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Participation of the thalamic CM-Pf complex in attentional orienting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The centre médian-parafascicular (CM-Pf) complex is located at the posterior intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus and forms part of the nonspecific thalamocortical projection system and the internal circuit of the basal ganglia. However, the functional roles of this complex remain to be fully elucidated. Here we have examined whether the CM-Pf complex is involved in the process of covert attention. We trained two macaque monkeys to perform a task in which a visual target stimulus for button release appeared at either the same location as the preceding visual instruction cue (a "validly cued target") or a location on the opposite side (an "invalidly cued target"). Reaction times (RTs) to a validly cued target were significantly shorter than those to an invalidly cued target, leading to a "validity effect" of about 20 ms. We recorded the activity of 97 neurons in the CM-Pf while the monkeys performed the attention task with the hand that was contralateral to the neuronal recording. Seventy CM-Pf neurons showed task-related activity after the appearance of either the instruction cue or the target stimulus: 33 neurons responded with a prominent short-latency facilitation (SLF), whereas 37 responded with a short-latency suppression followed by a long-latency facilitation (LLF). Most of the SLF neurons responded preferentially to a cue appearing on the contralateral side (76%) and to an invalidly cued target appearing on the contralateral side (61%). In contrast, LLF neurons showed a short-latency suppression after the cue stimulus, regardless of whether the cue appeared on the contra- or ipsilateral side (84%). Inactivating the CM-Pf complex by local injection (1 microl) of the GABA(A) receptor agonist muscimol (1-5 microg/microl) resulted in a significant increase in the RT to a validly cued target presented on the contra- but not the ipsilateral side. In contrast, inactivating the CM-Pf complex did not affect RTs to invalidly cued targets on either the contra- or the ipsilateral side. Thus the validity effect was abolished only on the contralateral side. We conclude that the CM-Pf complex plays a specific and essential role in the process of attentional orienting to external events occurring on the contralateral side, probably through the projection of primary outputs to the striatum, which is involved in the action-selection mechanisms of the basal ganglia.  相似文献   

The projection from the thalamic centre médian-parafascicular (CM-Pf) complex to the caudate nucleus and putamen forms a massive striatal input system in primates. We examined the activity of 118 neurons in the CM and 62 neurons in the Pf nuclei of the thalamus and 310 tonically active neurons (TANs) in the striatum in awake behaving macaque monkeys and analyzed the effects of pharmacologic inactivation of the CM-Pf on the sensory responsiveness of the striatal TANs. A large proportion of CM and Pf neurons responded to visual (53%) and/or auditory beep (61%) or click (91%) stimuli presented in behavioral tasks, and many responded to unexpected auditory, visual, or somatosensory stimuli presented outside the task context. The neurons fell into two classes: those having short-latency facilitatory responses (SLF neurons, predominantly in the Pf) and those having long-latency facilitatory responses (LLF neurons, predominantly in the CM). Responses of both types of neuron appeared regardless of whether or not the sensory stimuli were associated with reward. These response characteristics of CM-Pf neurons sharply contrasted with those of TANs in the striatum, which under the same conditions responded preferentially to stimuli associated with reward. Many CM-Pf neurons responded to alerting stimuli such as unexpected handclaps and noises only for the first few times that they occurred; after that, the identical stimuli gradually became ineffective in evoking responses. Habituation of sensory responses was particularly common for the LLF neurons. Inactivation of neuronal activity in the CM and Pf by local infusion of the GABA(A) receptor agonist, muscimol, almost completely abolished the pause and rebound facilitatory responses of TANs in the striatum. Such injections also diminished behavioral responses to stimuli associated with reward. We suggest that neurons in the CM and Pf supply striatal neurons with information about behaviorally significant sensory events that can activate conditional responses of striatal neurons in combination with dopamine-mediated nigrostriatal inputs having motivational value.  相似文献   

