧酵解为主等决定了它极其有限的再生能力。临床上由于创伤、炎症肿瘤等原因导致的关节软骨损伤、缺失极为常见 ,且常继发骨关节炎 ,严重影响关节的功能。目前临床上多通过自体或异体移植成形的软骨或具有成软骨潜能的组织如骨膜、软骨膜等来治疗关节软骨的缺损 ,这些组织移植后能生成透明软骨样组织 ,但其生物学性能、耐磨性、韧性均欠佳 ,易…  相似文献   

电子耳蜗连续交替采样算法是目前常见于各种电子耳蜗言语处理策略的基本算法架构,该算法通过滤波器组信号进行频带划分并与刺激电极对应,在刺激听觉神经的特定一个时刻只有一个电极在工作,目的是减少电极间刺激电流的互相干扰。由连续交替单刺激的方法可以延伸为连续等间隔交替多刺激的模式,通过该方式在增加刺激信号信息的同时避免了相邻电极同时刺激听神经而产生的刺激电流串扰,具有较大的应用前景。本文深入研究了基于连续交替采样的等间隔多刺激策略的算法架构,提出了等间隔多刺激的算法具体工程实现方式,并进一步分析了等间隔多刺激算法的特征和参数特性,为多刺激模式的算法应用研究提供了基础,同时,本文的失配分析有助于工程上刺激模式的选取,所提出的等间隔多刺激的算法模式则为算法的工程实现提供了具体方案。  相似文献   

大鼠海马神经元培养与鉴定   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
探索适用于膜片钳记录的大鼠海马神经元的分离及原代培养方法,并检测其电生理特性。采用钝性分离1日龄SD大鼠双侧海马,经酶消化及吸管吹打,用含胎牛血清、马血清的DMEM体外培养,并经阿糖胞苷处理24h,第9—15d用于膜片钳全细胞模式检测神经元电生理特性。结果显示培养的海马锥体神经元表面光洁,膜片钳记录封接成功率90%,具有正常神经元的电生理及反应特性。表明本分离及原代培养方法,有益于大鼠海马锥体神经元生长,并适用于膜片钳记录。  相似文献   

In 1979 the Federal Ministry for Research & Technology (BMFT) of the Federal Republic of Germany started a four-year programme to investigate the feasibility, efficiency and profitability of clinical engineering centres within hospitals. Results from the 11 participating hospitals are now available, and demonstrate that the relative costs for maintenance could be reduced by 2·3 per cent. In-house services in larger or specialised hospitals have been shown to provide substantial cost savings in addition to a reduction of downtime and of medical equipment misuse, and this is bound to increase patient safety. All the service groups will stay in place once this study is finished. It may be assumed that they will nurture further growth of the field of ‘clinical engineering’.  相似文献   

新时期军队现代化建设和打赢信息化战争的需要给军队生物医学工程专业的主干课生物医学工程学(BME)教学提出了新的挑战。本文从BME课程的特点和培养目标进行分析,提出采用PBL教学法的必要性与可行性,并提出对BME课程进行PBL教学时要强化实践教育,建立融校内实验与校外实践于一体的实践教学模式,同时要加强网络课程建设。  相似文献   

Energy conservation programs can save money for medical centers. The necessary engineering capability to evaluate these methods can be provided by Clinical Engineering staffs since the analytical ability of the Clinical Engineer is directly transferable to energy conservation programs. Several conservation methods are applicable to hospitals and deserve consideration. Cogeneration can provide significant energy conservation without any sacrifice in comfort. Solar energy is well suited to hospitals and can provide good publicity as well as energy savings. Finally, better electronic and pneumatic controls for heating, air conditioning and ventilation can provide large energy savings at moderate cost.  相似文献   

A new medical field, known as regeneration medicine is developing and attracting more and more researchers and practitioners. Whereas hematopoietic cell-based therapies have already proven their efficacy in numerous – malignant or not – diseases, non-hematopoietic cell-based therapies have not. They can be useful to dozens, if not hundreds, of patients with various disorders, such as cardiopathy, diabetes, some types of cancer, osteoarticular and neurodegenerative disorders. In these fields, numerous clinical applications are possible for mesenchymal stem cells. Cell and tissue (corneas, bone, skin) therapy products require the definition of pharmaceutical standards with new European requirements in terms of quality and safety. The legitimacy of the Établissement Français du Sang (EFS) in cell and tissue engineering activities is established, it is recognized by most specialists and by regulatory authorities and has been asserted by the orientations of its “contrat d’objectifs et de moyens”. An independent committee has been set up by the EFS President to define an EFS-specific strategy. This committee made up of qualified specialists was required to draw up a rational organization plan for these activities, in order for EFS to be in a position to produce cells and tissues according to pharmaceutical standards. The committee proposals are based on economic data and an inventory of existing cell and tissue engineering activities. Public/private partnerships are required and efforts must focus towards the industrial valorization of EFS expertise in R&;D activities and staff know-how. Implementing such a new organization requires national management and the cooperation of institutional actors (university hospitals, cancer treatment centers, universities). For the success of this approach, EFS personnel must be convinced of its legitimacy and new skills must be encouraged. With its numerous assets, EFS can be ambitious and assert itself as a major actor in cell and tissue engineering in Europe.  相似文献   

The escalating costs associated with medical technology present a host of challenges for the hospital clinical engineering department. As service and support costs comprise ever larger portions of a system's life cycle cost, innovative management of service provider mix and mechanisms can provide substantial savings in operating expenses. In addition to full-service contracts, the use of demand service and independents has become commonplace. Medical equipment maintenance insurance programs provide yet another service alternative, combining the flexibility of demand service with the safety of a capped budget. These programs have gained acceptance among hospitals as their providers have become more focused on the healthcare market and its many needs. In view of the long-term cost impact surrounding technology procurement, the authors recommend that hospitals refine system evaluation methodologies and develop more comprehensive techniques directed at capital equipment replacement planning. One replacement planning approach, based on an estimation of system value changes, is described and illustrated using data collected through client consultations. Although the validity of this method has not been demonstrated, it represents a simplified approach to life cycle cost analysis and is intended to provide a standard method by which system replacement planning may be quantified. As a departure from system devaluation based solely on depreciation, this method estimates prospective system values derived from anticipated operations and maintenance costs, projected revenue, and the availability of new technology.  相似文献   

The growth of managed care has had a significant impact on the way hospitals provide medical services, the relationships between hospitals and physicians, and the relationships between providers and patients. This impact arises primarily from the economic constraints that managed care places on the provider. As hospital employees or contractors, and as consumers of health care services, clinical engineering personnel need to understand the effects of managed care on the hospital and the physician. Beyond general information, this knowledge can play a useful role in understanding the impact of managed care on the acquisition and use of medical technology, and the increasing role that clinical engineering can play in guiding investment in, use and maintenance of hospital medical equipment. Ironically, this potential for increased value occurs at a time when clinical engineering services and departments themselves are under increased scrutiny for their more measurable costs and value.  相似文献   

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