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右半结肠癌并发急性阑尾炎23例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的探讨右半结肠癌并发急性阑尾炎的诊断要点,以避免结肠癌的漏诊、漏治。方法回顾性分析2000年1月-2008年10月23例右半结肠癌并发急性阑尾炎的临床资料。结果本组人院时均诊断为急性阑尾炎或阑尾周围脓肿,20例术中探查发现结肠肿瘤与阑尾炎并存,行一期右半结肠切除。3例行阑尾切除后,症状未缓解,经相关检查发现肿瘤,再次手术治疗。患者术后均恢复良好。结论右半结肠癌与急性阑尾炎并存易误诊、漏诊,遇有急性阑尾炎患者应详细询问病史,对可疑病例实施相关检查是减少右半结肠癌误诊及漏诊的关键。  相似文献   

刘维明  吴斌 《中国综合临床》2001,17(12):941-941
临床上以急性阑尾炎表现的结肠癌易误诊 ,贻误结肠癌的治疗。本文将我院 1985~ 2 0 0 0年收治的以急性阑尾炎表现的结肠癌 18例分析如下。1 临床资料男 13例 ,女 5例 ;年龄 35~ 70岁 ,平均 47.15岁。均有突发腹痛及右下腹痛。恶心、呕吐 12例 ;发热 37.5~ 38.5℃ 15例 ;WBC>10× 10 9/ L 11例。 6例术前诊断急性阑尾炎 ,术中发现为结肠癌 ;1例行右半结肠切除 ,2例行回盲部肿瘤切除 ,3例行二期手术切除。 12例因术前怀疑急性阑尾炎而行阑尾炎切除术 ;术后 7例以发热、右下腹肿块 ,怀疑阑尾切除术后腹腔脓肿二次住院 ;10例表现为右下腹…  相似文献   

结肠癌并存阑尾炎误诊8例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨结肠癌并存阑尾炎的误诊、漏诊原因,以减少临床误诊、漏诊。方法:系统回顾我院1996~2006年经手术及病理证实8例结肠癌误诊、漏诊阑尾炎临床资料。结果:本组8例首诊时均仅诊断为阑尾炎,5例患者在阑尾手术中发现结肠癌与阑尾炎并存而行右半结肠切除术,3例行阑尾切除术后3~7 d,行右半结肠切除术。结论:结肠癌并存阑尾炎误诊、漏诊率高,提高对该病的认识,重视术前检查术中探查,可减少该病的误诊、漏诊。  相似文献   

右半结肠癌伴发急性阑尾炎12例分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的:探讨右半结肠癌伴发急性阑尾炎的诊断特点,以减少右半结肠癌的漏诊。方法:回顾分析2000-2004年,本院12例右半结肠癌伴发急性阑尾炎临床资料。结果:12例患者初步诊断均为急性阑尾炎。5例术中发现右半结肠肿瘤;3例切除阑尾后症状未缓解,纤维结肠镜发现肿瘤;4例在内科治疗过程中,常规行B超检查发现结肠肿块。结论:术前B超检查和对可疑者阑尾炎术中探查右半结肠可明显降低漏诊率。  相似文献   

右半结肠癌误诊12例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
现将我院1992/2007年右半结肠癌误诊为阑尾炎12例分析如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料本组男7例,女5例,年龄38~79(平均52)岁。有典型转移性右下腹痛4例,表现为持续性右下腹痛者8例。伴寒颤、发热9例,恶心呕吐8例,轻度贫血、乏力3例,近期大便性状改变5例,自觉消瘦1例。体检:有局限性腹膜炎6例,弥漫性肠系膜炎1例,右下腹可扪及包块2例。1.2误诊情况和方法本组误诊为阑尾周围脓肿2例,其中1例经保守治疗后出院,3个月后复发,行结肠镜检查确诊右半结肠癌,另1例保守治疗期间行结肠镜检查确诊为右半结肠癌,行右半结肠癌根治术。误诊为阑尾炎10例,急诊行阑尾切除术,术中发现右半结肠肿瘤3例,回盲部肿瘤3例;5例Ⅰ期行右半结肠癌根治术,1例因肿瘤无法切除,行回结肠短路术;4例行单纯阑尾切除术,术后腹痛症状未缓解或复发,经钡灌肠、结肠镜检查确诊为右半结肠癌后,行右半结肠癌根治术。2结果本组升结肠癌8例,回盲部肿瘤4例。其中腺癌9例,黏液腺癌3例。3讨论3.1误诊原因(1)右半结肠癌生长缓慢,常继发感染引起腹膜炎;出现恶心、呕吐、畏寒发热、血白细胞及中性粒细胞升高等炎症表现,尤其是回盲部肿瘤坏死穿孔就更易误诊[1]...  相似文献   