Synaptic organisation of the basal ganglia   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The basal ganglia are a group of subcortical nuclei involved in a variety of processes including motor, cognitive and mnemonic functions. One of their major roles is to integrate sensorimotor, associative and limbic information in the production of context‐dependent behaviours. These roles are exemplified by the clinical manifestations of neurological disorders of the basal ganglia. Recent advances in many fields, including pharmacology, anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology have provided converging data that have led to unifying hypotheses concerning the functional organisation of the basal ganglia in health and disease. The major input to the basal ganglia is derived from the cerebral cortex. Virtually the whole of the cortical mantle projects in a topographic manner onto the striatum, this cortical information is ‘processed’ within the striatum and passed via the so‐called direct and indirect pathways to the output nuclei of the basal ganglia, the internal segment of the globus pallidus and the substantia nigra pars reticulata. The basal ganglia influence behaviour by the projections of these output nuclei to the thalamus and thence back to the cortex, or to subcortical ‘premotor’ regions. Recent studies have demonstrated that the organisation of these pathways is more complex than previously suggested. Thus the cortical input to the basal ganglia, in addition to innervating the spiny projection neurons, also innervates GABA interneurons, which in turn provide a feed‐forward inhibition of the spiny output neurons. Individual neurons of the globus pallidus innervate basal ganglia output nuclei as well as the subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra pars compacta. About one quarter of them also innervate the striatum and are in a position to control the output of the striatum powerfully as they preferentially contact GABA interneurons. Neurons of the pallidal complex also provide an anatomical substrate, within the basal ganglia, for the synaptic integration of functionally diverse information derived from the cortex. It is concluded that the essential concept of the direct and indirect pathways of information flow through the basal ganglia remains intact but that the role of the indirect pathway is more complex than previously suggested and that neurons of the globus pallidus are in a position to control the activity of virtually the whole of the basal ganglia.  相似文献   

We have developed a slice preparation of the mouse basal ganglia which contains portions of the striatum, external pallidum, subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra and the neocortex. This basal ganglia slice is unique in preserving functional direct and indirect connections between the striatum and the substantia nigra as well as interconnectivity between the globus pallidus and the subthalamic nucleus. We used fiber tract tracing studies and electrophysiological recordings to demonstrate the full functionality of these pathways. Deposits of 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetra-methylindocarbocyamine perchlorate in the different basal ganglia resulted in labeled fibers in each of their target nuclei. Confirming these results, electrical stimulation of the different nuclei elicited whole-cell recorded postsynaptic potentials in their target neurons with an appropriate pharmacological profile. Electrical and glutamate activation of the striatum evoked bursts of glutamatergic and GABAergic activities in whole-cell recorded nigral neurons indicating that the direct and indirect pathways are operative in this slice. It also showed that the responses evoked are not due to fibers en passant but to the activation of striatal cell bodies. These findings provide the first direct evidence for a preserved basal ganglia circuitry in vitro and make the basal ganglia slice a suitable preparation for analyzing the activity of the direct and indirect pathways in physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Several models of dystonia have emerged from clinical studies providing a comprehensive explanation for the pathophysiology of this movement disorder. However, several points remain unclear notably concerning the specific role of brainstem, basal ganglia nuclei and premotor cortex. We review data collected in sub-human primate to see whether they might provide new insights into the pathophysiology of dystonia. As in human patients, lesions of the putamen induce dystonia, as well as pharmacological manipulations of the dopaminergic system. In addition, primate studies revealed that lesions in brain stem areas involved in the control of muscular tone and GABAergic manipulations in various basal ganglia nuclei or thalamus also lead to dystonia. Moreover, there is a dramatic disruption in the processing of proprioceptive information with abnormal large receptive fields in the basal ganglia, thalamus, primary somesthetic cortex and premotor cortex of dystonic monkeys. These data highlight the idea that dystonia is associated with aberrant sensory representations interfering with motor control. Considering that the supplementary motor area (SMAp) is the target of basal ganglia projections within the motor loop, we propose a model of dystonia in which abnormal excitability, associated with alteration in sensory receptive fields within the SMAp, leads to an abnormal synchronization between primary motor cortex columns. Such a phenomenon might account for the co-contractions of antagonist muscles favored by action and the abnormal postures observed in dystonia.  相似文献   

Data have been obtained in chronic experiments on 34 dogs, based on an instrumental defense reflex model associated with the maintenance of a specific posture, which suggest that activation of the cholinergic system of the neostriatum leads to a large number of changes in both the sensory and the motor spheres. The influences on motor behavior, observed mainly through effects on the cholinergic system of the contralateral caudate nucleus, reside in the intensification of the tonic constituent of movement, in inhibition of the phasic component of movement, and restriction of locomotor activity, all the way up to complete shutdown. The influences on sensory mechanisms, observed both through ipsi- and contralateral effects on the cholinergic system of the neostriatum, reside in an improvement of the differentiation of significant signals and are evidently through inhibition of the nonspecific afferent stream. Data are presented on the important role of the cholinoreactive systems of the CM-Pf complex of the thalamus in the intensification of the cholinergic activity of the neostriatum. Laboratory of Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity, I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg. Translated from Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal imeni I. M. Sechenova, Vol. 80, No. 1, pp. 47–59, January, 1994.  相似文献   

Role of individual basal ganglia nuclei in force amplitude generation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical loop is an important neural circuit that regulates motor control. A key parameter that the nervous system regulates is the level of force to exert against an object during tasks such as grasping. Previous studies indicate that the basal ganglia do not exhibit increased activity with increasing amplitude of force, although these conclusions are based mainly on the putamen. The present study used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate which regions in the basal ganglia, thalamus, and motor cortex display increased activity when producing pinch-grip contractions of increasing force amplitude. We found that the internal portion of the globus pallidus (GPi) and subthalamic nucleus (STN) had a positive increase in percent signal change with increasing force, whereas the external portion of the globus pallidus, anterior putamen, posterior putamen, and caudate did not. In the thalamus we found that the ventral thalamic regions increase in percent signal change and activation volume with increasing force amplitude. The contralateral and ipsilateral primary motor/somatosensory (M1/S1) cortices had a positive increase in percent signal change and activation volume with increasing force amplitude, and the contralateral M1/S1 had a greater increase in percent signal change and activation volume than the ipsilateral side. We also found that deactivation did not change across force in the motor cortex and basal ganglia, but that the ipsilateral M1/S1 had greater deactivation than the contralateral M1/S1. Our findings provide direct evidence that GPi and STN regulate the amplitude of force output. These findings emphasize the heterogeneous role of individual nuclei of the basal ganglia in regulating specific parameters of motor output.  相似文献   

The song system of oscine songbirds mediates multiple complex perceptive and productive behaviors. These discrete behaviors are modulated according to external variables such as social context, directed attention and other forms of experience. In addition, sleep has been implicated in song learning and song maintenance. Changes in behavioral state are associated with complex changes in auditory responsiveness and tonic/bursting properties of song system neurons. Cholinergic input, principally from the basal forebrain has been implicated in some of these state-dependent properties. Cholinergic modulation may affect numerous song system nuclei, with in vivo and in vitro studies indicating that a major target of cholinergic input is the forebrain nucleus HVC. Within HVC, a muscarinic cholinergic system has strong regulatory effects on most neurons, and may serve to couple and uncouple circuitry within HVC projecting along the premotor pathway with circuitry within HVC projecting along the cortico-basal ganglia pathway. These observations begin to describe how neuromodulatory regulation in the song system may contribute to learning phenomena.  相似文献   