我院1996-01~2006-12收治结肠癌同时并存急性阑尾炎30例,临床上常明确诊断阑尾炎忽视结肠癌的存在,具有特殊性,分析如下。1临床资料本组男18例,女12例,年龄36~68(平均53)岁。有典型的转移性右下腹痛20例,伴恶心呕吐15例。右下腹压痛30例,反跳痛20例。畏寒发热10例,腹泻或黏液血便病史12例。右下腹可扪及肿块6例。术中探查发现结肠肿瘤与阑尾炎并存而行一期右半结肠切除者20例。首次手术行阑尾切除10例,术后出现不同程度的腹痛、消瘦、血便或黑便等症状,在作B超、钡灌肠或电子结肠镜等检查后发现肿瘤而再次手术,两次手术间隔为15 d~4个月。…  相似文献   

误诊为急性阑尾炎的23例结肠癌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临床有部分结肠癌病人以急性阑尾炎为首发表现,而仅行单纯阑尾切除术,致使结肠癌被漏诊,贻误最佳治疗时机。我院1985年3月~2005年10月收治并误诊为急性阑尾炎的结肠癌23例,占同期结肠癌病例总数的7.4%(23/309)。本文总结分析如下。1临床资料1·1一般资料本组23例中,男18例,女5例;年龄30~75岁,平均49.25岁。1·2临床表现及诊断23例中有4例术前诊断为急性阑尾炎,术中发现为结肠癌,其中2例术中即行右半结肠切除术,2例关腹后行二期手术切除;19例第1次手术行阑尾切除术,术后因各种症状复诊而发现结肠肿瘤,其中4例(17.4%)以发热、右下腹肿块,怀疑…  相似文献   

减少结肠癌误漏诊的“三必须”、“一建议”   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘斌 《临床误诊误治》2001,14(5):376-376
1 病例资料【例 1】 男 ,5 8岁。 5年前因急性阑尾炎行阑尾切除术 ,此次以急性腹痛、腹胀、呕吐、便闭 5天入院。查体 :中度脱水貌 ,有典型的机械性肠梗阻体征 ,右下腹有一长 7cm手术瘢痕 ,附近压痛 ,无肌紧张和反跳痛。初步诊断为阑尾术后粘连性肠梗阻 ,急诊剖腹探查。术中见回盲部有少许粘连 ,予以分离松解 ,未再继续探查即关腹。术后 6天患者肠梗阻症状一直无缓解 ,行结肠镜检查 ,始发现结肠脾曲有一肿瘤 ,活检病理诊断为结肠癌 ,再次行左半结肠切除术 ,术后定期化疗 ,恢复良好。【例 2】 男 ,61岁。因右下腹慢性疼痛及轻度腹泻半年…  相似文献   

右半结肠癌误诊为急性阑尾炎26例分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
我院 1991~ 2 0 0 0年共收治误诊为急性阑尾炎的右半结肠癌 2 6例 ,分析如下。1 临床资料本组男 19例 ,女 7例。年龄 2 8~ 6 7岁 ,平均为 46 .3岁。发生在盲肠 10例 (38.5 % ) ,升结肠 4例 (5 3.8% ) ,肝曲 2例(7.7% )。 2 6例均有右下腹疼痛病史 ,其中 3例有典型的转移性右下腹痛病史 ,6例术中发现为结肠癌 ,4例即行右半结肠切除术 ,2例因病变严重关腹后行二期手术切除 ,2 0例行了单纯阑尾切除术 ,术后因各种症状和体征复诊而发现右半结肠癌 ,其中贫血 7例 (35 % ) ,大便习惯改变 9例 (4 5 % ) ,腹痛 15例(75 % ) ,腹部肿块 3例 (15 % )…  相似文献   

右半结肠癌合并急性阑尾炎21例诊治分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨结肠肿瘤并急性阑尾炎的临床特点,以降低急性阑尾炎诊治中结肠癌的漏诊及误诊率.方法 回顾性分析21例右半结肠癌合并急性阑尾炎患者的临床资料.结果 入院诊断为急性阑尾炎15例,阑尾周围脓肿4例,2例经外院行阑尾切除术后以右下腹包块急诊转入我院.病理类型为结肠腺癌16例,粘液腺癌4例,未分化癌1例.术后2例并发切口感染,1例并发肺部感染,均痊愈出院.结论 结肠癌与急性阑尾炎并存,易引起误诊、漏诊.对急性阑尾炎患者要详细地询问病史,对可疑患者实施相关检查是减少误诊及漏诊的关键.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patients who are suspected of having acute appendicitis usually undergo surgery in order to avoid life-threatening complications such as perforation and peritonitis. However, acute appendicitis is difficult to distinguish from other sources of right-sided abdominal pain. The clinical picture is almost indistinguishable from appendiceal diverticulitis, which is a rare entity and remains a difficult diagnostic problem. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We describe the case of a 39-year-old male with perforated appendiceal diverticulitis. The patient was admitted to our surgical unit with acute appendicitis-like symptoms and underwent surgery with a diagnosis of suspected acute appendicitis. RESULTS: The patient was found to have perforated appendiceal diverticulitis and standard appendectomy with abdominal lavage was carried out. DISCUSSION: Most patients presenting with acute right-sided peritonitic pain are diagnosed and managed as cases of acute appendicitis. Acute pain in the lower right side of the abdomen caused by appendiceal diverticulitis is very rare and clinically indistinguishable from acute appendicitis. Inflammatory complications of appendiceal diverticula mimic acute appendicitis. CONCLUSION: Every surgeon should be aware of the possibility of diverticulitis of the appendix in the operating room, even if this does not change the operative management. As diverticula of the cecum can be found as solitary lesions, as multiple lesions confined to the right colon, or as part of a generalized disease of the entire colon, postoperative barium enema examination may be useful.  相似文献   