Functional changes of the basal ganglia circuitry in Parkinson's disease   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
The basal ganglia circuitry processes the signals that flow from the cortex, allowing the correct execution of voluntary movements. In Parkinson's disease, the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta triggers a cascade of functional changes affecting the whole basal ganglia network. The most relevant alterations affect the output nuclei of the circuit, the medial globus pallidus and substantia nigra pars reticulata, which become hyperactive. Such hyperactivity is sustained by the enhanced glutamatergic inputs that the output nuclei receive from the subthalamic nucleus. The mechanisms leading to the subthalamic disinhibition are still poorly understood. According to the current model of basal ganglia organization, the phenomenon is due to a decrease in the inhibitory control exerted over the subthalamic nucleus by the lateral globus pallidus. Recent data, however, suggest that additional if not alternative mechanisms may underlie subthalamic hyperactivity. In particular, given the reciprocal innervation of the substantia nigra pars compacta and the subthalamic nucleus, the dopaminergic deficit might influence the subthalamic activity, directly. In addition, the increased excitatory drive to the dopaminergic nigral neurons originating from the hyperactive subthalamic nucleus might sustain the progression of the degenerative process. The identification of the role of the subthalamic nucleus and, more in general, of the glutamatergic mechanisms in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease might lead to a new approach in the pharmacological treatment of the disease. Current therapeutic strategies rely on the use of L-DOPA and/or dopamine agonists to correct the dopaminergic deficit. Drugs capable of antagonizing the effects of glutamate might represent, in the next future, a valuable tool for the development of new symptomatic and neuroprotective strategies for therapy of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Studies examining the regulation of nuclear rearrangements during apoptosis have led to conflicting results. Cytoplasmic control of nuclear events has been strongly suggested by cell-free experimental systems. In contrast, strict cytoplasmic control cannot account for the results of fibroblast-thymocyte fusion experiments in which dexamethasone induction of polykaryons led only to thymocyte nuclear apoptosis. Unresolved by these fusion studies was whether fibroblast nuclei were indifferent to heterologous cytoplasmic signals. Our objective was to resolve this discrepancy using cell fusion in a homologous system. Our strategy was to fuse endothelial cells with high levels of susceptibility to the induction of apoptosis (log phase cells arrested in G1 for 48 hours by isoleucine deprivation) with those manifesting low levels of susceptibility (serum-deprived, G0). Resultant fused and unfused cells were induced to undergo apoptosis by incubation with tumor necrosis factor-alpha and cycloheximide. Depending on the parental cell of origin, between 14 and 30% of dikaryons contained one apoptotic and one intact nucleus, indicating that strict cytoplasmic control was not occurring. In accord with this, the total frequency of nuclear apoptosis was unchanged after fusion. However, the distribution of apoptotic nuclei revealed a pronounced cytoplasmic influence, with a two- to fivefold increase in coordinate nuclear behavior. This pattern of nuclear apoptosis was consistent with a model of control in which both the state of nuclear susceptibility to apoptosis and expression of cytoplasmic pro-apoptotic regulators determined whether nuclear apoptosis would eventuate.  相似文献   

Most neurons in the external and internal segments of the globus pallidus and the substantia nigra pars reticulata (GPe, GPi, and SNr) are characterized by a high-frequency discharge (HFD) rate (50-80 Hz) that, in most GPe neurons, is also interrupted by pauses. Almost all (approximately 90%) of the synaptic inputs to these HFD neurons are GABAergic and inhibitory. Nevertheless, their responses to behavioral events are usually dominated by increases in discharge rate. Additionally, there are no reports of prolonged bursts in the spontaneous activity of these cells that could reflect their disinhibition by GPe pauses. We recorded the spontaneous activity of 385 GPe, GPi, and SNr HFD neurons during a quiet-wakeful state from two monkeys. We developed three complementary methods to quantify the balance of increases and decreases in the spontaneous discharge of HFD neurons and validated them by simulations. Unlike the behavioral evoked responses, the spontaneous activity of pallidal and SNr neurons is not dominated by increases. Moreover, the activity of basal ganglia neurons does not include bursts that could reflect disinhibition by the spontaneous pauses of GPe neurons. These findings suggest that the discharge increase/decrease balance during a quiet-wakeful state better reflects the inhibitory input of the HFD basal ganglia neurons than during responses to behavioral events; however, the GPe pauses are not echoed by comparable bursts either in the GPe or in the output nuclei. Changes in the excitatory drive of these structures (e.g., during behavioral activity) thus may lead to a remarkable change in this balance.  相似文献   

Modeling of the basal ganglia has played a major role in our understanding of this elusive group of nuclei. Models of the basal ganglia have undergone evolutionary and revolutionary changes over the last 20 years, as new research in the fields of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of these nuclei has yielded new information. Early models dealt with a single pathway through the nuclei and focused on the nature of the processing performed within it, convergence of information versus parallel processing of information. Later, the Albin–DeLong “box-and-arrow” model characterized the inter-nuclei interaction as multiple pathways while maintaining a simplistic scalar representation of the nuclei themselves. This model made a breakthrough by providing key insights into the behavior of these nuclei in hypo- and hyper-kinetic movement disorders. The next generation of models elaborated the intra-nuclei interactions and focused on the role of the basal ganglia in action selection and sequence generation which form the most current consensus regarding basal ganglia function in both normal and pathological conditions. However, new findings challenge these models and point to a different neural network approach to information processing in the basal ganglia. Here, we take an in-depth look at the reinforcement driven dimensionality reduction (RDDR) model which postulates that the basal ganglia compress cortical information according to a reinforcement signal using optimal extraction methods. The model provides new insights and experimental predictions on the computational capacity of the basal ganglia and their role in health and disease.  相似文献   