目的探讨超声显示右下腹腹膜线改变对诊断小儿早期阑尾炎的意义。方法对临床疑为小儿早期急性阑尾炎,病史〈12h,腹痛、呕吐,腹部有压痛的72例患儿行腹部B超检查。结果72例中60例经手术、病理证实为急性单纯性或早期化脓性阑尾炎,其中56例术前B超可见右下腹腹膜线改变,阳性率为93%。结论超声显示右下腹腹膜线改变是诊断小儿早期阑尾炎的重要依据。  相似文献   

Appendicitis is one of the most common causes of acute abdomen in adults and appendectomy is the most common emergency abdominal procedure. Laparoscopic appendectomy has gained popularity only in recent years and the optimal approach for the treatment of acute appendicitis is still under debate. This retrospective study aimed at examining the current indications for laparoscopic appendectomy. 1024 patients undergoing laparoscopic appendectomy between February 1992 and December 2007 were retrospectively reviewed. 39.9% of patients (n=408) underwent emergency surgery. In 616 cases (60.1%) conservative management was performed in vain and these patients underwent an elective operation. In the 36 patients with an intraoperative normal appendix, other pathological findings were laparoscopically detected and treated. Conversion to an open procedure was required for 13 (1.3%) cases. The mean operative time was 38 min and the average length of postoperative hospitalization was 2.5 days. The overall morbidity rate was 2.6%. Laparoscopic appendectomy should be considered a procedure of choice for the treatment of non-complicated appendicitis. We stress the possibility to laparoscopically treat even complicated appendicitis in the surgical setting with substantial experience in minimally invasive surgery.  相似文献   



Diverticulosis and diverticulitis of appendix vermiformis is a rare diagnosis. Clinical and laboratory examinations do not show a difference between a progressing diverticulitis and simplex appendicitis. But this entity has a higher mortality rate than common appendicitis.


This case is presented to illustrate the point that preoperative simple diagnosis of acute appendicitis according to the clinical signs and physical examination may not only be insufficient, but could be fatal in certain circumstances, like appendiceal diverticulitis, if surgical intervention is delayed.

Case Report

Here we present a female patient with a history of right lower abdominal pain and fever of 3 days duration. She was diagnosed with acute appendicitis according to the preoperative physical, laboratory, and imaging examinations. The appendiceal diverticulitis accompanying acute appendicitis was an intraoperative finding, which was proven by histopathologic examination.


It is not easy to document this entity preoperatively. When diagnosed either preoperatively by imaging studies or intraoperatively, the only choice is appendectomy to prevent its serious complications.  相似文献   

喻蓉  陈苏宁  熊清裕  薛嵘 《上海医学影像》2010,19(3):200-201,205
目的探讨彩色超声对急性阑尾炎的诊断价值。方法回顾分析经手术病理证实急性阑尾炎患者66例,术前应用彩色超声检查右下腹,发现异常回声,重点测量其大小范围并观察其周边、内部血流信号及腹腔局部积液情况,着重分析总结急性阑尾炎声像图特征。结果本组66例急性阑尾炎中,其中单纯性阑尾炎18例、化脓性阑尾炎33例、坏疽性阑尾炎5例,阑尾周围脓肿2例,慢性阑尾炎急性发作8例。超声确诊55例,漏诊8例,误诊3例。超声诊断符合率83.3%。它们共有的主要基本声像图特征为右下腹不均匀低回声或混合性回声,该区不规则,血流较丰富,探头局部加压疼痛明显。结论彩色超声对急性阑尾炎有较高的诊断价值和临床意义。  相似文献   