The giant cholinergic interneurons of the striatum are tonically active neurons (TANs) that respond with pauses to appetitive and aversive cues and to novel events. Whereas tonic activity emerges from intrinsic properties of these neurons, glutamatergic inputs from intralaminar thalamic nuclei and dopaminergic inputs from midbrain are required for genesis of pause responses. No prior computational models encompass both intrinsic and synaptically gated dynamics. We present a mathematical model that robustly accounts for behavior-related electrophysiological properties of TANs in terms of their intrinsic physiological properties and known afferents. In the model, balanced intrinsic hyperpolarizing and depolarizing currents engender tonic firing and glutamatergic inputs from thalamus (and cortex) both directly excite and indirectly inhibit TANs. If this inhibition, probably mediated by GABAergic nitric oxide synthase interneurons, exceeds a threshold, a persistent K+ conductance current amplifies its effect to generate a prolonged pause. Dopamine (DA) signals modulate both the intrinsic mechanisms and the external inputs of TANs. Simulations revealed that many learning-dependent behaviors of TANs, including acquired pauses to task-relevant cues, are explicable without recourse to learning-dependent changes in synapses onto TANs, due to a tight coupling between DA bursts and TAN pauses. These interactions imply that reward-predicting cues often cause striatal projection neurons to receive a cascade of signals: an adaptively scaled DA burst, a brief acetylcholine (ACh) burst, and an ACh pause. A sensitivity analysis revealed a unique TAN response surface, which shows that DA inputs robustly cooperate with thalamic inputs to control cue-dependent pauses of ACh release, which strongly affects performance- and learning-related dynamics in the striatum.  相似文献   

Birdsong learning provides an ideal model system for studying temporally complex motor behavior. Guided by the well-characterized functional anatomy of the song system, we have constructed a computational model of the sensorimotor phase of song learning. Our model uses simple Hebbian and reinforcement learning rules and demonstrates the plausibility of a detailed set of hypotheses concerning sensory-motor interactions during song learning. The model focuses on the motor nuclei HVc and robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA) of zebra finches and incorporates the long-standing hypothesis that a series of song nuclei, the Anterior Forebrain Pathway (AFP), plays an important role in comparing the bird's own vocalizations with a previously memorized song, or "template." This "AFP comparison hypothesis" is challenged by the significant delay that would be experienced by presumptive auditory feedback signals processed in the AFP. We propose that the AFP does not directly evaluate auditory feedback, but instead, receives an internally generated prediction of the feedback signal corresponding to each vocal gesture, or song "syllable." This prediction, or "efference copy," is learned in HVc by associating premotor activity in RA-projecting HVc neurons with the resulting auditory feedback registered within AFP-projecting HVc neurons. We also demonstrate how negative feedback "adaptation" can be used to separate sensory and motor signals within HVc. The model predicts that motor signals recorded in the AFP during singing carry sensory information and that the primary role for auditory feedback during song learning is to maintain an accurate efference copy. The simplicity of the model suggests that associational efference copy learning may be a common strategy for overcoming feedback delay during sensorimotor learning.  相似文献   

Circadian systems coordinate endogenous events with external signals. In mammals, hormone-clock feedbacks are a well-known integration system. Here, we investigated phytohormone effects on plant-circadian rhythms via the promoter:luciferase system. We report that many hormones control specific features of the plant-circadian system, and do so in distinct ways. In particular, cytokinins delay circadian phase, auxins regulate circadian amplitude and clock precision, and brassinosteroid and abscisic acid modulate circadian periodicity. We confirmed the pharmacology in hormone synthesis and perception mutants, as rhythmic expression is predictably altered in an array of hormone-related mutants. We genetically dissected one mechanism that integrates hormone signals into the clock, and showed that the hormone-activated ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATOR 4 and the photoreceptor phytochrome B are elements in the input of the cytokinin signal to circadian phase. Furthermore, molecular-expression targets of this signal were found. Collectively, we found that plants have multiple input/output feedbacks, implying that many hormones can function on the circadian system to adjust the clock to external signals to properly maintain the clock system.  相似文献   