The detectability, vascularization and size of the normal and inflamed appendix were investigated in the study. 148 patients under suspicion of appendicitis or with lower right abdominal pain were studied over a period of five months beginning in January 1998. An ultrasound-transducer was employed at a wave length of 3.5 MHz to 10 MHz. Vascularization was measured using 'Duplex' and 'Color Angio'. The results were compared with operative evidence, histology and patient history. The appendix was detected in about 30% of the cases (47/148). But of the presumably normal appendices only 12% (13/109) were detected. 27 appendices sonographically diagnosed as acutely inflamed were confirmed by operation and phlegmonic. The acute appendicitis was sonographically diagnosed with a sensitivity of 82% and a specificity of 95%. The diameter of the normal appendices was an average of 5.5 mm, that of the acute was 12.2 mm whereby 21 of 25 organs were at least 9 mm. The measurement of the organ size seems to be more helpful than the detection of vascularization. Both methods alone cannot detect the acute phlegmonic appendicitis. The normal appendix was less frequently detected than described in current literature. Patients with pain present difficulties in ultra-sound examination because both the cooperation and the time for the correct diagnosis are limited.  相似文献   

二维超声在小儿急腹症中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨二维超声显像在小儿急腹症中的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析414例经临床及手术证实的小儿急腹症病人超声资料。结果414例病例中,肠套叠200例,急性阑尾炎59例,肠梗阻21例,急性肠系膜淋巴结炎125例,先天性肥厚性幽门狭窄3例,腹腔脏器破裂6例,均由超声首先诊断。结论超声可作为小儿急腹症的临床诊断、鉴别诊断的首选影像诊断方法。  相似文献   

以急性阑尾炎为表现的结肠癌的诊断与治疗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:分析表现为急性阑尾炎的结肠癌漏诊的原因,探讨及时诊断、治疗的措施。方法:对我院近10年收治的表现为急性阑尾炎的结肠癌27例I临床资料作回顾分析。结果:27例首次诊断急性阑尾炎(外院5例),全部作阑尾切除,术中诊断结肠癌15例,12例作Ⅰ期结肠癌根治术,3例无法根治;漏诊12例(外院5例),术后3天—6个月诊断结肠癌,8例作Ⅱ期结肠癌根治术,3例无法根治,1例放弃治疗。病理诊断:结肠癌26例,急性阑尾炎17例,慢性阑尾炎5例。26例治愈出院,1例放弃诊疗。随访9例,生存3年以上5例,生存5年以上4例。结论:对本病认识不足是漏诊的主要原因,提高认识、重视腹腔探查可提高诊断率,确诊后应及时Ⅰ期手术根治。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate appendiceal enlargement as a radiographic criterion for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. We examined medical records and specimens of 190 adults and children who presented to a teaching hospital in New York City with right-lower-quadrant pain and who underwent surgery. Computed tomography (CT), clinical evaluation (based on Alvarado's predictive model) and pathologic data of these 190 cases revealed that appendiceal enlargement might in some cases represent a normal anatomic variant of a vermiform appendix and that the lack of a dilated lumen and thickened wall did not necessarily establish the absence of inflammation. Yet, radiologic evidence of appendix size often influences the diagnosis and management of patients with acute abdominal pain, including the decision to operate. This tendency to equate an enlarged appendix with appendicitis is shown to lead to an inappropriate diagnosis and jeopardize optimal care of patients with acute abdominal pain.  相似文献   

目的分析新生儿阑尾炎的发病特点及误诊原因,并总结防范误诊措施。方法回顾分析2014年5月—2019年5月收治的病初曾误诊为其他疾病的新生儿阑尾炎12例的临床资料。结果12例患儿均有呕吐、哭闹、拒乳表现,其中发热10例,嗜睡9例,停止排气排便或大便减少7例。查体腹壁发红3例,肠鸣音减弱或消失11例,右下腹触及包块2例。查血白细胞、C反应蛋白升高。右下腹腹腔穿刺抽出淡黄色脓液8例。腹部立位X线片示10例不同程度肠腔胀气,2例见膈下游离气体;B超示10例右下腹肠管局限性扩张,8例腹腔积液,2例右下腹炎性液性包块。初步诊断为肠梗阻10例和消化道穿孔2例。误诊时间为8 h~1 d。术前诊断肠梗阻者,剖腹探查发现肠间脓苔引起粘连,局部肠管明显扩张,形成梗阻,术中及术后病理均证实为急性化脓性阑尾炎。拟诊消化道穿孔者,剖腹探查术中见阑尾穿孔,术中及术后病理均证实为急性坏疽性阑尾炎。术后所有患儿均康复出院,随访1年未见异常。结论新生儿阑尾炎临床罕见,且症状体征无特异性,加之难以获得可靠的病史及查体资料,故临床易误诊。加强对新生儿阑尾炎相关知识的学习,熟知其发病特点,尽可能获取详细的病史及查体资料,及时行相关影像学检查,必要时可行腹腔穿刺和(或)手术探查。  相似文献   

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