The majority of previous modelling studies of vergence and the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) have postulated arbitrary structures mainly on the basis of input-output behavioural relationships. Such models were developed following traditional schemes of oculomotor organization, based upon the notion of independence between different oculomotor subsystems. This impedes the simulation of complex binocular interactions and associated central activities. In contrast to preceding studies, the mathematical model for binocular control presented here was developed fully on physiological and anatomical grounds which reflect the organization and functional properties of known vergence and VOR premotor centres. Computer simulations show the model properly simulates the mainobserved characteristics in the discharge of several premotor and motor nuclei during slow vergence and the VOR in the dark. In particular, the model reproduces the activity profiles of abducens internuclear neurons, secondary vestibular cells, tonic prepositus hypoglossi neurons and ocular motoneurons during vergence and the VOR. It also simulates the activity of mesencephalic neurons whose discharge is modulated by vergence parameters alone. It is shown that given recent neurophysiological and behavioural findings, ocular reflexes cannot be properly modelled as separate independent subsystems whereas a single, unified modelling approach can produce results consistent with observed data. This study also shows how changes in the functional activity of shared pathways in a single two-sided structure produce vergence and conjugate integrators whose function relies on coupled loops across the brainstem: separate, dedicated operators are not necessary to replicate data. This provides evidence that challenges previous studies supporting the existence of separate vergence and conjugate integrators to transform velocity to position signals in the brainstem. A major implication of this study is that it questions the validity of testing conjugate and vergence systems independently, neglecting potential interactions.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical studies have shown that the three calcium-binding proteins (calbindin-D28k, calretinin and parvalbumin) are heterogeneously distributed in the mammalian brain and are useful for delineating nuclear boundaries. We have investigated the distribution of the three calcium-binding proteins in the human thalamus in order to assist in the delineation of the equivocal nuclear boundaries of the intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus. The results show that each of the "functional" nuclear complexes in the human thalamus demonstrates a characteristic pattern of calcium-binding protein immunoreactivity. In particular, the intralaminar nuclei are characterized by a unique combination of calcium-binding protein staining which clearly delineates the component nuclei in this complex from the other nuclei of the human thalamus. The anterior group of intralaminar nuclei (central lateral nucleus, paracentral nucleus and central medial nucleus) showed intense staining for both calbindin-D28k and calretinin. By contrast, the posterior group of intralaminar nuclei (centre median nucleus and parafascicular nucleus) showed a complementary pattern of staining; the centre median nucleus showed immunoreactivity only for one calcium-binding protein, parvalbumin, while the parafascicular nucleus showed immunoreactivity for both calbindin-D28k and calretinin. No other nucleus in the human thalamus showed these particular combinations of calcium-binding protein staining. Since the intralaminar nuclei also have unique topographically organized connectional affiliations with both the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia, these results suggest that the calcium-binding proteins may play an important role in the influence of the intralaminar nuclei on interactions between the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this report was to investigate the neural processes of movement initiation and control in which the basal ganglia play an essential role. Single-neuron activity was recorded in the putamen of monkeys performing learned arm movements initiated in three different modes: sensorially guided, internally-timed self-initiated and memory guided. There were no significant differences in the magnitude and timing of both prime mover and supporting muscle activity between the three modes of movement. Over half of the task-related neurons showed strong activity in one of the three modes of movement initiation, but were only slightly activated in the other two modes. No clear preference for a particular movement mode was evident in the population of putamen neurons as a whole. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that there are heterogeneous groups of neurons in the putamen, and that each group of neurons participates in retrieving a different kind of information required for movement based on either external sensory events or on internally stored information.  相似文献   

Antigen-receptor signaling to nuclear factor kappa B   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

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